See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Overvoltage and Ringing in a State-of-the-art SiC MOSFET Power Module for Traction Inverters Conference Paper · November 2020 DOI: 10.23919/AEITAUTOMOTIVE50086.2020.9307430 CITATIONS READS 0 224 7 authors, including: Antonio Riccardo Fallico 2 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS Santi Agatino Rizzo University of Catania 108 PUBLICATIONS 1,035 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Angelo Raciti Fabio Mandrile University of Catania Politecnico di Torino 40 PUBLICATIONS 290 CITATIONS 39 PUBLICATIONS 128 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: PEIC BOARD View project Power devices View project All content following this page was uploaded by Santi Agatino Rizzo on 23 March 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE 2020 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive Overvoltage and ringing in a state-of-the-art SiC MOSFET Power Module for traction inverters Antonio Riccardo Fallico Santi Agatino Rizzo Angelo Raciti Fabio Mandrile Salvatore Musumeci Luigi Abbatelli Elena Venuti Document Version: Accepted author manuscript, peer reviewed version Citation for published version: A.R. Fallico, S.A. Rizzo, A. Raciti, F. Mandrile, S. Musumeci, L. Abbatelli, E. Venuti, “Overvoltage and ringing in a state-of-the-art SiC MOSFET Power Module for traction inverters”, AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive, online, Nov 18-20, 2020. DOI: 10.23919/AEITAUTOMOTIVE50086.2020.9307430 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Overvoltage and Ringing in a State-of-the-art SiC MOSFET Power Module for Traction Inverters Antonio R. Fallico Santi A. Rizzo, University of Catania Catania, Italy Angelo Raciti IMM - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Catania, Italy Abstract—Research teams from industry and academia have highlighted the advantages obtained from the introduction of Silicon Carbide (SiC) traction inverter power modules. Similarly, commercial solutions already benefit from SiC traction inverter in terms of performance as well as in terms of economical investment. Notwithstanding, the good features there are some issues due to the fast switching ability of SiC MOSFET. In such a contest, is the fine-tuning of a proper simulation tool is the first for an optimal design of the conversion systems, especially, the snubbers necessary to mitigate turn-off overvoltage and ringing of SiC MOSFET devices. In this perspective, this paper combines Ansys Q3D analysis and Spice simulations to foresee the SiC MOSFET Power Module waveforms. The experimental results have highlighted a good accuracy of the tool at predicting the performance of the module and the boundary operating conditions. Keywords—automotive, overvoltage, parasitic inductance, ringing, SiC MOSFET, Spice I. INTRODUCTION The growing global energy consumption and the concerns about a sustainable future have pushed towards more efficient power conversion systems. Moreover, the reduction of the size and the increment of the switching frequency are also a longestablished trend in static power converters. SiC MOSFETs feature low on-resistance, high switching speed. high voltage-blocking capability and high working temperature [1]. Moreover, the low body-diode reverserecovery current, the low parasitic capacitances, and the absence of the tail recovery current make SiC MOSFETs an increasingly more interesting technology in several high frequency converter applications [2]. As a matter of the fact, conduction losses reduction is one of the main advantages in traction inverter. The fast switching ability of SiC MOSFET involves lower switching losses at cost of some concerns due to the increased overvoltages and oscillations. More specifically, the parasitic inductances in the layout combined with the faster switching speed worsens the phenomenon of overvoltage and related ringing issues [3]. Analysis of these quantities is a critical factor in assessing the limiting conditions and the maximum rating for the converter in terms of rated voltage, switching frequency, EMI, and so on. Moreover, any optimal design of the conversion system, especially, the snubbers necessary to mitigate turn-off overvoltage and ringing of the SiC MOSFET devices, asks for simulation tools able at foreseeing the waveform of different power module designs. In this paper, firstly, Ansys Q3D has been used for the evaluation parasitic inductances of the interconnections. Then, 978-8-8872-3749-8 ©2020 AEIT Fabio Mandrile Salvatore Musumeci, Politecnico di Torino Torino, Italy Luigi Abbatelli, Elena Venuti STMicroelectronics Catania, Italy these quantities are used with the SiC MOSFET SPICE model to estimate the turn-off overvoltage and ringing into the switching devices. The effectiveness of using the 3D Finite Element Method (FEM) in conjunction with the SPICE simulation has been confirmed by the experimental results. More specifically, the case study of concerns a solid-state power module for automotive traction inverter application. The module has three legs, each switch contains 8 die of SiC MOSFET connected in parallel, thus there are 48 die in the traction inverter module. The paper is organized as follows. Section II firstly reports an overview of the advantages of Silicon Carbide MOSFET and the performance boost it brings, then Section II presents a comparison between SiC MOSFET and traditional silicon semiconductor devices in different converter applications, with emphasis on the case study of the power module. In section III the stray inductance extraction method with Ansys Q3D using FEM analysis as well as the behavioral model of the SiC MOSFET are discussed. Section IV deals with the simulation of a double pulse test performed on the inverter leg and the comparison with the experimental results obtained in the laboratory test-rig. II. COMPARISON BETWEEN SIC MOSFET AND SI IGBT SiC MOSFETs are a good choice in all applications where high power densities, high efficiency and high reliability are required [2]-[4]. In this Section a brief overview of the interesting features of SiC and the advantages it brings when used as a substrate for MOSFETs (part A) are done. A comparison with IGBT (part B) is given, with a focus (section C) on module implementation of multiple devices in parallel. A. SiC Material Advantage SiC allows realization of power devices with improved characteristics compared to Silicon devices having the same blocking-voltage rating. SiC material has three times higher energy gap, breakdown electric field and doubled carrier mobility compared to Si [1], [4], [5]. These properties enable to obtain drift regions with block high-voltages and low forward voltage-drop [5]. The drift-region resistance is the main component that contributes to the overall specific onresistance of MOSFETs designed for medium to high-power applications [6]. SiC devices allow for a theoretical reduction of such a component by a factor up to 100 compared to the one of the Si MOSFETs [2], [7], [8]. Even using a super junction (SJ) structure, SiC MOSFET’s specific on resistance remains lower when compared to the state-of-the-art Si devices in the 600 to 900 V voltage ratings [9]. Higher energy gap and lower doping concentration required for a fixed breakdown voltage lower the intrinsic carrier concentration in the devices, making SiC MOSFET quantities, like the on-state resistance and the reverse recovery current, less sensitive to temperature variations. operations at four-times higher switching-frequency, bringing passives size reduction and lower cooling requirements. SiC allows to realize devices with higher power rating and reliability due to the higher thermal conductivity and melting point [10], [11]. Lower intrinsic carrier concentration also determines lower leakage currents during the blocking state, and lower diode reverse-recovery currents at turn-off. Advantages brought to the system by SiC power devices are higher power density, increased efficiency, and high switching speed, resulting in cost savings and size reduction due to the low cooling needs and the low filtering requirements [8]. C. Power Module with SiC MOSFETs Many system advantages of using SiC MOSFETs in power modules make it a valid competitor to traditional devices in automotive and industrial applications [28]. The absence of the tail current together with almost negligible reverse-recovery current-peak of the body-diode bring significant switching loss reduction in SiC based power modules [36]. Lower conduction and switching losses, higher SiC thermal conductivity and operating temperature together with modules low thermal resistance significantly improve the efficiency and leave room for a substantial increase in switching frequencies and power density [37], [38]. In [9] a comparison between bridge configurations of SJ and SiC MOSFETs shows how the better diode recovery characteristic of the latter produces ten times decrease in the overall switching losses. High electron saturation velocity contributes to the lower drift region resistance and to the higher switching frequency of devices fabricated with SiC substrate, giving better dynamic response [10], [12]. Factors that have been damping SiC adoption during the last 10 years were small wafer diameters available (3 inches), higher raw material cost and poor epitaxial layer quality, with many defects lowering the breakdown voltage [13], [14]. Currently [10], [15] 6 inches wafer are available with improved substrate quality with low density of defects [16]. Focusing on the MOSFET structure, the major reasons for concern were oxide interface traps and bulk defects as well as the high electric field stress on the gate oxide [14], [17]. Moreover, early manufactured devices presented threshold voltage shifts and low channel inversion region mobility [14], [18], [19], now solved by using improved shielding of the p regions and the oxide nitridation processes looking to increase the mobility [12], [20], [21]. B. SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT comparison SiC MOSFETs adoption in power converters yields consistent savings in system costs or in long term costs as well as improved efficiency and power density [22], [23]. Thus SiC MOSFETs are now used in hard switching applications such as telecom [24] and high-end server power supplies [25], solar inverters [26], automotive applications like inverter motor drives and on board chargers (OBC) [10], [27], [28], being an increasingly more valid alternative to IGBT. Lower specific on-state resistance results in smaller dies with overall smaller gate charge and parasitic capacitances [4], [29]. The consequent shorter transients allow for a consistent reduction in the switching losses. Moreover, being majority carrier devices, MOSFETs do not exhibit any tail current during the turn-off transient compared to IGBTs, which further lowers the turn-off energy loss. SiC MOSFETs have a rugged body-diode with almost no reverse recovery current and forward characteristics practically independent [30] from temperature variations, that is very suitable for four-quadrant operations in bridge configurations [10], so allowing for significant reductions in the turn-on losses and the total die area [31]. In particular, the use in FET/FET bridge configurations and DC-DC converter application yields major savings in the dissipated power [32]-[34]. In converter applications [35] SiC MOSFETs enable higher efficiency and switching frequency, giving a threetimes lower turn on energy Eon and four-times lower turn off energy Eoff, even at high temperatures thus enabling Together with the above advantages, SiC MOSFETs bring also new issues that need to be addressed. Higher di/dt together with the stray inductances cause voltage peaks at turn-off across the device terminals. During turn-on in half bridge configurations, the parasitic inductance and the body diode reverse-recovery current peak causes voltage spikes across the terminals of the complementary device in the same leg. These parameters require both a careful analysis and design of the converter layout to reduce EMI, crosstalk and excessive stresses during commutation [39]. As the body diode shows less reverse-recovery current, the focus shifts on the voltage spikes induced by the high di/dt during the device turn-off as major cause of reliability issues and even failure [40]. This problem is even more important in automotive applications, where sudden high power is required frequently [41]. The use of modules, which connect multiple devices in parallel at close distance, is the best way to address these problems in high-power and high-voltage applications, thus reducing the parasitic inductance associated with the conductive path between dies [21] as well as increasing the reliability and the power density. Dynamic performance of SiC MOSFET demands efforts of R&D to focus on modelling accurately and reducing the parasitic inductance between dies while guaranteeing the reliability [42]. Using multiple dies in parallel in practical applications introduces issues of current imbalance both in static and dynamic operations. The parameters spread of the devices like parasitic capacitance and threshold voltage, parasitic mismatches on the power layout contribute to the latter problems, calling for a careful module’s layout design [43]-[45]. Gate loop has a minor effect on switching waveforms but it generates ringing in the gate terminal when resonating with the input capacitance, especially in modules unless the path from the driver to the gate and source pins is optimized [46]. Another important issue to address in power modules is the coupling between the output node voltage in half bridge configurations and gate terminals through parasitic capacitances. Exceeding the maximum negative rating of the gate voltage worsens both the reliability and ruggedness, while a positive glitch causes an increase on losses. Efficient ways to reduce these effects is the adoption of active Miller clamps and higher turn off resistance in the drive [47], [48]. Gate glitches bring together with oxide degradation the risk of spurious turn-on of the complementary device, posing unwanted short circuit operation of the bridge leg. III. CIRCUIT MODEL In this work the effect of the parasitic inductances is studied on an experimental three-phase automotive traction inverter module. The focus is on the turn-off overvoltage spike of a single leg of the inverter. The module fits 16 main switching loop, the gate drive loop, and both the loops. These main parasitic components are depicted in Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Module leg's layout and schematic diagram. Fig. 3. Main lumped inductive parasitic component of the half bridge leg. The voltage overshoot and πΈ increase with πΏ , while the drain current spike and πΈ decrease with the πΏ . πΏ inductance lowers the overall stresses on the device with its feedback effect but increases both the turn on and turn off energies [39], [45]. Fig. 2. Main inductive and capacitive parasitic parameters. 1200 V, 30 πΩ SiC MOSFETs per leg, 8 dies in the upper switch and 8 dies in the lower switch, with 48 total devices. In Fig. 1 is shown the layout of the single leg inside the module. Analysis and simulation of the turn-off overvoltage requires the knowledge of several items: the parasitic inductance of the interconnections between the dies and the Kelvin terminals extracted using Ansys Q3D through a FEM analysis (Sec. A) and the behavioral model of the SiC devices (Sec. B). Results of both sections are used in a simulation of a double pulse test using LTSpice (Sec. C) to analyse the turn-off voltage spike and the ringing transient. A. FEM In hard switching conditions, the layout parasitic inductances together with MOSFETs’ internal parasitic capacitances cause a voltage overshoot and parasitic oscillations during the turnoff transient, that are caused by high di/dt. If not damped, the overvoltage spike during the turn-off may bring the device in avalanche breakdown and then to the failure. To prevent the ringing caused by the interaction between the stray inductance and the internal parasitic capacitance from coupling through the πΆ capacitance to the gate terminal causing unwanted turn-on, Miller clamping techniques are adopted in the gate drive configurations together with a hard turn-off gate voltage of -5 V [33], [48]. In [3], [39] the cumulative effect of the package, the board, and the die inductance are studied by experiments, by considering their effects with three main inductances associated with the drain πΏ , gate πΏ and source πΏ terminal. These are associated correspondingly with the Packaging multiple devices in a power module reduces the parasitic phenomenon due to the bonding wires, leads and PCB traces, leaving only the components associated with the copper plate and the sintering interconnections between the dies, the sensing terminals and the input/output terminals. The CAD model containing the geometry of the module together with information of the materials are imported in the software Ansys Q3D to perform a FEM analysis, which gives the values of the parasitic components in terms of a matrix of inductances and resistances. To lighten the computational burden on the Spice simulator, the inductances associated with the main switching loop of the half-bridge are lumped in the components shown in Fig. 3. The values are given in Table I. Q3D extractor has been used to determine these contributes for each main terminal of the module, that is: the busbars P, N, and Out; high and low side Kelvin Drain and Kelvin Source; solder points of the dies and bonding wires to the module. B. MOSFET Behavioral Model In the SPICE simulation, a behavioral model of the SiC MOSFET is used (Fig. 2). The model is based on the static and dynamic characterization of the device. In other terms, the model emulates the main aspects of the device: the output characteristics π − π£ ; the transfer characteristics; the gate charge as function of the gate-source voltage; input πΆ , output πΆ , and πΆ reverse parasitic capacitances as a function of π£ , the breakdown voltage, the switching energy on resistive and inductive load, the temperature and bodydiode characteristics. Curves obtained from interpolating the experimental results [49] are then fed to the behavioral current sources, giving a light burden for the computational and physical description of the device. TABLE I. LUMPED PARASITIC INDUCTANCES Inductance Resistance Name Value Unit Value Unit LA LB LC LD LE LF LG LH LI LJ LK LL LM 4.45 27.00 2.69 33.00 295.00 965.00 9.06 2.52 27.00 14.00 33.00 2.57 1.20 ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» ππ» 0.1818 0.0001 0.0700 0.0325 0.0260 0.0300 0.0300 0.1688 0.0001 4.1900 0.0325 0.0584 0.0420 πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ πΩ Fig. 5. Double pulse test schematic. As freewheeling diode of the configuration, the internal body-drain junction of the eight higher side MOSFETs is used. The gate driver controls the low side devices deploying two nMOS in a push-pull configuration, which have a driving capability of 5 A, tailored to drive the total gate charge π β 600 ππΆ of the eight paralleled devices in a rise time below 120 ππ . Driving voltage values of 18V and -5 V, typical of SiC and the MOSFET devices, are used to minimize the π switching losses and circumvent the threshold shifting as well as to reduce the occurrence of the Miller turn-on phenomenon [33], [47], [48]. Similar reasons led to use a 5.6 Ω as turn off resistor and a 3.3 Ω as turn on resistor. The test procedure is the following: 1. (π‘ ÷ π‘ = 1 ππ ) the test starts with the DUT in off state, the DC-Link capacitor charged up to 700 V and with no current in the load inductor; Fig. 4 Schematic of the MOSFET behavioral model. Credit by [49]. IV. SIMULATIONS In this Section a brief description of the simulation setup in LTSpice and the results found in terms of turn-off overvoltage and ringing transient with relative voltage and current waveforms are given. The simulated results are then compared with the experimental data extracted by some tests performed on the module. In part A, the double pulse test and the measurement conditions are described while, in part B, these results are compared with the bench experimental results. A. Double Pulse Test To perform the dynamic analysis of the device performance on the module, a double pulse test is used, which reproduces hard switching on a clamped inductive load, a common occurrence in many converter applications [50]. The LTSpice schematic of the virtual test bench is shown in Fig 5. In the test, the following quantities are used. A DC link capacitor of 300 ππΉ with 855 V rated voltage, a 15 ππ» equivalent series inductance (ESL), a 0.8 πΩ equivalent series resistance (ESR) are connected to a 700 V DC bus voltage generator. Eight parallel SiC MOSFETs compose a switch of the leg, each with 1.2 kV breakdown voltage π΅π , 30 πΩ on-resistance Rdson and 75 A drain current πΌ . An air core inductor is used as load, modelized with an inductance value of 6 ππ» inductance, a 5 πΩ ESR and parasitic capacitance of 300 ππΉ. 2. (π‘ ÷ π‘ = 4.14 ππ ) at time π‘ the switch is turned on by the gate drive and the freewheeling body diode blocks the bus voltage so that the current through the inductor and through the switch reaches the test current of 500 A, the process takes 4.14 ππ with an inductance of 6 ππ»; 3. (π‘ ÷ π‘ = 3.86 μs) at π‘ the DUT is turned off and the diode turns on, clamping the drain of the DUT to the bus voltage. During this process, the DUT turns off and the voltage π£ and the current π waveforms are acquired; 4. (π‘ ÷ π‘ = 3 ππ ) at π‘ the DUT is turned on again and the diode turns off, releasing the reverse recovery current, πΌ , together with the load current back to the DUT. During this time interval the turn-on waveforms are acquired. B. Simulation Results Fig. 6 shows the turn-off transient and the gate source voltage π£ , drain current π , and drain source voltage π£ waveforms of the low side MOSFETs. Focusing on step 3 of the previous part, as the inductive load is switched, the voltage across the DUT increases until it reaches the bus voltage and only after this phase the current starts flowing in the freewheel body-diode on the high side. This is a typical commutation behaviour, with the load that experience the current increase, similar to the current in inductive loads. During this phase, the output capacitance of the DUT forms an RLC network with the parasitic inductance and with the on-state resistance of the MOSFETs. Though the diode provides clamping when switching the highly inductive load, it does not clamp the stray inductance mentioned above. This inductance reduces the πΈ due to voltage drop across the inductor during turn-on and Fig. 1. Simulation waveforms during a switching cycle: vgs, id, and vds of devices. limits the reverse-recovery current of the upper body diode. At turn-off, the negative di/dt causes high overvoltage in the devices, as there is no other path left for the current in the inductor to return the energy. Together with the output capacitance of the MOSFETs, the inductance also creates a ringing transient overlapped to the turn-off voltage and current waveforms with a frequency that is depending on the values of πΆ and πΏ. Fig. 7. Experimental waveforms during a switching cycle. As can be seen, during the turn-off transient of the low side devices a voltage peak of 985 V appears across the devices, which is followed by an oscillation at a frequency equal to 28.6 MHz. These results are compatible with the preliminary analytic evaluation made using [51] as reference, obtained by using the following relation to determine the overvoltage π : π π‘ = πΌ πΏ πΈππΏ . 1− π π sin π 1−π 1−π Φ (1) where π is the turn off time, πΌ the drain current, π damping factor, π resonance frequency and Φ phase shift given by the relation (2), (3) and (4) π πΆ π= 2 πΏ (2) 1 π = (3) √πΏπΆ Φ = arccos ζ (4) in which: - π is a resistance whose value averages the effect of the gate of the devices π β 0.31 Ω; drive resistor and the π - πΏ is the sum of the inductance of the main switching loop and the parasitic inductance πΈππΏ of the DC-link πΏ capacitor πΈππΏ , : - πΏ =πΏ πΏ πΏ πΏ πΈππΏ πΏ=πΏ πΏ πΏ πΏ πΏ β 10 ππ» = 15 ππ» , πΈππΏ , = 25 ππ» (5) (6) (7) - πΆ is the sum of the output parasitic capacitance πΆ of each of the devices with 700 V across drain and source: πΆ = 151 ππΉ πΆ =8βπΆ β 1.2 ππΉ (8) (9) The magnitude of the overvoltage computed, using a π of 85 ns from the spice simulation, is 279 V with an oscillation frequency of 28.5 MHz, both close to the simulation results. The overvoltage peak in the first oscillation, as can be seen from the relation (1), depends heavily on the drain current of the devices, the switching speed, and intrinsic parasitic parameters of the power module. Fig. 8. Comparison of the simulation and experimental results. As can be seen from Table I, the most prominent ones are those associated with the P and N terminal busbar, i.e. πΏ and πΏ , and the one from the DC link capacitor πΈππΏ , . In order to evaluate those two effects, double pulse tests on the power module were carried out in the laboratories, the results of which are shown in Fig. 7. Simulation and experimental results are in good agreement, as can be seen from Fig. 8. V. CONCLUSIONS In this paper, a methodology to evaluate the turn-off overvoltage and the ringing is carried out. The parasitic inductances are extracted by using the Ansys Q3D tool, and the behavioral model of the SiC MOSFETs is used for simulation purpose. The case study is a power module realizing a three-phase traction inverter. The simulated results obtained with LTSpice package are compared with the experimental results- A peak voltage having an overvoltage of 279 V, and a ringing frequency of 28.5 MHz are the outcome of the simulation, while a peak voltage of 281 V, and 28.1 MHz as a ringing frequency are the experimental results. The close correlation of the results confirms the validity and correctness of the proposed approach. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work has been partially supported by the projects: “Research and Development in Electric Vehicle Technologies” funded by the DIEEI, University of Catania; “Advanced power-trains and systems for full electric aircrafts” funded by the “Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca” under the call PRIN 2017; “WInSiC4AP- Wide band-gap Innovative SiC for Advanced Power”, funded by the European Union; DFM.AD001.098, “Nuovi Dispositivi di Silicio oltre il CMOS Scaling”. 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