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What is a CVV Number? Find Your Card Security Code

What is a CVV Number and How Do I Find It?
If you're questioning the importance of the 3-digit number on your credit card,
you should know that it serves as an important security feature. The first digit of
your CVV is always a 3 and is followed by two numbers that are determined by
the issuing bank. This three-digit code has been made available to help reduce
online fraud.
Although this number is somewhat of a mystery to some consumers, it's not
entirely secret. Here are four places that you can find your CVV number on your
credit or debit card.
1) The Front of the Card
The back of most cards contains all sorts of account information. However,
many banks place the CVV number directly on the front of their cards. Note that
this does not apply to all credit and debit cards, especially those that are issued
by retailers rather than banks. If you're unsure if your card has a CVV number or
not, check with your bank or the issuing company.
2) The Email Used for Online Purchases
If you've ever made an online purchase, then the number has likely been sent to
your email address. You will receive this information when you check out of a
store or sign up for a membership with certain websites.
3) The Back of the Card
In some cases, your CVV can be found on the back of your card. This is common
with American Express cards, which often place the number in the bottom lefthand corner of their cards.
4) On Your Receipt
When you make a purchase at a physical store, your receipt will include all sorts
of information that you may not need to know. However, certain receipts will list
your card's CVV number on the bottom right-hand corner. This is often found on
credit and debit receipts, but it can also be listed on American Express and
Discover cards as well.
Whenever you make a purchase online, your card's CVV number is required to
make sure that you have possession of your card. Although this three-digit
number makes your account more secure, it can be difficult to find at times.
Fortunately, you can usually find this number in one of the four locations listed