ATTITUDES Initial thoughts Attitudes and expression of identity – Identity function – Utilitarian function Interdiscplinary analysis – Behaviorism – Other fields Classic debate: attitude neutrality (?) Neutrality vs. Ambivalence vs. “No information” – Measurement? Societal value Possible? Why Neutrality is Difficult #1 Automaticity of attitudes #2: mere exposure effect Zajonc (1968) – The “Turkish word” study e.g., saricik, kadirga, ikitaf 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 25 exposures pronounce aloud each time Guess good vs. bad meaning Moreland and Zajonc (1973) Subliminal presentation (4 ms) Test phase: –“old” vs. and “new” symbols –Recognition task: chance level –Liking: old symbols preferred Additional information about mere exposure effect The effects of repeated exposure depend on initial appraisal of the stimulus Initially liked, or neutral: increased liking, but: Initially disliked: increased disliking Classic Problems in Attitude Measurement Response alternatives not appropriate 2. Acquiescence (yea-saying) biases 3. Framing 1. Examples Abortion Pro-life vs. pro-choice; “fetus” vs. “unborn child”, etc… Cloning “What is your attitude toward research on animal cloning?” “If research on animal cloning could be used to advance our ability to prevent cancer, would you be in favor of such research?” 4. Social desirability effects (Goffman, 1959). Social desirability “true” attitude Fundamental problem: “how much” of response is due to one factor or other. “Classic” (older) approaches Vary context in which responses are made The “Bogus Pipeline” (Jones & Sigall, 1971) – Participants “practice” on machine, to convince that can detect truth from lying – Then asked to express honest attitudes toward mix of new attitudes, some mundane, some socially sensitive Older approaches, continued Disguise/mask what’s being asked – “Symbolic” attitudes Underlying attitude A1 (socially unacceptable ) Overtly expressed attitude A2 examples of “symbolic” attitudes (Kinder, 1986) “____ students receive too much financial assistance from the university” (Boneicki, 1998) “Discrimination against Blacks is a thing of the past” (McConahay, 1986) “Downtown St. Louis has too much crime” Potential advantages vs. disadvantages? Tradeoff: efforts to disguise question threaten construct validity Newer approach: Implicit Attitudes Attitude object (prime) target – Presentation of prime assumed to facilitate or inhibit response to the target – Semantic priming “chocolate” “food” (semantic priming) – Evaluative priming “chocolate” “good” (direct) “chocolate” “flower” (indirect) “chocolate” “disgusting” Types of implicit priming tasks Lexical decision tasks: decide whether target is a word or not prime chocolate xxxxxxxx target “good” “good” decision response “Word or nonword?” RT measured response Lexical decision tasks, continued Construct facilitation indices – RT (xxxxx good) – RT (chocolate good) – (500 milliseconds) - (200 milliseconds) = 300 ms – 300 ms represents implicit attitude index Evaluative decision tasks Very similar to lexical decision, but judgmental decision different prime target chocolate desirable xxxxxx desirable decision response response Is it a good or a bad word? some brief demonstrations Summary If “A” and “B” are associated in memory, then presenting A should make B more accessible Consequences of accessibility: faster to decide if B is – a word (lexical decision) – positive or negative (evaluative decision) Why implicit attitudes potentially interesting Potential dissociation Conscious vs. unconscious Implicit attitudes less “contaminated” by self-presentational bias (?) Implicit attitudes “purer” measures of true attitudes (???) Strong argument: separate systems view Automatic (unconscious) system Controlled (conscious) system Implicit tasks Explicit tasks The critics speak “just another attitude measure” predictive validity? – see Lambert, Payne, Shaffer, & Ramsey (2005) assumptions may be incorrect – strong correlations sometimes found – controllability of reactions to implicit tasks? “No such thing as a process-pure measure” – Larry Jacoby – No task 100% automatic – No task 100% controlled More realistic view? Automatic system Implicit tasks Controlled system Explicit tasks Subliminal Advertising? Historical Background The James Vicary incident (late 1950s) – Popcorn sales increase by 50%, he says. Media reaction: Minds have been “broken and entered” (The New Yorker, 9/21/57) “The most alarming and outrageous discovery” since the invention of the machine gun (The Nation, 10/5/57) FCC bans subliminal advertising People’s current views toward subliminal vs. “regular” advertising: Subliminal ads feared more, believed to be more effective (Wilson et al. 1998) Subliminal self-help tapes – $50 million as of 1990 Evidence? Vicary’s claims: fabricated! No evidence that subliminal advertising works in real-life contexts Note: Regular advertising EXTREMELY powerful, but people believe that they are immune to it (Wilson & Brekke, 1994) Subliminal influence in laboratory settings— growing evidence So why no evidence (yet) that subliminal advertising works outside of the laboratory? “Noisy” contexts? Temporal distance? Fixed attitudes hard to change? Maybe does exist, just harder to measure Could subliminal priming be used to enhance self-esteem? “I like myself, but I don’t know why: Enhancing implicit self esteem by subliminal evaluative conditioning” (Dijksterhuis, 2004) Modified lexical decision task The word “I” presented for 17 milliseconds, followed by… – 50% trials: positive adjectives (e.g. Warm, sweet, nice, sincere, honest, beautiful, cheerful, smart, strong, wise, healthy, funny, nice) – 50% trials: non words Control participants: positive adjectives replaced with neutral words (e.g. table) Results show enhanced self-esteem, immunity to failure feedback – Replicates across six experiments