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English Quantifiers: Upper-Intermediate Grammar Lesson

Unit 6 Upper intermediate level
Check hw, itutor, ichecker, analyse the mistakes
SB unit 6 starter
Jamie Oliver, reading, speaking, asking and answering the questions
1. A lot of or lots of - can be used with both count plural/uncount
A lot of milk/ a lot of friends
2. Many - count plural, in negatives and questions
I don’t have many friends
Are there many people?
How many tasks?
3. Much - uncount, in negatives and questions
I don’t have much time
Do you need much money?
How much sugar?
But in positives you use a lot of or lots of for both
4. Enough + count plural/ uncount достаточно
Enough money
Enough things
5. Plenty of + count plural/ uncount достаточно
Plenty of time
Plenty of liquids
6. Several + count plural несколько
Several things
Several people
7. Some + count plural/ uncount positive sentences / polite requests and offers
(+) There are some eggs
(+) There is some milk
(?) Would you like some tea?
(?) Can you lend me some money?
8. Any + count plural/ uncount negatives and questions
(-) There isn’t any sugar
(-) There aren’t any bananas
(?) Do you have any time?
Hardly any - едва ли есть что-то
Hardly any experience - почти не было опыта
9. No + singular/ plural count / uncount
No time
No friends
No idea
The verb must be positive
I have no time
10. None - without a noun
There’s none left = There’s no sugar left
None of + noun
None of it
None of us
None of my classmates is or are
(+)A few + countable plural nouns
(Not many, but enough)
I have a few friends
We have a few eggs ( enough to make an omelette)
(-)Few + count plural nouns
(Not many, not enough)
We have few eggs (we can’t make an omelette)
I have few friends ( I want more)
(—)Very few + count plural
(Almost nothing, no one)
Very few of them wanted their sisters to play = almost no one wanted their sisters to play
(+)A little + uncountable
(Not much, but enough)
We have a little time ( enough to buy some coffee and come back)
I have a little money ( enough to buy smth)
(-)Little + uncountable
(Not much, not enough)
But we have little time ( not enough to go and buy some coffee)
I have little money (not enough to buy smth I want)
(—)Very little + uncount
(Almost nothing)
We have very little sugar = almost nothing
Practice grammar, speaking, listening in SB