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Politeness Discourse Analysis: Mr. Bond in Koran Pendidikan

Universitas Islam Lamongan
In communication, people express their thought with or without words. We may understand what
they want by listening to their words carefully, but it cannot be denied that it would be better for us
if we also could read their thought by their gestures. Politeness is the expression of the speaker’s
intention to mitigate face threats carried by certain face threatening acts toward another (Mills,
2003). Being polite therefore consist of attempting to safe for another. Politeness theory states that
some speech acts threaten other’s face needs. The purpose of this paper is to give new source by
applying a well known Brown and Levinson’s model (1978 and revised in 1987). This study using
descriptive qualitative research since this study describe the kinds of politeness that used by Mr.
Bonds. The results of this study are Mr. Bond using negative and positive politeness in his speech
based on the situation and condition. The politeness that more appear in his speech is negative
politeness. Because he often in uncomfortable situation and feel angry.
Keywords: Politeness, Koran Pendidikan
Politeness is the expression of the
speaker’s intention to mitigate face threats
carried by certain face treathening acts toward
another (Mills,
2003, p.6). beign polite
therefore consist of attempting to safe for
another. Politeness theory states that some
specch acts threaten other’s face needs. First
formulated in 1987 by Penelope Brown and
Stephen Levinson, politeness theory has since
expanded academia’s perception of politeness
(Mills, 2003). This text has influenced almost
of the theoretical and analytical work in this
field (Mills,2003, p.57).
Politeness can be also said to be
universal only in the sense that every society
has some sort of norms for the appropriate
behaviour, although this norms are vary. The
purpose of this paper is to give new source by
applying a well known Brown and Levinson’s
model (1978 and revised in 1987).
In communication, people express their
thought with or without words. We may
understand what they want by listening to their
words carefully, but it cannot be denied that it
would be better for us if we also could read
their thought by their gestures. Language is
social phenomenon (Chaika, 1982 ; 03)
It means that the language is the
communication which brings them to the
relationship with their environment. Language,
therefore socially learned behavior, a skill that
acquired as we grow up in the society. In using
language, we normally try to understand not
only the words mean but also what speaker or
writer of those words intended to convey.
People use a language to perform ordinary
verbal actions in daily life, such as asking
comments, reporting news, giving direction,
offering something etc. even the conversation
is an everyday speech event, people usually
Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran
A Discourse Analysis on Politeness
used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti
think of speech as a way of stating proposition
and conveying the information.
In using language people must concern
not only in social characteristic of the speaker
such as ethic, sex and age but also they have to
concern with the social aspect or context.
Chaika (1982;10) state that the context can
determinate meaning include among the other
thing, such as social status, of speaker, the
social events and social convention governing
it, the social cultural and physical
environment, previous discourse between the
speaker known them and the intent of the
speaker. He argues that the meaning has social
base, word does not just mean. He means in
the social interaction in particular society.
Brown and Levinson have developed
the politeness phenomena. They claim that
there are two aspect of face, which are positive
and negative. Positive face is a person’s wish
to be well thought of. Its manifestations may
include the desire to have what we admire
admired by others, the desire to be understood
by others, and the desire to be treated as a
friend and a confidant. Thus a complain about
the quality of someone’s work threatens their
positive face. Negative face is our wish not to
be imposed on by others and to be allowed to
go about our business unimpeded with our
rights to free and self-determined action intact.
Thus telling someone they cannot see the
doctor at the time they expected to is a threat
to their negative face. In dealing with each
other, our utterances may be oriented to the
positive or to the negative face of those we
interact with.
In the case of communication, the
speaker should use the strategies to have a
polite conversation. The use of politeness is in
order to get their conversation runs well and
goes smoothly. Brown and Levinson two
person who have developed the concept of
politeness strategies, state that one recognizes
what people are doing in verbal exchange (e.g
suggesting). Generally, speaking politeness
involves feelings of others. A polite person
will absolutely make others comfortable.
(Brown and Levinson 1993:324)
The researcher chooses “Koran
Pendidikan” as the object of the research based
on many reasons. First, Koran Pendidikan has
a good aim that is developing the education in
our country especially in Malang city. Koran
Pendidikan has a good motto “bernalar dan
berhati nurani”. Second, the researcher choose
the column of Mr Bond not other column
because it’s reflect our daily life as the people
in society. Almost the particular topic in this
column is to critize the systematic government
and the behavior of legislative candidate
through their joke and their background of
knowledge. Third, the language they used is
truly Javanese way, sometimes they used
“krama inggil” to respect older people or the
person who has power.
Pendidikan” is very clear. It is around the
students in Elementary School, Junior High
School, Senior High School, the teacher, the
lecturer and the large society.
Based on the concept of politeness
mentioned by some experts of linguistic and
its reasons stated above, the researcher is
interested in knowing deeply about politeness
strategies used on Koran Pendidikan in Mond
Research Method
This research is a descriptive
qualitative research in which the objective is to
describe the actual user of language for
communication. The data collected is in the
form of words rather than numbers. The object
of the research in this study is the utterances of
Mr. Bond in Koran Pendidikan. In analyzing
the subject matters, the writer firstly read the
Koran, and then divides the word based on the
A Discourse Analysis on Politeness
used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti
kinds of politeness; explain the politeness in
the word, and the last draws conclusion from
that analysis.
Result and Discussion
Data 1, Koran Pendidikan, 14-20 April 2009
“(Mr. Bond) Setelah Mencontreng”
In this case the researcher will not
analyze the whole conversation from the
beginning until the end, but only the utterances
which is rich with an imply message or
showing the politeness. Thus conversation
happened to Mr Bond, Pak Becak, Pak
Bengkel and Pak Hansip. All of them are
friend and have an equal social status in
society (there is no super ordinate and
subordinate). Before analyzing the data, the
researcher will introduce the case in order the
reader understand the topic they talk about. At
that time there is a general election. Many
people try to influence other people to choose
their party. Due to the fact that it is happened
in the village of Mr Bond, so he tries to choose
the legislative candidate by his own way. He
doesn’t want to follow other people in
determining the leader of our country. The
way he used is by taking notes on the phone
number of legislative candidate. His aim is to
remain the legislative candidate if they make a
mistake. Mr Bond feels that it’s his right to
remind the legislative candidate. He assumes
that the legislative candidate can sit in the
government because of him.
“Wuik...., cik ekstrime rek!” komentar Pak
Becak setelah tahu pikiran Mr Bond yang baru
pulang dari desa.
The utterance “wuik” above is
indicating Javanese way when they feel
surprised. And the utterance “ekstrime” is not
ordinary from Javanese, it is belongs to
English language. The reason of why Pak
Becak used it is to emphasize that the way
which taken by Mr Bond is too hard. It is also
Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran
has potentially to threat Mr Bond’s face. And
the word “rek” is to show the equality in their
social status and to make the power of the
word stronger. And we can classify the
comment above become a positive politeness.
“Sakjane yo gak ekstrime. Cumak, mergo
durung onok sing nglakoni koyok aku,
sampeyan ngarani ekstrime,” jelas Mr Bond
It seems that Mr Bond feels threaten.
He shows disagreement by seeing that his way
is not extreme. It is just because there is no
one wants to do the same thing like him. He
tries to provide reason that his way is not
Data 2, Koran Pendidikan, 21-27 April 2009
“(Mr. Bond) Benteng-bentengan”
In this case I will not investigate the
whole conversation but only several utterances
which are very interested to be analyzed. In
order the reader easily to understand about the
topic which happened in this conversation, the
researcher will give an introduction. This
conversation is about “benteng-bentengan”. It
is kind of traditional game in Java. This game
is very interesting because if we want to be a
winner we must have such kind of strategies.
“Arek-arek iku laopo ae se kok gak ndang
main benteng-bentengan?” tanya Mrs Bond ke
suaminya meski matany atertuju kekerumunan
The word “arek-arek” is Javanese way
to say about the chidren or the person who has
equal status. In this case Mrs Bond asking
question to Mr bond. The utterance “laopo ae
se” make our question is stronger.
“Jarno ae, cik dimarikno arek-arek dewe,”
jawab Mr Bond.
The utterance above shows the
cooperativeness that given by Mr Bond to his
wife. The utterance “cik” indicate that Mr.
Bond ask Mrs. Bond to let the children play
the game by themselves.
Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran
A Discourse Analysis on Politeness
used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti
“Selak sore, Pak. Sa’aken arek-arek iku
dorong adus barang. Isok-isok malah onok
sing durung salat Ashar,” naluri keibuan Mrs
Bond, muncul.
The word “selak sore” shows
disagreement of statement that given by Mr
Bond. The utterance “pak” is to emphasize it.
The diction of the language used by Mrs Bond
is not “kromo inggil” because they are equal.
“Yo di delok ae. Nek kiro-kiro seperempat jam
maneh durung main, yo dikongkon mulih ae,”
jawab Mr Bond sekenanya.
The utterance “yo” is showing an
agreement. He agrees that the children should
go home than doing nothing there.
“Sampeyan iki koyok gak nduwe anak ae,”
gerutu Mrs Bond.
The utterance “koyok” has an imply
message. Mrs Bond tries to make Mr bond
realize that the children need time to play
game with their friend. It can be categorized
negative politeness.
“Siktalah, Mom. Aku sik nikmati arek-arek
belajar politik iki lho....”
The utterance above shows positive
politeness. He tries to provide more reason
what makes him interested in seeing the
“Belajar politik opo ae? Wong jelas-jelas arek
dulinan benteng-bentengan kok diarani
belajar politik.”
The statement above definitely can be
categorized as disagreement. It seems from the
utterance of “wong”. It is Javanese way to talk
about different opinion.
“Sampeyan delok a,” kata Mr Bond sambil
menunjuk ke kerumunan anak-anak tersebut.
“Arek-arek iku sik kate mbentuk koalisi
supoyo nduwe tim sing kuat”
The utterance sampeyan is a positive
politeness. It used to show our respect to older
people. Ant the word “a” is truly Javanese
way. It is the characteristic of Malang people.
It used to ask an agreement or asking question.
“Sampeyan iki pancen kebanteren mikire.
Benteng-bentengan yo bentengan, gak onok
hubungane karo koalisi.”
The utterance above is including as
negative politeness. It has made Mr bond felt
threatened. Due to the fact that Mrs Bond say
“kebanteren” it means not appropriate
comment to say that benteng-bentengan is a
Data 3, Koran Pendidikan, 5-11 Mei 2009
“(Mr. Bond) Kesandung Kodew”
In this case, the title of Mr Bond is
“kesandung kodew”. Kodew here is the slang
language from Malang. It means “wedok”. It
is very common to the people in Malang to use
“walikan language”. It happened also to Mr
Bond. At that time Mrs. Bond find the
student’s photo. Mrs Bond thinks that Mr.
Bond has a personal relation with her. She is
very angry but finally Mr Bond can convince
Mrs/ Bond that he does not recognize that girl.
It makes Mrs Bond feel calm than before.
“Onok pejabat tinggi sing sifate tuueges,
penuh wibawa, anti korupsi, jelas-jelas nduwe
potongan wong apik. Gak nduwe blas
potongan wong jahat, wong nakal, wong
seneng wedok-an. Tapi malah dadi tersangka
paten-patenan perkoro wedok-an. Opo gak
ngisin-ngisini?” Mrs Bond nyerocos lagi, tapi
kali ini umpatan kemarahannya bukan
ditujukan pada suaminya, melainkan pada
pejabat tingggi yang dimaksudkan itu.
Many utterances above show that Mrs
Bond’s face is being threatened then she tries
to provide more examples to emphasize her
reason. She knows that Mr Bond is not false
then she tries to tell something which has
similar problem. The reason which given by
Mrs Bond is string because the example she
takes is real. She is not lie. The utterance
“tuueges” is Javanese way to make our word
A Discourse Analysis on Politeness
used by Mr. Bond in “Koran Pendidikan” Newspaper – Dian Lutfiyanti
“Wis wis, aku wis ngerti sing mbok maksud.”
sela Mr Bond. Menyadari bahwa pembicaraan
istrinya sudah masuk wilayah yang agak
sensitif, ia langsung mengingatkan, “Awake
dewe yo gak oleh menghakimi wong sing
during mesti bersalah. Yo koyok aku mau lho,
mbok kiro bersalah tapi kan asline gak salah.
Mangkane, dienteni ae yok opo kelanjutan
The utterance “wis” shows that Mr
Bond use on record. The possibility to lose
face is higher because Mr Bond spontaneously
stopped Mrs Bond speaking. He tend to use it
because he knows that Mrs Bond talk in a
sensitive area. The word “mbok kiro” also
represent on record because Mr. bond directly
saying that Mrs bond is wrong. And the
utterance “mangkane” is such kind of negative
politeness in saying an advice instead more
than it. He wants Mrs Bond will not repeat her
mistake twice.
“Tapi aku pegelen, soale aku wis kadung
ngidolakno Pak Pejabat mau. Opo meneh
brengose tuueges tenan. E….kok ngglethek,
kesandung kodew,” kata Mrs Bond.
The utterance “tapi” above is one way
to safe her face from embrassing. And she tries
to provide more example once more.
“Sssst…..wis-wis, gak usah diterus-terusno,
mending lhang totalen bon-e arek-arek
sekolah mau,” tutup Mr Bond.
It seems that Mr bond does not want to
talk about that topic anymore. Because he asks
Mr Bond to stopped from discussion that topic.
He uses negative politeness by saying “wis”
and “mending”.
Jurnal Pendidikan & Pembelajaran
example, when Mr. Bond felt threatened he
will use negative politeness. For positive
politeness, he use when he respect to older
people, to provide more reason what makes
him interested in seeing the children, etc.
shortly, the positive politeness used in positive
condition and the speakers feel interested.
uncomfortable condition and when the
speakers feel angry.
Austin, J. L. 1962. How to Do Things with
Words. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Coulthard, Macom. 1985. An Introduction to
Discourse Analisis. Longman: London and
New York.
Halliday, M. A. K. & Hasan, R. (1985).
Language, Context and Text: Aspects of
Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective.
Oxford University Press.
Langacker, Ronald W. 1972. Fundamentals of
Linguistic Analysis. New York: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich.
Searle, John. 1969. Speech Acts: An Essay in
the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge,
England: Cambridge University.
From research findings in the previous
chapter, the researcher can draw some
conclusions as stated below:
The politeness that used by Mr. Bond are
negative and positive politeness. That
politeness appears based on the situation. For