Government Accounting & Accounting for non-profit organizations by: ZEUS VERNON B. MILLAN Chapter 9 Investment Property Lear n in g Objectives 1. Define investment property and give examples. 2. State the initial and subsequent measurements of an investment property. 3. Account for the impairment of investment property, and the reversal thereof. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Investment Property • Investment Property – is land and/or building held for rentals or capital appreciation. • Examples: a. Land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary course of operations. b. Land held for a currently undetermined future use. c. A building owned by the entity (or held by the entity under a finance lease) and leased out under one or more operating leases on a commercial basis. d. A building that is vacant but is held to be leased out under one or more operating leases. e. Property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Investment Property • • • • • • • • • • • The following are NOT considered investment property: Biological assets and Mineral rights and mineral reserves Property held for sale in the ordinary course of operations Property being constructed on behalf of third parties. Property held for future development and subsequent use as owner-occupied property. Property occupied by employees. Owner-occupied property awaiting disposal. Property that is leased to another entity under a finance lease. Property held to provide a social service and which also generates cash inflows. Property held for strategic purposes. Property held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes. Initial Measurement • An investment property is initially measured at cost. The measurement of cost depends on the mode of acquisition. • Modes of Acquisition a. Cash purchase – purchase price plus direct costs necessary in bringing the asset to its intended condition. b. Installment purchase – cash price equivalent c. Non-exchange transaction – fair value at acquisition date d. Self-construction – direct materials, labor, and construction overhead GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Measurement • Investment properties are subsequently measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses (i.e., Cost Model). • Note: The fair value model is not allowed for government entities. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Transfers To or From Investment Property • Transfers to or from investment property shall be made only when there is a change in use. • A government entity accounts for transfers to or from investment property at cost. Accordingly, no gain or loss shall arise from the transfer, except when the transferred asset is impaired. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Derecognition • An investment property is derecognized when it is disposed or when it is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits or service potential is expected from its disposal. • The difference between the net disposal proceeds (if any) and the carrying amount is recognized as gain or loss in surplus or deficit. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Impairment • An asset is impaired if its carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The excess represents impairment loss which shall be recognized in surplus or deficit. • Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use. • Value in use is the present value of the estimated future cash flows expected to be derived from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Reversal of Impairment • The reversal of impairment shall not result to a carrying amount in excess of the asset’s carrying amount had no impairment loss been recognized in prior periods. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Compensation from third parties • Compensation from third parties for an investment property that was impaired, lost or given up shall be recognized in surplus or deficit when the compensation becomes receivable. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan APPLICATION OF CONCEPTS PROBLEM 9-3: FOR CLASSROOM DISCUSSION GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan OPEN FORUM QUESTIONS???? REACTIONS!!!!! GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan END GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Government Accounting & Accounting for non-profit organizations by: ZEUS VERNON B. MILLAN Chapter 10 Property, Plant and Equipment L e a rn i n g Objectives 1. State the initial and subsequent measurements of items of PPE of government entities. 2. Describe the following and state their peculiar accounting requirements: Heritage Assets, Infrastructure Assets, and Reforestation Projects. 3. Account for Borrowing Costs by a government entity. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Property, Plant and Equipment …are: a. tangible assets; b. held for use in the production or supply of goods, services or program outputs, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and not intended for resale in the ordinary course of operations; and c. expected to be used for more than one reporting period GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Recognition • An item of PPE is recognized if it meets the definition of a PPE and the recognition criteria for assets, as well as the capitalization threshold of ₱15,000. • The threshold is applied on a per item basis, except as follows: – Individual items with values below the threshold but work together as a group are recognized as PPE if the total cost of the group is ₱15,000 or more – Bulk acquisitions of small items of PPE are recognized as PPE if their aggregate cost is ₱15,000 or more. • Items below the capitalization threshold are recognized as inventories (i.e., Semi-Expendable Property). GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Initial Measurement • PPE are initially measured at cost. Cost comprises the following: a. Purchase price, including non-refundable taxes but excluding trade and cash discounts; b. Direct costs; and c. Present value of decommissioning and restoration costs. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Examples of directly attributable costs • Costs of employee benefits arising directly from the construction or acquisition of PPE; • Costs of site preparation; • Initial delivery and handling costs (e.g., freight costs); • Installation and assembly costs; • Testing costs, net of disposal proceeds of samples generated during testing; and • Professional fees. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Examples of costs that are expensed outright • Costs of opening a new facility. • Costs of introducing a new product or service (including costs of advertising and promotional activities). • Costs of conducting business in a new location or with a new class of customers (including costs of staff training). • Administration and other general overhead costs. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Modes of a. Acquisition by Purchase Acquisition – Cash discounts, whether taken or not, are excluded from the initial measurement. Cash discounts not taken are recognized as “Other Losses.” – A PPE purchased under installment basis is initially measured at the cash price equivalent. – Promotional items are accounted for as follows: • If the promotional item is the same as those purchased, the total acquisition cost is allocated to all the items acquired including the promotional item. • If the promotional item is different from the other items acquired, the initial cost of the promotional item is its fair value. The purchase price, net of the fair value of the promotional item, is allocated to the other assets acquired. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan b. Modes of Acquisition Acquisition by Construction 1. Acquisition through Construction Contracts awarded to contractors – the cost is the contract price. 2. Construction by Administration (Self-construction) – the cost includes direct materials, labor and other construction overheads. • Construction costs are initially recorded in the “Construction in Progress” account pending the completion of the asset. Upon completion, the construction costs are reclassified to the appropriate PPE account. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan c. Modes of Acquisition Acquisition through Exchange – With Commercial Substance (order of priority): 1. Fair value of asset Given up (plus any cash paid or minus any cash received); 2. Fair value of asset Received; or 3. Carrying amount of asset Given up (plus any cash paid or minus any cash received) – Lacks Commercial Substance: Carrying amount of asset Given up (plus any cash paid or minus any cash received) GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan d. Modes of Acquisition Acquisition through Non-Exchange Transaction – measured at fair value at the acquisition date. i. If without condition, recognized immediately as income. ii. If with condition, initially recognized as liability (i.e., ‘Other Deferred Credits’) and subsequently recognized as income when the condition is met. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan e. Modes of Acquisition Acquisition through Intra-agency or Inter-agency Transfers – measured at the carrying amount of the asset received GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Expenditures on recognized PPE • Capitalization of costs ceases when the PPE is in the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Therefore, costs incurred in using or redeploying a PPE are not capitalized. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Expenditures on recognized PPE a. Repairs and Maintenance 1. Minor repairs – costs of day-to-day servicing of an item of PPE, necessary to maintain its operating capability. These are charged as expenses. 2. Major repairs – are considered ‘betterments’ and are capitalized. • If it is not clear whether a repair is minor or major, it is treated as minor. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Expenditures on recognized PPE b. Replacement costs – The carrying amount of the old part is derecognized and charged as loss. – The cost of the new part is capitalized. – If the carrying amount of the old part cannot be determined, the cost of the new part is used as the basis. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Expenditures on recognized PPE c. Spare parts and servicing equipment – Minor spare parts are recognized as inventory and charged as expense when consumed. – Major spare parts and stand-by equipment are recognized as PPE when they meet the recognition criteria, e.g., they are expected to be used over more than one period. – Spare parts and servicing equipment that can only be used in conjunction with an item of PPE are accounted for as PPE. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Expenditures on recognized PPE d. Betterments – are enhancements to the future economic benefits of a PPE, such as: • increase in previously assessed physical output or service capacity; • reduction in associated operating costs; • extension of the estimated useful life; or • improvement in the quality of output. – Costs of betterments are capitalized (if they meet the recognition criteria for PPE) and are subsequently depreciated as follows: a. Over the remaining useful life, if the betterment increases the service potential of the asset without extending its useful life; or b. Over the extended useful life, if the betterment extends the useful life of the asset. The extended period shall not exceed the original estimate of useful life of the asset. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Expenditures on recognized PPE e. Additions and Rearrangements – Additions are modifications which increase the physical size or function of the PPE. An addition can be: a. a new unit that is physically distinct from the old unit; or b. an expansion, extension or enlargement of the old unit. – The cost of a new unit is depreciated over its own useful life. – An expansion cost is depreciated over the shorter of its useful life and the remaining life of the PPE of which it is part. – Rearrangement is the relocation or reinstallation of an asset which proves to be less efficient in its original location. – As the PPSAS provides that capitalization of costs ceases when an asset is in the location and condition originally intended by management, rearrangement costs shall be capitalized only when it is clear that the PPE recognition criteria are met. Subsequent Measurement • PPE are subsequently measured using the cost model. • Depreciation begins when the asset is available for its intended use. For simplicity, if a PPE becomes available for its intended use: – On or before the 15th of the month – depreciation is computed at the beginning of that month. – After the 15th of the month – depreciation is computed at the beginning of the following month. • Depreciation ceases when the asset is derecognized or fully depreciated. Depreciation does not cease when the asset becomes idle or retired from active use and held for disposal. • The straight line method of depreciation shall be used unless another method is more appropriate. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Subsequent Measurement • Residual value shall be at least 5% of cost, unless an entity determines a more appropriate estimate, subject to the approval of COA. • The residual value and the useful life of an asset shall be reviewed at least at each annual reporting date and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, the change(s) shall be accounted for as a change in an accounting estimate • Depreciation shall be recognized on a monthly basis. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Impairment • A PPE is impaired if its carrying amount exceeds its recoverable service amount or recoverable amount. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Computation of Value in Use 1. Depreciated Replacement Cost Approach – Value in use is equal to the asset’s replacement cost adjusted for depreciation to reflect the asset’s used condition. – Replacement cost is the cost of replacing or reproducing the asset, whichever is lower. 2. Restoration Cost Approach – Value in use = Depreciated replacement cost minus Estimated restoration cost. – Restoration cost is the cost of restoring the service potential of an asset to its pre-impaired level. 3. Service Units Approach – Value in use = Depreciated replacement cost minus a proportionate reduction to reflect the reduced number of service units expected from the asset in its impaired state. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Reversal of Impairment • The principles used in recognizing reversals of impairment loss on items of PPE are the same as those used for investment property. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Heritage Assets • Heritage assets are those which have historical, cultural and environmental significance, and are intended to be preserved for future generations. • Heritage assets are measured at cost. They are not depreciated, but subject to impairment. • However, heritage assets that have future economic benefits other than their heritage value are depreciated similar to the other items of PPE, e.g., a historic building being used as office. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Infrastructure Assets • Infrastructure assets include road networks (including facilities, such as traffic lights and road signage), flood • control, sewer, water and power supply systems, communications networks, • railways, seaports, airports, and the like. Infrastructure assets are accounted for similar to the other items of PPE, i.e., they are initially measured at cost and subsequently GOVT ACCTGdepreciated. & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Reforestation Projects • Reforestation refers to the renewal of a forest cover by planting seeds or young trees. • Reforestation projects are recorded as land improvements. • Subsequent costs are accounted for as follows: – Maintenance and protection costs incurred within the duration of the project are capitalized. – Those incurred after the turn-over of the project are charged as expense. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Derecognition • • A PPE is derecognized when it is disposed or when no future economic benefits is expected from it. On derecognition, the difference between the carrying amount and the net disposal proceeds, if any, is recognized as gain or loss in surplus or deficit. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Idle, Fully Depreciated, & Unserviceable PPE • Idle PPE refers to assets that are temporarily taken out of active use or temporarily abandoned. Idle PPE are not derecognized but continued to be depreciated. • A PPE is fully depreciated when its carrying amount is equal to zero or its residual value. Fully depreciated PPE are not derecognized. • Unserviceable property are those which do not have future economic benefits. Unserviceable property is derecognized. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Lost PPE • When a PPE is lost, e.g., through force majeure, the officer having custody of the PPE shall immediately notify the COA within 30 days and shall submit an application for relief, together with supporting evidence. If warranted by the evidence, a credit for loss shall be allowed. Failure to do the requirements will not relieve the officer of liability. (P.D. No. 1445, Sec. 73) • The carrying amount of the lost PPE is derecognized and charged as loss. • Pending the result of the investigation, the accountability of the officer shall be established, equal to the depreciated replacement cost of the lost PPE. If a credit for loss is subsequently allowed to the officer, the accountability is simply reversed. If not, the officer shall pay cash to settle his accountability. Receipt and Disposition of PPE • • The procedures in the receipt and disposition of PPE are similar to those of inventories. Property Card – used by the • Supply/Property Division to record all movements in items of PPE. This is the equivalent of the Stock Card used for inventories. Property, Plant and Equipment Ledger GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR Accounting NPOs by: Card – used by the Division to Z.B.Millan Receipt and Disposition of PPE • Property Acknowledgement Receipt – used by the Supply/Property Division to record the issuance of PPE to the end user. This is based on the approved Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) submitted by the requesting individual. This is the equivalent of the Report of Supplies and Materials Issued used for inventories. • Report on the Physical Count of Property, Plant and Equipment – At the end of each year, the entity shall perform a physical count of PPE and prepare this report. This report shall be submitted to the COA not later than January 31 of the following year. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Receipt and Disposition of PPE • Inventory and Inspection Report for Unserviceable Property – used to account for all unserviceable property subject to disposal. • Report of Lost, Stolen, Damaged or Destroyed Property – used by the accountable officer to notify the concerned officials of the lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed property. • Property Transfer Report – used to record transfers of property from one accountable officer to another. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Borrowing Costs • Borrowing costs – are interest and other expenses incurred by an entity in connection with the borrowing of funds. (PPSAS 5.5) GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Recognition of Borrowing costs 1. Benchmark Treatment – expensed in the period incurred. 2. Allowed Alternative Treatment – capitalized if the borrowing costs are directly attributable to the acquisition of a qualifying asset. • Qualifying asset – is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale. (PPSAS 5.5) GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Recognition of Borrowing costs Applications: The borrowing costs on loans borrowed by: a. National Government (recorded by BTr) are expensed (i.e., Benchmark Treatment). b. Government agencies are capitalized, if they relate to the acquisition of a qualifying asset (i.e., Allowed Alternative Treatment). GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan APPLICATION OF CONCEPTS PROBLEM 10-4: FOR CLASSROOM DISCUSSION GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan OPEN FORUM QUESTIONS???? REACTIONS!!!!! GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan END GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Government Accounting & Accounting for non-profit organizations by: ZEUS VERNONB. MI LLAN Chapter 11 Intangible Assets Lear n in g Objectives 1. Define intangible assets. 2. State the recognition, and account for the initial and subsequent measurements, of intangible assets. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Intangible Assets • Intangible Assets are identifiable nonmonetary assets without physical substance. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Essential elements of an intangible asset 1. Identifiability a. separable; or b. arises from binding arrangements 2. Control – the entity has the ability to benefit from the intangible asset or prevent others from benefitting from it. 3. Future economic benefits or service potential GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Examples of Intangible assets • • • • • • • • • Computer software Patents Copyrights Franchise Motion picture films Trademarks or brand names Licenses Acquired import quotas Customer lists GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Recognition • An intangible asset is recognized if it meets the definition of an intangible asset and the recognition criteria for assets. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Initial Measurement • An intangible asset is initially measured at cost. Mode of Acquisition a. Purchase b. Non-exchange transaction c. Exchange d. Entity Combination Measurement of Initial Cost Purchase price plus Direct costs (including non-refundable taxes but excluding trade discounts and rebates). If payment is deferred, the cost is the cash price equivalent. fair value at the acquisition date With commercial substance: a. FV of asset given up (+ cash paid/- cash received). b. FV of asset received. c. CA of asset given up (+ cash paid/- cash received). Without commercial substance: CA of asset given up (plus cash paid/minus cash received). fair value at the acquisition date GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Internal Generation 1. Research – undertaken to gain new knowledge. Expenditures are recognized as expense. 2. Development – application of research findings to design new or substantially improved products, processes, or systems before the start of commercial production or use. Expenditures are capitalized only if all of the following are met: a. Ability to use or sell b. Intention to complete c. Technical feasibility d. Availability of adequate resources e. probable future Economic benefits f. Measured reliably GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan • Other accounting If it is not clear whether an expenditure is a research or a requirements development cost, it is treated as research cost. • Reinstatement of expenditure previously recognized as an expense is prohibited. • Internally generated brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists, and similar items are not recognized as intangible assets. • Selling, administrative and other general overhead, costs of inefficiencies, initial operating losses, and training costs are expensed. • Subsequent expenditures on recognized intangible assets are generally expensed, unless they meet the definition of an intangible asset and the asset recognition criteria. • The accounting for replacement of a part of an intangible asset is the same as those of PPE and investment property. Subsequent Measurement 1. Indefinite life – not amortized but tested for impairment at least annually. 2. Finite life – amortized using the straight line method over a period of 2 to 10 years. The residual value is assumed to be zero except when the entity has the ability to sell the asset at the end of its useful life. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Impairment • An entity is required to test for impairment an intangible asset with indefinite useful life or an intangible asset not yet available for use at least annually or whenever there is an indication of impairment. • An entity shall test for impairment an intangible asset with definite useful life only when an indication of impairment exists. Indications of impairment shall be assessed at each reporting date. • The accounting for impairment of intangible assets, and reversal thereof, is the same as those of investment property and PPE. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Derecognition • An intangible asset is derecognized when it • is disposed or when no future economic benefits or service potential is expected from the asset. On derecognition, the difference between the carrying amount and the net disposal proceeds, if any, is recognized as gain or loss in surplus or deficit. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan APPLICATION OF CONCEPTS PROBLEM 11-3: FOR CLASSROOM DISCUSSION GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan OPEN FORUM QUESTIONS???? REACTIONS!!!!! GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan END GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Government Accounting & Accounting for non-profit organizations by: ZEUS VERNON B. MILLAN Learning Chapter 12 Objectives Liabilities 1. State the recognition criteria for liabilities. 2. State the initial and subsequent measurements of financial liabilities. 3. State the measurement of provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Liability • Liability – is a present obligation arising from past event, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits or service potential. • Present obligation means that as of the reporting date, an obligating event must have already occurred. • An obligating event is an event that creates either: a. Legal Obligation – is an obligation that results from a contract, legislation, or other operation of law; or b. Constructive Obligation – is an obligation that results from an entity’s actions (e.g., past practice, published policies) that create a valid expectation from others that the entity will accept and discharge certain responsibilities. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Liability Recognition Criteria • A liability is recognized only when all of the following are met: a. The item meets the definition of a liability (i.e., present obligation); b. It is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and c. The obligation has a cost or value (e.g., fair value) that can be measured reliably. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Financial Liabilities • A financial liability is any liability that is: a. A contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to another entity; b. A contractual obligation to exchange financial instruments with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavorable to the entity; or c. A contract that will or may be settled in the entity’s own equity instruments. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Examples of financial liabilities • • • • • • Accounts Payable Notes Payable Interest Payable Loans Payable Bonds Payable Accrued Payables GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Initial Recognition • A financial liability is recognized when an entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. (PPSAS 29.16) GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Initial Measurement • Financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value minus transaction costs, except for financial liabilities at fair value through surplus or deficit (e.g., designated financial liabilities and derivative liabilities) whose transaction costs are expensed. (PPSAS 29.45) • Transaction costs are incremental costs that are directly attributable to the GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: acquisition, issue, or disposal of a financial Z.B.Millan Subsequent Measurement • Financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost, except for financial liabilities at fair value through surplus or deficit which are subsequently measured at fair value. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Derecognition of Financial Liability • A financial liability is derecognized when it is extinguished, such as when it is discharged, waived, cancelled, or it expires. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Provisions • • Provision – is a liability of uncertain timing or amount. A provision is recognized if all the recognition criteria for a liability are met (i.e., present obligation, probable outflow, and reliable measurement). If one or more of the criteria are not met, the item is a contingent liability, not a provision, and therefore not recognized as liability. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Contingent Liability • Contingent Liability is: • A possible obligation that arises from past events, and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or • A present obligation that arises from past events, but is not recognized because: a. It is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits or service potential will be required to settle the obligation; or b.The amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. (PPSAS 19.18) GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Contingent Asset • Contingent Asset – is a possible asset that arises from past events, and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non- occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity. (PPSAS 19.18) GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Summary: Contingent Possible Disclose only Remote Liability Probable Recognize and Disclose Asset Disclose only Ignore Ignore GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Ignore Measurement • A provision is measured at the • entity’s best estimate of the amount needed to settle the liability at the reporting date. If the effect of time value of money is material, the provision is measured at present value. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan Reimbursements • If another party is expected to reimburse the settlement amount of a provision, a reimbursement asset is recognized and presented in the statement of financial position separately from the provision. • However, in the statement of financial performance, the expense related to the provision may be presented net of the reimbursement. • The amount recognized for the reimbursement shall not exceed the amount of the provision. GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan APPLICATION OF CONCEPTS PROBLEM 12-3: FOR CLASSROOM DISCUSSION GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan OPEN FORUM QUESTIONS???? REACTIONS!!!!! GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan END GOVT ACCTG & ACCTG FOR NPOs by: Z.B.Millan