Uploaded by Elizabeth Doerfler

Job Description Booklet Assessment Rubric

Word Business Project
Assessment Rubric
Job Description Booklet
Student Name: _______________________________________
Criteria #1 Template (20 pts.)
Criteria #4 Booklet
(15 pts.)
Booklet should be free of mechanical
errors. Examples of mechanical errors
 Spelling and grammar mistakes
 Inconsistent capitalization
 Inconsistent alignment and
 Inconsistent font style and sizes
The booklet should contain five
job descriptions:
 Greeter
 Ticket Sales
 Ticket Receiver
 Concession Sales
 Concession Prep
Each job description should
include the following titles:
 Job Title
 Supervisor’s Title
 Requirements for the Job
 Responsibilities of the Job
 Schedule of Tasks
The booklet includes the
1. A Title page that includes
the booklet title, your
name, class period and
2. A Table of Contents that
shows the correct page
numbers for the job
3. A left margin of 2” for the
whole document.
4. Every page has a page
number, except the Title
The booklet information and
designs should be:
 Clear – The Booklet design is
easy to read.
 Cohesive/Unified – Different
fonts are used, but they all
work together.
 Creative – fonts and tables
show creative designs.
Not attempted
0 points (0%)
Two of the four template expectations
(listed above) are incorrect, or not all
five job description files exist.
12 points (60%)
Not attempted
0 points (0%)
Four (4) or more mechanical errors.
Not attempted
0 points (0%)
Not all five job descriptions are
in the booklet.
Not attempt attempted
0 points (0%)
Two of the four expectations
(listed above) are missing or
Not attempted
0 points (0%)
The design is disorganized; and
doesn’t work together, or only
one font style is used.
9 points (60%)
12 points (60%)
One of the four template expectations
is incorrect. All job description files
15 points (75%)
All four expectations are met and all
five job description files exist.
However, some template formatting
can be improved. (e.g. the list is not
17 points (85%)
No more than three (3) mechanical
A job description is missing a
One of the four expectations is
missing or incorrect.
11 points (73%)
Only one (1) mechanical error
22 points (73%)
All job descriptions and topics
are present. However, some of
the topic formatting is
inconsistent or different across
job descriptions.
26 points (87%)
11 points (73%)
All four expectations are
present. However, some of the
expectations appear incorrect.
The design generally works, but
nothing creative is done with the
fonts and colors
15 points (75%)
The design works well together.
Different fonts and some colors
are used.
13 points (87%)
17 points (85%)
All template expectations are met and
all job description files exist. The
template formatting looks good.
No mechanical errors
All job descriptions and topics
are present, and all formatting
is consistent across all job
30 points (100%)
All four expectations are
present and correct.
The student should have made five Job
Description files using the template.
Not Attempted
9 points (60%)
(add criteria)
Date: ______________
Criteria #3 Job Descriptions
(30 pts.)
The template should include the
1. At least one table
2. At least one numbered or
bulleted list
3. Formatted headings using font
4. Contains five job titles
Criteria #2 Mechanics (15 pts.)
Class Period: _____________
13 points (87%)
20 points (100%
15 points (100%)
18 points (60%)
15 points (100%)
Criteria #5 Creativity
(20 pts.)
The design works well together.
Different fonts and some colors
are used. Also, there is some very
creative design aspect.
20 points (100%))