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Park Libraries Advocacy in Pakistan

Pakistan Observer , July 3, 2020
Advocacy for Libraries at National and Public Parks
By Abid Hussain
https://pakobserver.net/adocacy_for libraries_at National_and Public_ Parks/
A National Park is "an area of land protected by the government for people to visit
because of its natural beauty and historical or scientific interest" (Oxford Learner
dictionary. As per the statistics of Wildlife of Pakistan, there are more than 6555 national
parks worldwide. In Pakistan, 26 National parks exist; the oldest is the Lal Sohanra
National Park, which was established in 1972. Parks' purposes are to establish the
biological, geological, and cultural importance of nations and protect its people's
biodiversity. Parks are sources of recreation, education, and science for the public.
Global warming, populations, reduction of biological diversity are growing threats for
the entire world; Pakistan is facing the same challenges for the last few decades.
National parks are regarded as ecological laboratories in the contemporary environment.
These Parks are significant assets for the ecological health of the planet and preserving
the environment clean. Parks are naturally attractive places for photography, Ecotourism, tracking, bird and animal watching, etc. Lush green forests in the National
parks are excellent sources of carbon emissions in the surrounding environment.
Parks are excellent sources of education and recreation, and millions of people visit
these National parks every year. Cafe bars, resorts, and restaurants have been made
available, but these parks are deprived of library services. Markets, walking trails,
gardens, plazas are public spaces and essential components for healthy communities and
livable cities; however, we do not know how libraries and these other spaces, especially
parks, relate to one another and how they might relate to one another shortly. One of the
primary values of public libraries is a necessary component in public spaces or parks.
These libraries are playing a positive role as a trusted, accessible, neutral public space.
Libraries are communication centers, a gathering place, a catalyst for civic development,
and a site where people of all ages, races, classes, and cultures can congregate. Public
places like libraries and Parks are sites for social infrastructure, and both are bringing
people together. Parks and libraries have the potential to be powerful symbols and agents
for civic places, around which community service projects could be organized. Libraries
are places where people interact, imagine, and gather to explore new ideas. Advocacy
for Park Libraries will add value to our communities and serves as a cultural center for
our patrons.
Libraries in Park are sources of community building, community centers for diverse
populations, center for the arts and libraries, and youth champions. The library may offer
exemplary services that support the notion beyond information. In Pakistan, the exchairman CDA Kamran Lashari took the initiative in 2007 to construct libraries along
with the gyms that will be benefited for the public at large. Few libraries still exist with
miserable conditions and scarcity of the book. In Pakistan's capital, only every sector
boasts multiple parks and even separate parks for children, women, and senior citizens.
These community parks have football grounds, basketball courts, and tennis courts but
do not have proper libraries for the masses who can spend a few minutes reading good
books and newspapers. The incumbent government also took an initiative to establish
libraries in public parks in Punjab province. Asif Mehmood (Adviser on Horticulture
and Tourism to the Chief Minister Punjab had articulated in a press conference which
was held in October 2019, he expressed that all big Park in Punjab province will be
granted libraries where there was enough space. But no attention has been made so far.
There are only few libraries established in Park of Pakistan.
The National Library of Pakistan, with the help of the Parks and Horticulture Authority
(PHA), may take this initiative. The civil society and private company may be directed,
and the contract may be awarded as per the tender's rules. I assured you that such an
initiative would pave the way for people of all ages, races, classes, and cultures. Park
libraries in Pakistan will achieve the Ministry of Federal Education's visionary motto
and professional training, that is " To develop human resources by ensuring equal access
and educational excellence across Pakistan."
The writer is a library officer at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI).