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Health Academy Visitor Guidance: COVID-19

Education and Workforce
The Health Academy
Visitor Information – Education Centres (External)
As a result of Covid-19 and for the safety of our staff, patients and visitors we have had to make
some changes to the way we run things
What this means for visitors to The Health Academy?
General Guidance
Authorised external visitors – you will be required to undertake a lateral flow test on each
day of your visit and return a negative test. Evidence of a negative test must be shown to
the event host.
Face Masks will be available and must be worn throughout the duration of your stay onsite.
The only exemption to this is when visitors are eating or drinking (social distancing rules
Rooms will be marked out to allow for social distancing.
Sanitisation stations will be available in all rooms.
If you feel unwell, you are self-isolating or present with any Covid -19 symptoms, we ask
you not to attend your course/event/meeting.
Course Guidance
Candidates, who are unable to attend due to illness, will have their space honoured. They
will be notified of a place on the next available course.
We ask you to kindly let the centre know, as soon as practical, of your withdrawal from
Due to Covid-19 and to allow for social distancing we are capping courses at 18
candidates, due to this there may be a prolonged wait for the next available course.
These changes are to keep everyone safe. We appreciate this may be different to how
courses have been laid out previously but appreciate your understanding and continued