CSCU9B3: Database Principles and Applications Dr Deepayan Bhowmik (Module Co-ordinator), Dr. Mohamed Elawady (Module Lecturer), Ms Nida Zeeshan (Tutor) The teaching team } Dr Deepayan Bhowmik – Module Coordinator } } } Dr Mohamed Elawady – Module Lecturer } } } Room: 4B88 Room: 4B97 Ms Nida Zeeshan – Module Tutor } Welcome to the module exercise } } Let break out in groups of 3-4 Discuss among yourselves on: } } What is a database Where do we use them } Think about 3 important features of a database } and list them using the link below Welcome to the module exercise } List 3 important features of a database } Module Overview } Database management systems (DBMS) } An introduction to relational database theory and practice } Building databases with mySQL and PHP } Data and the law Module Organisation } } } Blended delivery throughout 9 sessions, each spanning 1 or 2 weeks Each session typically involves: } } } } Reading / watching videos Paper-based exercises Practical work using a database server at Stirling accessed via a web browser Reading in first week followed by exercises / practical work spilling into second week Interaction } 1 face-to-face and 3 synchronous hours each week: } } } Face-to-face practical: Tuesdays 11:30 am (Room 2Y5) Synchronous practical: Thursday 11:00 am Synchronous Q&A on theory / reading material / exercises: } } } } Tuesday 4:30 pm Thursday 3:00 pm Each of you should join one practical and one Q&A session Discussion threads (asynchronous; aim at next working day response) } } } Module administration Practical work Theory / exercises Feedback } Practical worksheets contain formative checkpoints } } Self-assessment via Quizzes Tutorial exercises } } Self-assessment via provided answers Student may request personal feedback on attempted answers Assessment } Coursework assignment (70%): due Friday 19th November } } } Relational database design using entity-relationship (ER) modelling Database implementation and use with mySQL and PHP Exam (30%) } } } Relational database theory DBMS organisation Data and the law This Week: Session 1 } Get familiar with the module’s layout on Canvas } Complete initial short exercise } View reading and video material } Practical work: at least try logging onto the mySQL database Questions? } This is a learning experience for all of us! } We are very open to suggestions for ways of presenting material / feedback / interaction } Make use of the discussion threads and Q&A hours } Come prepared to the Q&A hours