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Writing Tips for Education Students: APA & Technical Writing

EDPROFST 702 (2021)
Writing Tidbits
Please include your name and Total Word Count (not including the Reference list, Attachments,
Appendices, Tables or Figures.
Use articles, chapters, reports, and curriculum guides as resources that you integrate into
your thoughts and words.
Search for and use empirical studies to provide evidence to support your claims.
Venture into new territory of explaining theories that underpin teaching practices.
Technical Writing Tips
Be selective in use of quotations.
Put quotes in double quotations and include page number (Jesson, 2017, p. 215)
For word economy, use the fewest number of words to make the point.
Example: When you are not referring to a specific child or teacher, use the plural terms.
Replace “the learner” with “learners” and “the teacher” with “teachers”.
Start each sentence with the most important concept. Avoid beginning sentences and
clauses with “There are”, “It is”.
Set aside clauses with commas when using “which”. Commas not needed with “that”.
Use past tense when you refer to what authors wrote. For example, “Pearson explained”
or “Hedges suggested”.
Write out abbreviations only once the first use, then use abbreviation every time.
Example: American Psychological Association (APA)
If you use “e.g.,” or “i.e., “, they must be set off in parentheses (APA).
Use digits rather than words for time (e.g., 10 to 20 min).
Text Citations
List all authors in first citation, then use “et al.” on
subsequent ones. o If more than one citation in the same
parentheses, list in alphabetical order. o Use the ampersand (&) in
a parentheses (e.g., Alexander & Fox, 2013, p. 11) o Multiple
citations in one parentheses should be in alphabetical order by o
author. Example: (Alexander & Fox, 2013; McNaughton, 2002) o
Put a space after the period in page numbers of quotes (p. 15).
EDCURRIC 718 (2019)
References o Include a Reference for every citation o Check capitalisation of titles o Italicise
titles of books, journals and volume numbers. For example, Vol 45, Issue 2 = 45(2).
Publication year follows author o Indent second and
subsequent lines of each entry
You cannot use “Therefore”, until you have offered an idea that you want to modify.
Use of parentheses in text. When you re-read a sentence to check it, skip the words in
parentheses and the sentence should make sense without them. If you need the words to have
the sentence make sense, you cannot put the words in parentheses.
“Data” is a plural term and must be combined with a plural verb. (Hint: Think of “data” as
Correct: Data were
Incorrect: Data was
Quotations: If you use them, you must include the page number.
Example: Limbrick and Jesson (2014, p. 92) or (Limbrick & Jesson, 2014, p. 92)
• Citations in text
Cite ONLY if you accessed and read the article.
Do not use initials, only sur names
In a parenthesis, use the ampersand (&)
Correct: (Limbrick & Jesson, 2014)
Incorrect: (Limbrick and Jesson, 2014)
Correct: Limbrick and Jesson (2014)
Incorrect: Limbrick & Jesson (2014)
• References (center, no colon, on a new page)