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Renaissance and Reformation Test

Renaissance and Reformation Test
1) Johannes Gutenberg's invention has been described as revolutionary because
a) the printing of books encouraged more people to learn to read.
b) with oil paints, Renaissance artists could paint much more detail than they could with
c) coupled with a large pool of unemployed workers, it led to early industrialization in parts of
Central Europe.
(d) until guilds were created, craftspeople were unable to control the goods they produced.
2) Which of the following occurred as a result of Martin Luther's stand against indulgences?
a) Germany rejected Lutheranism and remained Roman Catholic.
b) Lutheranism spread first to England and Scotland, then to France and Italy.
c) Henry VIII started a new religion in England called Anabaptism.
(d) The Protestant Reformation began.
3) Which of the following artists painted the Mona Lisa?
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Michelangelo
c) Raphael
(d) Donatello
4) To some degree the European Renaissance was a rebirth or rediscovery of which ancient
a) Persian and Greek
b) Mesopotamian and Roman
c) Roman and Greek
(d) Indian and Chinese
5) Which of the following terms best describes a person who supports the arts?
a) Vernacular
b) Secular
c) Noble
(d) Boss
6) The Ninety-five Theses were written in Latin because
a) Luther intended them for a mass audience.
b) they were intended only for church leaders, not the general public.
c) Luther could not write in any other language.
(d) Latin was the vernacular.
7) Which famous Renaissance artist sculpted David and also painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
a) Michelangelo
b) Leonard da Vinci
c) Raphael
(d) Donatello
Renaissance and Reformation Test
8) Henry VIII was motivated to break from the Catholic church because _______.
a) He needed a daughter to take over after his death
b) Henry needed an annulment so he could re-marry and have a son
c) He was a follower of Luther and disagreed with indulgences
(d) His wife Catherine was a Protestant and she influenced him to break with the Pope.
9) Machiavelli, who wrote The Prince, believed that rulers should:
a) be feared, rather than loved.
b) destroy a town he has recently taken over so that other will fear him.
c) do anything necessary to accomplish his goals.
(d) all of the above.
(e) none of the above.
10) Martin Luther's beliefs were grounded in these three main ideas. Which of the following was
NOT one of these ideas?
a) a person is saved by faith alone - works has nothing to do with it
b) priests are not necessary since all believers can talk straight to God
c) the Bible, not the Pope, tells us what we God wants us to do
(d) only the sacrament of the Last Rites was necessary.
11) This term refers to the Calvinist belief that god chooses those who are going to heaven before
they are born.
a) salvation
b) election
c) predestination
(d) annulment
12) Both Martin Luther and Henry VIII were excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
a) True
b) False
13) Art from the Middle Ages contains more realistic scenes than Italian Renaissance art does.
a) True
b) False
14) Henry VIII of England created a new church during the protestant reformation called the
Anglican Church.
a) True
b) False
15) Renaissance ideas spread through trade and the explosion of printed materials.
a) True
b) False
Renaissance and Reformation Test
16) During the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, Jews, Muslims, and
women suspected of witchcraft were persecuted.
a) True
b) False
17) Humanists suggested that a person could enjoy life and live in luxury without offending God
a) True
b) False
18) Renaissance painters used perspective which showed three dimensions on a flat surface with a
vanishing point in the middle
a) True
b) False
19) What was an indulgence?
a) Gifts
b) Paid passage to heaven
c) Eating too much
d) None of the above
20) Who did the Catholic Church target to sell these to?
a) Nobles
b) The King
c) Peasants
d) None of the above