GOOD PRACTICES OF USING SOCIAL MEDIA SPREAD POSITIVITY -Showing positivities in social media make the other users think positively also. Fewer negativities in every activity and share good vibes instead of hate. RESPECT THE OTHER'S PRIVACY Don't forward information sent to you without checking with the original sender first.Don't forward information sent to you without checking with the original sender first BE WISE AT CHOOSING FRIENDS I think before sending a friend request or accepting an invitation. If you don't want to be in touch with someone, don't add them in the first place USE RESPECTFUL LANGUAGE Name-calling, cursing, expressing deliberately offensive opinions—if you wouldn't do it to the face of anyone who might conceivably see what you write, don't write it. This goes for any social media site, forum, chat room, or email message, even if you think it can't be traced back to you. It can.