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Librarian Role: Research Support to Research Partner

Baaghi TV, May 4, 2021
Librarian journey from Research support to Research Partner
By Abid Hussain
Academic Libraries are demonstrating their values from Research support services to
the Research partnership. In the past, librarians were confined to the four walls of
libraries. Today’s librarians are involved with research faculty in the research journey
of Academic libraries. This collaboration is resulting in their value as co-authorship.
Such partnership increases its value and helps them in its emerging role of embedded
Librarianship. Collaborative research with faculty members is one possible way to
demonstrate the alignment of the library with the institutional mission. Involving
them with faculty members in research activities helps them in improving skills.
Academic Librarianship has now been demonstrated as embedded Librarianship.
Such kind of role helps them in institutional research output. The librarians have
made a significant contribution to the research partnership. Innovative roles of
librarians in the sustained state of providing their contributions to the academic
mission have emerged them as the next part in academia’s changing perspective and
student learning activities. The modern day’s embedded Librarianship has proved
them as recommend the approach to showcase the value of academic librarians
outside the library wall.
The Education Advisory Board (EAB) recommends a new role for librarians to
facilitate their faculty members in the new courses, research teams. The question,
however, arises in mind. How does the library contribute to faculty research
productivity (or tenure and promotion decisions? Librarian’s roles from research
supporters are now changing to research partners. In this role, Librarians have been
involved in placing, inserting, and non-library departments to actively disseminate,
organize, and preserve library material. Apart from this, librarians are now active
mediation in the visibility and management of institutional affairs. In identifying the
most appropriate combination of database searching, the role of librarians becomes
more potential because he knows how to explore them for literature review.
In the future scenario of librarians, it will be increasingly important for the working
librarians to participate in institutional goals beyond historical core library services
actively. Information literacy, collection development, reference services that still
adhere to the traditional library services. The current role of Librarianship is based on
embedded Librarianship and liaison programs. This demonstrative activity can
illustrate how librarians become more visible and integrated to faculty members to
achieve the institutional goals.
The last few decades have brought fundamental changes regarding research in a
different discipline. Collaborative research is taking place among diverse disciplines,
institutions and countries. To mastering the basic tools for research activities,
researchers and librarians face numerous challenges in this era of technology. There
are key challenges for academia to facilitate researchers, research, and libraries. In
such circumstances, academia around the world prepares a team to add new values to
its present research. Academic institutions want the librarian to answer the question:
How do librarians add value to the research process to achieve their mission and
A close relationship between librarians and research can be beneficial to the work of
both. Librarians bear sound knowledge in reviewing the latest research; nevertheless,
faculty always have good skills in writing but finding quality research couldn’t be
possible without librarians’ help. Librarians know, what is the best and most relevant
research, which could fulfil the research needs of their scholars. Apart from this,
librarians should abreast researchers with greater knowledge and help them browse
quality research.
Embedded and liaison librarians are need of the days for the entire research
community. Information and communication tasks are librarians’ art and can address
these issues with their profound skills outside the library services.
Most librarians are competent users and bearing potential skills on the existing use of
ICT tools. These ideas can help them to understand how digital tools can be best
exploited for research.
When the librarians perform their routine works as done in a traditional setup, they
will never grow in their respective organizations. Librarians should come out from
their traditional services and should actively participate in other activities beyond
traditional services. In this case, their role should not be passive. They ought to
promote their learning capabilities about the new tools, which are highly helpful in
the research growth of organizations. Many librarians have been engaged in
Plagiarism software; this is undoubtedly a good gesture for the editorial team of the
organization, but learning more tools will make them more capable by involving
them in research tools.
Modern days librarians are well-prepared for organizational changes. They should
learn new tools and skills to facilitate their researchers. Many statics softwares like
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Statistical Analysis Software
(SAS), STATA, etc.
The new context of academia shows great potential for the librarian’s expertise.
Leading to the new role, they should adopt new ways of working. Librarians should
think beyond the four walls of their libraries. Outside the library services, they should
engage themselves in research activities; this will help them more close to the
authority and will l bring the librarian closers to the users.