EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT Mini Project Criteria 1. Only use PIC184580 and assembly language. 2. Each group will produce only 1 presentation, 1 report and any related materials (program 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. project, program source code, references, papers, articles, slide presentation, videos, and schematic circuit diagram in picture format if any). Please name all the files provided as: EDJ29703_LEADER’S NAME_FILE NAME.ppt (Example: EDJ29703_ISMAIL ISHAQ BIN IBRAHIM_PRESENTTION.ppt, EDJ29703_ISMAIL ISHAQ BIN IBRAHIM_SIMULATION.mcp, etc.) FAILURE TO DO EXACTLY AS INSTRUCTED ALL THE ABOVE WILL RESULT IN MARKS BEING GREATLY DEDUCTED. DURING ORAL PRESENTATION, all group members are COMPULSORY to take part. Presentation will be done via online (GoogleMeet). Content of the slide compulsory consists of: I. Introduction II. Problem statement III. Application of PIC Microcontroller IV. Basic systems and operation: Students are able to produce a block diagram of the selected system application. V. Theoretical analysis of the design: Students are able to design and determine the parameter of PIC in the system. VI. Result and discussion (simulation): Students are able to analyze the performance of the system. VII. References Duration for individual presentation is a total of 10 minutes : 7 minutes for presentations and 3 minutes for Q & A. 9. Submission date for the Mini Project Report is on Monday 2/5/2022 before 11.59 pm. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 1 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT MINI PROJECT REPORT FORMAT. 1. Front Page i. Project Title ii. Group members iii. Lecturer Names 2. Contents i. Contents including page number ii. Content of table (if have) iii. Abbreviations (if have) iv. Project background (Theory of operation) v. Introduction vi. Objectives vii. Methodology of project - Flow of the program. - i.e. how to use and set serial communication. viii. Operational Flowchart ix. Schematic diagrams (proteus simulation schematic diagram) xi. Program flowchart xii. Source code xiii. Results and troubleshooting xiv. Discussion and conclusion xv. References (examples: specific datasheet, book title, paper or journal and others) UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 2 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS DIPLOMA OF MECHATRONIC ENGINEERING EDJ29703 – EMBEDDED SYSTEM AND INTERFACES Mini Project Assessment Project Title: AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER Name: NRIC: Student I.D.: 1. JAYRAN A/L BOON COM 2. MUHAMMAD ADAM BIN MOHD JAMIL 3. MUHAMMAD ABDUL AZIZ BIN SEZALI 1. 020222030079 2. 020719080303 3. 020528020025 1. 202060271 2. 202060296 3. 202060295 Development of project /3 Report /4 VIVA (Presentation and Q&A) /3 Total Marks /10 Panel: …………………………………… Date: …………………….. Rubrics for Mini Project EDJ29703 - EMBEDDED SYSTEM AND INTERFACES UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 3 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT Rubrics for Mini Project EDJ29703 - EMBEDDED SYSTEM AND INTERFACES Assessment Development of project Group marks (Teamwork Skills Ability to build relationships, interact with others and work effectively with them to achieve the same objectives. Report Ability to recognize and respect the attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of others.) Viva (Presentation & Q&A) UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS Marks Complete complicated simulation circuit and can function successfully 3 Complete simple simulation circuit and can function successfully 2 Not complete with simple / complicated simulation circuit and can/cannot function successfully 1 No project submitted 0 Complete with all the items plus excellent work 4 Complete with all the items plus moderate work 3 Complete with some the items plus moderate work 2 Not following the guideline (missing some items) 1 No report submitted 0 Able to make presentations clearly, full of confidence and level appropriate to the listeners. Able to answer questions given. 3 Able to make presentations clearly, full of confidence and level appropriate to the listeners. Try to answer the questions given but with some misunderstanding 2 Not involve in presentation but try to involve in Q&A 1 Not involve in viva session 0 4 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT CONTENTS BIL CONTENTS 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND PAGES 6 2. INTRODUCTION 7 3. OBJECTIVES 8 4. METHODOLOGY OF PROJECT 9 5. OPERATIONAL FLOWCHART 10 6. PROGRAM FLOWCHART 11 7. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS 12 8. SOURCE CODE 13 9. RESULTS AND TROUBLESHOOTING 10. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION 16 11. REFERENCES 16 UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 14-15 5 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 1.PROJECT BACKGROUND The Water Level Controller project was designed to help in controlling the water level in the tank or container. This project has a system to monitor or sense the water level in the tank so it will automatically give a signal to us whether the water in the tank is already full or not so we can stay alert and stop the water once it has filled up the tank. A water sensor is used to indicate the level of water in the tank so it can prevent the water from overflowing. Light Emitting Diodes (LED) and buzzer are used to show the signal that the water has reached the fixed level and we must stop the water before it overflows. As a conclusion, the project is very useful and beneficial to our society because the water level controller can help us to stay alert when we need to fill up the water tank so it can prevent us from wasting the water and save our pocket money because we can stop the water on the time when the system gave us the signal. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 6 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 2.INTRODUCTION A water sensor is a device used in the detection of the water level for various applications.Water sensors are installed in data centers to reduce all potential hazards and consequences of water leakage.Industrial applications of water level sensors include water level sensing in transport and storage tanks and water treatment tanks. Figure 2.1 Based on the Figure 2.1, this is the type of water sensor that has been used for the project. The sensor is mainly comprised of three parts: 1) An electronic connector 2) A 1 M resistor 3) Several lines of bare conducting wires This water sensor is intended for water detection and can be used to detect rainfall, overflow, and even liquid leakages.The sense tracers are interleaved between a set of exposed traces connected to ground to make this sensor work. The 1 M pull-up resistor is used on the sensor tracers. The sensor trace value will be pulled high by the resistor until a drop of water shorts the sensor to the grounded wire. This module can be used with the analogue pins to detect the amount of water between the grounded and sensor tracers.This item determines the water level by measuring the amount of water present using a number of exposed parallel wires. The advantages of this sensor is that it consumes only a little power and it is extremely sensitive. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 7 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 3. OBJECTIVE There are several objectives that need to be achieved in this Automatic Water Level Controller project which are: 1) To build an automatic water level controller that can prevent water wastage that often occurs in industry and homes by giving a warning when water reaches its maximum level. 2) To design a water level controller that can facilitate the measurement process of water in a large tank without having to look directly into the tank. 3) To build a automatic water level controller that can detect leaks that occur in the tank when the water level does not exceed the desired level UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 8 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 4.METHODOLOGY OF PROJECT Based on our project which is Automatic Water Level Controller.In this project, we have built something that is very useful and convenient for us nowadays. In producing this project, we have used PIC18F4580 as a microcontroller. Indirectly, our project has a water sensor where this sensor serves as a detector of the presence and height of water in the water tank to send a signal to the PIC to be processed to produce output. In this case, the sensor has been connected to the PIC and the sensor is also placed into a prototype tank that we have built and then the tank will be filled with water. After that, the sensor will detect the water level and the presence of the water and send it to the PIC. The PIC will process the data generated from the sensor that is temporarily stored in the port. Once it is finished in the process, it will produce an output that is an LED will light up and a buzzer will ring when the water reaches the maximum point in the tank which indicates that the sensor has detected the water. Therefore, with the LED and buzzer that have been activated, it will give a warning or instruction to the user to close the flow of water from entering the tank to prevent the water from overflowing out of the tank. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 9 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 5.OPERATIONAL FLOWCHART Figure 5.1 Based on Figure 5.1, it displays the operational flowchart that we built based on the actual function of the Automatic Water Level Controller. In this flowchart we have summarized and explained how our project works. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 10 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 6.PROGRAM FLOWCHART Figure 6.1 Based on Figure 6.1, there is a flowchart program built based on the program we designed to produce this Automatic Water Level Controller project. This flowchart also summarized and explained the journey of the existing system behind the coding that we have built to produce this project. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 11 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 7. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Figure 6.1 Based on figure 6.1, by using a push button to symbolize the water sensor. After sensing water at the maximum level, the water sensor will give a digital result. Then, the PIC microcontroller will receive the digital output as an input. As a result , the buzzer will make a noise as a warning and the LED will light up, the output is presented.This indicates that the water has been at its highest level and needs to be stopped to prevent water overflow and waste. The buzzer and LED will turn off as soon as the water in the tank is reduced or does not trigger the sensor. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 12 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 8.SOURCE CODE Figure 8.1 Based on Figure 8.1,This diagram is a screen display from the MPLAB application that displays the coding that we have built to produce this project. This coding aims to organize the way the program for this project performs its functions systematically. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 13 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 9.RESULTS AND TROUBLESHOOTING Result Figure 9.1 Based on Figure 9.1,This image shows a prototype of the Automatic Water Level Controller. As can be seen, there is a prototype tank attached together with a sensor to detect the height of the water level in the tank. Then, there is a PIC18F4580 that serves as a microcontroller for our project and further there is a connection that we have done on the PIC port along with hardware consisting of buzzers and LED to produce output for this project. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 14 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT Troubleshooting Based on this project, there are some problems that arise in producing this project such as : - Coding revenue The problem that arises in generating coding is when there is an identified error coming from the placement of data on different ports. So we solved it by converting to the actual port - Wrong wire connection In this problem, we found that the LEDs and buzzers were not working properly. So, we find and identify the main cause of it happening. Once identified, we immediately fixed the wire connection and the LED and buzzer could work according to the program. UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 15 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & INTERFACING REPORT 10.DISCUSSION Based on the result obtained from this mini project, the Water Level Controller project had achieved the objectives which are it can prevent the wastage of water that occurs either in industry or home. Other than that, this project can also measure the water level in a large water tank because it uses a water sensor to detect the presence of water. This project is very beneficial to use at industry or home because it is easy to set up at the water tank and easy to use without any complicated setting of the system. Even though the system still needs to improve due to its disadvantages such as the system of the project must be operated manually. For example, when the sensor detects the presence of water the user must stop the flow of water and close the system to stop it. Furthermore, the project can also just detect only a level of water that is present in the water tank. However, this project can operate successfully and can be used in real life and with some developments it will be a very excellent project in the future. 11.CONCLUSION As a conclusion, the Water Level Controller project was designed to help in controlling the water level in the tank or container. The project uses a water sensor as a main component for the system to operate with the help of Light Emitting Diodes and buzzer to give a signal for the user to close the water flow once it had reached the fixed level. This project is very beneficial to be used at home or industry due to its system that is easy to set up and use. This project can help its users to overcome the wastage of water problem and save our pocket money at the same time. Last but not least, this project will have a high impact and become very crucial in industry due to its functionality that can help us control the water level. 12.REFERENCES ● https://zenodo.org/record/3352817#.YmDKJdpBy5c ● https://www.academia.edu/39950694/PIC_MICROCONTROLLER_BASED_AUTO MATED_WATER_LEVEL_CONTROL_SYSTEM ● https://saeedsolutions.blogspot.com/2014/06/water-level-indicator-using-pic.html UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS 16