REIMAGINING THE NATIONAL VIRTUAL ___________ SUMMIT FOR EARLY CHILdHOOD DEVELOPMENT 23-24 L AY I N G T H E F O U N DAT I O N S FEB FOR A WORLD WHERE EVERY CHILD HAS EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO THRIVE R E - IMAGI NE.COM.AU IMAGINE Imagine a world of unlimited possibility. A world without barriers, where opportunity is infinite. A world where we can be as responsive as we desire. A world where the benefit of effortless access enables profound social and economic dividends for children, families, community, business and government. A world where children have every opportunity to thrive. This is the world we dream of… JOIN US Join us on 23-24 February 2021 for the “The Reimagining”, a national Virtual Summit for Early Childhood Development, where we will gather to begin reimagining today, to enable the tomorrow that we dream of. SUMMIT THEMES “The Reimagining” Virtual Summit will explore 6 key themes designed to enable early childhood development practitioners across the human services sector. Empowered & Resourced Empowering caregivers with information, resources and choice, to support the development and wellbeing of their whole family. Meaningful Participation Enabling children with disability and their families to meaningfully participate in their networks, communities, learning and work environments. 1 2 Responsive & Relational Ensuring families of children with developmental delay or disability receive intervention support as soon as they require, with or without diagnosis. Capabilities & Quality Growing a skilled, collaborative and diverse workforce for Australia, that delivers a range of evidence based developmental supports. 4 5 Seamless & Integrated Redesigning/rebuilding our early childhood development ecosystem for all children, where systems and services work in an integrated and holistic way to support children and their families. 3 Outcomes & Innovation Capturing meaningful data on developmental and participatory outcomes for children and families to drive policy change, research and innovation. 6 W H AT YO U W I L L L E A R N A N D T A K E A W A Y. . . • A shared vision to 2030 and a clear plan on how we get there • An understanding of your role in bringing about meaningful change, one small achievable step at a time • New knowledge that challenges and reimagines traditional thinking • Access to new networks across human services • A reassuring sense that you are part of a greater whole • An understanding of your true value in breathing to life the vision of early childhood development for 2030 R E - IMAGI NE.COM.AU WELCOME It is key moments in history that change the trajectory of our world. 2020 delivered us a moment in time unlike any other. History will reflect it as the year that reshaped our future. 2021 finds us at a pivotal time. Our senses are heightened, we are awakened to new possibilities and we are more ready to embrace a revolution. And so, it is the perfect time for a “reimagining” across the early childhood development ecosystem. Reimagine Australia invite you to share in this “reimagining” with us. “The Reimagining” is a virtual event unlike any that has been staged before. A global virtual summit for early childhood practitioners that thought-provokingly examines and challenges the status quo, using deep insights and key learnings gathered not only from from across the globe, but from outside of the traditional avenues that we have come to rely upon. The Summit will introduce you to “The Reimagine Early Childhood National Action Plan to 2030” - born out of the first National Conversation with the early childhood development sector since the advent of the NDIS in Australia. It will provide early childhood development practitioners the opportunity to immerse themselves in the wisdom and insights of the findings of the consultations that underpin the Action Plan, while exploring its key themes. Together we will unpack and reconstruct the ways in which we respond to and support developmentally vulnerable children and their families. The Action Plan process revealed what nutrients we need in our soil to grow a responsive and inclusive future. The Summit provides a collective opportunity to sow the first seeds of the future that we imagine. “The Reimagining” Virtual Summit is an opportunity to nurture and continue our national ‘conversation’ in a way that deeply informs, enables and shapes our practice, whilst focusing on the “North Star” of a reimagined 2030. We look forward to sharing time with you as we lay the foundations for a world where every child has every opportunity to thrive. Yvonne Keane AM Chief Executive Officer Reimagine Australia R E - I MAGI NE.COM.AU WHO WILL AT T E N D ? This Summit will be attended by those working across human services, and those who work with developmentally vulnerable children and their families, including: • ECI practitioners • ECEC professionals • Health practitioners • Education professionals • Juvenile Justice professionals • Family Members who want to be better informed • University Students who want to shape their thinking and understanding WHY THIS EVENT IS UNIQUE • • • • This is the only Australian-led event for the early childhood intervention/ early childhood developmental care sector It is a human service focused event for all people that work with children that are developmentally vulnerable This event is focused on providing a vision for the future, supported by tools to guide you on your journey It’s not just another conference on disability. This is an event about holistically embracing difference to enable the most extraordinary outcomes for children and their families! SUMMIT program DAY O N E P R O G R A M : 2 3 F E B 2 1 MORNING SEGMENT: 9:00AM OPENING INTRODUCTION: Theme: How might we reimagine the way early childhood development services are delivered in Australia 9:20 AM OPENING ADDRESS: MARTIN HOFFFMAN - CEO, NDIA 9:40 AM WELCOME: YVONNE KEANE AM - CEO, REIMAGINE AUSTRALIA 10:00 AM KEYNOTE: NO SHAME IN BEING DISABLED - CARLY FINDLAY OAM 10:40 AM - 12:20 PM BREAK EARLY AFTERNOON SEGMENT 12:20M EMPOWERED & RESOURCED INTRODUCTION: Empowering caregivers with information, resources and choice, to support the development and wellbeing of their whole family 12:25 PM PRESENTATION: FAMILY GROUP CONFERENCING: PUTTING FAMILIES FRONT AND CENTRE OF CARE & DECISION MAKING PAUL NIXON, NZ RESTORATIVE PRACTICE & LEADERSHIP SPECIALIST 12:50 PM PANEL: EMPOWERED & RESOURCED EXPLORING WAYS TO EMPOWER CAREGIVERS WITH INFORMATION RESOURCES & CHOICE WITH STACEY TOUMA (CEO, REFRAMING DISABILITY), LUKE NAPOLITANO (GENERAL MANAGER, NDIA) & PAUL NIXON (RESTORATIVE PRACTICE SPECIALIST) MID AFTERNOON SEGMENT 1:40 PM MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION INTRODUCTION: Enabling children with delay or disability and their families to meaningfully participate in their networks, communities, learning and work 1:45 PM PANEL: MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION HOW DO WE ENABLE CHILDREN & THEIR FAMILIES TO MEANINGFULLY PARTICIPATE IN THEIR NETWORKS, COMMUNITIES & LEARNING/WORK ENVIRONMENTS WITH JUDY SINGER (SOCIOLOGIST/NEURODIVERSITY ADVISOR), DR PAUL PRITCHARD (CENTRE FOR COMMUNITY CHILD HEALTH - MCRI) 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM BREAK LATE AFTERNOON SEGMENT 3:00 PM RESPONSIVE AND RELATIONAL INTRODUCTION: Ensuring families of children with delay or disability receive support as soon as they require, with or without diagnosis 3:05 PM KEYNOTE: LIFE LOVE & AWESOMENESS - THE IMPACT & IMPLICATION OF LANGUAGE (UNPACKING THE HEALTH MATRIX LANGAUGE TOOL & INTRODUCING THE ‘AWESOMENESS FORM’ TO SUPPORT NEEDS ASSESSMENT) RACHEL CALLANDER - TED X PRESENTER, ARTIST & AUTHOR 3:50 PM PANEL: RESPONSIVE & RELATIONAL NICOLE KEE (PLAYGROUP AUSTRALIA) & RACHEL CALLANDER (TED X PRESENTER) 4:30 PM END OF SUMMIT DAY ONE PROGRAM BONUS SESSION! SELF REFLECTION & SELFCARE CLINIC 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM NATHALIE MARTINEK PH.D. - AUTHOR, FACILITATOR, COACH Tools & techniques to guide you through • Establishing a working together agreement • Exploring what’s satisfying and challenging about your work? • Choosing a situation within your control • Exploring Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model • Understanding emotional wellbeing • Exploring the stress response & emotional regulation • Adopting self-care strategies – assertiveness & communicating boundaries scripts • Developing a self-care plan to resolve/manage challenging situations • Review & reflect – key message from session about yourself/situation/tool/strategy. DAY T W O P R O G R A M : 2 4 F E B 2 1 MORNING SEGMENT 9:00 AM 9:05 AM 9:50 AM 10:20 AM SEAMLESS AND INTEGRATED INTRODUCTION: Redesigning an ecosystem for all children, where systems and services work in an integrated and holistic way KEYNOTE: THRIVE BY FIVE - CAMPAINGING FOR A NEW AUSTRALIAN EARLY LEARNING SYSTEM THE HON. JAY WEATHERILL - CEO THRIVE BY FIVE (MINDEROO FOUNDATION) & FORMER PREMIER OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA THOUGHT LEADERSHIP: A SYSTEM THAT SEE THE WHOLE OF OUR CHILDREN JANE VADIVELOO - CEO, CHILDREN’S GROUND PANEL: SEAMLESS & INTEGRATED EXPLORING WAYS WE CAN REDESIGN & BUILD AN EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ECOSYSTEM FOR ALL CHILDREN, WHERE SYSTEMS & SERVICES WORK IN AN INTEGRATED & HOLISTIC WAY TO SUPPORT CHILDREN & THEIR FAMILIES WITH JANE VADIVELOO (CEO, CHILDREN’S GROUND), PETER DE NATRIS (STRATEGIC ADVISOR EARLY CHILDHOOD, NDIA) 11.05 AM LIVE Q & A: THE HON. JAY WEATHERILL - THRIVE BY FIVE 11:15 AM - 12:10 PM BREAK EARLY AFTERNOON SEGMENT 12:10 PM CAPABILITIES AND QUALITY INTRODUCTION: Growing a skilled, collaborative and diverse workforce for Australia, that delivers a range of evidence based developmental supports 12:15 PM PRESENTATION: EXPLORING THE SKILLS, CAPABILITIES AND WORKFORCE OF THE FUTURE SONIA SHARP, PARTNER - WORKFORCE ADVISORY PRACTICE, EY 12:45 PM PANEL: CAPABILITIES AND QUALITY WAYS OF GROWING A SKILLED, COLLABORATIVE & DIVERSE WORKFORCE FOR AUSTRALIA THAT DELIVERS A RANGE OF EVIDENCE BASED DEVELOPMENTAL SUPPORTS WITH DAVID MOODY (CEO, NATIONAL DISABILITY SERVICES), HUY NGUYEN, CEO, ENABLER (AUSTRALIA & SINGAPORE), DR JANE WARREN, LECTURER, EARLY YEARS, UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG) 1:35 PM - 2:35 PM BREAK MID AFTERNOON SEGMENT 2:35PM OUTCOMES AND INNOVATION INTRODUCTION: Capturing meaningful data on developmental and participatory outcomes for children and families to drive policy change, research and innovation 2:40 PM KEYNOTE: NOURISHING OUR COUNTRY THROUGH INNOVATION RONNI KAHN AO - CEO AND FOUNDER, OZHARVEST 3:45 PM PRACTICE: USING HUMAN-CENTRED DESIGN TO DRIVE OUTCOMES FOR CHILDREN JOIN THE TEAM FROM NAKED AMBITION TO EXPLORE HOW DESIGN THINKING CAN DRIVE GREATER CUSTOMER-CENTRICITY, PROMOTE COLLABORATION IN TEAMS, & STIMULATE INNOVATION WITHIN BOTH THE EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT & HUMAN SERVICES SECTOR. INCLUDES DESIGN MODELS, METHODS & TOOLS FOR INNOVATION, & HOW YOUR TEAM CAN EMBRACE & ADOPT THEM WITH FIONA TRIACA, FOUNDER AND CEO, NAKED AMBITION 4:25 PM CLOSING: THE REIMAGINE JOURNEY AHEAD 4:30 PM SUMMIT CLOSE keynote speakers The Reimagining brings together thought leaders from right across the early childhood spectrum. 9:20 9:40 23 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 23 OPENING ADDRESS welcome MARTIN HOFFMAN YVONNE KEANE AM CEO, NDIA CEO, REIMAGINE AUS Award Winning Writer Appearance Activist Speaker Proud Disabled Woman 10:00 2 3 F EBR UA RY PHOTO: HUMANS OF NEWTOWN NO SHAME IN BEING DISABLED This session by Carly Findlay OAM will talk about her work shaking the shame around disability, fostering inclusion and positive representation. Carly will provide parents and educators with tips for connecting with the disability community. CARLY “ I WA N T YO U N G D I S A B L E D It’s so important that disabled children are part of the disability community - so they can seek mentors and role models, and so they can see what’s possible. She will cover: P E O P L E T O K N O W W H AT ’ S POSSIBLE FOR THEM, TO SEE T H AT O T H E R D I S A B L E D P E O P L E H AV E H A D S I M I L A R E X P E R I E N C E S , A N D TO F E E L T H E I M PAC T OF VISIBILITY AND POSITIVE FINDLAY R E P R E S E N TAT I O N . ” oAM • • • • • Overview of the social model of disability Notes on language Grief and hope The importance of community connection Finding your people Paul nixon 12:25 2 3 F EBR UARY F A M I LY G R O U P CONFERENCING Paul Nixon is a renowned international specialist in Restorative Practice and Leadership, and served as the Chief Social Worker for the Government of New Zealand for 8 years. 5:00 Rachel shares her story as the mother of Evie, a daughter with complex medical needs, and her years as a patient (and Rachel’s as a parent) F EBR UA RY 2 3 in the healthcare system. Rachel unpacks the Health Language Matrix tool, showing how different communication styles, words and phrases affect parents and professionals in their efforts to work together. She will also introduce bonus session her Awesomeness Form, an antidote to the despair, grief and frustration many parents face, when filling out Needs Assessment Forms (or similar documents) that are used to measure a child against ‘normal’. 3:05 2 3 F EB RUARY • • • • • TEDx Presenter Speaker Trainer Award-winning Artist Author: Super Power Baby Project & Super Power Kids RACHEL CALLANDER N AT H A L I E M A R T I N E K PH.D. Boundaries & Assertiveness Coach Trauma-Informed Narrative Coaching Author Training Facilitator jenna golab SUMMIT FAC I L I TATO R 9:05 FEBRUARY 24 Thrive by Five, an initiative of Minderoo Foundation is campaigning for a new early learning system for Australia. They believe this is the most significant social and economic reform of our era. But to make this happen, we all need to create pressure for change; change to our outdated fragmented and • • • • CEO, Thrive by Five Keynote Former SA Premier Early Years Advocate jay expensive system that does not reflect the importance of the early years, nor those who work in the early childhood developmental care sector. The current ‘system’ is a series of The Hon. disconnected sub-systems, for which responsibility is shared across State and “ I A M I M PAT I E N T W I T H T H E PA C E O F R E F O R M . W E K N O W W H AT AN EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE E A R LY C H I L D H O O D D E V E L O P M E N T SYSTEM LOOKS LIKE. THERE IS AN I M M E D I AT E N E E D T O B R I D G E T H E G A P B E T W E E N W H A T W E K N O W, weatherill A N D W H AT W E D O ” Jane Vadiveloo Commonwealth Governments. This has resulted in a lack of accountability and failure to respond holistically to the needs of our children and families. Thrive by Five believe that a movement for change can be created by bringing together the many voices, with one message. 9:50 24 F EBR UARY CEO, CHILDREN’S GROUND Ms Jane Vadiveloo is the founding CEO of Children’s Ground, a 25-year approach to ensure that future generations are afforded equity, access and justice. The organisation aims to provide children with quality education, health, social and economic opportunities within a global context. WORKFORCE STRENGTH 12:15 24 F EBR UA RY SONIA SHARP - PARTNER WORKFORCE ADVISORY PRACTICE, EY 24 2:40 F E B 24 3:45 24 FEBRUARY FIONA TRIACA FOUNDER & CEO NAKED AMBITION HUMAN-CENTRED DESIGN RONNI KAHN AO CEO & FOUNDER OZHARVEST INNOVATION & NFP’S thank you Reimagine Australia is grateful to each and every one of the extraordinary people who have given of their time and talent to share their wisdom and insight during The Reimagining. Thank you for helping to reshape a world where children, and their families, have every opportunity to thrive. panelists The Reimagining will explore important themes and emerging opportunities through thought-provoking discussion and debate. Our Panelists bring wisdom and insight across a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. Empowered & Resourced Stacey Touma CEO, Reframing Disability Paul Nixon Restorative Practice & Leadership Specialist Luke Napolitano General Manager Partner & Contact Centre Division, NDIA Meaningful Participation Judy Singer Sociologist, Neurodiversity Advisor, Writer, Speaker Dr Paul Prichard Project Manager, Training & Development, Centre for Community Child Health at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Seamless & Integrated Jane Vadiveloo CEO, Children’s Ground Peter De Natris Strategic Advisor Early Childhood Intervention and Autism, Policy, Advice and Research Design, Digital and Strategy Group NDIA Responsive & Relational Rachel Callander TEDx presenter, speaker, trainer, award-winning artist and the author of two books- Super Power Baby Project and Super Power Kids Nicole Kee Enagement Manager Playgroup Australia Capabilities & Quality David Moody CEO, National Disability Services Huy Nguyen, CEO/Enabler (Australia & Singapore) Dr Jane Warren, Lecturer Early Years School of Education University of Wollongong R E - IMAGI NE.COM.AU