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Mobile Computing Assignment Questions

Mobile Computing Questions for Assignment
Q.1:- What do you mean by spread spectrum? Explain DSSS & FHSS in detail.?
Q.2:- Explain Bluetooth and its architecture. Also explain different frame formats of
Q.3:- Explain Concept of cell and frequency reuse. Also explain hardhand off and
softhand off with the working of VLR.
Q.4:- Explain Data Broadcasting? Explain data broadcasting types with advantages and
disadvantages of each.?
Q.5:- Explain GSM technology with diagram. Explain its advantage & disadvantages
Q.6:- Explain GPRS technology. Discuss explain its protocols and interfaces.
Q.7:- Explain & classify multiple access protocol (MAC). Also Explain slotted ALOHA.
Q.8:- Explain development of Mobile communication in the series SDMA, AMPS, FDMA,
Q.9:- Explain Mobile IP with its advantages. Draw diagram of Mobile IP scenario. Also
Q.10:- Explain operations of mobile IP – discovery, registration, tunneling.
Q.11:- Write short note on TCP over Wireless techniques:( i ) I-TCP
( ii ) TCP-Snooping
( iii ) M – TCP
Q.12:-What is clustering? What is adaptive clustering for mobile wireless network? Explain single
hopping vs. Multi hoping situations with example.
Q.13:- What is data replication? Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous data
Q.14:-Explain the user mobility patterns in location management. Also explain the pointer forwarding
Q.15:- Explain distributed transaction processing and its properties.
Q.16:-What is mobile agent? Explain mobile agent characteristics, needs. Explain Multi agent
computing through client server interaction.
Q.17:-What do you mean by security and fault tolerance? Explain different types of security threats in
mobile agent systems.
Q.18:-What is Ad-Hoc Network? Explain Table Driven Routing Protocols and On-Demand Routing
Q.19:-What is routing protocol? Explain Global State Routing & Dynamic State Routing
Q.20:- What mobile applications are used for data management? What are specific issues in data
Q.21:-Write short notes on any two of the followings:(A) Mobile File System
(B) Disconnected Operation
(C) Life Cycle of Agent
(D) Applications of Ad-Hoc network
(E) Explain issues in mobile computing
(F) What is bandwidth?
(G) What is broad band and narrow band? (H) How slow FHSS works?
(I ) Difference between Bluetooth and Wi-fi. (J) What is channel allocation?
(K) Explain the pointer forwarding strategy? (L) Generations of Mobile Computing