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13th Documentary Video Notes: Mass Incarceration

Name:_____________________________ Date:____________________ Period:_______
13th​ Video Notes:
Mass Incarceration
Trigger Warnings:
1) You will hear systematic racism referred to as an objective fact.
2) You will (briefly) hear a white man say the n-word. With a hard r.
3) You will hear rape mentioned, but not described.
➢ What was happening at the same time that the Civil Rights
Movement was “gaining steam?”
Caption: Michelle Alexander is a writer, civil
rights lawyer, and visiting professor at Union
Theological Seminary. She is best known for
her 2010 book ​The New Jim Crow: Mass
Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.
➢ According to the quote and the definition below, why did
crime increase after the Civil Rights Movement?
❖ [Definition] ​Baby Boom Generation:​ the
generation of people born after WWII,
during which time people had more children
than ever before.
What was another connection that people made between the Civil
Rights Movement and the increase in crime?
Why did President Nixon (left) want to criminalize heroin and
What were President Reagan’s reasons for the starting the modern
War on Drugs in 1982?
Caption: The First Lady, Nancy Reagan (left),
and President Reagan (right).
Circle which drug people got more time in prison for:
Powder Cocaine
Crack Cocaine
Which racial groups did this affect the most?
This is an excerpt of Public Enemy’s “Don’t Believe the Hype”
(1988). According to Chuck D (who raps the verse), who is the
“public enemy?”
According to Flava Flav (who raps the hook), what is “the hype” he
doesn’t want the listener to believe?
According to Malika Cyril (director of Center for Media Justice),
did the news media in the 1980s show an accurate picture of who
committed crimes in the U.S.? What evidence do they use to
support their claim?
What does this lead people in the U.S to think or feel about crime
and criminals?
Who were arrested in the Central Park Jogger case?
What ended up happening to the people arrested? Why?
What has the public been educated to believe?
Which racial group does Malika Cyril want to be “clear” believes
this racist idea?
Reflection Questions: P
​ lease respond in 2-3 complete sentences.
1.What was most surprising, interesting and/or important information from this documentary?
2. How does what you saw in 13th connect to T
​ he 57 Bus? (Are there any overlapping themes? Think
about your groups!)
3. ​What is an idea that you want to learn more about, either to elaborate or challenge?