Determining Reorder Points When Demand Is Lumpy Author(s): J. B. Ward Source: Management Science , Feb., 1978, Vol. 24, No. 6 (Feb., 1978), pp. 623-632 Published by: INFORMS Stable URL: REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at INFORMS is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Management Science This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Vol. 24, No. 6, February 1978 Printed in U.S.A. DETERMINING REORDER POINTS WHEN DEMAND IS LUMPY* J. B. WARDt Lumpy or sporadic demand patterns with highly skewed distributions are common in parts and supplies types of stockholdings, and much of available inventory control methodology is not appropriate for such items. This paper presents a simple, easily used regression model to calculate order points for lumpy items from knowledge of demand parameters and the desired service level. It is derived from the particular compound Poisson distribution commonly called 'stuttering Poisson.' Results are derived and presented in the following framework, though application is not limited to these conditions. The control discipline is the order quantity, order point (Q, R) approach with continuous review. Lead time is assumed to be known and constant. An assigned service level is assumed based on fraction of demand supplied without backorder. Joint optimization of Q and R is not addressed, but rather order point is based on an independently calculated order quantity. Forecasting methods are not addressed, but the mean and variance of lead time demand forecasts are assumed available. 1. Introduction The methods described in this paper were developed in the course of implementing a computerized materials management system to administer stocks of parts and supplies required for the maintenance and expansion of a utility system. A total of some 30,000 stockkeeping units carried at 50 storing locations are involved. Former methods involved a relatively simple accounting system, with stock replenishment handled by individual storekeepers from manually maintained stock cards. Procedures specified crude guidelines for reordering based on month's of supply rules as applied to last year's average activity. The new system involves a centralized data base, more timely transaction processing, on-line inquiry capability, and, where possible, au.tomatic requisitioning for stock replenishment from individual stock item demand forecasts. Analysis of historical accounting records brought into focus the problem of dealing with erratic or lumpy demand patterns. Approximately half of the stock units report no activity for a full year and are considered unforecastable. Of the remainder, 75% to 80% have such sparse and sporadic demand patterns that widely published methods based on the assumption of normally distributed demand in a lead time cannot be applied safely. In the total stockholding, approximately 90% of the annual dollar volume is accounted for by about 10% of the stockkeeping units, and most of these have demand characteristics which are amenable to well established forecasting models and reorder policies. The main attention in this paper is devoted to the troublesome 'lumpy majority.' An excellent review paper by Silver [9] points out: "Most useable inventory control procedures are based upon assumptions about the demand distribution (e.g., unit sized transactions or normally distributed demand in a replenishment lead time) that are invalid in the case of an erratic item. If this is not the case, the procedures tend to be computationally intractable." When the simplicity of the normal distribution cannot be utilized, most treatments of order point determination assume knowledge of the discrete probability distribution of demand for each stock item. Such methods were eliminated in the present project by lack of enough demand data as well as computational requirements. * Accepted by Edward J. Ignall, former Departmental Editor; received April, 1976. This paper was with the author 8 month4, for 1 revision. t Pacific Power & Light Company, Portland, Oregon. 623 Copyright ?) 1978, The Institute of Management Sciences This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to 624 J. B. WARD The main contribution of this paper is a simple empirical formula to be used in calculating order point, given in equation (16) below wherein the coefficients are estimated by multiple regression. Lacking actual distributions to determine order point values for the regression, demand is modeled by the stuttering Poisson distribution. This distribution results when customer arrivals are Poisson and the batch size of individual customer requests is geometric. For convenience, stuttering Poisson will be abbreviated by 'sP' in what follows. Discussion of this distribution and its application in inventory control can be found, for example, in Feeney and Sherbrooke [3]; Gallagher [4]; Galliher, Morse, and Simond [5]; Jewell [7]; Sherbrooke [8]; Silver [9]; Silver, Ho, and Deemer [10]. Although this new order point formula may not be so limited, its presentation here is restricted to the following framework: 1. Captive demand is assumed and all demands not satisfied are backordered. 2. The stock replenishment discipline is the order quantity, order point method, (Q, R), with continuous review. 3. No optimal joint determination of order point and order quantity is attempted. Precalculation of order quantity by the classical Wilson EOQ formula, or some empirical adjustment of same, is assumed. 4. The control criterion used is an administratively set service level defined in terms of 'fraction of demand satisfied without backorder'. 5. Replenishment lead times are known and constant. 6. Forecasting methodology is not treated. The mean and variance of lead time demand are assumed to be available. In what follows, ?2 reviews the properties of the sP distribution and introduces some notation and terminology. ?3 indicates how reorder points are calculated from tabulation of the lead time demand distribution and discusses problems introduced by batch demands and overshoot of the reorder point. ?4 introduces the notion of a limiting distribution and then develops the regression model and assesses its accuracy. ?5 compares the sP with the normal distribution and ?6 concludes the paper. 2. The Stuttering Poisson Distribution This is a two parameter distribution. With a customer arrival rate of X customers per unit of time, then the average number of customers appearing in an interval t is Xt. Each customer, upon arriving for service, requests one or more units of the item, the amount being given by the geometric distribution with parameter p. The average batch size of the customer request is 1/(1 - p) units. Salient properties of the resulting sP distribution of demand over an interval of length t are summarized briefly: (1) (2) (3) (4) Mean value: m = Xt/(l - p), Variance: v = Xt(1 + p)/(l _-p)2, Coefficient of variation: C = ((1 + p)/Xt)1/2, Ratio of variance to mean: C2m = (1 + p)/(1 -p), where: X > 0, and 0 < p < l. A useful recurrence relation given by Adelson [1] permits generation of an sP distribution with given parameters. This is shown in equation (5), where Rn is the probability that n units are demanded in a time interval of length t. Ro= e-Xt R = la jP 'Rn_j (S) j=1 (When p = 0, the sum is replaced by Rn_ -1) Given a time series of demand history accumulated over a sequence of equal time This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to DETERMINING REORDER POINTS WHEN DEMAND IS LUMPY 625 intervals of length T, the parameters of an sP model can be estimated from the mean and variance of the observations. Variance will be incorporated in the form of the dimensionless coefficient of variation because this is a key parameter in the new order point formula. C2M ~~~~~~~~~~~(6) C2rn- 1 C2M + 1 _ 2m T(C2m + (7) 1) These parameters can then be used to produce an sP distribution giving the probabilities of demand occurrences during replenishment lead time L, which in general will be different than the forecast update interval, T. In the lead time demand distribution, relative to that associated with the update interval, the mean is directly proportional to (L/ T) and the coefficient of variation is inversely proportional to the square root of (L/ T). The distribution itself can be generated by substituting L for t in (5). In addition to the probability distribution, R, several related quantities are define as follows: Let Kn denote the cumulative probability that the demand during time interval t is greater than n. j=00 j=fn Kn = E Rj= I1- , Rj; n = O, 1, 2, 3 . ... (8) j=n+l j=O For example, given a reorder point of n units, then the probability of a stockout each lead time is Kn as determined from the lead time demand distribution. This measure ignores whether the possible shortage is only one unit or many. An alternate service criterion considers the amount by which available stock may be short of filling requests during the replenishment lead time. Let Sn denote th expected value of demand in excess of n, or equivalently, the average amount short each lead time for an order point of n units. j=00 Sn = E (ji-n)Rj. (9) j=n+ 1 This can be rewritten as: j=n-1 Sn = m- n(1-R) + , (n-j)R,; n =1, 2, 3 ... (10) j=1 SO= m. It follows that a simple recurrence relation for Sn is: Sn = S.- I n- 1(11) For the purpose of comparing sP distributions having different mean values, it is convenient to define two additional quantities which normalize Sn and n to the me n= Pn With order Sn/M, = (12) n/m. point equal (13) to This follows since there is a one to one correspondence between number of lead times and number of order cycles. It will be understood that here the word 'fraction' refers to fraction of mean lead time demand. The companion value, Pn, will be called "order This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to n, 626 J. B. WARD point factor," i.e., the factor by which m is multiplied to equal the reorder point in units. 3. Reorder Point Calculation In preparation for introducing an empirical formula for P, the order point factor, this quantity will first be derived exactly from the tabular form of an sP demand distribution. For purposes of illustration, the unit of time is taken as a day, and transactions are accumulated over 4-week (28 day) update intervals. A sample distribution produced by equation (5) is shown in Table 1 in which the mean and coefficient of variation are both equal to 2.0. The list is arbitrarily truncated at n = 30. In this distribution if the time interval is 28 days or one update period, it models the period demand of a customer stream with an average interarrival time of 63 days and an average request per customer of 4.5 units. In what follows, the time interval, t is assumed to be the lead time, and hence the distribution is appropriate to use in establishing reorder level. In Table 1, the third column lists the product of mean times the probability Rn for all values of demand beyond n = 0. The reason for calculating this quantity is deferred to the next section. The remaining columns display quantities previously defined: K shows the cumulative probability of demand greater than n as in equation (5); S is the expected value of demand in excess of n from equation (10), and F and P are defined in (12) and (13). TABLE 1 Sample Stuttering Poisson Distribution Mean = 2, Coefficient of variation = 2 Parameters: p = 7/9, Xt = 4/9 n R m-R K S F P 0 0.64118 ******* 0.35882 2.00000 1.00000 0.0 1 0.06333 0.12665 0.29549 1.64118 0.82059 0.5 2 0.05238 0.10476 0.24311 1.34569 0.67284 1.0 3 0.04328 0.08655 0.19984 1.10258 0.55129 1.5 4 0.03571 0.07143 0.16412 0.90274 0.45137 2.0 5 0.02944 0.05888 0.13468 0.73862 0.36931 2.5 6 0.02425 0.04849 0.11043 0.60394 0.30197 3.0 7 0.01995 0.03990 0.09048 0.49350 0.24675 3.5 8 0.01640 0.03280 0.07409 0.40302 0.20151 4.0 9 0.01347 0.02694 0.06062 0.32893 0.16447 4.5 10 0.01105 0.02211 0.04957 0.26831 0.13416 5.0 11 0.00906 0.01813 0.04050 0.21875 0.10937 5.5 12 0.00743 0.01485 0.03308 0.17824 0.08912 6.0 13 0.00608 0.01216 0.02700 0.14517 0.07258 6.5 14 0.00497 0.00995 0.02202 0.11817 0.05909 7.0 15 0.00407 0.00814 0.01795 0.09615 0.04807 7.5 16 0.00332 0.00665 0.01463 0.07820 0.03910 8.0 17 0.00271 0.00543 0.01191 0.06357 0.03178 8.5 18 0.00222 0.00443 0.00970 0.05165 0.02583 9.0 19 0.00181 0.00361 0.00789 0.04195 0.02098 9.5 20 0.00147 0.00295 0.00642 0.03406 0.01703 10.0 21 0.00120 0.00240 0.00522 0.02764 0.01382 10.5 22 0.00098 0.00196 0.00424 0.02243 0.01121 11.0 23 0.00080 0.00159 0.00344 0.01819 0.00909 11.5 24 0.00065 0.00130 0.00280 0.01474 0.00737 12.0 25 0.00053 0.00105 0.00227 0.01195 0.00597 12.5 26 0.00043 0.00086 0.00184 0.00968 0.00484 13.0 27 0.00035 0.00070 0.00149 0.00784 0.00392 13.5 28 0.00028 0.00057 0.00121 0.00635 0.00317 14.0 29 0.00023 0.00046 0.00098 0.005 14 0.00257 14.5 30 0.00019 0.00037 0.00079 0.00416 0.00208 15.0 This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to DETERMINING REORDER POINTS WHEN DEMAND IS LUMPY 627 Given an sP model of the lead time demand distribution, such as the sample of Table 1, the order point can be determined as follows. Assume that order quantity has been established as Q units. Let H denote the assigned service level, defined as the desired long run fraction of requests to be filled without back order. Its complement (1 - H) is the corresponding target shortage fraction. This shortage fraction can be equated to the ratio of average units short per order cycle divided by average demand per order cycle, which is S/Q. This leads to: S= (1-H)Q or F= (1-H)Q/m. (14) In effect, this translates the assigned service level, H, into an equivalent target shortage per order cycle, S, or shortage fraction per order cycle, F. The tabular lead time demand distribution can be entered with either S or F to determine the appropriate order point, n, directly. In this approach, P serves no particular purpose, but the reason for defining it will emerge later. As an example, if H = 0.95, Q = 5, and m = 2, then F= 0.125. Entering Table 1, order point is taken as 1, the smallest value of n having an F value equal to or less than the target value of 0.125. This process of setting order point implicitly assumes smooth demand with items being issued one at a time. With batch issues which occur in lumpy demand patterns, two difficulties arise. These will be described briefly, together with suggestion of approximate remedies. First, equation (14) assumes that the order quantity, Q, produces separate, distinct order cycles equal in average number per year to the annual demand divided by Q. With batch demands it is possible that the available stock overshoots or is carried so far below order point that some multiple of Q must be reordered to raise the stock position above order point. This reduces the average number of order cycles and thus the number of exposures to stockout, with a resulting alteration of the probabilities of backorder on which the calculation of order point is based. To alleviate this distortion it is suggested that a lower limit be imposed on the order quantity. An upper bound on the expected value of order cycles per year is the expected number of customers per year. Hence, a very conservative floor on order quantity would be the average demand per customer, or 1/(1 - p). A multiple of 1.5 to 2.0 times this might be appropriate. In this connection, there may be some merit in employing the "order up to level" doctrine rather than that of fixed order quantity; however, this approach has not been explored in the present study. Even if (14) properly relates a target service level to the chance of shortage per order cycle, another problem arises when lumpy demand overshoots order point. If order point is based on unit issues, then when a batch issue overshoots order point the stock is deficient at the very beginning of the replenishment lead time and the probability of shortage is greater than that implied by the assigned service level. An approximate remedy here is to raise order point and thus augment safety stock by an amount equal to the average overshoot. Silver [9] points out that with geometric distribution of batch size, the overshoot distribution is geometric with average value one less than the average request per customer, i.e: p7(1 - p) or (C2m - 1)/2. (An exact procedure would involve the convolution of the overshoot distribution with the original sP distribution of demand in a lead time.) In the remaining discussion of order point in this paper, such adjustment for overshoot is ignored for simplicity. It can be easily reintroduced in any implementation of results described here. In relatively common circumstances, equation (14) may lead to an order point less than the mean lead time demand, resulting in negative safety stock, or even to a value of F greater than unity. This might occur in the presence of a short lead time and a relatively long order cycle. In any real sP distribution, the value of F cannot be greater than unity, and such result arising from equation (14) means that the target service level is satisfied by a reorder criterion of 'order when you run out'. It is This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to 628 J. B. WARD assumed that materials management policy would override the probability algorithm in this region, and perhaps impose a lower limit on order point at average lead time demand, which would amount to specifying a minimum of zero safety stock. 4. Approximate Reorder Point Calculation The use of an sP distribution model as produced by equation (5) on an item by item basis would be impractical in a large stockholding. This difficulty is surmounted by an empirical formula presented here, wherein a limited number of sP distributions covering a range of parameter values serve to provide observations for a multiple regression fitting process. The key to a tractable model is the discovery of a way to essentially eliminate the mean value of the demand distribution except as it is embedded in the calculation of the coefficient of variation. This is described next. 4.1 Evidence and Conjecture on a Limiting Distribution Examination of a number of sP distributions led to the observation that for a fixed coefficient of variation but with increasing mean value, a sequence of sP distributions appears to converge to a fixed relative shape. That is, at a fixed value of P, given C, the corresponding value of F, for example, tends toward a constant as m increases. Examination of some data will assist in making more specific what is meant by the suggestion of a limiting relative shape. Table 2 summarizes data taken from six sP distributions having mean values ranging from 1.0 to 160, but all with the same coefficient of variation of 1.0. General observations and conclusions which will be discussed in relation to this set of data have been found to prevail over a wide range of coefficient of variation values, both greater than and less than the value of unity illustrated here. TABLE 2 Comparison of Six sP Distributions with C = 1.0 and Different Mean Values Order Point Factor P Quantity Mean 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 R 1 0.36788 - 0.36788 0.18394 0.06131 0.00307 4 0.20190 0.11888 0.08986 0.03945 0.01417 0.00131 8 0.16901 0.05958 0.04475 0.01959 0.00707 0.00067 20 0.14886 0.02384 0.01788 0.00782 0.00283 0.00027 80 0.13872 0.00596 0.00447 0.00196 0.00071 0.00007 160 0.13703 0.00298 0.00223 0.00098 0.00035 0.00003 mR 1 - - 0.36788 0.18394 0.06131 0.00307 4 0.47551 0.35942 0.15779 0.05669 0.00526 8 0.47661 0.35799 0.15674 0.05655 0.00535 20 - 0.47688 0.35758 0.15646 0.05652 0.00537 80 0.47692 0.35751 0.15640 0.05651 0.00537 160 0.47693 0.35750 0.15640 0.05651 0.00537 K 1 0.63212 - 0.26424 0.08030 0.01899 0.00059 4 0.79810 0.55001 0.35520 0.12951 0.04170 0.00340 8 0.83099 0.57687 0.37503 0.13856 0.04524 0.00380 20 0.85114 0.59394 0.38770 0.14420 0.04736 0.00403 80 0.86128 0.60273 0.39427 0.14709 0.04842 0.00413 160 0.86297 0.60422 0.39538 0.14758 0.04859 0.00415 F 1 1.0 - 0.36788 0.10364 0.02334 0.00069 4 1.0 0.63325 0.38448 0.12877 0.03919 0.00297 8 1.0 0.63366 0.38543 0.12993 0.03991 0.00311 20 1.0 0.63377 0.38570 0.13025 0.04011 0.00314 80 1.0 0.63379 0.38575 0.13031 0.04015 0.00315 160 1.0 0.63380 0.38575 0.13031 0.04015 0.00315 This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to DETERMINING REORDER POINTS WHEN DEMAND IS LUMPY 629 As shown by column headings in Table 2, entries in the table are listed at fixed values of P ranging from zero well out into the tail of the distributions. Labels along the left hand border of the array show that four quantities are listed in the body of the table, each from the same set of six different distributions with mean value arranged in ascending order. Examine first the values of R. The main interest here is in the first column which lists the six values of Ro = exp( - Xt). The limiting values of Ro are easy to estab At the low extreme of p= 0, Xt is equal to m, the mean. At the other extreme, as p -* 1, then m -* oo and inspection of equation (7) shows that concurrently Xt - 2 For the case of Table 2, the limiting value of Ro for large mean is exp(-2)= 0.135335. The next group lists the product of mean times R, except at values of Ro which were discussed above. Although no use is made of the result in the application, as a matter of interest the table indicates that at fixed P greater than zero, and with increasing mean, the values of R tend to be inversely proportional to the mean. In the two remaining groups, K and F, at fixed values of P the values tend toward constants with increasing mean, the effect seeming to be more robust in the shortage fraction per order cycle, F. (Note that in the distribution with mean value of unity, no values exist for P = 0.5.) As the mean increases, the discrete probability values become more dense between any two fixed values of P. It appears that the envelopes of these distributions conform closely to the same curves for values of the variance to mean ratio, C 2m, greater than about 8. It can be shown that the coefficient of skewness of the sP distribution is: 7=C (3_ - (15) As C2m increases this converges rapidly toward the constant 1.5C in a sequence of distributions having the same coefficient of variation. As one measure of shape, this performance of the relative skewness encourages the conjecture that the convergence visible in Table 2 is dependent on C2m. 4.2 A Regression Model for Order Point Factor (P) The results shown in Table 2 led to the concept of estimating a multiple regression model for P as a function of F and C. A set of 62 observations were selected from sP distributions having relatively large values of C2m, ranging from 40 to 80. Values of F covering a range from 0.5 to 0.002 were selected, together with their corresponding values of P, from seven distributions having values of C2 equal to 0.1, 0.25, 1.0, 4.0, 9.0, 16.0, and 25.0. The model finally selected is: P = B1 + B2C + B3C2 + (B4 + B5C + B6C2)In F + (B7 + B8C)(ln F)2 (16) The resulting Bi coefficients are given in Table 3. TABLE 3 Regression Coefficients for Fitted Model, Equation (16) B1 = 0.322358 B5 = -0.149687 B2 = -0.212598 B6 = -0.475839 B3 = 0.0318138 B7 =-0.024474 B4 = -0.306230 88 = 0.0054646 Sum of squared residuals = 0.1663 Coefficient of determination = 0.999989 This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to 630 J. B. WARD The largest residuals in terms of per cent error were about 5.7%. These appeared in the middle of the range of values selected from the distribution with C2 = 0.1. This represents relatively smooth demand and is approaching normality. Over the rest of the region, error is in the order of 2% or less, with the best relative fit in the more lumpy area. 4.3 A ccuracy More sP distributions were created to test the applicability of the regression model over a wider range than the C2m of 40 to 80 used in the fitting process. Table 4 presents the results. The body of this table compares order points estimated from the model with exact values read from the distributions. The column headings show the range of C2m and companion values of p. As shown along the left margin, the coefficient of variation ranges from C2 = 0.1 to C2 = 25. In each of the 24 distributions, the order point comparison is made at the three target values of F equal to 0.5, 0.05, and 0.005. The mean value of each test distribution is also listed. TABLE 4 Accuracy Test Comparison of order points calculated from regression model with exact values obtained from sP distributions Distribution Parameters C2m=1 p = 0 4 0.6 9 199 0.8 0.99 C2 F EXACT EST. EXACT EST. EXACT EST. EXACT EST. 0.1 0.5 0.05 6 6 13 0.005 21 13 17 21 49 18 46 51 67 48 110 70 1002 113 149 1046 2432 2500 3290 3474 157 m = 10 m = 40 m = 90 m = 1990 0.25 0.5 0.05 3 6 0.005 9 0.5 0.05 9 0.005 4 m= 4.0 0.5 0.05 0.005 2 3 16 3 4 1 19 1 2 8 4 2 8 13 = 7 7 2 13 1798 1801 36 = 796 155 561 9 4 4 550 925 m= 17 30 m 148 41 m= 446 1216 25 42 17 422 1221 82 m 26 19 m= 1 4 11 21 55 82 = 12 5 20 56 37 m 1 3 9 25 37 4 1 3 9 25 m= 1.0 3 7 905 199 87 371 30 646 88 370 644 m = 0.25 m = 1 m = 2.25 m = 49.75 9.0 0.5 0.05 0.005 2 2 1 1 2 7 2 3 12 7 2 15 12 4 4 15 27 77 331 27 583 77 332 585 m = 0.111 m = 0.444 m = 1 m = 22.111 25.0 0.5 0.05 0.005 1 2 1 1 2 7 3 11 2 7 2 14 11 4 14 25 4 72 310 25 548 78 310 548 m = 0.04 m = 0.16 m = 0.36 m = 7.96 In arriving at the exact order point from the tabular distributions, the smallest integer n having a table value of F less than or equal to the target value of F is used. Estimated order point is obtained by multiplying P by the mean, rounding to the first This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to DETERMINING REORDER POINTS WHEN DEMAND IS LUMPY 631 decimal place, and if a fractional part remains, taking the next larger integer. The model gives reasonably satisfactory results even in the low C2m range. 5. Comparison of sP and Normal Distribution Brown [2] utilizes the normal partial expectation function E(k) together with service level, H, as defined here, to establish order point and safety stock in terms of a safety factor, k. It is of interest to reconcile this approach with the concept of "order point factor" as defined earlier, and to indicate the general magnitude of differences which can arise from applying the assumption of normality to skewed lead time demand distributions. By Brown's approach: (1-H)Q E(k)= - -(I - H ,Q (16) OP = m + ka, (17) where: OP is order point in units, Q is order quantity in units, m is mean lead time demand, a is standard deviation of lead time demand, k is the 'safety factor' as derived from E(k) by tables or empirical formula, and E(k) is the normal partial expectation function. Dividing both sides of (17) by m, we obtain an expression fol order point factor: P= 1 + k/rm= 1 + kC. (18) Herron [6] has published a convenient empirical formula for evaluating k, given E(k): k = 4.85 - 0.3924E(k) 3 - 5.359E(k)? 135. (19) Comparing (16) with (14), we see that E(k) = F/C, and upon substituting this and (19) into (18), equation (20) gives order point factor in terms of coefficient of variation and shortage fraction per order cycle for normally distributed lead time demand. P = 1 + (4.85 - 0.3924(F/C)'13 - 5.359(F/C )035)C. (20) This is to be compared with equation (16) and the coefficients of Table 3 for the sP distribution of lead time demand. Table 5 reveals this comparison over a region of C and F. The normal distribution always produces a smaller order point factor, and can be drastically deficient under certain conditions. TABLE 5 Comparison of Order Point Factors from the Normal Partial Expectation and the sP Distribution (Upper Value from Normal, Lower from sP Distribution) F C 0.5 0.002 N 2.15 sP 1.0 N 0.01 1.84 2.49 3.53 0.05 1.45 2.07 2.97 0.1 1.25 1.53 2.67 0.5 1.26 - 1.90 sP 5.20 4.03 2.76 2.19 2.0 N 6.48 5.46 4.18 3.53 1.68 sP 15.09 11.29 7.42 5.73 1.76 3.0 N sP 9.56 30.97 8.11 23.00 6.29 14.99 5.38 2.81 11.53 This content downloaded from on Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:24:27 UTC All use subject to 3.46 632 J. B. WARD 6. Conclusion The main contribution here is the regression model of Equation (16), with the coefficients of Table 3, which is offered to facilitate the easy calculation of order points. Clearly, the applicability of this result in practice rests on the matter of whether the real-world demand distribution is sufficiently similar to the stuttering Poisson model, from which the formula is derived. If the lead time demand distribution is known to be otherwise, and the item is financially important, such knowledge should be exploited, if possible. Numerous circumstances might lead to a lumpy demand pattern unlike that implied by the sP model with the same mean and variance, but often data is sparse and little is known of the underlying structure of demand distributions. It appears that the sP model and the results derived here offer an intuitively plausible and easily usable approximate solution. References 1. ADELSON, R. 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