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Creative Writing Syllabus: Philippine Culture & Literature

Syllabus in Creative Writing
I. Learning Area Standard:
The learner demonstrates an appreciation and understanding of the concepts and principles of Creative
Writing, Aesthetics and History within the context of the Philippine cultural and historical realities. The
course ends with the literary works imbued with the artistic creativity, sense of community and pride of
place. Each literary work incorporates sensitive interaction with Filipino indigenous heritage, values of
human and social development, and mobilizing skills for a career in the arts.
II. Objectives:
At the end of the school year, the students are expected to have been able
1. Explain the commonalities and distinguishing elements of artistic expression in all of
the arts;
2. Analyzes the commonalities and distinguishing principles of artistic organization
common in all the arts;
3. Associate literature to art, culture and history
4. Write a narrative drawn from or inspired by a chosen artwork
5. Identify the elements of essay;
6. Recognizes the value of one’s origin and experiences as source(s) of inspiration in
their literary works/outputs;
7. Recognizes the different local and regional and festivals;
8. Identify the evident feature/elements of ritual and festival as language of expression;
9. Analyze the narratives and symbols of ritual and festival in terms of their social and
cultural contexts;
10. Analyzes the narratives and figurative language of ritual and festival in terms of their
social and cultural contexts
11. Recognize existing local and regional legends, myths and folktales;
12. Identify the evident features/elements of folktale myth and legend as language of
creative expression;
13. Analyze the narratives and figurative language of folktale, myth, and legend as
reflections of a person’s image in a given social context;
14. Explain the elements of each of the literary genres: a) short story, b) poetry and c)
15. Identify the similarities and differences of the elements of story, poetry and drama;
16. Utilize the elements of creative non-fiction through a literary travelogue.
III. Contents:
1 A. The experience that is literature
Elements of artistic expression common in all arts
Narrative structure
Texture and tone
Thematic unity as a principle of artistic composition
Principles of artistic organization common in all the arts
B. Creative non-fiction 1: Literary memoir
Elements of essay
Expected Outputs:
Art Pieces that showcase the integration of artistic expression
Essay – on expression of one’s self
2 A. Language of creative expression in oral literature: Ritual and festival
Local and regional rituals and festivals
Key elements of the artistic expressions in ritual and festival
Analysis of the artistic expressions in ritual and festival
B. Creative non-fiction 2: Analysis and interpretation of ritual and festival
Essay on ritual and festival
Expected Outputs:
Literary works that apply features of rituals and festivals
Essay on the appreciation of rituals and festivals
3 A. Language of creative expression in oral literature: Folktale, myth, and legend
Local/regional legends, myths and folktales
Analysis of the artistic expressions in folktale, myth, and legend
B. Creative non-fiction 3: Analysis and interpretation of folktale, myth, and legend
Expected Outputs:
Literary works applying the features/elements of folktale, myth and legend
Analytical/critical essay emphasizing the value of folktales, myths and legends
4 A. Literature: Different genres (short story, poetry, and drama) and their elements
Elements of a) short story
b) poetry
c) drama
B. Creative Non-fiction 4: My literary travelogue
Expected outputs:
Short stories
Literary travelogue
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