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Java Programming Language Characteristics

What are the characteristics of JAVA programming language? Discuss in details.
Java is a popular programming language that allows you to create a wide range of apps that may all run
on the same system. Java's programming efficiency has been steadily improving for decades.
Java has a flexible design that allows programmers to construct code that can run on any system or
device, regardless of architecture or platform. It is one of the most widely used programming languages
in the world, and it was designed to function reliably on every platform.
Java has become pepuler because of the properties . which use in in a very important language .
Features of Java
1- Simple and familiar.
Java is straightforward because:
Its coding approach is simple and straightforward. It eliminates complexity by avoiding the
usage of sophisticated and difficult features found in other languages such as C and C++.
2- Information gathered and interpreted
Khk A computer language can be compiled or interpreted in most cases. Java combines the
capability of compiled languages with the adaptability of interpreters.
The Java compiler (javac) converts bytecode from java source code.
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) then runs this bytecode, making it portable and executable on a
variety of operating systems.
3- Independent of Platform
Java's most important aspect is that it gives platform independence, which leads to portability,
which is ultimately its greatest power.
Platform independence means that a software written on one machine can run on any machine
in the world without modification. Java uses the BYTE coding idea to achieve platform
4- Transportable
The SE (Standard Edition) version of Java is "portable." The portability is due to the
architecture's neutrality.
The source code in C/C++ may execute differently on different hardware systems, but Java
makes it easier. Java bytecode can be run on any hardware that has a conforming JVM that can
convert the bytecode to the machine's specifications.
5- Neutral Architecture
This keyword denotes that a programme created for one platform or operating system is
independent of other platforms or environments and can run on any other operating system
without recompilation.
6- Object-Oriented Programming
Encapsulation, Abstraction, and Inheritance are all characteristics of Object-Oriented
programming that Java provides.
In Java, almost everything is an object. Objects and classes contain all applications and data.
Instead of 'processes,' 'objects' model Java. Java includes a modular set of classes grouped into
In Java, for example, we can't write an executable programme without using the class. This
shows that Java adheres to the Encapsulation Principle to the letter.