INFLUENCE OF JOB SATISFACTION ON EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE IN PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS: A CASE OF KIGAMBONI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL TESHA VAILETH J, MNMA/BD.HRM/2935/19 A Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree of Human Resources Management of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy 2022 CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certify that this research report titled: Influence of Job satisfaction on Employees’ Performance in Public Organizations is a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor Degree of Human Resource Management of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. (Supervisor) ……………………….. Signature ……………………… Date i DECLARATION I, Tesha Vaileth J, declare that this research report is my own independent work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other academic institution for a similar or any other degree award. Signature……………………... Date………………………….. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Completing my Degree is probably the most challenging activity of my studentship life. It has been a great privilege to spend three years at the MNMA, and its members will always remain dear to me. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty God for blessing me with good health, wisdom and passion to persist in fulfillment of the bachelor degree programme in Human Resources Management; I also acknowledge the financial assistance and sincere moral support from my family for their care and delightful patience throughout my study period. Special thanks to my supervisor for the supervisory role and backup in both moral and material support throughout the research conducting period. Finally, I would like to thank all respondents in the study area, for their kindness, great cooperation during the whole period of my data collection. They have been a very critical link in facilitating accomplishment of the study. iii DEDICATION This research is dedicated to the following: To my darling Mother with her love and inspiration I have been able to achieve this and I promise to achieve more. To my friends that have brought me up and showed me the way to school; insisting that education is the only heritage you can offer to me. iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS KMC Kigamboni Municipal Council MNMA Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy HR Human Resource HRM Human Resource Management. v ABSTRACT Organizations must step outside their traditional roles and comfort zones to look at new ways of working. They have to create a work environment where people enjoy what they do, feel like they have a purpose, have a pride in what they do, and can reach their potential. The study aimed to examine Influence of Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Performance in Public Organizations where by Kigamboni Municipal Council used as a case study. Specifically the study had two objectives, firstly; to examine factors that influence job satisfaction at KMC, and secondly; to examine effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at KMC. For the purpose of this study, descriptive research design was used. Simple random sampling technique was respectively used to select respondents for the study. Respondents for this study were fifty (50) from both managerial level and operational level. Interviews and questionnaires were used for data collection. The study findings indicate that job satisfaction had an impact on employees’ performance in public organizations as far as respondents are concerned. The study also revealed that job security and rewards are very important factors in influencing job satisfaction, since individuals in organization feels satisfied to work in jobs which are well secured from any harm, but also employees are happy to work in a job which offers them good salaries to meet their needs. Since workforces in organizations put more efforts in their jobs when they feel that they are satisfied with the work environment. In conclusion based on the findings the study recommended that, the organization needs to have periodic meetings with employees to air their grievances to management and serve as motivating factor to employees to achieve a desired performance of the organization. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................... v ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... x LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... xi LIST OF APPENDIX ................................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background of the Problem ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................................. 3 1.3.1 Main Objective....................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 3 1.5 Significance of the Study ..................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Scope of the Study .................................................................................................................... 4 1.7 Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................................................... 4 1.7.1 Employee ............................................................................................................................... 4 1.7.2 Job Satisfaction ...................................................................................................................... 4 1.7.3 Employee performance .......................................................................................................... 4 1.7.4 Organization ........................................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Empirical Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Theoretical Framework ............................................................................................................. 6 2.2.1 Frederick Herzberg’s Theory ................................................................................................. 7 vii 2.3 Summary and Research gap ...................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................................. 8 CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 10 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................. 10 3.0 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 Research Design...................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Sampling Strategy ................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Sample Size ............................................................................................................................. 11 3.4 Data Collection Methods ........................................................................................................ 12 3.4.1 Primary Sources ................................................................................................................... 12 Interview ........................................................................................................................... 12 Questionnaires................................................................................................................... 12 3.4.2 Secondary Sources ............................................................................................................... 12 Documentaries .................................................................................................................. 13 3.5 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 13 CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 14 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................................................... 14 4.0 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 14 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents ........................................................................ 14 4.1.1 Gender of Respondents ........................................................................................................ 14 4.1.2 Age of Respondents ............................................................................................................. 14 4.1.3 Education Level of Respondents ......................................................................................... 15 4.1.4: Working Experience ........................................................................................................... 15 4.1.5 Respondents’ employment Status ........................................................................................ 15 4.3 Prevailing Factors Influencing Job satisfaction at KMC. ....................................................... 16 4.4 Effects of Job satisfaction on Employees’ Performance ......................................................... 19 CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 21 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................... 21 5.0 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 21 5.1 Summary of the Study ............................................................................................................ 21 5.2 Conclusion and Recommendation for the Study .................................................................... 22 5.2.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 22 viii 5.2.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 22 5.3 Limitations of the Study...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.4 Areas for Further Study ...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. REFFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 24 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 26 Appendix I: Questionnaires Sheet for KMC Employees. ............................................................. 26 APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 29 Appendix II: Interview Questions Guidelines .............................................................................. 29 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Sample size……………………………………………………………………….8 Table 4.1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents…………….………………………14 Table 4.2: Factors Influence Job Satisfaction at KMC……………………………………….15 Table 4.3: Effects of Job Satisfaction at KMC……………………………………………….17 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework…...............................................................................8 xi LIST OF APPENDIX Appendix I: Questionnaires sheet for KMC Employees….……………………………….23 Appendix II: Interview Questions Guide Lines……………………………………………26 xii CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Overview This chapter presented the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study and definition of key terms. 1.1 Background of the Problem Job satisfaction has drawn attention of managers in various organizations for number of years. It also pays attention of philosophers, psychologist, educators, business and natural behavior scientists. Davis (1997) traced the historical background of job satisfaction that is about 175 years ago when modern industrial organizations needed improved and effective production. Job satisfaction has recently paid an interest among the researchers and practitioners due to its substance in reshaping retention efforts and reducing turnover and absenteeism resulting from job satisfaction among employees in the organization. The essence of job satisfaction has greatly increased its vital to any organization aiming at enhancing the organizational productivity. It is the means of motivating any employee who has contributed in achieving the goal of the organization (Perez, 2008). Thus, job satisfaction is the manner and thought which people are regarding a particular work (Armstrong, 2010). Positive and constructive manner towards the job specify job satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable manner towards the jobs indicate job dissatisfaction. Collins (2007) also defined job satisfaction as the degree to which employee has positive emotions towards the work role. Lee-Kelley, Blackman and Hurst (2009) contend that ask of satisfaction in the job is a major predictor of turnover and retention. Most studies conducted in developed countries show that there exist relationship between job satisfaction and employee job performance for example increasing in job match equality, control type and job status have high contribution to employee job performance, and this has been exhibited by Ahn and Garcia (2006). 1 However, the study conducted in least developed nations established that there is an existence of relationship on job satisfaction and the workers performance. Nevertheless, there have been minor disparities on the indicators that represent satisfaction. For stance majority of the studies in the third world countries deploy that aspect such as pay, promotion, job safety and security, working conditions, job autonomy, relationship with co-workers, relationship with supervisor, and nature of the work have significant impact on the job satisfaction as well as performance of the organization. Thus, a satisfied employee is likely to improve the performance of the organization (Khan and Nawz, 2011). Tanzania in specific, the studies on job satisfaction and employees’ performance have paid attention on employees involvement in decision making, inservice training and chance to promotion may improve the performance of the organization. It has been established that the said factors have significant impact in improvement of the job and ultimately enhance the performance (Jinyevu, 2013). While the problem has found to have impact to many organizations in the least developed countries and the world as whole, the KMC is not isolated from this problem as various incidences of labor turnover and absenteeism have been occurring in this organization and they constitute indicators that there can be a sort of job dissatisfaction at the organization. Increased of pay and promotion have been the management reaction to reshape the situation. Thus, this study sought to examine influence of job satisfaction on employees’ performance in public organizations using KMC as case study. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Ensuring the workers are being satisfied has been the major agenda in majority of the countries especially in developing nations like Tanzania. The association between job satisfaction, retention and performance of both employees and organization in general has been referred by a number of studies. To identify an aspect to have job satisfaction has always been a challenge. To that end, Tanzanian Employee and Labor Relations Acts (2004), have stipulated having equal opportunity in employment and strive to eliminate discrimination so as to improve employee satisfaction. Existing studies have tended to generalize the job satisfaction with little attempt to identify what employees in public organization find the most satisfying in their working environment of their job. Therefore this study aimed at examining the influence of job satisfaction on employees’ performance using Kigamboni Municipal Council as a case study to view the topic under study in public organizations. 2 1.3 Objectives of the Study 1.3.1 Main Objective To examine influence of job satisfaction on employee’s performance in public organizations using Kigamboni Municipal Council as a case study. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives Specifically the study intended i. To examine factors influencing job satisfaction at KMC. ii. To examine the effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at KMC. iii. To examine the management strategies which are applicable in ensuring employees job satisfaction at their work place 1.4 Research Questions The study intended to answer the following questions;i. What factors influence job satisfaction at KMC? ii. What are the effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at KMC? iii. What are the management strategies which are applicable in ensuring employees job satisfaction at their work place at KMC? 1.5 Significance of the Study The study is important as it highlights the factors that employees view as enhancing job satisfaction leading to improved employee performance within their organizational context. i. The study increase the existing knowledge regarding job satisfaction to the researcher and employee within a particular organization; KGMC ii. To increase the awareness of the management regarding the condition of job satisfaction in KGMC iii. To findings of the helps the organization to setup strategies for eliminating the factors causing job satisfaction and strategies for improving job satisfaction for employees 3 1.6 Definition of Key Terms 1.6.1 Employee A person in the service of another under contract of hire , express or implied oral or written where the employer has the right or power to control and direct the employee in the material detail on how the work is to be performed (Artur, 1995). 1.6.2 Job Satisfaction The attitude and feelings people have about their job. It is the degree to which an employee has positive emotions towards the job role. Or it is also defined as any pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from appraisal of one’s job or experience (Locke 1976). 1.6.3 Employee performance Deadrick and Gardner's (2007) defined employee performance as the record of outcomes achieved, for each job function, during a specified period of time. If viewed in this way, performance is represented as a distribution of outcomes achieved, and performance could be measured by using a variety of parameters which describe an employee's paten of performance over time. 1.6.4 Organization Refers to social arrangements which pursues collective goals, control its own performance and has boundary separating it from its environment (Harrison, 2005). 4 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Overview This chapter was served as the foundation for the development of the study. It discussed the relevant literature relating to the study under investigation; it was specifically focused on empirical literature review, theoretical review, a research gap as well as the conceptual frame work of the study. 2.1 Empirical Literature Review Job satisfaction plays a vital role for any organization to achieve its goals and mission; it is not new subject since it captured attention of many scholars for many decades in the country. It refers to the degree of or level of contentment (Agho et al, 1993) or discontent of an employee regarding his/her work in general. It is a mental attitude and perception of the work (Hussein, 2011) that may eventually create the intention to join an organization, stay or leave the job. employees have their own needs, interests, preferences, choice, feelings and wishes which make them comfortable and feel that their in right place in accordance to their capabilities and that the job will be the source of satisfying their needs and expectation. Dede (2008) wrote a paper entitled “The impact of job satisfaction on staff commitment to organizational goals, the case of Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI) “. The aim of the research was to explore the factors influencing job satisfaction and organizational commitment in research institutions. The methodology applied was a research design called descriptive cross-sectional survey. The survey included interviewing and administering questionnaires to a sample of individuals, and documentary reviews. The study found that some demographic characteristics can affect a person’s level of job satisfaction and hence commitment to the organization. The findings also revealed that, management might be able to increase the level of commitment to the organization by increasing satisfaction with compensation, organizational policies, working conditions and supervision (human aspect). This could be achieved by encouraging departmental meetings and involvement of staff members in decision making. The gap left by this study is that, the study was undertaken to determine the influence of 5 demographic and some selected non demographic variables to employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment as such, it had some few selected variables and consequently, it could not capture much behavioral constructs related to the study on job satisfaction. Mushenga (2008) carried out a study on “job satisfaction among employees in the public sector, the case of Public Service Pensions Fund (PSPF)”, with the purpose of assessing the overall level of job satisfaction of the employees under PSPF. The methodology of the study was a descriptive survey design. The instrument of data collection used was questionnaires and documentary reviews. The study examined PSPF employees’ level of satisfaction with job motivators and hygiene factors, and also the relationship between selected employees demographic characteristics and their overall job satisfaction. The study noted that about 50% of employees were generally satisfied with their job; 50%expressed neutrality towards the assertion that “the current job was just transitional “. The study gap is that job satisfaction is determined by many factors not job motivators and hygiene factors alone. Also, the organization studied was at its infancy stage, it was established in 2004 and the study was conducted in 2008. Management stability obviously differs from old and matured organizations. A lot can still be explored by conducting the study on matured organizations. Momba (2006) entitled “factors improving job satisfaction among employees in Tanzania work Organizations, the case of Mhimbili National Hospital” the study have the overall aim of assessing the factors impending job satisfaction among health workers in Tanzania. The research findings revealed that all respondents 100 percent said poor salary was the main factor that hindered job satisfaction, also the 90 percent of respondents agreed that the organization is poorly managed by the Director of Human Resource, there is transparency and bureaucracy by administrators who lack basic management skills, the study gap include the fact that it centered mainly on work environment as the major factor influencing job satisfaction, while there are many areas to consider when assessing factors influencing job satisfaction. 2.2 Theoretical Framework Scholars and researchers have produced various theories based on job satisfaction, the aim was to provide a frame work for understanding, not just factors influencing such attitudes, but also 6 why it results in such effects (Baron & Greenberg 2003). Due to the nature of the problem under study, the research employed the following related theory;2.2.1 Frederick Herzberg’s Theory This theory is sometimes called the “Motivator-Hygiene Theory” it was developed by Frederick Herzberg in 1959. The theory claims that certain factor in work place result in job satisfaction, but if absent they don’t lead to dissatisfaction but no satisfaction. The factors that motivate people can change over time, but respect for me as a person is one of the top motivating factor at any stage of life. Herzberg distinguished between motivators such like (challenging work, recognition, responsibility) which give positive satisfaction, and hygiene factors; ( e.g. status, job security, salary and fringe benefits) that do not motivate if presence but if absence result in demonization. Herzberg’s theory proves that people will strive to achieve hygiene needs because they are unhappy without them, but once satisfied the effect soon wear off satisfaction is temporary. The two factor theory suggests that managers should focus on ensuring the acceptability of hygiene factors to avoid employee dissatisfaction. However the theory is relevant to the study because it offers a reasonable starting point by creating environment that promotes job satisfaction and for developing employees who are motivated, productive and fulfilled. Thus employee satisfaction affects every aspect of employee from his/her satisfaction to overall productivity. Since the two dimensions in Hertzberg’s theory enhance organizations to create an environment which supports employees’ satisfaction to achieve work productivity, hence the theory is relevant to the study under investigation. 2.3 Summary and Research gap Job satisfactions is not a new word but it has become an ambiguity topic which draws attention of managers in most public and private organization and this is because it touches directly an important resource in organization which is human resource due to this most organization have been striving to ensure that job satisfaction is positively perceived in their organizations to bring positive impacts. In the review of the literature, theoretical and empirical studies like Maslow’s Need Theory (1942) and Herzberg Theory (1959), as well as Momba (2006) a lot of content have been addressed on the influence of job satisfaction on employees’ behavior or performance. 7 However the gap identified is that, there was deficiency connection between job satisfactions and employees’ performance, since this study was undertaken to fulfill the gap. 2.4 Conceptual Framework This study adopted characteristics model in conceptualization of the study as seen in figure 2.1 Figure 2.1: conceptual framework Independent variables Mediate variable Dependent variable Skills variety Performance feedback Task variety Autonomy Job satisfaction Performance Job security Task significance Rewards Source: researcher own adaptation (2022) Skills variety: is defined as the extent to which the job necessitates a person to make the most of multiple high-level skills. In this study skill variety has been operationalized by directing statement to the respondents as to what extent they are happy to work on a task that requires varying skills. 8 Task identity: this is explained as the extent to which a person is in charge of implementation of identifiable piece of work from start to finish. In this study task identity has been operationalized by directing statement to the respondents as to what extent they are happy to plan, implement and report their job. Task Significance: this explains as to whether a person’s job substantially affects other peoples work, health or well-being. In this study task significance has been operational zed by directing statement to the respondents as to what extent are happy to know that their tasks are important in achieving organizational goals. Autonomy: The extent to which an individual has the freedom to make a decision how to perform his or her tasks. In this study task autonomy has been operationalized by directing statement to the respondents as to what extent they are happy to control over how and when tasks to be completed. Feedback: means the extent to which people learn how effective they are being at work. In this study feedback has been operational zed by directing statement to respondents as to what extent they are happy to plan the work in a regular interval to implement reports for the work and ultimately receive the feedback. Rewards: Rewards are concerned with the formulation and implementation strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitable and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization. In this study reward has been operational zed by directing statement to respondents as to what extent they are happy when they receive the entitled overtime payment or compensation and the right to promotion. Job security: Refers to the security of keeping a particular job or employment contract. In this study job security has been operational zed by directing statement to respondent as to what extent they are happy to obtain their job and offered subsequent contract. 9 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Overview This part reveals how research was done by a researcher with the consideration of scientific and systematic procedures to prove the reality of the study under investigation. The study under this part covered a research design, sampling strategy, sample size, data collection methods, as well as data analysis. 3.1 Research Design For the purpose of this study descriptive type of research design was used simply because descriptive design describes phenomena as they exist, it issued to identify and obtain information on the characteristics of the particular problem or issue. 3.2 Description of Area of Study The study was conducted at Kigamboni Municipal Council in Dar es salaam. The study area was preferred because it was convenient to the researcher in obtaining data and therefore it was selected based on efficiency. 3.3 Population of the Study The population of this study comprise the Kigamboni Municipal Council employees situated in Dar es salaam region. The directly targeted respondents was employees from KGMC as well as administrative officers since are the one who owns employees information starting from recruitment when the employee leave the company and therefore own relevant data on the numbers of employees employed and left the organization other data was accessed from the records of human resource office, the management was interviewed to get the feeling of the influence of job satisfaction on employees performance. Few employees was interviewed also to get feelings of their perception towards the effect of job satisfaction and suggest ways to improve the employees’ performance. 10 3.4 Sampling Strategy In fulfillment of this study random sampling technique were employed in collecting data, because it helps to obtain sample that is the representative of the larger population related to this study. Also as far as Kothari, (2004) said that sampling technique is used because it guarantees desired representation of relevant sub groups. Thus random sampling was used in fulfillment of the study. 3.5 Sample Size The study sample comprised of 50 respondents where by the sample was classified according to the positions of an individual in the organization. Where by the sample constituted both managerial employees and normal employees to find out the influence of job satisfaction on employee’s performance in public sectors. Table 3.1: Sample size Category of the sample Number of the sample Top level management Middle level management 5 Administration and human resource, procurement, finance and business management, urban plan and land management , primary and secondary education 5 Lower level management 40 Total 50 Department Administration and human resource, finance and business management, Secondary education, Urban planning and land management procurement Information Communication Technology Health Community Development water, Urban planning and land management Administration and Human Resource The sample size was obtained by using Yamame (1967) Formula N = N/1 + N (e)2 where, n = sample size N = total number of employees e = standard error 11 e = 5% was used n = 57/1.145 n =50 3.6 Data Collection Methods In this study both primary and secondary data were used as the methods of data collection as follows;3.6.1 Primary Sources This is the original and collected for the first time by the researcher. In this source of data collection the following techniques were employed to collect data; Interview The study used interview to collect opinions and learn about experiences of respondents at Kigamboni Municipal Council. The use of interview technique in collecting data from primary sources was due to the fact that, it is suitable method for carrying out an in-depth investigation from a small number of respondents. Also interview enables a researcher to capture both verbal and non-verbal responses including the emotional expressions by respondents and thus enabled capturing the direct assessment on the link between job satisfaction determinants and employee performance. Questionnaires Questionnaire method was used to validate the study through collecting views, evidence and assessment of data related to employees’ job satisfaction and their performance at Kigamboni Municipal Council. The study used closed questionnaires; this is due to the fact that questionnaires allow fairly accurate assessment of opinions. But also questionnaires have the ability to solicit information from several respondents within a short time. 3.4.2 Secondary Sources Secondary data are those data that already available and these data are collected from sources of data such as journals, books, newspapers, websites, publications and other documents available in libraries including research reports from distinguished academicians (Kothari 2004). 12 Documentaries The study reviewed the administrative manual which informs the study on KMC performance appraisal, reward system management, type of contact in order to have insight on historical trend of the problem to support the study goals. 3.5 Data Analysis In this study descriptive type of data analysis were employed simply because it describes the main aspects of the data being analyzed. 3.6 Scope of the Study The information pertained to this study were collected from public organization and the study was conducted in Dar es salaam particularly Kigamboni Municipal Council as case limited study due to time and financial constraints. 3.7 13 CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.0 Overview The aim of this chapter is to provide the research findings and its discussion based on the specific objectives of the study. The chapter analyses and discusses the results of the data obtained from the field. The study was primarily conducted to examine influence of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at Kigamboni Municipal Council. Specifically the study was conducted to address two research objectives; the first objective was to know what influence job satisfaction at KMC, the second objective was to know the effects of job satisfaction on employees performance at KMC. The results obtained from the study are preceded by demographic characteristics of the respondents as presented below:4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents This section presents findings on the characteristics of respondents which include sex, age, respondents’ education level and the length of service. These characteristics were important in explaining respondents’ opinions with regards to the study needs at KMC. 4.1.1 Gender of Respondents The findings from the responses revealed that 21 respondents of which 42% of respondents were males while 29 respondents of which 58% of respondents were females. These findings suggest that even if females exceeded the number of males, both sexes were represented in the study. Table 4.1 contains summarized responses. 4.1.2 Age of Respondents In this study respondents were asked to indicate their age in the appropriate space provided the result show that the age group between 18- 40 years were 25 (50 percent) respondents. This was followed by 15 (30 percent) respondents in the age group of 41- 50years; the age group between 50-65 years had 10 (20 percent) respondents. As table 4.1 illustrate, the majority of the respondents were aged between 41-50 followed by those aged between,18-40. This means that 14 the majority of the respondents were in the productive age and the organization could continue to utilize them for a long period. 4.1.3 Education Level of Respondents Table 4.1 shows the education level of respondents which are categorized into three levels, namely; primary education, secondary education and tertiary/ university. The findings revealed that there were 5 respondents, of which 10% are secondary school education level while none of respondents hold primary school education level and 45 respondents of which 90% of respondents hold tertiary/university education level. The findings suggest that even if respondents with tertiary/university level education exceeded the number of respondents of secondary school education level all were represented in this research. 4.1.4: Working Experience Working experience of the respondents at Kigamboni Municipal Council, revealed as 1 to 5 years were 25 respondents, 5 to 10 were 20 respondents and 10 to 20 were 5 and 20 to above were none of respondents. As table 4.1 illustrates, this means the sample was drawn from a population comprised with respondents from different working experience years. The table below illustrates the distribution of respondents on the basis of working experience. 4.1.5 Respondents’ employment Status The findings from the respondents revealed that 6 respondents of which 12% were volunteers, 40 respondents of which 80% of respondents hold permanent employment status, while 4 respondents of which 8% of respondents were temporary workers. As table 4.1 illustrates bellow;- 15 Table 4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents Frequency Gender Age Education levels Working experience Employment status Percentage (%) Females 29 58 Males 21 42 18-40 25 50 41-50 15 30 51-65 10 20 Secondary 5 10 Tertiary/University 45 90 1-5 25 50 5-10 20 40 10-20 5 10 Volunteers 6 12 Temporary 4 8 Permanent 40 80 Total 50 100 Source: Field data (2022) 4.2 Findings of the Study by Objectives The study used questionnaires and interview to obtain data from respondents about “Influence of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at KMC”. Where questionnaires were composed from specific objectives of the study to meet the general objective. The following were the results from the questionnaires asked to respondents at KMC. 4.3 Prevailing Factors Influencing Job satisfaction at KMC. The study obtained the following results on the factors that influence job satisfaction at Kigamboni Municipal Council as shown in table 4.2 bellow;- 16 Table: 4.2: Prevailing factors influencing job satisfaction at KMC Frequency 20 15 5 10 Percentage 40 30 10 20 Task identity Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Skills variety Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 25 20 5 0 50 40 10 0 Performance feedback Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 15 18 7 10 30 36 14 20 Autonomy Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 8 15 22 5 16 30 44 10 Job security Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 8 10 20 12 16 20 40 24 Rewards Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree 7 10 13 20 14 20 26 40 Task significance Strong agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total 10 28 7 5 50 20 56 14 10 100 Source: Field data (2022) 17 From the data collected above the study found that, job security and reward are the important factors in achieving employees’ satisfaction in their job. Simply the results from respondents on these factors were as follows;4.3.1 Job security To identify relationship between job security and employee job satisfaction, respondents were asked if they were happy in retaining their job and offered subsequent contract, the results showed that 20 respondents of which 40% of respondents disagreed with the statement. This implies that employees who are assured with job security seem to be more satisfied with their job. 4.3.2 Reward To identify how reward is related to employees’ job satisfaction, respondents were asked if they were happy to receive the entitled overtime payment and right to promotion, the results showed that 20 respondents of which 40% of respondents at KMC strongly disagree with the statement. This implies that employees with good rewards seem to be more satisfied with their job. These results confirm the findings of the research conducted by Sarwar S and Abugre J (2013) who found that there is relationship between employees’ rewards and dimension of their job satisfaction in service sectors; their results were that rewards play a significant role in employees’ satisfaction resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. In an interview held with staff members and those from managerial unit with regard to what are factors influencing employees’ job satisfaction at KMC, respondents were asked if they are satisfied with their jobs and explain why if yes or not. One of the staff from Registry Unit had the following to say with regard to what influence job satisfaction at KMC. “No am not satisfied with my job at KMC because reward is low compared to the effort made to achieve the organizational desired goals” (Registry unit, 3rd July 2022). However an interview with the head of department of Human Resources Management had shown a bit different opinion regarding job satisfaction. 18 “Yes am satisfied with my job because I always meet my target and achieve what is expected in me, I think this job is not only significant but also one of the rewarding. I have been working here for seven years now acquiring the considerable experience and accessed a promising opportunity for further training”(human resources management unit).” This indicates that there are different feelings between head of units and other staff members while the head of departments seems to have high satisfaction with their jobs other staff needs more attention for them to achieve to have their job to satisfy them; even the aspect which satisfy them differ with other staff that seem to be more concerned with job security and rewards that the head of department was much concerned with recognition and self-actualization. 4.4 Effects of Job satisfaction on Employees’ Performance The study findings at KMC on the effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance shows that job satisfaction has a great link to employees’ performance in the organization. The findings from interview on the effects of job satisfaction shows that over 60% of respondents at KMC had the opinions that; “Workforces who are satisfied by their jobs are likely to increase their job performance” while more than 50% of respondents argued that ‘‘If the work force are dissatisfied can decreases their job performance’’” However, questionnaires data revealed the following findings on the effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance from respondents at KMC as shown in table 4.3;Table 4.3: Effects of Job satisfaction at KMC. Effect of job satisfaction Frequency Percentage It increase performance 24 48 It increase working morale 14 28 It decreases employees’ performance 10 20 2 4 It does not affect employees’ performance Total 50 Source: Field data (2022). 19 100 From the collected data above the study revealed that, job satisfaction is largely connected to employees’ performance whereby; 24 respondents of which 48% of respondents agreed that job satisfaction increases performance, 14 respondents of which 28% of respondents said it increases working morale, and 10 respondents of which 20% of respondents said it decreases employees’ performance, as well as 2 of respondents of which 4% of respondents had nothing to benefit from job satisfaction since they do not see any effects from it. Since the results show how job satisfaction is important in determining performance of employees as management at KMC should put more efforts to satisfy employees in order to attain their job performance. However, ddifferent studies on job satisfaction in and outside of our country has been done to reveal how serious important job satisfaction is in enhancing employees’ performance in public organizations. Since the following authors had the following findings in relation to the current study findings on job satisfaction. S.A. Kafyeta (2015) conducted a study titled “Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in Public Organization in Tanzania: A case of Electronic Supply Company Limited”. In this study findings revealed that most of employees were not satisfied with their jobs where by factors observed for their satisfaction level were job incentives, working environment, employees training and development as well as the extent employees involved in decision making. Since this study supports the current study findings at KMC where rewards and job security seemed to a great factors in attaining employees’ job satisfaction in public organizations. Therefore these two findings admit the low level of employees’ satisfaction in public organizations. S.P.Mteteleka (2016) conducted a study about “Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Performance at Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania”. The findings in this study indicated that employees of Ifakara Health Institute were lowly satisfied in their jobs. Their job satisfaction was affected by factors such as job security 83.7% and reward system management 80.2% these factors in reverse emerged as issues employees considered important and would likely make them to perform well as compared to the current study at KMC where employees considered reward and job security important in their jobs satisfaction. Since the study conducted at KMC is important in enhancing public organizations performance as most authors in their studies have revealed that job satisfaction has a great influence on employees’ performance in their jobs. 20 CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.0 Overview In this chapter a summary for the study is presented and the conclusion is drawn basing on the findings presented and discussed. This is followed by recommendations for the study basing on the findings. 5.1 Summary of the Study The aim of this study was to examine influence of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at Kigamboni Municipal Council. Specifically the study aimed at examining the prevailing factors influencing job satisfaction at KMC; examining the effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance. Previous studies on job satisfaction has been presented in chapter two with the aspects considered important for the topic such as; conceptualization of job satisfaction with different definitions of job satisfaction, determinants of job satisfaction that are environmental factors and personal factor as well as effects of job satisfaction. Case study research design was used, employing both primary and secondary techniques of data collection during the study in order to answer the following research questions;i. What influence job satisfaction at KMC? ii. What are the effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance at KMC? Thus, in responding to the stated research questions, data were collected and analyzed by using various statistical techniques such as such as percentage and frequency distribution. The qualitative data were also edited, coded and arranged into themes. The revealed research findings are as follows;Firstly, with regard to what influence job satisfaction at KMC, the findings revealed job security and reward are key factors that influence job satisfaction at KMC, however this is not happening at the organization as the finding show that in job security 40% of respondents disagree means 21 that lowly satisfied with the job security while 42% of respondents strongly disagree with the reward system at KMC. The study in the second research question wanted to know what are the effects of job satisfaction on the employees’ performance at KMC; the findings from the interview conducted with KMC field workers revealed that if the employees are dissatisfied in their job can lead to poor performance, losing to have working morale and lead to absenteeism and turnover. 5.2 Conclusion and Recommendation for the Study 5.2.1 Conclusion On the basis of the first objective that sought to examine the prevailing factors that influences job satisfaction at KMC, the study concluded that job security and rewards are the major factors that influence employees’ satisfaction at KMC. From the second objective the study concluded that job satisfaction has a great effect on employees’ performance such as poor performance at work, losing to have working morale that leads to turnover as well as absenteeism when employees feel dissatisfied with their work environment. Since job satisfaction goes in hand with the performance of the employees in any organization. 5.2.2 Recommendations Based on the results of the study findings the following are the recommendation for the future implementation; Since the study findings reveal that job security and rewards have great impact on employees’ performance, the study recommends that the organization should continue putting more efforts on improving the job security and rewards of the workers so that they can be pleased with their job. Also, the study recommends that there should be a good system of conducting performance feedback in public organizations for the work done as most of the employees seem to be happy to know if their contribution to the Organization is meaningful and recognized. 22 Management should try as much as possible to build work environments that attracts, retain and motivate its employees so that to help them work comfortable and increase organization productivity. 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Please answer each question by ticking appropriate space provided bellow. Have you been employed by KMC? ( ) YES ( ) NO. i) Which status of Employee do you have? 1 Permanent 2 3 temporary volunteering ii) Which group of KMC employees bellows do you belong? Gender Male ( Female ( Age ) Area 18-40 ( ) 41-50 ( ) Managerial ( Education level ) Secondary ( ) ) Normal worker ( 51-65 ( Primary ) ) Tertiary/university 26 2. Read the table and answer the questions as instructed bellow;-. Key variables Statements Scales 1 Task identity I’m happy to plan, implement, report and receive feedback on my job. Skills variety I’m happy working on tasks that require varying talents and skills. Performance feedback I’m happy I can plan the work in regular intervals to implement report for the work and receive the feedback. Autonomy I’m happy that I can control over how and when tasks to completed. Job security I’m happy my job is well secured. Reward I’m happy that I receive the entitled compensation and rights to promotion. Task significance I’m happy to know that my task is reorganized important in achieving organization's goals. 2 3 4 Please indicate number against the related statement (consider bellow key to scales). Key to scales: 1.strong agree, 2.agree, 3.neither agree, 4. Disagree, 5.Strong disagree. 3. How do you find your Job? a). Good b). Very good ( ) c). Excellent d). Unsatisfactory 4. Does job satisfaction affects your performance at KMC? a). Yes b). No 27 5 5. What are the effects of job satisfaction on employee's performance at KMC? a). It increases performance b). It increases work morale ( ) c). It increases employee's performance d). It does not affect employee's performance 6. In your opinion what should be done to improve your job performance as well as eliminating dissatisfaction at KMC? a). Increase job security b). Improve working conditions c). Improve reward system management d). Improve employee-management relations e). Offer on job training. Thanks for your cooperation. 28 ( ) APPENDICES Appendix II: Interview Questions Guidelines This interview guideline is designed to guide a researcher on what can address job satisfaction and improve Employees’ Performance at KMC. 1. What do you understand about job satisfaction? 2. For how long you have been working at KMC? 3. Are you satisfied with your job at KMC? If YES why and if NO why? 4. Have you ever experienced job dissatisfaction at KMC? If yes why and how was the problem managed? 5. Do you see any importance of having satisfied employees at KMC and why? 6. In your experience does job satisfaction offer positive effects in your job performance at KMC? If yes what are they? Thanks for your participation. 29