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VCE Biology Task Words Guide

Task Words Commonly Used in VCE Biology
Task Word
(similarities and
Explain how two or more
things are alike or different
(* this is quite different to most
subject areas – its more like ‘compare
and contrast’)
To arrive at a judgement or
opinion by reasoning.
Students will usually be given
information that will enable
them to form a conclusion.
Sample VCE Question
Sample Answer from Examiners’ Reports
Referring to the data, compare the
average leaf surface area of young
ramets eaten by the caterpillars in
Runner A and Runner B. (1 mark)
• An average of 0.6 cm2 was eaten in Runner A, compared
with an average of 0.15 cm2 in Runner B.
• Approximately four times as much young leaf area was
eaten in Runner A (or vice versa).
In a rat population, three different fur
colours can be observed. The production
of fur colour pigment in these rats is
controlled by two genes. The two genes
are not linked.
What conclusion can be made about the
location of the two genes on the
chromosomes of these rats? (1 mark)
● Genes are on separate chromosomes or are far apart on
the same chromosome.
(*question from previous Study Design)
Explain what a specific
term/concept means
Define the term ‘gene flow’. (1 mark)
● Gene flow refers to the movement of alleles between
populations by interbreeding.
To give an account of
something and any details
pertaining to that something
Describe two chemical barriers that
could be present in a plant that is
protecting itself from an invading
pathogen. (2 marks)
● The secretion of a toxin or an odour that is harmful or
unfavourable to pathogens
● The production of enzymes that affect pathogen
A plan for the implementation
of an activity or process.
Design an experiment to test the
hypothesis that one of the furans, called
furfural, is an inhibitor of the enzyme
alcohol dehydrogenase. (4 marks)
● Independent variable: presence or absence of furfural
● Experiment set up with same amount of glucose
● Experiment set up with same amount of alcohol
● Dependent variable: measure the amount of product
produced; for example, carbon dioxide
To give an account of
something and any details
pertaining to that something
with the goal of making
something easier to
understand, and to use
evidence/reasons to show how
something works
Name, list, mention, specify
Identify the • dependent variables •
(generally a brief description of independent variable (2 marks)
Give a response, reasons for
A person with psoriasis visits a doctor
your answer and explain how it and asks for treatment for the disease.
leads to your conclusion
Would antibiotics be an effective
treatment? Justify your response.
(2 marks)
● Antibiotics would not be suitable as the disease is
autoimmune and antibiotics work against bacteria.
● Antibiotics could be suitable as bacterial infections are
thought to be a trigger for psoriasis or a bacterial infection
may have been established in the skin as the person may
have scratched and infected their skin
Labelling diagram,
drawing, chart or graph that is
used to visualize a concept
Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate
endocytosis of botulinum toxin into
nerve cells. (2 marks)
● Diagrams should have shown that the material to be taken
up by the cell is surrounded by an area of the plasma
membrane and a vesicle forms around the ingested
material inside the cell.
● The toxin and membrane should have been labelled.
To mention or write a list
of things, one after another
List three variables that would need to
be controlled to ensure the experiment
produced valid results. (3 marks)
Controlled variables (three of):
∙ Number of balls in each tube
● Number of drops of phenol red added
● The volume of CO2 present initially/initial pH
Explain how natural variation can exist
between individuals within a lizard
population. (2 marks)
● Natural variation exists in a population through mutations
that may have created new alleles or by different allele
combinations in sexual reproduction.
● Changes in chromosome number may change phenotype.
Dependent variables: CO2 and O2 levels.
Independent variable: temperature of the
chamber/environmental temperature
● Temperature
● Amount of algae
Give an overview of how
something operates, explain a
particular issue/concept, give a
brief description
Outline how complement proteins and
natural killer cells protect the human
body once a pathogen has gained entry
to the internal environment. (2 marks)
● Complement proteins can damage the plasma membranes
of bacteria and attract other cells such as macrophages to
an area.
● Natural killer cells kill cells infected by a virus or release
cytokines/cytotoxic granules/chemicals.
Estimate what (a specified
thing) will happen or will be a
consequence of something.
Predict two structural features of the
Ambulocetus fossil that would provide
evidence to support the hypothesis that
it is a transitional fossil and suggest a
survival advantage of each feature.
(3 marks)
Justify your choice or selection
Give reasons for the lower genetic
diversity of the new populations on the
smaller islands compared with the
population on the large island. (2 marks)
● The lower genetic diversity was due to the founder effect.
● The two individuals will not have all the variations of
alleles as seen in the original population, the descendants
of these two individuals will not be able to inherit other
alleles and there will be less variation in phenotypes of the
To create, indicate, or
communicate a certain kind of
State two ways that pathogens are
prevented from entering the internal
environment of the human body.
(2 marks)
Any two of the following examples of ways the body prevents
pathogens from entering including:
● Intact skin
● Nose lined with thick, sticky mucous
● Fine nasal hairs to trap pathogens
● Lysozymes in tears and saliva
Put forward an idea for
Suggest an effect that botulinum toxin
could have on the structure of this
specific protein. (1 mark)
The effect would be to break the quaternary structure of the
protein so that polypeptides no longer hold together
Aquatic adaptation/advantage - heavy bones to enable
organism to sink/stay submerged
Terrestrial adaptation/advantage - flat feet/hooves to
walk on land