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academic writing

Helen Fallon, Deputy Librarian, National
University of Ireland Maynooth
 Grammar
 Style
 Editing
 Proofreading
Voice – active versus passive
 Verbs
 Adverbs
 Adjectives
 Tense
 Adjectives
Active Voice
◦ Subject + verb + object or just subject + verb
◦ The Library introduced self-service borrowing
at the start of the academic year
Object + verb + subject or object + verb e.g.
mistakes were made
◦ Self-service borrowing was introduced by the
Library at the start of the academic year
Passive verb is a form of the verb ―to be‖ and
the past participle of the main verb. The
main verb must be a transitive verb (take an
To turn the passive voice to the active voice:
Ask: ―Who does what to whom?‖
◦ Increased seat occupancy was observed in the
months leading up to the examinations
◦ We observed increased seat occupancy
◦ A recommendation was made by the Library
Committee that a survey be carried out
◦ The Library committee recommended that a survey
be carried out
Write with Verbs
Use Strong Verbs
Use verbs rather than their noun equivalent
◦ The author makes the suggestion that...
◦ The author suggests that...
Don‘t bury the main verb
◦ Keep the subject and main verb (predicate) close
together at the start of the sentence.
Use ―to be‖ verbs purposefully and sparingly –
is are was were be been am
Minimise use of There are/There is
◦ There are many ways in which we can arrange the
◦ We can arrange the collections in many ways
◦ There are many librarians who like to write
◦ Many librarians like to write
◦ The data confirm that there is a link between library
usage and exam results
◦ The data confirm a link between library usage and
exam results
The following verbs are frequently
used, particularly in abstracts:
addresses, asks, argues, concludes, covers, critiq
ues, demonstrates, describes, discusses, elucidat
es, examines, evaluates, expands, explains, expl
ores, identifies, maps, outlines, presents, propos
es, promotes, reports, reveals, reviews, shows, su
ggests, summarises.
Adverb – describes or modifies a verb
 expresses manner or quality
◦ Very
◦ Easily
◦ Terribly
◦ Slowly
◦ Quickly
Describes or modifies a noun
Compound adjective
When you join two or more words to describe an
object e.g. An up-to-date collection
Tense Contributes to tone
― Forceful writing results from writing
concisely, actively and positively. The present
tense is usually more active and therefore
more forceful than the past tense.‖
(Henson, p. 48)
The American Psychological Association ( APA)
using past tense to describe results and action
or a condition that occurred at a specific, definite
time in the past;the present tense to discuss
implications of results, to present conclusions
and to express a past action or condition that
did not occur at a specific, definite time or to
describe an action beginning in the past and
continuing to the present.
Use punctuation to vary sentence
structure and support meaning
 Punctuation marks contribute to
continuity (flow) by showing
relationships between ideas
 Punctuation should mirror speech
 Colon
 Comma
 Apostrophe
 Dash
 Hyphen
 Quotations marks
 Parentheses
The semicolon connects two
independent clauses
It was the best of times; it was the
worst of times
She knew a lot about the Library; she
had worked there for twenty years
The book on academic writing is very
useful; it is full of interesting ideas
The semicolon is also used to separate
items in lists that have internal
◦ The number of books issued has reduced
dramatically: in 2008 25,000 books were
borrowed; in 2009, 19,000; by 2010, when the
new library was built, only 15,000 items were
Use a colon after an independent clause to
introduce a quote, a list, an explanation or
Formal quotations are introduced by a colon
and enclosed in quotation marks
The Library policy states: ―Journals may not
be borrowed by undergraduates.‖
The committee now includes the following
undergraduate student
postgraduate student
mature student
Part-time student
Use for items in a list, except the penultimate
◦ She ordered three books, a journal, a thesis and an
Where you have inserted a clause to provide
extra information
◦ She liked the Library, where she had worked for
some time, but left to take up a post in a different
Introductory phrases
◦ However, borrowing increased during the period
Use for a missing letter in a word
◦ The Library isn‘t open today
◦ Where‘s the journal kept?
Use to denote possessive
◦ The student‘s books
◦ The Library‘s stock (one library)
◦ The Libraries‘ stock (means the stock of more than
one Library)
You don‘t need to add the possessive ―s‖
when the name ends in ―s‖ – unless it is common usage: Mary
Jones‘ book/St. James‘s hospital
Use for time phrases when the time modifies
a noun
◦ The Library will open in one day‘s time
◦ Six months‘ ban on borrowing
Don‘t use apostrophe for possessive
pronouns or for plurals of words or for dates
◦ The book isn‘t hers; the departments stock, 1970s
―A dash is a mark of separation stronger than a
comma, less formal than a colon, and more
relaxed than parentheses. Use a dash only
when a more common mark of punctuation
seems inadequate.‖—Strunk and White
to add emphasis
to insert a definition or description almost
anywhere in the sentence
to announce a long explanation or summary
Use to connect compound words
It‘s a little-know fact that the book dated from the earlyEighteenth Century
Use for figures written out and when you use figures
as adjectives
◦ Twenty-four; a three-year old book; a 20-minute
Use for titles
◦ Vice-President
Use for prefixes
pre-Christian, post-natal
Generally double quotation marks for direct
speech and single ones for speech within
◦ He said: ―I meant to say ‗The Library will close in
one hour‘.‖
Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks
if the whole sentence is a quotation
 He said: ―The Library was closed when I arrived.‖
Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks
if the punctuation refers only to the words
 ―I was forced to steal the book,‖ he said
Use parentheses to insert an afterthought or
explanation (a word, phrase or sentence) into
a passage that is grammatically complete
without it. If you remove the material within
the parentheses, the main point of the
sentence should not change.
◦ She travelled to Nigeria in 1964 (having completed
a science degree in UCC) and remained there for
over thirty years.
shows a relationship between a noun (or
pronoun) and other words in a sentence –
Omit needless prepositions
―that‖ and ―on‖ are often superfluous
The meeting happened on Monday
The meeting happened Monday
They agreed that it was true
They agreed it was true
Affect and effect
Affect = Verb; effect = noun
Will the financial cuts affect service?
What was the effect of the financial cuts on
Practice (noun) practise (verb)
Precede (go before), proceed (continue)
Stationary (adjective – still), Stationery (noun)
Dependent (adjective) She is dependent...,
dependant (noun)
Writing as storytelling
Beginning, middle and end (not necessarily in
that order)
What makes a story interesting?
A story has a theme
A story has movement
A story has a flow
Something happens/changes
Perhaps try to write your piece from start to
finish before beginning editing
There are different ways to structure articles
Study the structure of articles in your target
Model articles on other articles that work well
Different structures can achieve the same
results ways
Be aware of your audience
 Paragraphs
 Headings and subheadings
 Transitions
There needs to be a unity of thought
in a sentence. This may be achieved
with one main clause; generally there
is only one subsidiary clause
 Place the subject towards the
beginning of the sentence
New paragraph signals a move from one clear
idea to another or change of direction
Should relate logically to the previous
paragraph and relate to the overall theme of
the text
The first sentence or two usually present the
topic or theme and the following sentences
expand on this
Short paragraphs, surrounded by white
space, can be very effective in keeping
attention and creating a visually attractive
Act as signposts
Break up text
Make the structure clearer
Allow the reader see at a glance the main
themes of the paper
Help organise ideas
Help readers anticipate key points and track
the development of the article
Create connections between the different
parts of the paper
Can make a manuscript visually more
Endings of sections that hark back to what
has gone before or opening sections that
indicate what is to come act as unofficial
Transitional words
◦ help maintain flow of thought
time links (then, next, after, while, since)
◦ cause-effect links (therefore, consequently, as a
◦ addition links (in
addition, moreover, furthermore, similarly)
◦ contrast links
(but, conversely, nevertheless, however, although)
◦ Provide signposts for readers
Use positive rather than negative
◦ The nursing team did not believe the drug was
◦ The nursing team believed the drug was safe
◦ Not important/Unimportant
◦ Did not remember/Forgot
Use concise language
◦ A majority of/most
◦ Due to the fact that/because
◦ Gave rise to/caused
All writing is rewriting
Draft and redraft
Number, date and save drafts
Refer back to your abstract
Ask a critical colleague to read
Revise title, abstract & article
Check references against journal guidelines
All writing is rewriting
Draft and redraft
Number, date and save drafts
Read aloud
Delete unnecessary adjectives
◦ Cut unnecessary words and phrases; delete
repetitive words
◦ Helpful tips, terrible tragedy
Delete unnecessary adverbs
◦ very, really, quite, basically, generally
◦ Underline the main verb in each sentence. Watch for: (1)
lacklustre verbs (2) passive verbs (3) buried verbs
Does each paragraph contain one main
◦ It can be helpful to write down the main topic of the
paragraph in the margin or at the top of the paragraph
◦ If the paragraph contains more than one main idea, divide
◦ Omit unnecessary prepositions – that, on
Delete unnecessary adjectives
◦ Helpful tips, terrible tragedy
Delete unnecessary adverbs
◦ very, really, quite, basically, generally
Does your writing have movement,
coherence, clarity?
This requires concentration; proofread when
you are alert
Try to allow some time between writing the
piece and proofreading it
If possible have a colleague proofread it first
Take breaks
Consider using ―track changes‖ function in
If correcting manually make changes in the
body of the text and on the margin
Use a red pen to make your corrections stand
Mark each page that has to be changed
After proofreading and making changes save
version with a new date
Read aloud slowly
Read each word
Watch out for widows and orphans
Check hierarchy of headings
Check paired items such as brackets and
speech marks
Check type font is consistent
Check grammar and use of English
Check punctuation is consistent
Check abbreviations
When finished put aside for a period then
Spell check
Date and File preprint
Let go
If you have already sent a query e-mail to the
editor refer to that in your submission
Kenneth T. Henson, Writing for Publication:
Road to Academic
Advancement, 2005, Boston: Pearson
Strunk and White‘s Elements of Style