Assessment Task 10-1 I – True or False Instruction: Write true if the statement is correct and write False if the statement is incorrect. TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 1. Ethics and religion are the two classes of phenomena that necessary to determine the generic character. 2. The relationship between religion and fairness is about the relationship between ethics and reason. 3. Religion is based in the insights of the researchers. 4. The insights are collected in texts and presented as virtues. 5. Religion and ethics are best illustrated by the rule of conduct. 6. Morality has to do with the personal and social relations of man. 7. Most religions have an ethical component. 8. Ethics is the major branch of philosophy that encompasses right conduct and good life. 9. Life that is simply satisfying is more important than traditional moral codes. 10. Virtue in the highest sense will not just involve good personal habits but also friendship and justice and intellectual virtue. 11. The essence of virtue is in the wholeness of the person brought about by integrity. 12. The influential philosopher, Immanuel Kant defended the idea of God as a basic requirement of ethics. 13. Kant said that we ought to be virtuous and do our duty. 14. Kant believed that virtue should be rewarded by happiness. 15. Virtue must receive its due compensation in a future life and there must be a God guaranteeing that it is so rewarded. 16. Kant called the existence of God and the immortality of the soul as postulates of practical reason. 17. Revealed religious prescribe clear and unambiguous rules to follow. 18. Scriptures as authored by God cannot be changed if human circumstances change or ethical ideas of progress. 19. For many their religion is a centrally defining characteristic of who they are. 20. Ethics is defined as the philosophical study of morality and they believed God says should be done. 21. Conversations, ethics and moral reasoning solve the inconsistencies. 22. Ethics and religion are complimentary in forging a better society. 23. Golden Rule is the best illustrated link between religion and ethics. 24. Golden Rule is the world’s great religious contain in their religious texts. 25. Logic and reason are the basis of philosophers to accurately try to define and promote ethical concepts. 26. Anything that is not rationally verifiable cannot be considered success. 27. Principles are upheld for their value in promoting independent groups. 28. Principles are upheld to people who are capable of making decisions for others. 29. Ethical principles need their authority to religious dogma. 30. Religious person follows his code of conduct for it is a proper behavior and reaction to the varying challenges and circumstances when arise during the curse of life. This study source was downloaded by 100000846872354 from on 05-22-2022 23:44:43 GMT -05:00 Assessment Task 10-2 Matching Type Instruction: Match statements under letter A to letter B. ANSWER F G H I J A B C D E A 1. Eudaimonia 2. Religious codes of conduct 3. Seen as a brainchild of religion 4. Treat others the way you want to be treated 5. Reveals insights about life and its true meaning 6. Need not derive their authority from religious doctrine 7. Cannot be considered justifiable 8. Personal and social relations of man 9. Discussed the concepts of ethics in the 3 rd and 4th century BCE 10. Defended the idea of God as a basic requirement of ethics B a. Ethical principle b. Not rationally verifiable c. Morality d. Aristotle e. Immanuel Kant f. Happiness g. Ten Commandments h. Ethics i. Golden Rule j. Religion Assessment Task 10.3 Multiple Choice Instruction: Choose the correct answer under each statement. Write only the letter of the correct answer. E 1. Has a role in moral decision-making. a. Virtue b. Ethics c. Moral d. Happiness e. Religion D 2. Said the virtue should be rewarded by happiness. a. Plato b. Aquinas c. Socrates d. Kant e. Aristotle This study source was downloaded by 100000846872354 from on 05-22-2022 23:44:43 GMT -05:00 C 3. Brought about by living one’s life in accordance with virtue. a. Ethics b. Morality c. Happiness d. Religion e. Integrity B 4. Brought the essence of virtue in the wholeness of a person. a. Happiness b. Integrity c. Ethics d. Morality e. Religion A 5. Argued that the soul must be immortal. a. Kant b. Aristotle c. Plato d. Socrates e. Aquinas A 6. The central aspect of ethics. a. Good life b. Good trait c. Good character d. Good future e. Good moral B 7. Good source of basic moral guidance. a. Ethics b. Religion c. Ethical principle d. Virtue e. Moral A 8. Belief that should be included concerning right and wrong, good and bad. a. Morality b. Integrity c. Judgement d. Ethical e. Virtue This study source was downloaded by 100000846872354 from on 05-22-2022 23:44:43 GMT -05:00 B 9. Help us guide our action, define our values and give us a reason for being a person that we are. a. Religion b. Moral c. Happiness d. Love e. Courage A 10. Defined as the philosophical study of morality. a. Ethics b. Religion c. Integrity d. Unity e. Happiness This study source was downloaded by 100000846872354 from on 05-22-2022 23:44:43 GMT -05:00 Powered by TCPDF (