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Report & Presentation Guidelines

Guidelines for writing the Final Report and Preparing Presentations
Prepare the report first
Then from the report prepare the presentations
For the presentation 1, you must show the Topic Outline meaning topic sub-sections that you
are going to present on presentation 1, presentation 2 and presentation 3. This will help you
and the course coordinator to suit the content of the topic better.
After showing the Topic Outline, you start the presentation 1, each student must present
Organise each presentation such that there is logical flow from one presentation to the
following one.
The three presentations are entirely different from each other; contents should not be
There will be some comments from the course coordinator after each presentation which you
must address and incorporate them on the power point slides and report
Guidelines for preparing the report:
1. Use only IEEE Xplore and Elsevier (ScienceDirect) Journal papers, minimum 80-100 as for
2. Content: should be highly relevant, rich, use the examples (links are provided below)
3. Literary style: professional, use the links are provided below as for example.
4. Length: about 30 pages, double column, excluding the references, use the template on Learn
5. Formatting: professional and the template must be followed without any deviation
6. Spelling, grammar, typos: must be checked before submission
7. Proof reading must be done before submission
8. No diagram can be copied and pasted, all has to be redrawn using a
9. Copying and pasting is not allowed, the document will be checked using Turnitin for
plagiarism. Similarity index must be around 10-12%.
Example papers to be used for writing the final report using the template on Learn Website: