Formula sheet Some important derivatives f (x) f 0 (x) remark c2R 0 xm m xm 1 m2R x |x| |x| = sgn x sin x cos x cos x sin x tan x sec2 x sec x sec x tan x cot x csc2 x csc x csc x cot x ex ex 1 ln x x>0 x 1 p arcsin x 1 x2 p 1 arccos x 1 x2 1 arctan x 1+x2 tan x + c sec2 x cot x + c csc2 x sec x + c sec x tan x csc x + c csc x cot x Some important R indefinite integrals (with c 2 R) f (x) f (x) dx remark R R 1 x+c dx = 1 dx = x + c xm+1 xm m 2 R \ { 1} m+1 + c p 2 3/2 x +c x>0 3x 1 ln |x| + c x 6= 0 x ex ex + c sin x cos x + c cos x sin x + c sec2 x tan x + c x 6= (2 k + 1) ⇡2 csc2 x cot x + c x 6= k ⇡ sec x tan x sec x + c x 6= (2 k + 1) ⇡2 csc x cot x csc x + c x 6= k ⇡ p 1 arcsin x + c x 2 ( 1, 1) 1 x2 1 p arccos x + c x 2 ( 1, 1) 1 x2 1 arctan x + c 1+x2 Some important trigonometric identities sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 1 + tan2 x = sec2 x 1 + cot2 x = csc2 x sin(2 x) = 2 sin x cos x cos(2 x) = 2 cos2 x 1=1 2 sin2 x sin2 x = 1 cos(2 x) 2 1 + cos(2 x) 2 sin(x ± y) = sin x cos y ± cos x sin y cos2 x = Tangent line & plane Definition (nonvertical tangent line): Let f : R ! R be continuous and let f 0 (a) exists. Then y = f 0 (a)(x a) + f (a) is an equation of the nonvertical line tangent to the graph of f at point (a, f (a)). @f Definition (tangent plane): Let f : R2 ! R be continuous and let @f @x (a, b) and @y (a, b) exist. Then z = @f @x (a, b)(x a) + @f @y (a, b)(y b) + f (a, b) is an equation of the plane tangent to the graph of f at point (a, b, f (a, b)). 2 Convergence tests for positive series • The integral test: Suppose that an = f (n), where f is positive, continuous, and nonincreasing on an 1 1 R P interval [N, 1) for some positive integer N. Then an and f (t) dt either both converge or both diverge n=1 to infinity. N • A comparison test: Let {an } and {bn } be positive infinite sequences for which there exists a positive constant K such that, ultimately, 0 an K bn . P P1 (a) If the series 1 n=1 bn converges, then so does the series n=1 an P1 P (b) If the series n=1 an diverges to infinity, then so does the series 1 n=1 bn • A limit comparison test: Let {an } and {bn } be positive infinite sequences and let lim abnn = L, where L n!1 is a nonnegative finite number or +1. P P1 (a) If L < 1 and 1 n=1 bn converges, then n=1 an also converges P1 P (b) If L > 0 and n=1 bn diverges to infinity, then 1 n=1 an also diverges to infinity • The ratio test: Suppose that an > 0 (ultimately) and that ⇢ = lim an+1 is a nonnegative finite number n!1 an or +1. P (a) If 0 ⇢ < 1, then 1 n=1 an converges P (b) If 1 < ⇢ 1, then lim an = 1 and 1 n=1 an diverges to infinity n!1 (c) If ⇢ = 1, this test gives no information • The root test: Suppose that an > 0 (ultimately) and that L = lim n!1 (a) If L < 1 then (b) If L > 1 the P1 n=1 an converges. P series 1 n=1 an diverges p 1 n |an | = lim |an | n n!1 to infinity. (c) If L = 1, this test gives no information. The alternating series test Suppose {an } is a sequence whose terms satisfy, for some positive integer N, the following three conditions: (a) an an+1 < 0 for n (b) |an+1 | |an | for n N, N, (c) lim an = 0 (this rule can be also replaced by lim |an | = 0), n!1 n!1 that is, the terms are ultimately alternating in sign and decreasing in size, and the sequence has limit zero. Then 1 P the series an converges. n=1 If the alternating series convergent. If the alternating series gent. 1 P an converges and 1 P n=1 n=1 1 P 1 P n=1 an converges and n=1 |an | converges as well, we call the series |an | diverges, we call the series 1 P 1 P an absolutely n=1 an conditionally conver- n=1 Integrating factor dy µ(x) with µ(x) = For R di↵erential equation of the form dx + p(x) y = q(x) the integrating factor is defined as e p(x) dx (where we do not include the constant of integration). 3