Mr. Mansour Abul - Saud 00201288707850 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education Department of Education in --------------Bureau of Education in ----------------------------------------------- Elementary School 5th Grade - Exam ( 5 ) Unit ( 5 ) Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Q 1 ) Match : Class : ………………… وصل 1- Good morning 2- Good afternoon 3- Good evening 4- Good night Q 2 ) Choose the correct answer : اختر اإلجابة الصحيحة - Let's ( go to school - watch TV ) . - Let's ( go to school - watch TV ) . - Cookies are ( sweet - sour ) . - Lemons are ( sweet - sour ) . - Ice cream is ( hot - cold ) . Mr. Abul(- Saud - Mansour Soup is hot 00201288707850 - cold ) . How is your result ? 1 2 3 4 __ : ة املادة/معمل : التوقيع 10 ....................... : توقيع ويل ا ألمر