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Comp I Final Exam Instructions

San Jacinto College North
Comp. I Final Exam
For the Final Exam, prepare a progress report in which you state what you learned in this course.
This report must contain 3 main parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
In the introduction, briefly discuss the central subjects of the course that were emphasized in
each unit.
The body of the report must have 3 sections on Units 1, 2, and 3. Each section must have at least
one nicely developed paragraph (at least 100 words) on the respective unit. Thus, you will have
at least 3 paragraphs, totaling a minimum of 300 words. As a whole, the report must be at least
500 words. In order to prepare for the Final, consider the readings and the writing assignments
for each unit and how the reading and writing contributed to a comprehensive understanding of
the central subjects. You are not required to discuss every assignment.
Since we worked on framing quotes in Unit I, frame at least one quote from one of the readings
in Unit I in the first body paragraph. Since we worked on framing paraphrases in Unit II, frame
at least one paraphrase from one of the readings in Unit II in the second body paragraph. For the
third body paragraph on Unit III, work in at least one quote or paraphrase from at least one of the
sources that you used in the research-based essay. Use parenthetical documentation in MLA
style, but a Works Cited page is not required.
In the conclusion, discuss what lessons have been especially important for you. What other
readings, supplemental materials, and/or exercises do you recommend for one or more of the
Use the standard format for formal compositions. Submit the Final Exam as a Word file in the
assignment tool by the end of class on 5/9/22. No late Finals are accepted.