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IB Language & Literature: Oppression & Revolution

Language A: Language and Literature
Internal Assessment Student Outline Form - Official
Field of Inquiry: Politics, power and justice
Narrowed-down Field of Inquiry: Power
Global Issue: Oppression
Narrowed-down Global Issue: How oppression under extreme circumstances leads to a revolution
Texts chosen (full bibliographical
Literary work: The Apostate Jack
Non-literary body of work:
977762726/ imgur
Notes for the oral (maximum of 10 bullet points, 250-300 words)
1. Intro
-Introduce global issue, literary work, body of work
2. Lit. Extract
- loaded diction reveals the unfairness inside john’s family and how exhausted he is from being the only one working
- the oppression that he experiences inside his own family environment (his mother defends herself, showing that she actually did
something wrong)
Entire Lit. Work
- Loaded diction : The mocking chant rose louder and louder. "Can't he see I'm tired?
Mocking from his own brother, they did not value his efforts and work that he did for them
He grew up in the industrial revolution, it was normal for kids his age to work, example with kid whose family lost two babies
and dependent on him to bring money home, extremely harsh conditions, no worker protection
4. BoW Extract
- star wars poster about the rebellion and the fight against the empire
-trying to convince people to join the fight against their oppressors, has as centre the three soldiers and in the back the death star,
loaded diction to pursue people to join their cause
Entire BoW
-one of the main themes of star wars (except the mythical lore) is the battle between oppressors and subjects (the rebels) how
their battle against the empire was for a righteous goal and
-the empire used fear and terror as means to keep the galaxy in their control, the rebels used the same means, recurring theme in
all of the posters.
Difference between the oppressors on both works and the means of that each characters used for their rebellion
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