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Contemporary Math Education Issues in Malaysia

The term contemporary refers to something that is modern, current, relatively recent, present day,
from the same time period, or coexisting in time (Karp, 2014). A contemporary issue is one that is
currently affecting people or places and has yet to be resolved (Fafunwa, 2018). Contemporary
mathematics education issues in Malaysia are thus those events, policies, and developments
concerning mathematics education that are currently taking place in Malaysia (Abdul Halim,
2020). Being a competent teacher in today's educational environment requires that teachers
sacrifice their own interests in order to provide the best possible education for their students. The
majority of these issues are the result of changes and initiatives brought about by current trends in
Malaysia's educational system. A variety of factors, including civil strife, political turbulence, and
sociocultural issues, have a significant impact on this. Five contemporary issues in Mathematics
education selected and discussed critically below.
Abdul Halim. April 2020. Kesediaan Guru Matematik Sekolah Menengah Dalam
Melaksanakan Proses Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Abad Ke 21. Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia : Tesis Sarjana
Fafunwa, A. B. (2018). Contemporary issues. History of Education in Nigeria, 207-211.
Karp, A. (2014). History of mathematics education – Personal perspectives. Leaders in
Mathematics Education, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6209-719-3_1