Uploaded by Dana Alsharef

Vocabulary List: Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

1. Lobby: verb
Definition: Seek to influence on an issue
Sentence: They insisted on their right to lobby the government.
Synonym: sway or persuade
Antonym: discourage
2. Fatal: adjective
Definition: causing death
Sentence: The fatal accident caused his death.
Synonym: deadly
Antonym: harmless
3. Distinguish: verb
Definition: to mark as separate or different
Sentence: I have a problem distinguishing the difference between adverbs and
Synonym: differentiate
Antonym: conjoin
4. Indifferent: adjective
Definition: having no particular interest or sympathy towards something.
Sentence: They become indifferent to conventional routine such
as walking the dog or watching the sun set.
Synonym: oblivious
Antonym: attentive
5. Hideous: adjective
Definition: extremely ugly or repulsive
Sentence: The hideous accident left the boy chained to a wheelchair for
Synonym: grim or dreadful
Antonym: beautiful or bewitching
6. Corridor: noun
Definition: a long passage
Sentence: The long bright corridor led the boy to his enchanting destination.
Synonym: hallway or tunnel
7. Enact: verb
Definition: to make something into a law
Sentence: The law in all its detail will be fully enacted within the next ten days.
Synonym: establish
Antonym: end or annihilate
8. Reformer: noun
Definition: Someone who seeks to correct a behavior that causes harm
Sentence: As a social reformer, the man fought for the worker’s rights.
Synonym: advocate
9. Absorb: verb
Definition: something that occupy your time and attention
Sentence: The boy got absorbed into the game, so he forgot to do his English
Synonym: consume
Antonym: eject
Wholly: adverb
Definition: completely covers something
Sentence: She wrote about a wholly different topic.
Synonym: entirely or totally
Antonym: partly
Immerse: verb
Definition: to focus wholly on something
Sentence: She was wholly immersed in the task; she didn’t realize it was time
for lunch.
Synonym: submerge
Antonym: distract
Irrelevant: adjective
Definition: something unrelated to the matter discussed.
Sentence: The essay included some irrelevant details causing Sarah to lose
Synonym: unrelated
Antonym: relevant
Disorient: verb
Definition: to lose sense of direction or focus
Sentence: She felt disoriented and sick after focusing on the screen for too long.
Synonym: delirious
Antonym: focus
Clique: noun
Definition: a group that doesn’t allow outsiders
Sentence: Some kids dress up to join the “cool kids” clique.
Synonym: group
Consecutive: adjective
Definition: things that follow one after another without being interrupted
Sentence: To prepare for the spelling bee, he studied for five consecutive hours.
Synonym: continuous
Antonym: nonconsecutive
Mascot: noun
Definition: an object used as a symbol by a team or person to bring luck
Sentence: He used his teacher’s pen as a mascot to use in his final exam.
Synonym: charm
Antonym: jinx
Federal: adjective
Definition: related to the U.S. government
Sentence: The USA uses a federal system unlike the United Kingdom.
Talon: noun
Definition: the claw of a bird pf prey
Sentence: The eagle used its talon to grab the mouse before flying faraway into
the horizon.
Synonym: claw
Collision: noun
Definition: When two things crash into each other.
Sentence: The collision between the car and truck caused congestion on the
main road.
Synonym: crash
Antonym: unity or harmony
Congestion: noun
Definition: overcrowding or traffic gam
Sentence: the congestion caused by the collision of two cars blocked the road
for hours.
Synonym: traffic
Antonym: flow
Fundamental: adjective
Definition: the essential part of a topic
Sentence: Then everything escaped from him at once, his exploding breath and
his fundamental reason behind his anger.
Synonym: essential
Antonym: partial
Contrast: verb
Definition: to show differences between two or more things
Sentence: The statement contrasts the views of children with their parents.
Synonym: differentiate
Antonym: be similar
Related word: contrastive
Despite: preposition
Sentence: She took the test, despite knowing she won’t be able to score well.
Related word: in spite
Error: noun
Definition: an accidental wrong action or a false statement not made
Sentence: There was an error on our bill, so we had them investigate it.
Synonym: mistake or fault
Antonym: correction
Related Word: errors
Inadequate: adjective
Definition: not up to the required standard or quality
Sentence: The supplies were inadequate to our needs.
Synonym: insufficient
Antonym: excellent
Related word: adequate
Interact: verb
Definition: to act upon one another
Sentence: People need to interact with each other to make a difference.
Synonym: collaborate
Antonym: disconnect
Related word: interaction
Style: noun
Definition: The way in which something is said, expressed or done.
Synonym: manner or way
Antonym: dullness
Related word: stylish
Sentence: Regulating your sugar consumption is one way to have a healthy
Purchase: verb
Definition: to obtain or acquire by money of effort.
Synonym: buy or obtain
Antonym: sell
Related word: purchased
Sentence: We need to purchase the tickets before entering the exhibit.
Goal: noun
Definition: The object of an endeavor; the end.
Synonym: aim or object
Antonym: avoidance
Related word: goaling (getting something through)
Sentence: He set a goal for himself of exercising at least three times a week.
Consume: verb
Definition: to eat or drink up
Synonym: devour
Antonym: reject
Related word: consumption (noun of consume)
Sentence: Taking this long jog along the seaside consumed all the negative
energy piled up from work.
Attitude: noun
Definition: a manner of thinking feeling or behaving that reflects a state of
Synonym: mindset
Antonym: passive state of mind; passive
Related word: attitudes
Sentence: His attitude towards sports was that he had to win in any game he
took part into.