Problems Caused By Harmonics In Electrical Plants Linear & Non-linear loads Harmonics are not available in an electrical system having linear elements fed by a source having purse sinusoidal wave shape at fixed amplitude and frequency. However, non-linear loads such as power electronic elements increasing parallel to advanced technology withdraw harmonic currents over the source and pollute the source. Electrical systems with intense harmonics experience various problems arising from harmonics. Problems generally caused by the wave shape distortion are; Source voltage wave shape distortion Efficiency loss in transmission and distribution depending on RMS current increase on lines Failures in compensation systems Overheating in electrical engines and transformers Difficulties insulation levels of equipment’s Increased losses in the system Having faulty works in protection and control systems Condensers: linear circuit elements condensers in a system having distortion loads, harmonic currents and harmonic voltages are considerable affected from harmonics. Frequency Engine and Generators Overheating Copper losses increase due to harmonic currents and iron losses increase due to harmonic voltages cause noisy and vibrated operation of the machine Transformers Increased frequency shall cause increased loss (PI controller) Harmonics cause noise, abrasion and mechanic difficulties on transformers transformer sizing. K-factor magnetic core of transformers reaches saturation Switching Elements and Fuses faulty operations on switching elements.( RMS currents increasing) Failures occur electromagnetic induction coil used by circuit breakers (high frequency ) Cable and Busbar Conductor losses increase due to skin effect and conductors expose to mechanic difficulties and vibrations. Overheating