Med Diagnostic Kit Project –I Synopsis Report (BTIT 603-18) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Award of Degree of Bachelor in Technology Submitted by: Anushka Sinha (1802552) Submitted to: Department of Information Technology Chandigarh Engineering College Landran, Mohali ABSTRACT Our team’s main agenda is to make people aware of their own body. Our website recognizes the symptoms that one is facing and our algorithm predicts the possibility of the cause along with it provides the treatment that needs to be performed. Med Diagnostic Kit covers all facets of physical and mental health openly and objectively because we’re here for the whole person – for your whole life. And because people come to us with unique challenges we listen closely and put empathy first across our organization. In everything from our personal perspectives to our commitment to inclusivity, you’ll see what we feel with you. We hope you tap onto all the Med Diagnostic Kit resources – from our health and wellness library. Thanks for being here, Med Diagnostic Kit Team. The project major goal is to give a perspective to every individual about their health and what can be the cause of it along with what treatment should be provided, after proper understanding of their problems. This web-based application is solely based on the probability and the possibility of the symptoms and every cause will be based on this study only. We prefer nobody to depend solely on the website and in the urgent need the patient must visit and consult a proper doctor. i Table of Contents Page No Topic Abstract 1 1. Introduction 4 1.1 Problem Definition 4 1.2 Project Overview 4-16 1.3 Software Specifications 16-17 1.4 Hardware Specifications 17 Literature Survey 17 2.1 Existing System 17 2.2 Proposed System 17 2.3 Feasibility Study 17 Conclusions 17 Appendices 18 ii List of Figures Sr. No. Figure Description Page No. 1 Figure 1 4 2 Figure 2 5 3 Figure 3 5 4 Figure 4 6 5 Figure 5 6 6 Figure 6 7 7 Figure 7 7 8 Figure 8 8 9 Figure 9 9 10 Figure 10 9 11 Figure 11 10 12 Figure 12 10 13 Figure 13 11 14 Figure 14 11 15 Figure 15 12 16 Figure 16 12 17 Figure 17 13 18 Figure 18 14 19 Figure 19 15 20 Figure 20 16 iii Introduction Problem Definition: Design a web-based application for Medical Diagnostic help. Project Overview: The project is divided into 7 sections in total. The web application is divided into seven different parts, i.e., Home Page: It is the first page that gives access to any other pages of the website. It basically introduces our moto and theme to all the users also it gives every user a firm knowledge about the virus ‘covid’19’ and the precautions that we need to be familiar with. (FIGURE 1.1) iv (FIGURE 2) (FIGURE 3) v (FIGURE 4) Sign up/ login: It is used for all the new users to sign up in order to know their basic information, like gender and date of birth. And when a new user has already signed up then that user can login anytime to know the cause of the symptoms the user is facing and the adequate treatment the usher should get. (FIGURE 5) vi (FIGURE 6) (FIGURE 7) Forget Password: If by any chance the user forgets the password then that person can change it with the help of the forget password link, which vii will direct the user to a page to fill their email again which will help in generating a link which will be sent to their email IDs and from there they can reset their password. (FIGURE 8) Symptoms: This page will ask the user about the information regarding what kind of symptom the user is facing followed by some series of questions. viii (FIGURE 9) (FIGURE 10) ix (FIGURE 11) (FIGURE 12) x (FIGURE 13) (FIGURE 14) xi (FIGURE 15) (FIGURE 16) xii (FIGURE 17) Diseases: This part of the page will give the possibility of the disease after looking up the symptoms of the user. Disease Information: This part of the page will give a brief idea about the disease that caused this problem in the user’s body. xiii (FIGURE 18) Medical information: This part of the page will give a detail idea about the information of the treatment revolving around that particular disease and cause. xiv (FIGURE 19) The database used is from the localhost XAMPP server, as we connected our PHP code through it. The database consists of two table as one stores the information about the user sign up/login details and one stores the medical information. xv (FIGURE 20) Software Specification: The software used to design this web application are ‘ATOM’. It is a free and open-source text and source code editor for macOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows with support for plug-ins written in JavaScript, and embedded Git Control, developed by GitHub. Atom is a desktop application built using web technologies. Most of the extending packages have free software licenses and are commonly built and maintained. It is based on electron (formally known as atom shell), a framework that enables cross platform desktop applications using Chromium and Node.js. It supports various programming language such as C, C++, Java, python etc. Our website is made up of technologies including: HTML: Page layout has been done by using HTML. CSS: It is used for designing every part of the website. JavaScript: All the validation task has been developed by JavaScript. PHP: All the business and frontend logic has been implemented in PHP. MySQLi: MySQLi has been used to store data for the project. The other software used is a free and open-source cross platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages. Since, most actual web-servers deployments use the same components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test server to a live server possible. This is the localhost for our web-based application. xvi This software helps us with: Apache2: Project will be run over Apache2 server. Hardware Specifications: Hardware used is a Microsoft Windows 10 desktop with processor i5 with 4Gb RAM. Literature Survey Existing System: Currently there is no such system available. The users need to login into official website, therefore the need for a chat system facility was necessary. Proposed System: It provides flexibility to the user to transfer the data through the network very easily by compressing the large amount of file. It should also identify the user and provide the communication according to the prescribed level of security by the help of php hashing function. So, if someone try to breach the security it gets automatically updated. Feasibility Study: Patients use the internet all the time to gather medical information and to investigate their symptoms. This trend has grown quite a bit from the past decade. Finding the right online resources is now part of the most patients’ routine. However, there is an overwhelming amount of information online. This can be even more of an issue for patients, who are expected to find crucial information in the least amount of time possible. As these numerous amount of information can lead to various mental problems for the patients that’s why our team came up with the solution by taking every kind of symptoms and finding the most accurate cause of the issue, which can help the patient to be assured and no further complications can take place. Conclusion This site can show its efficiency up-to 94.6 percentage. As there are numerous kinds of disease present in the globe and adding information about every disease into our database will take time and our team is in the continuous process of making our database much more resourceful by updating it bit by bit. Apart from facing many challenges we overcame each one of them which made this web application a success. xvii APPENDICES THE CONVENTIONS FOR APPENDICES ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1)HTTPS://WWW.GEEKSFORGEEKS.ORG/ 2)HTTPS://WWW.W3SCHOOLS.COM/ 3)YOUTUBE CHANNEL (1) HTTPS://YOUTUBE.COM/CHANNEL/UCS1G1ZIDB4AC3NFZROUHCTG (2)HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/YWA-XBSJRVG (3)HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/5BMDJKFVONE BOOKS: 1) BOOK NAME: WEB TECHNOLOGY AUTHOR: PUNEET KUMAR PUBLISHER: KALYANI PUBLISHER PUBLICATION: 1ST JANUARY ,2019 18 19