Uploaded by Fekadu Legesse

Participatory Forest Management Impact Study Proposal

Addis Ababa University
Environmental Science Center
• The Impacts of Participatory Forest Management on Forest
Status, Livelihoods and Local Community Perceptions: the case
of Beleta Gera Forest in Oromia National Regional State
By Fekadu Legesse
December, 2020
Addis Ababa
Forests are providing a wide range of economic, social, environmental and cultural benefits and
According to WBISPP, 2000 Ethiopian forest have been cleared for a long period of time due to
agricultural expansion, exploitation of timber, charcoal, fire wood, urban and industrial expansion
Beleta Gera Forest
 is one of the moist afromontane forests and which was designated as national forest priority area in
Prior to PFM, it was protected by the government and people exploited the forest resources
through illegal cutting, pit sawing and coffee production and management etc.
Beleta Gera Forest
 Is one source of environmental capital for communities living in and around forests on which they
depend for their livelihood activities;
Seen as a source of good agricultural land as well as a source of fuel wood, wood for construction,
and non-timber forest products (NTFPs).
PFM was introduced in the study area to reduce biodiversity loss, forest degradation and
deforestation, to improve the livelihoods of local community in the forest etc.
Statement of the problem
The introductions of PFM in the study area are expected to improve forest
conditions, livelihoods of the local community, and perceptions of the communities
and sustainable management of the forest resources.
However, scientific studies are lacking that assess whether the PFM initiatives in
the study area have achieved their objectives as expected, and to draw lessons that
can be used in the future in applying the experiences to other sites.
In view of this, the study will be designed to assess the contribution of PFM
approach to improving forest status, livelihoods and perceptions of local
And also help in understanding (evaluate) the ecology of the forest and used to
know the changes in different carbon pools under Participatory forest
management scenario.
Objective of the study
General objective
 The general purpose of the study is to investigate role of Participatory Forest
Management on Forest Status, Livelihoods and Local Community Perceptions:
In the case of Beleta Gera forest in Jima Zone.
Specific objective
 To study the change in the composition, structure, regeneration status;
 To determine the carbon stock of the forest at different Pools;
 To assess the role of PFM in livelihoods support/improvements; and
 To assess the perceptions of local community since the implementation of PFM.
Research question
Objective 1 To study the change in the composition, structure, regeneration status:
 What are the dominant woody species compositions of the forest in the study area?
 What is the natural regeneration status of dominant woody species in the study area?
 What is the diversity and plant communities existing in the forest?
Objective 2 To assess the carbon stock of the forest at different Pools:
 How much carbon stored in each forest block in the study area?
 Is there significant difference in carbon stocks in each assessed carbon pools?
 Is there a significance difference between the carbon stocks of the study area as compared
with others forest?
 What are the factors contributing to the difference in carbon storage?
Objective 3 To assess the role of PFM in livelihoods support/improvements:
 Do the income sources diversify due to the adoption of PFM?
 Does the household income level increased as compared to other not adopt PFM?
 Are there household assets significant different?
Objectives 4 To assess the perceptions of local community since the implementation of PFM:
 Are there any factors that influence the community perception of PFM system?
 What is the perception of the local communities of participatory forest management in terms
of benefits, ownership, empowerment and conservation?
Description of the study area
• Belete-Gera forest
 is located in the Gera District and the Shabe Sombo District in the
Oromiya National regional state
 Covered 150,000 ha.
 Its annual precipitation of 1,500 mm and
 an annual average
degrees Celsius.
 The topography of the Belete-Gera is complicated and consists of
undulating hills in the 1,200 to 2,900m range, with steep mountainous
terrain in some places.
Objective 1. To study the change in the composition, structure, regeneration status
Two separate forest patches (PFM and outside PFM) will be identified
Reconnaissance survey will be made
 to obtain an overview of the forests and its structures and compositions, aspects, and
altitudinal range of the forest;
Stratified systematic sampling design will be used
A quadrant of 20m*20m, will be selected and the quadrats were distributed systematically
and, in each quadrat, individual woody plants will be recorded;
The diversity of woody species will be determined & similarity in species composition
between the patches will be computed
The density of the seedlings, saplings and stems will be determined:
Data will be analysed by using Multivariate analysis techniques
The vegetation data analysis will be made using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis of
R-3.6.1 window versions based on species abundances.
Objective 2 To assess the carbon stock of the forest at different Pools
Two separate forest patches will be identified :
Stratified systematic sampling design will be used & rectangular plots of 10m*20 m
down along transect lines;
All individuals’ trees/shrubs species DBH at 1.3m ≥ 2.5cm will be measured & stems
observed in rectangular plot 10m * 20m will measured;
Non woody herbaceous plants and litter will be collected from 1m*1m sub sample plots
and fresh weight recorded.
Soil samples for fraction of organic carbon and bulk density determination will be
collected from 1m*1m laid sub sample plots at the four corners and at the center of the
sample plot.
All organic layers (litter layer) removed and soil sample taken to 30cm depth by digging
soil pit of 40cm wide.
• Above ground biomass & Below ground biomass will be estimated using
appropriate biomass regression equations for tropical forest
• Non woody herbaceous biomass will be calculated based on dry to fresh
sample analysis in the laboratory & the biomass density (the number of tons of
biomass per hectare) will be calculated using appropriate formul;
• The dry to fresh biomass of the litter collected from sub samples will be
analyzed per plot, hectare and per stratum following appropriate formula;
• Based on carbon fraction, soil depth and bulk density of a soil sample the
amount of carbon per unit area will be calculated by using the appropriate
Objective 3 To assess the role of PFM in livelihoods support/improvements
Two separate forest patches will be identified & survey will be carried out with relevant
experts ;
A structured questionnaire will be prepared to collect the required data on:
 household and demographic characteristics,
 local livelihoods, income level, income sources and asset accumulations,
 aspects of empowerment both in PFM interventions area and outsides (non-PFM).
The users will be selected randomly, & data collected through
 key informants’ interview,
 Focus Group Discussions,
 Local community consultation and participant observation;
The data will be coded and analyzed following the appropriate procedure Like SPSS software etc.
Objective 4 To assess the perceptions of local community since the implementation of PFM
Multi-stage sampling procedure will be used to identify the sample households for the study;
The households will be selected randomly to include members of the study areas.
Both primary and secondary source of data will be used for the study.
Semi-structured questionnaire will be used to collect information on:
households’ demographics and their perceptions of an array of forest management aspects.
Primary data will be collected through
key informant interview, focus group discussion and household survey.
And also secondary data will be collected from published and unpublished material references such
as: books, journals, project reports and maps through review.
The quantitative data will be summarized, and stored using Ms Excel & SPSS software , logistic
regression and others will be used to analyze to determine
 relationship between dependency on the forest resource and
 individual perception , participation and benefit distribution
 the variable associated with the attitude toward the forest management system etc
Work Schedule
Proposal writing
Literature review
Preliminary site survey for object 1-4
Field Work for Data collection for object 1-4
Data entry and analysis for all objects
Paper write-up of the result for object 1-4
Expedition Item
Laboratory analysis
Expense for
Supervisor in the field & lab
8 experts who assist data collection
20 daily labors
Transportation Cost
Rent of vehicle/bycles
Contingency (5%)
Total cost