CloudMediaX3600 V600R006C10 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 Date 2018-07-13 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Contents Contents 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts............................................................................... 1 1.1 Add AS (ADD AS).........................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Modify AS (ADD AS)....................................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Display AS (DSP AS).....................................................................................................................................................3 1.4 Remove AS (ADD AS).................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.5 Modify HTTPDPU......................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Display HTTPDPU (DSP HTTPDPU)...........................................................................................................................6 1.7 Modify Maximum Number of Tuples (MOD MAXT)...................................................................................................8 1.8 List Maximum Number of Tuples (LST MAXT).........................................................................................................10 1.9 Refresh Format Data Dictionary in Memory (FRSH FMT).........................................................................................12 1.10 Display MediaX Patch Version (DSP CPATCHVER)................................................................................................13 1.11 Display CACHETYPE (DSP CACHETYPE)............................................................................................................14 1.12 Modify CACHETYPE (MOD CACHETYPE).......................................................................................................... 15 1.13 Add Virtual Machine Information (ADD VMINFO)................................................................................................. 15 1.14 Modify Virtual Machine Information (MOD VMINFO)........................................................................................... 21 1.15 Remove Virtual Machine Information (RMV VMINFO).......................................................................................... 24 1.16 Configuring the MediaX Capacity to Be Expanded (MOD SCALEPARA).............................................................. 25 1.17 Querying the MediaX Capacity to Be Expanded (DSP SCALEPARA).................................................................... 26 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands...................................................................................... 27 2.1 Display Device File Information (DSP DEVINFO).....................................................................................................27 2.2 Upload Device File (ULD DEVFILE)......................................................................................................................... 29 2.3 Export Device File (EXP DEVFILE)........................................................................................................................... 30 2.4 Modify Expansion Attribute (MOD EXT)................................................................................................................... 30 2.5 Set Silent Patch (SET SILENTPATCH)....................................................................................................................... 32 2.6 Add UnionTrace Tasks (ADD IMSUTRC).................................................................................................................. 33 3 Hidden Parameters...................................................................................................................... 35 Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Maintenance MML Command for Experts 1.1 Add AS (ADD AS) Function ADD AS is used to add a data record for HTTP DPU board mapping relationship. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MID Module ID This parameter is optional. This parameter identifies a module. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value SID AS ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a service. Value range: an integer from 1 to 100 No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description BRID Board ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a board. Value: a string of a maximum of 254 characters No default value BRIP Board SIP IP This parameter is mandatory. This parameter specifies signaling plane IP address of a board. Value: IPv4 address No default value Example To add a data record for HTTP DPU mapping relationship, where AS ID is 1, run the following command: ADD AS: MID=123, SID=1, BRID="21372126080", BRIP=""; 1.2 Modify AS (ADD AS) Function MOD AS is used to modify a data record for HTTP DPU board mapping relationship. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MID Module ID This parameter is optional. This parameter identifies a module. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description SID AS ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a service. Value range: an integer from 1 to 100 No default value BRID Board ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a board. Value: a string of a maximum of 254 characters No default value BRIP Board SIP IP This parameter is mandatory. This parameter specifies signaling plane IP address of a board. Value: IPv4 address No default value Example To change Board SIP IP to for the data record for HTTP DPU mapping relationship where AS ID is 1, run the following command: MOD AS: MID=123, SID=1, BRID="21372126080", BRIP=""; 1.3 Display AS (DSP AS) Function DSP AS is used to display the HTTP DPU board mapping relationship. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MID Module ID This parameter identifies a module. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value SID AS ID This parameter identifies a service. Value range: an integer from 1 to 100 No default value BRID Board ID This parameter identifies a board. Value: a string of a maximum of 254 characters No default value BRIP Board SIP IP This parameter specifies signaling plane IP address of a board. Value: IPv4 address No default value Example To query a data record for HTTP DPU mapping relationship, where AS ID is 1, run the following command: DSP AS: MID=123; %%DSP AS: MID=123;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded The result is as follows: ------------------------Module ID = 123 AS ID = 1 Board ID = 21372016080 Board SIP IP = (Number of results = 1) --END Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts 1.4 Remove AS (ADD AS) Function RMV AS is used to remove a data record for HTTP DPU board mapping relationship. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MID Module ID This parameter is optional. This parameter identifies a module. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value SID AS ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a service. Value range: an integer from 1 to 100 No default value Example To remove a data record for HTTP DPU mapping relationship, where AS ID is 1, run the following command: RMV AS: MID=123, SID=1; 1.5 Modify HTTPDPU Function MOD HTTPDPU is used to modify configuration information about HTTP DPU. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Note l This command applies only to the MDXHU module. l The modification takes effect only after the HTTP DPU process is restarted. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description HDID Http ID This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies an HTTP. It must be set to 1. Value: 1 Default value: 1 MID Module ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a module. The value can be customized but must be unique in a MediaX. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value SERVERIP Server IP This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies the web service IP address of the HTTP DPU used for external communication. Value: IPv4 address No default value Example To change Server IP to for the HTTP DPU data record where Module ID is 1, run the following command: MOD HTTPDPU: MID=1, HDID=1, SERVERIP=""; 1.6 Display HTTPDPU (DSP HTTPDPU) Function DSP HTTPDPU is used to query configuration information about HTTP DPU. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Note This command applies only to the MDXHU module. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description HDID Http ID This parameter is optional. This parameter identifies an HTTP. It must be set to 1. Value: 1 No default value MID Module ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies a module. The value can be customized but must be unique in a MediaX. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value SERVERIP Server IP This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies the web service IP address of the HTTP DPU used for external communication. Value: IPv4 address No default value Example To query configuration information about HTTP DPU, where Module ID is 1, run the following command: DSP HTTPDPU: MID=1; %%DSP HTTPDPU: MID=5;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded The result is as follows: ------------------------Http ID = 1 Module ID = 1 Server IP = (Number of results = 1) --END Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts 1.7 Modify Maximum Number of Tuples (MOD MAXT) Function MOD MAXT is used to modify the maximum number of tuples. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note After the maximum number of tuples is modified, the data file size changes, and you must run FMT to reload data. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description TID Table ID This parameter identifies a table whose maximum number of tuples is to be modified. Value l TID5: indicates the module configuration table. l TID2156: indicates the configuration table for the control center deployment. l TID2157: indicates the license parameter configuration table. l TID2158: indicates the license default configuration table. No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MT Module type This parameter specifies the type of a module. Value l CMU: indicates the cluster management unit. l CMA: indicates the cluster management agent. l WGC: indicates the GC module of the Web MS. l WIF: indicates the INFO module of the Web MS. No default value MN Module number This parameter specifies the module instance to which the table whose maximum number of tuples is to be modified belongs. If this parameter is not specified, the modification operation is performed on all modules. A module type refers to a set of modules that have some common features. A module instance is an individual module that belongs to a module type. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MAXT Maximum number of tuples The maximum number of tuples specifies the maximum number of data records in a table. During formatting, storage space is allocated to each table in the generated data file based on the maximum number of tuples. The maximum number of tuples must be set to a proper value based on the actual service needs. If it is set to a value greater than one as required, the format file generated is oversized, which wastes storage space and may lead to a loading failure. Value range: an integer from 1 to 2000000 No default value Example None 1.8 List Maximum Number of Tuples (LST MAXT) Function LST MAXT is used to query the maximum number of tuples. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. The maximum number of tuples specifies the maximum number of data records in a table. During formatting, storage space is allocated to each table in the generated data file based on the maximum number of tuples. The maximum number of tuples must be set to a proper value based on the actual service needs. If it is set to a value greater than one as required, the format file generated is oversized, which wastes storage space and may lead to a loading failure. Note None Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description TID Table ID This parameter is optional. This parameter identifies a table whose maximum number of tuples is to be queried. Value l TID5: indicates the module configuration table. l TID2156: indicates the configuration table for the control center deployment. l TID2157: indicates the license parameter configuration table. l TID2158: indicates the license default configuration table. No default value MT Module type This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies the type of a module. Value l CMU: indicates the cluster management unit. l CMA: indicates the cluster management agent. l WGC: indicates the GC module of the Web MS. l WIF: indicates the INFO module of the Web MS. No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MN Module number This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies the module instance to which the table whose maximum number of tuples is to be queried belongs. If this parameter is not specified, the query operation is performed on all modules. A module type refers to a set of modules that have some common features. A module instance is an individual module that belongs to a module type. Value range: an integer from 1 to 1023 No default value Example To query the maximum number of tuples of the table whose Table ID is TID5, run the following command: LST MAXT:; The output is as follows: %%LST MAXT:;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded The result is as follows: ---------Table ID = TID5 Module type = CMU Module number = 1 (Number of results = 1) --END 1.9 Refresh Format Data Dictionary in Memory (FRSH FMT) Function FRSH FMT is used to refresh the format data dictionary cached in the memory. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameters None. Example None 1.10 Display MediaX Patch Version (DSP CPATCHVER) Function DSP CPATCHVER is used to query the MediaX patch versions. This command is not used for the MediaX V300R008C50 but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MID Module ID This parameter must be set to 1. Value: 1 No default value PATCHRESULT Result This parameter specifies the command result of the patch command. Value range: 0-2 No default value VERSION MediaX version This parameter specifies the version information about the MediaX. Value: a string of up to 512 characters No default value PATCH Patch version This parameter specifies the patch version information about the MediaX. Value: a string of up to 1024 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Example None 1.11 Display CACHETYPE (DSP CACHETYPE) Function DSP CACHETYPE is used to query the cache type of the MediaX service data. This command is not used for the current version but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description TYPE TYPE This parameter specifies the cache type of the service data. Value: ONLY_MEMORY: The MediaX only queries the service data stored in the data cache. MEMORY_DB: The MediaX preferentially query the service data in the data buffer. If no matching is found, it queries the service data in the database. No default value Example To query the cache type of the MediaX service data, run the following command: DSP CACHETYPE; %%DSP CACHETYPE:;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded The result is as follows: ------------------------TYPE = MEMORY_DB Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts (Number of results = 1) --- END 1.12 Modify CACHETYPE (MOD CACHETYPE) Function MOD CACHETYPEE is used to modify the cache type of the MediaX service data. This command is not used for the current version but is retained to ensure compatibility between different versions. Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description TYPE TYPE This parameter specifies the cache type of the service data. Value: ONLY_MEMORY: The MediaX only queries the service data stored in the data cache. MEMORY_DB: The MediaX preferentially query the service data in the data buffer. If no matching is found, it queries the service data in the database. Default value: MEMORY_DB Example To change MEMORY_DB for all service data of the MediaX, run the following command: MOD CACHETYPE: TYPE=MEMORY_DB; 1.13 Add Virtual Machine Information (ADD VMINFO) Function ADD VMINFO is used by the CloudOpera Specific VNFM (CSM) to add information for virtual machines (VMs) running service MEs. Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description VMNAME Virtual machine name This parameter uniquely specifies the name of the VM to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 128 characters No default value When setting this parameter, note the following: l The parameter value can contain only the following: Digits (0-9) Uppercase letters (A-Z) Lowercase letters (a-z) Hyphen (-) Underscore (_) l This parameter must start with a letter. l This parameter is case sensitive. VMID Virtual machine ID This parameter specifies the ID of the VM to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value IAASVMID IaaS virtual machine ID This parameter specifies the ID allocated by the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) layer to the VM to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description IAASTYPE IaaS type This parameter specifies the virtualization software to be used by the VM on the laaS layer. Value: l VMWARE(VMware): The VM uses the vSphere on the IaaS layer. l FUSIONSPHERE(Fusi onSphere): The VM uses the FusionSphere on the IaaS layer. l OPENSTACK(openstac k): The system uses the OpenStack on the IaaS layer. No default value CPUNUM Virtual CPUs This parameter specifies the number of virtual CPUs of the VM to be added. Value range: 1-32 No default value MEMSIZE Memory size(MB) This parameter specifies the memory size of the VM to be added. Value range: 1-4294967294 No default value DISKSIZE Disk size(GB) This parameter specifies the disk size of the VM to be added. Value range: 0-4294967294 No default value BASEPORTNUM Base ports This parameter specifies the number of Base ports of the VM to be added. Value range: 1-4 No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description FABRICPORTNUM Fabric ports This parameter specifies the number of Fabric ports of the VM to be added. Value range: 0-4 No default value SIGNALPORTNUM Signaling ports This parameter specifies the number of signaling ports of the VM to be added. Value range: 0-8 No default value APPTYPE Application type This parameter specifies the type of applications on the VM to be added. No default value SERVERNAME Physical location This parameter specifies the location of the physical server running the VM to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value BASE1MAC MAC address of Base1 plane This parameter specifies the MAC address of the Base 1 plane of the VM to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value BASE2MAC MAC address of Base2 plane This parameter specifies the MAC address of the Base 2 plane of the VM to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 18 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description VMGTYPE Virtual machine group type This parameter specifies the type of the VM group to which the VM is to be added. Value: l DFBRD(Different board): The VMs in the same group cannot run on the same host. l ASST(Dual assistant): Each two VMs in the same group are configured in active/ standby mode. No default value VMSTATE Virtual machine state This parameter specifies the state of the VM to be added. Value: l NORMAL(Normal): The VM is running properly. l SHUTOFF(Shut off): The VM is shut off. l FAULT(Fault): The VM is faulty. l UNKNOWN(Unknown ): The state of the VM cannot be determined. No default value VMGNAME Virtual machine group name This parameter specifies the name of the VM group to which the VM is to be added. Value: a string of a maximum of 256 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 19 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description REINSTALLFLAG Reinstallation flag This parameter specifies whether the VM is automatically reinstalled after it becomes faulty. This parameter is valid only when Application type is set to a type of applications running on VMs with standard OSs. Value: l CANREINSTALL(Yes) : The VM is automatically reinstalled after it becomes faulty. l CANNOTREINSTAL L(No): The VM is not automatically reinstalled after it becomes faulty. Default value: CANREINSTALL(Yes) STORAGEMODE Disk access mode This parameter specifies how the VM to be added accesses its storage resources. Value: l Unlimited(Unlimited) l Limited(Limited) l Enhanced_Limited(Enha nced limited) Default value: Unlimited(Unlimited) Example To add a VM named MSX_VDU_MSX_MENAME_hu_0, whose: l Virtual machine ID is NE=2873 l IaaS virtual machine ID is urn:vcloud:vm:68c29e93-100b-4950-be2b-63436d56b272 l IaaS type is VMWARE(VMware) l Virtual CPUs is 4 l Memory size(MB) is 20480 l Disk size(GB) is 4 l Base ports is 2 Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 20 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts l Fabric ports is 2 l Signaling ports is 8 l Application type is CSISU l Physical location is l MAC address of Base1 plane is 00:50:56:01:01:3e l MAC address of Base2 plane is 00:50:56:01:01:3f run the following command: ADD VMINFO:VMNAME="MSX_VDU_MSX_MENAME_hu_0",VMID="NE=2873",IAASVM ID="urn:vcloud:vm:68c29e93-100b-4950be2b-63436d56b272",IAASTYPE=VMWARE,CPUNUM=4,MEMSIZE=20480,DISKSIZE= 4,BASEPORTNUM=2,FABRICPORTNUM=2,SIGNALPORTNUM=8,APPTYPE=CSISU,S ERVERNAME="",BASE1MAC="00:50:56:01:01:3e",BASE2MAC="00:50:56:0 1:01:3f"; 1.14 Modify Virtual Machine Information (MOD VMINFO) Function MOD VMINFO is used by the CloudOpera Specific VNFM (CSM) to modify information for a virtual machines (VM) running a service ME. Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description VMNAME Virtual machine name This parameter specifies the name of the VM to be modified. To obtain the value of this parameter, run LST VM. Value: a string of a maximum of 128 characters No default value VMID Virtual machine ID This parameter specifies the ID of the VM to be modified. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description IAASVMID IaaS virtual machine ID This parameter specifies the ID allocated by the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) layer to the VM to be modified. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value CPUNUM Virtual CPUs This parameter specifies the number of virtual CPUs of the VM to be modified. Value range: 1-32 No default value MEMSIZE Memory size(MB) This parameter specifies the memory size of the VM to be modified. Value range: 1-4294967294 No default value DISKSIZE Disk size(GB) This parameter specifies the disk size of the VM to be modified. Value range: 0-4294967294 No default value BASEPORTNUM Base ports This parameter specifies the number of Base ports of the VM to be modified. Value range: 1-4 No default value FABRICPORTNUM Fabric ports This parameter specifies the number of Fabric ports of the VM to be modified. Value range: 0-4 No default value SIGNALPORTNUM Signaling ports This parameter specifies the number of signaling ports of the VM to be modified. Value range: 0-8 No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description APPTYPE Application type This parameter specifies the type of applications on the VM to be modified. No default value SERVERNAME Physical location This parameter specifies the location of the physical server running the VM to be modified. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value BASE1MAC MAC address of Base1 plane This parameter specifies the MAC address of Base 1 plane of the VM to be modified. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value BASE2MAC MAC address of Base2 plane This parameter specifies the MAC address of Base 2 plane of the VM to be modified. Value: a string of a maximum of 60 characters No default value STORAGEMODE Disk access mode This parameter specifies how the VM to be modified accesses its storage resources. Value: l Unlimited(Unlimited) l Limited(Limited) l Enhanced_Limited(Enha nced limited) No default value Example To change the following configurations for the VM named MSX_VDU_vnf_vmware_1_0: l Virtual CPUs to 8 l Memory size (MB) to 16384 Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 23 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference l 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts Disk size (GB) to 6 run the following command: MOD VMINFO: VMNAME="MSX_VDU_vnf_vmware_1_0", CPUNUM=8, MEMSIZE=16384, DISKSIZE=6; 1.15 Remove Virtual Machine Information (RMV VMINFO) Function RMV VMINFO is used by the CloudOpera Specific VNFM (CSM) to remove the information for the virtual machine (VM) running a service ME, when the CSM automatically deploys the service ME. Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description VMNAME Virtual machine name This parameter specifies the name of the VM whose information is to be removed. To obtain the value of this parameter, run LST VM. Value: a string of a maximum of 128 characters No default value Example To remove the information for a VM named MSX_VDU_MSX_MENAME_hu_0, run the following command: RMV VMINFO: VMNAME="MSX_VDU_MSX_MENAME_hu_0"; Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts 1.16 Configuring the MediaX Capacity to Be Expanded (MOD SCALEPARA) Function The MOD SCALEPARA command is a configuration command, which is used to configure the MediaX capacity to be expanded. Capacity expansion parameters include Operation type and Capacity. Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description OPTYPE Operation type Mandatory. Indicates whether the operation is capacity expansion or rollback. The options are as follows: EXPANDUP: capacity expansion ROLLBACK: rollback No default value CAPACITY Capacity Mandatory. MediaX capacity to be expanded. This parameter takes effect only when OPTYPE is set to EXPANDUP. The options are as follows: 1000 (party) 2000 (party) 4000 (party) 8000 (party) No default value Example Configure the MediaX capacity to be expanded. MOD SCALEPARA: OPTYPE=EXPANDUP, CAPACITY=2000; Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 1 Maintenance MML Command for Experts 1.17 Querying the MediaX Capacity to Be Expanded (DSP SCALEPARA) Function The DSP SCALEPARA command is a maintenance command, which is used to query the MediaX capacity to be expanded. Note None. Parameters None. Example Query the MediaX capacity to be expanded. %%DSP SCALEPARA:;%% If the value of RETCODE is 0, the operation is successful. The operation result is as follows: -----------Capacity = 2000 (Number of results = 1) --- END Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 26 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Machine-Machine MML Commands 2.1 Display Device File Information (DSP DEVINFO) Function DSP DEVINFO is used to query device file information. It is a maintenance command. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description ID ID This parameter specifies the device information ID. Value range: 0-100 Default value: 1 MDXIP Ip This parameter specifies the MediaX IP address. Value: an IPv4 address No default value MDXMASK Mask This parameter specifies the MediaX mask. Value: an IPv4 address No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MDXROUTE Route This parameter specifies the MediaX route data. Value: a string of a maximum of 2000 characters No default value License License This parameter specifies the MediaX license information to be queried. Value: a string of a maximum of 2000 characters Default value: 0 SECT1 SECT1 This parameter specifies the basic information section to be queried. Value: a string of a maximum of 255 characters No default value SECT4FRONTSEGMENT SECT4FRONTSEGMENT This parameter specifies the configuration information section's first half to be queried. Value: a string of a maximum of 500 characters No default value SECT5 SECT5 This parameter specifies the peer information section to be queried. Value: a string of a maximum of 1000 characters No default value SECT6 SECT6 This parameter specifies the version information section to be queried. Value: a string of a maximum of 500 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 28 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Example None 2.2 Upload Device File (ULD DEVFILE) Function ULD DEVFILE is used to upload device files. It is a maintenance command. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description IP IP address This parameter specifies the IP address that is used for uploading device files. Value: a string of a maximum of 256 characters No default value USER User name This parameter specifies the user name that is used for uploading device files. Value: a string of a maximum of 256 characters No default value PWD Password This parameter specifies the password that is used for uploading device files. Value: a string of a maximum of 256 characters No default value DSTF Destination file name This parameter specifies the name of the device file to be stored on the M2000. Value: a string of a maximum of 256 characters No default value Example None Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands 2.3 Export Device File (EXP DEVFILE) Function EXP DEVFILE is used to export device files. It is a maintenance command. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description FN File name This parameter specifies the name of the device file to be stored on the CGP. Value: a string of a maximum of 128 characters No default value TB Table ID This parameter specifies the ID of an information section from which the device information is exported. Value range: 1-12 No default value Example None 2.4 Modify Expansion Attribute (MOD EXT) Function MOD EXT is used to modify expansion attributes. Note None Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 30 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MEID OMS ID This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies an ME whose expansion attributes are to be modified. Value range: an integer from 0 to 1023 No default value MOCNAME Managed object class name This parameter is mandatory. This parameter specifies the class to which a managed object belongs. Value: a string of a maximum of 10 characters No default value NAMING Managed object instance name This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies the name of a managed object. Value: a string of a maximum of 400 characters No default value FLAG Flag This parameter is mandatory. This parameter identifies an expansion attribute. Value: 0 or 1 No default value EXTNM Expansion attribute name This parameter is mandatory. This parameter the name of an expansion attribute. Value: a string of a maximum of 10 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 31 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description VALUE Expansion attribute value This parameter is mandatory. This parameter specifies the value of an expansion attribute. Value: a string of a maximum of 400 characters No default value Example None 2.5 Set Silent Patch (SET SILENTPATCH) Function SET SILENTPATCH is used to install the silent patch. The MediaX software package needs to be installed with a patch package. After the MediaX is upgraded, the patch is automatically installed. Before the upgrade, the software package and upgrade package need to be uploaded to the OMU from the OMU client. This command is provided for patch installation during the MediaX upgrade. Note None Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description MID Module ID This parameter must be set to 1. Value: 1 No default value MEID NE ID This parameter specifies the ME ID of the silent patch. Value range: 5-1023 No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description WKID Work ID This parameter specifies the workspace ID of the silent patch. Value: 1 No default value Example None 2.6 Add UnionTrace Tasks (ADD IMSUTRC) Function ADD IMSUTRC is a configuration command used to create the information about UnionTrace tasks. Note None. Parameters Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description TRCREFERENCE Trace reference This parameter specifies the trace reference for a UnionTrace task. Value range: 0-65535 No default value IMPU IMPU This parameter specifies the IMPU of a UnionTrace task. The standard SIP or TEL URI format is used. The only output for the TEL URI format is the global number (for example, tel: +8675512345). This parameter is mandatory. Value: a string of a maximum of 128 characters No default value Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 2 Machine-Machine MML Commands Parameter ID Parameter Name Parameter Description VALIDDAYS VALIDDAYS Used to specify a valid number of days for this task. Value range: 1-7. Default value: 1. IFINNERTRACE Inner trace This parameter specifies whether internal module tracing is performed. Value: YES or NO Default value: NO NOTE Currently, this parameter is not used on the MediaX. IFLOG Log trace This parameter specifies whether to enable the log function. Value: YES or NO Default value: NO NOTE Currently, this parameter is not used on the MediaX. Example +++ MEDIAX/*MEID:5 MENAME:mediax_xc*/ 2018-05-15 19:00:14+08:00 O&M #874 %%ADD IMSUTRC: TRCREFERENCE=1, IMPU="tel:+8675528294406", VALIDDAYS=1;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded --- Issue 02 (2018-07-13) END Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 34 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference 3 Hidden Parameters 3 Hidden Parameters Table 3-1 MML hidden parameter Issue 02 (2018-07-13) Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description SRN ADD VM Subrack number SN ADD VM Slot number SRN1 ADD MODULE Active subrack number SN1 ADD MODULE This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the active process, for instance, the value 1 indicates that the active process resides in slot 1. The specified slot must be configured with the proper board added by ADD BRD. SRN2 ADD MODULE Standby subrack number SN2 ADD MODULE This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the standby process, for instance, the value 1 indicates that the standby process resides in slot 1. The specified slot must be configured with the proper board added by ADD BRD. LOGID GET LOG This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. SLAVEMRSID ADD MRS Slave MRS ID ABID MOD AUTOBK This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MBID BAK SYSTEM This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. HID ADD HOST This parameter specifies the index. DRID MOD DATARSC This parameter specifies the number of a address. SRN1 LST MODULE Active subrack number SN1 LST MODULE This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the active process, for instance, the value 1 indicates that the active process resides in slot 1. The specified slot must be configured with the proper board added by ADD BRD. SRN2 LST MODULE Standby subrack number SN2 LST MODULE This parameter specifies the number of the slot that holds the standby process, for instance, the value 1 indicates that the standby process resides in slot 1. The specified slot must be configured with the proper board added by ADD BRD. STANDYNAME LST MODULE It specifies the name of a standby virtual machine. DEPLOYTYPE SET INSTPARAM DEPLOYTYPE STATUS ADD MDXADDR This parameter specifies the status of MEDIAX address. TYPE ADD MMODULE MModuleType:CMU CMA SRN ADD MMODULE This parameter specifies the subrack number of the service board. SN ADD MMODULE This parameter specifies the slot number of the service board. URLID MOD PORTALURL This parameter identifies a Portal. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 36 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MBID SWP SYSTEM This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. SWPSTATE SWP SYSTEM This parameter specifies the mediax module number of the service board. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. AUTOLOGID MOD AUTOLOG This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. RFEDITIONID MOD RFEDITION RFEDITION ID MREDITIONID MOD RFEDITION MREDITION ID BKFILEID RESTORE BKFILE BKFILEID ID INSTTYPE LST INSTPARAM INSTALL TYPE SRN BRDSTATE This parameter specifies the subrack number of the board. SN BRDSTATE This parameter specifies the slot number of the board. OSPWDID MOD OSPWD OSPWD ID SOAPEDITIONID MOD SOAPEDITION SOAPEDITION ID NRSID MOD NRS NRS ID STATUS MOD NRS Link state MATERSTATUS MOD AUTH Conferencing systems with the main LDAP server's link-state SPARESTATUS MOD AUTH Conferencing system and link status of the backup LDAP server STATUS MOD AUTH Conferencing system and link status of the third-party server DATACHKID STR DATACHK DataCheck ID STATE ADD DNS Used to indicate the connection status and rightside DNS. STATE MOD DNS Used to indicate the connection status and rightside DNS. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description PROCTYPE STR CRC Process type PROCTYPE LST CMSTS Process type LEVEL MOD WMCVDPAR Video Parameter level MBID RST SYSTEM This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. SRN RST SYSTEM This parameter specifies the subrack number of the service board. SN RST SYSTEM Slot number SWPSTATE RST SYSTEM This parameter specifies the mediax module number of the service board. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MODE FIN UPGWATCH Disk access mode EUID MOD EUASVR used to specifies EUA MASTERAUTHMODE MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies the master EUA LDAP authentication mode. MASTERSOAPPATH MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies the master EUA SOAP path. SLAVEAUTHMODE MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies the slave EUA LDAP authentication mode. SLAVESOAPPATH MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies the slave EUA SOAP path. MASTERSOAPSTATUS MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies master SOAP link status. MASTERLDAPSTATUS MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies master LDAP link status. SLAVESOAPSTATUS MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies slave SOAP link status. SLAVELDAPSTATUS MOD EUASVR This parameter specifies slave LDAP link status. COMMUNITYID MOD COMMUNITY Community ID Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP BASEINFO This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP LOG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MRS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MAILSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP AUTOBK This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SIPDPU This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP AS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HTTPDPU This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP NFSSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP DIASVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HOST This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CONF This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP BUVXS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MDXADDR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MDXROUTE This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MMODULE This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CCF This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP BSBRDINFO This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP DEVINFO This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP OUT This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SMS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP PORTALURL This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP LOGSFTP This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP AUTOLOG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP RFEDITION This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MREDITION This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP BACKRO This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP BKFILES This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 41 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID LST INSTPARAM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SIPCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SOAPEDITION This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HTTPCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP NRS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP RECORDINGPARAM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP LICENSERES This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP NUMCONF This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP LMRCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SOFTPARAMGA This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP GROUPSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP LOCSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP GISSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP NFS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP AUTH This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HAHBCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HAWM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HASTA This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP HBSTA This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP DATASYNC This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP DATACHKRO This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP DNSPP This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP VACONFIG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP OPTCCP This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP DNS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CACHETYPE This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MDXCHRG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CALLPARAM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP ACCPRPARAM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SFP This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 44 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP WMCVDPAR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP ROPARAM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP OCSCHRG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP OCS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CCFCHRG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP RESCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP RPTCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP MDXDM This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP THRPARTYPORTAL This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP ACCSTRATEGY This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP SSOSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SYSRES This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SYSCONFIG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP NETCONDSTR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP PMCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP NOTIFYNAT This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP TDIP This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP USSD This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP PORTALCFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP IMSVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP UPORTAL This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CHARGECFG This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP SSOHBC This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP UPORTALHBC This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP DDATA This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CDRSEND This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP RESOURCE This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP EUASVR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP EUAADDR This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP CLOUDMCUCONF This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description MID DSP SCALEPARA This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP TMS This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. MID DSP RESTINTERFACE This parameter specifies the module number. The value must be unique in the MediaX configuration. TZ DSP BASEINFO This parameter specifies the time zone where the MediaX server is located. LDPORTS DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the number of data ports supported by the license. LMAXUN DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the number of users supported by the license. LMAXSN DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the number of child organizations supported by the license. LMAXTPNUM DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the number of TelePresence users supported by the license. STATISTICS DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the information about statistics supported by the license. CNQUALMONITOR DSP LICENSE This parameter specifies the Conference NetWork Quality Monitor by the license. CONFAPPUSRS DSP LICENSE Conference APP Concurrent Users CSFEATURE DSP LICENSE Cloud Standard Feature for MediaX (per port) DRID DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the ID. Its value can only be 1. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 48 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description DATAFLAG DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the URL that identifies a data conference cluster or a single-node conference. The string /servlet/meeting indicates a single-node conference; the string /iwc/ sametime/meeting indicates a cluster conference. LDAPHOST DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the domain name or IP address of the Sametime user information server (ids ldap).This parameter specifies the domain name or IP address of the Sametime user information server (ids ldap). LDAPPORT DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the port of the Sametime user information server (ids ldap). LDAPADM DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the account of the Ldap administrator. LDAPPWD DSP DATARSC This parameter specifies the password of the Ldap administrator. MXP DSP CONF This parameter specifies the maximum number of parties engaging in a conference. GATEWAY DSP MDXADDR This parameter specifies the network gate way of MEDIAX address. SRN DSP MMODULE This parameter specifies the subrack number of the service board. SN DSP MMODULE This parameter specifies the slot number of the service board. INSTTYPE LST INSTPARAM INSTALL TYPE NRSID DSP NRS NRS ID Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 49 CloudMediaX3600 Expert Maintenance Command Reference Issue 02 (2018-07-13) 3 Hidden Parameters Parameter ID Command Name Parameter Description CSFEATURE DSP LICENSERES Cloud Standard Feature for MediaX (per port) MASTERAUTHMODE DSP EUASVR This parameter specifies the master EUA LDAP authentication mode. SLAVEAUTHMODE DSP EUASVR This parameter specifies the slave EUA LDAP authentication mode. OPTYPE DSP SCALEPARA Operation Type Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 50