Uploaded by Natividad, Kered Zilyo


Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
In partial fulfillment of the Academic requirements for the
A Research Project Presented by:
Donato, Francis Angelo S.
Natividad, Kered Zilyo C.
Ventura, Justine Dave E.
Ambrona, Nicole Marie M.
Desengaño, Maxine Aimelleen S.M.
Reyes, Samantha Nicole M.
Tagalag, Yshi M.
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
discussed by:
DONATO, Francis Angelo S.
NATIVIDAD, Kered Zilyo C.
VENTURA, Justine Dave E.
AMBRONA, Nicole Marie M.
DESENGAÑO, Maxine Aimelleen S.M.
REYES, Samantha Nicole M.
of Grade 12 - ST. JOHN BAPTISTE DE LA SALLE (ABM-B), in fulfillment of the
requirements for the RESEARCH PROJECT subject, has been examined and hereby
recommended for approval and acceptance.
Mark Joseph Zapanta
Research Adviser
Approved by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION on ___May 15,2020_____
Mark Joseph Zapanta
Maynard Jasper Dolot
_ Roselie Yago__
Accepted in completion of the RESEARCH PROJECT subject and for the partial
fulfillment of the academic requirements for the Accountancy, Business, and
Management Track.
Mr. Alvin A. Altarejos
Senior High School Principal
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
There are many people to whom the researchers are grateful for, with their help and
support. With deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation, the researchers want to thank
the following:
To our Almighty God for the gift of knowledge, perseverance, and integrity to finish this
task. He has made this substantial project possible.
Mr. Alvin A. Altarejos, Pateros Catholic School Senior High School principal, for
signing the approval sheet for our data gathering among the BPO companies in BGC and
Mckinley Hill.
Mr. Mark Joseph Zapanta, Research Project teacher, for his effort in imparting us his
knowledge about research and his tireless amendment to our frequent consultations.
Mr. Mark Jasper Dolot and Ms. Roselie Yago, the panelists in our final defense, for
criticizing our research paper in a constructive way and in giving feedback and advice on
revising our project.
The researchers recognize the coordinating body of Pasig City Library for allowing the
researchers to use the different books as a reference to this research’s Review of Related
We give our warmest appreciation to Sutherland Global Services (BGC, Taguig)
especially to their human resource officers: Ms. Nick Allen Fernandez and Mr. Martin
Gurrero and to team leaders of Ingram Micro Philippines (Mckinley Hill, Taguig City),
namely: Ms. Nurailam Capioso and Mr. Fernando Turingan for their participation in our
data gathering despite their hectic schedule.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
This research project is mainly dedicated to their family of the researchers who
continually guide and support them throughout their journey in senior high school. Also,
for their friends who always support and push them most especially amid hardships. Most
especially the research project was also dedicated to our God the Father who made
everything possible and who help them through the whole process of their project. Lastly,
this research is dedicated to the researchers themselves. It was not easy to accomplish this
task without their hard work and perseverance.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
The objective of this study is to determine the role of a healthy working
environment in employee retention by knowing the factors that greatly affect the
employee retention of companies. This study uses a descriptive type of design and
purposive sampling technique in which respondents are chosen particularly those who
have experienced in a corporate setting. The respondents of this study are 90 BPO
employees and 3 people with the position of team leader, supervisor, and human resource
officers. The researchers discover the different factors that contribute to employee
retention concerning a healthy work environment. According to the employees, the most
common factor that affects employee retention is reward and benefits which has a total of
26%. On the other hand, according to employers, the most common factor that affects
their employee retention is organizational culture. The researchers conclude that behind
many factors affecting the healthy working environment, personal and confidential
reasons is also a factor an employee decides to leave the company that cannot be
controlled by the management. Lack of benefits offered and the right compensation
contributes to the desire and personal reasons of the employees to leave and choose to be
on a different company and career path.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Acknowledgement- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dedication- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Abstract- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Table of Contents- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
List of Figures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CHAPTER 1: The Problem and its Background
o Background of the Study - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2
o Research Problems and Questions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
o Conceptual Framework - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Assumptio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Scope and Limitations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Significance of the Study- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Definition of Terms - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Ethical Concerns/Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CHAPTER 2: Review of Related Literature
o Nature of a Healthy Working Environment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 11
o Theories on Employee Retention - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Strategies of Staff Management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- 18
o Factors Affecting Employee Retention- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
o Effects of Healthy Working Environment- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
CHAPTER 3: Methodology
o Research Design- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30
o Sampling and Participants- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Research Instrument- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Data Gathering Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Data Analysis- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
CHAPTER 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
o Demographics- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Presentation/ Discussion - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Interpretation of Interview of BPO employees and Human Resources, Team Leader, and Supervisor -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
CHAPTER 3:Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
o Summary of Findings- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61
o Conclusions- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 63
o Recommendations- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Appendices- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Appendix A - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o Appendix B -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
o Appendix C- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Figure 4.1 Age- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Figure 4.2 Gender- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Figure 4.3 Monthly Salary Range- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Figure 4.4 Nationality- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38
Figure 4.5 City Address- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
Figure 4.6 Department- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Figure 4.7 Years in Service- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 41
Figure 4.8 Is this your first time working in a BPO company?- - - - - - - - 42
Figure 4.9 Number of Companies Worked for- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
Figure 4.10 Factors in Healthy Working Environment?- - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
Figure 4.11 Reasons for Choosing Facility- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
Figure 4.12 Reasons for Choosing Employers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
Figure 4.13 Reasons for Choosing Co-workers- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47
Figure 4.14 Reasons for Choosing Rewards and Benefits- - - - - - - - - - - - 48
Figure 4.15 Reasons for Choosing Company Culture- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
Figure 4.16 Do you see yourself staying longer in the company you’re
working for?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 51
Figure 4.17.1 Yes, I see myself staying longer for...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.17.2 Yes, I see myself staying longer because...- - - - - -- - - - - - - 53
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Background of the Study
The working environment plays an important role in the performance and
productivity of employees. The productivity and performance of the employees may be
affected due to a poor work environment as this affects their well-being and may result in
low satisfaction in their job. As such, this would mean that factors of an employee’s
working environment should be taken into consideration for it can affect the work of
employees in both positive and negative ways. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has constructed these factors in its definition of a healthy working environment.
Based on the experts' review, WHO proposes the following definitions:
A healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers collaborate to use a
continual improvement process to protect and promote the health, safety, and well-being
of all workers and the sustainability of the workplace by considering the following, based
on identified needs:
Health and safety concerns in the physical work environment;
Health, safety and well-being concerns in the psychosocial work environment,
including organization of work and workplace culture;
Personal health resources in the workplace; and
Ways of participating in the community to improve the health of workers, their
families, and other members of the community.
Since an average person spends time at least 40 hours working in a week, it is only
essential that organizations look for the wellness of their employees which promotes
physical, mental and social well-being, thus, it becomes a challenge for the management
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
to provide a safe workplace for their employees for the reason that this can become a
factor why employees want to quit their jobs since they do not have satisfaction in
As students in the field of management, it is only imperative to study a healthy
working environment as such, the researchers, chose this topic for the reason that a
healthy working environment is a foundation for employees’ retention in a company. The
researchers chose this topic since having a healthy environment workplace is very
relevant to all employees of a certain business which can lead the researchers to know the
factors that greatly affect the employee retention of companies.
Research Problem and Questions
The objective of this research is to determine the role of a healthy working
environment in employee retention. As stated in the work of Shakeel, N. (2015)
employee retention involves making an action plan that convinces workers to stay in the
company for the maximum period. Considering that money is not the only factor that
keeps an employee motivated, catering to the diverse needs of employees takes part in
discovering economic dimensions that must be applied to the company’s human resource
strategy. In developing a system of strategy for employees, requisite compensation is
necessary but insufficient as a motivation for employee’s overall performance in the
workplace. This proves that other factors are contributing to the behavior of employees as
they work in their fields. Knowing these factors would help a lot for companies to keep in
touch with employees as a response to employee retention.
This study aims to find out the factors that greatly affect the company’s employee
Specifically, the researchers aim to answer the following questions:
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
1. How do Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) employees define a healthy
working environment?
2. What factors do BPO employees deem relevant to a healthy working
3. What is the primary reason for an employee to stay for the company?
4. What are the other factors that contribute to employee retention?
5. What is the most common factor that might cause an employee’s attrition?
6. How do employers promote and create a healthy working environment in their
Conceptual Framework
Employees &
Healthy Working
Years in
Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework
The employees and employers are the variables the researchers will use to provide
an answer to the problem of the factors that greatly affect the company’s employee
retention. Programs play an important role in the company’s healthy working
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
environment as it provides harmonious relationships among the workers and owners of
the company. This may include programs and practices that promote fairness and justice
at work. Employee retention may be effective when the employers can retain their
employees by providing cooperatives and benefits that can be beneficial for the
employees. An employee’s years in service may also contribute to its retention.
A healthy environment has a big role in every company’s employee retention. It is
one of the common factors why employees are staying at their company. Toxicity of the
workplace could be a factor why most of them are deciding not to stay in their company.
To testify the overall impact of the workplace environment on employee
retention, the following assumptions have been made. A healthy environment is ideal
when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a stressful atmosphere. The most
important element that influences employee motivation and happiness, and how
productive and efficient they can be, all goes down to their working environment. A
healthy workplace environment is a huge factor and has a positive impact on employee
Scope and Limitations
This project’s main purpose is to determine factors contributing to employee
retention in relation to a healthy working environment as part of the Human Resource
Officer’s staff management. Human resource has a vital role in this study. Specifically,
the focus of the study is employees and employers in the Business Process Outsourcing
(BPO) industry. According to Outsource Accelerator (2019), BPO companies contribute
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
11% to the GDP of the Philippines. With 1.2 million people involved in 700 outsourcing
companies, this makes BPO a reliable population. These companies have a formal and
standard system of operations and organizational structure compared to small scale
businesses and other business entities. Respondents of this study are employees with at
least 4.6 years of service since it is the average length of time in a job for wage and salary
workers according to Doyle, A. (2019). For employers, knowing that they have great
experience in their field, at least 2 years of service in their current position is a
qualification needed by the researchers. Certainly, strategies are employed by employers
or top managers since they carry out the command of the board of directors and
implement it to their subordinates. Employees then appreciate what employers implement
and assess their adequacy. The involvement of these two human resources helps
determine the effectiveness of the human resource strategy and factors that fulfill
employee retention.
In the data collection, the employees’ comments and viewpoints are the primary
concerns of the researchers. Knowing that compensation is a motivational factor for
employees in a firm, an individual’s financial information is a private matter that is why
numerical analysis and computations of their salary would not be disclosed in this
exploration. More so, in the course of the study, familiarizing factors contributing to
employee retention leads to the involvement of laws and policies in a certain business
The research takes place at Bonifacio Global City wherein some BPO
establishments are situated. Personal interaction with an employee or employer of BPO
companies related to or familiar to the researchers can also be done in their houses. The
entire research project is conducted during the second semester of the academic year
2019 – 2020.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Significance of the Study
1. Employers and Institutions
Employers would gain insights on what are the possible factors that may affect
the will and decision of an employee to stay in a company. It gives them the idea that
they may be a factor that contributes to that. Also, this can help them find ways on how to
improve the system that they implement in the company which would lead to employee
satisfaction thus increasing productivity in the workplace and finally leading to success.
2. Community and Economy
The community would benefit in a way that if companies have good productivity,
the output of those companies would increase and the community would produce more
gross domestic product (GDP) that helps with the economy of the Philippines. Also,
fewer people would need jobs if they are properly treated and satisfied with their jobs
because institutions are taking care of their employees.
The Department of Labor and Employment would also gain insights for the
development of their labor and employment codes that may contribute to a company’s
employee retention. This government agency could produce more comprehensive laws
and policies that lean more toward employees which would be for the protection of
employees and to emphasize their dignity and value as hardworking laborers of a
4. Future Researchers
This study would provide a glimpse and help student researchers and other future
researchers to be aware of what are some factors that contribute to a company’s employee
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
retention. It would help them become good managers and this would be of help as a
future reference for more studies in the future.
Definition of Terms
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – is a method of subcontracting various businessrelated operations to third-party vendors.
BPO hoppers – these are agents that hop from one BPO company to another. Every
jump leads to the hope that the next company is where they will settle down.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – is the total monetary or market value of all the
finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time.
Hygiene - to describe factors that cause dissatisfaction in the workplace, are extrinsic,
and are linked to things such as compensation, job security, organizational politics,
working conditions, quality of leadership, and relationships between supervisors,
subordinates, and peers.
Hedonic – of, relating to or characterized by pleasure.
Proximity – refers to how near something is to another thing, especially in distance or
Toxicity - defined as any job where the work, the atmosphere, the people, or any
combination of those things cause serious disruptions for the rest of your life.
World Health Organization (WHO) – is an agency of the United Nations (UN). It
mainly deals with public health matters of people all around the world and acts as a
coordinating authority on international public health
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Ethical Issues/Considerations
Informed Consent
Informed consent means that each of the participants involved in the study is fully
aware of the evaluations conducted. This allows the participants to be informed about the
purpose of why the study is being conducted, what are the potential impacts of their
participation, how the findings can be used, and who has access to the findings. The main
purpose of informed consent is to let the participants decide as to whether they would
participate or not. This gives the target participants an overview of what can be their
participation in the study.
Voluntary Participation
Participants involved in the study are free to withdraw their participation at any
time without negatively impacting the study being conducted. This can help the
researchers to gain more trust from the participants who voluntarily participate in the
study. Voluntary participation also means great aid to researchers. To access this, the
researchers allow the participants to withdraw or remain as a participant in the study.
Recognizing Participant’s Welfare
Harm can be both physical and/or psychological and therefore can be in the form
of stress, pain, anxiety, diminishing self-esteem, or an invasion of privacy. It is very
important not to harm any of the participants. Causing harm to the participants might lead
to not finishing the research and can greatly affect the reputation of the researchers.
All the different data gathered in the research are entitled to confidentiality,
whether it is made to the public by the researchers. To provide a proper way of giving
respect to the people involved or the data gathered itself. The researchers decided to show
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
the preliminary results to the participants and invite them to comment. It is very
important to consider how reports are worded to ensure that there is no opportunity for
people to be identified even though names are not used. It is very important to give
respect to the participants, whether chosen or volunteer, to acknowledge their requests to
hide their identity. This is very important and helpful in studies which involve very
personal contact or with participants who have shared very personal information about
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
According to the World Health Organization (2010), a healthy working
environment is one in which there is not only an absence of harmful conditions that can
cause injury and illness but an abundance of health-promoting ones. The working
environment is significant to employee performance and productivity knowing that the
organization can provide good terms and conditions when it comes to employee
workplace, employees are able to stay for the long term in the organization because
employees have fewer complaints and are satisfied with the working environment. With
that, the researchers have considered the following themes to be taken into consideration
in conducting this research: the nature of a healthy working environment, theories for
employee retention, factors, strategies, and effects.
Nature of a Healthy Working Environment
Ensuring that companies have sufficient and comfortable accommodations to their
staff, they must have a healthy working environment. In a site called sahealth.sa.gov.au,
entitled “What is a healthy workplace”, World Health Organization (2009), states that a
healthy workplace is where the management and employees co-act to continually
improve health, safety, and welfare of all the workers in sustaining the productivity of the
company. Having a healthy working environment helps its employees to be more
comfortable and productive in doing their works.
In addition, WHO (2010), also states that people tend to spend one-third of their
lives at work, thus, a working environment can have a significant impact on employee’s
health and well-being. This makes a healthy working environment play a vital role in
employee’s work for them to be more efficient in their tasks.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Also, according to the site: sahealth.sa.gov.au, entitled, “What is a healthy
workplace” (2009), there are three factors in having an effective healthy working
environment, namely: Healthy People, Healthy Places and Healthy vision. Healthy
people (individual factors), focuses more on the individual’s needs such as developing
and improving their health insurance, as well as helping them build knowledge and skills
of the employees. A healthy place (environmental factors), talks about the general
environment where the company offers to its employees. It provides a physical work
environment and gives relevant resources to actively enhance their healthy behavior. The
last factor is healthy vision (organizational factors), which refers to the management’s
different business practices and policies that support and encourage healthy behavior of
its employees. An effective healthy working environment can have a significant impact
on employees’ productivity and performance, thus, making them stay more to their
respective companies.
To further elaborate, according to Heryati (2019), there are four aspects to look
into in creating a healthy working environment: workplace culture, the physical
environment, and occupational health and safety, health, and lifestyle practice, and
supportive workplace environment. In the first aspect, workplace culture, a company
having a positive workplace culture that is being practiced by the employees as well as
the superiors, tends to have better productivity and to be healthier as everyone is happy
and contented. Great workplace culture can help in keeping the employees be productive
and help the company to retain its best employees. Upon building a healthy working
environment, it also involves the physical environment of the company such as an office
or workshop and the occupational health and safety of their employees.
Recognizing the employee’s welfare can also help to keep them happy and
comfortable working in the company. Simple things such as maintaining the office to its
good condition and keeping it clean can make the employees not worried about staying in
the workplace. Allowing the employees to be safe in their working environment can help
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
the company maintain its employees. The third aspect is health and lifestyle practice. The
company should be looking after their employees to keep them stay and ensuring that
they are being cared for. Employees are one of the assets in an organization, having the
company’s utmost support to their wellness can help employees increase productivity and
performance, better teamwork, and reduce workplace accidents. Encouraging employees
to join daily morning runs of the company helps them to have a better healthy lifestyle.
Theories on Employee Retention
A common concern across all industries is employee retention. Though various
factors may contribute to turnover among personnel, recent research may shed new light
on practical means of improving retention and reducing the costs associated with
excessive employee turnover. Human resources professionals can gain a wealth of insight
into best retention practices by learning about job embeddedness and its implications.
According to Ehrler, M. (2018). “Job embeddedness represents a broad set of influences
on an employee’s decision to stay on the job. These influences include on the job factors,
such as bonds with co-workers, the fit between one’s skills and the demands of the job,
and organization-sponsored community service activities (e.g., the plant sponsors
quarterly neighborhood clean-up days). It also includes off-the-job factors, such as
personal, family, and community commitments. Ehrler also proposed that Job
embeddedness theory identifies three critical elements that indicate the level of
connection that individuals may develop within their organization.
These can be broadly defined as:
 Fit — How an individual’s work relates to their values and goals
 Links — How an individual is connected to other people and activities
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 Sacrifice — The level of disruption an individual would experience if they were
to quit their job.
By understanding these key factors, the researchers can assess up to what extent the
employees are at risk of leaving an organization and how best to promote retention. Job
embeddedness explains the factors that influence an employee's decision to stay in a
particular job. Some of the factors may be the work environment, co-workers, and the job
itself. Ehler proposed that job embeddedness theory has three vital elements that display
the connection of the individuals in their organization namely; fit, links, and sacrifice.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs also connects to how an employer addresses the needs
that will vary at each level and contribute to the satisfaction of employees. Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs is a charted set of human requirements that are important for an
individual to achieve complete development and self-actualization. Based on the
statement of Rouse, M. (2018) “The hierarchy is diagramed as a pyramid starting at the
bottom with basic needs that must be satisfied for an individual to be able to progress to
addressing more secondary needs. It is understood that a person who has to struggle to
survive does not think as much about or attain self-actualization as a person whose
survival is relatively assured.
The hierarchy of needs shows the general progression of pursuits for people once
survival and comfort are assured into the spiritual, the creative, and or intellectual. The
levels of the hierarchy, starting from the base of the pyramid are:
1. Physiological needs - These are biological requirements for human survival.
Examples include air, food, water, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, and sleep.
2. Safety needs – Examples include protection from elements, security, order, law, and
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3. Love and belongingness needs – These are the first of social needs, involving the
desire for interpersonal relationships and being part of a group. Examples of these
needs include friendship, intimacy, trust, acceptance, receiving, and giving affection
and love.
4. Esteem needs - Classified into two categories:
4.1 Self-esteem, stemming from dignity, achievement, mastery, and independence.
4.2. The desire for reputation or respect from others, including status and prestige.
5. Self-actualization needs – Examples include realizing personal potential, selffulfillment, and seeking personal growth and peak experiences.”
This theory emphasizes the need of companies to consider the basic requirements of
their employees including health, job security, and payment. They can then advance to
the position of the employee in the organization. When employees know that employers
care about their health and that their job is guaranteed, they will be committed to the
Juneja, P. (2018) states that “Motivation plays an important role in employee
satisfaction and eventually employee retention.” This explains that employee retention
has a direct relationship with the motivation of employees which is why the Frederick
Herzberg Theory is also known as Motivation-Hygiene Theory is applicable to be used
by the organization to make the employee stay for the long term. Also According to
Kujik, A. (2018) the people’s job satisfaction depends on two kinds of factors; The job
satisfaction influenced by motivation factors such as achievement, recognition,
responsibility, work itself, advancement, and personal growth while the other one is job
dissatisfaction influenced by hygiene factors such as working conditions, co-worker
relations, policies and rules, supervisor quality, and base wage or salary. Herzberg claims
that these factors function together and if the employers take away the dissatisfaction
factors it doesn’t mean employees will be satisfied rather the employees are just no
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longer dissatisfied. Herzberg also proposed that the two factors can have four
4 different combinations exist at work:
1. High hygiene and high motivation
 This is the ideal situation. Employees are very motivated and barely have any
2. High hygiene and low motivation
 Employees have few complaints, but they are not motivated, they see their
work simply as a paycheck.
3. Low hygiene and high motivation
 Employees are motivated, their job is challenging, but they have complaints
about salary or work conditions.
4. Low hygiene and low motivation
 This is the worst possible situation. Employees are not motivated and have a
lot of complaints.
Based on the four combinations made by Herzberg's theory, if employees have low
hygiene and low motivation, employees tend to complain a lot since the employers are
not able to provide benefits and needs of the employees. While, if employees have low
hygiene and high motivation, employees are just motivated at work but still have
complaints in working conditions and salary. And if employees have high hygiene and
low motivation, employees just have few complaints in their working conditions but are
not motivated at work. Lastly, if employees have high hygiene and high motivation,
employees have barely any complaints in the job and are motivated at work. Thus,
employees need to have high hygiene and high motivation to be able to work for the long
term in a company.
Another theory that contributes to the ideas on how employees view their job that
affects employee retention is made by John Stacey Adams known as the Equity Theory.
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According to Mulder, P. (2018) “Adams is convinced that employees lose motivation
when they think or feel that their input is greater than the output.” The input-referred in
Adams Equity Theory includes the quantity and quality the employees make in carrying
out their work. This involves the following:
 Effort – This is how much work employees put to fulfill their jobs and duties.
It is the basic level input that employees do.
 Skills – The ability of employees to execute their work which employees
gained through training and experience.
 Knowledge – This is an input where employees accumulate through education
and training, interest in their field, and development.
 Experience – What employees have that helps the employees gain lesson and
knowledge which can be used in their work.
 Social Skills – This is what employees used when interacting and
communicating with their co-workers and employers to exchange information
and knowledge.
 Loyalty – The value that employees give to the organization by supporting the
goal of the organization.
These then refer to the time employees’ engagement in working to the company.
While the output refers to the Equity theory is divided into two; 1. Financial rewards
which include salary, bonus, and profit-sharing. These are basically about the monetary
benefits that an employee receives when the work is done and keeps the employee do the
assigned work as employees receive rewards in return. 2. Immaterial rewards which
include recognition, challenge, and responsibility. This type of reward helps the
employees feel motivated because this is how the organization recognizes the employees’
work thus, engaging in the company because employees enjoy working.
Adams Equity Theory proposes that there is a need of balancing the knowledge and
skills an employee puts into their work and the result employees get in return. This is to
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ensure that employees can carry out their work well with having a healthy working
environment. The Equity Theory also suggests that to have a balance between the input
and output of the employees, the organization should practice fair treatment to all
Furthermore, using Adams’ Equity and Herzberg’s theory allows employers to be
able to determine employee retention rates and be able to know the factors needed to
focus on so that employers may avoid the employees from leaving the company. The
organization should motivate the employees to work and know the factors that affect the
employees in their work to make the employee stay from the company.
Strategies of Staff Management
Retention of productive employees is a major concern of Human Resources
professionals that is why staff management must be effective. In a site called
humanity.com, in an article entitled “Effective Staff Management is the Backbone of
Your Business” retrieved on 2010 it is stated that staff management is important because
this is the backbone of any business and poor industrial relations can mean that
productivity will be low and staff turnover will be high. This signifies that staff
management plays an important role in employee retention. Employee turnover can be
lessened and avoided on the condition that a company does well in managing their
Also, it states that good communication serves as an important factor when it comes
to successful staff management. Criticisms can be valid and taking them seriously can
help improve the company. An employer must allow the employees to contribute ideas
making them feel valued while benefiting from their useful ideas.
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The high turnover rate is one of the biggest problems BPO industries are facing that is
why to achieve effective retention, BPO’s apply strategies and use different tools
Employee turnover is so expensive because organizations pay direct exit costs when
an employee leaves and incur additional costs to recruit and train new hires which is why
an article entitled “BPO Employee Retention”, states that employers must “Hire the right
people. Retention starts with recruitment itself.” That is why the employer must identify
the requirement they need including the characteristics of the people they want to hire. It
is important to hire people who are productive and are likely to stay for a longer time.
Furthermore, it also states that the employer must “Find the reason why employees
are leaving.” and this can be achieved by conducting exit interviews with the employees
after 3-4 months of leaving the job because of most employees do not want to disclose
the true reason why they leave the job so long as they are in the organization.
A site called currandaly.com, in an article entitled “Employee Retention Strategies in
the BPO Industry” states that the environment plays an important factor in increasing
employee retention in BPO that is why an employer must “create a flexible working
environment”. Having a flexible and convenient working environment helps in keeping
the employees engaged, efficient, and productive in their job. By giving such extended
maternal leaves for mothers, flexible hours for employees and even making those in need
to work from home can help build a sense of trust, loyalty, and motivation from
employees to work harder for the company.
Moreover, employees are most likely to stay if they see that there’s an opportunity for
them to grow that’s why employers must “provide opportunities for career growth” for
their personnel. Conducting seminars and training helps in encouraging career growth
and professional skills development among employees. Training is a bridge that can lead
to employee satisfaction and a higher retention rate for one’s company. Keeping the
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employees learning and the development moving by initiating mentorship and higher
education programs can serve as one of the strategies in increasing employee retention
that is why developing career plans for employees is vital.
Besides, it is also stated in the article that “Competitive salary and address concerns
of health, security, transportation, and food” count as one of the strategies for effective
employee retention. Thus, according to the article, from a survey, healthcare benefits
were listed among the most important reasons to stay. Employees value their health,
vision, and dental insurance above all other benefits, and 10% higher base pay is linked
to a 1.5 percentage point increase in the chances of an employee staying in their current
company. Companies may provide employee benefits such as health insurance, security
insurance, transportation allowance, and free food to gain positive results and an increase
in productivity, ethics, and better engagement. Employees also demand a raise in
compensation as they rise in ranks and by doing so helps in keeping top employees to
stay. Contests and awards for performance also reward high achievers while increasing
morale and enthusiasm.
Factors Affecting Employee Retention
Fitz-enz (1990) stated in the work of Rono, E., and Kiptum, G. (2017) that
employee retention as a part of human resource strategies is driven by several factors that
should be considered by the management as far as organizational culture and career
development systems are focused on. Day (2000) pointed out in the work of Rono, E. and
Kiptum, G. (2017) that once these factors are mismanaged and disregarded, devastating
economic results could happen. Fitz-enz (1997) further explained in the work of Rono, E.
and Kiptum, G. (2017) that effective management and utilization of human resources has
a great contribution to the organization’s long-term success.
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Compensation and Benefits
Compensation as described by Reville, Boden & Biddle (2003), is awarded to an
employee as recompense for loss, the harm suffered, or efforts made, typically in the
monetary form given by the employer as a salary or wage. However, compensation is not
only awarded in the form of money. Non-cash benefits can also be considered as one of
its forms. Some of these non-cash benefits are pension, life and health insurance,
retirement plans, and allowances which may include company cars or subsidized
transportation. This factor is the fundamental and most anticipated part of the
occupational welfare for an employee that is mandated by the organization. Hauser &
Baggett (2002) emphasized that being one of the most common factors, it plays an
important role in attracting and retaining employees. Creating and maintaining
compensation policies as well as laying it down from the top-level management down to
the low-level management satisfy employees which helps them to remain committed to
the organization.
Rewards and Recognitions
Rewards as defined by Rono, E., and Kiptum, G. (2017) “are any objects stimuli
or events that increase the probability and intensity of behavioral actions leading to a
such objects (learning, also called positive reinforcement),generate approach and
consummatory behavior and constitute outcomes of economic decision-making, and
induce subjective feelings of pleasure and hedonic.” Rewards and recognitions are also
one of the factors attributed to compensation. One of the management’s jobs is to let
employees know that they are valued and this can be fulfilled if they are well-awarded.
One of the most efficient rewards is praise and recognition which can boost the overall
performance of an employee (De Ocampo, R. & Aguiling, H.; 2018). Rewards are
classified into two categories; tangible and intangible rewards. Tangible rewards are
considered as fixed pay. These are things that are given by the management in return for
services or jobs performed by an employee. Some of these tangible rewards are pensions,
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sick pay, insurance, meals, live-in accommodation, parking facilities, private health
insurance, mobile phones, Christmas parties, staff discounts, relocation expenses, etc. On
the other hand, Intangible rewards are those that cannot be measured through quantity
since it does not affect financial acquisition directly. Examples of these are recognition,
job autonomy, skill development, and training opportunities, career development etc.
(Torrington, D.; Hall, L.; & Taylor, S.; 2013)
Employee Empowerment
According to Hummayoun & Muhammad (2010) in the work of Nyanjom, C.
(2013) employee empowerment creates a sense of belongingness towards the
organization. The management should focus on human resource policies, especially on
self-governance in order to reduce the turnover rate. Hummayoun and Muhammad (2010)
and Choong, Wong, and Lau (2011) set the priorities in empowering employees as stated
in the work of Nyanjom, C. (2013). First, the goals of the organization must be
established for them to have a guideline in doing their job. Second, the authority would
make them feel confident, particularly, the decision-making process. Obligatory tasks
that sometimes lead to facing pressure tend to make them persistent until such time that
these tasks are finished and solved. In a corporate setting, retaining a competent and
capable workforce with higher job satisfaction ensures the commitment of employees in
an organization.
Employee Training
As perceived by Latham (1988) in the study of Nyanjom, C. (2013) the
systematic acquisition, development, and improvement of knowledge, skills, and ethical
standards for efficient performance of employees are purposes of employee training.
Developing their skills would allow more productivity and capability on the specific job
they are delegated to. Moreover, Landsman (2004) restated in the work of Nyanjom, C.
(2013) explained that training clarifies the role of an employee through proper
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supervision of the employer which can lessen the stress in the workplace. Once the
desired needs of employees are attained in the training process, expected positive
outcomes of the organization such as employee retention, would be reached. An
employee’s self-training initiative cannot handle the factors contributing to staff
retention. Training can play a primary role in human resource management but it may not
be sufficient if other factors will not be focused on.
Performance Appraisal
Another factor to be addressed is performance appraisal defined by Gruman &
Saks (2011) restated in the work of Nyanjom, C. (2013) as “a process of inspecting and
evaluating an individual’s performance in his or her duty to facilitate the decision of
career development of the individual.” This process serves as an assessment of an
employee’s overall contribution to the organization that focuses on ethical values, the
work performance itself, and the capability to handle a much higher position in the
organization. To prevent the downfall of the organization in times of turbulent situations,
nurturing the structure of performance measurement for employees is one of the actions
of the organization. In the company’s success, top talents’ contributions are seemingly
valuable but other human resources should also be taken care of as a fundamental step on
the overall competitiveness and maximum effectivity of the organization. “Performance
appraisal plays the role as a medium of communication between management and
employee.” However, Beehr and Love (2011) in the work of Nyanjom, C. (2013)
explained that if appraisal becomes disoriented even if it is applied, a stressful and
confusing result to both the evaluator and respondent is produced from the appraisal. A
disoriented appraisal can lead to loss of focus and stressful work conditions which can
eventually lead to employee turnover or much worse, employee attrition.
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Working Environment and Organizational Culture
As stated by Sylesh, S. & Viswambharan, A.; (2018) “employee’s performance
depends on supportive work environment provided by the organization.” The entire
working environment serves as a factor to boost the interest levels of an employee
encouraging them to have consistent productivity and organizational commitment. Irshad
(2009) induced that the work environment connects with organizational culture. An
organization must follow a fairness formula so that every decision would not be biased
and will be favorable for the employees. Virtues and beliefs perceived by the
organization should be governed by employers for clarity of goals and objectives of the
business. This conveys that the behavior of an employee should always be aligned to the
ethical standards; thus having a great contribution to the entire community. Once they can
fully understand the main objective, the desire to leave the organization would be
Engle, S. (2017), states in Post, J.’s article entitled “Does Your Company Culture
Promote Employee Mental Health?” that "The culture of an organization is a reflection
on the mental state of its employees.” which would mean that what the company does is
based on the current state of the employees’ mental health implying that the company
should also focus their attention to the mental well-being of their employees because it
impacts their actions done within the company and those actions are what dictates the
culture that the company lives on. At the same time, the company culture will have an
impact on the well-being of the employees because the company culture is something that
an employee has to deal with in his/her daily life as he/she works in the company, making
it a factor for employee retention.
Management and Leadership Support
Supervisors play a vital role in a working environment. For Heery and Noon
(2001) as a supervisor, one must attain responsible supervision as a priority that
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corresponds to the job description. The enhancement of human resource management
cannot be imagined without a support system. “Any effective program must have strong
support from people in senior management positions, and these people must also serve as
positive role models to subordinates” (Zenger, J.; Ulrich, D. & Smallwood, N. (2000).
The employers should have a program that will give an incentive to a well-performing
employee so that it can boost the employee to work harder for them to show dedication to
their work. Employers should keep in touch with their personal lives not only with their
work performance so that a strong connection can be linked between the two entities.
“Managers and supervisors take on a new role when an organization gets into the
business of employee development.” Mentoring employees can encourage them to pursue
their career and appreciate development efforts. The role of managers is important but
more than that, empathy toward their subordinates completes the whole support system
(Moses, B. 2000). When an employee feels that he/she is valued and respected it becomes
an encouragement for them to do their best and also makes them satisfied with the
company they are working for. This may not be a tangible incentive but it can boost the
self-esteem of an employee and make him/her feel that he /she is part of the
organization’s progress.
Teamwork is a co-operative process in which people produces great outcome and
even extraordinary results (Scarnati, 2001). When employees connect with their
colleagues, they are likely to work well. Making use of a team approach can help in the
workplace especially when it comes to enriching knowledge and skills from each party
and knowing the strength an individual possesses. It may take time for employees to
know each other and be interactive but it is a good foundation of a collaborative team and
dedication to the company. According to McFarlin, K. (2019) throughout working in the
company, good relationships do not only promote positivity in the workplace but it also
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increases employee morale. The established relationship becomes a substantial thing that
will make it impossible for them to leave the company (Chew, 2004).
The facility is one of the physical and visual factors to be considered in a work
setting. As expounded by Bushiri, C. (2014) physical work environment can also be
known as an ergonomic workplace. Furthermore, Clean India Journal (2012) states that
facilities are the basis of first impressions once an employee enters the workplace. The
arrangement, workspace, quality of equipment, and even the aesthetic designs in an
occupational setting determines the mood of an employee and their whole performance.
For instance, it may cause an employee to be out of focus and have a loss of interest in
their work if they are dissatisfied with the facility and services that a company provides.
The organization should also make an evaluation tool for further improvement of the
facilities that would motivate current employees and attract upcoming applicants.
Flexibility of Work Arrangement
The flexibility of work arrangement is another factor to consider internally.
Kinnunen and Mauno (1998) pointed out in the work of Shakeel, N. and Butt, S. (2015)
that employees are instantly dissatisfied once they experience work overload. Employees
must not be pressured all the time. Increased working hours have been a problem since it
minimizes the productivity span of an employee which results in the decline of work or
employee turnover. Freedom in the workplace is still moral with the inclination of
realizing limitations and the legal basis. This reveals that every decision of employees for
reasonable purposes is still correct without violating the rules and regulations of the
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Work-Life Balance
According to Mccormic (2017) in the work of De Ocampo, R. & Aguiling, H.
(2018) “the work-life balance is mainly considered to manage and stabilize the personal
necessities such as family, hobbies, community work and other activities”. It suggests
that an employee’s life must be balanced. Work is the priority of adults but time must
also be spent with friends, family, and most especially for personal interests. Darcy &
McCarthy (2014) further explained that; work enables some personnel to balance time,
emotion, and work pressure intertwined with personal and workplace responsibilities
concurrently. Emotions or performance stress should not affect an employee’s work to
perform well. Certain aspects of a job can affect the mood and emotions of an employee
and therefore impact their performance; that is why joyful employees are more likely to
be motivated and to interact more positively with their co-workers. Certainly, an
individual evaluates the company if they offer a job where they can still balance life and
work (Philips & Edwards, 2013). Finally, maladjusted time management has a great
impact on an employee’s decision to stay in the organization (Mccormick, 2017).
Effects of Healthy Working Environment
A workplace environment can affect an employee’s morale in both positive and
negative ways. Heryati (2019) states: “A healthy workplace environment is ideal when it
comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a stressful atmosphere.” that is why it is a
vital element that the management must maintain for them to keep the company
productive, efficient, and for it to function properly, also because of the various effects
that it poses among employees and the company.
If a working environment is deemed healthy, employees are happier and it shows
in their work. Power (2016) states in his article entitled, “10 Reasons Why it is Important
to Create a Happy Workplace”, “employee happiness has a multiplying effect” in which
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when employees are encouraged and motivated with their work, it is contagious and it
spreads throughout the company. It is also said that employees that take joy in their work
make excellent models and produce quality work for their company.
Furthermore, he also says that a happy environment eliminates stress among
employees because he believes that stressed-out employees are distracted employees and
it bears a huge
impact on productivity that is why he emphasizes the value of a healthy workplace
Also, Dr. Thieroff states that when a workplace is healthy, employees are also
healthy. It has effects such as “Reduced healthcare costs” and “Low rates of
Absenteeism”. Healthy employees tend to go to the doctor less often than sick employees
because of stress and other factors affecting them. Companies spend less money for these
employees on healthcare and insurance fees. Moreover, employees who call out sick and
are always absent cost the company a lot because it reduces their productivity and overall
output for the day which is why Dr. Theiroff reiterates the value of a healthy working
environment and its effects on the health of employees.
Additionally, Dr. Theiroff also stated that a healthy working environment “attract
better quality employees”. When companies thrive and maintain a healthy working
environment and make the work experience better for employees, it increases the
competition among applicants thus making it easier to find employees that are more
qualified and competent for the job.
There are a lot of benefits that a healthy workplace environment brings in a
company. The idea is that once employee satisfaction is met, a healthy and productive
company is achieved.
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The managers play a substantial role in the accomplishment of it. As stated by
Kohll (2017), “Management support is crucial to the success of any workplace wellness
program.” This implies that as managers and leaders, they have the opportunity to build
and promote each employee’s health and well-being. They have the power to implement
such rules and policies that may affect the employees and the workplace itself, that is
why the managers need to act accordingly for the welfare of the employees and the
company. In doing such, it would be a smart investment for the company for them to
manufacture efficient and dynamic workers that produce outstanding work for the
company’s growth and success.
Overall, the nature of a healthy working environment enables the management to
have reliable background information and tends to remind employers on how a healthy
workplace affects the holistic well-being of an employee as well as an introduction to
factors affecting the healthy working environment. Knowing the theories in employee
retention helps the management to familiarize different technical terms and psychological
explanations of employees’ behavior and why do they stay for a long time in a company;
which is why the management should take into consideration the factors that influence
the employees in the company. These factors would then be helpful to know the effective
strategies for staff management and the effects of having a healthy working environment
to the productivity of employees. All of these would help in the formulation of the
research instrument such as survey and interview.
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Research Design
This study uses a descriptive type of design which involves observing and
describing the behavior of a subject. The study also focuses on describing the population
which answers the questions of what, where, when and how of the subject rather than
A mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative, is used for the study. Quantitative
method is used in the study to emphasize objective measurements and numerical or
statistical analysis of data collected through surveys and questionnaires. It also focuses on
gathering numerical data and to explain a particular phenomenon. Also the study is using
survey questionnaires to gather data that involves descriptive statistical analysis to further
analyze the data.
The study also used a qualitative method which focuses on data interpretation and
generalization which involves descriptive content analysis. This method helps the
researchers have a deep understanding of the individual case, whether personal
biography, an organization or social setting. A one-on-one interview is used and
presented to have a more precise and accurate answers from the respondent perspective, it
also helps the researchers to gather more specific answers for the study to gain more
knowledge about the study. With the use of the different tools and data collected by the
researchers, it can greatly help the study achieve its goal which is to find the factors
contributing to employees’ retention in relation to a healthy working environment.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Sampling and Participants
As the research focuses on the factors that contribute to employee retention in
relation to a healthy working environment, the researchers used purposive sampling
technique in choosing the respondents. Purposive sampling technique requires a
particular characteristic of the respondents who know the study. In this research, it is used
because the study requires people who have experienced in a corporate setting. Thus,
with this technique the researchers can obtain data that is needed in the study.
Since the study is about employee retention, the researchers choose the employees
and employers in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry as the respondents
for data gathering purposes. As previously stated, the BPO industry as a contributor of
11% GDP in the Philippines with 1.2 million people involved in 700 outsourcing
companies, is an industry to rely on, in terms of staff management specifically, employee
retention. According to Asia Premier One Source (2019) and Hired Philippines (2020), a
BPO company is a service provider that serves as an extension of a client’s company.
One of its functions is contracting the entire business industry such as customer
experience, IT and Programming, Accounting and Finance, Human Resources,
Engineering, etc. This only means that creating and adopting different strategies in staff
management from broad fields of expertise is one of the concerns of this industry.
Also, according to Daly, A. (2016), high levels of responsibility are given to young
adults in the BPO industry that makes them engaged in leadership and most especially,
workforce management. Moreover, KPSG OFFICIAL (2019) states that temporary
occupation in the industry is abundant and some companies do not intend to hire
professional applicants. Time limitation as a problem can also result in rushing in to find
a person suitable for the vacant position. With this kind of situation, continuous attrition
and turnover of employees is a major problem of a BPO company.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
The respondents of the survey questionnaires are employees that are currently
working in a BPO company around Bonifacio Global City and Mckinley Hill namely:
Ingram Micro Philippines, and Sutherland Global Services Philippines Inc. These
employees should have at least 4.6 years of service in a particular company since it is the
average length of time in a job for wage and salary workers according to Doyle, A.
(2019). Also while on the process of conducting the survey, the researcher randomly
picks 6 employees which will take part on the interview.
For the interview, 3 people with the position of team leader, supervisor, and
human resource officers with at least 2 years of service from the two companies listed
above since it is the average typical tenure for a team leader in a BPO company according
to Indeed (2020).
Research Instrument
The research instrument that is used in the data gathering process is a survey
questionnaire and a guide questionnaire for interviewers containing questions regarding
the opinions of employees and superiors on employee retention in relation to a healthy
working environment. The instrument can help to determine the different factors that
contribute to employee retention.
The survey questionnaire consists of 4 questions on the first part, which has subquestions that further provide data needed by the researcher. Also, 6 questions are given
for the demographics. The 10 questions are all related and relevant to the study.
Data was gathered using survey questionnaires (checklist type) to evaluate the
respondent’s knowledge and opinion on the topic. It was decided upon because of the
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
• All of the items in the questionnaires were closed-ended, which made it easier to
compare the responses to each item.
• There was less opportunity for bias as they were presented consistently.
• They ensured a high response rate as the questionnaires were distributed to
respondents to complete and were collected personally by the researcher.
• They required less time and energy to administer.
• They offered the possibility of anonymity because subjects’ names were not
required on the completed questionnaires.
A close-ended survey questionnaire was selected as the data collection instrument
because it is used for a clear distinction of qualities, experiences, abilities, opinions, and
knowledge of a particular individual. Close-ended questions were used because it is
easier to be administered and analyzed. It is also more efficient in a way that respondents
can complete close-ended questions for it is more convenient than open-ended ones. This
was chosen to fulfill the objectives of the study to determine the factor that greatly
contributes to employee retention in relation to a healthy working environment.
The respondents were given the assurance that answers would not be linked to them
when the researchers analyze the data.
The questions for the interview are separated into two sets of respondents. The first
set of questions for an interview is for the employees regarding the factors that contribute
to their retention and it consists of 11 items. The second set of questions is for the
superiors regarding their management among employees that which contributes to
promoting a healthy working environment.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers utilized various materials and references for the collection of the
data. Published books, web sources, and other forms of written sources were consulted
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
with the purpose of finding out points regarding BPO, healthy working environment and
employee retention.
The data gathering process was conducted in 2 BPO companies around Bonifacio
Global City and McKinley Hill: Ingram Micro Philippines and Sutherland Global
Services Philippines Inc. Contributing a total of 11% in the country’s GDP, The BPO
industry is composed of 1.2 million people, 700 of which are involved with outsourcing
companies, making them an appropriate variable for the study. After the consent was
granted by the PCS SHS principal and by the chosen companies, the survey
questionnaires were immediately distributed and the interview was conducted by the
researchers when the respondents were available.
The researchers used In-depth Discussion for the interview with the respondents
based on the data need from the interview questionnaire where the researchers interact
with the respondents on an individual level, one participant at a time to understand
individual decision processes. It gives a chance to explore detailed perceptions, opinions,
and beliefs.
Data Analysis
The researcher’s raw data undergoes statistical treatment once the questionnaires for
the survey have been completely gathered. Deductive Approach will be used. After the
interview, recorded voice data will be transcribed into textual data for qualitative data
In interpreting the data, the researchers made a list of answers then tally it. The
researchers will apply the following statistical treatment using the percentage. After the
list was made, it has been converted and presented into a table with the percentage based
on the total of answers on each number. Each item has a textual explanation through a
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
paragraph after the presentation of data for the researcher to fully analyze and interpret
the data gathered in each question since the ranking of answers will also be considered.
Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data which was gathered from the
survey questionnaires conducted by the researchers since it is not a time-consuming
method. However, confidentiality and lack of truthfulness of the respondents is the main
disadvantage of descriptive analysis. Still, the researchers use descriptive analysis
because it fits the quantitative research that the researchers doing. In qualitative research
the researchers used the interview method, after that all the data that are already
transcribed into textual data will be concluded and would be presented using paragraph
This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done,
and the interpretation of findings. These were presented in Figures following the
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
sequence of the figures of the data regarding employee retention in relation to a healthy
working environment.
Figure 4.1 Age
18-20 years old
21-23 years old
24-26 years old
27-29 years old
30-32 years old
33-35 years old
Above 36 years old
Figure 4.1 shows the age of the research’s respondents. 24-26 years old has
37.78%, 21-23 years old has 22.22%, 27-29 years old has 12.22%, 30-32 years old has
12.22% 18-20 years old has 7.78%, 33-35 years old has 4.44% and Above 36 years old
has 3.33%.
Figure 4.2 Gender
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
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Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.2 shows the gender of the research’s respondents. Female has 64%. And
Male has 36%
Figure 4.3 Monthly Salary Range
Monthly Salary Range
More than ₱80,000
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.3 shows the monthly salary range of the research’s repondents.20,000-30,000
pesos has 58.89%, 30,001-40,000 pesos has 28.89%, 40,001-50,000 pesos has 7.78%,
more than 80,000 pesos has 2.22%, 60,001-70,000 pesos has 1.11%, 70,001-80,000 pesos
has 1.11% and 50,001-60,000 pesos has 0%.
Figure 4.4 Nationality
Figure 4.4 shows the Nationality of the research’s respondents. Filipino has 100%
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.5 City Address
City Address
San Juan
Quezon City
Figure 4.5 shows the City Address of the research’s respondents. Taguig has
33.33%, Makati 22.22%, Pateros has 12.22%, Pasig has 11.11%, Mandaluyong has
7.78%, Rizal has 2.22%, Cavite has 2.22%, Pasay has 2.22%, Paranaque has 2.22%,
Antipolo has 1.11%, San Juan has 1.11%, Quezon city has 1.11% and Manila has 1.11%.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
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Pateros, Metro Manila
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Figure 4.6 Department
Information Technology
Quality Assurance
Operations Department
Marketing Department
Finance Department
Customer Support
Technical Support
Figure 4.6 shows the department of the research’s respondents. The marketing
department has 43.33%, Finance department has 28.89%, Information technology
department has 8.89%, Customer support has 6.67%, Quality assurance department has
5.56%, Operation Department has 5.56% and Technical support has 1.11%.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
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Pateros, Metro Manila
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Presentation/ Discussion
Figure 4.7 Years in Service
Years in Service
3-4 years
5-6 years
7-8 years
9-10 years
Figure 4.7 shows the number of years that the employees have worked for the
company they are in. 55% of the respondents are currently working in the company for
three (3) to four (4) years. 26.67% are working for five (5) to six (6) years. 7.78% have
been working for seven (7) to eight (8) years and 4.44% are working for nine (9) to ten
(10) years in their respective company.
Among the ninety (90) respondents’ answers, 55% of them are currently working
for three (3) to four (4) years in their company. According to the site called
currandaly.com, in an article entitled “Employee Retention Strategies in the BPO
Industry”, it states that environment plays an important factor in increasing employee
retention in BPO that is why an employer must “create a flexible working environment”.
Being an employee with a flexible and convenient working environment helps them to be
more engaged in working and to be more productive and efficient at work. These kinds of
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
benefits offered by a company give the employees to build trust, loyalty, and to stay for a
long time in the company. Also, companies that provide opportunities for their
employees’ career growth leads to the employees to stay. By providing training and
development for the employees helps them to have a higher retention rate for the
Figure 4.8 Is this your first time working in a BPO company?
Is this your first time working in a BPO company?
Figure 4.8 shows how many times the respondents work in a BPO company.
67.78% of respondents answer they are working for the first time in a BPO company
while, 32.22% answers no.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.9 Number of Companies Worked for
Number of Companies Worked for
1 company
2 companies
3 companies
Figure 4.9 shows the number of companies that the respondents have worked for.
68% have worked for only one (1) BPO company and 32% of them said no. For the
respondents who answered no, 68% of them have worked for two (2) BPO companies
followed by 17% that has been in three (3) BPO companies and 14% have been to one (1)
BPO company before.
Most of the respondents answered “Yes” that it is their first time working in a
BPO company while others had been on other BPO companies. Having a healthy
working environment, employees are happier and it reflects in their work. According to
an article entitled, “10 Reasons Why it is Important to Create a Happy Workplace”,
employees’ happiness has different effects in a company. When employees are
encouraged and motivated in their work it affects and spreads throughout the company.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Employees that are happy in their work can produce role models for others and produce
more efficient and quality work for their company.
Figure 4.10 Factors in Healthy Working Environment?
Factors Affecting Healthy Working Environment
Rewards & Benefits
Organizational Culture
Is not enough for me as an employee
Figure 4.10 shows the factors that the BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing)
employees consider for a healthy working environment. 25.93% say they consider
rewards and benefits. 21.85% are considering the facility. 21.48% are considering coworkers. 18.51% are considering employers. 11.85% are considering organizational
cultural, and less than 1% are considering the management.
The factor that the BPO employees mostly consider when it comes to a healthy
working environment is the rewards and benefits which have a total of 25.93%. This
proves how the rewards and benefits an employee gets in a company encourage them to
stay longer in their company. This conclusion is supported by Hauser & Baggett (2002)
in which they emphasized that the rewards and benefits play a significant role in
attracting and retaining employees. This also shows that employees working in a BPO
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
industry are motivated to work more because they know that their work is properly
compensated and being valued by their employers
Figure 4.11 Reasons for Choosing Facility
Is easily accessible for me
Makes me comfortable enough to work
Has a beautiful working ambiance
Provides the amenities that satisfies me
as an employee
Has places where I can have a break
Figure 4.11 shows the facility category, Out of 122 respondents, 39 of them
answered "It's easily accessible for me" which got the highest percentage of 31.97%.
Next is "Makes me comfortable enough to work properly" which is the second with
22.95%, then 3rd with an answer of "Has a beautiful work ambiance" which has the
percentage of 17.21%, next is the "Provides the amenities that satisfy me as an employee"
which have the percentage of 14.75 % and the lowest in the "Have places where I can
have a break peacefully" that has a percentage of 13.11%.
According to Clean India Journal (2012), the arrangement, workspace, quality of
equipment, and even the aesthetic designs in an occupational setting determines the mood
of an employee and their whole performance. This figure proves that most of the
employees stay in their work since their workplace is easily accessible and makes them
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
comfortable to work. With these, a good and comfortable ambiance of workspace is one
of the factors that employees considered.
Figure 4.12 Reasons for Choosing Employers
Values me as an employee
Is able to communicate and effectively
give the task needed
Be a role model for me to follow
Motivate me to work harder for the
Knows when and where to have fun
leaves no one behind
Based on the graph shown above, Employers who value an employee gathered the
highest percentage of 29.57%, employers being a role model for them to follow and
employers who communicate and effectively give a task needed both garnered 18.26%
and employers who motivate an employee to work harder for a company got 17.39%
lastly, for employers who know when and where to have fun got the lowest percentage
which is 15.65%. On the other hand, one of the respondents answered others and stated
employers who look not only for themselves but their team as well gathered 0.87%.
This shows that employers who value an employee can be a huge factor that
greatly contributes to a healthy working environment. As support, (Moses B. 2000) states
that “Managers and supervisors take on a new role when an organization gets into the
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
business of employee development. Mentoring employees can encourage them to pursue
their career and appreciate development efforts.” Thus, the role of managers is important
but more than that, empathy toward their subordinates completes the whole support
system. This would mean that when an employee feels that he/she is valued and respected
it becomes an encouragement for them to do their best and also makes them satisfied with
the company they are working for.
Figure 4.13 Reasons for Choosing Co-workers
Inspire me to do my work
Values me as a co-worker
Know when and where to have fun
Are people who are competent
Should be able to relate to me
Knows how to respect co-workers
Have strong values
Open for teamwork
Figure 4.13 shows the co-workers as one of the factors considered for a healthy
working environment and its reasons. 29.03% the people they work with inspire them to
do their work, 27.42% values them as a co-worker, 18.55% know when and where to
have fun, 13.71% are competent people, 8.87% should be able to relate to them and other
reasons such as “open for teamwork”, “have strong values” and “knows how to respect
co-workers” gathered the same 0.81% for each.
This shows that the most reason that the BPO employees considered “co-workers”
as one of the factors for a healthy working environment is that the people they work with
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
inspire them to do their work which has a total of 29.03% which supports Scarnati’s
(2011) idea that employees with great relationship tend to work as a group which
develops individual’s knowledge and skills for their duty while being dedicated to the
task and to the organization which results in achieving extraordinary results. Thus, in
research by Clark (2001) “personnel tend to remain in the organization because of the
relationship established between and among members of the team” (Chew, 2004) which
proves that co-workers serve as a factor for employee retention in relation to a healthy
working environment because employees build relationship with each other that leads to
inspiring everyone to be dedicated to their work which also results in productivity and a
healthy working environment.
Figure 4.14 Reasons for Choosing Rewards and Benefits
Rewards and Benefits
Is very beneficial for me as an employee
Provides motivation for me to work
Properly compensates the work that I give
to the company
Shows that my work is valued by my
Are enough for me as an employee
Is not enough for me as an employee
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.14 shows specific attributes for rewards and benefits which is considered
as the most pervasive factor for BPO employees. 30% of the respondents find rewards
and benefits as a very beneficial part of employee retention. 26% are motivated in doing
their job well because of this factor. 20% believe that they are properly compensated with
the work that they give to the company. 15% agree that their work is valued by their
superiors. 8% say that they are satisfied with the rewards and benefits of the company
they work for. Finally, 1% is not satisfied with the rewards and benefits offered by their
Most of the respondent favors rewards and benefits as a very beneficial factor
having a total of 30%. This proves the fact that this factor helps meet an employee’s
needs. It supports the argument stated in the Review of Related Literature: Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs also connects to how an employer addresses the needs that will vary
at each level. This means that it encompasses the holistic growth of employees, not just
the physiological needs and safety needs. As stated in the factors affecting employee
retention, Intangible rewards include training opportunities and career development
where employees interact with their employers that can help them attain love and
belongingness, esteem needs, and self-actualization. This data also proves that
management has a good policy in terms of rewards and benefits.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.15 Reasons for Choosing Company Culture
Company Culture
Enhances my mental well-being as a…
Improves my performance as an…
Serves as an opportunity to boost my…
Bring joy to me as an employee
Provides rest for me after the work…
Have a work-life balance
Promote positive culture
Incorporate work etiquette
This shows that the company culture for employees enhances their mental being
as a person which would mean that it is essential for the overall employee well-being.
Complementary to Engle’s (2017), states that “The culture of an organization is a
reflection on the mental state of its employees”. The two ideas support each other in a
way that the company culture is what the company does on a daily or even occasional
basis which can affect an employee’s way of doing things because he/she is influenced by
the environment he/she moves in, also affecting his/her mental health because of what the
employee encounters in their day-to-day interaction with the company. In the same way,
their mental health reflects on the company’s culture because the actions of the
employees will depend on their mental health and their actions are what dictates the
culture that the company will show among its employees.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.16 Do you see yourself staying longer in the company you’re working for?
Do you see yourself staying longer in the company you’re
working for?
This shows whether the BPO employees see themselves staying longer in the
company they are working for. Those who answered yes gathered a total of 83.33% and
16.67% answered no.
This implies that the BPO Companies have a great working environment that
contributes to employee retention as the results show that the employees more likely see
themselves working in the company they are working for.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
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Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.17.1 Yes, I see myself staying longer for...
Yes, I see myself staying longer for...
1 year
4 years
36.67 %
More than 5 years
2 years
Until retirement
5 years
3 years
This Figure shows how long do the employees see themselves staying in the
company they are working for. 5 years gathered the highest percentage which is a total of
28%, 2 years and until retirement both has a total of 18.67%, 13.33% answered more than
5 years, 9.33% answered 4 years, 6.67% answered 3 years. Lastly, 5.33% answered they
see themselves staying longer for 1 year
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.17.2 Yes, I see myself staying longer because...
Yes, I see myself staying longer because…
Rewards and Benefits
Personal & Career Growth
Company Culture and Practices
Work-Life Balance
This shows the reasons for the employee staying longer in the company they are
working for. 30.67% of the respondents answered comfort and rewards and benefits,
personal & career growth gathered a total of 12%, followed by compensation which has a
total of 10.67%, 6.67% answered company culture and practices, 5.33% answered
experience. Lastly, 4% of the respondents answered a work-life balance.
Based on the results, comfort and rewards and benefits are the main reason for the
employees for staying longer in the company they are working for. This supports Hauser
& Baggett (2002) idea that compensations and benefits plays an important role in
attracting and retaining employees. Benefits and rewards such as pension, life and health
insurance, retirement plans, meals, staff discounts, and allowances satisfy employees to
make the employees committed to the organization. Having a comfortable working
environment greatly contributes to employee retention.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Figure 4.17.3 No, I do not see myself staying longer because...
No, I do not see myself staying longer because…
Toxic Environment
Little Opportunities
Not Enough Salary
Different Career Path
This shows the reasons why they do not see themselves stay longer in the
company they are working for. To have a different path gathered the highest percentage
which is a total of 47% followed by 20% due to a toxic environment, 13% for a not
competitive salary, and the growth in the company is slow. Lastly, 7% has another plan
or work.
This shows that the most common reason regarding employee attrition is the
voluntary reason which is to have a different career path which has 47%. This shows that
unavoidable reasons highly contribute to the employee attrition rate. The article “BPO
employee retention” further explains that an organization should hire the right people
from the start as one of the strategies for employee retention. This supports why the
employer must identify the requirement they need including programs that enable an
employee to have a new learning from other fields. This shows that unavoidable reasons
highly contribute to the employee attrition rate.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interpretation of Interview of BPO employees and Human Resources, Team Leader,
and Supervisor
Definition of a healthy working environment
Joan Apring, a senior associate in Ingram Micro defines a healthy working
environment as having a good ambiance while working, provides good benefits, and give
learning. As stated by Clean India Journal (2012) having a good quality facility
determines the mood of an employee and their whole performance thus, it is considered
as a factor in a work setting. For the benefits it also allows the employees to remain
committed to the organization as they are satisfied with what they have received may it
be in a non-cash benefit like life and health insurance which can also help the employees
dependent. Moreover, an employee's definition of a healthy working environment plays
an important role in their well-being as it gives them productivity and be able to function
On the other hand, Mr. Martin Guerrero, a Human Resource Officer in Sutherland
implies that a healthy working environment is enforced by leaders who have a positive
attitude towards their employees. As Hummayon & Muhammad have stated, that
empowering the employees create a sense of belongingness in which that empowerment
comes from the superiors of the organization. They are the ones who have the power to
enforce what kind of environment will be present in their workplace. In the case of Mr.
Guerrero of Sutherland, what their executives do to provide a healthy workplace is make
their employees feel welcome, especially those who are newly-hired by their method
called “town-hall” – quarterly talk with their employees for them to assess their needs or
their troubles with regards to their work life. With this, they are able to make their
employees feel comfortable because they show their care for them by entertaining and
listening to their needs.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Factors that BPO employees deem relevant to a healthy working environment
Based on the interview conducted by the researchers, these are the prominent
factors in having a healthy working environment: rewards and benefits, and co-workers.
Nurailam Capioso, a supervisor, describes Ingram Micro, particularly its healthy working
environment as her home because her co-workers appreciate her efforts and value her
well-being. As supported by Mcfarlin, K. (2019) good relationship promotes positivity
and employee morale. This factor helps them to develop a healthy relationship with their
co-workers and will greatly help them to be more positive and motivated to work
consistently in a workplace setting.
Furthermore, Heryati (2019) states: “A healthy
workplace environment is ideal when it comes to maintaining a positive outcome in a
stressful atmosphere.” When employees are burnout because of overwork, it would help
eliminate stress if an employee has a supportive team which also affects their
productivity. This proves that having an interpersonal relationship with others is first in
fulfilling the social needs of a person. Building friendship, trust, giving affection, and
love for his co-workers and can greatly help the company’s growth for it makes the
employees be more positive and efficient in doing their job because of their co-workers.
Thus, co-workers also serve as a factor affecting the employee retention of a company.
Elliot Castillo, a Sales representative also points out that rewards and benefits of
the company are other factors that must be considered for a healthy working
environment. According to Thomson (2013), a well-rewarded employee feels that he/she
is being valued. The satisfaction of the employees is one of the main objectives of the
company because it is one of the first presented things in a work setting. It also reflects
the company’s policy-making body. To correspond to the needs of employees, creating
sufficient rewards and benefits fulfill the physiological and safety needs in Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs. Therefore, rewards and benefits play a vital role in attaining
employee retention and it helps the employees to gain motivation and boost work
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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Meanwhile, when asked about the perception of employees, particularly those who
hold middle-level job positions about the factor that they think is the most important, it
showed that what the employees said falls under company culture. Mr. Fernando
Turingan from Ingram stated that what he does as a Team Leader is that he provides fun
activities for his subordinates. Every week, he and his team have a game night held
during Friday nights after a long and stressful week for them to bond, have fun together,
and relax. For Ms. Nurailam Capioso, a supervisor in Ingram, what she considers for a
healthy working environment is the presence of support within the organization. She
believes that as long as they, as supervisors, must listen to the needs of their employees,
realize the impact that they bring to the company because they are the ones who comprise
most of the organization so they are important and an asset to the company and its
growth. Both of the answers fall under the company’s culture.
Reasons for an Employee to Stay for the Company
Based on the interview with Elliot Castillo a sales representative, and has been an
employee for almost 5 years in Ingram, He said that he stays in the company to gain
experience, use it as a stepping stone to be in a big company and also because of the
management that provides good benefits that are good for employees. This can be
explained by the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs which according to Rouse, M. (2018),
connects to how an employer addresses the needs that contribute to the satisfaction of
employees. It also states that an employee needs to pass the different level stage of
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to be able to reach the self-actualization that includes the
personal growth of an individual seeking fulfillment in their job. As such Mr. Elliot
Castillo, the reason for staying in the company is leaning towards the self-actualization
stage whereas He wants to achieve full growth by staying longer in the company to
develop his knowledge and skills.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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In the same way, based on the interview conducted on Sutherland, Mr. Martin
Guerrero. said, “most of the employees kasi dito uh... nagre-retain uh... nag-stay sila
because of the healthy culture of the company” This serves as a support for the statement
of Sylesh & Viswambharan “The entire working environment serves as a factor to boost
the interest levels of an employee encouraging them to have a consistent productivity and
organizational commitment” implying that a workplace environment contributes to an
employee’s decision to stay in a company thus affecting employee retention.
Factors that Contribute to Employee Retention
Based on the interview conducted with Elliot Natividad and Nurailam Capioso
another factor that contributes to employee retention is the good relationship between an
employee and employers they also said that having a good connection with their coworker motivate them to work well. Having communication with no barrier but with
respect can lead to a healthy working environment. As stated in the work of Zenger, J.;
Ulrich, D. & Smallwood, N. (2000).”Any effective program must have strong support
from people in senior management positions, and these people must also serve as positive
role models to subordinates” Employers should keep in touch with their personal lives
not only with their work performance so that a strong connection can be linked between
the two entities aside from that it might help the employees to boost their confidence to
perform their best.
On the other hand, consultative communication also serves as a factor that
contributes to employee retention. Addressing employee’s feedbacks and concerns
regarding their work greatly affect employees in a way that they will feel valued by the
company they are working for when the company attends to their needs, not just by
listening to it but also acting on it. According to Mr. Nurailam Capioso, a supervisor in
Ingram Micro, making the employees feel that they are an important factor of the
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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company by listening to their feedbacks not just regarding with the organization but to
their well-being helps in building trust, loyalty, and the overall relationship that coincides
within the organization itself.
Factors that Cause Employee Attrition
Based on the interview conducted with Fernando Turingan he said that attrition is
something that is inevitable and they can’t do about it aside from having a plan or
existing system on how to cope up with that. As for Martin Guerrero, he said that “BPO
hoppers” is one of the factors that cause employee attrition. BPO hoppers are the
employees who tend to go to a certain BPO company and then work for 6 months and get
their bonuses or benefits and then jump to another BPO company that is why the attrition
rate for a BPO company is higher compared with other types of company. According to
Ehrler, M. (2018). “Job embeddedness represents a broad set of influences on an
employee’s decision to stay on the job. These influences include on the job factors, such
as bonds with co-workers, the fit between one’s skills and the demands of the job, and
organization-sponsored community service activities (e.g., the plant sponsors quarterly
neighborhood clean-up days) meaning, benefits can greatly influence in terms of
employee attrition that is why employee tend to transfer to a different company because
they are trying to find which company offers more benefits or incentives that will
probably help their financial needs.
Ways to Promote and Create a Healthy Working Environment in their Workplace
According to Fernando Turingan and Martin Guerrero, they focus on the
employee's individual growth like the Individual Development Program (IDP) which is
established for each associate's career growth and making the workplace employeeThe Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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friendly by making facilities like activity hubs for recreational activities like chess,
billiards, and videoke rooms for the workers when they're not on duty and teambuilding
to further strengthen the bonds of their colleagues.
As stated to the work of Heryati (2019), "there are four aspects to look into in
creating a healthy working environment: workplace culture, the physical environment
and occupational health and safety, healthy and lifestyle practice and supportive
workplace environment. In the first aspect, workplace culture, a company having a
positive workplace culture that is being practiced by the employees as well as the
superiors, tends to have better productivity and to be healthier as everyone is happy and
contented." It means that people tend to spend one-third of their lives at work, a working
environment can have a significant impact on employee’s health and well-being. Using
the IDP Program and creativity hubs for recreational activities, employers tend to build a
good relationship with their workmates and would lessen the misunderstandings between
them. Having a good relationship with their workmates will help them to promote and
create a healthy working environment.
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Summary of Findings
This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions drawn from the
findings, and the corresponding recommendation of the researchers.
The findings of this study show are presented according to the sequence of
identified problems:
This shows the factors that greatly affect the company’s employee retention in
relation to a healthy working environment. As stated in the work of Shakeel, N. (2015)
employee retention involves making an action plan and policies that convince workers to
stay in the company for the maximum period. Furthermore, in a site called
sahealth.sa.gov.au, entitled “What is a healthy workplace,” World Health Organization
(2009), states that a healthy workplace is where the management and employees co-act to
continually improve health, safety, and welfare of all the workers in sustaining the
productivity of the company. Thus, it greatly contributes to a factor in boosting
employees’ interest levels that encourages them to have a consistent productivity and
organizational commitment.
The data gathered shows that rewards and benefits are the most prominent factors
BPO employees mostly consider when it comes to a healthy working environment. This
proves how rewards and benefits encourages employees to stay longer in their company
which is supported by Hauser & Baggett (2002) that the rewards and benefits serves a
significant role in retaining employees which also shows how properly compensating
employees’ work and making them feel valued cultivates their motivation and dedication
to their work and organization. It is followed by the facility as one of the prominent
factors BPO employees deem relevant to a healthy working environment. The facility as
one of the physical and visual factors serves as a basis of first impressions of an
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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employee to an organization (Clean India Journal, 2012). In addition, co-workers also
serve as a factor affecting employee retention of a company. As supported by Mcfarlin,
K. (2019) good relationship promotes positivity and employee morale which leads to a
healthy working environment.
Moreover, based on middle-level managers, the most important factor that they
consider is company culture. According to them, fun activities for the relaxation of
employees and supportive means within the organization have an impact in attaining
company’s growth because employees are the most important resources that the company
The data manifested that the primary reason for an employee to stay for the
company are comfort and rewards & benefits. As stated by an article entitled “Employee
Retention Strategies in the BPO Industry” benefits were listed among the most important
reasons to stay. Thus, the provision of employee benefits helps the employees in
increasing productivity, positive results, and better engagement resulting to employees
being motivated with their work and in the long run, the of trust and loyalty to the
From the interview for managers, the other factors that were acquired are
proximity and consultative communication. A BPO company having a large population
of employees equates to diversity in the workplace leading to workers coming from
multiple and different locations making it difficult for some to traverse from their homes
to their workplace. For human resource officers and middle-level managers, their
supportive style of addressing employee’s feedbacks and concerns regarding their work
greatly affect employees in a way that they will feel valued by the company they are
working for when the company attends to their needs.
In terms of employee attrition, the data gathered shows that the most common
reason for employees leaving the company is having different career growth which is
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
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considered as an unavoidable circumstance that is sometimes caused by personal reasons.
This result is supported by the Motivation-Hygiene Theory of Frederick Herzberg
wherein 3 of the different combinations may exist namely: High hygiene and low
motivation where employees have few complaints, but they are not much motivated, they
see their work simply as a paycheck. Low hygiene and high motivation where employees
are motivated, their job is challenging, but they have complaints about salary or work
conditions. Lastly, low hygiene and low motivation which is the worst possible situation
where employees are not motivated and have a lot of complaints. These are possible
circumstances that exist in a work setting that affects the employee’s mindset and desire
to leave the company.
The employers and middle-level managers' way of promoting a healthy working
environment is through empowering the employees create a sense of affiliation in which
encouragement comes from the higher authorities of the company. Having a good
relationship with their employees like making them feel welcome always and making use
of town-hall which allow them to assess the employee’s needs and/or troubles with
regards to their work-life makes them feel comfortable working and to stay more in the
company by hearing out their concerns.
The researchers discovered the different factors that contribute to employee
retention in relation to a healthy work environment. The research questions were
answered through the use of surveys and interview which helped the researchers find the
different reasons why the employee stays in their job.
Based on the survey conducted, the most common factor that affects employee
retention is Reward and Benefits which has a total of 26%. It supports the argument
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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stated in the Review Related Literature. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, also connects how
an employer addresses the needs that will vary each level. This means that it surrounds
the holistic growth of an employee. The reward is also one of the factors why employees
are staying in their job; it includes training opportunities and career development where
employees interact with their employers.
Based on the interview conducted with employers, the most common factor that
affects their employee retention is organizational culture as a support to the statement of
Sylesh & Viswambharan (2018), “the entire working environment serves as a factor to
boost the interest levels of an employee encouraging them to have consistent productivity
and organizational commitment” implying that a workplace environment contributes to
an employee’s decision to stay in a company thus affecting employee retention.
Considering the most influential and prominent factor affecting the healthy
working environment of a BPO company, from different levels of the job description, the
major difference is identified by the researchers: for middle-level managers,
organizational culture greatly contributes in finding and creating ways of promoting a
healthy working environment that supports employee morale and holistic growth of their
subordinates. This implies that a team leader, as one of the middle-level managers is
more concerned on the welfare of their employees because it can be inferred that they are
already well-compensated and receive rewards and benefits that are useful in their
everyday life because of their position inside the company. For employees, rewards and
benefits are the factor one considers that is most beneficial affecting the company’s
employee retention. This is an indication that rewards and benefits play a role in
motivating employees to have a better and positive performance at work and their choice
to stay at the company they are working for.
Behind many factors affecting a healthy working environment, there will also be
personal and confidential reasons as to why an employee decides to leave the company
that cannot be controlled by the management. Lack of benefits offered and the right
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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compensation contributes to the desire and personal reasons of the employees to leave
and choose to be on a different company and career path.
Based on the findings and conclusions presented in the study, recommendations
are formed for the following:
1. Employers and Institutions
The researchers recommend to the employers and institutions to have programs
delegated to their employees which can give them good reasons to stay with the
company. Employers and Institutions should establish a compelling rewards and benefits
system that creates strong leverage among their employees such as giving incentives to
employees who perform well on a particular period of time. Also, non-monetary rewards
can be effective like mentoring activities that teach an employee on job-related skills and
show how to enhance their interpersonal relationships. Lastly, the researchers recommend
companies prioritize their own employees who have been with company for a long time,
give them promotions if they are qualified for it and incentives such as retention bonuses
instead of finding new employees.
2. Community and Economy
For the community, the researchers recommend having patience and respect when
dealing with employees of BPO companies. Lay their concerns and ask for assistance
with courtesy because who they are asking to are people who require understanding and
compassion as well.
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Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
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Pateros, Metro Manila
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The researchers recommend to the Department of Labor and Employment to
implement laws that would focus on the rewards and benefits received by the employees
of BPO companies. Unlike the other factors, the rewards and benefits are the only areas
where the department can lay their hands on, so the researchers suggest that they make
more comprehensive laws about it.
4. Future Researchers
For future researchers, it is recommended that they allot more time for the
collection of data among BPO companies. Give an ample amount of time for the
company to respond to the letter of request. Make sure to get the contact details of each
company, leave the necessary contact information of the researchers to the company, and
do not procrastinate.
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Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
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Appendix A
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Appendix B
Good day, we are students from Pateros Catholic School Senior High School and
we are conducting a study entitled “The Steering Wheel and Clutch of
Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee Retention in Relation to
a Healthy Working Environment”. Please do take time to answer this survey
questionnaire for it will be collected as data and is going to be beneficial for our
Instruction: Please check the box that corresponds to your answer.
1. How long have you been working for your company?
 Less than a year
 1-2 year/s
 3-4 years
 5-6 years
 7-8 years
 9-10 years
 More than 10 years
2. Is this your first time working in a BPO company?  Yes
If not, how many BPO companies have you worked for?
 No
3. What are the factors that you consider for a healthy working
environment? Please choose your top 3 factors.
 Facility
 Employers
 Co-workers
 Rewards & Benefits
 Organizational Culture
 Others:_____________________
Please state the reason why
3.1 For this item, please only answer the portion of the factor that you have
checked in item no. 3
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
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Please tick the box of the reason of your chosen factor. You may choose
more than one answer
Facility – “The place that I go to for work...”
 Is easily accessible for me
 Has a beautiful working ambiance
 Has places where I can have a break peacefully
 Makes me comfortable to enough to work properly
 Provides the amenities that satisfies me as an employee
 Others:___________________________________
Employers – “The employers who handle me...”
 Values me as an employee
 Be a role model for me to follow
 Knows when and where to have fun
 Motivate me to work harder for our company
 Is able to communicate and effectively give the task needed
 Others:___________________________________
Co-workers – “The people who I work with...”
 Inspire me to do my work
 Values me as a co-worker
 Should be able to relate to me
 Are people who are competent
 Knows when and where to have fun
 Others:___________________________________
Rewards & Benefits – “The rewards and benefits that the
company provides...”
 Are enough for me as an employee
 Is very beneficial for me as an employee
 Provides motivation for me to work harder
 Shows that my work is valued by my superiors
 Properly compensates the work that I give to the company
 Others:___________________________________
Company Culture – “The things that the company usually does
(i.e. celebrations) ...”
 Bring joy to me as an employee
 Improves my performance as an employee
 Enhances my mental well-being as a person
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
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 Serves as an opportunity to boost my morale
 Provides rest for me after the work that I endured
 Others:___________________________________
4. Do you see yourself staying longer in the company you’re
working for?  Yes
How long do you think would you work for the company and
 No
What are the reasons for you to not stay any longer?
1. How old are you?
 18-20yrs old
 21-23yrs old
 24-26yrs old
 27-29yrs old
 30-32yrs old
 33-35yrs old
 Above 36 years old
2. Gender:
 Male
 Female
3. Monthly Salary Range:
 ₱20,000-₱30,000
 ₱30,001-₱40,000
 ₱40,001-₱50,000
 ₱50,001-₱60,000
 ₱60,001-₱70,000
 ₱70,001-₱80,000
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
 More than ₱80,000
What is your nationality? ______________________________
What is your city address?
 Makati
 Pasig
 Pateros
 Taguig
 Mandaluyong
 Others: ______________
What is your position in your company?
Team Manager
Operations Manager
Chat Support
Quality Assurance
Sales Representative
Customer Sales
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Research Questions: Interview for Employees
1. How long have you been working in the company?
2. How many companies, particularly BPO, have you previously worked for?
a. How long did you stay?
b. What made you stay for that particular period of time?
3. Do you consider this workplace environment that you are currently in, a
healthy one? Why or why not?
4. Facility. What company facility do you like the most? What other facility
do you think could be added to further improve the company?
5. Management. How would you describe your relationship with your
superiors? What can you say are his/her strengths? Weaknesses as
6. Co-workers. How would you generally describe your relationship with
your co-workers? Strengths? Weaknesses?
7. Rewards & Benefits. Are these benefits sufficient? And do they
somehow motivate you to work harder for the company?
8. Company Culture. Does your company have any traditions or practices
that they observe during special days that you particularly like as an
employee? If none, what practice, would you want to see your company
9. *Is working in a BPO company any different compared to other types of
company in terms of benefits, employers, and such?
10. *What can you say is the major difference between working with BPO
companies from other companies?
11. Do you see yourself staying in this company for a long time? If so, what
do you think is the reason why you consider such?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview for Employers:
1. What are the programs you implement for employee retention?
2. Among the implemented policies, what do you think greatly contributes to
healthy working environment?
3. How do you promote positive work environment?
4. Does your organization engage in conference practices to hear the
feedbacks of your employees regarding with their workplace?
5. What do you do about the feedbacks given by your employees in their
6. How do you support and motivate your employees to work?
7. How do you respond to the employees leaving the company?
8. Do you have any possible suggestions for a positive work environment?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Transcript Interview for Employees
Interview #1 Elliot Castillo, Sales Representative, 30 yrs. old
Kered: How long have you been working in the company
Elliot: I’ve.. I’ve been working in Ingram for almost 5 years
Kered: How many companies, particularly BPO, have you previously worked for?
Elliot: None, it’s only Ingram
Kered: Do you consider this workplace environment that you are currently in, a healthy
Elliot: Yes ofcourse,
Kered: Why?
Elliot: Because of the good ambiance while you are working, good working stations and
um.. Magandang upuan.
Kered: Facility. What company facility do you like the most?
Elliot: Sleeping quarters
Kered: What other facility do you think could be added to further improve the company?
Elliot:Ahh yung elevator cuz ang bagal niya, minsan umaabot ng 15 mins.
Kered: In terms of management. How would you describe your relationship with your
Elliot: With my superior, I’m… I’m in a good working relationship with my manager but
with my team leader I guess there’s more to learn from it, ahhh… he needs to improve his
attitude towards his associates, soooooo, working wouldn’t be a hindrance everyday.
Kered:Co-workers. How would you generally describe your relationship with your coworkers?
Elliot: Uhhh.. speaking of co-workers we are only two in the team so I guess there’s no
problems with my co-worker uhh.. I mean my colleague. I’m always in good terms with
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
my colleague even if when we are-were four in the team I am with good relationship with
my colleagues.
Kered: Huhhh…Rewards and benefits. Ar… are the benefits in the company sufficient?
Elliot: Yezsz, yung hmo napapakinabangan talaga yung hmo lalo na sa mom ko
Kered: And do they somehow motivate you to work harder for the company?
Elliot: Oo naman syempre, kasi ang gandang benepisyo nuneh.
Kered: Company culture. Does your company has any tradition or pactices that they
observe during special days that you particularly like as an employee?
Elliot: Madami, madaming activities sa company namen, if New Year, Chinese
NewYear, pag summer may pa summer sa mga employees pwedeng isama yung family
and pag… pag Christmas ayun yung pinaka main nung Christmas party, yung year-end
party na tinatawag.
Kered: Have you work for ano, for another company?
Elliot: Hindi pa, yung Ingram pa lang
Kered: Kahit ano sa gin? TANGA nagtrabaho kana, diba sa ibang company BALIW TO!
Diba nagtrabaho ka sa French Bakery tatlong araw okay lang yun tatanong ko nalang uli.
Kered: Is working in a BPO company any different compared to other types of company
in terms of benefits, employers, and such? Like co-workers
Elliot: Malaki yung pinagkaiba kasi sa BPO kahit parang yung mga manager mo parang
ka-level mo lang, kasiii… meron silang open door policy, pwede mo silang lapitan kung
may problem ka, tsaka maganda yung benefits sa BPO unlike… sa ibang Filipino
company may mga benefits din naman nag anon pero minsan kasi toxic pag Filipino
Kered: Ahhh.. What can you say is the major difference between working with BPO
companies from other companies? If so, what is the reason?
Elliot: YESSS! Ahhh kasiii may pangarap akong maging operations managers, mga 10
years pa siguro.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview #2 Nurailam Capioso, Supervisor
Kered:How many companies, particularly BPO, have you previously worked for?
Nurailam: This is my first.
Kered: Do you consider this workplace environment that you are currently in, a healthy
Nurailam: Yess!
Kered: Ahhhmm. In terms of facility. What company facility do you like the most?
Nurailam: Ahmmm… the clinic, theeeerreee are 24hour clinic support the doctors have
uhmm in house nurse as well, in house doctors they are the one that we like. That is really
important when we have emergency right, right away they have a clinic in house.
Kered: Ummm… What other facilities po yung mai-susuggest niyo na to further improve
the company?
Nurailam: Probably fitness, I think that is more in demand now right? Gym? Fitness
gym? Hahahaha.
Kered: In terms of management, how would you describe your relationship with your
superiors po?
Nurailam: Ahhh…, I think it is an open book for us and free and comfortable to
approach anytime and very comfortable to open up to share feedback to tal to them, there
is no barriers huahuahua.
Kered: In terms of co-workers po, how would you generally describe your relationship
with your co-workers?
Nurailam: I think when I see them they are happy people. Just one word, happy people.
Kered: Ahhhh..,, sa rewards and benefits po, are the benefits in your company sufficient?
Nurailam: Are they? What was the question?
Kered: Are the benefits sufficient in your company is sufficient po?
Nurailam:Sufficient? I think yes, although from time to time because of the changes in
management, they keep on changing but I think ummm what we have now with the hr
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
are in terms of rewards and benefits is they are trying there best and they are coming up
with new ideas and I think that’s good like umm, we have umm a quarterly star awards
programs um and there is a year-end star awards program as well to you know umm to
reward those associates performing really well.
Kered: In terms of the organizational culture, does your company have any traditions or
practices that they observe during special days that you particularly like as an employee?
Nurailam: Yah so companies also observing that we have programs, we have actually a
floor there were in, there are programs umm catered to the employees as well. There’s a
lot of programs catered by the hr and the learning and development.
Kered: Ahhh…, Aside for BPO company, uhhh is working in a BPO company any
different compared to other types of company, in terms of benefits or employers and
Kered: What can you say is… what is the difference po?
Nurailam: So working in a BPO your shift is right factors ummm, when you get to work
at night you have to follow the shift when you get to work in the morning because your
supporting usually you’re not supporting local like your supporting umm other countries
you have to follow the..their..the time there, the timezone and then and ummm, and then
another benefits that you get not exactly the same as you get when you are working for
the locals and comparing to my previous company because I work abroad, and compared
here I think there are more benefits here than working abroad because abroad you get
only your salary, you have to pay for the rest you don’t get the-but the in terms of, so
base of my experience in terms of the ummm benefits for medical and all this which is
really good, because you don’t have to spend anything even for medicine but here you
have to spend it for medicine, and then there is easy to get sick, you just tell them
uhhhhhmhahaha, I’m on sick leave and then you just need to show the certificate its easy
to get, just go to the clinic and they will provide you and they value really the health of
the employees and once you get the med cert. they call it, they really won’t allow to go to
work, but here it’s really different the work is in demand you have to be in the office as
much as possible you have to take care of yourself which is, ofcourse is um the same
thing but umm, the lifestyle here also is different right? Working in a BPO to lik.. its uhh
fast pacing environment and then the umm but the growth and the growth is also fast
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
right? You can as young you can be as a manager as young as possible depends how
talented you huahuahua. Yah yah yah.
Kered: Last question po ahh, do you see yourself being in this company for a long time,
so what do you think is the reason?
Nurailam: Umm, I feel home and then ummm I continue to grow and they continue to, I
feel that they continue to value me , to continue to see my-my-my effort, contribution,
what I can contribute to the team ummm I feel valued. That’s the key
Kered: thank you very much po!
Nurailam: You’re welcome!
Interview #3 John Michael San Jose, Sales Representative, 27 years old, Male
1. How long have you been working in the company?
- 3 years and a half
2. How many companies, particularly BPO, have you previously worked for?
- only 1
A. How long did you stay?
- 3 year and a halg
B. What made you stay for that particular period of time?
- My colleagues who were fun to be with and to work with
3. Do you consider the workplace environment that you are currently in, a healthy one?
Why or Why not?
-Yes because I get to work from/at home.
4. Facility. What company facility do you like the most? What other facility do you think
could be added to further improve the company?
-Nap room. Adding a gym would be nice
5. Management. How would you describe your relationship with your superiors? What
can you say his/her strengths? Weaknesses as superiors?
-Good effective leadership and good decision making skills are some of their strengths. I
guess their weakness is they are too kine hearted.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
6. Co-workers. How would you generally describe your relationship with your coworkers? Strengths? Weaknesses?
- Good they are good team players. However they are not that good wth de-escalations.
7. Rewards & Benefits. Are these benefits sufficient? And do they somehow motivate
you to work harder for the company?
-Yes and Yes
8. Company Culture.
- No. I would want to see the company celebrate Christmas
9. Is working in a BPO company any different comapared to other types of company
terms of benefits, employers, and such?
- No
10. What can you say in the major difference between working with BPO companies
from other companies?
- I cant tell because I havent been to a non BPO Company.
11. Do you see yourself staying in this company for a long time? If so, what do you think
is the reason why you consider such?
- Yes, because of the fact that I get to earn money while being at home.
Interview #4 Yroll Mariano
1. How long have you been working in the company?
- more tha 4 years
2. How many companies, particularly BPO, have you previously worked for?
- only 1
Do you consider the workplace environment that you are currently in, a healthy one?
Why or Why not?
-Yes because the client we are working for provides good benefits.
3. Facility. What company facility do you like the most? What other facility do you think
could be added to further improve the company?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
4. Management. How would you describe your relationship with your superiors? What
can you say his/her strengths? Weaknesses as superiors?
-Its just a normal team member and team leader relationship. I don’t know their strengths
5. Co-workers. How would you generally describe your relationship with your coworkers? Strengths? Weaknesses?
- Fun to be with. Competitive
6. Rewards & Benefits. Are these benefits sufficient? And do they somehow motivate
you to work harder for the company?
-Not very sufficient. It somewhat motivate me to work harder.
7. Company Culture.
- Yes, typical Philippine traditions.
8. Is working in a BPO company any different compared to other types of company terms
of benefits, employers, and such?
- Yes.
9. What can you say in the major difference between working with BPO companies from
other companies?
- Salary and work schedule
10. Do you see yourself staying in this company for a long time? If so, what do you think
is the reason why you consider such?
- Yes, benefits.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview #5 Fernando Turingan
Interviewer: Question po ahhh, how many companies particularly BPO have you worked
for po?
TL: For the BPO type actually, this is my first Ingram ahhh micros company ahhh before
joining Ingram Micro actually, I’ve been with at least 4 companies but these are normal
or daily jobs
Interviewer: Ahhhh, is working in a BPO company any different compared to other types
of company?
TL: Yah, definitely fo BPO, for a BPO setup, actually it’s more stressful in a sense that
you are always given deadlines on, or quotas ahhhh we you you have you are actually
given weekly SLA’s, monthly SLA’s or service level agreements and we are measured
through scort cards on a monthly basis.
Interviewer: Ahhh, in terms of benefits po, yung pagkakaiba po? Tsaka employers po?
TL: AHhh, in terms of benefits ahhh, in terms of benefits, I would say based on my
experience, the B BPO companies, give higher salaries compared to the normal
daily ahhh, daily job, ahhhh day job rather.
Interviewer: ahhhh, Do you consider this workplace environment that you are currently
in, a healthy one?
TL: Ahhhh, I would say so, ahhhhmm like I’ve said, ahmmm Ingram Micro, Ingram
Micro is actually established a good system that is beneficial to the associates,
they ahhh actually advocate of work and life balance and that’s what I like most
working here at Ingram Micro.
Interviewer: Ahhh, in terms of facility po, what facility do you like the most po? And
What other facility do you think could be added po?
TL: For now, what we enjoy with Ingram Micro is we, we do have pantries, and we do
have sleeping quarters where we can take a nap whenever we feel dizzy or
somehow, we need to energize and I think, also we have ahhhhmmm, hospital
partner; my health where we could easily go to whenever we are feeling
something over were sick. I think, ahmmmm I could not, I think waaaa one
probably I could suggest is Ingram Micro for now, doesn’t have a sort of a gym
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
where where associates could relax by exercising ahhhh that’s ahhhh I’ve heard
from other BPO companies that they do have this so called ahhh, ahhh little gym
within the company that ahmmmm associated could exercise whenever they have
freetime it’s ahh, it’s some this is one thing that we don’t have here at Ingram
Interviewer: So in terms of management po, how would you describe your relationship
with your superiors po?
TL: Yahh, we we, ahhh we have a good ahhhh working relationship with our superiros
and, and like what I’ve said a while ago, our management is an advocate of work
and life balance and that that’s one thing that me personally like with Ingram
Interviewer: Sa co-workers naman po, How would you generally describe your
relationship with your co-workers po?
TL: Well ahhhh, aside from Joan Apring probably, no, I’m just kidding ahmm yah
ahmmm I would say, we have a very healthy and friendly work environment.
Ahhh, not only with my ahhh with associates under me but I could see with other
teams, it’s the same way, the the atmosphere here at Ingram Micro the working
environment is very friendly
Interviewer: Ahhh, in terms of rewards and benefits, are these benefits sufficient po? And
do they somehow motivate you to work harder ?
TL: Ahmmm, for me now we have for for for the finance group or… where we belong,
we don’t have much bonuses or special perks but uhmmm, these year there’s
actually a plan of for management to provide bonuses to associates it’s something
that we are looking forward
Interviewer: Ahhhh, in terms of company culture po, does you company have any
traditions or practices that they observe during special days that you particularly
like as an employee?
TL: For for Ingram Micro, we follow certain culture but, to the extent of celebrating it we
don’t have the the such uhmmm the the since Ingram Micro is glo is a global ahhh
business, global organization, the culture is is set for not only for Filipinos but all
associates worldwide.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interviewer: ok na po.
TL: Yun lang?
Interviewer: Thank you very much po!
Interview #6 Joan Apring, Female
Kered: So good evening po we’re here to interview po for our research project we would
like you to now that we are recording this interview
Kered: your name po?
Joan: Hi I am Joan Apring
Kered: How long have you been working in the company?
Joan: I’ve been with ingram for 4 years…already
Kered: How many companies, particularly BPO, have you previously worked for?
Joan: Well this is my 2nd job and pangalawang BPO na rin
Kered: uhh in the previously BPO you work for how long did you stay?
Joan: For my last job I work for 2 years.
Kered: What made you stay for that particular period of time?
Joan: I’m sorry??
Kered: Uhmm..What made you stay for that particular period of time?
Joan: Since first job ko yon nagge-gain pa ako ng experience and it was my stepping
stone para mas makapasok sa mas malaking company and yon benefit din maganda for
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Kered: Do you consider the workplace environment that you are currently working in,
dun sa ngayon pinagtratrabahuhan mo ngayon a healthy one? Healthy working
environment ba yung pinagtatrabahuhan mo?
Joan: Yes healthy siya in a sense na maganda yung nabibigay na knowledge, learning sa
akin and aside from that yung mga workmates ko is masaya rin silang mga kasama
Kered: In terms of facility. What company facility do you like the most? What other
facility do you think could be added to further improve the company?
Joan: For the facilities that I like in Ingram yung sleeping quarters nila maganda tapos
yung building maganda rin the pantry yung mga ginagamit namin for… like yung PC
naming magaganda rin siya. Tapos dun naman sa mga kailangan pang improvement
uhmmm yung cleanliness ng company. Kung sa building is yung elevator nila which is
parating nasisira. Ayun lang kasi for almost 3 years na nag stay ako sa Ingram nakikita ko
naman yung improvement nila
Kered: In terms of management. How would you describe your relationship with your
superiors? Sa mga team leader and supervisor.
Joan: Okay yung treatment ng team lead and associate sa company kasi parang mag
kaibigan lang pero theres a limt din in terms of sa process which is mararamdaman mo
yung superiority ng team lead.
Kered: Pwede niyo po bang i-assess yung strengths and weakness nung superior niyo?
Joan: Yung direct report ko?
Kered: yes po
Joan: Yung strength niya is sa pag hahandle ng tao magaling siya kumausapa ng tao kung
paano mapapasunod yung associates niya tapos yung weakness naman is I think since
bago pa lang siya sa team is hindi niya pa masyadong alam yung buong process na
ginagawa namin inaaral niya din ayun pero in time makukuha niya rin kasi magaling din
yung tl na na-assign sa amin.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Kered: Sa co-workers. How would you generally describe your relationship with your
co-workers? Description lang po
Joan: Okay para sa akin yung number 1 na reason kaya ako nag stay sa company is yung
my co-workers kasi we treat each other as family na rin hindi lang magkakatrabaho hindi
yung parang may kompetensya.. Healthy competition siya unlike..
Kered: walang ilangan kumbaga?
Joan: True
Kered: Rewards&Benefits. Are these benefits sufficient? Yung mga benefits niyo po sa
company sufficient ba?
Joan: yes, yes, I can say yes kasi pagdating sa hmo which is nagagamit ng eployees and
ng dependent siguro kung meron lang kailangan i- improve is yung additional I think para
sa HMO dependent kasi alam ko sa ibang company mas marami yung free nila.
Kered: Ano po yung HMO?
Joan: yung health card yon, yung health insurance ng employee.
Kered: Nakakamotivate po ba yung mga benefits ng company para gawin yung best niyo
or work harder para sa company?
Joan: For me yes, ayun nga kasi nagagamit siya ng magulang ko and in terms sa salary
okay din ang Ingram magpasahod
Kered: Sa company culture. Does your company have any tradition or pactices that they
observe during special days that you particularly like as an employee? Kung baga may
mga norms po bang na sinusunod yung mga employess kunwari po pag kapag sa special
day or occasion kahit yung mga simple lang po?
Joan: oo palaging may ganyan yung company naming like for example kapag Christmas
may pa event sila may year end party sa Halloween party may mga ganyan trick or treat
tapos kapag family day may mga ganyang event din si Ingram madami siyang events
Kered: Do you see yourself staying in this company for a long time?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Joan: Yes mga 5 years pa
Kered: If so, what do you think is the reason why you consider such?
Joan: Ah… Kasi kailangan ko pang mag grow professionally meron akong gusto pang
ma achieve sa company which I think kailangan ko pa ng mga more or less 5 years na
mag stay para ma achieve ko yon.
Kered: Okay po. Thank you
Transcript Interview for the Human Resources, Team Leader, and Supervisor
Interview #1 Fernando Turingan – Team Leader in Ingram Micro
Interviewer: uhhhhh, we are going to record the interview and uhhhhhh. So these are
the questions for team leaders or the employers. The first question uhhhh… Ano po yung
name niyo po?
TL: uhhhh my name is Fernan, Fernando Turingan and I’ve been a team lead for Ingram
Micro- Accounts Payable Department for 10 years.
Interviewer: *turns to the next page Uhhhh… for demographics po. How old how old are
you po?
TL: uhhhh… I’m 45 years old.
Interviewer: Uhhhhh… yung city address po?
TL: Pasig City
Interviewer: your position po? Ayy wait lang
TL: uhhhh… team lead, team lead for accounts payable
Interviewer: *turns to the next page.
Uhhmmmm.. the first question: what are the
programs you implement for employee retention po?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
TL: One of the programs we are implementing currently is the IDP or Individual
Development Program wherein we do provide certain trainings for our associates
especially the new hired for their career growth here at Ingram Micro
Interviewer: Uhhhhh… among the implemented policies, what do you think greatly
contributes to healthy working environment? Uhhhh… yung nakakapagcontribute po ng
malaki sa healthy working environment.
TL: ah okkkk. Uhhh… I think uhhh… the one I mentioned earlier; the IDP program
uhmmm because this is actually a plan for career growth of these individual of the
organization like for example for new hires. The entry level is in voice posting and as…
as… as… they as… they stay in Ingram Micro we do train them to become vendor
reconcilers or uhmmm… vendor payment planners. In such a way after they got
promoted and hopefully stays with Ingram.
Interviewer: Uhhhh… yung about po sa IDP what can you tell about that sir?
TL: It’s actually a step by step procedure uhmmm… plan uhmmm… program for each
individual or each associate in the organization for their career growth like… we provide
certain trainings it’s either it’s art sponsored or uhmmm… team lead sponsored training
that helps them know more of the processes involved in accounts payable.
Interviewer: yung yung mga training po it certainly happens sa mga low level hanggang
sa… sa ano po middle level naaa.
TL: uhhhh… senior level senior level uhh yes actually uhhh… each job level uhmmm…
meron siyang uhhh… kanya kanyang program uhhh each job level is on uhmmm…
development program uhmm… that we follow like annn uhmmm… it is not only limited
to new hires but actually all associates in Ingram Micro whether tenured or new hires.
Interviewer: uhhh… *turns to the next page. Uhh does your organization have annual
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interviewer: uhhh… *turns to the next page. Uhh does your organization have annual
objectives for the wellness of your employees?
TL: Yah yahhh actually we do haveeee uhmmm… yearly uhhh speech uhhh… yearly we
do have the annual physical exam uhhh this is actually given to each associate . uhmmm
.. February and march wherein we are requested by the company to go to our ne to our
nearest uhmmmmmm… uhhh… what do you call this uhmm… aaaahhh hospital partner
where we could test our, both our physical and mental uhmmm… uhmm… aptitude
Interviewer: uhhhh… Does your organization engage in conference practices to hear the
feedbacks of your employees regarding with their workplace po?
TL: yah we do uhhh… quarterly ahh actually uhmm… on my level-team lead for
accounts payable uhhh I do conduct a monthly ahhh one on one with my associates and
aside from that uhh the company actually have a quarterly survey where associates could
voice out their sentiments or anything they have in mind as reagards to their work status
and work environment with Ingram Micro.
Interviewer: uhhh… usually po dun sa mga sa mga naaaa… naririnig niyo pong feedback
ano po yung ginagawa niyong ano
TL: ahhhh okay
Interviewer: intervention po?
TL: Yahh ahhh feedbacks yang mga feedbacks nay an ahh ano actually ano namin yan
ginagather naming and then weeeeee make sure them in a way thattttt ahhh we gather all
uhmm… results not only from one asso… associate within but also associates from other
team and based on the results we provide action plans on how uhh… to cope up with
them on how to improve on especially on those uhmmm… results that somehow negative
as to the working environment within Ingram Micro.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interviewer: *turns to the next page. Sa… in terms of ano po sa employee attrition po
ahhh ano po yung masasabi niyo ahh ano sir ahhh how do you respond to the employees
leaving the company?
TL: Uhmmm attrition is is something kase naaaa hindi maiiwasan ng company it’s
already uhmmm a a given challenge for not only with I think with Ingram Micro but the
associates in ge in general. For attrition we do have plan or existing system on how to
cope up with that like for example. Its processes on my team or within accounts payable
team we have desta procedures installed or saved that if anyone goes a new hired could
step step up and could uhmmm do the work by simply referring to the standard procedure
that is saved in our system.
Interviewer: uhhh… do you have any possible suggestions for healthy working
environment? Possible suggestions.
TL: uhmmmm… for me, the best uhmmm the best way to promote a healthy working
environment is getting associates involved not only involve the sense of uhhhh… doing
their daily task but somehow you should find way to have some fun like doing team
buildings preferably monthly but if not we can do that at a whiles every two months or
quarterly instead and in my case I do have a weekly… weekly game a fun game. We do
that every Friday just to relax after stressful work during the week.
Interviewer: Thank you very much po.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview #2 Nurailam Capioso – Supervisor in Ingram Micro
Interviewer: First of all, we are letting you to letting you know that this interview is
recorded po. Uhhhh… what… your name po?
Supervisor: My name is Nurailam Capioso
Interviewer: Uhhh… for demographics purposes po. How old are you po?
Supervisor: I’m 35
Interviewer: uhhh… your city address po
Supervisor: Cavite city
Interviewer: Your position in the company po?
Supervisor: Supervisor
Interviewer: *turns to the next page. Starting off sa interview po uhhh. What are the
programs you implement for employee retention po?
Supervisor: So uhhmm… in the company, because I work for Ingram Micro rights
uhmmm… there is a career growth development for each employees right? There is an
opportunity provided not just limited to one department but also to other team that one
associate can cross can uhmmm you know can grow not just within the department but
also is able to grow and cross to another department, right? And then, there are teams and
tower engagement provided for the for the associates, for the employees of Ingram Micro
and a as well as hr events.
Interviewer: Among the implemented policies, what do you think greatly contributes to
healthy working environment?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Supervisor: I think when you have uhmm… a fun a great culture that is you get to have a
motivated people working for the company uhmmm continue supporting for the growth
of the company. We have that uhmm that no matter how stressful the company, the work
is, it’s always like that right? Whenever you go to company uhmm not just Ingram Micro
but when you have this uhmm… you come to work, you feel home because normally
when you go to work it’s the second home. So Ingram Micro that’s how I feel, it’s my
second home. The culture, the I mean the people that we work around uhmmm is is
unexplainable. It’s just uhhh that’s why it got me 10 years to work in for the company
right? I just feel comfortable being here.
Interviewer: So uhhh… in your company do you have any annual objectives for wellness
of your employees?
Supervisor: Yes, we value the of each associate right? So uhmmm during town hall
events which is done not just once it’s uhmm quarterly events, town hall done for all the
associates. By the way just to let you know, we have almost 3,000 associates in the
company and yearly the uhmmm the directors, right? From from other country comes
here for the town hall event wherein we gather all the associates. Especially the the all the
tenured ones and all the ha the one with the high performance. We bring them in…
together and then we uhhh… we listen to their feedback and from that feedback right?
Uhmm there is an analyzation done by the company and there is also a survey conducted.
We have a third party that is doing that for the company and in order to, you know
process, in order to obtain the right, most accurate feedback and then we act from that.
We also have programs, we have actually a floor there wherein there are programs that is
catered to the employees as well.
Interviewer: Uhhh… from that feedback po, ano po yung mga intervention na ginagawa
niyo po para po maresolve yung problems po?
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Supervisor: So in order to address right, we show like a dashboard, a presentation and we
benchmark different companies as well, right? We compare our performance versus our
companies and we compare our performance versus other teams or other tower or other
managers and we address what’s the common uhmmm feedback uhmm whether good or
the lowest, the least, right? Or the best and then from there, we we take action plans and
it goes down, it goes down to different teams, different towers and different supervisors
and we provide… how we contribute is we come up with action items. Okay?
Interviewer: Uhhh… In terms po sa paghandle ng mga employees, how do you support
and motivate your employees to work po?
Supervisor: So uhmmm… I continuously conduct a one on one or coaching, uhmm it’s
it’s really good to have that at least once a month right? That way, you are able to build
trust, you are able to build, to build network, you get to know each other, you get to know
the life of your employee. Uhmm… not just professionally but you know slowly
personally as well, you get to know what they are doing outside the company and by that
you are building network, connection with your team and then, they get comfortable
working with you and you instill not a stressful but a fun environ working environment.
Interviewer: *turns to the next page. So in terms of employee attrition po sa company,
how do you respond to the employees leaving the company po?
Supervisor: Uhmm, well I feel sad, everyone feels sad when everytime you you get this
uhmm you get into this situation wherein one of the employees will be leaving the
company. Uhmmm, but there are also a lot of feedback and I’ve encountered a lot of
associate leaving the company but wanting to comeback which is positive and I know for
a fact that one of the reasons why they are leaving is because uhmmm… you know being
having… being employed in this industry, the competitors is very high. From time to
time, uhhh, there are new company popping up uhh up right here uhmmm within the
industry we have here uhhh it’s growing here aaaa… I’m not sure if you realize. It’s
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
growing here in Taguig there you see Mckinley West and there are a lot of young that are
being hired because they are young and still want to explore but uhmm… later on they
will realize that the culture really in Ingram Micro is really different from from the rest. I
think it’s still the best for me. This is my second company and haven’t left.
Interviewer: Uhhhh… aside po dun sa mga competitors as a factor uhhhh what are the
other factors po na uhhhh…
Supervisor: Well, uhmmm so sometimes, it’s not sometimes, it starts with the team,
right? With the supervisor. That’s why it’s important that you uhmmm you listen to their
challenges, to their feedback that’s why I conduct one on one regularly and if not, you
won’t be able to understand their needs, right? Their challenges uhmmm sometimes
uhmmm it could be uhmm they’re stressed, they’re overloaded. It could be the, the
culture built right? Uhhh but uhmm in general, I think the last team that I handled, It took
us three years before I finally got an attrition. So I think I was able to build a good you
know, team. And uhmm although it’s unavailable especially when uhmm working in a
sales department and right, people come and go but for finance, uhmm it’s not really high
in terms of attrition. Okay, do you have further question?
Interviewer: Do you have any possible suggestions for positive work environment po?
Supervisor: Any possible suggestions for a positive work environment? And when people
are not uhhh suggestions okay. When you continue to support their needs right? When
uhmmm as as a supervisor or team manager when we continue to listen to the needs of
the employees, when we, not just listening and acting on it, right? And giving importance
of providing them feedback continuously honest feedback uhmmm timely feedback to
them, uhmm it’s like making them feel they they are part of the company make uhhh
letting them know, realize their impact uhmm, in a big picture. That’s when you know
you get uhmmm you know that you’re important. You’re an important factor of the
company, right? Of the growth.
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview #3 Martin Guerrero and Nic Allen Fernandez, Human Resources in
Martin: so i am the first blind employee of uhh sutherland, di po ko nakakita parehong
eyes umm i was hired, kelan ba ko nahired?
Nic: Hindi he was ano kasi agent bago sya…
Martin: I was part of paypal kasi before so i applied as a call center agent here and then i
was transitioned to recruitment in hr 1, na dissolve ung account namen so umm, yon!
Sam: Ilang years na po kayong nagtatrabaho dito?
Martin: Dito? 3 ba, oo mga 3 ganon, 3 years
Donato: Eto po for demograph purposes lang po namen, san po ung city address niyo
Martin: aahh nakatira talaga ko sa cavite, however nagrerent ako dito sa western, ang
layo kasi
Kered: Now these are the ahh ano po interview questions po. 1st question po, what are
the programs you implement for employee retention?
Martin: uhh usually kasi dito kay sutherland, umm, once na ah si employee ay wants to
resign, the first thing that the managers do is to talk to them, kung ano ang ah naging
problema umm sometimes kasi ang karaniwang reasons is proximity so ah other people
in the call center industry kasi ahh medyo mahirap sa kanilang mag biyahe ng malayo,
like you can imagine naman ung stress na umm hinahandle nila sa production, and um
magbabiyahe ka ng 2 hours 3 hours thatsss ahh hindi namakatangap tangap so ah usually
proximity umm others umm nagcocomplain sila regarding salary now um pag salary
umm sometime the company provides retention bonus as they call it so uum ung retention
bonus naman naten im not that familiar pero umm i think they are agreeing to some
amount kunyare kelangan ni employee ng higher salary, and then kelangan i mean gusto
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
ni company na maretain sya they can do that or umm sometimes they do promotions
umms sometime if meron kasi tayong employee na sagad na talaga ung salary nila for
their position so the only thing that salary can increase is um promotion so yon un ung
usual na ginagawa namen when it comes to um retention
Kered: in terms po dun sa salary increase na nabanggit niyo po dun sa upon the request
ng employee sino po ung nagaapprove non and kelan po
Martin: umm usually pagka may mga ganong ahh cases, it will be pass on to the account
na , hindi na kasi controled ni sutherland yon kasi si account ang magbabayad so usually
umm finoforward nila yon sa directors nila for approval umm and then i dont know kung
ah may hr interventions ba ung part na un eh hindi ako masyadong sure don
Donato: ok po, ang research po kasi namen is about employee retention in relation to a
healthy working environment, sa tingin niyo po, ung sa mga implemented na policies
niyo po, ano po ung greaty na nakakacontribute po dun sa healthy working environment
po ng mga employees niyo
Martin: umm most of employees kasi dito ahh nag rerete=ain ah nag nag ahh stay sila
becasue of the healthy culture of the company so umm other accounts have their
teambuilding sometimes adn then we have facilities then for employees, we have a game
room, we have aa music room dun sila nag vivideoke and then we also have umm
recreational are we have billiards and chess i think tapos umm balak pa nilang mag
dagdag this year im not sure kung ano ung dadagdag nilaahh we have meetings pa kasi
regarding that so umm nagsusurvey din kami kay employee kung ano ung kelangan nila
what they want and umm ano ung gusto nilang makita, yun nga lang dahil as you can see
nagrerent lang kasi si sutherland dito sa bulding soo umm whatever we got um kung
anong makita namen sa survey nila umm depende padin yon kasi may mga umm other
request na di natin kaya i accomodate kasi maliit ung place naten or we dont have enough
space for that
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Donato: umm ano naman pong um nagkakar sa um ano po sa feedback po regard sa mga
employee, nagkakaroon po ba kayo ng conference po regarding that po pag may inqueries
sila tungkol sa workplace mga ganon
Martin: umm regarding that ang mga higher positions ang gumagawa non so they ah
collaborate with the survey team and then um ang alam ko kinocconsoledate nila yon and
then they will have a meeting with the ah the side heads ung talagang medyo executive
positons namen and they will see what they can do with ahh our admin with our um
facility control and then tsaka nila paguuspaan kung possible ba na magawa ung gusto
ung gusto nilang gawin
Donato: ah okay
kered: for next question po, how do you support and motivate your employees to work
Martin: hmm pano ba nick, kasi ano eh ano ba minomotivate, kasi ung work na yan
gawain talaga ng vhr namen so usually umm usually um nagkakaroon ganto umm ang
first umm encounter kasi ni employee kay hr is their initial their hew hire orientation so
that way umm si hr pumupunta sila hay employee and then they talk regarding the
policies of the company the um tawag dito teh compensation and then ah they also
discuss incentives so ah like for example on one of our accounts ahh ahh tawag dito ahh
one of the accounts namen is the team mobile they have a lot of incentives they have
dollar incentives so dito kasi ah bpo umm mostly um ang needed ng employees naten
money thats why they are here, so before we have another account and binibigay naman
nila is appliances mga cameras um tawag dito mga gadgets mga ganon so dun nila
napupush ung employees na mag gain ng scores
Kered: sa employee attrition po, how do you respond to employees leaving the company
Blind employee: umm sa attrition kasi naten, umm usually kasi kaag naioffer nanamen
ung sinabe ko sa inyo kanina na we talk to employees we offer higher salay or promotion
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
kapag ganun wala na kami magagawa kapag gusto na nila umalis kasi usually sa bpo kasi
um andami nateng ka kompetisya may tinatawag nga tayong bpo hoppers dba they go
from um certain bpo for 6 months get their bonuses and then jump to another bpo, so
usually sa attrition rate ahh ill be honest with you medyo mataas kami dito sa bpo
Nic: we have given ah, pag asa training na nila ganon meron tayong attrition recruitment
sila yon kasi madalas tayo eh may mga employees tayo na papasok g work, incomplete
naman ang mga requirements dba pag magwowork ka syempre dapat ready na lahat, s
aknila kasi un nga bpo, kilala na madaming tao, different personality and attitude ung
mga yan kaya ganun sa training naman may mga attrition tayo mga attendance ang ssue
si sutherland mahigpit pag dating sa ano aten
Martin: so ung sinasabe ni nick ahh we have ah two kinds of attrition voluntary and
involuntary soung ah voluntary attrition tahts where the company ah i mean that’s where
the employee wants to resign na talaga or abadon or everything kung may nang yare man
and the involuntary attrition is kapag kunyare kasi ah one of our accounts, they need 15
days or they have ony 1 days to complete their requirement ah they have basic
requirements kasi so ah if those requirements are not submitted within that 15 days, they
will be automatically removed from that account, so sometimes naman ah kapag nasa
training attriiton naman nah ah usually kunyare nagtraining na si employee syempre si
sutherland nagivest na sa kanya then we see nmn na meron syang potential however that
account bumagsak sya so um we transfer them to another account ah na medyo makikita
ah our trainer equipped naman sa knowledge kung saan dapat ahh, sometimes kasi um we
do assessments however um dun sa next thing period nung account bumabagsak parin
Nic: kapag nagpupullout sila tinatry natin silang hanapan ng other accounts once na
mapullout yung ano nila
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Martin: ayon so once na um kunyare bumagsak sila um we give chances naman ah we
also allow them to take assessmens from other accounts ah not only on this ah we also
forward them to other sites we have 10 sites na sa Philippines na kasi so ah we have um
Cubao, Shaw, BGC we have here um Carmona we have in Clark, ah Tarlac and then
Davao in Bicol we have legaspi so there
Donato: um eto last question na po marami po kaming tanong and nasagot niyo na din
nmn po ung iba so ah iaano nalang po namen, may possibles suggestion po ba kayo um
personal opinion po for positive working environment po?
Martin: um kasi ah sa bpo industry um medyo ung positive environment medyo mahirap
syang makuha kasi we have alot of people na ibaba ung ugali, fortunately here in
Sutherland we have positive environment because our leaders ar eimplementing umm
those kinds of attitude so um here we do a town hall, town hall means meron kaming
quarterly talk with our employees and kinakausap sila mismo ng executives so the
executives uum will handle a progam they wil speak to the employees then um our
regualr employees like the level one im talking to the level one employees they an really
ask questions to themso then we also do our global town hall which is um we have our
um higher ups na talagang executives naten from other country which also employees can
ask questions so in that way they feel na um they are being heard by the ano executives
kahit na kasi other companies kapag executives they dont talk to um employees below the
level dba so here we ah our executives accept suggestions they ah um tehy will read all
emails from employees then they will see what they can do kung possible sya then they
will give it if not yon they will offer other one, ganon
Nic: kasi di kami nakapag ano sa vhrs naten yon nga inexplain ko naman sa inyo na
sobrang hirap kasi talaga mag set ng ano sa kanila kapag pupunta kayo ng bpo company
madami talagang nagaawall( d ko magets around 13:00) kaya marami tayong admin
hearing yah ung admin hearing papasok sya dun sa ano naten am
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Martin: makikita niyo ung vhr naten meron silang paper na ganyan kataas pipirmahan
nila yon para sa employee
female: sa number 9 questions niyo dun sya papasok umm pag may nagaawol tayo di
nmn agad tinatanggal yon uhh nag gigive kami ng chance sa kanila
Martin: pinaprocess kasi
female: yah ung papers
Martin: kasi pag na tanggal din naman kami agad DOLE naman yon si hindi sya
pwedeng basta bastang gagwen
female: sobrang dami so kaya ung kanina the last time inexplain ko 2316 ang hawak
namen and hanggang ngaun 2316 paden hawak namen kasi sobrang laki ilang libo't ilang
libo tayo dito so we have to consolidate and rename all the files imagine all the 2316 of
our employees i mean all of them, ganon kaya hindi kami um nakapagset agad ng
meeting kaya nag ano kami pinilit din namen na ngaun, kami nalang makikipagmeet sa
inyo, pati ung sa mga papers di naten nacomplete kasi wala don halos lahat naman kasi
na napupunta sameng mga employees nagmamadali mga pa-out na mga nagrereach out
samen pag active syempre di naman tayo pwede magpasurvey ng inactive employee kasi
di nmn maganda ung iallagay nila jan (tumawa lahat) ma aano tayo
Nic: yon
Donato: ok na po umm
Nic: picture ba tao
Donato: for documentation lang po ok lang
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview with Mr. Fernando Turingan, a Team Leader in Ingram Micro
Interview with Mr. Martin Guerrero and Ms. Nick Allen Fernandez, Human
Resource Officers of Sutherland
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Interview with Mrs. Nurailam Capioso, a supervisor in Ingram
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Appendix C
NAME: Francis Angelo S. Donato
Home Address: #44 Macopa St., Comembo, Makati
Mobile: 09185406480
Home Number: None
E-mail Address: francisdonato@gmail.com
18 years old
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
May 26, 2001
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School Senior High School
Strand / Track:
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Inclusive Dates:
June 2018 – April 2020
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Junior High School:
Inclusive Dates:
Pateros Catholic School
Grade School:
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
June 2007 – March 2014
Name of Organization:
PCS Courier
Copy Editor
Inclusive Date:
June 2017 – April 2020
Name of Organization:
Supreme Student Council
Accountancy, Business, and Management Representative
Inclusive Date:
June 2018 – March 2019
Name of Organization:
Supreme Student Council
Inclusive Date:
June 2019 – October 2019
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Reynette Getizo
Grade 10 Level Coordinator – Pateros Catholic School
Roselie Yago
Supreme Student Council Adviser – Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Francis Angelo S. Donato
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
NAME: Kered Zilyo C. Natividad
Home Address: 505- A. Yakal St., Comembo,
Makati City
Mobile: 0966-448-1052
Home Number: 881-1156
E-mail Address: keredzilnat@gmail.com
18 years old
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
December, 3, 2001
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School
Strand / Track:
Academic Track – Accountancy, Business and
Management Strand
Inclusive Dates:
Junior High School:
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Grade School:
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
Time Management
Writing proficiency
Communication proficiency
Name of Organization:
Ministry of Altar Servers
Inclusive Date:
Name of Organization:
Legion of Mary
Inclusive Date:
Name of Organization:
Lakbay Basa
Inclusive Date:
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Mr. Marlon John C. Vidallon
Grade 12 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
Mr. Leo Cerbolles
Humanities and Religious
Education Department Head Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Kered Zilyo C. Natividad
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
NAME: Samantha Nicole M. Reyes
Home Address: 26 S. Alquillera St., Pateros, Metro
Mobile: 09393083385
Home Number: None
E-mail Address: reyessamantha927@gmail.com
18 years old
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
December 28,2001
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School Senior High School
Strand / Track:
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Inclusive Dates:
June 2018 – April 2020
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Junior High School:
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
June 2014 – April 2018
Grade School:
Pateros Elementary School
Inclusive Dates:
June 2007 – March 2014
Active Listening
Decision Making
Time Management
Attention to Detail
Name of Organization:
Math Club
Inclusive Date:
June 2014 – April 2018
Name of Organization:
Journalism Club
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Inclusive Date:
June 2018 – April 2019
Name of Organization:
Eco-warriors Club
Inclusive Date:
June 2019 – April 2020
Mr. Marlon V. Vidallon
Grade 12 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
Ms. Ana Adriatico
Grade 11 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Samantha Nicole M. Reyes
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
NAME: Yshi M. Tagalag
Home Address: #7 Alley7 P.Rosales St. Sta Ana
Kanan Pateros, Metro Manila
Mobile: 0999705082
Home Number: None
E-mail Address: yshimtagalag54@gmail.com
17 years old
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
May 4, 2002
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School Senior High School
Strand / Track:
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Inclusive Dates:
June 2018 – April 2020
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Junior High School:
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
June 2014 – April 2018
Grade School:
Pateros Elementary School
Inclusive Dates:
June 2007 – March 2014
Time Management
Name of Organization:
Volley Ball Club
Inclusive Date:
June 2014 – April 2020
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Mr. Marlon V. Vidallon
Grade 12 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
Ms. Ana Adriatico
Grade 11 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Yshi M. Tagalag
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
NAME: Justine Dave E. Ventura
Home Address: Block 39 Lot 13 Phase 2 Brgy.
Pinagsama, Taguig City
Mobile: 09053518809
Home Number: -------E-mail Address: justineventura2@gmail.com
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
February 18, 2002
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School
Strand / Track:
Academic track- Accountancy, Business and
Inclusive Dates:
June 2018- April 2020
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Junior High School:
Benigno Ninoy S. Aquino High School
Inclusive Dates:
June 2014 - March 2018
Grade School:
East Rembo Elementary School
Inclusive Dates:
Math literate
Computer Literate
Fluent in speaking Filipino and English
Name of Organization:
Foreign Language Club
Inclusive Date:
June 2019- April 2020
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Mr. Marlon Vidallon
Grade 12 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
Mr. Mark Anthony Orpiano
Grade 11 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Justine Dave E. Ventura
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
NAME: Maxine Aimellen S.M Desengano
Home Address: # 321 Duhat St. Comembo Makati
Mobile: 09260448774
Home Number: None
E-mail Address: Maxinesmd@gmail.com
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
December 30, 2001
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School
Strand / Track:
Accountancy and Business Management
Inclusive Dates:
Junior High School:
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
Grade School:
Pateros Catholic School
Inclusive Dates:
-Good in Time Management
-Motivation Skills
-God Fearing
-Sense of Humor
Name of Organization:
Volleyball club
Inclusive Date:
Name of Organization:
Pcs Jaggers
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Inclusive Date:
Name of Organization:
Acoustic Club
Inclusive Date:
Mr. Mark Orpiano
Grade 11 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
Mr. Marlon Vidallon
Grade 12 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Maxine Aimelleen S.M. Desengano
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
NAME: Nicole Marie M. Ambrona
Home Address: 9 ruhale st. Brgy.Calzada, Taguig City
Mobile: 09669980458
Home Number: 403-1518
E-mail Address: Nicoleambrona@gmail.com
Civil Status:
Birth Date:
September 8, 2002
Senior High School:
Pateros Catholic School-senior high
Strand / Track:
Accountancy and Business Management
Inclusive Dates:
Junior High School:
La Immaculada Concepcion School
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Inclusive Dates:
Grade School:
Little Friends of st. Mary Learning Center
Inclusive Dates:
- Can work under pressure
- Proficient in English
-Good in Time Management
-Motivation Skills
- Artistic
Name of Organization:
Volleyball club
Inclusive Date:
Name of Organization:
Arts and Design Club
Inclusive Date:
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al
Senior High School Department
Pateros, Metro Manila
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Ms. Anna Adriatico
Grade 11 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
Mr. Marlon Vidallon
Grade 12 Adviser
Pateros Catholic School
I hereby certify that all information presented above are true.
Nicole Marie M. Ambrona
The Steering Wheel and Clutch of BPO Employees: Factors Contributing to Employee
Retention in Relation to a Healthy Working Environment
Reyes, S.N. et.al