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Grade 10 Career Goals Research Proposal

SCHOOL YEAR 2018-2019
A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty
of Senior High School Gumaca
National High School Gumaca, Quezon
In Partial Fulfillment of the Course
Requirements for Practical Research 1
Humanities and Social Sciences
Ilao, Vince Raven B.
Cayetano, Leane A.
Panopio, Sean Vincent A.
Poliga, Josefa Joyce N.
April 2019
Choosing a career goals can be difficult decision for the student as well as thinking about
their future career. Some students know exactly which career to pursue while others do not know
yet. Career can be defined by the total pattern of one’s activities held during person’s lifetime. It
can also determine the individual personally because it describes who the person is. Therefore,
choosing an appropriate career is very important for every students as this help to determine their
Students career choice is influenced by their educational attainment, the context in which
they live in, their personal aptitudes and social contacts. Moreover, role model supportiveness and
quality of relationship with the family in terms of proper guidance contribute to career choice of
students, but some students career choice is influenced by their parent careers, follow their passion,
and others just want to be in trend of follow their squad goals.
With the rapid growth in socio economic, there is an increase need of people. Having the
right skills and qualifications to join the work and other organization will be a big help to achieve
the goals. Thus, it is apparent that students also face the problem of dealing with different subjects
in school. This leads to an issue of concern and has serious implications for the student’s
performance. Hence, guidance of parents and teachers to students are fundamental especially in
choosing an appropriate or relevant choice. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify
the perceive career goals among grade-10 students in San Isidro National High School.
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
This study is worked to determine the Perceive Career Goals of Grade-10 Students of San
Isidro National High School. Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?
a. age
b. sex
c. section
2. What are the perceive career goals of Grade-10 Students of San Isidro National High
School General Luna, Quezon.
3. What are the student’s basis in choosing their career goals?
Research Paradigm
Demographic profile
of the Respondents in
terms of:
 Age
 Sex
 Section
 Student’s basis in
choosing their career
Perceive Career Goals of
Grade-10 Students of San
Isidro National High
Figure 1.
The diagram shows the input which will help to identify the objective of the study, the
process will be done through the aid of questionare, survey and data gathering to determine the
output which is the perceive career goals of grade-10 students of San Isidro National High School.
Significance of the Study
This study aims to determine the perceive career goals of Grade 10 students of San Isidro
National High School General Luna, Quezon. It will be beneficial to the following:
To the Grade 10 students, this research will help and guide the students in choosing
their career goals.
To the parents, this research will help them to understand the students career choice in
terms of their career goals.
To the school administration, this research will help the school to know the students
career choice and help them in providing assistance.
To the teachers, this research will help them in guiding the students in choosing the right
path to go.
To the researchers, this research will help the researchers to know the perceive career
goals of the Grade 10 students and serve as their accomplishment on their field of study.
To the future researchers, this research will help them with their own research study as
a guide and will serve as their guide in accomplishing the same study.
Scope and Delimitation
This study is only focused to determine the Perceive career goals of grade-10 students.
This study is only limited to Grade 10 students of San Isidro National High School in General
Luna Quezon.
Definition of Terms
Academics- courses of study taken at the school or college.
Careers- a job or profession that someone for a long time.
Decisions- a choice that you make about something that after thinking about it,
Goals- something that you are trying to do or achieve.
Influence- a person or thing that affects something in an important way.
Students- a person who stratifies something.
Perceive- to notice or become aware of something. To have an idea or something.
This chapter presents the necessary methods and process to be use by the researchers to
gathers the data required for the study. Furthermore, it consists of research design, research locale,
research sampling and population, research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical
treatment of data.
Research Design
This study will be accomplish using qualitative approach, it is a scientific method of
observation to gather non-numerical data. Most of the data from this study will interpret according
to the response of the respondents.
Research Locale
The study will be conducted in San Isidro National High School which was located at
General Luna, Quezon. This school is a Public High School which offers Junior High School and
Senior High School with academic and vocational track.
Research Sampling and Population
The researcher will be using random sampling technique to determine the sample
population of Grade 10 students of San Isidro National High School in General Luna, Quezon for
the year 2018-2019.
Data Gathering Procedure
To gathered the required data and information, the researcher will ask first permission to
the administrator of the chosen school through a letter of request signed by the researcher’s adviser.
Once the request was approved, the researcher will conduct a survey through the aid of survey
questionnaire. After the data has been gathered, it will be consolidated and interpret to determine
the Perceive career goals of grade-10 students. This study is only limited to Grade 10 students of
San Isidro National High School
Statistical Treatment and Data
To analyze and interpret the necessary data, the researchers will use random sampling to
determine the sample population. Since this study will be done using a qualitative approach, the
researcher will interpret the data based from the response of the chosen respondents.
Formula of random sampling:
P= 1−
𝑁−1 𝑁−2
𝑁 𝑁−1
𝑁 − (𝑛 − 1)
= 10%