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Bodybuilding & Beauty Pageants: Degrading or Not?

QUESTION: Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to men and women.
Give your views.
Both bodybuilder and beauty pageant are there to express there featured. So I disagree. I help
them to see other people opinion on their look and appearance, that was their intention. It help
them to improve the feature. In my opinion it has upgraded them, this might help them see
what they are doing wrong and how to start doing the right thing. Most of these body builder
and beauty pageant enjoy the features a lot and join these competition to share it with the
Body building allows men and women to be healthy and build muscles and beauty pageant will
help any young persons to have to have more confidence on their selves and develop their
talents. Despite these are degrading to men and women. Being a body builder and attend a
competition expose your body as you will be wearing underwear, beauty pageant model with
underwear expose theirselves, bodybuilder taking all kind of injections to build their body and
beauty pageant practice different kind of experience to change their body such as silicone,
chirugie transplantation etc. When a body builder and women attend a competition they will
expose theirselves by showing up with small underwear where the world will see them naked
on TV, and children will not be able to watch the show. As the bible said your body is the
temple therefore it should not be exposed.
Most of the body builder experience many kind of injections to more muscle so that they could
be successful on the competitions. And those injections may harm your body, and giving them
different kind of disease. Body buildings competition is about comparing muscles and a lot
more, therefore the body builder try a lot of injections that might sometimes lead them onto
Women who attend beauty pageant competition sometimes change different things on their
body to appear more beautiful. They sometimes change the part of their body as their nose,
their lips their breast and their face they sometimes do hair transplantation to have a better
appearance. Those kind of experience may affect the body in future. Some people can do
anything to succes in their life to reach their point. Today there is a lot of negative that is
possible in the society once you can afford them financially.
Body building and beauty pageant competitions can be very useful for some people as they
build a high self esteem and also keep you fit and healthy but although some people
exagerating in body building. Other than those they can be very useful for the body.
People need to start things in a different way by trying new things and analyse to make a
change. Body building competitions and pageant beauty could be more interested to watch and
the children can watch also if their make some changes and the world will be able to
Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants take place all around the world. One
obviously needs confidence, the smarts and other qualities to enter such competitions.
However, it is agreed that these competitions and pageants are degrading to men and women.
This is said because it gives others a negative understanding of how the body must look, it can
change individuals personalities and it can make other individuals self conscious about their
physical appearances.
Specifically, in bodybuilding competitions, a persons physical appearance must be up to
part. People must be able to lift weights and must be really fit. This is the choice by the
individual but these, events rely on a specific standard and some peoples’ bodies may not even
be able to handle it.
Both bodybuilding competitions and pageants can change individuals personalities. This
especially happens in young women and young children. The children tend to think highly of
themselves and think they are better than others. However, young women tend to follow older
individuals who partake in pageants. They may even go to extreme lengths to change their
physical appearances.
These competitions and pageants can also make other people self conscious about their
physical appearances. These events take place everywhere and are eared on television all the
time. They are often watched by teens and young adults. However, from what young people
see on the television they may think their bodies are not acceptable and may want to change.
This is completely normal, however, many people try out new things to resemble others like
plastic surgery. That is not okay. Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are okay
however, people hosting these events should change the rules or at least have different types
of pageants for other individuals.
I believe that bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to men and
women. It should not be used as form of entertainment to individuals.
With having bodybuilding competition and beauty pageants it make society believe that
having that type of body and acting a specific way is how society is supposed to be. This in turn
causes people who are not like the bodybuilders and beauty pageant contestants to feel less
than who they are. Some become insecure of their body and try all types of things to look like
what society believes men and women are supposed to look like.
These competitions and pageants allow people to openly judge other people. Men and
women now think that it is ok to judge and dictate to each other what they should look like. For
example, females especially teens would say if he doesn’t have abs or muscle then he is not
cute, but that should not define whether or not he is cute. Men also think that it is ok to
demand that a girl be skinny rather than thick or fat. This situation can lead to serious problem.
It can lead to a lot of individuals with depression, insecurities and low self esteem. A
society is not supposed to judge, it is supposed to bring each other up and encourage one
another. With these pageants and competitions it is doing the opposite. Instead of loving our
neighbor for who they are, we are judging and bringing them down.
Many teens have comitted suicide because of problems like these, because they do not
like what society says they apparantly don’t belong in this society.
Many people wonder why there are so many problems in this society but they never
once stopped to look at the little ‘insignificant’ things that they. Most of the times it is the
things you least expect to be a problem that is the problem.
Although many people may say that these competitions allow men and women to
express themselves physically bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to
men and women. They do this by: making it seem as if it is all the competitors are good for,
making those who don’t top the competition feel that they are not good enough and
objectifying their bodies.
Firstly, these competitions make it seem as if it is all these competitors are good for.
Many of the people who participate in these competitions have other jobs. In a study carried
out in 2017 47% of the people involved did not know that the women in the Ms. Universe
competition are well educated. This shows that the competition has caused people to believe
that they are just pretty faces with an empty head. This would be quite degrading as nobody
wants to be thought of as uneducated when that is not the case.
Secondly, those in the competition that do not top can be made to feel that they are not
good enough. If you have trained for several months for a bodybuilding competition and when
you get there you don’t even place in the top ten this can cause you to feel dejected. This
feeling is one that would be avoided if there was not competition and you simply worked out
for the betterment of yourself and not to be judged by others. This is degrading as it makes
believe that others opinions are what matters.
Lastly, these competitions objectify the bodies of these men and women. In these
competitions especially the bodybuilding competitions the body is seen as this thing to look at.
This may be seen as the point but people go beyond looking at the body for the purpose of the
competition and start to sexualize the participants. In a recent survey it was shown that 72% of
the people that watch these shows do not go for the competition. This is degrading as for the
participants it is more than that and all of their hard work has been belittled.
In conclusion we can see that these competitions degrade men and women in many
different ways and should be stopped.
Stereotypes are a normality that plague our society. We grow up with books, magazines,
television and even toys telling us what we should look like, how we should dress and how we
should act. Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are one of this worlds wicked ways
to enforce stereotypes. These showcases are degrading since they lower self-esteem, focus to
much on physical appearances and foster feelings of pride and selfishness in the hearts of the
Not everyone looks the same or can look the same. Competitions and pageants make
children and teenagers especially, who are in their critical stages of growth and development
that the world wants them to look like that. When they realize they can’t look like what the
world views as beautiful they have a lower opinion of themselves and this can lead to
depression or even how they view others. They forget all about their inner beauty because of
how much focus the world puts on outer beauty.
Physical appearances are the foundation of bodybuilding competitions and beauty
pageants. People come from all around the world to compete or to see who is the most
muscular male and who is the prettiest female. The male spend hours in the gym and the
females spend hours inhancing their features to fit the world’s standards and after a fortune is
spent on this not a dime is spent to rid the world of its problems. Having a pretty face or an
‘eight pack’ can’t cure cancer or any other deadly diseases. All it does is distract us and make
the men and women and children think winning first place in a pageant or competition is more
important than helping our economy. After pageants are won and men bring home a title and a
trophy for their first place at a competition their attitude usually changes for the worst.
All the power and glory from being beautiful or strong corrupts the minds of the
competitors. Competitors have been known to sabotage their rivals, speak badly towards them
and throw fits when they lose. They behave terribly and the public enjoys it and thus
encourages it. Men think it’s okay to use their beauty and strength for persuation violence and
women think it’s okay to use their beauty to manipulate others. Both men and women also
think their beauty and fame means that they can treat others any way they want and this is
absolutely disgusting.
Beauty pageants and bodybuilding competitions are degrading to both men and women.
It lowers the self-esteem of the viewers , fills the contestants with pride and selfishness and
distracts the world from the problems that really matter. The world would be a better place if
men and women didn’t think that they are how they look.
“ Every man and every woman is beautiful. You just need to close your eyes to see.” By
Jackie Barnes. Every year thousands of people participate in beauty pageants and bodybuilding
competitions. But is it a place where impossible beauty standards are made or where body
positivity and intellect are cultivated? Well, let me assure you these competitions aren’t
degrading for men and women they are so much more.
For example, participants are asked questions on a variety of topics which requires them
to be informed on a variety of topics. These topics include matters of state, environmental
problems and many more. They are judged on their social and conversational skills, language
and diction. So these pageants don’t judge beauty only they judge intelligence as well.
Also, the diets of the competitors are tracked and questioned to ensure they maintain a
healthy diet and lifestyle. So their swimsuit bodies aren’t made from poor eating habits but
good ones that nurish their bodies and minds. For the people watching, tips about healthy living
can be learnt.
Creativity and culture are portrayed in the talent section. The skills they show have come
through hard work and practice. There are inspirational and emotional pieces that tell stories
and allow the competitors an outlet to demonstrate their points of views in an artistic fashion
to everyone regardless of the genders, races and nationalities of the audience members.
Though it is said that all of the participants talk and act the same. If you look closely.
They don’t. If you listen, you can hear the respectful, educated and caring individuals formed in
the process. They are not degraded. They are transformed into role models.
In conclusion, pageants and body building don’t degrade men and women. They inspire
healthy living. They promote intellectuals. They form incredible members of society. And if we
look instead of judge, we could learn from them.
A wise man once said, “ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. “ This statement is factual
as everyone is beautiful in their own regard. Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants
serve no purpose but degrade and belittle men and women. Reasons this is so are due to the
competitions: Creating a twisted standard for society to uphold, affecting the self-esteem of
others and creating competition and conflict between individuals based solely on physical
In today’s society, beauty and fashion play a pivotal role in the world’s social structure.
Beauty and fashion companies are some of the largest in the world, while the competitions are
among the most view and anticipated. In all of this, society has created and normalized a false
image of beauty. Why must there be an outlined set of features which determines one’s
beauty? And who gets to play the role of God in regards to beauty? Gone are the days of “ It is
personality that matters.” Nowadays beauty is solely a physical prospect, and is determined by
the amount of makeup a woman wears, or silicone that she pumps into her body. And in
regards to men, how many steroids his body can manage before a stroke. Vuluptuous ,
curvaceous bodies and ripped abs do not define one’s beauty, and it is it is on the aspects that
majority of competitions and pageants operate, degrading men and women who do not fit the
traits stated.
With this normalization of what is ‘beauty’ by society, spawns an increase in low selfesteem. “ Am I pretty enough?” is what an abundance of people ask themselves each day, and
their conclusion is usually a negative one. Individuals failing to meet society’s preset standard of
beauty begin to feel outcasted and different from everyone else. This is particularly evident in
teenagers and young adults still fragile to the opinions of others in a cruel world. This low selfesteem may lead to depression and sadly suicide, which is reflected in the increasing rates
worldwide. Most low self-esteem individuals who view bodybuilding competitions and beauty
pageants only feel worse as they infer what society sees as handsome and beautiful. Some
proceed to augment the wonderful bodies they were blessed with in hopes of feeling more in
tune with the world around them. Are we really fine with our fellow companions hating and
killing themselves all in the name of ‘beauty’?
Finally, not only are individuals being belittled in themselves, but also by their peers. It’s
visible in many places such as the community, the schools and the workplaces. It also takes on
several forms such as bullying and gossip. However, the effect is the same—individuals
competing and conflicting with one another over the hierarchy of beauty. In a similar manner to
the competitions, individuals judge and tear down those who don’t match up with society’s
beauty standards. Why can we not all see each for the beautiful creatures we all are? This
contention causes us to lose sight of what really matters in defining beauty. That is what one is
like on the inside, as underneath the skin makeup and plastic we are all just humans.
In conclusion, beauty should not be defined by one’s physical appearance and as such no
competition or pageant should exist to compare men and women for their God-given features.
Society should have no set standard of beauty, but instead promote the beauty within us all.
Imagine yourself prancing on a stage in nothing but your underwear while hundreds of
judging eyes rake over your body. Imagine having your self-worth and value as a human being
determined based on nothing but your physical appearance. Imagine dieting and training
relentlessly for months, only to have an onlooking stranger tell you that you are not as good as
someone else. Imagine no more; for this imaginary hell is the reality for many beauty pageant
and bodybuilding competitions. These wretched competitions only serve to deprive
unsuspecting participants of their self-esteem and perpetuate unrealistic body standards which
are demeaning to all people. Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are undoubtedly
degrading as they force participants into revealing garments, promote the judging of humans
by other humans and focus solely on the participants’ bodies instead of looking at them as an
entire human being.
Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants degrade participants by coercing them
into parading on stage in disgustingly skimpy clothing. Competitors are forced to wear tightfitting bikinis and boxers made from the tiniest pieces of fabric. So much for self-respect! This
practice strips participants of their clothing and dignity.
Furthermore, These competitions encourage the judging of humans by ( you guessed it )
other humans. Every inch of the contestants’ physique is analyzed, judged and then compared
to that of another contestant. This practice draws a striking parallel to the judging of enslaved
Africans by white slaveowners, simply because fundamentally, that is what these competitions
are… slavery!
Moreover, competitors are not even judged based on commendable attributes like
admirable traits and feats. They are judged completely by their physical appearance. This is
extremely damaging to an individual as it prioritizes physical health over mental or emotional
health. Participants are not viewed as genuine humans with idiosyncrasies, but as a caricature
of a person, who is only as good as their body. Does this sound remotely dignified or even
healthy to you? Statistics even show that 80% of pageant contestants later experience
depression, further proving that these competitions are downright degrading.
In conclusion, beauty pageants and bodybuilding competitions are nothing but slavery
masquerading as an uplifting experience. Many persons argue that these competitions improve
the self-esteem of participants, but the minds of these persons are even more convoluted than
those innocent, helpless persons who are tricked into competing in these vile events. It is time
society rejects the practice of parading half-naked humans on stage, rejects the judging of
humans by equally imperfect humans, rejects the quantifying of one’s worth on one’s physical
appearance, and it is time society rejects the degrading, humiliating practice of beauty pageants
and bodybuilding competitions.
Body building competitions and buety pageants are degrading to men and women because if
you think you have the best body or you are the prettiest. Why would you go in a competition
with a mindset that is stronger than a lion, and self esteem high like a sky scraper just to win
others like you and your characteristics. I think that after all the drama you tend to lower your
self-esteem, remarkably because you lost. Then you are going to currupt your own mind into
thinking you aren’t enough or you’re ugly or something, anything to blame because you lost.
When you win, Oh My! If you win, you’re going to think you’re better than anybody, and on top
of the world, but what is that going to better you or what is it worth to you, winning a plastic or
board trophy or money; after you have shown your body to the world. The media have seen
what is to be covered and tampered by a husband or wife. What is there to be special to a
husband or wife after everyone have seen them. Its degrading your self and others who you
I totally agree with this statement because in most instances the judges are biased and this
however makes the contestants feel less than their worth.
Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants desire to many requirements. In such instance,
men and women will have to have finincial help which includes having money for themselves
and having a sponsor to purchase for example weights for body builders and dresses for the
ladies in the beauty pageants.
These competitions also leads to disagreement. This is so because after the judges decision
contestants will say the title was not fairly chosen and may tend to fight other contestants and
even the judges. On August 6, 2016 a beauty pageant was held in Clarendon and contestants
broke into a fight because they wanted the first place prize.
These competitions also makes the contestants feel inferior to others. This is as a result of
males being forced to build muscles and ladies forced to wear make up in most cases to look as
beautiful as the other contestants. But all should be accepted for who they truly are as the
Christian sacred book states “ All are equal in the sight of God. “
In conclusion, I totally believe that bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are
degrading to men and women as in most instances judges are biased, it requires monetary
funds, such competitions may lead to disagreements and competitors may feel inferior prior to
other competitors, and may disrespect the judges.
Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to men and women. First
what is a bodybuilding competition and a beauty pageant? In my opinion a bodybuilding
competition is where men, and sometimes women, display how muscular their body is or their
fitness and a beauty pageant is a show where young ladies and girls dress up as princesses and
displays their talent..
Bodybuilding competition, in most cases, pushes a person to their limit. It gives the
individual the idea that outward appearance is what only matters, so a person would force their
body to do what it cannot handle and even worse gives them the mentality that the body is not
perfect so they do surgeries to get the type of body they’re looking for and in some cases, the
individuals starts the use of harmful drugs, such as stereoids. Stereoids is a drug used to boost
your adrenaline and build up your body structure such as your muscles. An overdose can lead
to harmful side effects and sometimes death.
Beauty pageants gives a woman the idea that beauty is everything and if you do not have
a crown you are not worthy. In my opinion, this is not the mentality you would want a young
girl growing up with. This type of mentality causes them to think of themselves as nothing.
Some parents would lecture things into their daughter’s head such as, ‘ if you don’t win this
crown you are nothing, nobody will want you’. Is this the type of mentality a strong young lady
supposed to be growing with. The pound of makeup and fancy dresses is not everything, Young
ladies are supposed to grow up knowing that they are beautiful no matter what, and whatever
people have to say that’s their opinion about you. You cannot make what other people say
about you determine who you are.
As I conclude, bodybuilding competitions are useless and does not encourage a man to
love his own body and also, the same with the beauty pageant, it brings down the self-esteem
of a young lady, giving them the feeling of worthlessness.
Bodybuilding and beauty pageants are competitions made to show off your beauty and looks.
These competitions are brainwashing our society into thinking that if you are muscular and is
more beautiful than some one that you are better than them. These things are degrading to
men and women.
First of all there should not be any competitions to see who is more beautiful than who because
this is the reason why young men and women are modifying their bodies by bleaching their skin
and doing surgeries. People are suppose to be supporting the right to be human whether good
looking or not because we are all made as one and was made special by God.
These competitions can cause people especially the youths to become depressed and making
them feel that they are not pretty enough or muscular enough. Why do we have to have
competitions showing off our prettiness muscularness? Why can’t we have competitions
showing off our talents? Statistics shows that that at every pageant competition nine out of ten
times the loosing contestants end up doing surgery to enhance their beauty. A study done at
Harvard university said that seven out of ten times most of the contestants of a bodybuilding
shows uses steroids which means that these competitions are dangerous.
To conclude, society needs to finish with those degrading competitions and have some better
ones, because these are killing our society. Have more talent shows and encourage the youths
to know that they are beautiful inside and out and to not let anyone tell them otherwise.
Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are two things many females and some
males love. Bodybuilding is building up your muscles into being firm and fit. As opposed to the
topic, “ Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to men and women, “ I
strongly disagree because it helps to build both the men and women self-esteme , it helps the
men and women to take pride in themselves, and to be more focused and determine.
Firstly, 95% of women think they are not pretty enough or fit enough. So some wear
excessive makeup to look pretty, some do plastic surgery and waste money and some women
do NOTHING, and of course the men are not any better. Some men eat excessively to get thick
or complain about being underweight and do nothing but, with bodybuilding competitions both
men and women feel better about themselves and in most cases they stop degrading
themselves and has started uplifting themselves whilst in beauty pageants the women think
they are pretty and not compare themselves to others or complain about how “ ugly “ they
Furthermore, bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants helps men and women
take pride in themselves. From my observation the men and women now care about how their
bodies look and how they dressed ( as in which clothes suites them and which does not ) Whilst
in beauty pageants it helps women to focus on their faces and how much makeup to use and
how often to use it,
Moreover, bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants helps both men and women
to be focused and determine on their goal which is to be have the best body and to work hard
to be fit and for beauty pageants their goal is to be the most beautiful person and to have clean
and healthy skin.
As a result, men and women are not degraded by bodybuilding competitions and beauty
In today’s society, there is the controversial argument as to whether bodybuilding
competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to men and women. This essay serves to
support the above statement and give reasons as to why these events are degrading.
Firstly, these competitions encourage a sense of stereotypical beauty among society. The
men and women participating in these events are perceived as role models and the remainder
of society now strives to look and act like these competitors, hence, all other forms pf physical
and internal beauty are neglected by society as inferior. While these events may cause unity
among countries in the form of support for their representatives, their moral values and selfesteem are torn apart in their attempts to imitate the competitors. After all, wouldn’t you want
to be just like your superhero?
Secondly, statistics have shown an increase in the numbers of people suffering from
lifestyle diseases such as anorexia nervosa in the past five years, especially in women. When
interrogated, several of these women stated, “ I just wanted to look like her; like Miss Universe!
“ While viewing these competitions may encourage some people to live healthier, others have
poisoned their minds as they idolize the competitors and reject their own beauty.
Lastly, these events are degrading because they increase gender inequality. Statistics
show an increase in men who rate in Miss Universe, because of their “ hot figures “ and “ pretty
faces “, which are demeaning comments to the female society who strive to achieve equality
with men. Furthermore, there has been a decline in the number of women in bodybuilding
competitions, because of men who claim that “ women should stick to wearing their pretty
dresses “, according to the Daily Entertainment News.
In conclusion, these events are degrading because they promote sexism and stereotypes
among men and women.
Bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants have existed as forms of entertainment
for several decades. These events are usually held in public settings and attract large audiences
who wish to see the contestants compete with each other head to head for victory. As a result
of this, both events are fiercely competitive. I am in full agreement with the statement that
bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants degrading to men and women.
Firstly, both events place excessive emphasis on the physical appearance of the
competitors rather than their internal qualities or intellectual capabilities. On most occassions,
the participants of both bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are judged for their
looks. Although some may say beauty pageants may include questions for the competitors, this
is usually a minor part of the competition.
Additionally, bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants tend to promote
objectification, especially in women. Females are often perceived as sexual objects which can
be used whenever it is desired. Since the 1960’s, many women rights movements have
emerged, advocating better education, more employment oppurtunities and the equal
payment of men and women. Although females have made many efforts to escape the shackles
of patriarchy, some of the progress made is negated by these events.
These events may also have a significant impact on children. Youths are likely to begin
believing that the physical appearance of an individual is their most important feature if they
are exposed to these events.
In conclusion, although bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants may be
entertaining to some, they cause more harm to both men and women than good.
I firmly believe bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are degrading to men
and women. These competitions are designed to focus on a contestant’s physical components,
outer beauty and appeal. This acts as a lead way for harsh criticism, low self-esteem,
insecurities and body modifications to begin which affects contestants and our society.
Firstly, these events are extremely competitive. Contestants are required to be of a
certain height, build and weight be in good standing for a trophy. As a result of these
competitions being created on a foundation of outer beauty and appeal, contestants
imperfections are highlighted, insecurities are formed and result in them going to extreme and
expensive measures to win these contests. This includes procedures such as liposuction and
tummy tucks to achieve a smaller, curvier figure. Botox, rhinoplasties and facial reconstructive
surgeries are performed for higher cheek bones, ‘ perfect ‘ skin and more feminine or masculine
features. Females even completely deplete their diets and males use various supplements and
injections which can be very harmful to the body.
Secondly, beauty pageants and bodybuilding competitions heavily influence society’s
perception of beauty and what is acceptable. This sparks seas of critics, harsh comments, body
shaming and ignites a fire of insecurity and the inability to be comfortable with one’s body in
many males and females involved and uninvolved in these contests. Society then glorifies a
particular body type, empowers males and females of a specific height, weight and even race or
something as miniscule as hair texture and eye colour. People who fall outside of these norms
are then heavily criticized and bashed, humiliated rude comments online and in person.
Similarly, this constant criticism due to outlandish beauty standards and a lack of
diversity in our communities result in the development of health issues in multiple persons.
These vary from mental health and physical health issues such as schizophrenia, addictions to
illegal substances and even depression to name a few, are all products of insecurity, low selfesteem and the harsh standards men and women living in this world are expected to uphold,
reach and surpass.
One may argue that these pageants and bodybuilding contests are empowering and
inspiring for men and women however they only empower others who look like the
competitors and they do inspire people but not in a positive way 80% of the time.
In conclusion, bodybuilding competitions and beauty pageants are very entertaining, to
watch. However, are as a nation missing the bigger picture? Are we really helping and
supporting all body shapes, races and cultures or are we imprisoned by a myopic image of