Uploaded by Brennan Mason

Lean Bulk Workout Plan: Diet, Cardio, Training

Brennan Mason - Summer 2020
Current State
Today is June 12th, 2020. I have just finished my first ever cutting phase, during which I lost
approximately 10.3 lbs. (157.1 lbs. to 146.8 lbs. over 7 weeks). However, this cut did not go optimally –
my body fat percentage is definitely lower, but not as low as I had hoped. My abs have become more
defined, but are not classifiable as a legitimate six pack – the top four are definitely visible, but only in
certain conditions (when flexed/crunched, depending on the light/angle, etc.). I have also become a
little more vascular/defined in other areas, such as the arms, shoulders, and chest. Moreover, I have
sustained multiple minor injuries throughout the process. Over the past three weeks, a minor sprain in
my right wrist has been holding me back immensely, and I am itching to start training hard again. As a
consequence of the lack of training, I have lost additional mass. I am currently eating around
maintenance, with the possibility of a small surplus. Due to the fact that I am detrained, I am hoping to
achieve some accelerated progress during the first few weeks and maybe even a body recomposition. I
plan to begin the lean bulking phase once my wrist has healed, hopefully by next Monday (June 22nd). As
of Tuesday, June 9th, the following measurements are prevailing:
weight: 145 lbs.
7-day moving average weight: 145.7 lbs.
biceps: 36 cm (right) & 34 cm (left)
lats/chest: 100 cm (pulled tight at nipple level)
stomach/waist (at bellybutton): 81.5 cm (relaxed) & 80 cm (flexed)
neck (just at/above traps): 40 cm
calves (approx. thickest point): 35 cm (right) & 34.5 (left)
forearms (approx. thickest point): 28 cm (right) & 27 cm (left)
BF%: online calculators produced results of 18%, 13.4%, 14%, and 18.52% - average of these
values is 16%. The top 4 abs are visible when flexing/crunching, with some definition/striation in
upper chest and a tiny bit in shoulders. Some vascularity in biceps and forearms, as well as just
below the obliques/v-lines.
As of Sunday, June 21st (after an extended break from training due to my wrist injury, the following
measurements are prevailing:
weight: 141 lbs.
7-day moving average weight: 142.4 lbs.
biceps: 35 cm (right) & 34 cm (left)
lats/chest: 100 cm (pulled tight at nipple level)
stomach/waist (at bellybutton): 79.5 cm (relaxed) & 79 cm (flexed)
forearms (approx. thickest point): 27 cm (right) & 27 cm (left)
BF%: BF%: online calculators produced results of 16%, 11.5%, 18.46%, and 16.72% - average of
these values is 15.7%. The top 4 abs are visible when flexing/crunching, with some
definition/striation in upper chest and a tiny bit in shoulders. Some vascularity in biceps and
forearms, as well as just below the obliques/v-lines. See progress pics.
Progress Pics
Gain 0.5-1 lbs. per week during this lean bulking phase
By the end of week 12 of this lean bulking phase (September 14th), I should weigh between 148
lbs. and 155 lbs.
Keep BF% below approx. 20%
After this lean bulk, do 4-week mini-cut, during which I lose 2-4 lbs.
Ideal outcome for this year: 160 lbs. around 15% BF by Jan 1st, 2021
Ultimate goal (long-term): approx. 165 lbs. at 10% BF or 175 lbs. at 15% BF
Get abs for next summer
Hit New PRs – last time tested was August 3rd, 2019 @ 139 lbs bodyweight – Deadlift 275 lbs.,
Bench 165 lbs., Squat 225 lbs.
Upon doing some calculations, I have found that my TDEE is likely somewhere around 2400 calories as of
right now. Thus, I have decided to begin my lean bulking phase with an approx. 10% surplus of 2,650
calories. In terms of macros, I have set protein at 1.25x bodyweight, meaning 180g per day (720 kcal,
27%). I have set fats at 25% of caloric intake, which equates to 74g per day. Finally, I have filled up the
remaining calories with carbs, equating to 317g per day (48%). I will monitor and adjust as needed. If
gaining weight too quickly, reduce caloric intake by 100 calories and assess reaction (opposite if not
gaining enough). Also, I could play around with increasing protein to 1.5x bodyweight and reducing fats
to 20% or adjusting the carb ratios, etc. I must ensure to eat mostly clean foods, staying away from trans
fats and excessive sugar as much as possible. Remember to try to eat a casein protein source (such as
cottage cheese) before bed. Ensure water intake is sufficient, at 1-2 gallons per day. Take creatine every
day, in a dosage of 5 grams. Take 5g of creatine immediately following workouts on training days, and
take 2.5g in the morning/evening on non-training days. In terms of pre-workout nutrition, I should be
eating a meal consisting of approx. 30g of protein and 1g/kg of BW (approx. 66g) of carbs about 1-1.5
hours before training. The carbs in my pre-workout meal should consist of both fruits and starchy carbs.
After, approximately 30 mins before my workout, I should drink a pre-workout formula or a small black
coffee. However, ensure to cycle caffeine appropriately (take 3-7 days off caffeine every 1-2 months). I
should be eating approx. 4-6 meals per day. I should be consuming at least 30g of protein every 2-3
hours. Extra protein should be consumed first thing in the morning, during/after workout, and before
bed. Get 8-9 hours of quality sleep as much as possible, and drink a maximum of twice per week
(preferably once or not at all).
Don’t do excessive cardio. Keep it to one legitimate cardio session per week, but still try to live an active
lifestyle and don’t be afraid to participate in activities that I enjoy – just ensure to account for any extra
calories burned. In terms of the actual cardio session, I think HIIT or LISS will work – maybe I could
alternate between the two. I could do some sprints/cycling intervals one week, and just go on a long
brisk walk/hike the next.
Training Plan
Push Day A (Chest-Focus)
DB Incline Bench Press
4 x 12
Weighted Pushups
3 x 10 30
DB Single-Arm Bench Press
3 x 10 40
DB Standing Overhead Press
4 x 10 25s
DB Lateral Raises
3 x 10 20s
Dropset on last set with 15s
DB Chest Flys
3 x 12 20s
Dropset on last set with 15s
Bench Dips
3 x 12
DB Overhead Triceps Extension 3 x 10 35
EZ Bar Lying Skullcrusher
3 x 12 35
Dropset on last set with 30
BW (add weight/reps as necessary)
DB One-Arm Rows
3 x 12 55
Dropset on last set with 40
DB Pullovers
3 x 11 50
Iso hold (8-10 sec.) in stretched position on last set
DB Shrugs
contraction, arms out wider
4 x 15 40s – long time under tension, slow eccentric/good stretch, hold
EZ Bar Upright Row
4 x 12 60
Pull Day A
Banded Face Pull (high-rep finisher)
Dropset on last set with 50
3 x 15-25
EZ Bar Curls
4 x 10 36
Hammer Curls
3 x 12
Reverse Curls
3 x 10 30
Wrist Curls
4 x 12-15
*Add in or swap out bent-over low row, incline high row/incline dumbbell modified seal row, cross-body
curls, reverse curls, close-grip/wide-grip curls, 21s, dropset curls, reverse wrist curls, underhand bentover row, neck curls, snatch grip shrugs, farmers walks etc. as necessary
Leg Day A
Bulgarian Split Squats
3 x 10 40s
Goblet Squats/EZ-Bar Front Squats
3 x 10-12
Walking Weighted Lunges
55 / 72 lbs on EZ Bar
Hip Thrusts
4 x 11 72
One-Legged Standing Calf Raises
Stiff-Legged Romanian Deadlifts
Side Lunges
4 x 15 BW
3 x 12 40s
3 x 12 BW
*If necessary, add in some assisted pistol squats, plyo lunges, KB swings, seated-one-legged calf raise,
Push Day B (Shoulder-Focus)
EZ Bar Overhead Press
3 x 10
Single-Arm DB Overhead Press 3 x 11 30
DB Incline Bench Press
4 x 10
DB Arnold Press
3 x 10 25s
DB Lateral Raises
4 x 10 20s
DB Single-Arm Bench Press
3 x 8-10
Bench Dips
3 x 12
DB Overhead Triceps Extension 3 x 10 35
EZ Bar Lying Skullcrusher
3 x 12 35
Dropset on last set with 30
*add in EZ Bar French press, close grip bench press, etc. as necessary
Pull Day B
BW (add weight/reps as necessary)
DB One-Arm Rows
3 x 12 55
Dropset on last set with 40
DB Pullovers
3 x 11 50
DB Shrugs
4 x 15 40s – long time under tension, squeeze, arms out wide
EZ-Bar Upright Row
4 x 12
Banded Face Pull (high-rep finisher)
EZ Bar Curls
Iso hold on last set (8-10 sec.) in stretched position
Dropset on last set with 50
3 x 15-25
4 x 10 36
Incline Curls
3 x 10
Concentration Curls
Wrist Curls
4 x 12-15
Dropset on last set with 15s
*Add in or swap out underhand bent over rows, bent-over low row, incline high row, cross-body curls,
reverse curls, close-grip/wide-grip curls, 21s, dropset curls, reverse wrist curls, neck curls etc. as
Leg Day B
Bulgarian Split Squats
3 x 10 40s
Goblet Squats 4 x 10-12
55 + 20 in backpack
Walking Weighted Lunges
3 x 8-10 40s
Hip Thrusts
4 x 12 40+bands
One-Legged Standing Calf Raises
Stiff-Legged Romanian Deadlifts
Side Lunges
4 x 15 BW
3 x 12 40s
3 x 12 BW
*If necessary, add in some EZ bar front squats, assisted pistol squats, plyo lunges, KB swings, seatedone-legged calf raise, etc.
Perform 3-4x per week (every other day). Hold peak contractions and perform movements with slow,
deliberate form. Ensure to add progressive overload through increasing the volume, increase T.U.T.,
adding weight, etc. Employ rest times of 30-60 sec. between each set. Get as close to failure as possible,
especially for bodyweight movements.
Dragon Flags
3 x 6-7
Ab Wheel Rollouts
3-4 x 12-15
Russian Twists
3-4 x 45 sec.
Side Bends/Suitcase Deadlifts
3-4 x 15
20 lbs
30-40 lbs
Elongated Plank
3 x 1 min.
3-4 x AMRAP (hold for as long as possible)
*add in/switch out weighted crunches, supine leg raises, hanging knee raises, twisting mountain
climbers, hollow holds, air bicycles/bicycle crunch, etc. as necessary