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Persuasive Speech Outline Template: Stock Issues Format

The purpose of this outline is to help you organize your thoughts and ideas into a persuasive speech. It
will help you arrange and format your main points and sub-points so that your speech motivates your
audience to think or act in a specific manner. Your Persuasive Speech Outline is worth 20 points. Your
outline should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, and follow Small Section directions. You should
follow the Stock Issues format for organizing a persuasive message explained on the next page. It should
be written in APA format and have a minimum of 6 references; those references should be typed and
listed in APA format on a separate page. Be sure to print and attach the Persuasive Speech Outline Grade
Sheet to the front of your outline on its due date. BE SURE TO READ ALL 5 PAGES OF THIS
HANDOUT!! Page 2 is very helpful in understanding Stock Issues.
Your outline should be clean and easy to read/follow. I will grade your outline for both content and
format. I will grade what you say, how you organize what you say, and also your grammar, spelling, and
punctuation (G/S/P). I will grade how you use evidence and implement it into the outline. I will evaluate
how persuasive you are using ethos, pathos, and logos to make your argument. I will also grade how
closely you follow proper outline format and subordination. (Do your main points align? Are your subpoints consistent?) I will review that all 8 references are listed in-text as well as on the reference page. It
is a full sentence outline so that I can read what you will present to the class on your speech day.
A title page is not necessary. This outline is graded for both content and format. I will mark down for
grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. I will evaluate the main points you make in your outline,
how you support your main points with evidence/examples (sub-points), and I will grade how you say it
(G/S/P). You should always proofread your assignment at least twice- once for content and once for
format. Remember that proofreading can only improve your grade.
Additional Information:
 Follow the Stock Issues format of 1) Problem, 2) Causes or Barriers, 3) Solution
 Your solution must have an action step that the class can do on their own
 Make your information understandable and interesting to the audience
 Include appropriate and not overwhelming evidence and information
 A list of References must be turned in with the outline in APA format
In this outline, you will learn the following Student Learning Objectives:
1. Generate a well-reasoned, persuasive argument for this audience.
2. Assess the strength of relative arguments and supporting evidence.
3. To develop a theoretical framework to the persuasive public speaking process (Stock Issues).
4. Make connections between the material and your own lives and experiences.
5. To think critically about how to narrow a topic and present a quality speech.
6. To competently create and deliver a professional, persuasive presentation.
7. To gain public speaking experience with effective use of presentation aids.
8. To create a persuasive message on a relevant, current events topic.
9. To utilize rhetorical proofs as a means of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos).
Persuasive Speech Outline: Stock Issues
a. Attention Getter
b. Reason to Listen
c. Speaker Credibility
d. Thesis Statement
e. Preview your Main Points
a. Main Point 1: Establish the problem, the harms, or the significance to change.
This stage arouses people’s interest and sparks their desire to listen. You should
describe the issue by answering the following types of questions (these questions are
simply meant to help you brainstorm and serve as a guide; you may have additional
information or may not need to cover each and every question):
 Make the topic personal or relevant to the audience.
 Please Listen to me!
 What is the issue? Describe the problem with details, examples, citations.
 Why is this issue significant? Something must be done!
 Why is there a need to listen to you? Why is there a need to change?
b. Main Point 2: Causes or Barriers
Describe the causes that created this problem or that stand in the way of this problem
being solved. How did we get to this point? How did it get this bad? Identify the source
of this problem. Where did it happen first? Why?
 Explain the reasons we are dealing with your topic.
 Why is this still a problem? Why hasn’t it been solved already?
 Who is responsible for this problem?
c. Main Point 3: Solution
Propose a plan of action
 Explain: “this is what should be done.”
 Be sure that your solution has an action step that the class can do on their own.
 Provide the class with detailed info so we can actually help in solving your
problem. Make it easy for us to want to get involved or educated.
 What exactly do you want us to do, think, be, say, to resolve your problem?
 What are the details of your proposed solution?
 What are the potential costs to your solution?
 Paint a very clear and vivid picture for us.
a. Restate your thesis statement
b. Review your main points
c. Provide a Reason to Remember
Persuasive Outline, Stock Issues
Due Date
General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose:
A. Attention Gainer
B. Reason to Listen
C. Speaker Credibility (right to inform)
D. Thesis statement
E. Preview your Main Points
A. Problems/Harms
1. Information (sub-point)
2. Information (sub-point)
3. Information (sub-point)
B. Causes or Barriers
1. Information (sub-point)
2. Information (sub-point)
3. Information (sub-point)
C. Solution
1. Information (sub-point)
2. Information (sub-point)
3. Action Step for us to take (sub-point)
A. Restate your Thesis
B. Review your Main Points
C. Provide a Reason to Remember