www.bochinspaw.com PutYour LogoHere Accelerated Motion GRADE 7 FORCE AND MOTION At the end of the Lesson,student should be able to: 1 . d e f i n e a c c e l e ra t i o n 2 . d i f fe r e n t i a t e t h e u n i fo r m a c c e l e ra t i o n f ro m n o n - u n i fo r m 3.try to solve problems related to 2022 a c c e l e ra t i o n Accelerated Motion www.bochinspaw.com PutYour LogoHere A point or an object moving in a straight line is accelerated if it speeds up or slows down. There are three ways an object can accelerate: a change in a change in both velocity and 2022 v e l o c i t y, a c h a n g e i n d i r e c t i o n , o r 2022 www.bochinspaw.com PutYour LogoHere Uniform and Non Uniform Acceleration www.bochinspaw.com PutYour LogoHere U n i for m a c c e l erated i s d ef i ned a s a c h a nge i n ve l oc i ty t h at i s oc c u rs i n e q ual i nter val s o f t i me . No n - uni form A c c e l arate d i s n on - t h at i s e q u al i n r i g ht. 2022 ve l oc i ty ove r a p e r i od of t i me www.bochinspaw.com Uniform Acceleration 2022 PutYour LogoHere www.bochinspaw.com Non Uniform Acceleration 2022 PutYour LogoHere www.bochinspaw.com How to calculate the Acceleration of an Object 2022 PutYour LogoHere www.bochinspaw.com How to calculate the Acceleration of an Object 2022 PutYour LogoHere 2022 www.bochinspaw.com PutYour LogoHere