STEPPING STONES Class - UKG Parent’s Guide and Annual Syllabus Session 2021-22 (1) A PERSONAL NOTE TO PARENTS Dear Parents, Welcome to the new Academic Session 2020 – 2021. It is with great privilege that the JPIS family presents to you the Parent’s Guide and Annual Syllabus of Grade KG, with the view to give you an outlined and detailed idea of the Academic Journey that your ward will travel through the session. The booklet has been bifurcated into academic and thematic learning that has been clearly segregated over three terms for easy and enjoyable learning. This booklet is your all in one guide towards holistic development of your ward promoting academics, physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and language development. This is the rst step into the session and we hope it shall be a pleasant and pleasurable one. Regards JPIS Family and Fraternity (2) GOOD PARENTING TIPS “Parenting is a wonderful adventure in which one learns about the strengths they did not know about and facing fears that did not exist!!” Parenting can be an extremely tricky task. In one moment you feel you have everything under control and in the exact other, you may feel overwhelmed. Simple and easy practices can help us develop a wholesome relationship of love, respect, discipline and care with our children. Few such practices are mentioned below: Talk to your children: Talking to your children about their experiences helps them learn and recall what has been learnt. Simple questions can be asked to motivate the child to express his/her views and experiences of that day. 1. 2. 3. 4. How was your day at school? What did you learn today? Can you teach me that? Did you learn something new and different? Be a Resource: Resource means someone who can help and guide a child whenever needed. Children learn from own experiences and experiments. Allow the child to ask for help and then ONLY help. Trust the Teaching: Learning is a continuous process. Understanding this, the school tries to adopt new techniques and upgrade the teaching methodologies to enrich the learning of the students. The school, teachers and staff are always ready to give a helping hand to the parents whenever needed. We must remember – the main goal of both parents and the school – is to NURTURE the Genius in your Child. 1. 2. 3. 4. Be in touch with the School: Attend the Parent Teacher Interaction Meeting. Read every circular and almanac note given to your child. Keep checking the school website for any updates. Call the class teacher whenever in doubt about a certain topic. (3) PHONETIC CHART Phonetics plays an important role in English Language development of the child. Understanding the various sounds of the alphabet helps to enhance the learning and grasping power. (4) HINDI – SWAR AND VYANJAN MALA CHART (5) COUNTING CHART FORWARD COUNTING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 BACKWARD COUNTING 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 (6) 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 0 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Morning Prayers God’s Love Thank you God (Lunch time prayer) God’s Love is so wonderful, (thrice) Oh! Wonderful love! So high you can’t get over it, (Thrice) Oh! Wonderful love! I Pray to God and to him I say, “Thank you God for a lovely day,” Please make this world happy and gay, And Keep all Sadness for away So deep you can’t get under it, (thrice) Oh! Wonderful love! So wide you can’t get around it, (thrice) Oh! Wonderful love! Thank you God for the world so sweet, Thank you God for the food we eat, Thank you God for the birds that sing, Thank you God for everything (7) तुमरामकहो,वोरह मकह”, तुम राम कहो, वो रह म कह”, दोनो ◌ं कh ग़रज़ अw◌ं◌ाह सं हं । तुम द न कहो, वो धम’ कह”, म शा तो उसी कh राह स ह । तुम इæ कहो, वो e◌ं म कह”, मतलबतोउसकhचाहस ह । वहजोगीहो,तुमसा £लकहो, मक़सूद£दल आगाहस ह । ◌ं◌ लड़ता हं , मरं ◌ू ख बं दं , यह Morning Prayers £वनती सुन लो ह भगवान £वनती सुन लो ह भगवान £वनती सुन लो ह भगवान, हमसबबालकह” नादान। ◌ं £व¢◌ं◌ा-बु£z नह OH GOD….. God…. Oh God! I offer you, this day of mine Please make me and bless me, A good child. Thank you… Gracious GOD hear our prayer, Keep us in the loving Care, Guide us throughout the day, In our work and in our play कं◌ु छ पास हम” बना लो अपना दास। बुर काम स हम” बचाना, खबं◌ू पढ़ाना, खबं◌ू £लखाना। हम” सहारा द त रहना खबरहमार ल त रहना। (8) LEVEL 1 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Head, shoulder, knees and toes Just me I Am Special Head, shoulder, knees and toes, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose . Head, shoulder…………. March, march, march, Let us all march, Get your body charged. Jump, jump, jump, let us jump-2 Make your muscle pump. Punch, punch, punch, let’s all punch, Have a hearty munch Eight pink ngers standing up tall, Two little ears to head mummy call; One little nose that I can blow, ten pink toes all in a row. Two little thumbs that wiggle up and down; Two little feet to stamp on the ground; I am special, I am special. If you look, you will see. Someone very special, someone very special, Because it’s me, because it’s me Hands to clap and eyes to see, (9) LEVEL 1 Rhymes (Hindi & English) My family Waves in the sea This is the way we wash our hands This is my father, good and kind This is my mother of a gentle mind, This is my brother grown so tall, This is my sister playing with a doll, This is the baby still to grow, That’s the whole family standing in a row. The waves in the sea go Up and down ,Up and down, Up and down The waves in the sea go, Up and down,All day long This is the way we wash our hands Wash our hands,Wash our hands This is the way we wash our hands Before we eat our food. Continue with these variations: After we play outside. After we play with pets. After we sneeze or cough. Healthy children everywhere. (10) LEVEL 1 Rhymes (Hindi & English) If you’re Happy Rain, Rain, Go Away If you're happy and you know it clap your hands Clap. If you're happy and you know it clap your hands Clap. If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it, blink your eyes. If you're happy and you know and you really want to show it, tap your shoulder. If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it, stamp your feet. Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day Daddy wants to play, Rain, rain go away Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day Mommy wants to play, Rain, rain, go away, Rain, rain, go away Come again another day, Brother wants to play Rain, rain, go away, Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day (11) ि◌ंकताब म”zत र नि कताबमझ स➢◌ं◌ालो भाई दो¢ तु9◌ं◌ार सw◌ं◌ीz,नमुझस करोलड़ाई रं ग £बरं गं £चy◌ं◌ सं म”, तं रा मन बहलाऊं गी, अæ◌ं अæ◌ं गीत सुना कर त रा y◌ं◌ान बढ़ाउ गी तुम भी रखना मझ æ◌ं◌ार स इधर उधरस , मत द नाफ़”क, द खो£फरसबलोगकह”ग ज पीक बw◌ं ि◌ंकतन न क । LEVEL 1 Rhymes (Hindi & English) गमf क फल ø◌ं◌ू ल गमf क फल ➢◌ं◌ार ➢◌ं◌ार , मीठ यह मं रा æ◌ं◌ारा ø◌ं◌ू ल,नह ं सकता म” इसको भलं◌ू मा न मुझकोज➢ £दया,और£दया ढ रसाराæ◌ं◌ार ø◌ं◌ू ल न म रा y◌ं◌ान बढाकर मं रा जीवन £दया सं वार,खंबू ख लो और पढो तुम कहती यह हमार ट चर बड़ होकर eण तुम करना द श कh स वा कर”ग £मलकर कोई वकhल कोई द श का न ता कोई डॉæर, कोई इ £ज £नयर होगा भारत £वø म” बन (12) गा अæल हर कोई जब £श£¢त होगा मीठ æ◌ं◌ार æ◌ं◌ार सभी फलो का राजा राम बw◌ं बूढ़ कर सलाम खरबूजा, तरबूजाह आत सड़ी गमf दर भागत आड़ चीकू ◌ू ब दर मामा ब दरमामा पहन सूट प र म” इनक ब£ढ़या बूट ज ब का आz◌ं◌ा गल म” डाला ब गदवाईकाल डाला साइन बोड’ अपना लगवाया डॉæर ब दर £स ह £लखवाया LEVEL 1 Rhymes (Hindi & English) लालाजी न क ला खाया म रा एक æ◌ं◌ाराप £रवार ह मेरा पfरवार लालाजी न क ला खाया क ला खाकर म ◌ं◌ु ह £पचकाया म ◌ं◌ु ह £पचकाकर तोद फु लlई तोद फुला क कदम बढ़ाया कदम क नीच £छलका आया लालाजी £गर धड़ाम हç◌ं◌ी पसल दोन टं ◌ूटं म ◌ं◌ु ह स £नकला हाय राम हाय राम म राएकæ◌ं◌ाराप £रवार ह , इसम दादा दाद ह , छोट चाचू म र दो¢, ख ल म राछोटासाप £रवार, इसस हम करत ह” æ◌ं◌ार। मæ◌ं◌ी-पापा सोनू £खलाती चाची ह , मæ◌ं◌ी पापा सबस अæ◌ं , ल ◌ं ताऊ छोट ताई, हम सब £मलकर रहत ह , सार सुख दःख (13) साथ सहत ह | -भ या, करत मुझस æ◌ं◌ारदलार ।।1।।मæ◌ं◌ी-पापा स कहता ह , म रा æ◌ं◌ारा भ या सोन ।◌ं◌ू हरपल मोनू मुझ सताती, करो फं सला तो म” जानं ◌ं◌ू LEVEL 1 Rhymes (Hindi & English) लाल हरा नीला पीला लालहरानीलापीला, लालबताओ ◌ं◌ा? लालटमाटरलाललालस ब हराबताओ ◌ं◌ा?हरा हरा तोताहर हर घास लालहरानीलापीला, नीलाबताओ ◌ं◌ा? नीलानीलासागरनीलाआसमान लाल हरा नीला पीला मााँ सूरज भैया मााँ तूंकतनीअæ◌ं◌ीह ,म रासबकुछ करती ह । भंखू मं◌ुझं जब लगती हं ,खाना मं◌ुझं £खलाती हं । जबम” गz◌ं◌ाहोताz,रोजमझ नहलातीह । जब म” रोन लगताz, चुपतूमझ करातीह । मााँ म र £मy◌ं◌ो म” सबस पहल तू आती ह । £न➢ सव र उठकर कहती, राजू को उसकh म या। पूरब म” द खो तो राजू, आए ह” सूरज भ या । पीलाबताओ ◌ं◌ा?पीलापीलाक ला पीला पीला आम लाल हरा नीला पीला l (14) लोसूरज कh ि◌ंकरण पर भी, चz◌ं £दशा को हरषाई। पानी म” द खो सूरज कh, LEVEL 1 (APRIL-MAY-JULY) WORKING DAYS: 71 Days ENGLISH HINDI Introduction & Reading of Vowels.& two letter words: ●Cursive capital and small letters (a to z). ● Sight words. ● Matching, look & write, circle the correct letter. THEMATIC BASED LEARNING (TLB): वर एवं यंजन च स हत • खल थान भरे • च दे ख कर अ र लखो मलान करो ⚫• April – May 1. A special person called me 2. Family 3. School ⚫ Socio-Emotional Development: ● Self Care ● Making Friends ● Understanding the school ● Sharing and caring ● Responsible for belongings MATHS Concepts: ● Near and Far ● Big and Small Cognitive Development: ● My body parts and its uses. ● Taking care of self ●My belongings and me being responsible for them Number Recognition, Formation and associated activities: ⚫ Counting 51 to 100. ⚫ Addition ● After ,before & in between nos. ⚫ Missing Nos. Greater than, less than ● ⚫ Number names 1-5 ● Back ward counting 50 to 0. Physical Development: ● Eye hand coordination ● Hand control through activities ●Body control, gross motor development through Jungle Gym activities. Language Development: ●Sharing feelings with friends and teachers ● Ability to communicate basic needs ● Activities I enjoy ● How my family members help me ● Various colours seen in the surroundings ● Finding shapes hidden in surroundings ● Associating clothes – accessories, food – beverages with a certain season ●Understanding the importance of keeping clean. CIRCLE TIME Circle time is an everyday activity. The activity is conducted to have eye coordination with the teacher at a close proximity, as the students and teachers sit in a circle formation on a mat. ● What I enjoy about school SPECIAL WEEKS: ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED IN CIRCLE TIME: ⚫ Attendance Pockets ● Weather Chart ● Daily Calendar July 1. World of Colours 2. Shapes I love 3. Seasons – Summer and Rainy 4. Clean and Healthy Me ⚫ Earth Week 19th April – 23rd April ⚫ Health and Hygiene Week 5th July ⚫ Rhymes ⚫ Discussion of class - 9th July ⚫ Yellow Week 26th July – 29th July rules (15) MONTHLY DAYS & CELEBRATIONS: ⚫ Dadi Maa Ka Pitara ● Mother’s Day ● Birthday Celebrations MONTH- APRIL- MAY ∙ Revision of small a to z, Activities conducted in circle time. Introduction of small cursive ENGLISH MATHS HINDI letters: a to p ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Phonic drill: a to z Sight words: I, My, Me, She Revision of counting 1 to 50 Writing of 51 to 100 Missing numbers What comes after , before Concepts: Near and far Big and small Oral Drill: 51 to 100 ∙ वर च स हत I ∙ च दे ख कर वर लखो I ∙ यंजन क से न तक च ∙ च दे ख कर यंजन लखो I स हत I CIRCLE TIME ∙ EVS ∙ ∙ ∙ A special person called me Family School Montessori Activity Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes ∙ Splashes craft and coloring book ART ACTIVITIES ∙ Painting of Big & Small leaf ∙ Making of family puppets (carry home) THEMATIC BASED LEARNING THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ IMPORTANT DAYS (16) ∙ Fancy Dress 13th April ∙ Plantation 19th April ∙ Earth day 20th April ∙ Green color day 23rd April ∙ Mother’s Day 7th May ∙ English Calligraphy 10th May ∙ Hindi Calligraphy 11th May MONTH- JULY ENGLISH MATHS ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Cursive letters q to z Cursive a to z Look and write, Matching Introduction of vowels Introduction of two letter words ∙ Sight words: he, she, you, my ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Between numbers Greater than , Less than , Equal to Backward counting 50 to 0 under TO Oral Drill : 1 to 100 ∙ वयंजन प से ∙ HINDI ∙ ∙ ∙ Activities conducted in circle time. CIRCLE TIME क से क लखो I ACTIVITIES Splashes craft and coloring book ∙ ∙ ∙ Pasting of shape man Bingo of Vowels Flash Cards of Sight words ∙ Discussion on health and hygine 5th July Doctor’s visit 6th July Story telling competition 14th July Craft activity 26th July Mango Day 27th July Yellow color Day 29th ि लान करो THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ खाी थान भरो I THEMATIC BASED LEARNING EVS Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions ART तक I च दे ख कर यंजन लखो I ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ IMPORTANT DAYS World of colours Shapes I love Season – Summer & Rainy Clean & Healthy Me Montessori Activity ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ (17) LEVEL 2 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Five little monkeys jumping on the bed Hello! Mr. Bunny Rabbit We shall overcome Five little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said Hello! Mr. Bunny Rabbit Will you have some tea? Oh! No thank you. Not for me. I’d rather have a carrot. But I don’t like tea Hello! Mr. moo cow, Will you have some we shall overcome, we shall overcome we shall overcome some day “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’ Four little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped her head Papa called the Doctor and the Doctor said “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’ Three little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’ Two little monkeys jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped her head Papa called the Doctor and the Doctor said “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!’ One little monkey jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head Mama called the Doctor and the Doctor said “Put those monkeys straight to bed!’ tea? Oh! No thank you. Not for me. I will have some green grass. But I don’t like tea. Hello! Mr. Doggie Will you have some tea? Oh! No thank you. Not for me. I will have some juicy bones, But I don’t like tea. (18) oh, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome some day we'll walk hand in hand, we'll walk hand in hand we'll walk hand in hand some day oh, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome some day we shall live in peace, we shall live in peace we shall live in peace some day oh, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome some day we are not afraid, we are not afraid we are not afraid today oh, deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome someday. LEVEL 2 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Little Pandas Mary Had A Pretty Bird One, two, three, four, five One little, two little, three little pandas four little, ve little, six little pandas seven little, eight little, nine little pandas ten little pandas One little, two little, three little kittens four little, ve little, six little kittens seven little, eight little, nine little kittens ten little kittens One little, two little, three little monkeys four little, ve little, six little monkeys seven little, eight little, nine little monkeys ten little monkeys Mary had a pretty bird, Feathers bright and yellow, Slender legs, upon my word He was a pretty fellow. One, two, three, four, ve Once I caught a sh alive Six, seven, eight, nine, ten Then I let it go again Why did you let it go Because it bit my nger so Which nger did it bite This little nger on my right (Count from 1 to 10) One, two, three, four, ve Once I caught a sh alive Six, seven, eight, nine, ten Then I let it go again Why did you let it go? Because it bit my nger so Which nger did it bite? This little nger on my right The sweetest notes he always sung, Which much delighted Mary, And often where the cage was hung, She stood to hear Canary. (19) LEVEL 2 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Miss Polly Had A Dolly Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. So she phoned for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with his bag and hat, And knocked at the door with a rat tat tat. He looked at the dolly and shook his head, And said “Miss Polly put her straight to bed.” He wrote a pad for a pill, pill, pill. I’ll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill. डांकया द खो एक डांकया आया थ ला एक हाथ म” लाया पहन ह वो खाकh कपड़ £च9◌ं◌ी कई हाथ म” पकड़ बा ट रहा घरघर म” £च9◌ं◌ी मुझको भी दो लाकर £च9◌ं◌ी £च9◌ं◌ी म” स द शा आया शाद (20) म” ह हम” £बw◌ं◌ी मौसी £बw◌ं◌ी मौसी बड़ी सयानी कभीन पीती खल पानी æ◌ं◌ास लग को पीती दध ठ डाठ डा मीठा दध भंखू लगं धीरं सं आती दब पॉव ् बत’न सरकाती दध मलाई चुप चुप ◌ं खाती नह ि◌ंकसी सं भी LEVEL 2 Rhymes (Hindi & English) चीकू चीकू चाचा चीकू चीकू चाचा घडीम चूहानचा घडीम चूहानचा घडीन एकबजाया और चूहा नीच आया आजचूह कhशाद ह हम बुलावाआयाह लç प ड़ खाए ˛ ग हम मोट होकर आए ग £ततल रानी £ततल रानी £ततल रानी £ततल रानी ि◌ंकतनी æ◌ं◌ार ि◌ंकतनी सयानी र ग £बर ग प ख सजील लालगुलाबी नील पील फूलफूलपरजाती हो गुनगुन- गुनगुन गाती हो कल कल पर म डराती हो मीठा मीठा रस पीकर उठ जाती हो अपन कोमल प ख £दखाती सबकोउनस ह सहलाती £ततल रानी £ततल रानी ि◌ंकतनी सुzर £ततल रानी इस (21) ब£गया म आना पाचं छोट £च£ड़या पा च छोट £च£ड़या कहती थी अनाज एक उनम स उड़ गई, बाकh बची चार £च£ड़या £च£ड़या उड़ती जा, £च£ड़या £च £ड़या ख़ुशी स गा चार छोट £च£ड़या बजा रह थी बीन एक उनम स उड़ गई बाकh बची तीन £च£ड़या £च£ड़या ख़शं◌ु ◌ं ◌ी सं गा तीन छोट £च £ड़या धान रह थी बो एक उनम स उड़ गई बाकh बची दो £च£ड़या £च£ड़या ख़शं◌ु ◌ं◌ी सं गा दो छोट £च£ड़या धपं◌ू रह थी सं क एकउनम स उड़गईबाकhबचीएक एकछोट £च£ड़या ◌ं◌ोब ठ होअक ल आसमास LEVEL 2 Rhymes (Hindi & English) £तर गा झ डा द खोबw◌ं◌ोयहझ डाæ◌ं◌ारा, तीनोर गो का म ल सारा, रह सदायहझ डाऊाँ चा,आकाशकोरह यह छूता। सदाकरोतुमइसकामा न, खभी न करना इसका अपमान, झ डाह ह द शकhशान, बना रह यह सदामहान । ज गल म” जानवर ख लत ह” ज गल म” जानवर ख लत ह” हम भी ख ल”ग व स हाथीस ◌ं◌ू डंहलाताह” ।हम भी कर”ग व स श रगरज़क आताह हम भी कर”ग व स भालू छमछमनाचताह हमभीकर”ग व स सा पंह संहसकरता ह , हम भी कर”ग व स मोर बा£रश म” नाचता ह हम भी कर” ग वस ज गल म” (22)जानवर डॉæर डॉæर द खो भल eकार, म र गु£ड़या ह बीमार कलथाबरसाछमछमपानी, £जसम”भीगीगु£ड़या रानी, भीगं कपड़ं £दए उतार, £फर भी उतरा नह ◌ं बुखार, 100 सं ऊपर £डU◌ं◌ी पार £च£ड़या मााँ £च£ड़यामााँक बw◌ं चार,घरस £नकल प ख पसार उतरस द£¢ णकोजाय आकरसबको यह बताय घूम £लया हमन जग सारा अपना घर ह LEVEL 2 (AUGUST-SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER) WORKING DAYS: 69 Days ENGLISH HINDI Introduction & Reading of Vowels.& two letter words: ● Introduction of three letter words ● Vowel sound A,E ,I ● Sight words. ● Look & write. ● Matching. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ THEMATIC BASED LEARNING (TLB): दो , तीन चार अ र के श द खाल August 1. Neighbourhood places 2. Community helpers 3. Jobs People do 4. Culture and Traditions थान भरो च दे ख कर श द लखो Socio-Emotional Development: ● Self Care ● Expressing feelings about festivals ● Respecting people who help us Concepts: Written: ● Number names 6-10 ● Subtraction ● Number names 11-20 ● Empty and Full ● Fat and Thin October 1. Magical Animal 2.Festivals and Celebrations 3. Marvelous Machines Physical Development: ● Eye hand coordination ● Hand control through activities ●Body control, gross motor development through Jungle Gym activities. Cognitive Development: ⚫ Understanding the places we visit in our neighborhood Language Development: ⚫ Respecting and thanking people who help ⚫ Sharing experiences of a festival us ⚫ Sharing a culture followed at home ● Importance of all festivals celebrated ● How various gadgets and machines work MATHS ● Tall and Short September 1. Chirpy Birds World CIRCLE TIME Circle time is an everyday activity. The activity is conducted to have eye coordination with the teacher at a close proximity, as the students and teachers sit in a circle formation on a mat. SPECIAL WEEKS: ⚫ Cultural Week 10th August – 12th August ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED IN CIRCLE TIME: ⚫ Attendance Pockets ⚫ Rhymes ● Weather Chart ⚫ Discussion of class ● Daily Calendar rules MONTHLY DAYS & CELEBRATIONS: ⚫ English week 25th October to 29th October (23) ⚫ Dadi Maa Ka Pitara ● Mother’s Day ⚫ Birthday Celebrations ● Janmashtami ● Fancy Dress MONTH- AUGUST Two letter words ENGLISH Activities conducted in circle time. CVC words of vowels a, e Look and write Matching Fill in the blanks Sight words: This , That, These, CIRCLE TIME ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions ∙ Splashes craft and coloring book ∙ PPT on Neighborhood Places ∙ Role Play on Jobs people Activity based on Empty/full Those Reading of CVC words Introduction of addition MATHS Number Names 1 to 10 Concepts : Tall and short ART Empty and Full ∙ ∙ HINDI च दे ख कर यंजन लखो I क से तक लखो I ∙ खाी थान भरो I ∙ दो अ र के श द ∙ ∙ ि लान करो THEMATIC BASED LEARNING ∙ THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY EVS ACTIVITIES ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Neighbourhood Places Community helpers Jobs people do Culture and Traditions Montessori Activity IMPORTANT DAYS (24) ∙ ∙ ∙ Fancy dress competition 10th August Slogan competition 11th August P.T.M 14th August Rakhi celebration 28+th August MONTH- SEPTEMBER ENGLISH MATHS HINDI ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ CVC words of vowels i Look and write Fill in the blanks Sight words: Revision Revision of all previous work ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Number names 1 to 10 Addition Recognition of shapes Revision of all previous work Concept: Revision ∙ च दे ख कर श द लखो I ∙ खाी थान भरो I ∙ पप छे कायय को दोराये I Activities conducted in circle time. CIRCLE TIME ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions ∙ Splashes craft and coloring book ∙ PPT on Chirpy birds ART ACTIVITIES THEMATIC BASED LEARNING EVS THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY ∙ ∙ Chirpy birds Montessori Activity IMPORTANT DAYS (25) NA MONTH- OCTOBER ENGLISH ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ CVC words of vowels o , u Look and write Matching Rhyming words Sight words : is , it , in, on ∙ ∙ ∙ Number names 11 to 20 Subtraction Concept : Fat and Thin ∙ तीन अ र के श द I Activities conducted in circle time. CIRCLE TIME ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questio ns ∙ Splashes craft and coloring book ∙ Face Mask ∙ Cross the river based on CVC words ∙ Gandhi Ji Birthday ART MATHS ∙ HINDI ∙ ∙ च दे ख कर श द लखो I ACTIVITIES खाी थान भरो I ि लान करो THEMATIC BASED LEARNING THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY IMPORTANT DAYS EVS celebration 1st October ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Magical animal world Festivals and celebration Marvelous Machines Montessori Activity ∙ ∙ ∙ (26) Grandparents day & P.T.M 9th October Dussehra celebration 13th October Self- Introduction 25th October English Recitation 29th October LEVEL 3 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Row Row Row your boat Wheels on the Bus Aeroplane Aeroplane Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily, Life is but a dream Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream If you see a crocodile, Don’t forget to scream Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream You might see a great big lion, Eating his green beans Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream If you see an elephant, Is he wearing jeans? Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream Can you see the hidden frogs, They are very green Row row row your boat, Gently down the stream Can you see a little duck, Eating an ice cream? Row row row row your boat, Gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily, Life is but a dream The wheels on the bus go round and round Round and round, Round and round The wheels on the bus go round and round All 'round the town Aeroplane Aeroplane, Up In The Sky Aeroplane Aeroplane, Up In The Sky Please Take Me With You Wherever You Fly Over The Clouds Oh! So High! Let’s Meet The Rainbow In The Sky! Aeroplane Aeroplane, Up In The Sky Aeroplane Aeroplane, Up In The Sky Please Take Me With You Wherever You Fly Over The Clouds Oh! So High! Let’s Meet The Rainbow In The Sky! The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish Swish, swish, swish, Swish, swish, swish The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish All 'round the town The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' Move on back, Move on back The driver on the bus goes 'move on back' All 'round the town The people on the bus go up and down Up and down, Up and down The people on the bus go up and down All 'round the town The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep, Beep, beep, beep The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep (27) All… LEVEL 3 Rhymes (Hindi & English) I'm a Little Flower Bulb Piggy on the railway line When we’re walking I'm a little ower bulb, small and brown, Buried in the cool, dark ground. As the days grow warmer, watch and see, I'll sprout through the earth -- Yippee! Growing, growing, growing every day, Sprouting leaves that gently sway, Next comes a bud and then a ower, A face to shine 'neath sun and showers. Piggy on the railway line. Picking up the stones. Down came the engine, And broke Piggy’s bones. “Ah!” said the Piggy, “That’s not fair”. “Oh!” said the engine driver, I don’t care Wasn’t the engine driver mean? Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand, When we’re walking to the shops, Hold a grown-up’s hand. Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand, When we’re walking near the cars, Hold a grown-up’s hand. Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand, When we walk across the road, Hold a grown-up’s hand. Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand, When we walk across the road, (28) LEVEL 3 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Everybody do this Everybody do this, do this, do this Everybody do this, Just like me! Everybody click-clack, click-clack, clickclack, Everybody click-clack, Front and back! Everybody click-clack, click-clack, clickclack, Everybody click-clack, Girls and boys! Everybody click-clack, click-clack, clickclack, Everybody click-clack, Mums and dads! Everybody click-clack, click-clack, clickclack, Everybody click-clack, In the car! The Little Plant In the heart of a seed, Buried deep so deep, A tiny plant Lay fast asleep. "Wake," said the sunshine, "And creep to the light." "Wake," said the voice Of the raindrops bright. The little plant heard, And it rose to see, What the wonderful, Outside world might be. My Garden This is my garden, I'll plant it with care, Here are the seeds I'll plant in there, The sun will shine, The rain will fall, The seeds will sprout and grow up tall. Little Snowman I’m a little snowman, short and fat, Here’s my scarf! And here’s my hat! When I see the snowakes, hear me shout! All you children, please come out (29) LEVEL 3 Rhymes (Hindi & English) Traffic light Red Light,Red Light What do you say? I say, STOP,STOP right away Yellow Light,Yellow Light What do you mean? I mean, Wait till Light is Green Green Light,Green Light What do you say? I say, Go,Go right away अपनी र ल आओ भाई ख ल ख ल , चलती ह अब अपनी र ल हम इ जन ह भक भक करत , हम £ड ◌ं हं चक चक करतं सीट द त चलती र ल, क सा ब£ढ़या ह यह ख ल £दw◌ं◌ी जान वाल आओ , त£नक द र म” हम पz◌ं चाए चाह तो हम इसी र ल म” झट पट कलकu◌ं◌ा हो आय , £टकट £वकट का काम नह ◌ं हं , 9◌ं शन आया vक गयी र ल , खतम zआ (30)ल। अब अपनाख अगर प ड़ भी चलत होत अगर प ड भी चलत होत ि◌ंकतन मज हमार होत बा ध तन म” उसक रø◌ं◌ी चाहं जहां◌ाँ कह ◌ं लं जातं जहं ◌ां◌ाँ कह ◌ं भी धपं◌ू सताती उसक नीच झट सु¢◌ं◌ात जहं ◌ां◌ाँ कह ◌ं वषा’ हो जाती उसक नीच हम £छप जात लगती भखं◌ू य £द अचानक तोड मध फल उसक खात आती कhचडबाढ क़ह ◌ं तो झट उसक उपर चढ LEVEL 3 Rhymes (Hindi & English) गमf भागी सदf आई गमfभागीसदfआई,घरघरम” £नकल रज़ाई लø◌ं◌ीरोएजारब ज़ार,शरबतरोएबार बार कhट कhट कhट कhट दातं◌ाँ बजातं £गट £पट £गट £पट तोत बोलत” प खा कू लर छु प गय भाई, एसी न अपनी दम दबाई चायबजान लगीशहनाई,कौफhन उ9वमनाई उनी ø◌ं टर उनी मॅæर, उनी शॉल उनी क बल सबन £मलक गुहार लगाई, जz◌ं◌ी बाहर £नकालो भाई सूटबूटम” सूरजचमका, जन जन म” ख£◌ं◌ु शयााँदमका गाड़ी सबन ओढ़ आजरजाई सबन ओढ़ आजरजाई सदfआयीसदfआय ◌ी सभीओरअबलहरह कोहरं का भी खबं◌ू कहर हं बूढ़ गाड़ी कहती छं ◌ु क छं ◌ु क छं ◌ु क, धआं◌ु ◌ं उड़ाती पुक पुक पुक इं जन जाए आगं ह आगं , पीछं पीछं £ड ◌ं भागं सुर ग म” यह जब जात , £दन को यह रात बतात छं ◌ु क छं ◌ु क करतं गाती जाती, £सट भी खंबू बजाती एक ि◌ंक➢◌ं◌ी म र पास बw◌ं का प रह” ह सब अलाव पर ताप रह”ह” सब सब गम’ हलवा खात (31) बूढ़ बाहर एक ि◌ंक➢◌ं◌ी मर पास एक छोट ि◌ंक➢◌ं◌ी म र पास, बड़ी दर स म गबाई, वो नई बनबायी नील र गबाई, और पानी म” त राई एक म”ढक ब ठा पानी म”, LEVEL 3 (NOV- DEC, JAN - FEB ) WORKING DAYS: 88 Days ENGLISH HINDI Introduction - Three letter words Vowel sound o, u. ●Concept of this that , thease & those ● Five sentences on Myself ⚫ Opposite words ● Fruits& vegetables names ● Rhyming words ● Look & write ● Matching THEMATIC BASED LEARNING (TLB): ∙ आ इ , ई क मा ा के श द I ∙ च दे ख कर श द लखो I ∙ ∙ खाल November December 1. Seasons - WINTER 1. Way to 2. The green world of Plants 2. travel Safety थान भरो I मलान करो Socio-Emotional Development: ⚫ Self Care ● Showing care towards plants ● Expressing thoughts through a story d [k x Cognitive Development: ●Understanding various clothes – accessories, foods and beverages of winter season ⚫ Differentiating between big and small plants ● Learning about parts of the plant ● Understanding various safety rules ● Creative thinking during story time ●Showing responsible behavior in school and home. MATHS Concepts: Written: ⚫ Hot and Cold Table of 2,3,4,5 ⚫ & oat ⚫ Sink Shape ⚫ Multiply ⚫ ● Days of the week Shapes ● Time ● Double digit addition/subtraction January/February 1. Tell me a Story 2. Being Responsible Physical Development: ⚫ Eye hand coordination ● Hand control through activities ●Body control, gross motor development through Jungle Gym activities. Language Development: ⚫ Sharing ideas during story time ⚫ Sharing an experience of winter season CIRCLE TIME Circle time is an everyday activity. The activity is conducted to have eye coordination with the teacher at a close proximity, as the students and teachers sit in a circle formation on a mat. SPECIAL WEEKS: ⚫ Fitness Week 22nd November ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED IN CIRCLE TIME: ⚫ Attendance Pockets ● Weather Chart ● Daily Calendar MONTHLY DAYS & CELEBRATIONS: ⚫ Celebration week 27th ● Dadi Maa Ka Pitara ● Mother’s Day ⚫ Birthday Celebrations December ● Adventure Camp –26th November ⚫ Rhymes ⚫ Discussion of class rules ⚫ Book week 17th janurary (32) ● Milage Annual Function MONTH- NOVEMBER ENGLISH ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Introduction of This and That One and Many Introduction of These and Those Sight words: have, had , was, were ∙ ∙ ∙ Table of no 2 , 3 Multiplication Concept: Hot and cold Sink and float ∙ ि◌ार MATHS ∙ HINDI ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ CIRCLE TIME च दे ख कर श द लखो I खाी थान भरो I ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions Splashes craft and coloring book ART अ र के श द I ACTIVITIES ∙ Activity on one & many ∙ Cotton Pasting on Snowman ∙ ि लान करो THEMATIC BASED LEARNING THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY EVS Activities conducted in circle time. ∙ IMPORTANT DAYS Seasons winter The green world of plants Montessori Activity (33) PPT on season winter Diwali break 2nd Nov to 6th Nov ∙ Aerobics Presentation 23rd November ∙ Visit to park 24th November ∙ Special assembly 25th November ∙ Yoga & Meditation 26th November ∙ P.T.M 27th November MONTH- DECEMBER ENGLISH ∙ ∙ ∙ My self Opposite words Sight words: then , them ∙ ∙ ∙ Introduction of shapes Days of the week Concept : shape , big- small ∙ आ क ि◌ा ा के श द I Activities conducted in circle time. CIRCLE TIME ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions ∙ Splashes craft and coloring book ∙ X- Mas Tree Decoration ∙ Origami Activity ि लान करो ∙ PPT on safety rules THEMATIC BASED LEARNING ∙ ART MATHS ∙ HINDI ∙ ∙ च दे ख कर श द लखो I खाी थान भरो I THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY EVS ∙ ∙ ∙ Way to travel Safety Montessori Activity ACTIVITIES IMPORTANT DAYS (34) ∙ Christmas celebration 24th December New Year card making 27th December MONTH- JANURARY ENGLISH ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Fruits name Vegetables name Introduction of : ch, sh, Introduction of blend :fl , bl , gl Sight words: whom , whose ∙ ∙ ∙ Table of no 4, 5 Multiplication Double digit addiion ∙ इ, ई , क ि◌ा ा के श द Activities conducted in circle time. CIRCLE TIME ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions Splashes craft and coloring book ART MATHS ∙ HINDI ∙ ∙ च दे ख कर श द लखो I ∙ ∙ ∙ Activity on Diagraphs/ blend ∙ Story Telling with Puppets ि लान करो ∙ Fruits basket with Clay THEMATIC BASED LEARNING ∙ Visit to library 17th January खाी थान भरो I THROUGH INTEGRATED ACTIVITY EVS ACTIVITIES Tell me a story Montessori Activity IMPORTANT DAYS (35) MONTH- FEBRUARY ∙ ∙ Simple sentences Revision of previous work ∙ Double digit subtraction ∙ Revision of previous work ENGLISH Activities conducted in circle time. CIRCLE TIME ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Attendance Pocket Weather Chart Daily Calendar Rhymes Theme based questions ∙ Splashes craft and coloring book ∙ Preparation of Exam ART MATHS ∙ HINDI च दे ख कर श द पर सी ि◌ा ा ि◌गाए ∙ च दे ख कर श द लखो I ∙ खाी थान भरो I ∙ ACTIVITIES ि लान करो THEMATIC BASED LEARNING THROUGH INTEGRATED ACITIVITY EVS ∙ ∙ Being Responsible Montessori Activity IMPORTANT DAYS (36) NA (37)