Agenda of Meeting in April 21, 2022 Project: Gas One Laos-LPG filling station Location: Vientiane Capital Laos pdr. No: 33 No. 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Description Follow up of Last week MoM Item 3 - Custom clearance - Tax exemption paper: - For Import License, GOL's business permit Filling Facilities Building: - VS to propose quotation for painting Logo Gas One on roof sheet - VS is looking for the longer boom cranes which can covers additional painting work - SS recommended on logo and AA will revise then can give to VS for prepare quotation Action Time ALL 1:00 - 1:15 VS/AA 1:15 - 1:30 AA/VS 1:30 - 1:55 AA/VS 1:55 - 2:10 VS/GOL 2:10 - 2:25 VS 2:25 - 2:40 VS 2:40 - 2:50 TG/VS 2:50 - 3:00 Site Activities and Progress General overview of progress report: - The progress construction site 1. Office Building: 2. Guard House: 3. Filling Building: 4. GRP Tank: 5. Machine House: 6. Fence: 7. Access road: Master Schedule: - TG 2nd shipment will be postpone one more week then shoule be on site 26th April 2022 - Considering the recent delay in VS's scope - VS has request for extending of ended contract due to covid again spread more over - AA will calculate delay panalty and discuss in next meeting GOL request VS to prioritize completing the office building - VS have confirmed to hand over in April 18, 2022. VS will prepare inspection check list by that date. - VS have to supply and install additional outdoor waterproof socket and water trap (including submit quotation& specification before installing) Materials/ Method statement Truck Scale: - VS complete body installing and calibrate - VS make sure contact in warranty condition GRP water tank: - GRP Tank progress installation. Installing process has been delayed and it will be completed around the end of Apr. Material shipment schedule: TG: - 1st Shipment: will be on site - 2nd Shipment: will be shipped on 26th and arrive at the site 27th April. - Labour ready and will be in Lao on Friday 22/4/2022 VS: - Steel frame: Arrived on site - GRP Tank - Arrived on site ready to install - Truck scale: On site and progress on installation 4 4.1 Issue Concerning Road Access Issue: Complete 4.2 Removing of Road median at the main entrance: - AA will preparing shop drawing DXF file and send it to SS for checking. 4.3 The level landscaping and fencing root cause of issue : -AA will bear the omitted cost for additional reinforcement of fence if it is necessary. -AA will write to SS if something and no more discussion held on this issue (Kengcharit AA will discuss on it with SANKO) Close AA/GOL 3:00 - 3:15 AA/Sanko 3:15 - 3:30 4.4 TG concerns about work permit for Team Installation approching on Site. 5 5.1 Meeting We had Site Video during the meeting AA 3:30 - 3:45 5.2 The next weekly meeting will held on All party 3:45 Closed Preparing by: AA