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Summer Internship Report: Computer Networks

Kurdistan Region Government
Ministry of Higher Edu. & Sci. Research
Sulaimani Polytechnic University
Technical College of Informatics
Computer Networks Department
‫کۆلــــــــێجی تەکــنیکی ئیـــــــــنفۆرماتیــــــــک‬
Technical College Of Informatics
Summer Internship Report
Prepared by : Abas Muhammad
Goran Fadhil
Supervised by : Daban Salam
Aram Hiwa
Sept, 2021
May , 2021
Table of Content :
Page No.
Executive Summary
About The Company:
First Week
Second Week
Third Week
Fourth Week
List of Figures :
Figure No.
Figure Title
Speedway main office in Kirkuk
SAS Radius
TP-Link 940
Tenda F6
A tower carried multiple sector and
A sector
RB2011iLS-IN From Mikrotik
CSS326-24G-2S+RM From Mikrotik
Fiber Optic cable
SFP from mikrotik
Converter Fiber To Ethernet
Orion Solarwind Network Performance
PRTG Network Monitor
Page No.
1. Acknowledgement:
1.1 : we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and sincere
thanks to our mentor Mr. Aram Hiwa (He is Head of I.T Department at SpeedWay )
who offered us the chance to explore each and most computer network devices and
computer network technology. He helped us in coordinating and getting
information from various departmental heads.
1.2 : we would also like to thank our lecturer, Mr. Daban Salam for helping us
throughout the course of internship, guiding us and being a constant source of
motivation. Last but not the least, a word of thanks to the Speedway company for
selecting us in their summer internship program. We extend our warm gratitude and
regards to everyone who helped us during our internship, We are extremely great
full to our department staff members who helped us in successful completion of this
2. Abstract : This report contains detailed information about each and every single
process, equipment, plant investigated by us during the internship. Spending a
period of four weeks with the Telecommunication Networking. The report on how
the Speedway Basic Telecom Network work and how to exchange work and how
the company work with telecommunication Network. This Report also contains the
basic telecommunication that work with all team work of employees and the
exchange work.
3. Executive Summary : The 1-month Summer Internship at Speedway Company
for Internet Service Providing is a vital part of our training internship. Since majority
of the students come without any prior work experience, the Summer Internship
adds worth to their CVs by giving each student immense learning. a student can
bag an internship through various means since the Speedway company gives us
ample opportunities to interact with technologies experts at them company .
4. About The Company: Speedway Company is an Internet service provider it located
in Kirkuk governate and it has offices in Kurdistan regions cities and Iraq cities ,
Speedway has set an ultimate goal to build up state-of-the-art telecom infrastructure
in Kurdistan region of Iraq. Speedway saves no efforts to ease the life of its
customers and delivers a wide-range of carrier services including voice, IPL, and IP
transit and wide a la carte service portfolio. Unlike others, Speedway plans its
strategy based on the customers' needs and ambitions.
Figure 1 : Speedway main office in Kirkuk
5. First Week :
Orientation : By definition, Orientation refers to the planned introduction of new
people to their jobs, their peers and to the company. The Orientation and briefing
Exercise was conducted by the work place supervisor who welcomed the interns
to the company and briefed the interns about the goals, aims, Mission of his
organization, guidelines through the internship and Areas of coverage during the
Work Load: As an intern of Networking team our important responsibility were to
understand the systems of the organization. They provided necessary document
to get the overview of the system and team discussions. They assist us to
understand all the terms and topic of the system. our task were configuring
Mikrotik Routers, switches and access them by these software (SAS Radius ,
Winbox) and by web browser ( demo.mt.lv and demo2.mt.lv ).
5.2.1 SAS Radius : is a complete billing system which offers a variety of different
features to suit any ISP’s needs. Enabling ISP managers to take full control over
their precious resources and network elements.
Figure 2 : SAS Radius
5.2.2 Winbox : is a small utility that allows administration of Mikrotik RouterOS using a
fast and simple GUI. It is a native Win32 binary, but can be run on Linux and Mac
OSX using Wine. All Winbox interface functions are as close as possible to
Console functions, that is why there are no Winbox sections in the manual. Some
of advanced and system critical configurations are not possible from winbox, like
MAC address change on an interface .
Figure 3 : Winbox Winbox version 3.1.11 has the following features :
Discover MikroTik Routers /Switches /Appliances in your computers subnet
Romon connectivity
Connect to the MikroTik appliance using IP /layer 3 connection
Connect to the MikroTik appliance using Ethernet /Mac /layer 2
Connections to the MikroTik appliance can be encrypted for added security
Communication skill : For the job which we were appointed in the field or inside
the office, Communication skill was the most important because in many cases
client’s used to be so fired of due to not solving the issue for many days. And a
good communicator was required for them to make calm down and convince
them reason behind the issue. And a good technical skill was also required for
solving their issue. In of my field visit the client was so frustrated because of the
slow internet issue going from more than a month.
6. Second Week :
Getting know the Hardware's : We began to learn the hardware's closely, get to
know their name, the work of each hardware's , how to install and operate them,
and get to know the manufacturers of all the devices that we were learning and
we also got know what is the client and provider sides .
6.1.1 Client side requirements : Mikrotik point to point :( SXT 5 , PoweBeam, SXT 7 )
Figure 4 : SXT 5
Figure 5 : PoweBeam
Figure 6 : SXT 7 Mikrotik router device :( TP-Link 940 Tenda F6, NetGear)
Figure 7 : NetGear
Figure 8 : TP-Link 940
Figure 9 : Tenda F6 Network cable :
Cat-5 : The cable standard provides performance of up to 100 MHz
and is suitable for most varieties of Ethernet over twisted pair up to
2.5GBASE-T but more commonly runs at 1000BASE-T (Gigabit
Ethernet) speeds. Cat 5 is also used to carry other signals such as
telephone and video.
Figure 10 : Cat-5
Cat-6 : Whereas Category 6 cable has a reduced maximum length of
55 meters (180 ft) when used for 10GBASE-T, Category 6A cable is
characterized to 500 MHz and has improved alien crosstalk
characteristics, allowing 10GBASE-T to be run for the same 100metre (330 ft) maximum distance as previous Ethernet variants.
Figure 11 : Cat-6
6.1.2 Provider side requirements : which delivers the Internet connection to the client
side through signal.،
Towers: towers are typically tall structures designed to support
antennas for telecommunications and broadcasting, including television. There
are two main types: guyed and self-supporting structures. They are among the
tallest human-made structures.
Figure 12 : A tower carried multiple sector and point-to-points
Sector : A sector antenna is a type of directional microwave antenna
with a sector-shaped radiation pattern.
Figure 13 : A sector
10 Ethernet Router: For large enterprise data networking systems, much
more sophisticated routers are used and they may connect large
business or ISP networks up to the powerful core routers that forward
data at high speed along the optical fiber lines of the Internet backbone.
Figure 14 : RB2011iLS-IN From Mikrotik Ethernet Switch : Ethernet switch, the most common form of network
switch, is a computer networking device used in Ethernet to connect
various Ethernet devices. It connects devices together by using packet
switching to receive, process, and forward data from one source device
to another destination device.
Figure 15 : CSS326-24G-2S+RM From Mikrotik Network Cables :
Fiber Optic : Optical fiber or fiber optic refers to the medium and the
technology associated with the transmission of information as light
pulses along a glass or plastic strand or fiber.
Figure 16 : Fiber Optic cable
Small form-factor pluggable transceiver (SFP) : The small form-factor
pluggable is a compact, hot-pluggable network interface module used
for both telecommunication and data communications applications. An
SFP interface on networking hardware is a modular slot for a mediaspecific transceiver in order to connect a fiber-optic cable or
sometimes a copper cable.
Figure 17 : SFP from mikrotik
Converter Fiber To Ethernet : Fiber to Ethernet Converters use a
copper transceiver to transform the signal from a UTP / RJ45
Ethernet link to one that can be used by a fiber optic transceiver.
Figure 18 : Converter Fiber To Ethernet
7. Third Week :
In the towers cites : In the third week, we began to visit the sites of the towers,
look at them and solve their problems, as well as installing new devices or
replacing old or broken ones.
7.1.2 Most of the problems of the telecom towers are :
1. Corrosion : Over time, the elements like snow, rain, and other weather-related
factors can contribute to the degradation of assets and their various
components. Corrosion is a concern for any steel structure that is left to face
mother nature day in and day out.
2. Mechanical/ Vehicular Damage : Given their location and proximity to the
public, particularly in urban environments, vehicular or other types of
mechanical damage are a constant threat to telecom structures.
3. Wind-Induced Vibration: This type of damage often shows up in the welds of
your assets. As wind and pressure take their toll on your assets, welds and
structural connections can be susceptible to fatigue related issues.
4. Manufacturing Defects: Telecommunications structures are especially large
assets. The development and construction of these structures must be precise
to avoid quality issues that can prove costly down the road.. Be sure to
carefully monitor the manufacturing of telecommunications structures,
especially if you are using a new or unproven vendor.
5. Towers Overloaded by New Equipment: When a large number of upgrades
and new equipment are added, additional stress is put on the structure. While
upgrades may be intended to improve the function of the asset or to remain in
compliance, without accurate record keeping and frequent maintenance, this
additional equipment can actually result in damage to the structure.
7.1.3 We started to identity the problems of towers by changing equipment, changing
rusty hardware's , treating burnt devices, repair the hardware's software, and we
also installed new devices to expand the network more , and The best way to
avoid the costly risk of repairing or replacing a damaged telecommunications
structure is to prevent it from happening in the first place.
Clients internet issues : We have learned most of the user's problems, technically
identifying their problems and Fixing them as quickly as possible.
7.2.1 Most Clients issues are :
A dead phone
Telephone works, DSL holds but no Internet light
Telephone works but no DSL light
Internet light glows on modem but no website works
7.2.2 We started to Fixing each issues of the clients , the solutions are :
1. A dead phone :The first thing you need to check for this problem is to verify
all wires are connected properly and to the correct ports. This is a common
issue faced by people who use underground telephone service. If all wires
are connected properly as they should, then you can call customer support.
2. Telephone works, DSL holds but no Internet light :Telephone works and so
problem isn't there with the connection. DSL holds and hence, your service
provider has recognized you as a valid customer and is providing you with
the internet facility constantly.by ( Reset your modem , Set your modem to
factory defaults, Reconfigure your modem with username and password
given by your ISP )
3. Telephone works but no DSL light : This happens when your ISP is not
providing you with the Internet service. Also, happens if you haven't paid
your Internet bill. You need to contact customer support for this type of
issue. As telephone works, there are no issues regarding the connection
and the problem lies only on service they provide .
4. Internet light glows on modem but no website works : If internet light is on,
then it's obvious that your Internet connection is working fine. All you need
to do is, check your network settings on your computer or verify if Firewall
is not blocking your browsers. You do not have to contact customer care for
this type of problem.
Troubleshooting slow internet : For this learning outcome we’ve work in the field
as field supporter and as well as inside the office as a IP supporter. Slow internet
speed was the most frequent complaints that we used to troubleshoot in the field
as well as inside the office as IP support. Most of the cases used to solved by
doing the reset and reconfigure of the devices. In other cases, we used to solve
this issue by Adding DNS in the device; Primary DNS and
secondary DNS And I also used to turn off the power saving mode by
accessing the device for troubleshooting this issue while we were appointed in
the field. And while we were working inside the office as IP supporter we used to
troubleshoot this issue, by providing Fix IP for the client, giving them phone
support for the adding the DNS and resetting the device and reconfiguring it.
Punctuality : Punctuality was also one of the important factor for the job which we
were appointed for. As we need to login in the office exact 8 am and need to
carry the tools and device for the field support. And in many cases the client
asked for the urgent technician and we need to reached their location as soon as
possible for the support and troubleshooting.
Team work and Co-ordination : Team work co-ordination need to be done for
many if the cases because without registering the device MAC address, Serial
numbers the device does not comes under the function. So, for the registering
the mac and serial number we need to co-ordinate with our Area Head. And after
replacing the devices under payment we need to co-ordinate with him for the
entry of receipt number. In many cases while we used to be in the field we could
not solve the issue because of the absence of devices and tools, in this cases we
used to co-ordinate with my other technicians for this tools and devices.
8. Fourth Week :
Challenges : Many challenges were faced because it was the first working
experience in this particular area. We were totally blank in the first day of our
internship. Because of our interpersonal skill and friendly nature, we started
becoming closer to the other staffs and with my supervisor. The challenge like
need to visit within the given time to the client end and so on, has been
accomplished. The main challenge while working on the field support was to find
the client location and some of the client were senior citizen, the way they tell
their location was annoying and was out of my understanding. For this challenge
we used to the gps service as mobile data of 2gb per month was provided to us
by the company. Another challenge for us was to convince the client for range
issue, as company has uses the router and modem attached in same device.
And the device range would not be as sufficient as using the extended router. It
was very hard to convince the client for buying the secondary router. Due to our
communication skill and politeness client would listen my advice and follow so.
Academic Context : As We are students of computer networking, our course and
Modules that are being taught in the college had helped us a lot in this internship.
We were familiar with the working procedure of the router, modem and other
networking devices. It had helped a lot in the router and modem configuration
work. we know how the internet operate in the end devices and It was easier for
us understanding all the guidance given by our mentor and supervisor for the
work. Because of our information security background it was easier for us
configuring the routers with strong wireless password and choosing the best
encryption method for the configuration. The technical term like, DHCP, DNS,
Default gateway, Server, configuration, was not a knew thing for us and it helped
us a lot for the work and to understand the working environment of the company.
This internship had taught us many thing regarding professional skills and it has
prepared us for the working environment in our further carrier. Our interpersonal
and communication skill has boost, due to work that we were appointed for. As
we have deal with the different kinds of client. Now we know how to handle the
worst situation and bring the worst situation into good and in our favor. our
technical knowledge has increased after completion of our internship, many
things which were the matter of confusion while starting the internship has been
clear after working for the 1 months.
We learned about networking monitoring tools and software's like these :
8.3.1 Orion Solarwind: Solarwind is a network performance monitoring tool that has
used for quickly detects, diagnose, and resolve network performance problems &
outages. Monitors and analyzes real-time, in-depth network performance metrics
for routers, switches, servers, and any other SNMP-enabled devices .
Figure 19: Orion Solarwind Network Performance Monitor
8.3.2 PRTG : PRTG Network Monitor is an agentless network monitoring software
from Paessler AG. It can monitor and classify system conditions like bandwidth
usage or uptime and collect statistics from miscellaneous hosts as switches,
routers, servers and other devices and applications.
Figure 20 : PRTG Network Monitor
9. Conclusion : After lots of ups and down the internship has completed and it has
taught us many things including the technical knowledge and other soft skills. It was
hard as we had attained our regular classes and reach the office within the 8am. But
it was managed anyhow, because of the understanding module teacher. After
completing this 1 months of internship now we am capable of configuring routers,
modem and switches from Mikrotik and repair and add sector and maintenance the
network. This internship has built our confidence in interacting with the people no
matter of the situation. We can confidently handle the situation and now we can fit in
the any kind of working environment. It is beyond mere official matter. For most of
network technical company, the company staff have to get attached with the
working process.24x7 service monitoring has taught us how to handle technical
staffs in an efficient manner. . In this report we have explained our experiences and
about Network repairing and maintenance and Optimization and monitoring. we
have learned so many significant procedures from our supervisors and colleagues
and conducted some tasks on a regular basis throughout us entire Internship period
and ultimately earned the confidence to deal with Assignment myself. It is a great
opportunity to use the knowledge and skills that we had acquired.we also learned
how to handle critical faults and got the new ideas. Doing this kind of work is really
helpful for our career and we like to do this kind of work again.