ANALYTICAL STUDIES ON HONEY A Thesis submitted to the University in candidature Doctor for of Salford the Degree of of Philosophy by Ramchandra Parshotam Department of Biological Section, Biochemistry University of Salford, M5 4WT Salford Mistry Sciences, July 1987 ST AVAILA COPY L Variable print quality To UMA - for her inspiration. -i- DECLARATION I hereby for a thesis is Salford out in of of Philosophy under the Sciences, supervision of that and that it this is not being CANDIDATE: SUPERVISOR: SUPERVISOR: work has not the University oe. A" cm of The work was carried Biochemistry of Dr. been submitted currently as now submitted Section, R. J. Washington L. R. Croft. degree. DATE: of Doctor of Biological Salford, herein, the work contained of my own investigations. the result I certify degree that the degree the Department University and Dr. declare presented for for any other any other ii - - ACKNOWLEDGENENTS like I would to express for R. J. Washington to Dr. throughout his investigation. this for his Dr. D. A. Duddell for his his for and interpretation advice are due to Mrs. H. Thompson for of are due to thanks Thanks analysis. statistical the automatic operating J. Pemberton and to Dr. on computation the L. R. Croft due to Dr. are also A formal guidance and suggestions guidance My thanks thanks and sincere gratitude advice, investigation. in this help my profound amino acid analyser. like I would to acknowledge of honey samples from who participated in this project, this investigation. able to carry Manley Ratcliffe and donation I wish typed out this acknowledged with the members of Limited, sincere Berinsfield, Beekeepers the British without the provision gratitude which I could I would also Oxford, for like their not Association have been to thank participation of honey samples. to recognise thesis. with the care The patience deep appreciation. and attention with and encouragement which Mrs. of my family M. Trotman is iii - - C0NTENTS Paste DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CONTENTS ABSTRACT vii CHAPTER1-INTRO. The Amino Acid -D Composition Processing of Nectar Extraction and Processing Honey Production into 1 UCT10N-H0NEY of Nectar and Honeydew 3 Honey by the Honeybee 8 of Honey 9 11 and Trade Honey Plants 14 Honey Composition 15 Honey Proteins 23 Honey Amino Acids 29 Honey Pollens 36 Mellissopalynology 40 Honey Adulteration 46 Honey Toxins 52 Aims 55 CHAPTER2 Equipment -, EXPERIMENTAL and Materials 56 METHODS Preparation Subjective The Isolation 57 of Honey Samples for Analysis Analysis 57 and Evaluation and Concentration 60 of Proteins in Honey 61 - iv - Paize in Residues Quantitative Estimation of Proteins Ultrafiltration of Honey The Determination Determination of Honey of of Proteins of Examination and Identification Substances by a Combination Chromatography 64 Substances Positive 72 the Free Ninhydrin Quantitative Microscopical Positive 72 Positive of the Ninhydrin and of Paper Electrophoresis Analysis of the Free Amino Acids Amino Acid Analyser Quantitative Automatic 62 in Honey the Free Ninhydrin Separation and Concentration Substances of Honey from Analysis Using the 84 86 of Honey 91 Computation 93 Aýalysis Statistical RESULTS CHAPTER3 - The Colour and Aroma of Honey Analysis Isolation, Honey 99 101 of-Proteins Concentration and Estimation Amino Acids in the United Order of Pollen Types in 124 of Analytical Analysis of Samples from the United Analysis of Samples from of Analytical 101 and Pollens Kingdom Samples Arranged Amino Acids in the Foreign and Commercial in Order of Stated Country Sources Computer Processing in of Proteins Positive Analysis Substances of Ninhydrin Present in Honey of Known Origin Evaluation Sources 79 the Samples Arranged 184 209 Data Foreign Kingdom Survey and Commercial Honeys Honeys 211 237 Data of Honey Samples from all 248 -v- Page CHAPTER4-DI S' CUS. S10N PRELIMINARY SUBJECTIVE EXAMINATION OF HONEY SAMPLES 253 ASSESSMENTOF PRESENT WORK 255 Proteins 255 Enzymes 263 Ninhydrin Positive 265 Substances Pollens 280 PROCUREMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL HIVE ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS 283 Computation 284 and Statistical Analysis EVALUATION OF PRESENT WORK 290 Proteins 290 Enzymes 293 Ninhydrin Positive Substances 294 298 Pollens Statistical Analysis 298 ENVIRONMENTALAND PROCESSINGFACTORSAFFECTING HONEY 301 SIGNIFICANCE OF PRESENT WORK 312 FUTURE WORK 313 BIBL1 0G RAPHY APPEN DI CES APPENDIX I APPENDIX II APPENDIX III APPENDIX IV LIST OF HONEY SAMPLES QUESTIONNAIRE DETERMINATION OF THE AMINO ACID CONCENTRATIONIN A HONEY SAMPLE COMPUTATION 318 330 339 340 343 - vi - PaRe APPENDIX VI APPENDIX VII APPENDIX VIII APPENDIX IX 345 DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS APPENDIX V-A DISCRIMINANT HONEYS - - ANALYSIS OF THE U. K. SURVEY 350 DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS OF THE FOREIGN AND COMMERCIALHONEYS IDENTIFIED POLLEN GRAINS LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 356 359 364 - vii - ABSTRACT The floral and the geographical by microscopic examination be applied cannot to highly is a need for there This samples. Beekeepers strained and their the help with Kingdom for to such the British of honey members, who provided the United within Thus, can be applied that tedhnique this honeys. free or pollen work was undertaken Association however present, technique a chemical present of known origin the pollen of of honey can be determined origins chemical samples evaluation and comparison. There were 192 samples 69 samples and an additional from various proteins by the present was abandoned between 11 foreign of in the presence phoresis the proteins The free ninhydrin were detected obtained of honeys were examined of polyacrylamide sodium dodecyl of studies the 261, gel This sulphate. indicated that origin was not the free of positive substances and then concentrated. by a combination and 28 of and chromatography measurements technique and the geographical chromatography substances origin electroapproach a correlation possible. and the amino acids were examined. present exchange of foreign those and 5 English preliminary since For 256 samples out pollens including the U. K. survey sources. A selection for honey from of English these the concentration made on an automatic of the 13 amino acids of the 5 predominant amino acid of of Forty of paper ninhydrin of 13 detectable of quantitative amino acids The average analyser. positive electrophoresis compounds were identified. the 191 samples pollens by ion- were separated were concentration the U. K. survey the U. K. have been given and those in Table A. - viii - TABLE A Average of thirteen concentration free amino acids Average concentration (nMoles per g of honey) SourcesfloralI Amino acids 123456 Lysine 123 170 122 78 107 133 90 167 170 124 146 136 Threonine 63 86 110 42 60 92 Serine 70 120 112 62 90 100 144 335 298 126 220 246 Aspartic Glutamic acid acid 2,000 Proline 4,090 3,250 1,870 3,230 3,140 Glycine 44 76 100 46 66 67 Alanine 73 150 132 70 114 118 Valine 46 76 65 33 82 66 Isoleucine 43 107 62 30 70 67 Leucine 40 92 80 33 58 60 Tyrosine 55 238 100 120 75 120 170 312 180 110 218 208 44 29 17 8 8 191 Phenylalanine Sample Number 1- Brassica 2- Trifolium 3- Castanea 4- CaUuna 5- Myosotis 6-U. repens K. survey - ix - floral The major was found It the computer to the floral concentration source large. the detection with to categorise used successfully by correlation, followed using measurements The potential to evaluate the role sugar unspecified aspects These aspects to honeybees, foreign especially with processing methods the honeys and floral with of heating effects source commercial with reference region. geographical classifications were indicated honeyst honeydew and nectar were: then concentration amino acid of honey production and/or is This samples. sources can be substances the SPSS predictive of using of floral pattern a definite SPSS to predict the sub-group provided positive in some cases, the following to be successful. feeding of ninhydrin be correlated could The overall (SPSS) Sciences Social examined, using analysis measurements the samples of samples were sufficiently coupled discriminant Package for Statistical package the amino acid sample. by performing that by quantitative honey were confirmed of-each of the original analysis pollen that sources honey, sugar adulteration products, to plant commercial family. INTR0DUCT10N CHAPTER 1 1. INTR0DUCT10N-H0NEY. CHAPTER 1 The definition is the of honey according saccharine flowers'. issued This product by the United Inter-relationship is of of Hymenoptera is there me#ers of family fZorea and these the Apia are and the well-known (Bombus) the bumblebee be the Apia Analytical and also of species dorsata, of the Apia genus includes genus or the two genera the stingless and these are and the MeZipona. In the present to will The MeZipona ovipositor genii, The Banbidea meUifera. species. three the Apia cerena, Within membranous their genus has four are commonly known consist bees as they the 1!rigona Apia with by having includes The Apia (1977). bees and wasps are The ants, family This Bombidea and MeZipona. honeybees given family. insects and are characterised to form a sting. modified Apia, this the AcuZeata products and Daves those representing Comninity. on the honeybee studies was by Richards of regulations Economic and their entomological 'Honey is: the nectar those with of honeybees species and one such investigation wings in agreement Kingdom and the European There have been several the order by the bees from gathered definition (1976) to Pearson data one Trigona in Table 1.0. text unless stated otherwise the honeybee referred Apia species meUifera. on the honey obtained according to various The variation in from the four literature the composition sources of are the honeys W r4 "o 1* ., 4 41 P-4 " 00 E-A rn 0 Cj% 00 -e M c9 (N C% P-4 tN C14 c4 Fl. 00 2. cm 10 -, 4 CN ei ýD li Co 10 00 L2 ri CN ý4 %0 CD ic ic r% 00 00 rý CD 0 14 eN1 U) 0 0 $4 Co 60 ., 4 $4 0 00 0 -, 4 L2 u :3 cn r-4 Aj 0) rA 0 rA 00 Co l"! 00 ri ci M 00 cyl 10 Q) A.j Cd Co rn 0 Co Co lý ýl! ,LM cm CIM C'n li 0 C14 M (i r-4 Cd ci rA (N rz m c4 rA tw 0 0 V-4 c24 0 Z 12 00 P. -4 m r-4 00 C*4 Co 0 C14 Ln Ln 0) u Co Co P. Ei 0 ý4 44 44 Z 04 4) -.0 r%% ,a CN Cd -4 -" I= 4.4 0 04 r. 0 . ri 41 Co "a (n "4 Z P-4 rl% CY% .= r. V-4 -r4 %-., gi 00 %D "bd 10 CY*t Co P-4 = %..0 0) 00 21 j0 10 (A Co P-4 %-, ,c p4 Q) 00 %D jh4 '0 (A ce p4 k4 %0 ce w a) 0) tz Z4 ,:; g Z Eý . t41 (U 0 cn 41 a) u Co Ic 3. by these produced but genii also that reported lower than indica from the environmental the amylase those locality. activity the Apia of Davies (1975) (1976) and invertase the Apia those meUifera honey produced by Apia iridipennis had a high and glucose oxidase for values had the but Also displayed (1983) content with =Uifera and reported that fZorea and Trigona reported catalase for values honey had the highest and Txýona and catalase highest melZifera- caucasia low diastase, but dorsata Apia Apia same cerena by the Apia meUifera dorsata, the the enzymes amylase of produced in comparison invertase diatase, least invertase from of the Apia to that the activities Apia cerena, honeys were the honey from Apia that Wakhle and Desai content honeys. meZlifera obtained by the Apia carnica. (1968) Vorwohl honeys in the honeys collected due to their only cerena compared that observed not the Apia meUifera content were higher than meZZifera arises conditions. of reported had a low proline Klemarewski Apia of honeybees species glucose oxidase content iridipennis activity compared to the others. The Amino Acid The raw materials called is leaf for and honeydew. are nectar situated Composition in the region 'floral' secreted hoppers the 'extrafloral' and by the plant-sucking feeding is flowers and Honeydew honey by the honeybee the production_of Nectar of of Nectar secreted by the plant or in other nectaries, insects parts respectively. such as aphids, on the phloem, or sap of plants glands of the plant Honeydew coccoids, and trees. 4. The free amino acids of nectar Mostowska (1965) reported acids in the nectars of Brassica TiZia pseudbacacia, acid, phenylalanine, that napus var- TrifoZium cordata, and CaUuna vulgaris. aspartic the presence of the following PhaceZia tanacetifoZia These amino acids were: histidine, glutamic acid, proline, threonine the amino acid content Robinia oleifera, repens, alanine, leucine, tyrosine amino arginine, lysine, ornithine, He found and valine. ranged from 0.002 to 4.786 mg of nectar per 100g of dry matter. Hanny and Elmore (1974) used the technique layer floral nectar were: alanine, asparagine, acid, a-amino glutamine, that noted serine, the qualitative composition due to the amino acids the cotton the environmental conditions The percentage was constant. constituted methionine, of composition of glutamic These-researchers and valine. because arginine, acid, lysine, leucine, amino acid fluctuated acid, 2,4-diaminobutyric tyrosine the extra- These amino acids y-aminobutyric isoleucine, glycine, nectar acid, from amino acids hirsut=). cysteine, the quantitative extrafloral 0.04% of on average nitrogen the extrafloral of cotton. nectar Baker and Baker-(1975) that reported serine adipic acid, proline, twenty (Gossipium of cotton aspartic ornithine, but and identified chromatography of gas- and thin- alanine, appeared Baker, asparagine, Opler the constitution reviewed aspartic acid, glutamic to be the commonest amino acids and Baker cysteine, lysine (1978) reported and tyrosine that acid, of nectar glycine and of nectar. the amino acids were more frequently and 5. in the extrafloral represented only moderately whereas these amino acids are nectar in the floral represented Inouye and Inouye (1980) reported These amino acids were: acid, a- and y-aminobutyric acid, glutamic acid, methionine, threonine, Gilliam, of citrus per tyrosine 100g of nectar in and that its (1981) McCaughey and Moffett in the floral of amino acids with those and Elmore (1974). the predominant serine, glutamic Gilliam, amino acids the findings of Baker, was significantly a thousand amino acid nectar nectar (1982) species composition of its their on the composition (1978) analysed flowering were aspartic glutamic Thus, that from that the constituents plants to have a taxonomic that reported nectar nectar. and Baker by Hanny as reported McCaughey and Moffett whereas hirsutum) (Gossypiwn of cotton the floral Gilliam, nectar. results of cotton in composition different Baker and Baker over Opler in level in the extrafloral amide were dominant the nectar that had low level Citma most plants and threonine; acid serine, proline, (1980) reported compared in leucine, 7.5 to 79.1 mg of amino acids unlike the extrafloral of isoleucine, and valine. and high pollen aspartic asparagine, phosphoserine, from contained extrafloral a-amino adipic histidine, glycine, McCaughey and Wintermute cultivars of proline arginine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, any other a- and 0-alanine, acid, glutamine, for of of HeZiantheUa nectar more than has been reported quinquenervia lysine, the presence of a total in the extrafloral twenty four amino acids nectar. nectar. acid, and its acid confirming nectar extrafloral floral nectar. of nectar from of and reported and phylogentic that the significance 6. and to be of benefit to both the plants and their Freeman, Reid and Zaun (1983) reported asparagine, glutamine, phosphoserine, and taurine in nectars of four to be present in the detection (1986) reported that (Orchidaceae) and Epipactis and the entantiomoric composition of the particular differences Indian from thirty four five species that the nectar of Hybanthus high amino acid content insect plant of Spathodea nutrition. characterised tryptophan representing a-amino and out and isoleucine acids. nectars indicate amino acids of the (Bignoniaceae) The 142mera subuZata the were essential a valine, The two amino for was essential of which for observed nutrition. had only latter eighty exhibited (Turneraceae) to seven amino acids and phenylalanine insect genera workers seven amino acids for of that reported (Violaccae) were essential of which three eighty These research ennaespermus campanuZata by five atropurpurea and they of angiosperms acid and glutamic alanine species families contained of and Swamy (1986) examined the nectars one hundred acids of several of both nectaries. Bahadur, Chaturvedi nectar in nectars. the amino acid content Limodoxvm abortivum leucine These species. Pais et aZ., evolutionary ornithine species of Agave (Agavaceae). also found variation amino acids within the presence of phosphoethanolamine, amino acids have as yet not been reported These researchers pollinators. nectar leucine, insect was isoleucine, nutrition. 7. The free of Honeydew amino acids (1953) Mittler that reported the number and amount of amino in honeydew depended on the extent acids in the phloem were present has discussed for materials Ewart honeydew were exactly (1956) and Metcalf in honeydew. present concentration fluctuated of honeydew and concluded the origins have reviewed (1958) Mittler of amino acids the with (1963) Auclair the has given that reported in general nectar. on amino acids the number and sap and honeydew the phloem the host of the raw for the literature development seasonal (1955) that same as that and amides amino acids Morgenthaler the plant. sap of these to which plant. on the composition references of honeydew. Srivastava partition and Vaishney (1966) identified chromatography in the honeydew exr-reted by Kerria were: a- and a-alanine, glycine, methionine, proline, researchers found were absent from insects that the plant were reared. They suggested of proteolytic Saleh and Salama, (1971) honeydew came directly of either protein from breakdown that this confirmed that ingested as suggested lysine, These and valine. arginine maerpphyUa to tyrosine on which difference in the could the amino acids sap and were not (1963) the presumably insect (1969). by Salama and Rizk by Auclair glutamic acid, leucine, enzymes present reported the aspartic from amino acids and These amino acids tyrosine sap of Maghania were later These findings Zacea. of paper amino acids isoleucine, threonine, the eight free asparagine, homoserine, serine, be due to the action gut. arginine, histidine, technique seventeen amides acid, the using in the the product or 8. atmospheric fixation nitrogen by Kennedy and Mittler as suggested (1953). Noda, Sogawa and on distilled water, Hertel traces only Lombard, substances observed that and small in the amino acid sap content cordata from free amino the honeydew of amino acids and two ninhydrin- leaf linden seventeen These researchers extract. fourteen honeydew contained compared to that the of honey. in detail by Maurizo of nectar liquid part by rapidly nectar to the warm dry deposited is air by the forager is then into bee to and passively actively honey has been described (1980a). by the housebee played pumping out its of for reaches the cells to as unripened from proboscis, the hive in the nectar into Honey by the Honeybee transferred nectar the end of onto sugars into of Nectar and how the housebee The active referred in free amounts of proline engaged in the processing'of then were secreted. detected substance the honey derived the housebee of (1981) in the TiZia The way in which the reared were or the phloem supply but only fourteen Processing of of water and Buffa tiZiae reactive nectar insects when the variation noted and one ninhydrin-reactive amino acids that the honeydew of AVzus persicae. Rossetti EucaUupterus found of amino acids (1977) in the changes influenced acids Saito and Kunkel concentration which i (1973) honey. of involves the honeystomach thereby the concentration film a thin the nectar exposing evaporation. When the concentration approximately 60% (w/v) the comb (Park 1933). it This-is is then 9. The passive of the excess to reach the water temperature with an airtight water from the to prevent wax capping surrounding and thus air takes filled, of cells humidity and the relative The housebee It the ripening of content depends on the level This 1927,1928,1933). cells the evaporation in the combs. unripened'honey days for movement, (Park the hive this 20% or less. the amount of air of from water involves by the housebee played one to three on average honey part then the seals the re-absorption of the risk eliminating of fermentation. is known that It oxidase and glucose 1974), (Rinaudo and these the honey to the amateur and the United for example Morse (1974), (1980). The description moveable frame hive. W.B. C., Dadant, plastic traps Although on which crown board, (1980) by these authors refer Smith and Commercial frames boxes or supers access and roof. of bees. exist All popularity. and Townsend to the modern of hives, types in Europe by many authors; Smith a set of floor beekeeper (1976), several of and processing semi-commercial National, namely vary which consist of the up to ten made of wood or honey comb is constructed, extension to control the extraction use and regional components: and colony, honey, given of Honey have been described Hooper Langstroth, in size, somewhat following and the of America States elsewhere for available introduction. in the and Processing Extraction The techniques 1973a and 1973b and Bergett et aZ., be reviewed will invertase adds the enzymes diastase, the housebee for brood the bulk In addition Some tropical chamber for of there honeys queen the combs and are sundry are gathered lo. from either or clay wild containers which The extraction through with very beekeeper combined Hooper for (Hicks, (1976) processing fine with The strainer. strainers mechanical in honey or polishing the honeys being involves have given and storage monohydrate filtration. or pressure in detail heating controlled the glucose the various honey by the amateur packaging 0C to 35 and then filtering can result straining and Dyce (1980) the processing, of process 1969). has described extracted Townsend (1980) pressure strained straining or a nylon and to dissolve present is The normal process the extracted of the yeast high presses the removal may have entered that material to warm the honey This scale. of pollen to destroy is utilizes filter efficient The processing crystals, once the honey combs; of the honey (54 mesh to 1 inch) commercial free almost logs the uncapped honey combs often process. beekeeper a cloth semi-commercial on a large and extraneous the extraction used by the amateur the uncapping Then finally of centrifuges. the honey during the combs involves of honey from to remove the wax bits strain the hives, by the removal the aid with destroyed smashed and colonies the honey from of the honey combs from followed of are hollowed is complete. harvesting of or from crude straw skips, colonies beekeeper. extensive used methods White detailed of honey for (1978), accounts the commercial producer. Heather state protein honey from upon standing which imparts (caZluna ling due to this its unusually thioxotropic forms vuZgaris) high content property on it. a gelatinous of a thixotropic Hence the ii. extraction honey is different The honey is extracted mentioned above. mechanical of heather and processing inserted probes or needles either into cells from that by stirring with of the combs before being spun out in the usual way or the honey is pressed out of the combs with the aid of a heather be heated for in plastic comb honey' outlets to ensure perfect to justify from sixty the extra Production the world of 1983 and 1984 were obtained No. 21 and 22. list The reports one countries Australasia, provided sizes and sold as there are sufficient required care and attention combs. figures Estimated convenient containers Honey the years in the usual However, on the other hand combs containing the heather honey can be cut out into comm rcial honey can then two or three days at 400C before bottling manner (Hooper, 1976). 'cut The extracted press. Africa honey production from the World the actual world-wide and the and Trade tropical Honey Crop Reports production or estimated the Americas, covering for and trade Europe, islands. Production In 1983 there estimated 940,000 The estimate was 934,100 tons metric metric tons of honey harvested of honey production of in 1983 and 1984 have been shown in Table of a small This of could annual increase be attributed the major producers of honey and in 1984 an in world to the ten 2.0. world-wide. individual The continued honey production increase countries trend was reported. in the number of colonies such as the USSR, the improved yield per 12. TABLE 2 World honey production in 1983 and 1984 in and trade ten selected countries World World honey production* Country honey trade** Imports Exports 1983 1984 1983 1984 1983 1984 Argentina 28.0 33.0 29,874 29,227 - - Brazil 22.0 27.0 1+ - - Canada 34.8 44.1 9,752 9,522 239 284 Mexico 64.0 55.0 40,028 59,405 - - U. S. A. 93.0 95.0 3,781 3,384 41,715 49,823 German Fedral Republic 15.0 18.0 12,960 9,409 75,830 66,385 190.0 198.0 16,000 19,890 6.5 7.5 100.0 115.0 Total USSR Japan China*** United +- Kingdom 1.2 628 - - 58,096 - 1,455 - - In thousand metric - Preliminary estimates - Based on imports 64,339 28,146 20,764 33,180 20,743 tons. in metric of major tons. importing countries. This value was quoted in the world honey crop report No. 22 and referred the to as a misprint regarding in 1984. actual amount of honey exported by Brazil 13. in countries colony conditions in countries proportion of and these such as Argentina the honey produced countries may not A considerable and Brazil. was for much surplus increase in exports the country within consumption export weather honey. in honey Trading In 1983 a significant in countries by 42%, Mexico such as Russia an increase Also, and favourable such as Canada and Brazil such as the United in imports States have been shown in Table the European Economic and the United in countries in 1983 and 1984 for The largest net importers Kingdom followed by the United States ten countries of honey were such as the German Federal countries Preliminary by 19% and Japan by 18%. and imports 2. by 90%. by 48% and France of honey was observed of America of honey exports estimates of honey was observed Republic of America and Japan. (1980) Crane the world production Manufactured Also pharmaceutical used directly Willson but from still in honey. that use honey, products is from mead, cake, a wide products important (1980). users (1980) agent see, of honey example, examples of honey and the whole to legend and will aspect have been covered not be further to health into Some honey for are given bee products cosmetics candles, for figures wax or other inclusion spread Therein to archaeology by Crane given such as cough syrups. as a therapeutic and Crane analysis treatise there have also and trading are numerous and range foods. (1980) and Willson is also Steyn (1973), of minority of honey in mentioned. the extensive 14. Honey Plants (1980) Crane economic in Britain, plants Europe, discussed list United and discuss States their such authors honey the major of America contribute the honey of Other significances. which species the characteristics and Howes (1979) (1978) as White of and their plant She has also scale. and distribution, characteristics them, important the of honey on a world as a source from has listed and the rest the world. 75% of honey produced. the total accounts for (CaUuna sp. ) in the British the greater honey. table honey crop is another if rearing Oil for not surplus nectar an equal, honey eastern honey. producers Northern United terms (Fagopyrum United States Honey from citrus Thyme and pine sp. ) is also forest becoming to that produced are well Russia, of to the beekeeper brood (Prunus) by countries Australia New Zealand, paeudoacacia) produced are rated as Buckwheat the clover. China for trees. are produced in large a major Mrunus/pyrus) blossom of America, (Robinia of America, fruits fast Rumania and Yugoslavia of quality, as a unique recognised among the fruit States ) sp. (Tilia lime (MaZus) and cherry Apple about Honey from heather sp. ) is and is useful such as Hungary, in is widely Honey from acacia and Tasmania. in countries Isles of honey from clover quantities such as Canada, the remainder. 1984). * Fruit of nectar source honey from While (Brassica (Sims, in Britain sp. ) constitutes of part seed rape are most valuable Large (TrifoZium honey from clover In Britain, in North- quantities in parts and of Europe. known to Spain and California. honeydew honey from Greece, Also Eucalyptus 15. from Australia Crane, sixty and mixed floral (1984) Day and Walker to be a major seven plants For each plant world. information: its importance flowering, of species hundred the following and environmental potential hazards in a country; the available family; conditions; such as toxins; time of honey yield recommendations in a country; and in the of honey produced have noted and composition; honey production four and comm n names and the plant honeydew production; composition; increase source distribution flow nectar from Mexico. have identified authors and uses; and honeybee rating these the botanical the form of plant, economic honeys nectar the year of and chemical of planting and the composition to and properties the honey produced. Moreover, Europe, the Australia, Canada are well honey producing countries, is kept at on file the United of honey sources the Kingdom and by national the Uniýed documented although International in of America, States the other compared with such documentation Bee Research organisations that exists Association with elsewhere. Honey Composition In the following topics subject only the major will be briefly to the present and reviewed study in detail. section and other literature reviews reviewed. relevant sections of However, published covering importance for research major will perpherial to the particular topics of importance be described 16. Factors affecting composition (1980c) White has reviewed of honey and suggests the origin influence which on the composition is the honey composition that Also, the nectar. of the literature the production that internal the of nectar are dependent upon factors and external important contributory to the honey composition. factors (1980a) has extensively Maurizo in detail species, are some of humidity, and sunshine the outlined internal the type- and the wind, the or cultivated variety the that the age and maturity surface, the reviewed the of soil time of of size internal and external fertilizers, the Shuel that soil temperature of the day (1982) has also the length Similarly, factors belongs such as the the day and year, important. on the planto factors External are also and the the plant to which and the use of the production the flower the flower of races factors. influence factors and external She has suggested of nectar. nectary internal how these and discussed the literature influence the secretion of nectar. of beekeeping The affects techniques, of honey either by the beekeeper the composition of honey have been described Morse (1974), respectively. the commercial processing Townsend (1980). and Ichimura other of storage Kushnir and White and Subers (1978). on producer, by Hooper factors of honey and the changes by White, (1974) or by the commercial have been described The conditions on the composition been described Also and processing extraction (1976) encountered by Rodgers and during (1980) have a considerable induced by storage (1964), Echigo, and influence have Takenaka 17. Physical (1980d) White physical has extensively in water, Moisture the literature reviewed on the Honey is a supersaturated of honey. properties of carbohydrates with normally solution 15% - 17% water. only content White of of honey properties four hundred and ninety showed that samples (Dyce, and granulation has been reviewed 1980). the average its content The amount against fermentation of moisture content stability The determination (1969). by White extensively moisture of honey was 17.2%. in honey determines present of water (1962) et aZ., Colour Brice syrup, et aZ., caramel the colour Wootton, six Australian Faraji-Haremi honeys accompanied content. Wootton, not in an extensive clearly related White (1980d) and Johnson were stored by appreciable at (1976) are of honey, marple similar. These physical examination reported that changes in the to sugars the extent has reviewed and free total (1976) the effects nitrogen reported amino acids of darkening. when of honey colour 500C, darkening Edwards and Faraji-Haremi the amount of on the colour sugar products out carried the colourants of honey. was not changes showed that and other solution have also researchers of (1956) that in honey were - of storage temperatures of honey. CrXstallisation is basically It honey to its the crystallisation monohydrate form. of The presence the glucose or absence present of nuclei in 18. influences the onset dependent upon the glucose/water problem which content of for [glucose]/water of honey. ratio as being ratio highly as being employed the basis of Austin's values of would on four These values hundred acacia and ninty The subjects (1977), (1978), that predictably samples for are White towards tendency regarded workers White lead (1962) low in glucose of honeys, whereas to rapid granulation carried examined. honey types content and high of honey have been reviewed (1980) on 1.7 and lower of of honey they non-crystallising this ratio et al., values non-granulation of crystallisation White Thixotropic which the use of Austin's were based on the measurements There are exceptions as tupelo, (1924). reported 2.1 and higher tendency who suggested research the [glucose]-water/[fructose] and Silsbee ratio and reviewed the use of as a measure of to the ideal creates the crystallisation these with to a solid. out significant associated were generally This proposed (1962) et al., equivalent by Jackson (1958) in moisture increase the were studied predicting Furthermore, crystallisation. ratio for was White It crystallisation on Austin Later The major the honey. to ferment present affecting by Dyce (1931). is 1980d). phase above the crystals. the yeast The factors ratio and speed are extent (White, from crystallisation results the liquid conditions its but of crystallisation such in fructose. by Doner and Landis and Kevin (1982). thixotropy in ling (CaUuna properties Pryce-iones (1944) studied honey in that the honey mobilised solid state. Pryce-Jones isolated the upon stirring by alcohol from its precipitation sp. ) gelatinous a material 19. caused the which he demonstrated thixotropic by adding that were imparted properties this to the clover. to contain 1.86% of contained 1.5% total protein. According (1978) to White in Manuka (Leptospermium (1957) et aZ., honey of India. is indeed a protein honey whereas other the thixotropic of molecular weight Deodikar (Cmvi Salford over agent 50,000. samples thixotropy observed in Karvi work at thixotropic One sample of heather also thixotropy that Further, honey of New Zealand. project 1984 - 1987 has established honey Pryce-jones similar Subsequent honey. the protein, scopatium) reported honey. to clover material honey was found about in heather property caUoso) the period in heather Hamilton (1987)* Chemical of honey composition Honey contains into the following minerals, major vitamins, compounds which carbohydrates, esters and volatile on rare and pollen. can be arranged amino acids, hydroxy- components, occasions proteins, toxic compounds in low concentrations. can be present The amino acids, be reviewed groups: acids, lipids, methylfurfural, two hundred nearly later proteins, on in the and toxic pollens substances will the honey solids. introduction. Carbohydrates Glucose The presence nigerose, and maltose and fructose of kijibose, sugars constitute such as erlose, a, ý-treholose, have been reported (1959), Hoban and 85% of about isomaltose, gentibiose, by White maltulose, laminarebose, and Maher (1953), Watanabe and Aso (1960) and Siddiqui turanose, sucrose White and Furgala (1967). 20. Siddiqui identified also researchers ten honey and one pentasaccharide. These 3-a-isomaltosylglucose, melizitose, isomaltotriose, maltotriose, of isomaltopentose. panose and 1-kestose, of honey have been reviewed The sugars (1970), (1977), Doner the presence reported one tetrasaccharide trisaccharides, Siddiqui (1968) and Furgala by Thawley extensively White (19800 (1969), (1982). and by Prince Minerals The three of total of minor the amount of principal ash, the amount and the constituents which constituents, metallic of honey are: the ash content of aspects in extremely occur identities minute amounts. and his Schuette the presence by White a lower (1962) mineral than the findings summnrises (1978). those (1975) McLellan of potassium light and his reported secretion a relationship was confirmed classes colour honey darker of Schuette of relationship honey of in honey than calcium, more potassium the rapidity This in that, content reported in honey and suggested elements of pigmentation. et aZ., by White colleagues of mineral the degree with (1932,1937,1938,1939) types. there Table 3 as presented colleagues that has was generally magnesium or sodium due to by the plant. Vitamins The following thiamine, acid, vary of vitamins riboflavin, niacin, folic biotin, to a large different been reviewed have been reported honey and vitamin acid extent between types. by White ascorbic acid, K. samples pyridoxine, in honey: panthothenic The amount of vitamins of The occurrence (1978 and 198W). to occur similar honey and also of vitamins in honey have 21. TABLE 3 Mineral content of honey - from (1932,1937,1938,1939) Mineral elements the data as given Honey colour of by White Schuette et aZ., (1978) Parts Number of samples Range 100-588 115-4733 per million Average Potassium(K) Light Dark 13 18 Sodium(Na) Light Dark 13 18 6-35 9-400 18 76 Calcium(Ca) Light Dark 14 21 23-68 5-266 49 51 Magnesium(Mg) Light Dark 14 21 11-56 7-126 19 35 Iron(Fe) Light Dark 10 6 1.20-4.80 0.70-33.50 2.40 9.40 Copper(Cu) Light Dark 10 6 0.14-0.70 0.35-1.04 0.29 0.56 Manganese(Mn) Light Dark 10 10 0.17-0.44 0.46-9.53 0.30 4.09 Chlorine(Cl) Light Dark 10 13 23-75 48-201 52 113 Phosphorous(P) Light Dark 14 21 23-50 27-58 35 47 Sulphur(S) Light Dark 10 13 36-108 56-126 58 100 Silica(S'02) Light Dark 10 10 7-12 5-28 205 1676 9 14 22. Acids of honey contribute The acids and its micro-organisms an enzyme catalysed is the predominant reviewed flavour. reaction of (1969), by Thawley Gluconic glucose The acid acid. its towards the product acid, oxidase of of honey, on glucose of honey has been composition Stenikraus against stability (1971) et aZ., and White (1978). Volatiles of honey which The volatiles flavour, and such as aroma the introduction components Ten-Hoopen acetylaldehyde, (1963) quantities in rape reported the presence compounds they and twenty reported and n-propanol, be the products of ester amino acids. and unifloral honey for identified and technique fifty of gas liquid and mass spectroscopy. of a gas chromatography of than in thyme. in greater separated from honey. hydrolysis These researchers 3-methyl- or may arise from (1983) for compounds responsible two compounds. these and suggested and Frattini analysed (1986) used the and a mass spectrometer using isolated Multifloral flavour their of gas liquid Bonaga and Giumanini could corresponding These researchers combination honey. the one hundred of 2-methyl-l-butanol, upon storage (1964) Hadorn in lavender over half and formaldehyde, and diacetyl identified Belliardo Bicchi, a chromatography anthranilate in pentanol, an increase 1-butanol honey of methyl (1965) Cremer and Riedmann the presence isobutyraldehyde and clover with have been identified. reported acetone, characteristics However, studied. gas liquid of its towards has been little the technique of number of volatile contributes chromatography the combination fifty volatile 23. from a unifloral components researchers reported main component for floral that ninteen sativa) honey. components had not in honey. They suggested (3-aminoacetophenone) the mixture of these of to be present reported previously (Castanea chestnut These been that the may be specific source. Hydroxymethylfurfuralý (HMF) results 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural dehydration and heat Schade, for 100g of honey. indicative (1980a) reported eight of honey. This the (1966) subject of an average samples between of commercial was based on the data and Chandler 0.06 et aZ., amongst heat that mg of HIIF during treatment amounts of HMF White and overheating. for seven hundred one thousand honey to be 1.24 mg per published by Duisberg (1974). White (1964) and Subers to 0.20 as excessive HMF content method and conformational Kushnir reported freshness (1955) the variability White, be limited the loss of and twenty Hadron (1978) White of honey should processing are honey contains catalysed in honey. Winkler's using and heating, storage HMF formation. fresh showed that per of influencing factors (1958) the acid present HMF in honey demonstrated the effect of of fructose treatment Marsh and Eckert quantifying honeys from (1980a) 100g and has reviewed in detail. Honey Proteins The nitrogen content of proteins and small compounds. A considerable presence of proteins of'enzymes. will of honey amounts is due mainly of amino acids, portion The isolation, now be reviewed. to the presence and other of honey protein characterisation nitrogen is due to the and properties 24. Proteins The protein honey from artificial to solubility have been described groups Paine (1934) et aL., from honey by the technique components collodial three these and 73,000 146,000 weights molecular White (1962) et al., to a protein honey by the techniques Of electrophoresis. of approximate third detected molecular of was a polysaccharide 9,000. of about weight and the (1953) Helvey boundary two were proteins components separated material in buckwheat and moving of ultracentrifugation (1978 and 1980c). by White of ultrafiltration. present or by assignment tests the colloidal studied of solution, immunological or by alcohol, acid phosphotungstic The assessment by tannin material to distinguish utilized and blends. admixtures of proteinaceous precipitates three of honey was initially content reported content of 0.25% for and Kushnir (1967b) an average four value hundred corresponding and ninety samples of honey. White by the fractions and ion-exchange that four bee and two of those or greater 400,000 that originated molecular results appeared weights from weight. to seven protein starch-gel honeys From these had molecular fractions than floral fractions protein these filtration, four These researchers from eleven to the bees. by sugar-feeding deduced of gel chromatography. preparations protein While technique between separated electrophoresis used the crude and honey produced the above authors to originate from the of 40,000 and 240,000. the plant were of 98,000 25. distinct five (1975b) and Diemar Bergner peaks by chromatography that reported researchers the bee and were identified from While oxidase. and glucose on Sephadex G200 gel. five these of three components, two that These originated invertase, to be enzymes the into the honey proteins separated diastase from originated the plant identified. were not (1978) and Rudyj White determined samples of honey using and forty These researchersIreported seven hundred for the proteins the Lowry photometric a mean value analysis. 169 mg of protein of per 100g of honey. Bagdanov to determine honeys. (1981) the proteins Croft, Histry and Washington on the basis bands. and its Richie by the technique for band pattern protein four the noted sensitivity to resolve and Guenther technique (1986) in gel likely of any of of as the presence to characterise geographical these was useful detection enabled foreign honeys. were unable its to content floral were able or absence from bees fed on pollen had been obtained Reeder, regard of presence They also of adulteration (1986) method was no significant These researchers sulphate. honey sample with any particular there reagent and sixteen bands on 10% polyacrylamide protein sodium dodecyl that ten honeydew and twenty between many as eleven protein an average 100g of honey and noted differences origin reported colour Swiss honeys of eighteen These researchers 129 mg per of used the Bradford/Bio-rad eleven in detection of honey that substitutes. separated isoelectric of ultra-thin layer and intensity were analysed honey proteins focussing and scans by a chemometrics programme 26. location geographical that reported to distinguish the ability revealed of patterns These researchers computer. on a mainframe the clustering honey based on the of collection. Enzymes The enzymes of honey have up to now been studied from the view factors. adverse and other invertase, glucose and systemmatic and kinetic properties together in honey but have as yet will the reviewed literature (1980c) has also have not which The origins as being chiefly (1964), Rinaudo (1986). Other by and Vansell ZaleWski not appropriate (1978) the presence been studied the sources and Freeborn 4. Other enzymes have been shown to be present and therefore characterised detailed in honey. and White of enzymes such as esterases above have been identified Ammon (1949), (1973a such for in detail. honeybee aZ., (1965). in Table has extensively the enzymes listed of of enzyme activity references on the enzymes present noted et been well White be reviewed. not with phosphatases and alkaline type name of enzymes, enzymes have been tabulated these such as acid in honey have been confirmed. and catalase oxidase of enzymes by heat of enzymes such as diastase, The presence The trivial each of and destruction of quality point predominantly and 1973b) as pollen (1929), Bergner Schepartz and Stadelmeier and nectar and and Sabir have been (1977), Subers and Bergner suggested Giri (1938) 27. @M MI, cn 30 %D 44 0 a) u cl w li 0 14 w 0 0 40 to g 6: cý 010 41 Cd 93 93 -H 0 14 LD 0 44 14 -0 4.A -0 co ý4 15 0 00H w Z i. ,r If -04 cl 0 4) to 0 14 .., cl ll 41 91 w rn 44 14 Wm 0 H1 6: 0 41 14 0 -H j-- pl 4) g3 ý4 0 m> 0 ý4 4.1 "4 di u 05 ýI Z01, 93 .0 "4 -, 4 r. 0) .. 44 C) 0 %0 M ý-4 0 fi 0,, -0 zi 4xb. 0 -1 Ai bo Co 0 A bw 41 C.0 c; 4 41 C = P. >, -r4 m 0 43 V di 41 00C ý4 4j in 93 1 tr, ýo j 0- 90 A Cw cc mu0 D., 64 () 14 Cd :1 0 41 ý4 Q. 0 CID 4) 00 04u00 ý Z 90 1! 0 N4 0 u U 41 -4 c2, m 00 cu 00 1:6 1p 0 in Ln II 1.4 .1 V4 ýr 0) bo 0 tm en LM %T 6 ý7 -0 en n %0 Ilý LM %0 n co 10 LM 0) .0 lý '0 '-4 %0 e4 Ln W! .4 K In U, 0 d) 14 14 "4c 8§ Co M*I. F, In cli e co a ýl -cl + 0 4) -0 > 0 A 6r., 4c to., 41 .92 0 0m4.1 9: 41 -0 cd C: V u009 0 Ww ci r. 14 IAD w ý4 co 0 41 ý4 gi 000a, 64 Ow $4 00 -0 44 0 ÖD 00 c: u tu U -0 u) v tw 0 0 W V4 M 4) m u0 0 to 41 ic 00 + 10 Z 4) 00 00 10000 0)r. 00 w 10 >, = >, fi "4 ýq Q ei Co 0cCZr 92. to 41 uM .2A Vý z ý4 -4 NW en 0) )o 0 o ;l 0) .44 1 c4 N (A w 0 Co Co g", ýq I ts X1 to w (A (a ; ý. >ý 0 .. A "4 ja .0 Co IN 0 j ý4 Fs w gd Co %w Cd 44 0 r. 10 00 >, 04 C"4 en en 28. Key to references and notes regarding Table 4 Key to references (1967a) and Kushnir 1. White 2. Lampitt, 3. Rina do et aZ., 4. White 5. Rina do et aZ., 6. Takenaka and Echigo (1975) 7. Takenaka and Echigo (1978) Schepa, 9. Schepartz (1965a) 10. Schepartz (1966a) 11. White 12. Schepartz 13. Stadelmeier Hughes and Rooke (1930) (1973b) (1967a) and Kushnir (1973a) (1964) Subers and 8. and Subers (1964) (1966b) and Bergner (1986) Notes Name Systematic Enzyme No. Trivial a-1,4-glucan hydrolyase 4-gluconoý a-amylase a-1,4-glucan maltohydrolase $-amylase a-D-glucoside O-D-glucose: reductase H202 :H202 oxido Obtained 4+ glucohydrolase 02 oxido- reductase from Commission a-glucosidase -I a-glucosidase - II (1) Temps = Temperature (2) Refs = References I on Enzymes, Name a-glucosidase Glucose oxidase Catalase 1961. Name allocated to enzyme by researchers 1978. Takenaka and Echigo, 0 29. Honey Amino Acids A relatively is have attempted of honey (1930), Tillmans were: Schuette of honey content in honey. present the amino acids These workers and Templin Schuette amino acids to utilize authenticity. the nitrogen of portion to the free ascribed its small I Several in order workers to determine (1927), and Kiesgen (1944) and Baldwin and Vavruch (1952). Komamine (1960) detected the presence and imported acids glutamic cysteine, tyrosine honey also the Finnish imported methionine and the asparagine and glutamine. Phadke (1962) by Apia produced the honey graded twelve into Apart of sets reported cerena and valine. samples contained the light from proline, these amino ethanolamine and y-aminobutyric contained the presence acid, of proline samples. the dark that lysine, arginine, noted in Finnish a- and a-alanine, were: glycine, contained chromatography amino acids acid, He also in both to be the highest of paper These amino acids threonine, serine, technique the following. of honeys. acid, aspartic the using tryptophan colour classes of honey and tyrosine whereas colour classes did not contain these amino acids. and Sohonie Kalimi Mahabaleshwar were absent in both (India) (1964) honeys, in that, some variation proline, in the Gela and Harda honeys. the Gela and Jambul in any of observed the honeys. honeys. serine'and Histidine Isoleucine in four tyrosine was absent was not present 30. (1971) Petrov chromatography in acids three the presence of samples of Australian honeys; stingy (EucaZyptus red gum acid, leucine, tyrosine did not whereas isoleucine honey. In comparing (Curti lysine, (1964) and methionine 1966) Petrov and Riganti, most of the amino acids but not arginine that to the differing amino acids amino acids Petrov varied from (1974) using 2,000 or threonine, those the Italian of honey contained Italian honey honeys. This in different the amounts'of He suggested collected secretions, the pattern of The content of this widely, nanomoles amino acid seventeen researcher amino acids that fed bees sugar due an automatic and one Trifolium using presumably to 17,000 of of amino acids honey in the Australian detected the those with in the Australian varied similar. the presence species. that that reported of honeybee content was remarkably quantitatively results and cysteine. the amounts of amino acids whilst serine, the Indian honey with found clover arginine, phenylalanine were present (1972) Hahn and Bergner his that were not the Australian and white proline, In comparing noted (EucaZyptus histidine, 'phenylalanine, Petrov amino bark alanine, glycine, hydroxyproline, cysteine, contain acid, and valine. and Sohonie of Kal-imi glutamic were: and paper sixteen camaZduZensis) These amino acids cysteine, hydroxyproline, threonine, ion-exchange of to detect repens). aspartic technique was able macrorrhyncha), (TrifoZium the using variation in the nectar, the per observed free g of honey. analyser estimated in six amino acids and also total Eucalyptus the variation between different was due to the amounts those secreted by the bee 31. formed and those as degradation (1975) Davies acids in ninty honey sugar carried eight products out an extensive He was the of amino acids source of a honey sample as well that by their particularly have a high honey from four in the ratios sources of between method of pollen honeys they of Thus, sources the examined, except amino acids also increased due to protein by condensation the honey obtained observed in breakdown reactions. during that some honeys the variation that of more than balanced between the amino acid the determination the highly subjective work was required use. that the of all the reported storage from the amount of and they amino are variations official (1976) decreased sixty further that in honey. to characterise method for be recommended for content there in place the bees, that of proposed of honey, generally amino acids same area, Davies recognised analysis while He suggested analysis. amino acid These researchers of by a selection Edwards and Faraji-Haremi Wootton, free suggested to show that samples the method could total also sources Davies honeys since be used as an instrumental could the geographical before areas certain of bees. content Davies geographical is much greater. analysis proline that be easily could of non- the geographical species used the amino acid He was able ratios. as the were the major Davies to suggest products content. proline on in 1976, Later sugar lower and honeydew, nectar acid could non-honey first the amino of samples be used to determine ratios reported survey of honey and eight samples products. of pollen. the tree. some individual suggested any loss tea that changes of amino acids 32. The use of gas chromatography amino acids and protein (1978). Battaglini and four nectar total Gilbert the United from These workers analysed of samples the Canadian the Australian acid in order Gilbert of a honey samples Argentina statistically of honey and Canada. using the canonical to show good discrimination occurred and Canada. between They observed and by omitting the free that suggested in conjunction with identification a reliable between the Argentinian be discriminated et aZ., to obtain (1981) Siddiqi of paper confirmed the She was able samples amino another of of honey using the semi-quantitative to demonstrate amino acid the presence of mass spectroscopy. such as citrulline, analyser assessment a combination Some samples were and chromatography. on the automatic technique as unusual ninty analysed electrophoresis analysed by the amino five Argentina only and could group. different of of origin. country also results method must be employed analysis technique their from Australia, groups free honey. Australia, Kingdom, Kingdom group the United the amounts of spectrum forty analysed They were able analysis. variates groups (1981) et at., four in the differences between the amino acid and twenty analysed in the proportions and that the free out by Bosi and observed not be used to characterise sample could obtained workers in the ratio content, They concluded acids. that These research amino acids, and protein of honey were carried honeydew honeys amino acid to determine technique and this used for of pipecolic Other hydroxypipecolic all samples. acid amino acids acid, technique in honey grouped kynurine 33. were identified and methyl-histidine use of be characterised on the basis proportions relative only the presence (1982) Kanematsu et aZ., ratio acid honeys vetch (AstergaZus from detected by the her technique could beekeepers with Davies and Harris analysis between (1982) of amino British found-that the was poor compared results by plotting to the identity success that the isoleucine/leucine ratio isoleucine/ the honeys acacia by use of complex that it was possible honeys. testing of from were differentiated. demonstrated acids the originating the acid could content Also By plotting ratio. and Foreign of amino acid honeys of by plotting showed that sinicus) honey and twelve origins the total Rumania and Hungary China, classify revealed from various the proline/glutamic against ratio Japan, statistical that not be distinguished. could proline/phenylalanine against leucine also ratios workers Japan and China were distinguished ratio of paper by plotting that against and acacia milk but one hundred honeys These research proline/aspartic Chinese one another, against be distinguished. the clover and to the fact owing trained analysed to demonstrate and was able amino acids electrophoresis pattern by scientifically and their patterns outlay. capital samples methods and sample could importance on the Furthermore, analyser. in the field be applied paper amounts of amino acids amino acid automatic little trace of a honey amino acid a characteristic provided R values ARG their that following obtained and chromatography electrophoresis not its of Emphasis was placed chromatography. it demonstrated She also standards. from These by the canonical to correctly researchers ratio variates method analysis 34. for the twenty five results could not be used more widely further data to test for Palma, Fontanarrosa those with conformed honeys the Japanese honeys to the addition did not (1971). contain such as season, contained honeys. hydroxyproline, and methionine They also noted in and tryptophan identified they findings their These researchers cysteine, methionine amino acids sixteen that isoleucine contained in the Australian present were not by Petrov but and threonine phenylalanine that due to factors (1982) reported and Vigil observed the Indian that which having collected without the variation the sampling and laboratory. climate, found They suggested that samples they used. in the Australian honeys. (1982) El-Sayed of aspartic amino acid certain acid. and glutamic acid This author were examined high suggested identification be used for could ratios honeys the clover samples had a relatively these and that representative, that reported content that of country of origin. (1983) Carter of honey from a single composition of that is different noted Carter also individual are negligible However, reported researcher of a unifloral also of This 1982. source the variation studied in terms of in respect considering during that honey from a mixed a mass of overall summer season composition during content that than the season. the contributions in a jar amino acid 1 to 2 Kg of pollen floral He auguatifolium. made by the pollens its the amino acid to the effect to amino acid hive in the amino acid made calculations amino acids the free namely Epilobium source the variation its in of honey composition. which is usually 35. in a hive present the twenty of sixteen honeys. of Fiji threonine in the following glutamic Robinia alanine, leucine, honeys class amounts valine, and cystine honeys, e. g. buckwheat and Phacelia. evident in dark class colour honeys methionine, and valine. sanifoin tanacetifoZia. free In contrast Chepurnoi of colour light light class proline in the than annuus), amino acid the dark of (Onobrychis (HeZianthus sunflower to those compared lysine, sp. ), was an important present asparagine, tyrosine (Tilia lime pseudoacacia, threonine that observed colour were: (.Fagopyrum sp. ) and PhaceZia buckwheat amounts, threonine, serine, honeys were: These monofloral tyrosine, the main amino acids histidine, proline, viciifoZia), honeys glutamine, phenylalanine, in highest that reported monofloral acid, in varying amounts. (1983) Chepurnoi leucine, that noted were found in lowest and cysteine the presence reported seven common amino acids They also and glycine the amino acid honey produced. Wimmer and Vakamoce (1983) Poncini, of influence most certainly the final of composition could was more colour class honeys. (1983) Campus, Madau and Solinas honeys of amino acids per constituted proline that and reported cysteine, that on average examined on average 69% of and tryptophan methionine honeys these 100g of dry matter. twenty contained They also the total six observed amino acids were present Sardinian 73.42 mg that and in very small amounts. Bonafaccia of dubious origin et aZ., (1984) contained reported less total that free commercial amino acid honey and less samples 36. than proline composition acid derivatives o-phthaladehyde of sixteen fluorescence acids the following and heath. leatherwood that could ratios, amino acid forty for five French individual honey free of amino The chromatography. workers Tasmanian clover, heath that reported They also amino acids. proline/phenylalanine be used to distinguish hydroxyproline, and gave low acids dandelion, rape, free of minutes was because This the presence These research level honey had the highest researcher twenty within of proline, imino ion-exchange acacia, This and cystine. examined of Chestnut, were: sources the sources the technique using the presence cysteine (1986) Speer and Montag samples were detected with to separate in honey. not be determined. react with yields from amino speed liquid was able of amino acids could does not o-phthaldehyde detection however, and cystine of high technique amino acids sample application, cysteine the using and fluorescence chromatography that the free samples although was similar. (1986) Barnard reported honey the genuine reported and proline/tyrosine, and German heath honeys. Honey Pollens is Pollen and adult the chief bees. Without source 1969). has been discussed in detail The chemical kinds of flowers two different The collection composition varies plant by Free species carried of pollen (1970) of pollen enormously. both the honeybee the proteins (Howells, and grow for of proteins cannot develop by the honeybee and Butler (1972). from different obtained Analysis the larval of pollen from out by Todd and Bretherick thirty (1942) 37. that revealed pollen 5% fats, about oils elements magnesium and iron were also The presence present. acids, organic of other sterols, which seven plants However, world. are a major only acid noted in the pollen of the presence six examined. was no species difference which Lotti determined pollens they in the will the presence Virtanen and pipecolic plants. reported from of high an extraordinarily sixty four (1968) in the amino acid families plant that reported content there of eleven grass examined. and Anelli (1972) using an automatic the free amino acid composition belonging and sixty of hydroxyproline and Jolliffe Shellard pollens (1964) in the pollen amount of proline they yield of pollens reported wind pollinated and Musatova Britikov (1974). in Zea mays pollen. and hydroxyproline acid (1955) and Kari hundred composition (1955) Grommer and Lunden a-aminobutyric four grain, of honey produced source the amino acid and Linskens the colour, for listed and those of Pollens The Free Amino Acids Nielsen, shown to be in detail. here be considered such as potassium, and pigments, have listed 30% carbohydrates, such as amino acids, by Stanley of pollens composition and chemical acids in detail (1984) Day and Walker constituents nucleic above have been reviewed Crane, 11% water, and waxes and mineral calcium, phosphorous, 21% proteins, contained to fourteen botanical amino acid analyser of twenty hand harvested families. These research the free amino acid nitrogen workers reported that fraction, high a 95% to of soluble up nitrogen represented content of the pollens. 38. id were the predominant ac and glutamic acid from citrus pollens that flowers. cultivar pollen stored flower (1980) McCaughey and Wintermute Gilliam,, also than of proline amounts aspartic in the amino acids These researchers higher contained that reported noted the pollen. (1980) Kauffeld in the pollen were present acids acid, lysine, arginine, tryptophan, tyrosine and valine. amino acids glycine, lysine, the technique of paper by Apis collected that reported and serine; proline norvaline, aminobutyric lysine, glutamine, acid, cysteine, arginine, serine, proline, of pollen contained (1982) showed species arginine and tyrosine. contained the that showed the monofloral pollens These research workers alanine, lysine, pollen methionine, hydroxyproline, alanine, contained leucine, and Jaglandaceae and valine; variation, aminobutyric hydroxyproline, glycine, by ten amino acids Ranunclaceae observed and valine noted and proline hydroxyproline, tryptophan threonine, Zhu and Jiang serine proline phenylalanine, contained acid, glutamic arginine, acid, in carpatica. Omipositae pollen leucine, threonine, researcher identified chromatography meUifera glutamic a year. (1981) Ceausescu and-Mosarie acid, serine, phenylalanine throughout variation considerable These amino isoleucine, This amino acids meUifera. proline, phenylalanine, methionine, ninteen aspartic hydroxyproline, histidine, glycine, by Apis collected a- and 0-alanine, were: the following showed that leucine, pollen methionine, and tyrosine. that the free in that, whereas pollen amino acid pollen of Pinus of Ginko biZoba content eUiottii contained 39. Nadezhdin (1983) et aZ., constituted approximately researchers noted free the total Siberian the the pollen (1984) Sharma and Baruch and type that than amino acids 43% of pollen larch observed amino acid contained more conifers. in wide variation from These amino acid. pollen the other of in the pollen of amino acids the free that reported ninteen the number they plants examined. (1984) Naumkin methionine, phenylalanine, and valine in the pollen (Fagopyrum buckwheat were: (Centaura sp. ), sp. ), whereas of linden (1985) amounts dmpacea in both compared reported the free to that proline cornflower (Sonchus (Archium reported in amino acids to be the poorest. amino acid of content rape pollen. in large was found ZanceoZata of Cunninghamia the pollens and ý-alanine researcher were found that sativue), burdock This that tyrosine sow-thistle to be the richest found was high Feo et aZ., hirsut=), sp. ). lysine, These plants pr-atense), and musk-thistle (1985) pollen (Raphanus was found the buckwheat Wang et aZ., ap. ), (Carduus pollen raddish plants., (EpiZobiwn codlins-and-cream leucine, the following raddish asparagine, arginine, threonine, serine, (TrifoZium red clover sp. ) and musk-thistle that proline, of of alanine, isoleucine, histidine, glycine, acid, glutamic showed the presence and Cephalotaxua was found in trace amounts (1985) examined the amino acid in the former pollen. Rayner and Langridge of bee-collected Australian pattern plants. for pollen pollen from ten indigenous These researchers from both these and sixteen noted plant that sources content exotic the amino acid indicated that, 4o. the level generally, They also requirements. in of amino acids that reported whose low concentration the pollens were above bee the amino acid had been found to be rate tryptophan limiting for the honeybee! s nutrition. Mellissopalynology The way in which dust, such as root, pollen spores yeast, of analysis 'mellissopalynology'. Typical Maurizo are Louveaux, nology found elements and other microscopical particles constituents (1980). by Maurizo the honey have been discussed these and other grains is It in honey which enter the microscopical is known as authorities on the practice and Vorwohl (1970 and 1978) of mellissopalyand Sawyer (1975). This botanical analysis microscopical origin and geographical adulteration and the extraction by LQuveaux, Mmrizo had been carried 1940. a method for pollen and reviewed in 1962. for of up-dated honey. on use a mixture (9 ml) the pollen during to the Briefly, containing sediment include for Maurizo the obtained acid after techniques period (1953) Bee Botany and this 'acetolysis' published (1970) technique established was method recommended involved (1 ml) 1930 - method was revised and Vorwohl the procedure sulphuric of honeydew, was demonstrated analysis of honey and this Louveaux, to This the reveals the presence the pre-war method of melissopalynology (1978) later analysis also only (1970 and 1978). Commission The International the present of in Europe out but techniques. and Vorwohl the development Much of of honey not the addition and acetic centrifugation anhydride (2,500 revolutions 41. of honey diluted per minute) and the resulting and the mixture supernatant the procedure procedures This step. acidic plants of acetolysis step structures and Iverson, and fifty four of pollen most wide of recorded the presence in honey samples he examined. (Rubus) raspberry/blackberry Chaubal and Deodikar bee plants from the western determined the during honey of the An extensive list of of regions seasonal in the pollen hundred the source six species that the Isles (Prunuslpyrus), fruit (CaUuna). an extensive India. minor morphological and accessory These researchers in the pollen honey flows grains the British the British out of in sixty some major, variation successive of He reported and heather grains from on eight repens), (1965) carried of pollen characterisation complex matter, to establish sources M-ifotium clover clarification or lignin analysis author in 1952 were the White by a of honey produced samples spread archaeology, acetolysis extraneous in order honey these succeeded of honey important a medium containing 1975). out pollen carried supernatant are many variations or cellulose survey extensive This of honey. also the removal (Faegri Deans(1957) Isles, some cases components In the first and this Usually in soil in was re-suspended such as fossils, science. present centifuged to accommodate various investigations involves at There chiefly or in 0 70 C, was mixed with to mounting. are preceeded 3: 5) to remove carbohydrates, and detergent, and forensic allergy pollen sediment sediment of palynological aspects This water prior glycerine/gelatin in was then and the final decanted was (w/v water incubated removed. of distilled a mixture with composition in the annual which were identified cycle. has 42. been presented. also (1969) Howells honeys and reported source of pollen in 18% of 15% of in 64% of samples. important most difficult identification Prunuslpyrus level species (1972) Lieux in fifty four commercial easily types, this Berchemia Sawyer (1975) twenty eight the major individual analysed samples of common pollen grains honey that samples throughout in This author reported of Louisiana were by pollen geographically honey plants from predominantly-TrifoZium grains of one hundred in England. and He described are characteristic of the countries. Adams, Smith and Townsend (1979) of types pollen and'SaZix. the pollen imported an exact and complicated different The major scandens as the honey. regions family, with samples. However, honeys. pollen of honey pollens filtering eight Louisiana the Fabaceae were of Rubus, repens, fifty in a few instances. except region of from one another distinguished ranked the level. from different the honeys collected that also was more demanding practice identified third the classification family the plant as a major by Brassica ranked 48% of with that by the commercial further not However, source occurred followed samples Prunus/pyrus reported at at the two Welsh seventy repens While secondary James (1969) was not the TrifoZium that the samples. the from the pollens examined of nectar a season. the honey samples shaken from the combs at These researchers collected at carried out frequent identified the end of the analysis pollen intervals thirteen season, taxa whereas 43. total a cumalative In this of of way they were able the nectar (1981) Adams and Smith pattern of pollen with indicator a sole using key index has described fifty four key for the pollen grains species, describing their Weber (1982) electron grains belonging orange honeys from out the other the citrus. orange nectar. of eight size, the East samples these source and of The further analysis simple as shape, coast of contained samples that and also a scanning the presence Quercus Spain. because Only three large iZex the tricolporate of group as orange of plant section. more Quercus contained four number and type, aperture identify and an identification and thirty microscope in honey two hundred and the exine to method of present of given were considered Weber concluded blossom the variations the need for grains to the Fagaleae, the eleven season. of of pollen of one hundred in order pollen samples indicated He has also used a light microscope picture be beneficial. a relatively features and structural surface would of pollen grains. pollen nectar and microphotographs cards samples. source. identification microscopical active a study the reliability of floral Sawyer (1981) that therefrom at present to justify investigations its over season of a given such information of the nectar a much more complete suggested honey derived the associated lack to obtain used by a colony sources in two were found sixty in eleven honey honeys whereas pollen than sweet quantities smell of of citrus 44. (1982) Porras of one hundred This Spain. botanical researcher Erica of one hundred spectrum samples pollen grains were the most frequent pollen grains were: TrifoZium The Rosaceae group saZix spp.; spp.; Apiaceae able to explain and MipenduZa the The Brassicaceae These type. hybridium, and TrifoZium Prunus, MaZus, Sorbus These researchers uZwria. in variation seasonal the whole representing 1977 and 1978. is, that were the-pollen and abundant repens examined content. analysed in the years area of Finland beekeeping pollen (1982) and sixty of Aracena, to the EuCaZyptus, The honeys types. and Koivulehta Sierra the the most characteristic by their as evaluated the sediments of from belonged survey and Echium pollen Helnuis Varis, that reported of honey origin of nectar spectrum samples of honey obtained species Cistus, the pollen studied were caused by weather spectrum conditions. (1983) Feller-Demalsy examined samples of honey from Quebec, in 1977 and 1978. most frequently (hybridium repens), and/or Moar (1985) Canada, author represented SoUdago, pratense, SaZix in these Vicia sp. (White is clover) to bees in New Zealand secondary and minor honey. This TrifoZium sp. on one hundred He reported nectar occurred researcher species TrifoZium were: analysis the most important pollen the pollen Rubus ep., and MeZiZotus its and type. honeys four and sixty had been collected that cracca, out pollen carried which reported samples of New Zealand ninteen repens This one hundred that and Trifolium source available as a dominant, found that there were 45. generally in floral in honeydew honey than by bees for district pollen identification careful of flora knowledge of Pollens Pollen from different size, taken into that grains (the (Sawyer, if the those (Fir) of in considerably have to be The smallest pollen the AVosotis arvensis are only 6 Mm in up to 145 pm in occurring due to their Castanea size from the the small size. size, after sterile grains mean that the Moreover, of AVosotis arvensis, and Mimosa pudia officinale Whereas, are known on the other may be due to the bees deliberately 'under-representation' (Howells; pollen was collected. grains in honeys. to be 'over-represented' almost does not two plants pollen Cynoglossum sativa, the pollen two different same number of same amount of nectar are analysis. in a honey sample this to be found pollen vary 1981). However, off upon a sound background with These grains are the Abies. within were dependent These variations in honey are are found be determined could plants pollen common forget-me-not). The largest are during from of New Zealand. shape and structure. account wind in Honey The Characteristics their honey originating together and vegetation grains was that noted such deductions but analysis plants and Coprosma were worked that of New Zealand of pollen Also plantain Moar observed pollen. a particular from wind pollinated honey. such as grass, plants pollinated limits derived more pollen-types collecting 1969). the nectar, In some citrus and hence only ten those varieties to twenty hand dusting (Lime) of Tilia the anthers percent of the 46. citrus Robinia pseudoacacia, 1970 and 1978). and Vorwohl, (Weinmannia) Maurizo (Thymus vuZgaria, thyme in New Zealand were under-represented and kamahi in New Zealand were over-represented EpZiZobium (Louveaux, from manuka (Liptospermum) Whereas pollen of Curcurbitaceae, from The pollens (Knightia) and rewarewa honey. Banksia, chamaencrion, The pollens sample. are known to be under-represented and Rosmarinus citrus in a honey may be present pollen (Moar, honey 1985). Honey Adulteration Honey being essentially in price than other higher or fructose leads Under this broad heading adverse processing conditions, and finally delibrate essences. sold in the four in lead Various the extent developed trades. defects the literature the production practices important The various flavourl to the lowering of of were aimed at these or of these adulterated deliberately for the catering 1. with Reports aspects of defects been shown. Usually these of honey. the quality practices. the addition glucose to the various have been developed techniques syrup, associated have been shown in Figure of honey have also and degree fructose aspects temptation one can group of water, honeys a 'honey pertaining to the to distinguish the artificial as such to provide and confectionary found is as honey from made and sold each of It now much bad practice addition of high and especially syrups artificial solution agents misrepresentation, by the beekeeper sugar sweetening adulteration. of possible products a flavoured and utilized At first of acid inverted to determine the technique syrups. The 47. FIGURE 1 Defects in the production of honey Invert Adulteration [deliberate] I sugar (A) NN, --ýHigh-fructose corn Excessive storage Processing [adverse] Total heating (C) pollen Blending via (B) syrup and prolonged (D) removal machinery Defects Foreign honey as English admixture of both (E) resentation or an *11 Addition Excessive of (F) flavours sugar feeding (G) Beekeeping [bad management] honey may not A sample from Nigeria found to be molasses donated by a visiting than honey. rather Represents the appropriate page. on the following reference list be unifloral student was can be found (I) 48. List of references for Figure 1 A- Wiley (1892) Shannon (1916) Sherwood (1924) B= Doner and White (1977) White and Doner (1978) (1979) Doner, White and Philips (1979) Kushnir White (1979) White and Robinson (1983) Kanematsu (1983) C= Schade, Marsh and Eckert (1958) White, Kushnir and Subers (1964) Hase et aZ., (1973) White (1980a) (1980) White and Siciliano D= Hicks (1969) general commercial practice for many products In the case of honey so as to enhance sales appeal. by pollen of identification removes possibility analysis. E- (1981) Siddiqi Sawyer (1975) F= Croft G- Siddiqi (1980) (1981) 49. resorcinol (Fiche) have since then been intensively of the levels of invert at high storage of the amount of for the purpose reported free relatviely corn (Mermelstein, enzymes honeys. in honey. atomic This with is because by using 1975). Instrumental the presence a highly method utilizes to detect (1978) two dimensional A method has become predominant This that the presence (Horwitz, 12 13 mass and 1980). are of honey have been et aZ., and in bulk to determine mass spectrometer of syrup that filtered, inconsistent reported paper invert or thin sugar. (HFCS) has become a major honey adulterant. cheaply factors of misrepresentation during by Louveauxt the honey was naturally and botanical Maurikos of honey suggested either in honey adulterated fructose and developed that The measurement the extraction These researchers amino acids chromatography of possible 1978). the honey had been excessively by Sawyer (1975). High 1964 and White, indicate in the detection layer Marsh and Eckert, have been reported involved patterns the honey analysis The, apicultural of that of pollen or that or sugar-fed. during or (Schade, heating increase during sediment in pollen levels of addition was due to This obtained (1970). The measurements as an indication temperatures and Subers, (1911) te'st sediment and Vorwohl low amounts of poor and modified. ambient to excessive Kushnir White, Maurizo studied to be inadequate. have proven has been subjected 1958, (Feder) the hydroxymethy1furfural that prolonged and aniline of hydroxymethy1furfural syrup the fact (1908) Test source HFCS can be produced immobilised isomerase glucose methods have been examined of HFCS in adulterated in the detection specialised of stable of HFCS isotope carbon ratio isotopes 50. In order of isotopes to explain to briefly review three-carbon obtained from corn (C ), 4 biochemical current the the major (C plants (maize) In C3 plants carboxylase compound is immediately compound, converted cycle. cells oxaloacetate, dioxide above from then (Prince, (Prince, the carbon In this 1983). bound first six-carbon the three- taken up by of is case the Co2 is dioxide The immediate cells. This cells therein. molecule to reform-phosphoenolpyruvate enters up by taken 1983). dioxide carbon the mesophyll to the chloroplasts the is The resulting compound oxaloacetate. transferred enzyme releases (1983). the assimilation to two molecules in the mesophyll present and thence plant first by the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate bound to phosphoenolpyruvate then in syrup corn by the enzyme ribulose-1,5-diphosphate the Kartschak-Hatch-Slack is fructose Here the CO is 2 cycle. the atmospheric the four-carbon the honeybee of dioxide carbon 3-phosphoglycerate In C4 plants is is in the chloroplasts. present carboxylase of nectar high the and 3) the atmospheric to ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carbon sources as used by Edwards and Walker Bassham-Benson-Calvin the is necessary dioxide. carbon of atmospheric it theory. in the C3 and C4 plants The differences can be measured, which is known to be a four-carbon the terminology using in utilization in a mass spectrophotometer, expensively is known that It are 12 and 13 by plants of carbon very although is a difference there that Bassham-Benson-Calvin product compound oxaloacetate to the bundle sheath' 'A decarboxylating bound to form The released cycle the carbon as described 51. 12 is the remainder (0/oo) contains isotope Walker, enzyme ribulose-1,5-diphosphate co net is of -25.4 corn 0 /oo with has a6 syrup -9.80/oo. a6 13 fructose Serra of The 13 C value 13 a6 C value 13 honey has a6 with C value and high a range fructose to of -9.5 method can be used to detect corn syrup. Invert and Walker, These are: and high it since has 1983). to detect honey adulterated layer the thin pressure sugar liquid chromatography chromatography 1983). applied of honey with and sugar enabled methy1furfural a level 1979) and Gomez (1986) adulteration sugar with been developed syrup. corn (Kushnir, et aZ.,, These methods at (Edwards of -11.00/oo the against a6 be distinguished cane can also methods have also (Kanematsu detect with that 1987). of -9.70/oo fructose gel on silica C value high C value Other with 13 known with to -27.40/oo of -22.5 isotope from'sugar high a range Hence the carbon honey adulterated produced is per carboxylase. sugar (1978 ) showed that and Doner White abundance discriminates produce 1983 and Croft, CO and 2 as parts It produce the C4 plants (Prince, of -9.00/oo 1983). 13 isotope the C expressed carboxylase the C3 plants that whereas of -28.30/oo in the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate than more 2 effect 6 13 Since 1% approximately ratio (Edwardsand the C3 and C4 plants enrichment. The differences CO 2* by the expressed thousand dioxide carbon atmospheric 13 between in the phenomenon known as isotope results is in the metabolism difference This products four different different methods sugar the determination were: the detection 5% or more; four of the adulterant invert sugar to products. of hydroxy- adulterant common glucose syrup at a 53. in honey from New Zealand (1966), and White Karaka Scott II in of British the province honey honey sample. (1973) has extensively listed has and the to the graynotoxin of Grouse Mountain These two compounds was which literature the reviewed the reported honeys by animals of I (andromedotoxin) on toxic the consumption symptoms after and humans. (1975) Jachimowic, z and El-sherbiny per invert that reported 30 mg of hydroxymethylfurfural containing from nectar poisonous in Canada. Colombia in this of poisonous toxic was only the region to graynotoxin related are closely White that the presence reported in a honey sample from found and Turner and Clinch reported caevigata) (1971) et aZ., and III not (1968) by Hodges studied bees. worker adult Palmer-Jones (Corynocarpus tree (1968) and Clinch Turner (1968 and 1975). have been extensively sugar 100g of honey was honeybee. fed the to when and Corner Neufeld Majak, of AstragaZus v. miser serotinus glycocide a nitropropanol which (1980) reported was found resulted that the nectar to contain in a misertoxin, the poisoning of the honeybees. (1981) White has reviewed and identification has described experimental of these toxic of the toxic literature and human subjects. compounds, that gelsemine, on the occurrence compounds in honey. symptoms of poisoning animals anhydroandromedol, given. the the by these This compounds in The structure is, acetylandromedol, tutin and hyenanchin author of six andromedol, have also been 54., (1982) Atkins of the honeybees (AescuZus buckeye death sp. ), MýZochin western aZbum), henbane (Eyoscyamus With increased the insects deter to have similar liable also these with of crops colony insecticides on the honeybee Baird Homan and and Apart honey tasting. source honey is also individual bitter toxic are The spraying honeybees or The effects of (1984) by Arzone these compounds in flavours characteristics and aroma which (Ligustr-um taste are due to Isles In the British sp. ) has been described is low concentrations, and aroma or bitter by the honeybees. (Senecio flavour of of collected honey from privet have a distinctly of crops must be carried or minimised. to unpleasant The main origins from ragwort destruction to (1983). subject of nectar the hippocastanwn) hybrids. have been studied from the presence to have a strong Also, of is negligible the honeybee chestnut or pesticides rate the mortality so that (Veretum (AescuZus on the honeybee. effects insecticides subnerticiUata), and insecticides use of pesticides cause damage and/or that (AstragaZus hellebore sp. ) and its (Rhododendron and rhododendrons horse summer arrowgrass (AscZepias caZifornicum), niger), sp. ), locoweeds seaside milkweed (Veretum hellebore (Cuscuta racimifZora), whorled the california (SoZanum nigrum), shade night (KaZmia ZatifdZia), rwritima), false out (CyriZZa of poisoning the plants are: dodder venenosus), laurel mountain black caZifornica), or leather-wood titi listed These plants to them. carnas(Zygadenus the effects and has also by pesticides are poisonous which in detail has discussed by Howes (1979) somewhat nauseous. ) has been described sp. and was quoted to be quite to uneatable. 55. (1976) Further, it flavours and aroma are often lost when crystallisation Howes (1979) also noted was pointed are completed. to have caused has been reported limes working such as TiZia flowering orbicuZaris annuus, taste by Crane, (Crane, 1980) and processing tomentosa In other season. honeys lime flavours, plant strong sources and TiZia parts from Agave, sativa and other offensive amongst honeybees TiZia and Castanea to have unpleasant been reported a bitter in the these honeydew from fatalities Australia, jacobaea Senecio that that petioZaris, late Americas, Europe, world, out by Hooper of the Hezianthus species have aroma and possess have been listed (1984). Day and Walker AIMS 1. To determine chemical selected show the variation of components such compounds with of honey and to floral or geographical source. 2. The determination use of information this in highly even 3. The correlation pollen 4. analysis To explore detect amino acids to aid strained and with the possible of honey and the identification pollen-free of chemical adulteration, of honey. the free of samples. methods computer as to source with the traditional predictions. uses of chemical misrepresentation identification and gross to mishandling EXPERIMENTAL CHAPTER 2 56. EXPERIMENTAL CHAPTER 2 Equipment Amicon Standard filter to exclude cell No. 402, material below tank, Electrophoresis 10,000 daltons PAGE and 'tent' Instruments Ltd., Olympus FHT microscope fitted Carnerley, used to record TSM1 Multisampler Technicon Instruments from Technicon Gel scanner Ltd., sp8-500 PYE UNICAM Ltd., bottles Plastic (UK) Ltd., Unit through (London). Gallenkamp adaptors Hailton Nebraska, analyser Close,, X10 eyepiece and was of X400. recommended magnification Spectrophotometer York head, microscope Model UA-5 was purchased UV/VIS chromatank Surrey. amino acid Company, Lincoln, Specialities with at the grains pollen were were purchased from triocular with Olympus OM2 camera was fitted 'Shandon' tanks, X10 and X40, were purchased and objectives weight molecular 400V 'Shandon' the power pack, output vokam and Shandon Southern and a UM10 membrane unit High Wycombe, Bucks. from Amicon Ltd., purchased filtration was purchased Hants. Basingstoke, from Instrumentation Ti. S. A. PYE Unicam was purchased from Cambridge. Street, (100 mls) 2, Broad Lane, were purchased Cottenham, from Kartell Plastics Cambridge. Materials Normal distilled listing laboratory chemicals of analytical water were used as required. of chemicals used. These were: reagent quality Given below is a partial and 57. Bovine 30 - 50 units a-galactosidase-activity, and Folin. grade V free Invertase serum albumin, 's reagent Ciocalteau. of per mg of were purchased catalase Bakers solid, from and yeast Sigma Chemical Company, London. NON'-methyl-bis-acrylamide, Acrylamide, Blue Coomassie Brilliant N, N', N", N"I-tetr;;. Black were purchased Laboratory from Hopkin courtesy and arrangements who also made a donation Many of the honeys received donated All Appendix towards of the cost origin Buckinghamshire. and Basic Health, provided of the fushin Essex. the through Beekeepers Association These survey survey. 1 lb jars were samples by Manley and provided of various or by retail the honey samples grade Chadwell, were samples foreign Other according analar were and provenance. by named individuals I. Colubrook, made by the British as shipped oxford. Berinsfield, Ltd., and Williams, known origin of were samples containers and 0-mercaptoethanol 12B, propanr2-ol Most of the honeys bulk Poole. methylenediamine purchased from Koch Light Napthalene Ltd., sulphate, (Na) 50 Mech Us - 50-X8.20 and Dowex resin from BDH Chemicals were purchased sodium dodecyl received to the label taken Ratcliffe from the Ltd., honeys were either purchase. were catalogued or information and listed in provided. METHODS Preparation All of Honey Samples for the honey samples apart which was stored Honey samples that from the China Buckwheat, Code No. 209, at 40C, were stored were received Analysis at room temperature, in pieces of 0 18 - 22 C. combs or containing comb 58. fragments and wax were first thorough were solid upon receiving Preparation required honey when received above all most of it had crystallised. placed in an oven maintained through. a layer honey was then strained on the sieve cloth honey was left The remaining Both these portions original until The debri Before overnight. to ensure that all This the crystalline on the sieve cloth was discarded. China buckwheat honey were pooled and of strained in ten plastic containers cleaned plastic container. collected This honey was crystallised temperature, the honey was again stirred honey had dissolved. four hours. to break up the crystals. thoroughly at this was container plastic twenty and wax, and of mesh and*bench cloth. and the remaining warmed at 550C and stirring pound plastic comb fragments This 0 at 45 C, for a fifty in bees and bee fragments, container straining 400C with at warming gentle of the China buckwheat Honey (Code No. 209) contained semi-solid or the crystals. The China buckwheat debris or creamed had crystallised Those samples that stirring. to dissolve stirring could be any analysis Also those samples which were soft-set performed on them. required before strained (500 mls), and the remainder This honey was then stored in its 40C at required. Prep ration of the United Kingdom survey honeys These honey samples were received Those samples that were received of combs and wax were first samples were strained within strained through beaker (100 mls) and then left in plastic pieces before a mesh cloth containers (100 mls). of combs or with being placed analysed. over in an oven maintained fragments These the mouth of a 0C for 40 at an hour. 59. Crushing the combs with straining Occassionally process. it comb and honey on the mesh cloth. remained on it honey that the residue honey was then This strained (100 mls). bottle the the crushed The comb fragments with Honey samples that were as described were treated or crystalline soft-set to stir was necessary were discarded. in a clean plastic collected facilitated the aid of a glass rod often being above before analysed. honey was donated This its during which conditions A portion received mimicked those and thereafter with storage gentle heating this and this that ensured with manipulated the honey was subjected or no overall to on the honey's effect sample when received minutes of following after the was the normal one-third followed portion and then previously. allowed the honey was warmed at from the aid to settle 0C 60 for the hive by the commercial of honey after to room temperature Then the honey was strained out with These conditions extraction at 40C was equilibrated as described amount of honey total conditions. by the beekeeperv This honey was carried to three hours. bottling. two hours. strained After encountered of period to the processing before from removal was carefully to one-third equivalent was subjected producer have little would who upon request OC. 4 at stored combs it and composition consistituents Croft was done so that This heating. minimal by Dr. from the removal Honey (Code No. 261) Chorley of English Preparation through Vigorous over cheese cloth stirring of the about two of a spatula for for of one hour. a period a period of twenty four a 60. The remaining the heat treated of identification honey will Chorley Whereas the not heat treated of the honeys of the Brassica appearance the China buckwheat. or crystalline soft-set fragrance of of flowers to the strong fermentation some of honeys Nearly with by sensory pale samples samples blossom, of in the some of ranged black of were either from a gentle the light sugar pleasing colour honeys. The sign fed samples and in colour smell of hydroxymethy1furfural characteristic brown almost were liquid. dark honeys by the distinct the bulk The crystalline white especially the and foreign examination. received a few that only unpleasant the U. K. survey of to the dark the all and fruit was evident Evaluation from a soft the aroma of the In general, honey, ranged Chorley Code No. 261. original samples were determined portion one-third of English portion and odour treated to by the Code No. 261a. Analysis-and appearances and commercial colours the heat two-third Subjective The colour, was not above was used as a control be referred to by its be referred honey will described just honey that Chorley sample. For the purpose of English the English of to the conditions subjected for two-thirds of alcohol. was evident in An odour some commercial samples. The honey samples were not building pipetting especially or tasting Furthermore, the different designed tasted for as the radioactive laboratory analysis was within and any mouth was forbidden. considerable experience aromas and flavours. was required in recognising a 61. An example of the questionnaire beekeepers is given in Appendix II and their and 6 have been given No. 2,3,4,5 The Isolation to the participating sent under and Concentration. to questions replies their appropriate sections. in Honey of Proteins Ultrafiltration The basic passage achieved Amicon Standard 10,000 pressure of proteins present protein (Code No. 194), Positive on the separation above a solution membrane filter by in honey was achieved nitrogen pressure Model 402 of 400 ml capacity, honeys from whose molecular content; Canada (199), the in an fitted with weight exclusion a Staffordshire foreign and commercial samples were these samples were: Australia Banksia. Chile (214), Polyflora. (222), Mexico Yucatan (227) , New Zealand pure This sizes. daltons. Representative examined pore membrane which of molecular using cell, UM10 semi-permeable for This and macromolecules. a positive ultrafiltration accelerated from a daltons membrane. The concentration is range low of soluble 10,000 than micromolecules of a defined by applying semi-permeable limit less is based on the use of a controlled separation permits both the separation those components containing solution is principle weight molecular involved (229) , Hungary Yellow Box (246) and English (248). Procedure The procedure a few modifications. diluted with used by Bergner and Diemar A sample of honey 0.033M sodium phosphate (25g) buffer (1975a) was followed was weighed (50 mls) with out and then at pH 6.5. 62. This honey mixture pressure square of four inch) of buffer hundred This that including macromolecules The solution the reducing of 10 mls. This of less This protein and the weight dried 10,000 daltons of the solid iti This components had been removed. to a from honey was then product in vacuo was noted. the presence of hygroscopicity the process filtrate was concentrated concentrate was stored residue to prevent pentoxide soluble cell cell solution. and other than the until Benedict's with the Amicon-standard within freeze-dried was repeated sugars (20 mls) in the Amicon standard solution process pounds per Portions cylinder. A cell. (sixty Pascals a nitrogen on testing result indicated volume using were added when the gave a negative kilo and four-teen was applied 10 to 15 mls. reached to the Amicon standard was transferred of phosphorous and microbial contamination. It in order was found to perform necessary to minimize the of bacterial the risk filtration at 40C process contamination the honey of solution. Estimation Quantitative of Proteins Ultrafiltration of in Residues from Honey The Lowry Method Proteins presence when reacted of alkaline tungstic tungstate mixed acid and/or and involves copper (1951) by Lowry et aZ., the Folin-Ciocalteau's with that solutions, bring about by the loss is, a reduction of up to three molybdate ions. following chemical This mixed species: reagent under of the given conditions the phosphomolybdic- oxygen acid in is atoms from the final the chromagen 63. 10H 3H O-P -13Wo3*5Moo3o 2 205 20 and 4Moo 10H 3H O-P -14WO 2 205 3* 20 3' is The result reduced species the production have a characteristic which 750 rm and Xmin 405 rm). The copper bonds of the proteins the peptide to the mixed of electrons of the amino acid of of one or more of several the proteins. acid functional Hence, thereby chromagen, protein-serum albumin Solution as standard form It (X 745 max , chelates with facilitating the transfer particularly in is alter the sensitivity in for concentration to use a soluble conventional (Peterson, the vicinity 1979). and reagents solutions A consisted O. lM sodium hydroxide present as the amino acids each protein,. of colour Thus increasing groups. so does the response. Preparation ions blue possible 2% (w/v) of bisodium carbonate dissolved in solution. of, l% (W/V) copper sulphate . of 2% (w/v) sodium potassium Solution B1 consisted Solution B2 consisted Reagent B was obtained by mixing equal Reagent C was obtained by mixing solution volumes (CuSO 5H 0). 4' 2 tartarate. of B1 and solution B2. the ratio 50: 1 (v/v) Reagent reagent with and was freshly D was obtained by mixing 2 volumes of water. A with reagent B by made when required. 1 volume of Folin-Ciocalteau's 64. Procedure (1951) The method of Lowry et aZ., was used to"prepare (5 mls) water 5 mls. and each 1 ml (0.5 Aliquotes the protein reagent reagent D (0.5 stand read at a wavelength protein were also for thirty values A standard calibration measurements for in the diluted the standard of each -Furthermore, and for honey 500 M, at wavelength This was no protein, was done to check at the 500 nm measurements, by plotting standards the against The concentration ultrafiltration their of proteins were obtained from of Proteins in Honey Electrophoresis Proteins groups 0.04 was obtained after but concentration to allowed curve. The Detemination Disc-Gel reagents each of the protein honey residues being adding a spectrophotometer, values. that solutions, the absorbance of 750 =. to were mixed with After than from diluted 0 23 C, before at all of less curve known concentration appropriate is, determined of concentration accuracy diluted minutes, that at a wavelength re-read absorbance for at 20 ug per ml absorbance samples with ten minutes the range in distilled was further solution of 500 nm using standards and dissolved immediately. to a blank, relative solution for serum albumin of the residues and honey concentrates and mixing at room temperature covering of each of these and left ml) standards was weighed of this mls) standards C (5 mls) Bovine Portions per ml. (0.1g) of honey ultrafiltration for of protein 20 to 260 ug of protein from is, a series was used. always projecting contain amino acid from the polypeptide residues structure with acidic and these and basic polar groups 65. ionise in aqueous solutions. charge on'the on the chains side The term relative such as net factors free formed pore sizes that concentration, by varying on these and then media. blue the presence of only can be produced is, the degree the degree calibration. of acrylamide a co-monomer methylenebis- occurs is added as an accelerator. the of polymerisation referred total acrylamide length or chain through of cross-linking by or other riboflavin by varying as a acts initiation after is and bisacrylamide. mixed polymers changing Electrophoresis to as polyacrylamide the carried gel (PAGE). electrophoresis Protein The effect by the polymerisation from ammonium persulphate, of acrylamide proportions a suitable by prior N, N, N", N"'-tetramethylenediamine compounds. and also formed factors including cross-linking. be determined Polymerisation cross-linking Different are function and gel and relative (CH2 w CO-NH-CH *NH-CO-CH - CH which 2 2) agent. radicals size, of migration known as electrophoresis. is applied a complex can only gels (BIS) acrylamide is CH-CONH in 2) (CH monomer 2n is molecular Polyacrylamide out field direction their electrodes, mobility charge, these of all the when an electric mobility the solution, The process the protein. of surface towards of the protein the depend on the number and pKa of the various will protein pH for At any given movement in protein destaining stain individual dye can be measured is such as napthalene by thorough Thus the relative gels washing of detected black and after or coomassie each gel with movement of the proteins before by staining staining with blue the appropriate to the bromophenol (Smith, 1976). 66. of buffers Preparation Electrophoresis (28.8g) amine buffer dissolved of Tris(hydroxymethyl)-methyl- consisted in distilled to a final water of 100 mls volume at pH 8.5. (0.38M Gel buffer in distilled dissolved pH 8.9) tris-HC1, (50 mls) water consisted (4.5g) tris of to pH 8.9 and then and adjusted 100 to mls. up made Procedure of Sargent The procedure dissolved were (0.1428g) in tetramethylene and filtered. Polymerisation This prepared solution gel 0.5 to within 7% (w/v) vertical Distilled water was then and also air completed when a distinct division gel below. These tubes buffer. care The water to exclude Electrical air connections carefully in into layered a flat appeared between of a (1 ml). placed with were so arranged the upper that gel so as to The process and gel from the bottom in a serum caps. above the in the tubes electrophoresis was removed and replaced were then was mixed were maintained surface. minutes bubbles the ends sealed thirty layer solution by the addition These tubes to obtain was, normally, N, N1, N", N"'- of ammonium persulphate lower their with (99 mls). pipetted top. a with and N, N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide was catalysed solution cm from the was followed was added and the was carefully position exclude buffer gel (30 ul) diamine freshly (6.28g) Acrylamide few modifications. (1975) and George of gelling formation water was evident layer by the electrophoresis tank electrophoresis of each of the upper the and the taking tubes. surface of the 67. tube was the cathode. (0.01g) 0.05% (w/v) under This then transferred 7% acetic for acid Detection for gel of Honey initially the increased blue tube by the of gels the were 12B (w/v) black gel was carefully acid became clear. the protein bromophenol of one hour. 10% acetic in acid so as to circumference The stained 10% acetic to allow The cast and the The The distance solution. length were oxidase and gel in honey samples was investigated as described of marker with'napthalene black used as an indicator about on Polyacrylamide of enzymes such as diastase, electrophoresis bring was performed a period destained containing Enzyme Activity the application will of each gel. The presence invertase and a drop of napthalene minutes. bands, for round solution in were stored moved by the protein measured not glycerol and syringe. and then water The regions gels water needle thirty of this were removed from the, gels forcing and 100 jil was then per tube of (5 mls), 50 volts at The voltage to a staining distilled in washed solution. current of 4 milliamps of with Electrophoresis solution. the gel. involved water one drop with blue a hypodermic using cast destained in distilled electrophoresis gel in from ultrafiltration of constant a current After rimming. The residue bromophenol conditions maintain (250 mls). together sample to enter the was filled Was dissolved was applied solution compartment buffer electrophoresis honey Each buffer was not for carried the presence the reduction glucose by performing that above except dye bromophenol of Gels blue out. stage and staining Instead or absence the yellow the polyacrylamide picric of the acid picric of glucose. acid involving gels was Glucose to the 68. orange red picramic glucose During acid. is glucose oxidase, resulting from the catalytic invertase on their Hence, after action of the enzyme consumed where as glucose is a by-product action substrates the enzymes diastase of starch and in either 0C for a period sucrose at 37 gels 1% solutions of one hour. of commonly used in biochemistry laboratories incubated in their distilled and washed with honey sample. carbohydrate These gels were as described solution carbohydrate solution two drops of 4M sodium hydroxide was added. at 600C for to the the gels and picric this period solution. acid and of picric The tubes in a water bath acid were warmed gently After twenty minutes. above. solution water to remove excess carbohydrate polution or sources were also applied These gels were then immersed in a dilute containing glucose or other the gels were removed from their incubation After appropriate starch, Also samples of the enzymes from microorganisms own and also mixed with the honey containing mentioned above were obtained gels on their and respectively. sucrose, the replicate electrophoresis were incubated proteins the catalytic of warming the tubes were bath from the water and the changes in colour removed on the gels in the form of bands were noted. Sulphate-Polyacrylamide Sodium Dodecyl detergents By including during fractionation, proteins'that gel resolution results with pH, in a 1% SDS solution bind are obtained and most importantly to molecular are now proportional electrophoresis most proteins such as sodium dodecyl better electrophoresis Gel Electrophoresis SDS will which be referred was also to SDS and dissociate, (SDS) sulphate in terms the ability of of The polyacrylamide weight. to as SDS-PAGE. OAM with disulphide the respect At neutral to mercaptoethanol, linkages are broken 69. by the mercaptoethanol, secondary subunits of protein consisting is structure lost and the complexes and SDS assume a random-coil configuration. Protein in treated shape and an identical SDS bound per unit than rather weight effective molecular sieving is charge related property of the separation enabling for to molecular of molecules for (Sargent by the SDS Thus the because the of can be obtained ranging weight 10% T cross-linking 5% T cross-linking SDS per g the amount of size of molecular the residues. weight pore of determined By varying gel. the desired daltons lo, 000 to 100,000 the fact in because 1.4g the amino acid of only is constant: is on the protein and bisacrylamide acrylamide is have a uniform they This to mass ratio. of protein the intrinsic mobility daltons charge The charge of protein. way behave as though this to 20,000 from to 350,000 1975 and Smith, and George, 1976). Preparation of buffer Gel buffer and solutions consisted 0.2% sodium dodecyl sample buffer sulphate buffer solution N, N'-methylene-bis-acrylamide water 5% acrylamide solution at pH 7 and together consisted with at pH 7 1% 0-mercaptoethanol. gel buffer of buffer diluted 1: 1 with water. Acrylamide distilled of 0.01M sodium phosphate consisted Electrophoresis buffer sulphate. dodecyl 1% sodium and distilled of 0.2M sodium phosphate 1: 1 with (100 mls) solution distilled (10V consisted (0.6g) and stored of acrylamide both these in a dark was prepared water. of (22.2g) were dissolved brown bottle by diluting and the in at 40C. 10% acrylamide 70. Procedure The procedure for (4 mls) a period ethanol (0.05g) for and this of two hours, to ensure the disulphide was found it dissolved two hours, were also and deareated. (25 pl) cast followed a constant After This of honey incubated and then gel 0C 37 at (13.5 solution (1.5 solution and English as described mls) freshly mls) and was activated Chorley current were then of forty Then the current of 6 milliamps and the electrophoresis brilliant was measured. blue applied of honey (1.25g) blue solution to the gels. at a constant minutes honeys above and also from ultrafiltration was performed a period moved by the marker of coomassie by $-mercapto- the honey proteins. in a drop of 0.05% bromophenol Electrophoresis the gel. at described. a drop of glycerol, to enter (I ml) 0C 37 by N, N', N", N""-tetramethylenediamine thoroughly. of raw honey and residues for cleavage solution of sample buffer per tube complete sample suitable. 261 and 261a were prepared with was incubated 1% ammonium persulphate as previously each mixed with solution acrylamide and mixed in from ultrafiltration residues a few with dissolved (15 m1s) was mixed with was added, Solutions was followed (2g) bonds present in sample buffer Gel buffer prepared that (1969) raw honey that was suitable of all Moreover, was found It modifications. buffer of Weber and Osborn per tube for removal of The gels dissolved (100 Ul) the gels, of sample four hours. the distance were stained in 2 milliamps of so as to maintain a period the were together to allow was increased solutions similar current in order Code Nos. a mixture in a solution of 50% 71. methanol (454 mls) and glacial acetic This being a mixture solution. (50 methanol mls) and water (895 mls). the regions were made until solution of glacial Then the length became clear. The resolution of the gels. bands were also measured from the top of the stained close together, of 0.1 cm were clearly visible. the position moved by the leading accuracy ±0.1 Gel is, that separated by a distance and trailing band. edges of the protein of distances the distances by averaging was obtained The moved by the bands was on average cm. scanning The destained tubes were rubber with manual. a speed distilled the of 6.33 scanner, The tubes mm per then minute. the this gel were at the then sealed gel were then the top scanner tubes by values of the placed gels entering to warm manufacturers 560 nm and for and with was allowed a wavelength The absorbance the of tubes bubbles no air tapping made as described scanned the sealing were the with usually to Before by gently These tubes. scanning there containing adjustments were that removed tubes Prior necessary The gels were water. These gel water. was ensured bubbles first. placed-in distilled with it on the scanner up and filled stoppers. horizontally were gels stoppers up with topping rubber then The air present. the bands were sharp protein For broad bands, 0.5 cm and wider, density of measurement the proteins not containing and the bands occuring of greatest Frequent changes of destaining of each gel was measured and the moved by the protein distances in destaining (75 mls) and acid acetic The overnight. water and destained distilled gels were then washed with (46 mls), acid each at band as 72. displayed by the absorbance were usually that in some honeys thus the destaining weights there of nearly 60,000 from examined ranged were bands which Determination of occurred Although the presence by various reported complexes have also Hence in the present are considered of to be of major importance. of top of the the near proteins. weight in honey have been of amines, forming (1975) of ninhydrin positive(1981). and Siddiqi these, the Free Ninhydrin the imino amides, be referred compounds will However, and Concentration Separation Davies these study in Positive amino acids substances been reported, present However, molecular the presence and other gels Honey substances. positive ninhydrin free of researchers, peptides small acids, very the Free Ninhydrin Substances-of on the the proteins all to 20,000. of high the presence suggesting was completed. process bands obtained the protein of the molecular the honeys gels position Gels on the chartpaper. were noted scanned a week after The relative suggest meter to as free amino acids Positive Substances Honey Ion-exchange chromatography The principle absorb onto or eluted by changing contains ion-exchange an ion-exchanger An ion-exchanger that of the is covalently are electrostatically reversibly ionic usually linked is chromatography so that that molecules charged molecules can be bound or pH environment, a three dimensional network or matrix charged groups to which counter bound using conditions that give stable ions and tight 73. binding. a different Then using are eluted Cation the ion-exchanger off exchangers + Na etc., Cl and eluted with buffer. Anion ions counter and similarly, acid buffers. with and eluted of charge. extent ions such as H0 alkaline basis are retained etc., their and counter 3H Resin-quantanary exchangers contain to ions the pH conditions and/or according. Resin-SO contain are retained such as OH ionic Procedure for The procedure the separation from a honey sample as described determinations. quantitative trials of preliminary was then procedure check for acid to solutions or honey plus in Table are given from the ion-exchange modified method 6. in Table B as given weighed in whole propan-2-ol/0.5M 33% glucose resin and concentration of amino out by applying dissolved in the A and solutions known 10% (v/v) either solution or a carbohydrate to these A, B and S1 contained amino acids acid of of recovery to the amino acid These solutions hydrochloric in order standards The assessment modified known amounts of containing was carried final This amino acid or in part thirteen amounts of 5. to ensure were made as a result experiments. The composition recovery. solutions and recovery and was adopted were incorporated The modifications applied standards amino acid (1981) by Siddiqi and improvements modifications several of amino acids and concentration containing and 33% fructose. Once satisfactory was then applied samples of honey, honey amino acid recoveries individually in a like concentrates were obtained to all manner. the the modified two hundred Further, were preliminarily for procedure and fifty six a few randomly checked for chosen the presence 74. TABLE 5 Concentration-of Amino acids amino acids. in solutions A, B and Sl Concentration of, amino acids in solution as prepared by weighing (nMoles per ml) (nMoles per 0.6 mls) A* B** Sl*** (nMoles per ml Bl**** 394 394 1180 483 418 418 1250 513 Threonine 502 502 1510 616 Serine 380 380 1140 466 596 596 1790 730 Proline 4960 4960 14880 6080 Glycine 618 618 1850 757 Alanine 474 474 1420 580 Valine 324 324 970 397 Isoleucine 398 398 1190 488 Leucine 388 388 1160 476 Tyrosine 650 650 1950 797 Phenylalanine 814 814 2440 998 Lysine Aspartic Glutamic acid acid Solution A was made up in 10% propan-2-ol/0.5M acid solution. hydrochloric B was made up in 33% glucose plus 33% fructose solution. Solution S1 was made up in 10% propan-2-ol/0.5M hydrochloric acid solution. Solution Bl concentration values given are those from the total 10.6 ml, that is, Solution B (10 mls) + Solution S1 (0.6 m1s). Solution 75. TABLE 6 Separation and concentration chromatography No. on solutions of amino acids Amino acid solutions or honey samples and honey samples of amino acids Amount used (mls or g) by ion-exchange Addition of Sl* (mls) IxC 12 AAAA 1 Solution A* 10.0 + 2 Solution Al* 10.0 + 3 Solution A2* 10.0 + + 4 Solution B* 10.0 + + 5 Solution Bl* 10.0 + + 6 U. K. Survey Sample Code No. 174 10.0 + + U. K. Survey Sample Code No. 174 10.0 o. 6 + + China light amber Code No. 211 10.0 - + + China light amber Code No. 211 10.0 0.6 + + Mexico Yucatan Code No. 227 10.0 - + + Mexico Yucatan Code No. 227 10.0 o. 6 + + 7 8 9 10 11 o. 6 For amino acid composition and concentration Al, A2, B, Bl and S1 refer to Table 5. in solutions The technique of ion-exchange chromatography was not (10 mls) was evaporated but the solution to dryness in text using vacuum pump and liquid nitrogen. 1 ion-exchange - IXC - modified 2 - AAAA - Automatic + - relevant experimental procedure performed. - - relevant experimental procedure not Amino Acid chromatography Analysis procedure. procedure. performed. A, performed as described 76. of proteins the Bio/Rad using of 1 ml of coomassie acid absorbance amino acid concentrates A standard reference duplicate. Furthermore, composition consistency. Also, thirteen honey samples to check at 20 pg per ml out were carried assays step of Resin The viscous cation for of honey required exchange the binding (500 mls) lon ger coloured no longer acidic. resin. acid to protonate portions in honey. in distilled 6M hydrochloric with several of the of distilled by the and stored ten minutes Sl was added to effects of other the use of a large Dowex 50-X8 20 - 50 US mesh (Na). resin, compounds present in portions similar honey Binding property facilitated similar of similar to ensure of solution and the recoveries the processing amino acids 5 were checked amino acids for of during on the added amino acids. consistituents Preparation intervals in Table given (10g) for 5. a de-proteinization that from solutions recoveries as those settle All assayed. at random periodical of honey samples, resin solutions obtained A and B, Table serum albumin, indicated The results were also required. was not size bovine similarly was also concentration in of amino acid protein,., at 595 nm were obtained. measurements at 595 = measurements the addition to 1 ml of honey amino G-250 based reagent Blue involved This assay. Then absorbances concentrates. Similarly, micro free amino acids This resin water This water until suspension eluents was then (500 mls). To this was added and the mixture the resin. of distilled The protonated water (100 mls) This and other was initially the mesh washed were no allowed washed resin was stirred resin until to for was washed the washings were 77. Ion-exchange Chromatography A prepared (10.0g) sample of honey as described was weighed (10 mls) water by gentle Procedure to a temperature warming was then solution could of a glass distilled in the beaker a2 ml portion of distilled stirrer magnetic components and other pipette pasteur was washed with and the twice and honey mixture fifteen for no loss distilled water by pipette. the and then process water The pooled vacuum oil head fitted the aid of a containing the aid The amino acid stirring This process for of (5 mls) solution This ten minutes was repeated was added to the washed was then mixture and all supernatants pump at 1= a bound resin stirred for ten minutes off and retained. was carefully pipetted I The resin was then washed twice twice more. (2 mls) free the the carbohydrates with with of supernatant was repeated distilled was were discarded. the supernatants bound resin. transfer binding effective of resin. (10 mls) once more with with of honey was removed carefully A 7M ammonium hydroxide amino acid for The supernatant to ensure and transferred quantitative was stirred minutes, supernatant'removed and all was repeated Thus, water. to the resin. amino acids This rod. and the of honey were left traces no more greasy or on the glass The resin ensured. until The beaker (2 mls) water honey This no more honey until by means of droplets. be transferred by means of droplets resin was ensured mixing 0 40 C. exceeding added to the. protonated rod were then washed with glass not distilled with Thorough rod. Honey was used. thoroughly and mixed the aid with solution accurately before the were then of mercury evaporated pressure to a B14 cone (Washington, 1966). with to dryness the aid Liquid with were pooled. collected supernatants This using a of a microsplash nitrogen was used 78. in the vacuum pump traps as a coolant from contaminating ammonia and water of the extracted contamination This was done by rinsing (0.5 mls) in twice the usual to prevent amino acids in vacuo at a pressure dried to a minimum. was reduced head with the microsplash The final The ammonia the vacuum oil. into to remove any splashings manner. the evaporated distilled flask the and evaporated was left product water overnight Sodium hydroxide of 0.5 am of mercury. pellets were used as desiccant. It was found removed from the contact Dissolution 2.5 in solution flask was discharged in left either This process the flask was then of 10% propan-2-ol/0.5M 3 The 2.5 cm drum vial 0.5M hydrochloric the concentrated Each of were then acid stored following the that or on the ml) concentrated in a refrigerator until inside procedure hydrochloric and brought of a pasteur into flask. the of and transferred to a clean All pipette. solution from of walls flask to the pipette the traces no more visible were the pipette. by 0.2 mls 0.3 mls and finally acid mixture be discharged glass the dried containing (1.5 could by adding hydrochloric flask wall to ensure be sucked up by the pasteur could honey amino acid these the aid the vial repeated glass warming with that into product gentle and any solution was transferred pipette with 3 cm drum vial the In order product inside the accessible was ensured pre-weighed the all with be effectively not 1 ml of 10% propan-2-ol/0.5M was added to the dried solution acid could manipulation. the dried of all Initially, was utilized. product by physical flask transfer quantitative the dried that and transferring. 10% propan-2-ol/ - product was weighed and-the weight of determined. honey amino acid at 40C until samples required. thus prepared After use 79. these to the refrigerator samples were returned Examination and Identification of by a Combination Substances required. next until Positive the Ninhydrin of Paper Electrophoresis and Chromatography Paper Electrophoresis Biological for groups or gain to the electrode Originally applied. equally to an inert The rate support and charge distribution compounds, referred and ionic of the medium, for power decreases Amino acids properties, that the pH of the of ampholtyes the the solution. they both size, shape by the pH It the and conditions acid and can ionise Thus the direction phase. of support. PAGE > cellulose display applies two running influenced same mixture are ampholytes are pH dependent of separation power is in the order field and a bound water and by the nature are compounds which is, the process depends upon their as resolving has been shown experimentally resolving a mobile molecules in can migrate when an electric were used but and therefore to here strength polarity containing these of to become the charged molecules of opposite -COOH or -NH 21 groups, in solution H solutions of migration polar These charged -COO and -NH3 solution is can loose example containing molecules and extent acetate > paper. and base according to of migration and can be used to produce the required separation. RRR H N+-CH-COOH 332 pH form Ionic Migration Acidic Cation Towards Cathode H N+--Clt--COO- ==; Isoionic point Zwitterion Stationary H N-CH-COOBasic Anion Toward Anode 80. By employing acids for except and therefore reported the oxidation paper product the towards migrate to be found technique, at pH 1.9 electrophoresis in honey. cysteic is acid for given amino as cations exist Cysteic cathode. The basis chromatography, the natural all has not acid the other part, of the paper after been the electrophoresis procedure. of buffer Preparation buffer Electrophoresis 100%) formic distilled (104 mls) acid consisted and glacial of a mixture acetic was made up to two litres. water adjusted so-called of (58 mls) acid (98% - and with The pH was checked and needed to pH 1.9 ± 0.1. if Procedure 20 T&atman No. chromatography of A sheet to give cut the longer rods to avoid stages spot size The paper was then or contact contamination or amino acid drying with of 0.5 in between buffer The loaded compartments. tank so that the longer (250 mls) paper to become the positive terminal a pasteur pipette the paper all for the honey a constant minimum the sample application was then arranged into in evenly the electrical with electrophoresis compartments. was ensured to the Vokam power pack. electrophoresis connections the the buffer of sample application when connected the buffer in each of was placed 57 cm edges dipped the origin moistening on glass and 14 cm from the 57 cm edge. The 57 cm edge nearest After so as to maintain with by a micropipette, was applied The origin 40 from 10 the cm side cm was supported the bench whilst with (25 jil) sample cm diameter. Electrophoresis 40 x 57 cm and arranged the dimensions with edge on the right. concentrate in a sheet 46 x 57 cm, was paper, buffer were made. applied by 81. Electrophoresis was carried four hours. tank and then hung in a fume cupboard The paper was carefully dried To this substances in honey were applied not arranged 1.5 of positive solutions between These standard the paper. and dried groups the sample origin ninhydrin so that 25 pl were applied positive to occur These standards. of different RF values positive have been found The solutions, substances, 10 cm line cm on the ninhydrin as reference two applications to their according of a period at room temperature. thirty literature exceed 0.5 cm in diameter. the ninhydrin to dry paper, to the in were spotted solutions did in for removed from the electrophoresis electrophoresis according which 250 volts out at at the spot of each of of standards intervals of 57 cm edge and the substance groups were: (a) arginine, a-alanine, (b) histidine, gýycine, (c) lysine, (d) Cysteine, (e) asparagine, serine, tyrosine, proline, glutamic aspartic acid valine and phenylalanine; methionine and leucine; and isoleucine; tryptophan acid, and threonine; hydroxyproline, y-aminobýtyric acid and pipecolic acid; (f) ornithine (g) glucosamine, (h) kynurine and 0-alanine; ' citruline, and a-aminobutyric glutamine and 0-aminobutyric acid; acid. Paper Chromatograp The technique between compound phase. of chromatography a stationary At any instant, depends upon partition phase which an equilibrium is is set polar of a given and a mobile up and then covalent displaced 82. the tendency until due to its the of phase and its The initial for solvent forces on the cellulose. the dry responsible in descending movement and thereafter (Smith by gravity aided is paper and Seakins, 1963). of solvent Preparation The butanol-acetic acid-water (1981). to Siddiqi This (200 mls) and glacial butan-l-ol (75 mls) water groups of movement is and Macek, 1976 and Hais the major of and a weak ion-exchange and other 2 cm of solvent chromatography according bonding forward forces attractive On paper support. attraction capillary first the hydroxyl involving the components by the various solid hydrogen include attraction phase to carry is balanced solubility stationary mechanism of the mobile solvent mixture (BAW) was prepared solvent mixture consisted acetic acid of (30 mls) and distilled at pH 4.3. Procedure Descending chromatography to the origianl angles bottom end of short chromatography with this electrophoresis (150 mls) The BAW salvent acid and ninhydrin for was allowed in into related the solvent. and the The and development hours. The paper was overnight. substance derivatives is a universal compartment chromatank four at right a Shandon Chromatank. a fume cupboard, Positive of colour and similar twenty in a direction the solvent the paper was dipped the Ninhydrin The formation amino acids in paper was then hung in the solvent of using was placed hung dry to then and removed Detection was performed by the reaction method for compounds. between amino detecting the presence of The reaction mechanism of 83. formation the colour proposing has been disputed different pathways (Hais and Macek, derivatives The use of metal and stability formation the chelates the enables of colour research the of 1963 and Metzler, the formation of workers colour 1977). enhancement complexes of sensitivity (Haworth and 1969). Heathcote, Preparation of solutions The ninhydrin reagent was prepared to Haworth according and (1969). Heathcote Cadmium acetate acetate for by various (2g) (200 mls). in stock acetic glacial Ninhydrin in cadmium acetate solution reagent This mixed reagent was stored longer not case any (40 mls) acid and distilled cadmium water by dissolving was prepared stock solution by dissolving was prepared (2g) ninhydrin (24 mls) and propanone (200 mis). in a refrigerator until and in required than seven days. Procedure Ninhydrin it by dipping positive in the cadmium acetate-ninhydrin fume hung in then a cupboard was hours some three positive of concentrated became visible was then sulphuric Each sheet days and then a week later ninhydrin acid positive the complexes. The chromatogram concentration cylinder every colour This After of ninhydrin The were outlined. to achieve examined to record chromatogram reagent. sealed (5 mls), was then on the at. room temperature. and these in a dark stored environment. resulting to dry due to the high the spots complexes chromatogram were detected substances with a test tube an ammonia free day for the next and position chromatogram of three the was either 84. the patterns recognise differed Considerable or traced. photographed of the ninhydrin in kind and concentration. Quantitative Analysis Amino Acid identification as these . Amino Acid of ion-exchange Using Analyser of individual by measuring the absorbance be compared with This wavelength. at a given imino the ninhydrin-amino of acid, The absorbance proline. that obtained with photoelectrically acid 570 nm for being eluted The quantitative can be evaluated amino acid by the individually of compounds can be automated. positive 440 nm for followed chromatography determination and quantitative determination formed complexes Analysis The technique ninhydrin positive of the Free Amino Acids the Automatic. to was required experience colour complex amino acids and can then measurement a corresponding amino acid. standard of known concentration. is It on a capillary spheres is in order 10- 6 m. high to maintain an adequate and constant and sample especially may be measured before are approximately a true satisfied the separation and inversely However, flowrate. as the equilibrium coloured is in most commercial or resolution to the as the bead diameter The other sample application, resin proportional needs to be increased pressure separation ion-exchange resolution In general to the column length the applied are repetitive reagents 6x with after and mixing area and bead diameter. cross-sectional decreases, filled column of diameter proportional diffusion to prevent essential substantially majorrequirements mixing consistent products reached. of of the reaction These conditions instruments. 85. Procedure . honey amino acid To the concentrated standard buffer mixture to the analyser by first cartridge ion-exchange column system containing the basic amino acids while buffer Citrate amino acids. the other of 600C by means of a-water The samples coil was then colour the passed reactions filters interference The output to take amino acids, displacement at constant coil This place. housed two flow of different from the colorimeter maintained cell approximately in a mixing This reagent. 0C 95 for with the passed through mounted at 570 nm and at 440 rm. was then recorded on a chart for seventeen standard recorder each different amino amino acids at each programmed cycle was completed in two hours. (nMoles) of each amino acid was then determined The concentration from the area under known standards at assemblies wavelengths The normal run detecting 25 nMoles concentration, temperature was finally solution in the form of peaks which are characteristics acids. were pumped pumps through of 1% ninhydrin-hydrazine a heating through amino acids and the column were then mixed off quantitites which colorimeter and neutral and neutral bath and a circulator. once eluted discrete with the basic These columns were operated these columns. the acidic separates by means of two positive on to a. two One column separates resin. pH 5.25 for pH 3.25 and pH 4.25 for the. acidic at high pressure being loaded onto an equilibrated The samples were then eluted resin. containing acid samples (20 Ul each) duplicate From this was added. were applied (25 nMoles) in O. lM hydrochloric of norleucine solution (25 V1) an internal sample the obtained trace response on chart curve paper. in comparison with the This was done by using the 86. formulae of derived as shown in Appendix amino acids per unit sample weight The mature is grain pollen source, and differences between contours and apertures can lead (1975), and Iverson Light dyes, found acids carboxylic 1974). and Linskins, to stain. in relative either for 1971). always the basic sporopollenin exines of different the extent of pollen even under ideal by the bee stored in conditions. the hive pressures by honey ready possible (Howells, 1969). pollen in honey of foreign family level level is only (James, origin, 1969). species is moieties, source Also variable the degree of reactive to the species For pollen identification in some cases, their vary*in or in and subject identification (Stanley of pollen the masking of has shown of hydroxy- series sporopollenin of different 40OX, is by. selective Research exine generated osmotic features grain example, and Sawyer (1981). of about fushin. that surface See, for the polymerised suggests identification possible been collected in shape, to identification. floral its of as to size, the pollen proportions. (Heslop-Harrison, not characteristic grains stains This cross-linking, Moreover, of However, or in of usually example, dye selectivity response of Honey Moore and Webb (1978) by enhancement with this Analysis at a medium magnification microscopy made easier that the concentration Analysis Microscopical staining Hence, was calculated. Microscopical Quantitative Faegri III. groups level that is has to great to genus especially was possible to plant 87. P-ent-atIliv-gs The method for to for grains pollen those the preparation the microscopical described techniques the microscope of of honey, examination by Louveaux, slides Maurizo of was according (1970) and Vorwohl and Sawyer (1981). Preparation of the (7g) Gelatin on a hot (0.5g) phenol (0.1g) stains in distilled To this gelatin Two grades solution was dissolved in of stained glycerine way. gelatin (1.5 was added and labelled as the glycerine gelatin labelled and added was Honey (10g) This water in the was carefully was transferred as possible, and spread pipette. over coloured' stain. water centrifuged (20 mls) using on to a microscope an area at off of honey sugars. a pasteur slide, with to dry. the pollen carefully in distilled pipette. as completely 15 x 15 mm by means of slide 0 40 C, by gentle at 2500 revolutions so as to remove traces off mls) grains was dispersed The sediment pipetted solution (3.0 solution was decanted The supernatant The microscope in an oven maintained fuschin the pollen of was then of sediment. The sediment placed and stain. in distilled and re-centrifuged The supernatant a pasteur and basic fuschin coloured' slides was dissolved ten minutes. no loss (10 mls) (I ml) were prepared 'Light basic 'Dark as the honey solution for per minute ensuring (30 mls) of the microscope warming. 70% ethanol (30 mls) To one glycerine Preparation by warming (50 mls) glycerine gelatin following The other water (160 mls). water mls) (42 mls) stirring. was added with fuschin Basic distilled was dissolved bath. water gelatin glycerine the tip of smear was then 88. Staining and mounting After basic drying fuschin stained a lot of intermediate were A coverslip slide. and the slide at the 400C for coverslip with with grains containing for Moreover, both of were light the the and dark used. positioned of distribution by placing Excess of between the of pollen twizzers. In the coverslip between stain the slide the of edge a pair become trapped should the near the help with the a tissue paper and left was then sealed along gelatin pressing to set. overnight the edges with stain coverslip in an oven maintained was removed by gently stain a clear from becoming nail infected Grains were identified by using thirty containing the identification prepared by Sawyer (1975). The full smears pollen the of pollen was used. a combination drops two or fungus. with and standard stain the glycerine grains conjunction For stain. coloured ten minutes. by Ray Williamson two hundred coloured of Pollen Pollen pollen little was ensured Identification of containing A uniform to prevent bacteria smears carefully The coverslip varnish Pollen bubbles way no air and the with was carefully smear and lowered this was stained smears pollen stains smear dark the smear pollen pollen light the pollen coloured the stain. with the of Also reference list and fifty pollen sample slides of all six four different key, index by Sawyer (1981) fresh the pollen samples reference slides pollen cards prepared grains, in and microphotographs and diagrams from known sources of pollen grains were obtained were prepared. grains that were identified of honey have been given in the in Appendix VIII. 89. In list this the identity levels, classification then the of related for example of identifying six in Brassica a honey sample. pollen throughout the present the nearly related. identity whose classed Counting near of Pollen Grains grains were counted an exception in grains to be present elsewhere, and were quoted especially as such was made for pollen the grains foreign family even at plant the pollen Counting at smear with frequency was according to Louveaux, were then classes Maurizo field the visual least Between 200 - 300 total the centre. classes. in of the microscope. eyepieces and presented frequency discussed whose distinctive Pollens Pollen and others However, the by Crane, are likely not be determined into identified described nearby species 7 are in Table honey sources. world to genus only TrifoZiwn could the edge of or near Listed problems honeys level were as unidentified. Pollen objective alone. analysis. identifiable. were readily pounded considerable reason were limited identity genus; species cultivated For this the identity isi. that was possible, as important species botanical each pollen In most cases out of the nine species related closely related for name. species by genus and followed list this by pollen species (1984) Day and Walker from plant the Brassica European in given to three was specified family plant cormon English equivalent to a group is that Also species. name the of each pollen for as seen through was carried two counts pollen grains each samples and Vorwohl distributed according The following terms (1970). to their out usually at minimim were counted of honey. This The pollen percentages were used for the expressing grains into the 90. TABLE 7 of common European List species of the genus Brassica Species Plant family Genus Cruciferae Brassica it Botanical name English* name Campestris Field juncea Chinese napus var, napobrasswa. Shaljam napus var** oZeifera Oilseed nigra** Black Mustard rapa Winter Rape Cabbage Mustard Rape There are other English names besides the common names,, by Crane, Walker and Day, 1984. these names have been listed Adequate honey yields are obtained from these plants. 91. frequency forty classes. five percent represented pollen 'Important Minor three and over present Pollen' and fifteen percent percent 'Predominant These were: pollen present, between sixteen represented which 'Secondary percent, between present Pollen' represented Pollen' five and forty pollen 'Minor and percent Pollen', three less represent than present. pollen Computation data The experimental fifty six This for social and writes out to a file. sciences in The data such files has for data analysis 1975 and Hadlaihull et aZ., for analysis statistical in at computer using from a file SPSS commands the available computer, the reads and the visual display 1982 and 1984). 1982 and Eckersley, to the prime access prime information were typed (Noland, (VDU) terminal the (Nie statistical (SPSS) version Sciences programs on the Salford The SPSS package procedure Social and 1981). and Nie, units for 750 computer Prime of statistical comprises package and was written contained Package for the Statistical available 9. The Salford two hundred the each of the use of a computer samples warranted and interpretation. analysis for gathered files, editing SPSS package The and carrying have been listed below: the RETURN key a few times By pressing PLEASE' appears password the prime are on the typed. system is screen. When the then the The user OK, appears available. ISALFORD PRIME name followed on the screen LOGIN by the access to 92. 2. By. typing Then the information to be opened. can be typed in detail in Appendix When all After in a pre-determined of the data arrangement 3. the relevant line, last the the EDIT appears typed, 4. for 'SPOOL DATl-UK, -AT, PRINT the errors been made the the 6. filename file file, opening of a file and the series the point LEAR' the computer line on the for printer can then be located in displays the by typing the contents printing. on the print-out. can be made by computer of the the contents is screen transfer will once more filename can be obtained file of this file on the commands TOP, BOTTOM, NEXT, LOCATE9 the editor can be rectified. When all the corrections as described can be closed the SPSS control procedure file previously of control was TEST1. statements, and obeyed by the was created as described for have except This SPSS control each specifies SPSS. by following DATl-UK. has been given of a SPSS controlfile filename recognised file. the need not be typed. Another and format into Then OK, appears to the Lear-Siegler By using the of have been. described files At this screen. DATl-UK. ED DAT1-UK which screen. file this the RETURN key and then by pressing Ammendments to the DAT1-UK file typing The format data have been entered in the DATl-UK file Any errors into to be entered the data of the contents of DAT1-UK file 5. in screen order. a file has enabled IV. on the example, A print-out in INPUT on the ED and obtaining The structure in Appendix file the contains a command which VI(b) a is 93. 7. The TEST1 file made by using 8. be checked can also the SPOOL and EDIT c analysis were carried out by typing line Lear-Siegler by typing log will Hence in hundred two samples and ninty in arranged The other honeys the numerical of the four as given the vast fifty in Appendix considered samples appropriate of statistics sort (1981) et aZ., of Dr. of honey, data the analytical computer the foreign of one honeys Kingdom survey in Appendix I. and commercial to their according known I. biochemical collected reference and Davies Department the completed one contained for information the the use and application was not my field Pembertont to process with is session Analysis understandable amount of numerical six Gilbert to obtain at the code number given order Statistical In order printed system. samples in an alphabetical of origin and is an OK, on the screen the United of The contains were compiled, order the sixty contained arranged country files way two'data this RESULTV. which terminal from the prime the user TEST1 file output When the printer. previously. file SPSS control the analysis the command LO after out in as the of the statistical the results and corrections 'SPSS TEST1, -LISTINGS defined RESULT1 is errors mands as described detailed The statistical -LISTINGS for to Davies and Harris of expertise, of Mathematics, information two hundred of and statistics was (1975 and 1976), (1982). the from Since experience University gathered. the subject and advice of Salford was 94. familiarisation After recommended by Dr. between VI(b)) as collected type and improvements which SPSS considerably per out as described as 'TESTV labelled files SPSS control groups into (Appendix appropriate The details VI) 2. carried out briefly outlined (Appendix groups (Appendix modifications, below. classification that changes of samples and selection in SPSS control modifications the of and improvements concentration measurements less ten samples is, than were carried subclasses file and the were obtained Relevant VI(d)) of these nine Pemberton, 'DAT1-UK' was made by replacement and classification processing (Appendix random selection enabled which into V(a). labelled 1, filename 'COPYF filename to Appendix much needed and multifloral file of the raw data Copies attempt to require of amino acid of unifloral in Appendix (refer honey samples of Dr. sample number groups, and defining group my initial These modifications out. transformation of small distance the predictive enhanced were carried root square of Mahalanobis was considered groups, pollen was one modification SPSS to classify was analysis 'DISCRIMINANT' After groups. Upon the recommendations improvements. and removal of Discriminant calculation with the specified predominant file for biochemistry of both aspects A subprogramme such as pollen populations which were: Pemberton. on the SPSS package raw data using with the use and application and statistics available the relevant to each of in a particular (e), improvements have been detailed the command the copy commands group recoding of for sample of honey samples and allocation VI(d)(ii), by using of appropriate VI(c)), SPSS control (f) and Appendix and changes VII)'. of command in Appendix V and 95. Discriminant As it is is the process boundaries of Canonical functions which these is This distance. SPSS (Appendix for of samples combinations are known degrees of group variate of variable separation. is can be which the minimum distance known as Mahalanobis method developed 'MAHAL' which all containing by Mahalanobis and obeyed by recognised carrying file into out nine grains concentration described two samples and detailed the discriminant and subsequent in analysis. of classification in a honey sample were used for predominant classification and ninety and earlier. estimation the pollen the biochemical the one hundred as described predicted amino acid linear varying each of From the microscopical The SPSS then of amino The SPSS control The SPSS was initiated allocating of Fisher's combinations statistical file was used for the distribution variates canonical are linear by the complex data information VI(c) One. the determination is error minimise VI(a)). of honey was required. Appendix will to a group. The maximisation a stepwise The U. K. survey analytical of analysis of group calculation on each canonical by the term described and is their give axis. defined is groups that A number of these on co-ordinate between is analysis each sample has a value plotted the variates variates, as canonical Thus, enables to statistical Discriminant space which field of this section concentrations. acid which Honeys computers are accepted. a multi-dimensional discriminant linear definitions of a honey sample of unknown origin allocating analysis. Kingdom Survey the application of computation within specialised in understood following the problems on the United Analysis frequency class of honey samples measurements. pollen groups. basis the on of 96. to improve In order pollen major performed five major pollen on the original amino acid groups, those evaluated. . pollen Discriminant analysis each of the representing These three major to five honey samples major sources representing analysis on the honey samples of honey in sources Brassica4 were: was also in otherwise and samples which the years analyses were also five individual pollen the United TrifoZium repens were heated which and sugar analysis feeding or Moreover, or otherwise. Similar groups. on the honey samples on honey samples performed of heating effects samples were sugar-fed three on the combined performed 1981 and 1982; harvested the unifloral I Discriminant of In the values. and CaZZuna. these of and modifications concentration was performed three the n=ber of'samples from nine groups were reduced were also Kingdom. the classification representative was also performed on a sample of honey. The details of the procedure above have been described Analysis Discriminant in Appendix on the Foreign Discriminant analysis foreign and comercial on the data file containing each of the sixty For the United following countries: sometimes China. of the all four analysis statistical listed V(a). Honeys and Commercial was performed using honey samples. the biochemical the subprogram The foreign 'DISCRIMINANT' and commercial information and analytical for samples of honey was required. Kingdom the major Australia, Discriminant sources of imported honey are the Canada,, Mexico and New Zealand and analysis was performed on the samples of 97. honey from the originating honey samples. VII(a) The SPSS control and the control Discriminant following the of origin they was not detailed on the was also foreign VII(b) patterns samples. between honeys containing samples whose country a country code from which on the basis that and samples were used and commercial family; to have originated in. Appendix to distinguish performed same plant English with and described in Appendix known but were allocated and amino acid together and honeydew honeys; nectar were most likely content file analysis from the originating pollen countries given analysis groups: four statements discriminant to perform first of their pollen were or were not processed. The details of the procedure above have been described Analysis Discriminant Survey Foreign and the The data file was appended onto the United (APPEND)', honey samples were pooled the containing the tail In this in at end of and the in together foreign a visual the U. K. survey display analysis statistical of in Appendix required were to change the number of cases 'IF' Appendix control VI(c) V(a) unit either and VII(b) statements. could and a sequential data order. honey samples file by typing UK SURVEYDATA terminal. the SPSS control be used. The only files modifications to 256 and to replace These control and 54 to 59 in Appendix foreign and commercial detailed five Kingdom and Commercial 'COPYF FOREIGN AND COMMERCIALDATA FILE, the command FILE listed analysis V(b). on the Combined Honeys of honey samples commercial the statistical in Appendix Kingdom survey The United of VII(c). statements the 60 in 56 and were 98. Discriminant analysis was performed United Kingdom and the foreign U. K. survey and six other groups Brassica, TrifoZiwn to distinguish between the and commercial honeys; between the country groups; and between the three pollen repens and Castanea common to the combined samples. The details of the procedure above have been described Note that in at a visual July 1983. and format carried of the statistical However, unit terminal some of these due to the updating out at regular listed in Appendix V(c). the commandsused to initiate display analysis intervals. the SPSSwhich were typed were correct up to commands have changed and revision of the end of in the computer context systems RESULTS CHAPTER 3 99. RESULTS CHAPTER The Colour The colour 3 and Aroma of Honey for and aroma were assessed the honey samples that were examined. In assessing not considered honeys produced white colours by the plant genera the Echium honey and then 'Viguieral The light honeys. and Prunuslpyrus of colour These were followed Rubus and Robinia. of investigation this honeys. Lotus and Helianthus reddish dark brown in colour. Chile, Hungary, light the extra ambers to spectrum. light water 7rifoZium to light ambers of repen4, golden the Impatiens and the light to dark Vicia and also amber colours. colours of the honeys were characteristically those in colour. India, determined to medium ambers were distinctive with While black of Brassica, amber were distinctive The heather honeys. brown almost China, from to dark yellow a broad one has the nearly The Castanea the honeydew honey were associated The golden covered by the white the was the honeys were therefore of increasing of method as this a spectrophotometric and in in the order Arranged honey samples numerical the various of The colours suitable. inspection by visual via obtained were not values the colours Mexico of dark the Fagopy2ýum honeys Furthermore, some of and Spain honeys, the medium and then were rather the Australia, the colours to the dark ranged red brown ambers. Characterisation experience as considerable However, honeys by sight of it was not and smell, the aroma of honeys was required the purpose although of proved in judging the present identification to define difficult the various study of fragrances. to assess source can be 100. quickly hundreds could to the established samples of of it Nevertheless, of the darker the Australia, of or saw dust the Indian was evident in sulphur to destroy performed. Some of aromas while or that others of burnt produced samples sample which Yet of and then the honeys were marred wax. and fir did had an aroma which with sulphur was characteristic suggesting wet wood One of compounds such the practice the honey collecting fermentation of smell and especially processed honeys samples. the aroma of hydroxymethylfurfural was commercially similar not have any characieristic by the distinct in others fragrance trees in some countries colonies Some of the European smell is known that of burning It fragrances had a distinct aroma associated samples had a characteristic smell fruits. and citrus the U. K. survey some of honeys had class had distinct some of A distinct as sulphur still in and identified. and characteristic honeys foreign was evident dioxide. is flowers values and the non-volatiles colour The aroma of pine terpenes. of presence strong some honeys garden eucalyptol. turpentine light seeing numerical been isolated not the to the China and other Moreover, the volatiles that Moreover, of apples, with associated the all not compared honeys. those that since was found smell pleasant such as to at a time. honey aroma have as yet with associated sweet a variety be evaluated not show judge of a honey satisfactign in some commercially and of a controversial of engine one was evident. oil nature, used for lubricating machinery. These personal examination as collected storage. of observations samples from as received the hive or yet were the impressions and may not from the be true sample after on initial for the long sample term 101. ANALYSIS OF PROTEINS Isolation, Concentration The presence of for the standard in Figure shown as 2. of gave a similar unresolved suitable for further-investigations. PAGE was for of purified location and then definite bands. invertase. location with oxidase by using andinvertase picric of an orange on gels acid This technique the only use in unstained gels. napthalene black stain was also grade oxidase glucose for observed the sharp and a mixture The position enzymes. from in resulted top of containing and distance the gels 9. of enzyme activity in honey applied as an indiactor standard protein enzymes on polyacrylamide laboratory due to diastase, to polyacrylamide as described. red band due to the formation to which high grade bands were measured the presence the in cases Also, relatively samples 8. as most of of enzyme activity moved by each of Moreover, in Table given Therefore, laboratory in Table in the honey due to overload. not honey and the standard and have been given serum albumin laboratory band pattern these the calibration 4 cm long. These enzymes were diastase, Similar was bovine present band about became stained straight from was disappointing gel The application gels gels concentration The concentration protein, and are the whole was not of reference honey Code No. 209 and other China buckwheat honeys (1951). were determined were evaluated The use of polyacrylamide after of ultrafiltration The amount of protein to concentration honeys technique in the honey residues obtained prior the honey residues by the in Honey of Proteins by the method of Lowry et aZ., proteins curve in of proteins a sample of honey (25g) determined of and Estimation grade of picramic gels However, acid enzymes diastase glucose was examined the presence was detected and invertase 102. 0 Co W0 41 0 r-i 44 w tu (V Co 0 0 0) 44 jl. pp ce A >% M V-4 41 lu 8 4 C, x 0 t) 41 0 uMP., :10 .H H 41 :i>. gq # V-4 > Q) 4 ýt tu Co gp V-4 > N4 10 to 0 _H Co uN0 -v-f cecu 00 9 rý r-i r-f to ei 4-4 bo ýi H x 0 (A 1-4 F-4 :3H Co Co rA 41 C Co Co gi %0 ce V-1 0 0 rA PQ V) _H tu 0 44 4) 10 Co ce 0 4-4 41 :1 F-1 0 rA ci 0 -ri 41 Co ß4 41 P-1 ri 44 0 u2 ,0 (L) > 0 P-4 -r-4 41 41 u CO tu $4 44 10 0) 41 41 Co P-1 H Cd >t 4-1 >% Co 0 w Co 41 0 w 4j P-4 H- 4.4 M0 1.4 PH cu P-4 0 w 41 :1H 0 0 :1 4-4 0 P-4 :i LM w «".4 10 44 10 13 00 0 w 4j 44 41 (0 :i 0 :1 Co CD $.4 (1) IZJ J., 4.1 Q) 44 ICJ 0 W H Cw 00 0 0 w 0 c5 *rl1 0 :1 W 4-4 6 w. %0 ul 0 0 Q) CD Q) 0 44 14 0 44 A 0. w Ni ri Co 0) 93 44 00 V-4 0c ce P-4 Hw % % 0) 04 r. (ý « 04 Z. P., c9 0 V-4 p .im a C*4 co %D 'IT r-I C14 0 00 0 Ln mu OOS :Ile az)u-eqaosqV %0 --T N r4 103. TABLE 8 Honey concentration by ultrafiltration Honey source Weight (Code No. ) (g) Australia Banksi. i from (194) Canada (199) (214) Chile China Buckwheat (209) (229) New Zealand Hungary Polyflora Yellow Mexico Yucatan (222) Box (246) (227) English Staffordshire Determined milligram protein (249) concentration* (mg) per 25 g of honey (and per 100 g of honey) 25 g of honey 1.322 58 (240) 1.660 106 (424) 0.462 13 (52) 0.238 7 (28) 0.253 2 (8) 0.245 3 (12) 0.294 58 (240) 0.244 4 (16) 1.705 by the Lowry*et equivalent Protein of concentrate al., of bovine 132 (528) method values serum albumin represent used as reference 104. TABLE 9 Detection of enzymes in honey by polyacrylamide of presence gel electrophoresis Orange Red Band** from Distance Presence top of gel (cm) Enzymes* Substrate, (1%)(w/v) Diastase Starch Yes Glucose No Sucrose Y910 es Glucose oxidase 2 Invertase laboratory Standard grade 4.4 to 4.9 0.5 to 0.8 from enzymes obtained microorganisms. The reaction of pic. ric conditions Average black resulted in length for gel stained position of stained with the with glucose formation both cm. acid Also, bands were similar black naphthalene alkaline under of picramic picrIc was 10.1 gels, these acid acid. and napthalene that the on gels which were stain. The presence of enzymes diastase and invertase were not in honey but only in honey to which laboratory detected enzymes had been added. This mixture then analysed I by electrophoresis. 2 No orange red bands were detected enzyme glucose activity. oxidase oxidase with of presence (3.6-4.5,5.0-5.5 napthalene laboratory the absence of glucose Whereas preliminary detection bands suggesting standard for black of tests the enzyme resulted and 6.8-8.0 stain. cm) after for the in three staining 105. had been applied but not however to which on gels glucose the orange red band was not honey was applied, the orange red band was however to which containing both Although applied. a mixture enzymes were applied. The position red bands were similar to those black napthalene technique dodecyl of polyacrylamide treated the electrophoresiS being this bands were labelled The protein bands corresponded between standard 60,000 the cathode to proteins daltons pattern 3 was observed on the of protein). The unusual The polyacrylamide gels scanner onto at wavelength a chart paper for been shown in Figures the protein those already after pattern staining bands have also shown in Figure been labelled 3. the the top These top. reference bands from gels that of national Code No. 209 and soyolk has been shown in Figure 4. were also scanned on a gel A typical scan recorded the 5% and 10% polyacrylamide 5 and 6 respectively. from after were largely SDS-polyacrylamide 560 nm as described. both from the protein show sample Code No. 252, China buckwheat (soyabean 10 and 11. compared against honey bands end as shown in Figure weights given sodium heat appeared were measured in Figure of were either alphabetically daltons, by the the protein 3 and Tables or the negative An unusual proteins. was detected that whose molecular and 20,000 with 9. bands which gels orange in the presence samples moved by protein laboratory stained and staining honey to which and distance gel, (2g) on gels moved by these in Table electrophoresis on 5% and 10% polyacrylamide staining 3. gel detected as gels have been shown in Figure or otherwise The position of After on gels appeared which bands obtained in raw honey of proteins sulphate. and distance to which on gels the honey and standard These have been given stain. The presence evident was oxidase The relative alphabetically gels have position of according to lo6. 0,-ý o-, O-N 0-% -, o-, E3 F1 F1 000 uuuu 0H Ln co (n OC) ..% o-, Ln c) 4) J.41 PQ u 1-4 II'I C,4 1= to ,0 0 O-N 0-1 01% 0-% 1ý cel Cý Co Cl! C14 'T to rý0ýr-I --i o en C-q r4 r4 C4 0 40 r-ý 44 c>A r. re .0d 0 c, IM L1111 11 ýýHI Co a) lu el% 10 0 u 0. 0 u lu C,4 I C) th uu am Co C4 C4 V4C; PL4 C). a) 'o 0 r. 40 0 ce CD 41 90 41 e 0m 0) c2.0 Ei 41 Co 13) 0 0 Ici a) Co r, 0. Co in 10 r. 0-1 El u 0 0 W-4 Ln r- o %. C4 C4 C4 14 ýe ei 41 41 tö 91. 01 0 00 A 10 10 C Co CVI .M 00 0 W P.o tri 0C0 107. TABLE 10 Protein bands a honey sample which appear on a 5% polyacrylamide with bands Protein (Code No. ) Honey source gel PQ R S T +- - + + -+ + + -+ - + -- + -+ - + -+ + + -+ - + -+ + + Cbina light -- + + English amber (211) (249) Staffordshire -- + + English Chorley ++ + + Protein bands P to T, refer Australia (194) Banksia Canada (199) (214) Chile (227) Mexico Yucatan (222) Hungary Polyflora (229) New Zealand Box (246) Yellow (208) China acacia +- to Figure 3.0 bands which were present on a ge l bands which were not present on a gel Protein Protein *English (261)* + to heat honey was subjected Chorley treatment described. as , TABLE 11 Protein bands a honey sample which appear on a 10% polyncrylamide (Code No. ) Honey source Canada (199) (208) China acacia English (249) Staffordshire amber (211) Pure honey (PHFJH)(260) China light (259) Ireland Northern Lincolnshire (258) Lancashire (Tarieton) Australia Chile Banksia (257) (194) (214) Protein (227) Hungary Polyflora (222) (229) New Zealand Yellow Box (246) English Chorley Protein bands A to K, refer (261)* F G H I J K .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ++ + - + - + + - + + . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. to Figure 3.0 Protein bands which were present -- Protein bands which were not present Chorley as described. bands C D E +- *English with AB . Mexico Yucatan Rel honey was subjected on a gel on a gel to heat treatment 108. FIGURE 4 An unusual protein band pattern ABC honey show honey A- National B- Soyolk C- China buckwheat (Soya bean protein) honey on 10% polyacrylamide gel. 109. FIGURE 5 Gel scan of Canada sample No. 199 on 5% polyacrylamide P, Q, R, S, T- refer to Figure 3. gel. 110. FIGURE 6 Gel scan of Canada A to K- refer sample No. 199 on 10% polyacrylamide to Figure 3. gel. ill. Analysis of Ninhydrin and fifty technique of isolation the were: analyses the ninhydrin the of the appropriate thirteen determination The abbreviations utilised positive ninhydrin for used were codes as and when they of paper showing identified were allocated from which the d'oncentration as the area under analyser; individual the of content of amino acid by a computer programme. the amino or imino in detected all of in Table 12. these ninhydrin These have the spot. were unidentifiable a symbol and were labelled complexes, by the technique chromatogram complexes have have been labelled complexes and by conventional samples These numerical the ninhydrin A typical the or honey these separation The ninhydrin outside acids and coded numerically. subsequent of 7. spot concentrates the amino acid analysis the position position on a line complexes determined and chromatography. the and identification in the amino acid have been given after in Figure in separation the pollen are order labelling occurred, the relative by numbers ninhydrin that standards electrophoresis been illustrated those for in an alphabetical been listed the by the amino acids Substances substances or used as reference free and chromatography; statistical evaluated Positive These analyses the recordings of the of Ninhydrin Analysis both the chart two hundred the on each of present amino acids measurements concentration of electrophoresis samples and finally honey and Pollens were collected. substances peak of the microscopical out chromatography; positive by the method of paper measurements that and concentration ion-exchange of were carried of honey samples six Substances in Honey of_Known Origin Present The following Positive abbreviated name of The low concentration and which inside the may be pepýides spot. 112. TABLE 12 List of ninhydrin their positive substances detected and abbreviations Code No. 1 Ninhydrin positive substances Abbreviations 2 a-alanine 0-alanine 3 a-aminobutyric acid a-Abu 4 y-aminobutyric acid y-Abu 5 Arginine Arg 6 Aspargine Asn 7 Aspartic 8 Cysteine Cys 9 Clucosamine Cluc 10 Clutamic Glu 11 Glutamine Gln 12 Glycine Cly 13 Histidine His 14 Isoleucine Ile 15 Leucine Leu 16 Lysine Lys 17 Methionine Met 18 Methyl-Histidine Me-His 19 Phenylalanine Phe 20 Proline Pro 21 Serine Ser 22 Threonine Thr 23 Tryptophan Trp 24 Tyrosine Tyr 25 Valine Val 26 Hydroxypipecolic 27 Hydroxyproline Hyp 28 Pipecolic Pip 29 P P 30 x x 34 C C 35 ff 7r 36 w w 39 a a 40 11 ot-Ala $-Ala Asp acid acid H-Pip acid acid 31 32 33 37 38 *1-28 **29-40 identity identity 1 0 confirmed not proven - could include peptides 113. FIGURE 7 Amino acids map of standard reference ninhydrin Ile 14 15 0 Leu Qý) 0( substances. positive 19 0 Phe x Met 17 5 Val e 23 p ip24 Tyr4 a-Abu I -Trp 4 (A) c0 F_ý %I 4 . _'. y-Abu( -Al 1 2 20 Pro 2-6 H-Pip 11 $-Ala, 7r 22 Thr 10 Gln - Glu Gly SezeN7 t, Me-His 5 \ 0 Asp ñPro ý) Gluc Asn sn Arg :x 04 pq ý-01 9 (D(. u 3Lys-ý16 (25-His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis Cys buffer Origin 114. A series of experiments the amino acid of from solutions 5, and from were determined measurements on chart obtained for and for as peak height of example chart was correlated usual to carry its All these use possible For reasons of per g of nanomoles internal alternative discussion. the of of honey are of merits only are final the presented this for It and then the a further standard procedure in amino and in with results all was internal dealt Each III. solutions. samples standards brevity at half-height to a constant were correlated such a triangle see Appendix f ive area was estimated The area of two or more calibrated then curve The initial amino acid calculations, run concentration the response by the width multiplied Discussion of a given to Table refer analyser. a triangle. use and for with (norleucine). for of out a calibrating calibration. the area under curve of amino acids The amino acid the amino acid to that an equivalent was calculated level from paper of amino acids, samples. from peak response a specific as being known amounts chosen honey randomly the precision method used and the recovery extraction containing for out tn check were carried the terms acid analyser determinations. The amino have been given of clarity less given than values samples the honey were rounded 500 nmoles and honey 13 to 22. of presentation of all analysis in Tables honey three and percentage solutions recovery and percentage values concentration the amino acid each of to the acid are it for samples values the amino acid in Tables was considered examined, to the nearest the average whole added For reasons that in the replicate concentration for number per g of honey and to the nearest 6 concentrations 23 to 29. necessary for in Table listed known amounts of amino acids given samples off Also recovery ten unit values for 115. TABLE 13 Quintiplate of the thirteen analysis Amino Acids amino acids Concentration to experimentation prior of amino acids (nMoles per ml) W* Al** I A2** A3** A4** AS** Average*** 394 415 402 415 414 416 412 418 430 423 427 410 430 424 Threonine 502 506 496 500 503 495 500 Serine 380 385 382 387 387 397 388 596 607 604 600 594 592 600 Lysine Aspartic acid Clutamic acid Proline 4,960 5,022 Glycine 618 633 645 623 620 645 633 Alanine 474 477 473 480 466 464 472 Valine 324 320 317 316 327 316 320 Isoleucine 398 408 417 420 413 410 414 Leucine 388 403 407 400 403 400 403 Tyrosine 650 647 660 638 640 640 645 Phenylalanine 814 816 817 820 800 796 810 1 W- 1 amount of standard 1 analyses technician 1 for for thirteen determined 1 4,990 1 5,030 A determined by A using solution and for Average concentration reference and standards These conditions of '15 are used to Table 6. details experimental of the five from five amino acids by the autoanalyser nanomoles of each amino acid. throughout 5,047 in solution amino acids Al to A5 - are the values replicate 5,088 to Table 5. refer weight, 5,010 refer A2, A3, A and A5. Al, TABLE 14 Recoveries of amino in acids Percentage Amino acids Al A from solution recovery automatic of amino acids A4 A5 amino acid (%) A2 A3 105.3 102.0 105.3 105.0 105.6 104.6 102.8 101.2 102.2 98.0 102.8 101.4 Threonine 100.8 98.8 99.6 100.2 98.6 99.6 Serine 101.3 100.5 101.8 101.8 104.5 102.0 101.8 101.3 100.7 99.7 Proline 101.3 101.0 102.6 101.8 100.6 101.5 Glycine 102.4 104.4 100.8 100.3 104.4 102.4 Alanine 100.6 99.8 101.3 98.3 98.0 99.6 Valine 98.8 97.8 97.5 101.0 97.5 98.5 Isoleucine 102.5 104.8 105.5 103.8 103.0 104.0 Leucine 104.0 105.0 103.0 104.0 103.0 103.8 Tyrosine 94.5 101.5 98.2 98.5 98.5 99.2 100.2 1 100.4 1 100.7 1 98.3 1 97.8 99.5 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Phenylalanine Average percentage also values refer of the five to Table determined 13 for Al, 99., 5 Average 100.6 A2, A3, A4 and A5, corresponding from the autoanalyser. concentration analyser on solution A 116. TABLE 15 quintiplate analysis of the thirteen acids recovered Concentration Amino Acids after solution evaporating Al of amino acids (nMoles per ml) W* El** E2** E3** E4** I Average*** E5** 394 385 386 383 388 387 386 418 408 412 408 410 414 410 Threonine 502 493 496 492 498 494 495 Serine 380 372 375 376 374 377 375 596 590 592 588 593 590 590 Lyiine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid 4,860 Proline 4.960 Glycine 618 606 605 608 612 610 608 Alanine 474 464 465 467 470 464 467 Valine 324 320 318 317 320 322 320 Isoleucine 398 394 395 396 392 394 394 Leucine 388 388 385 385 386 387 386 Tyrosine 650 635 640 643 645 642 640 Phenylalanine 814 808 806 803 810 805 806 W- 1 amount of standard refer to Table 5. The series 4,870 1 amino acids El to E5 are the values 4,830 1 4,850 1 in solution Al determined in replicate for 4,860 4,880 by weight, the thirteen amino Al after evaporation acids of solution and subsequent determination (see Table 13). by the autoanalyser under standard conditions Average concentration of the five El, E2, E3, E4 and E5. TABLE 16 Recoveries of amino acid in solution Pe centage Amino Acids Al from automatic recovery amino acid of amino acids analyser (Z) El E2 E3 E4 E5 Average* 97.7 98.0 97.2 98.5 98.2 98. o 97.6 98.6 97.6 98.0 99.0 98.2 Threonine 98.2 98.8 98.0 99.2 98.5 98.5 Serine 98.0 98.6 99.0 98.4 99.2 98.6 99.0 99.3 98.7 99.5 99.0 99.0 Proline 98.0 98.2 97.4 97.8 98.4 98.0 Glycine 98.0 98.0 98.4 99.0 98.7 98.4 Alanine 98.0 98.0 98.5 99.2 98.7 98.5 Valine 98.8 98.0 97.8 98.8 99.4 98.6 Isoleucine 99.0 99.2 99.5 98.5 99.0 99. Q 100.0 99.2 99.0 99.5 99.7 99.5 97.7 98.5 99.0 99.2 98.8 98.6 99.3 99.0 98.6 99.5 99.0 99.0 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid leucine Tyrosine Phenylalanine L 1 1 1 1 Average percentage of the five El, E2, E3, E4 and E5, also refer to Table 15 for corresponding concentration values determined from the autoanalyser. 117. TABLE 17 quintiplate of the thirteen analysis after amino acids ion-exchange chromatography A2 solution Concentration Amino acids W* Il** of amino acids (nMoles per ml) 12** 13** 1 14** Average*** 15** 394 343 340 346 345 340 343 418 425 417 423 426 420 422 Threonine 502 492 488 485 498 487 490 Serine 380 378 372 380 374 370 375 596 590 588 596 590 588 590 4,830 4,830 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid 4,960 Proline 4,830 4,820 4,840 4,820 Glycine 618 600 605 602 613 608 606 Alanine 474 467 468 475 480 473 473 Valine 324 316 315 318 320 322 318 Isoleucine 398 415 412 414 411 410 412 i, eucine 388 394 395 395 405 392 396 Tyrosine 650 633 637 640 647 636 638 Phenylananine 814 810 815 805 807 804 808 W- amount of standard refer in solution amino acids A2 determined by weight, to Table 5. for the thirteen to 15 are the values in replicate amino A2 after ion-exchange chromatography and subsequent acids of solution by the autoanalyser (see Table 13). determination under standard conditions The series Il Average concentration of the five 11,12,13,14 and 15. TABLE 18 Recoveries of in amiTTo acid solution Percentage Amino acids A2 from recoveries automatic amino acid of amino acids analyser (2) 11 12 13 14 15 1 Average* 87.0 86.3 87.8 87.6 86.3 87.0 101.7 99.8 101.2 102.0 100.5 101.0 Threonine 98.0 97.2 96.6 99.2 97.0 97.6 Serine 99.5 98.0 100.0 98.4 97.4 98.7 99.0 98.7 100.0 99.0 98.7 99.0 Proline 97.4 97.2 97.6 97.2 97.4 97.4 Glycine 97.0 98.0 97.4 99.2 98.4 98.0 Alanine 98.5 98.7 100.2 101.3 99.6 99.6 Valine 97.5 97.2 98.0 98.8 99.4 98.2 Isoleucine 104.3 103.5 104.0 103.3 103.0 103.5 Leucine 101.5 101.8 101.8 104.4 101.0 102.1 Tyrosine 97.4 98.0 98.5 99.5 97.8 98.2 Phenylananine 99.5 100.0 1 99.0 99 98.3 99.3 Lysine Aspartic acid Clutamic acid Average percentage to Table 17 for the autoanalyser. of the five corresponding 11,12,13,14 concentration 10 and 15, also values refer determined from of 118. TABLE 19 quintiplate analysis of carbohydrate of the thirteen amino acids ion-exchange after chromatography B soluti2n Amino acids Concentration W* of amino acids (nMoles per ml) B3** B4** B2** Bl** Average*** BS** 394 350 360 344 362 353 354 418 433 433 430 426 430 430 Threonine 502 490 500 493 497 490 494 Serine 380 380 383 387 376 390 383 596 582 583 580 592 580 583 4,900 4,870 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid 4,960 Proline 4,910 4.930 4,900 4,880 Glycine 618 620 620 615 607 612 615 Alanine 474 472 466 464 460 468 466 Valine 324 323 320 320 318 315 320 Isoleucine 398 402 395 405 412 400 403 Leucine 388 394 390 390 397 392 393 Tyrosine 650 640 630 640 650 660 644 Phenylananine 814 805 812 814 810 803 810 W- 1 amount of standard refer to Table S. 1 amino acids 1 1 in solution 1 B determined by weight. for the thirteen Bl to B5 are the values in replicate amino B after ion-exchange chromatography and subsequent acids of solution (see Table 13). by the autoanalyser determination under standard conditions The series Average concentration of the five values Bl, B2, B3, B4 and B5. TABLE 20 Recoveries Amino of amino in carbohydrate acids Percentage B from solution of B2 B3 B4 B5 88.8 91.4 87.3 92.0 89.6 89.8 103.6 103.6 103.0 102.0 103.0 103.0 97.6 99.6 98.2 99.0 97.6 98.4 100.0 100.8 101.8 99.0 102.6 100.8 97.7 97.8 97.3 99.3 97.3 97.8 Proline 98.8 98.2 99.0 99.4 98.4 98.8 Glycine 100.3 100.3 99.5 98.2 99.0 99.5 Alanine 99.6 98.3 98.0 97.0 98.7 98.3 Valine 99.7 98.8 98.8 98.0 97.2 98.5 Isoleucine 101.0 99.2 101.8 103.5 100.5 101.2 Leucine 101.5 100.5 100.5 102.3 101.0 101.2 Tyrosine 98.5 97.0 98.5 100.0 101.5 99.0 Phenylalanine 99.0 99.8 100.0 99.5 98.6 99.4 Bl Lysine Aspartic acid Threonine Serine Glutamic acid Average percentage refer to Table determined 1 1 of the five 19 for Bl. corresponding from the autoanalyser. 1 acids Average* B2, B3, B4 and B5, also concentration amino (Z) recoveries acids amino automatic values acid analyser 119. TABLE 21 Quintiplate analysis carbohydrate solution of the ihirteen amino acids ion-exchange after chromatography BI Concentration Amino acids of (Moles W* amino per ac6, ml) BS1** BS2** BS3** BS4** BSS** 483 450 430 428 440 433 436 513 527 532 530 528 535 530 Threonine 616 608 600 597 605 604 603 Serine 466 463 460 458 468 460 462 730 722 724 720 716 720 720 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid 6,080 Proline of 5,920 5,970 6,020 6,040 Average*** 5,990 5,990 Glycine 757 740 744 742 750 748 745 Alanine 580 567 576 580 570 573 573 Valine 397 388 395 392 390 387 390 Isoleucine 488 493 Soo 490 496 495 495 Leucine 476 482 486 478 480 484 482 Tyrosine 797 790 787 786 780 790 787 Phenylalanine 998 993 990 996 983 986 990 amount of standard amino acids in the mixture (0.6 ml) determined by weight, refer to Table S. The series BSI to BS5 are the values in replicate W- Bl and Sl of solution for the thirteen amino BI plus solution Sl (0.6 ml) after ionacids of the mixture of solution by the autoanalyser exchange chromatography and subsequent determination (see Table 13). conditions under stindard Average concentration of the five BS1, LS2, BS3, LS4 and BS5. TABLE'22 Recoveries of amino acids in carbohydiate Percentage Amino acids solution Bl from automatic (%) BSI BS2 recoveries I BS3 93.2 89.0 88.6 91.0 89.6 90.3 102.7 103.7 103.3 103.0 104.3 103.4 Threonine 98.7 97.4 97.0 98.2 98.0 97.9 Serine 99.4 98.7 98.3 100.4 98.7 99.0 99.0 99.2 98.6 98.0 98.6 98.7 Proline 97.4 98.2 99.0 99.3 98.5 98.5 Glycine 97.7 98.3 98.0 99.0 98.8 98.4 Alanine 97.7 99.3 100.0 98.3 98.8 98.8 Valine 97.7 99.5 98.7 98.2 97.5 98.3 Isoleucine 101.0 102.5 100.4 101.6 101.4 101.4 Leucine 101.3 102.0 100.4 100.8 101.7 101.2 Tyrosine 99.0 98.7 98.6 98.0 99.0 98.7 Phenylalanine 99.5 99.2 99.8 98.5 1 98.8 99.2 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid of amino acids BS4 BS4 amino acid Average* Average percentage of the five BS1, BS2, BS3, BS4 and BS5, also refer to Table 21 for corresponding concentration values determined from the autoanalyser. analyser 120. TABLE 23 Quintiplate amino acid of U. K. survey analysis honey sample code No. 174 after ion-exchange chromatography Amino acids Concentration (Moles . C B A of amino acids per g of honey) D E Average* 37 33 40 36 36 36 197 203 200 198 200 200 Threonine 150 154 146 152 146 150 Serine 355 348 350 358 348 352 412 410 416 414 41o 412 6,600 6,610 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid 6,610 Proline 6,586 6,620 6.640 Glycine 48 45 44 45 42 45 Alanine 165 167 180 175 173 172 Valine 125 120 114 123 120 120 Isoleucine 82 85 83 90 92 86 Leucine 56 60 58 60 65 60 Tyrosine 563 560 556 566 558 561 Phenylalanine 334 330 322 320 328 327 'Weight of honey *. 1 1 1 10.0 g of the five Average concentration A, B, C, D and E. TABLE 24 Quintiplate amino acid analysis of U. K. survey honey sample code No. 174 plus 0.63 g of solution Sl after ion-exchange chromatography Concentration Amino acids of amino acids 1 (nMoles per g of honey) 2 3 4 5 142 130 136 134 145 137 317 320 313 310 308 314 Threonine 288 292 284 288 286 288 Serine 448 440 443 437 432 440 565 560 558 550 550 557 Lysine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Proline 7,637 7,653 Clycine 221 223 218 226 218 211 Alanine 300 306 294 298 304 300 Valine 214 212 204 206 208 209 Isoleucine 195 200 195 200 193 197 Leucine 173 170 170 167 170 170 Tyrosine 718 718 716 712 710 715 Phenylalanine 548 546 544 544 Total *. weight of honey plus Average concentration 7,600 1 542 0.63 g of solution of the five 7,620 Average* 7,686 540 1 1 S1 - 10.7 g. 1,2,3,4 and 5. 7.640 121. TABLE 25 Quintiplate amino acid of China light analysis amber honey'sample code No. _211 after exchange chromatography Amino acids Concentration A of amino acids (nMoles per g of honey) C B D E 170 176 174 170 175 173 Threonine 19 21 18 21 19 20 Serine 92 94 90 90 94 92 298 302 296 300 294 298 Proline 1,777 1,830 1,800 1,837 1,850 Glycine 60 62 62 60 58 60 Alanine 86 88 90 90 87 88 Valine 35 34 38 33 35 35 Isoleucine 63 60 62 . 60 64 62 Leucine 82 78 80 83 80 80 Tyrosine 105 108 106 107 110 107 Phenylalanine 535 537 530 524 525 530 Lysine** Aspartic acid Glutamic, acid 1 1 1- 1 1 Average* 1,820 1 Weight of honey - 10.0 g. Average concentration of the five A, E, C, D and E. This could be because lysine, vo value for lysine was recorded. always low, was in fact below the limit of detection or that the very large ammonia peak had overshadowed lysine and other basic amino acids. These amino acids occurred infrequently to resolve and were difficult for on the autoanalyser 14owever, the paper did so resolve combination reason stated. and chromatography amino acids but only trace amounts (1 nanomole) electrophoresis basic these were present. TABLE 26 Quintiplate analysis of China Sl after ion-exchange amino acid 0.65 g of solution light amber honey sample code No. 211 plus chromatography Concentration Amino acids 1 of amino acids (riMoles per g of honey) 2 3 4 5 108 107 118 113 107 110 286 290 295 283 290 290 Threonine 172 175 166 172 170 171 Serine 198 200 203 204 195 2oo 450 468 462 456 454 458 Lysine Aspartic acid Clutamic acid 3,256 Proline 3,197 3,183 3,142 3,250 Average* 3,206 Clycine 248 250 242 245 240 245 Alanine 230 228 222 228 223 226 Valine 132 128 130 134 130 130 Isoleucine 180 175 184 178 178 180 Leucine 195 197 194 194 190 194 Tyrosine 303 296 297 307 294 300 Phenylalanine 750- 1 744 743 737 740 743 Total *. weight of honey plus Average concentration 1 0.65 g of solution of the five 1 Sl - 10.7 g. 1.2,3,4 and 5. ion- 122. TABLE 27 Quintiplate amino acid analysis of Mexico Yuctan honey sample code No. 227 after exchange chromatography Amino acids Concentration of amino acids A (nMoles per g of honey) B C D E 414 422 420 425 420 420 Threonine 230 220 225 228 222 225 Serine 204 200 207 198 200 202 1,256 1,264 1,183 1.173 1.190 1.213 4,512 4,518 4,445 4.504 4,478 4,490 Lysine** Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Proline Average* Glycine 68 66 65 66 65 66 Alanine 230 236 232 227 224 230 Valine 115 112 116 118 110 114 Isoleucine 80 78 80 75 72 77 Leucine 64 60 62 62 58 61 Tyrosine 180 173 177 177 176 177 Phenylalanine 1 1.684 1 1,643 1 1,652 1 1,668 1 1,636 1 1,657 71 of honey - 10.0 9 Ueight Average concentration of the five A, B9 C, D and E. Analysis of lysine difficulties, refer to Table 25. TABLE 28 Quintiplate amino acid 0.63 g of solution analysis of Mexico Yuctan honey samples code No. 227plus ion-exchange S2 after chromatography Concentration Amino acids 1 of amino acids (nMoles per & of honey) 2 4 3 5 100 106 96 94 108 101 516 518 522 514 528 520 Threonine 360 354 358 364 362 360 Serine 307 300 295 306 302 302 1,287 1,317 1,323 1,315 1,332 1,315 5,720 5,665 5,672 5,716 5,647 5,685 Lysine Aspartic Glutamic acid acid Proline Average* Glycine 24o 238 242 244 247 242 Alanine 364 358 352 356 354 357 Valine 204 202 208 200 206 204 Isoleucine 186 196 190 192 186 190 Leucine 166 177 175 173 168 172 Tyrosine 363 360 353 350 357 357 1,788 1,810 1 1,762 1 1,800 1,840 1,800 Phenylalanine Total *- weight of honey plus Average concentration 1 0.63 g of solution of the five 1 Sl - 10.63 g 1,2,3,4 and 5. ion- 123. TABLE 29 Recoveries in solution of amino acids Sl after honey samples: with mixing U. K. survey amber code No. 211 and Mexico Yuctan code No. 227 code No. 174, China light Amino acid Percentage recoveries of aminý acid* (Z) UK CLA MY 89.2 92.0 96.6 101.6 101.1 100.4 100.1 99.4 99.8 99.2 98.8 99.4 98.0 99.1 98.5 Proline 100.2 99.9 99.4 Glycine 97.8 loo. 6 98.2 Alanine 99.8 99.9 97.7 Valine 101.6 98.9 100.9 99.8 101.3 99.7 100.1 101.3 98.9 99.5, 100.2 100.0 Lysine** Aspartic acid Threonine Serine Glutamic acid Isoleucine Tyrasine Phenylalanine *ý The percentage values given 1 values obtained in Tables 23,25 28, respectively. where HS - the total refer and 27 with The following to footnotes and 100 the amount of solution 24,26 to Tables 24,26 was utilized equation of honey plus weight the concentration in Tables those given HS x IA -HxIx . sl rercentage recovery of amino acid by using were calculated and 28 for weight Sl added, values each honey sample. used for IA - individual average amino acid concentration value S1 was added, refer sample to which solution in each honey to Tables 24,26 and 28. H- the weight weight I- values individual refer of honey used, used for 23,25 SI - the concentration Analysis of lysine to Tables 23,25 and 27 for each honey sample. average amino acid to Tables solution refer concentration value in each honey, and 27. of each amino acid calculated in the amount of Sl added to each honey sample from those given difficulties, refer to Table 25. in Table 5. 124. than greater values Replicate average 500 nmoles per g of honey. recovery ±1% to ±5% of to within agreed analysis the values. Mellissopalynology The pollen as described. The pollen for for Sciences Social statistical analysis The numerical for in Table grains pollen grains grains were photographed in the United Amino Acids in Order Arranged After four evaluation frequency two honey ninty pollen multiple coded as Package for grains. names, English names and secondary the complete Some of at X400 magnification grains list of identified the and these pollen identified pollen have been shown 8. in Figure into VIII. frequency different between and for in Appendix given of of pollen Statistical - of predominant 30, VIII. and characteristics classes the botanical list a partial have been given are package with in terms and were numerically ease of differentiation codes together family and plant software at both usually The data frequency microscopically 7 and Appendix and presented and secondary by the computer required counted sample as described. the predominant was utilised in Table as detailed were then each honey were identified which grains and genus level grains for class from The pollen family plant sample was determined of a honey content for samples groups. of Pollen and subsequent classes of Types the United type. of classification each sample of honey, These were: and the unidentified Kingdom Samples the one hundred Kingdom survey the predominant, the pollen were grouped secondary, grains and into secondary 125. TABLý 30 List pollen Code No. of pollen grains identified in honey and the numerical codes allocated to the rains Botanical name' of Genus* English I name of species Plant family 301 Brassica Oilseed Rape Cruciferae 302 Hypericum Rose of Sharon Guttiferae 303 TiZia Silver 304 Inpatiens Policeman's 305 Aeaculus Horse Chestnut Hippocastanaceae 306 IZex Holly Aquifoliaceae 307 TrifoZiwn praten8e Red Clover Leguminosae 308 TrifoZiwn repens White Clover 309 Vicia Broad or Field 310 Rubus Blackberry Rosaceae 311 Prunus/pyrus Plum/pear to 313 Epilobium Rosebay Willowherb Onagraceae 314 Anthz-iscue Cow Parsley Umbelliferae 315 Heracleum Hogweed 316 Urtica CommonNettle Urticaceae 317 CornjZus Hazel Corylaceae 318 Castanea Sweet Chestnut Fagaceae 319 CaZluna Ling Ericaceae 320 Ligustrwn Privet Oleaceae 321 Teucrium Wood Sage Labiatae 322 AchiZlea Millfoil Compositae 323 Carduu8 Welted Thistle is 324 Taraxacum Dandelion to 325 Lotus Birdsfood 326 Mematis Traveller's 327 Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Rosaceae 328 114yosotis Forget-me-not Boraginaceae 329 Linaria CommonToadfax Scrophulariacea 330 AZnus Alder Betulaceae 331 Banksia Honeysuckle** Proteaceae 332 Eucalyptus Aromatic Myrtaceae 333 Fagopyr-um Buckwheat Polygonaceae 334 Echium Viper's Boraginaceae 335 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Myrtaceae 336 Relianthus Sunflower Compositae 337 Mezilotus Yellow 338 Onobrychis Sainfoin It 339 Robinia False Acacia to 340 SaUx Willow 341 Viguiera 'Tah' 342 Ahjrtaceae Eucalyptus 343 ReZZeborus Christmas 344 Fragaria Carden Strawberry 1 Pendent Lime Helmet Balsaminaceae if to Bean to Trefoil Joy Gum Bugloss (Sallow) Railway Leguminosae Ranunculaceae Leguminosae Melilot Salicaceae Daisy Compositae Myrtaceae Rose and Crane, Walker and Day (1984). Due to difficulty of of pollen identification of some plants especially in Table 7 and also Appendix VIII, for example, which is detailed only name is given under Botanical species to be found column and the likely under English column. in identified all the Australian For complete list the of all pollens fifty VIII_. six samples examined, refer_to __ _Appendix These are according Tiliaceae Ranunculaceae Rosaceae to Sawyer (1981) the genus Brassfca the genus latin in honey is given two hundred and 126. FIGURE 8 identification Microscopical and foreign and commercial of pollens honey in present U. K. the survey Olt lb 00e Ilb dio d, 400 410 olb V 117 40 J6 Brassica U. K. Code No. 27 AP'losotis U. K. Code No. 106 . 0& %ý Ti Zia U. K. Code No. - Ligustrum 23 English Code No. p Castanea U. K. Code No. 13 Rubus U. K. Code No. 105 25 ijm 250 4k 127. 8 cont'd Figure cri V* 4- 0 ; 6.1w 40 MeliZotus Canada Code No. 7- EucaZyptus Australia 203 -- Code No. 197 r dO $ . 10 0 0 Taraxacum China Code No. HeZianthus France Code No. 208 218 I '0 Echium Yellow Box Code No. 246 Loranthus Australia Code No. 197 128. 8 cont'd Figure Ißin , a I it if qll I "A A TrifoZium English repens Code No. 248 Fagopyrum China Code Purus U. K. Code No. 120 Viguiera No. 209 Cayman Island Code No. 207 129. Figure 8 cont'd.... I- di A CaZLuna English Code No. 251 Acacia Australia Code No. 195 fA. 41 31 do w *4 Banksia Australia Vicia U. K. Code No. 12 Code No. 194 25 im 130. Predominant type pollen Honey samples containing is, that those There were one hundred nine Brassica, TrifoZium one hundred for responsible The honey in a decreasing of pollen order to questionnaire the response to these five Itosotis pollen The amino acid From the amino acid following ninhydrin standards in each honey acid, glucosamine, glycine, and the acid, amino acid five and 31,34, and the responses measurements in the order arginine, lysine, proline, of ninhydrin groups. were identified each of of aspartic acid, glutamic threonine, spots positive substances were evaluated For reasons within of clarity and 'p'. groups. a- and y- cysteine, hydroxyproline, histidine, tryptophan, as 'x' labelled acid, reference pollen phenylalanine, methyl-histidine, methionine, serine, the five 7 the using a- and $-alanine, were: asparagine, glutamine, shown in Figure to that substances substances maps and these pollen and CaUuna of Tables and 6 have been given sample within two unidentified in occurrence the positive leucine, pipecolic content Castanea, in the order maps similar positive aminobutyric isoleucine, were arranged and 44. 32,35,38,41 These ninhydrin sources each sample belonging for concentration 3,5 questions for were The pollen repens, have been lised groups to questionnaire Tables TrifoZium floral major groups pollen percentages. 4, accounted category. samples. the five question named Brassica, and 43. 37,40 in each of samples honey and six that five pollen, to this and ltosotis CaUuna 'Castanea, repens, from Pollens pollens. class were allocated honey samples and thirteen floral predominant 45% pollen over containing frequency the predominant tyrosine, valine Differences were observed on the and between each of of presentation it was (next on page 162) 131. VVV Irr% MAVTV ')I In the key listed honeys, 1. 2. that is, and 4 are common to all below, notes 1,2,3 31,34,37,40,46,49 Tables the pollen of the U. K. survey tables and 52. location in the United Kingdom, refer to number and approximate geographical location of apairy not given to maintain confidentiality). The percent pollen quoted is the numerical value of the number of pollen grains of an identified floral by the number one hundred and then divided by the total number of polyfloral source multiplied For questionnaire appendix I (exact pollen grains Thus, the pollen counted. sample was grouped into Predominant frequency following the appropriate (>45%) p9llen values percentage for each floral source in each honey classes: Secondary pollen (16% - 45%) Important Minor pollen (3% - 15%) Minor pollen (>13%) 3. Genus quoted only. also 4. the plant In Appendix family RQQNo4- response VIII are given and genus are quoted to questionnaire question the common English No. 4- G- C Clover Pr - Pears NS - Not specified PM - Plums S - Sycamore D- L - Lime CN B - Blackberry W- F - Fruit A - Apple rape pears, plums, etc) Gooseberry Dandelion - (horse or sweet chestnut specified) Chestnut Willows Py - Pyrus SP - Soft LG - Local (peach, fruit CP - Carden flowers Sn - Sainf. oin Pv - Privet Bn - Beans GR - Golden rod Honeydew Ba - Blossom White Clover Ch - Cherry Mixed (whether flowers, shrubs or trees not specified) Rw - Ragwort LBs - Late beanstick HD WC Hx - (Roses, Dandelions, etc) blossom Spring H- Hawthorn Rbw - Rose Bay Willow Bulbs Hz - Hazel DN - Dead Nettle Ce - Catoneaster FB - Field G- Hr - Heather - Bean (ling, gorse, broom, billberry) clover (Rosebay) FW - Firwood FT - Field Thistle Heather Willowherb Br Bracken BH - Bell WB - Water balsam Sh - Sea Lavender Bm - Bramble WS - Wood sage Hw - Hedgerow (type Bu - Bugoss P- Pasture Tr - Tree (Elm, Balsam CV - Calluna Eucalyptus SPF - Spring Rb - Rowanberry Is - Industrial UF - B1 - ELg - Ling Fb - Fruit blossom HC - Horse Chestnut Sh Shrubs (not - and species specified) not specified) etc) Gardens Wh - pear, gardens SB Bb and these were: oilseed (apple, species therein. OR - the likely names for Birch, Marple, vulgaris flowers area (not Urban flora specified) etc) not 132. Key toTable 31 Contd The responses by the and of plants, it was shrubs generally A full the samples (some list with the all examined column entries species concerned. were quoted in are given the those known given genera that plant, in and species these cases which one would and trees observed in shrubs been VIII. in Tables no pollen vague, parenthases). have in Appendix quoted were type In were been is responses that, was necessary where there the specified. not common floral it of those were page responses have examples of Some the in presentation clarity omit that previous definition, trees and associate U. K. the in unclear assumed the on beekeeper. participating ambigucus of listed For reasons of 31 - 60 to representation of the 133. TABLE 31 Frequency of distribution of pollen grains honeys (ex. in samples of Bras8ica Pollen Floral genus M U. K. survey) 2.3 Honey sample code No 27 108 58 56 61 26 64 180 66 8 67 153 155 150 151 82.6 82.2 M Acer 89.0 92.5 B=88ica 89.7 88.0 88.0 87.0 86.4 86.3 85.8 84.7 84.7 84.1 83.4 3.8 4.7 2.4 0.2 5.8 6.2 4.9 0.3 1.2 Castanea o. 3 Her-acleum 0.9 Hyperiom 0.1 Liguatrwn onobrychi8 Pinus 1.7 Prunus/Pyru8 o. 7 Rubus 4.1 2. o 1.7 2.2 3.0 1.0 1.1 4.4 Taraxacum TrifoZiwn pratense Trifolim repene 1.2 o. 6 o. 8 1.1 Urtica 6.7 Vicia Shrivelled pollen unidentified Total pollen 5.2 5.7 6.5 4.6 7.0 11.5 7.1 7.5 3.0 5.7 6.1 6.5 8.0 11.8 0.8 1.7 1.2 1.7 3.0 1.7 0.9 2.7 1.7 8.0 2.6 4.1 3.8 4.5 1.5 548 345 577 460 408 756 339 337 359 419 387 295 337 288 338 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR, S OR NS NS C WS S, OR C, L, B counted grains RQQNo4 pollen 6.0 4 The notes to key 1,2.3 and 4 are given on the key sheet. 134. Table 31 cont'd Pollen Floral genus M 2,3 Honey sample code No 182 140 135 54 68 143 118 138 137 132 145 124 114 115 80.0 79.3 78.7 78.1 77.6 77.3 75.4 74.4 73.9 73.0 72.8 67.5 2.9 0.9 175 Acer 81.6 Bras8ica 81.3 80.3 2.2 Ca8tanea HeracZewn Hypericum Ligu8trwn onobrychi8 Pinu8 5.1 Prunuslpyru8 2.7 3.8 10.5 6.9 Rubus o. 4 Taraxacum o. 4 Trifolium pratense TrifoZium repen8 4.0 6.4 16.7 11.3 7.6 6.9 4.7 3.5 0.9 4.4 2.8 o. 4 2.2 2.9 Urtica 0.9 Vicia Shrivelled Unidentified pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 1.2 6.8 11.3 11.0 7.7 10.0 9.9 9.7 14.8 16.4 10.4 4.9 8.7 10.3 20.3 14.2 4.2 4.7 4.8 1.8 2.3 4.4 3.5 3.8 5.3 1.9 3.9 6.9 5.3 4.7 11.0 354 257 290 506 261 272 310 344 225 317 305 230 300 320 317 OR F'S, OR A, G, OR Pr, Pm D OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR,CN, S, py S, W,A OR 135. Table 31 cont'd Pollen Floral (Z) 2,3 1 Honey sample code No genus 92 88 51 188 Acer 162 74 11 42 131 144 110 185 179 87 56.1 56.0 55.2 54.1 53.0 51.2 47.9 45.2 45.1 5.3 66.9 Bras8ica 66.0 64.5 63.5 60.3 4.6 1.8 Ca8tanea 2.4 Heracleum 2.1 Hypericwn Ligustrwn 5.8 onobrychis 11.3 0.4 Pinus 10.0 Prunuslpyrus 3.8 Rubus 2.4 3.2 11.4 26.9 28.9 4.0 0.6 20.1 6.8 17.8 3.2 2.5 TrifoZium praten8e TrifoZium repene 5.3 1.3 3.4 4.4 Urtica Vicia Unidentified 1.8 5.9 Taraxacm Shrivelled 3. o pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 2.7 17.5 11.4 11.3 6.4 23.2 22.5 15.6 7.1 23.0 14.6 5.2 2.0 1.8 7.2 6.5 2.5 5.7 5.2 290 406 482 293 262 237 421 221 OR,S OR 3.7 OR B o. 8 S 26.0 18.4 C'L. OR SF, GF Sn 11.7 13.4 3.0 5.4 20.4 13.7 12.1 23.8 17.3 5.1 16.0 5.5 6.4 18.2 3.0 294 328 324 313 369 466 UN,B R. L .C FB Bn : ED, L WC Mx SB S, ; NS Hq p BD, DN 136. rý 10 H N ý4 e4 OD km "t %D ei 0% N IT IT en 11 -4 0 rq 0) >ý Co 0 Z 00 -4 14 Ln "i 0 ull 't t %0 C" %0 rý rý m ýi " M 1-4 C,4 cm cm 02 ý4 0 0 Co & e4 Co 0 44 0 0 r4 10 Co rý %0 ri en m -n 00 r- r4 -M r4 10 U'% r4 %0 00 ý-4 00 t -4 m 0 -f %0 -t co K cy, tei rý -t 't rZ Ln e t" 0 LM A rý an m ýI H 1 %D 0, 0 C'4 t4 m e4 7 0 (n ulý en 00 A -e C-4 10 in 00 C" c4 m m cn 0 m -f fl r, 0 -f %0 10 cm 0 0 ri H e4 7 >, 4) rý %D %D rý %D 0% CO M %D M N e V) 0 91 Z:) r. H 0 Z Co - 93 ei 0) >- j A 44 0 CM %0 $4 w ýq ý4 -4 %0 11 -1 0 r4 LM rý cla Co rý H Co M r, c4 -1 ell r4 0 Co cu 0 41 r. 0 13 clw en 0) gr% tncm cy, 0 .w ,. M ým 10 0 0 r, %n 10 0 cm vý tn KM cn en t" vi r, 10 Cd 0 m ý4 0) vi al C,4 00 (U 0 > ý4 "f le H 't ýD r4 rq 't -4 cm 11 %0 fi 0 c7, e 02 Ln C*q ti CYN -4 Ul% 0 rr. %0 CY rt -1 rý %0 e4 0 -4 tri Co OD t 0 -4 Co 2 H CO tel -t %0 rl cý C,4 ý4 00 0 0 0 9) 4) cm 0) 0 0 0 (0 u 0 c4 t ý4 10 vi 0 Co %0 "f Co Z0 rý 4 0 0 Co 0 ul c4 cm cr, %n -4 vi wlý -4 0 %0 ýt m %M %D r. Co rq Co Z CI) in 0 Irt wi e4 Co 0 w (L) >- H w kn 4 Uli ý4 Co 0 4) 41 43) H 0 10 ul 1-4 e c4 %o rq fm r. 0 " -4 ý4 ul g" cn e4 ITt %0 tm vl ýn 00 ýt H ul CY, el ýA -i cq 0 Z Co 0 w 0 44 tu : Ulb ä 0 (L) w 0 0 (D, 1- 2 -. 0 in 41 0 w 44 e 0 bo :1 0 't . 4) . -4 ý4 01 0 00 Ln v3 0 10 %D T 10 U .' rý 14 0 r4 A 0 ID (Y, r, cm e4 Co CY, e e4 M e4 m 0 10 't W% ý4 09 %0 14 0 cu in (U >- >ý ', 0 9) tu c2. j 9 . ll Co 63 Co 0 4 e4 1 r, N -H U Co ý4 t ein ri -i vi IT e4 cm 0 c4 t" rý Ul 10-4 't0% LM CY, %0 0 rý vi r,p vi 0 41 CY, H 0 c4 lf c4 ýD ý4 %D kn r61 tn 'tcm rým IT rn cn Co C,4 -t %n N m Co -e 1. f r4 Co -- r4 Co 1- 0 Z 0 Z 0 0 >4 .A r 10 0 921 w )4 C 0 (d ýI 4) :1 ß4 4) 0) 41 41 0 0 4) 0) 41 to P to 4) Z a) 1-4 e :2 0 0 > 43) (0 «o C0 41 Iti 0 si 0 4-1 W 0 en 0 41 tn (U Co 0 m 0 44 iv 9) H 41 4) J., 41 C e 0 Z 4) w al J tg 9 0 . km 0) ý4 10 a 0 41 . di 4) ý4 -0 0 0 0 9 44 -1.4 u qi to N g Co , 8 0 U 0 8 0 137. LM r, -2 14 r, Co 10 LM CO Co 't %D ý4 't 't cý 0 N rm c4 cm %D e r4 rý 00 17 tn tel 0 "j ý4 ed e Co ýr rý4 't Kn r, en %0 r- 0 ým cm 't %0 Co -4 it) 00 i c4 ýT * r, Co Ln c4 Co -tri 0% CY%%M gn -4 0 10 t IT cm 94 Co r, 00 " gn CY, cm 10 't H Ul% ch Co Co in 00 -e ri e4 Co 0 0 (U t4 Co 0 0 %0 ýA le r4 .0 Z 0) er% cm Co ei 1.1 0 Co in 14 Co e4 1-4 r- en Co 0 17 e r4 0 10 0 0) r4 00 't c4 VI 0 0 km Co 00 H eN 4n rý t4 0 -i %0 -e Co 10 CYN 0 rn -7 -f cm LM ýI 10 0% c4 Co 0 0 c4 M " r- ýI ý4 10 -1 10 17 r4 10 0 rý c4 10 c4 ýA km r4 cm cr, rq ri c4 0 ýn r, g% t4 Co -- 0 Z 0 Z rý cm ýA 10 11 tn N 0 C,4 Ul% c4 ul 17 0 -7 rb 14 " c4 0 e H rc4 0 ri 14 (: t e4 00 0) 0) >- 0) w >ý Co 00 't cm CY% ulý ýd 11 0 0 M -4 (71 00 tn Co -4 Co f- -f 00 m r, 0% 0% 0 H C) 10 rý -4 ein 17 H e4 r4 0 ýo ri 0 Co 1-4 0 0 ýD 00 ýc 0 0 -t 0% t4 LM rý .7 -1 'm 0 CD -4 co >ý Q) 93 44 0 9) P. in m 4) 41 93 r, m " Lr% 11 g" F. $ 4n 14 Co 00 r. %D %D rý %D " r. 0 rý (" %o t i r' Ln 14 im clo m r4 im m i H M 10 C,4 0 wl cm -4 Uli c4 in Co 0 0 Co cn cq 00 0 4) 0 ei %D rý r4 Co 0% r4 Co 0 w 0 0) 11 ;.. >- eq 00 0 0 >- 0) 0 >- 0 Q) 0 w (V 0 Z) V4 CY, 10 0 cq r- 10 0 m Co 4 m 0 Ul ým cm &4 Co cm r, 0 e 10 " cli 00 rý cm r4 tn ID -f C" 10 00 H 10 c4 0 't r4 0 tn c4 ,D r- r4 -e 0 Co e4 vi Co r, Ulb 0 0 m -I Ln i u'% -4 cm CY, cq -4 cm b4 ý4 -4 cm CY, Uli t4 Co -3 -4 im Co 0 ID m IT (21 (n rq Co in cm 0 c4 7 km m trt E4 't r') e4 %D V't 0) 0 0 0 00 0 0 u cli P, 0) 0 Co j2 Co E4 ý4 e 0 ul H w ci P. "i 0 Co > 93 H -t r 41 41 s4 -14 Co 10 te 0 :10 ZA n :c gn k. 138. 0 0 rý 00 ýA 00 t" Co in ýI %0 CYN T m 00 0 r- rý tm 0 0 0 11 rý 0 0% %0 ..t %D ýD 7 en 11 Cq e4 E-4 1.4 LM ein Co An LM 0 Co %ei Co 0 -1 -4 r- Co f- H cm Co Z Z 9) 0) m QI 0 0 00 Co ei 0 ýi ý4 %D 10 %D r4 0 rý 0 C> "-f Co -7 0, CD 0 c4 rn 10 't cn ri ýI cý 4- vi r- ý4 44 H r- ýi r, e4 10 en Uli 0 Co H cm rý %D ein ýT t m c4 e4 00 61 0 ON C,4 Co m r- tn %M rý 00 in ý4 10 rý vli CYN Co rý -4 t 1-4 cm cio e r, 0 ý4 (4 Co rn -f CY, g" 4 44 0 cm ýI -4 -4 r. H ý4 ri ki ým vi 0. ým 't (71 Cl% 00 ý4 ýt m LM 10 ulý CY%00 rý M c4 LM Q 14 0% M Co H 0 e4 41 0 KM IT 00 C-4 Co 10 -e in cn 0 en rq le 0 0 rq %D 't Ln &A rý r4 rý (n vi r- cl% r4 0 %0 4q g" 0 Co c4 rZ "li 0 r, e 1 t Co 0 0 ýQ 00 t" Co 0 Ul 0 r- 1-1 Co 0 c, 1 ý4 ýI rý rý cm -4 cý %0 0 r- c4 7 tn cq c4 ýD -4 Ch " Co ýo c4 vi rý m 0% 00 0 m A e 0 ei c4 rý 0 rý 0 tm cm %0 cm ý4 c4 ýD r, LM Co r- 10 vi 0 0% rq t c% m 0) 0 cu 00 -f 00 r%0 c4 0 Z 0 Z Co 0 Co di %0 CD r-1 t (7, cm bi Co Co en -1 00 4 00 %D rý CD rý c4 vý tn (: r, Co in rý ri r4 cn , -i tri CY% cm : 0 Z Z H fi 9 ei 0 e vi m ý4 rý (:t ri 61 -f Co 0 Z -e -4 - r- 00 0 U-1 M e4 c4 c4 CO cm %0 r4 t 0% 00 c4 c4 r4 e4 H Co 4) : 0 0 0 0 41 4) 41 41 ed 10 -0 bo 0 tu u3 cý (V = C0 cn ký Co t u Co E4 13) -4 ul u w P. 14 fi 1 C -1 H % ý p Z 0. 139. TABLE 33 Occurrence of ninhydrin positive Ninhydrin positive substance substances in Brassica honeys Sample numbers in which given compound was found not* to occur O-Ala 8,58,61,64, a-Abu ) y-Abu. 67,118,153 67, 74,87,124,143 Arg 54,56,58,66, 124 Asn 8,11,27,42, 108,110,115, 56, 58,61,64,66,92, 180 Cys 8,11,58,67, 74, 118,124,132 Glu 8,11,26,27, 175,179,180 67, 88,92,108,124,135, His 88 Ile Leu 132 Me-His 26,58,66,67, Trp 8.11,67,88, 179,182,188 92, 114.138,140,151,153, 1XV 8,27,51,54, 92,110,114,1 56, 58,64,67,68,74,87, 40, 162 In addition to the other 88, 110,114,115,118, 74, 92,124,140 amino acids found in all samples, the following These were: hydroxyproline positive substances were also present. ninhydrin in sample numbers 74,1099 114 and 124; pipecolic acid in sample numbers 42,61 and 64 and the unidentified spot 'p' in sample numbers 27,66,68, 114 and 162. The presentationof give every amino acid an excessively long list However, unless stated found in all samples: acid, proline, glycine, and phenylalanine. by the sensitive present in all which was considered the samples would not justifiable. the following common amino acids were otherwise lysine, glutamic acid, threonine, serine, aspartic isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine valine, alanine, Small amounts of amino acids paper electrophoresis used and not by the amino acid Tables 36,39,42,45,48,51,54,56,59 analyser. were often and chromatography These conditions and 62. detected technique apply to 140. FIGURE 9 Amino acid from honey U. K. sample No. 91 (Brassica). map obtained (14 Ile 15 Leu ( 19 -Phe @1:! et Val 25 (3 ) 23 Trp 24 Tyr -( a-Abu4 a-Ala 0( 20 ) Pro y-Abuý )_ Thr-ý Gly 22 1 12 Gln Glu O-Asp 0 21 rn Ser .e - N%" Me-His4ý1'83 16 Gluc '*,. ---ýýAsn Arg Lysý & OHis pH 1.9 Electrophoresis & buffer Cys 0 Origin 141. FIGURE 10 Amino acid from honey map obtained U. K. sample No. 131 - Brassica Q 14 Ile F-Leu 15 19 Phe x& @ 17 -Met -Val 5 ( G24 23 Trp Tyr a-Abu-ý 20 a-Ala Pro 1 y-Abu 2 (9-Gln $-Ala 22 Thr- 1 ) Gly4 (D 12 Glu a 21 r-4 0 cn Asp Ser GlGluc Me-His _6 8 Sý Asn T Arg Lys 16 S (2 r His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis Cys bu Origin 142. TABLE 34 Frequency of distribution of pollen Rrains in samples of Trifolium Pollen M repens honeys (ex. U. K. survey) 2.3 1 Honey sample code No Floral genus 142 47 102 141 158 186 157 82 164 81 - 5.2 0.6 184 174 45 44 160 Acer Aesculus 3.3 Brassica 1.1 Calluna 9.2 15.7 14.7 9.4 1.5 0.2 Corduus 3.8 Castanea 3.1 1.4 2.5 1.5 10.0 Cotoneaeter 0.3 gpilobiwn 1.6 1.4 HeracZeum 2.3 o. 2 0.3 o. 6 2.1 6.1 3.1 1.3 Impatiens Ligustrum o. 2 Phlox o. 8 Pmnus/pyrus 9.8 1.7 Rubus 1.5 7. o 2.6 10.8 2.3 1.9 Sazix 1.3 Taraxacwn M TiZia TrifoZivm repens 78.1 73.6 70.7 70.7 68.8 67.6 Vicia Unidentified 62.7 62.5 61.8 60.4 60.2 59.3 59.3 14.0 29.4 1.2 o. 4 pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 For notes 63.4 - Viola Shrivelled 67.1 11.4 11.5 8.4 2.5 297 488 NS to key 1,2,3 Hr 18.8 16.6 19.2 12.5 22.8 25.1 22.7 18.6 18.3 22.7 2.3 7.1 5.1 6.6 10.9 2.7 5.8 3.5 16.1 7.4 1.1 1.9 5.1 263 293 343 395 432 254 343 344 280 230 457 464 194 Wh C, L, B H S, C Wh, B 2o. 1 C, B and 4 refer A B, Wh, C to Table 31. NS Hr, Br Hr, C B, Wh S, C 143. Table 34 cont'd Pollen Floral genus (Z) 2,3 Honey sample code No' 117 103 101 35 34 20 183 98 154 Acer 163 116 134 192 100 1.8 Aeeculua 9.7 Brassica 5.8 CaUuna Carduua 0.7 Castanea 2.0 8.9 1.8 5.0 3.2 8.3 Cotoneaster 5.8 8.8 9.5 o. 3 EpiZobium 1.3 Heractewn 0.9 0.7* 4.3 1.4 0.9 1.7 1.4 0.3 0.6 2.5 2.3 Impatiens Ligustrum 1.3 PhzOx Prunus/pyru3 3.4 Rubus 2. o 7.6 16.4 10.8 6.8 2.0 3.6 5.0 Salix 6.8 1.8 4.7 47.1 47.0 2'. 2 9.2 10.7 Taraxacum TiZia Trifolium 0.7 repens 58.6 55.9 Vicia 52. o 52.9 51.4 51.3 48.6 0.5 46.4 46.3 45.9 1.3 45.9 45.7 9.5 0.9 VioZa Shrivelled Unidentified pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 30.1 24.6 31.6 32.9 45.0 18.7 20.1 33.2 28.7 30.9 45.4 31.9 24.6 39.7 3.4 1.7 2.5 1.0 1.0 6.3 7.3 6.6 4.0 11.3 3.3 4.4 11.1 4.5 292 236 434 395 321 450 383 274 300 278 361 342 305 339 W,D, C 11W. P NS S, DR L. C NS B B C, H: L B, WB, Wh B, C Bm,C Mx B, C C, Bm 144. 0 10 1.4 -ýr C4 (n ý4 .10 In IT -T rý . ýr 4) 0 0 tn a, C4 co 04 ý4 ch N rý rl r. tn cli CY, ON eq C4 An -.T 1-4 -4 ON .0 . 4.0ý Go 0% -4 ý4 tn r14 co en C14 ý4 0 ý4 cn r-I ý4 %n 0 00 co mm0 co 0 C14 rl 00 C14 rl rl . 4t co 10 ý4 r4 r, r4 Ln 0 00 rl 0 ý4 00 M C14 %n -ýT in 1.4 cn ý-q .4f, -ýr -4 Cy% (A cy, rý M0 If ý-l co -4 14 Ln 0 ON Ln ý4 00 00 ý4 tn r00 10 -4 ý4 11 ý4 00 Go ol rý c7N en ý4 00 Ln 0% in 4 ý4 cn co 0" C4 00 1-4 -ýt C4 eq -4 %D in C4 OD -4 ý4 rý .0 'A 0) z 00 C4 00 :0-- 00 zz C7% C4 co -z co co in 0 C4 co 000 (n a z U) a) >4 Go 0 10 47,0 cn r(a Ln cn r4 In ýo r-4 (A .4 in 'T ýl -ýr in c4 cn 0% " ý4 P, CA en C14 r4 00 cn " 1? 00 ch .4 rl tn 11 0 ON 4n C4 0% N OD r, in c4 14 zz ýo &A co 0 0) rý %D C4 r% z tý- 44 0 40 eq It ýD $4 w ý-f C6 0 cn 'D 0 en C4 rý 0 Ul co r-I a, co r4 r-4 00 %D co rý rl -T ýq Ln 'T ON co t, LM tn 00 IT c) 00 vi fn -00 co zz -4 co 0 L9 W r4 OD (71 -4T LIN en 0 %n cn ý4 1.4 0% rý C4 -ýr C*4 ý4 00 fn cn 0 11 14 cn 0 r, 4) -z 0% IT C4 0 00 wHHH rý 0% CO In It Go co tn rl %D 0 en rý 00 0 -4 r% 4 0 ý4 Cla 0 r- Ln IV %n %D rl .400 r, zz 14 H 0 CVI 10 co Ln I? in CIA eq :r C% 'D fr4 -* 1-.T 0 00 rl cn co co q4 0% 0% ý4 e4 co C14 0ý H Go -S 0 rý -.? 93 93 qp 0 00 Ln 1-1 1-4 11 14 ýj co %p zr o in 1-4 -ýr rý CIN m rý 0% co cn 0 r, ND Pý C) 'D -4 r4 ON ýo rl t4 -ýr Q Ln r, co 'D cr) 0 -4 r.. r.. r- ý4 ýq 0 114 r4 " Ln ty, r, co Lm rr, Ico ON c4 co LM c4 %0 0 co co &n %0 ý4 0% 14 ý4 C'4 0 z %0 41 01. 0 to 4) z ;H 0 93 41 0 0 44 0 41 4. c4 0 .4 r, :r 0, LM 't r%D co ý4 co 10 C-A IT 10 -4 0 (A 0 C4 -1 It 11 0 co rý co (7% 0 co C14 .2 r1-4 eq co co 0% rý co 0a V4 in 0 C4 Ln r-4 Go C4 ý4 %m Ln ý4 4n 14 ý4 10 C'I m %0 ý4 'T a, 0% co a Ln co %0 C*4 co a, %0 ý4 0 z u en en IT 0 4 14 C-4 0" 0 10 tn Cl) IT 0 -T ý4 e4 CA C-4 00 ý4 -ýr en r4 00 cy, en ell 0 D) 93 10 Au... -. 4 M !ý .4 04 $ý f4 ... :30 01, u tl :ý 14 ý-. 0) "0 0ý ý4 t-4 ica to a. 00 zz eq co 0m 00zz C*4 ý4 in en 4) 0% V4 ýT rý 0% 0 z co al 4j tn Q 0, bo 93 It two 93 ý4 4j cd s4 -ý4 to .0 bo w . :4 :3. tn W $4 145. c4 CY, ,f cm Ch ýT rý 00 ý4 tq rý c4 rvlý Ul% ri C,4 "f v% %0 0 r. ein 00 00 00 tn ýD le Co %D 0 0 00 r4 04 01 c4 't T" H cy, Co r, Co r4 r- o 00 90 tn ý4 't ýi 0% ý4 "l 0 rý CM 0 cm 1.4 Co Co 11 Co rý Co 0% t4 kn 0% Co H 00 0 c> Uli 14 CY, m rý cm r, r4 Co 0 Z ý& LM rý ri 0 (ý c4 rý 0% 0 Co 't ul ult c4 -t CA 11 C,4 (Y, %D 0 Ch rý tn (Y, c4 tn rC.A M co trt ul Cl% Co 0 %D Ln 4 r. Co A c4 CY% rq ulý r- o 17 ýT (A 4) 0Z: 0) Q) >- 0 Z 00 Co (L) Co Co 1-4 cn r4 00 f" cm in 1 ýI -4 ID e4 00 0 %0 0e0 e4 Co 00 44 0 11 Ul ".4 - ri tA10 c4 (: Co (71 gd w 4) 0 00 Co cy, rin rý -4 AJ wi 10 0 ri 1-4 1.4 0% c4 r4 17 ID 00 0% ýT 0 10 ý4 ýo C% 10 00 10 11 cio 0 't 0 r4 H rm ý4 -2 00 ý4 H vi r4 ýi In e cm in KM m CN Co cýo 00 ZZ f0% 0 rm rý rt" c4 ým e %D 0 t4 e4 ý4 00 ei w cm -4 Co -f r. eA7 0 rý 0 ýo c4 In 0 rq Co rq c 0 u c4 le 't 1-4 01 LM 0 0, fl0 -4 CA -4 0% cy, 1.-1 H00 Co 0 rC M e4 LM -4 00 c4 LA bri 0 tn 0 14 LM D cn rý 00 ý4 00 00 In en ýt rý 00 (2% e0 0 ýc 0 Co ýe %0 "4 Co LM 0 cla Ch 0 00 05 r- 0 c4 00 Co %0 cm ýt m «1 el r, 0 0 fl Ch 0 0% Co ýn Km 10 Co M 80 0 tm e4 e4 11 rý 0 m 't -1 r- f- 0 (: cq 0% eq ým cq ýn Ln >ý 90 OD 00 -4 17 00 0%trN 8er, 8 Co ID (71e4 0% cm In CMe14 Co 00 ein 10 t" 10 14 V) cm 00 -f 0 >ý 14 U) di 11 Co cy, en -e Cla -Ki 0 ei (1) r4 Co 0) 4) ýA 00 00 0) 0 Z cm cm a) 0 0) -i U) -Ki s4 t4 0 >% :30 "4 A ý4U 2ý 19ta 0 . .2 w 't tu . sä. Uý>H4 te "-1 0 c--4 r. 0. 4) 41 ae HM 41 Co e0v cn p= r ýi 0 lu bo 4) :10 U) w 146. TABLE 36 Occurrence of ninhydrin positive substances Sample numbers in which given was found not* to occur Ninhydrin positive substance $-Ala 82,100', Y-Abu 158 100,141,157,158,160,163,184 Asu 45,81,82 Cys 158 Gluc 34,35,100,117,158,160,117 Glu 100,158,160 Gln 154 His 134 Phe 158 Trp 158,160 following to the other ninhydrin pipecolic were: amino acids positive acid in spot unidentified Details in sample numbers spot 'E' was present-in as per Table in all were also the unidentified 100,101,163 33. honeys compound samples, present. the These sample numbers 34,44,81,98,100,102, 47,134,141,160,174,175,184 numbers 'p' found substances and 164; 116,121,142,163 repens 101,102'g'134 Arg In addition *- in TrifoZium spot IxI in sample and 186 and unidentified and 164. One other sample numbers 44 and 164. 147. PTr. TTRV. 11 Amino acid map of U. K+' survey No. 44 - Trifotium 14 repens. Ile 15 Leu 19 Phe -riet -Val JLi &23Trp ) P:Lp--e Tyr- 24 a-Abu-0 20 e Pro &Gln y-Abu U U 12 Gly- Ser -21 i 27 G-Asp -4 0 ý1: & H-Pro Me-His -G) 18 w Gluc (SLAsn 5 Lys -6 Arg Gý--Cys 16 (EýýHis origin pH 1.9 Electrophoresis btiffer - 148. FIGURE 12 Amin acid No. 164 - TrifoZium map of U. K. survey repens. Ile 14ý5 -ýl Leu 4 19 Phe Met -Val 923-Trp ( pip f) e 24 Tyr a-Abu4 1.e F- t 2o- a-Ala Pro G* y-Abu ß-Alal 2 Glu Thr_(ýýGlu Gly 4 aAsp 7 C21 12 0) Ser. cn &Gluc Me-His m 18 Asn 5 Lys Arg T His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis Gý-Cys buffer origin 149. TABLE 37, Frequency of distribution of pollen grains in samples of Castanea honey (ex. %213 Pollen Floral genus U. K. survey) Honey sample code No 91 39 89 178 36 97 29 84 43 AchiZZea AlZiwn o. 2 Brasaica 2.2 0.8 0.2 CaUuna o. 2 Carduue 94.6 Castanea 86.7 85.3 0.1 81.9 81.4 79.4 75.4 74.3 72.3 CoryZue 0.5 Epilobiwn o. 7 HeracZeum o. 3 0.5 o. 4 0.9 3.3 2.5 6. o 7. o 15.1 16.1 Ligustrwn 7.9 Lotus Malva Prunualpyrus o. 4 Rubus 0.5 Sanbacus o. 2 Tilia Trifolium 1.5 1.8 6.7 repens 0.5 0.5 Vicia 3.4 9.6 10.8 8.9 15.8 12.2 18.2 0.4 2. o 0.5 2.5 2.0 0.0 2.4 o. 7 1.5 Total pollen grains counted 445 871 389 282 183 189 578 397 838 4 RQQNo4 SC B NS Bm,C, Shrivelled Unidentified pollen pollen B, SCO L, B S, L, C, Wh, CF, Hr B BA Hr E Cont'd.... For notes to key 1,20 3 and 4 refer to Table 31, 150. Table 37 cont'd Pollen Floral genus (Z) 2,3 Honey sample code No 83 28 90 2 AchilZea 25 107 59 23 1.2 AZZiwn 5.8 Braseica 13.0 3.2 o. 6 CaZIuna Carduue 0.6 68.2 Ca8tanea 63.7 61.5 60.4 59.4 57.9 Corylus 57.6 53.2 o. 4 Epilobium o. 2 Heraclewn M 1.3 Liguatrum 2.0 Lotus 6. o MZva o. 3 1.7 Prunue/pyrus 2.5 Rubua 1.2 14.6 S=bacue M 4. o TrifoZiwn repena 1.3 3. o 12.4 8. o 1.5 Vicia Unidentified 1.4 4.7 3.0 TiZia Shrivelled 0.9 5.4 pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 2.0 20.2 9.9 1.7 1.3 5. o 16.2 19.2 11.5 8.5 14. o 31.0 14.6 23.5 o. 4 1.6 5.2 8.5 1.2 9.6 2.5 6.7 444 511 348 270 762 145 465 718 L Sc, L, B 'Wh B, H L B, L B Bm,L Vl% o, ei r4 " 00 r,0 10 -4 rm CYN 10 In 0 't 1 10 CM 0 r, 't l fCh t U», Co C) irl 00 ýT -4 rý le m 10 t" e4 ýd rý CO 10 4n 10 ý4 0 0) tr, (: ý4 Co ý 0 Z 'tKn Co 0 Z 0) >4 0 Z 9) 0 >4 Z >4 Z Z 151. 0 Co 0% in %D 4 14 Co 11 r4 ý4 -4 0 pl " ein w% t4 ý4 ýd LM cl% r, LM ý4 0 t4 -4 ý4 14 11 4 ý4 r- -7 r4 Co r4 0% t> wl "4 r4 A .t f4 ,4 4 ý ý4 cla f4 CYN cm 0 Co Co 10 (21 ý7 -4 0 -4 Co ri r4 Co 0 %0 17 0 10 10 10 CA 10 r, c4 cýJ 10 t4 -4 e4 cn -4 ýd Co ým ý4 Co qi Co C,4 00 ý-4 r% e4 c4 Ch 0 - cli t" en c4 rq 0 0 0 ýn 0 0 t ý4 -4 0 M r- ID Co IT ý4 m -4 V) 0 U'% 10 00 -4 0) 01 co r- Ch el 't Co cu qi in 0 -f ý-4 00 cq r, a 0 Co w M 02 E-4 cm e4 e% 0 le ýD 'tr- Co tn 0 ". 4 r4 (2% Ch 11 4) P. rq Co 11 00 "4 rý cý --4 4n en (3% 0 ri 0 -4 CIN c4 f4 't ý4 i cm cm tm m cm 9% r4 C-4 14 ý4 (71 ON 4 .4 CY, f LM 't , .4 c4 93 '. , , , -M0 (Y, ei C,4 Co 4m Co M gd 841 0 rý Co m " .4 ý-4 " .4 cm 't 17 e4 IT ulb rý ý 0 ýn 0 ýn cm ri " 0 re4 ým r- 0 -4 Co -4 f4 ý4 ým oý t cm 0 0) >- Z c4 Co c4 CO " 00 0 0) Co cn e -4 0 10 u, % LM t 11 tn %D c% " 0 w -4 00 0 ll Z : Co 0 Z 0 Z 0) Z 0 0 0 C" ,4 (> 10 CI) , r4 tn 0 ri CY% 0 4 10 10 00 ID 0 -4 Co g" Co ý4 0 "" -, 10 *t 00 0 cm 0 0% 0 0 ul% r, 10 en r, cm ri ý4 c) .n (1) e4 ý4 -q 0 Co C,4 U') 10 0 r4 10 Co ý IT W 0 90 Co -1 0 Z 90 0 0 44 0 17 Co r- lý Co 0 N CY% r, 0 (71 M "4 cm m M 'N cy% rý (4 Co 'm ýn (4 Q) 0 41 U) cu 44 >, gi CY, - ti 43 c2 cm ri cm 't 0 C,4 C.-4 en r, rý 0% fl 0 cm 0% ri 0 10 Vi r. KM -4 ult r- -4 rý ým c9 U'% %0 ON rý c4 CY% t kn ýI CY% ,4 u Co Co cm , 0 Z c4 " 1.4 cq -4 Ul r, 0 cy, en ým 10 0 r4 rn C% t 10 en 0% 0 r- f4 ý4 e4 fn 't 10 00 cq .4 - 4 CYN ý4 r4 tr) rpl 0 17 -to 0 10 0 w trN 0% ý4 r- 4 c4 Co 1-1 0 Z 0 Z 0 M ÖD ý4 00 w Z 0 0 p4 fý 0) 0 Ad (A 't 0 E-r CYN rz ., l Ei 4) 0 en 0 Co c4 th -ci ý4 00 4 60 IttM -ý -0 m .2 te bo 0 0 I 13 152. TABLE 39 Occurrence of ninhydrin positive in Castanea substances Sample numbers in which given was found not* to occur Ninhydrin positive substance ß-Ala 28, 59,83,84 y-Abu 28 Arg 2, 36,39,83,84,90,178 Asu 36, Gluc 36, 43,178 Gln 23, 91 Me-His 59, 84 Trp 28 to the other In addition following ninhydrin hydroxyproline were: 59,83,84,89,91 amino acids positive in found substances sample numbers and 97; *= in the unidentified Details sample number 107. as per Table 33. compound 89,90,91,96 in all were also samples, present. the These 25,28,29,36,39,43, spot 2,23,25,29 178 and the unidentified and numbers 42. 39 One other unidentified and numbers sample present Honeys 'x' in sample 'p' in spot spot 'e' was 153. FIGURE 13 Amino acid map of U. K. survey No. 25 - Castanea. Ile Leu ?he 17 Met 25 Val pip---o t '. 24 Tyr4 23 Trp ot-Abu -( a-Ala 20 Pro y-Abu11 O-Ala-oý 1 Gln Glu 22 Trhr Gly4 12D 21 7 Asp Ser 0 09 Me-His-( 18D Gluc rn m pq Asn 5 OHis 4 Lys Arg acys 16 pH 1.9 Electrophoresis buffer origin 154. TABLE 14 Amino acid No. 107 - Castanea. map of U. K. survey 14 Ile 15- Leu k 19 Phe ( 17 Met Val 25 -Trp 24 Tyr -(E) ý3) a-Abu a-Ala F- -Pro & y-Abu-- Gln Glu Thr &7Asp GlyýCU > 0 W 27 Se)O( e Me-His. b 5 a H-Pro CD pq Gluc -Asn I Arg &-i Lys -0 16 (5- His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis Cys buffer ' a- Origin 155. TABLE 40 Frequency honey of distribution (ex. Pollen in samples of CaZluna grains of pollen U. K. survey) Honey sample Code. NJ M23 152 41 31 o. 4 Brassica 91.0 CaZZuna 86.1 147 57 187 80.6 3 23.9 3.0 84.3 32 74.7 58.7 57.0 52.5 1.4 carduus M Castanea 13.0 1.3 0.9 Conpostae Hypericum M Ligustrwn 0.7 23.2 Lotus M Phlox 2.2 Taraxacum Trifozium repens o. 4 4.7 11.2 21.7 3. o Urtica Vicia o. 4 Shrivelled pollen 6.6 5.1 Unidentified pollen 1.6 0.5 225 NS Total, pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 For notes to key 1,2,3 13.0 12.2 9.4 16.5 4.5 o. 4 2.0 0.2 8.7 2.5 2.0 800 22j- 268 376 286 242 284 Lg, Hr NS Hr Hr NS CV Lg 15.0 4, refer and to Table 31. 156. TABLE 41 Free amino acids in CaZZuna honey Concentration Amino Acids 1 (nMoles per g of honey) 152 41 31 147 57 187 32 3 Lys 13 143 95 17 102 T 120 133 Asp 77 125 63 71 380 59 112 101 Thr 25 51 32 30 50 19 39 93 Ser 49 65 69 57 60 45 51 98 Glu 99 121 110 124 88 120 176 170 Pro 1350 1470 1310 1540 3240 2350 1470 2220 Gly 26 58 71 32 45 51 32 49 Ala 28 81 64 53 85 82 65 100 Val T 43 35 T 50 32 43 61 Ile T 50 26 T 31 48 31 47 Leu T 41 89 T 35 33 24 44 Tyr 77 156 47 104 T 307 146 Phe T 117 191 115 142 180 124 Mo . Sample Date Heating ill T 2 3 Un 9/81 Un Un 9/81 Un 12/81 9/81 Un No Un Un No Un No No Un Yes Un Un Yes Un No No 4 Sugar Feeding Notes to key 1,2,3,4, T and Un - refer to footnote to Table 32. 157. TABLE 42 Occurrence I of ninhydrin positive substances in CaZZuna honeys Sample numbers in which given was found not* to occur Ninhydrin positive substance $-Ala 3,32,57 a-Abu y-Abu 152 Arg 57 Asn 31,32,57 Gluc 147,152 Gln 152 I.X 1 3,32,57 In-addition following were: spot to the other amino acids ninhydrin-positive pipecolic 'PI Details in the acid in found substances were also samples, present. sample number 32 and the unidentified sample numbers 3 and 31. as per Table in all compound 33. the These 158. FIGURE 15 Amino acid map of U. K. survey No. 41 - CLMuna. 14 Ile 15 Leu 19- :: 17 Phe Met 25- Val & 25 Trp Tyr-624 a-Abu CD a-Ala 20 1 y-Abu-(ýý Pro qGln 2 ß- la . Thrý<22 10 Glu U : )S (3-Asp Gly -t w 0 99Gluc Me-His _S 18 Lys ýD ýAsn )-Cys allis pH 1.9 Electrophoresis buffer origin 159. FIGURE 16 Amino acid No. 187 - CaUuna. map of U. K. survey n19 14 --3 15 4 Leu Ile Phe 17 25 x Met Val &Trp 23 Tyr-6 3 a-Abuý 20 a-Ala Pro 12 y-Abu-1ý4 & Gln O-Ala 10 '22 Th Glu 12 Gly 17 -4 0 Asp Ser 18 Me-His Lys 16 ) ( 6A Gluc nc- (ýý )His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis buffer Cys 'Origin 160. TABLE 43 Frequency of distribution (ex. honey of pollen grains in samples of Myosotis U. K. survey) Pollen Floral genus (%) 2,3 Honey sample code No 106 120 121 125 1.0 Brassica 15.0 o. 4 Castanea 1 170 171 28.0 5.7 5.7 3.1 17.4 p 129 8.9 Cotoneaster 1.8 HeZleborus 0.8 IZex 95.0" AV080tis 95.0 1.0 Prunuslpyrus 73.0 8. o 63.7 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 3.2 37.3 30.4 5.7 p 11.4 49.6 p 6.8 Rubus 3.5 Salix TrifoZium repens 1.8 11.1 Shrivelled pollen 1.0 21.6 13.5 8.2 17.8 25.4 19.1 Unidentified pollen 1.0 6.2 1.6 7.7 10.2 9.7 11.0 Total pollen grains counted VE 72 299 282 4 RQQNo4 For notes microscope VE - visually pollen and 4- to key 1,2,3 220 126 ORpC, B, Wh SqFB The amount present p- 177 FB, C HC, S refer were visually LGF SF to Table estimated eyepiece. estimated. grain present but not counted. 225 GF, L B, Pv F, L, Bs, S,, Wh, GR H, A, PrCh 31. as seen through VE the 161. LM r, 1- 0ý0 CD c4 rýA ýt 'm - (A CY% t r, rq r, -4t vi %0 rq CY% CD r-A (1q 00 Tý- cm 0 Co -0 r-. ýt Ln %o co %o t 01 rl% %In -t c114 r- %0 ZT LM Co 00 CN 0 J% vi ZD m Lr% co %o -t 0 CN Lei r, Co Ln C% M c*II t r, - Co Z0 -t LM OD Lei -t CY% c4 00 Co 00 Z 0) 00 r14 0 W4 0 ei 0 44 0 'I'll C14 %0 Co r*ý (D Co %0 CA r- %0 tn 0 CO Co CD r% r-4 %0 r- c4 r, - r-4 rý. ci - r-t Ln CN Cq Cm 0Z00 C% "t ý cq 00 Z0 c*II Co r*% ri LM (14 en C'4 ,Ný 00 LM cn rl% 0 4,J e4 00 c% 00 - LM ý ýt N ZZ Q) 41 0 0 41 0 0 4-4 %D -r4 --00 ýt -t $4 ýt %D ýt c> ýt %o cq Ze CO c114 co 00 >40w 00 0 Aj Co 1.14 0 't LM 0 in 't A %0 r, -t CD 0 fi %D Ln rm CO rrý. (" M M t ci Cý4 0 C% C,4 00 cm (D 00 t 0 , r% r, r. CO (D rh 0) 00 CN %0 0 Z (D r, 0 Co t LM LM LM c4 00 00 10 r. C13 0 Z cn r4 0 r. -P4 cn C'4 0) "4 04 co - r. 0 . r4 . "4 ýu E-4 C)4 ta ý .4E. 04 tn >% $4 4W 4 14 w0 ;j0 P-4 >ý 14 134 ý4 04> Cd r-4 9-4 ca 4) -4 1-4 00 0) ý4 >. * E-4 .0 N cd Ul 60 0 4) 41 co %I 00 r. %'T -, 4 -A " Cd (U = CIO 0 4.4 C/3 0 41 W 0 z 162. to list considered necessary particular amino acid in excessively positive long and 45. Also at Typical analyser. of the pollen that groups four is, Inpatiens, AescuZus, predominant The pollen in Table and responses in Table 47. acid, tryptophan, in occurrence tyrosine, questions ninhydrin acid, isoleucine, pipecolic valine of ninhydrin major for each for the The format previously. a- and y- acid, leucine, lysine, acid, proline, spot been given were detected substances histidine, 4 have measurements and 6 have also aspartic of question concentration susbtances even sources, same as described 3,5 histidine amino acid floral accounted samples. and unidentified positive electrophoresis 9 to 18. questionnaire glycine, 32,36, chromatograms a- and 0-alanine, asparagine, of ninhydrin by the automatic positive These were: glutamic phenylalanine, to The amino acid arginine, hydroxyproline, histidine, 48. maps. was the result would on chromatograms thenine seven responses The following glutamine, amine, 46. only a such as arginine, Mewtis and samples to questionnaire on the amino acid aminobutyric of the of groups Vicia honey and content been listed pollen pollen these of arrangement detected two amino acid of present of Tables amino acids not contain the paper of have been shown in Figures The remaining remaining acid, examples sensitivity were more evident of concentration not in occurrence in the order basic combination such as methionine low levels as those These differences due to the did which group have been listed and chromatography and others samples a pollen within lists. substances 39,42 those cysteine, glucos- hydroxypipecolic methionine, serine, Ix'. methyl- threonine, The differences have been given in Table 163.. TABLE 45 Occurrence of ninhydrin Ninhydrin positive substances positive substances 120, Cys 120 Gluc 170, 171 Gln 120, 170 txt 106, 120,121 In addition to the other the ninhydrin * Details honeys Sample numbers in which given compound was found not* to occur Arg unidentified in Myosotis positive spot 'e' as per Table 171 found amino acids substances were present 33. in all hydroxyproline in samples, and sample number 121. 164. FIGURE 17 Amino acid map of U. K. survey No. 106 - AVosotia. Phe P Met Val Trp Tyr Ql a-Abu-, -(D ß-Ala -e (D 9ý, a-Ala y-Abu 24 20 Pro : E) 2 (3- , Gln Glu Thr 4J Gly -ý P Ser aAsp 0 21 Me-His Gluc "*ýýAsn 5 Lys 16 1, -Arg G-cys (Dý--His 1.9 Electrophoresis pH buffer Origin 165. FIGURE 18 Amino acid No. 121 - AVosotie- map of U. K. survey ý 14::: '15 Ile Leu 19 -4- Phe Cl 7 -Met - Val ___25 3ý-Trp ( Pip 24 3). a-Abu4 Tyr .0 C20) a-Ala 1 y-A - Pro 2 O-Alý Gln 10 22 Thr Glu )Ser & Gly #0 1% 21 27 -C. ". Me-His Is 18 -5 16 -I 0 Asp H-Proc GJ;. Ly s-( cl 9 Gluc :3: ýcc go AsnO Arg Cys (: lD3ý-His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis buffer Origin 166. TABLE 46 of distribution Frequency pollen honey (ex. of. pollen grains in samples of predominant- U. K.. survey) Pollen Floral genus (7 )2,3 Honey sample code No 13 156 1 159 105 12 1.0 AchiUea 87.0 AescuZus 55.3 32.0 2.2 Brassica 3. o 58.4 Mematis 13.8 Cotoneaster o. 2 HeracZeum 12.0 2. o 1.0 Impatiens 54.9 Ligustrum 4.3 8. o Lotus Prunus/pyrus o. 6 1.5 1.3 o. 3 Quercus 68.8 Rubus 60.7 19.8 o. 8 M TiZia Trifolium 70 3.8 o. 7 repens 1.4 4.3 23.2 19.0 Urtica 56.9 Vicia 1.0 Shrivelled pollen 9.0 6.5 9.0 18.9 13.7 5.6 9.7 Unidentified pollen 2.2 6.5 3.2 4.7 3.9 3. o 3.7 Total pollen grains counted 809 273 311 275 233 418 349 LBS9. SF GB, Rbw GF 4 RQQNo4 For notes RwjWh to key 1,2,3 4and refer to Table Rbw, WB 31. Bn L, Bm,,C Ijz, Ch, W 167. CD Co %D c> %0 cl 00 cm ýo LM - Co c4 CO In CD 00 rý C,4 C) LM ý0 CY% -t -- cyý ON %0 D (: Lri en 't LM a z r4 00 _T 0 c> ý 't cn c> Cl %0 r- V) - Q) ;r C%4 %D cz M 44 a r 00 0 -ýr r, %D -a-, a% Ln r, Ln t Ln 0o ,Zt %. ON cn rý Ln cn rý Co rq %D 't cm (D 00 LM 00 0 CA 4) >4 co T r-. Co C14 0 00 z 't %0 r'D %ID 00 cm t 00 cn 00 -t _T c4 4) CN 00 0 (0 (L) 0 V-1 0 0 4-4 r. 0 D N 00 c4 --N0 %0 cm - -CN CM Co C% %0 C% r- tt0 Co 0 00 0- %D -t 0 0 rlý cm 0 C,4 Co 44 %0 CYI 00 rl r- 00 r, cm C: -r4 Co CD A r, %t CD M (*,tj CN tn en rý- 0 cl% r, 0 ON LM t -, LM t %0 r, C% Lti - CM rý ý (IN CN %0 %0 LM Ln cl% 00 Lri Cl - cm CD "D 00 vi-0 ZO c% r, cm Co 1. ý Co ri cn 10 -, 4 Co 0 u co 0 P: cm 0 94 cn rA E-4 rz4 04 Co ww il. :i 0) $4 E-4 cn P-4 V-4 C< to p-, --4 tu (L) :ip cu 4 12,4 P-4 0 0,41 9 (13 p4 41 ce ÖD W Iti cu 0) bo gi ý 0) 4. 0 Z 168. TABLE 48 occurrence of ninyydrin type pollen positive substances honeys Ninhydrin positive substances Sample numbers in which given compounds were found not* to occur O-Ala 13,156 Cys 105 Gluc 159 Gln 1,159 Me-His 1,12,13,70 Trp 70,159 Ixt 1,70,105 In addition following were: acid to the other ninhydrin amino acids positive hydroxyproline in 70 and the unidentified as per Table found substances sample numbers in sample number 70; pipecolic * Details in the predominant spot 33. 'pl acid in all were also samples, present. the These 70 and 156; hydroxypipecolic in sample numbers 1 and in sample number 105. 169. Secondary type pollen Honey samples is, that those in this floral Trifolium The format before. The pollen in honey and the responses and 6 have been listed in the order The ninhydrin substances positive a- and 0-alanine, were: phenylalanine, methyl-histidine, tyrosine, tryptophan in occurrence The differences in Table listed 51. positive substances labelled '0' as spots other Secondary and between within were evaluated Further, samples which accounted lysine, acid, glycine, methionine, threonine, serine, 'x' spots positive group asparagine, acid, proline, two unidentified maps and substances and these have been unidentified ninhydrin of occurrence position relative were to the 19. type pollen were allocated arginine, glutamic were two other have been shown in Figure pollens 50. on the amino acid acid, each pollen questions in sample code number 169 and these Their Honey samples which question The amino acid in Table of ninhydrin there detected 'a'. and multiple detected leucine, and the same as described to questionnaire as given pipecolic valine 49. glutamine, isoleucine, histidine, hydroxyproline, I pl, glucosamine, and AZnue. to questionnaire a- and y-aminobutyric cysteine, acid, aspartic Brassica, were: samples was the in Table as given for accounted Teucrium and the response the order measurements concentration Castanea., these contents 4 have been listed 3,5 Rubus, of of arrangement that one samples pollen, were allocated These seven pollens pollens. repens, class 16% and 45% pollen There were twenty seven secondary frequency secondary between containing category. Aesculus, the containing contained to this for category. twelve frequency two or more secondary pollen There groups were forty listed nine class honey in the order 170. TABLE 49 Frequency U. K. of distribution of grains pollen in samples of secondary type pollen honeys (ex. survey Pollen Floral Genus (Z) 2.3 Honey sample code no 76 69 AchiZZea 176 24 9.9 1.9 30 62 1 79 133 127 99 80 10.1 Aewulu8 44.8 Brassica 36.5 4.4 1.9 7.3 4.4 2.3 1.3 12.6 6.2 CaUuna Caotanea 40.5 38.0 3.6 4.0 9.0 28.0 6.6 8.6 Cotonea8ter 3. o YeracZewn 1.4 Ligu8tz, um Prunuelpyrua Rubus 12.7 11.6 6.6 3.2 5.0 5.2 1.4 M TiZia Trifolium pratense 2'rifoliwn repens 11.5 4.5 9.5 5.3 4.1 2.8 1.5 10.7 2.8 15.4 44.3 44.1 42.0 38.5 37.9 34.4 12.0 pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 For notes 8.6 0.8 8.2 Vicia Unidentified 13.7 13.4 7.6 Tar=acum 0.3 3.8 15.0 MeliZOtU8 Shrivelled 1.8 to key 1,2.3 18.5 14.0 27.9 37.0 23.2 18.5 33.8 35.7 23.9 35.5 30.5 5.8 4. o 8.5 6.6 3.8 5.1 6.6 9.4 9.3 5.1 8.6 243 370 365 213 289 136 255 226 335 151 NS NS L NS Wh,B OR NS P, GF B, Ce C, F, Ce and 4- refer to Table 31. 97 NS 171. TABLE 49 Cont'd. Pollen Floral Genus 149 14 19 Honey sample 17 148 (2) 2.3 code is no 1 104 AchiZZea 5 55 2.0 Aesculus 13.9 33.2 Alnus 38.0 Brassica 9.5. 6.0 CaZZuna 14.0 0.9 10.9 0.7 Castanea 5.6 13.0 Carduus 0.8 9.1 0.7 Chenopodiwn 3.7 Endynion 6.2 Epizobium 3.0 HeracZeum 0.8 Hyperioum 3.0 0.5 2.0 3.0 5.5 11.0 Ilex 6. o Impatieng 1.5 Ligustrum 11.0 Lotus 0.8 5.0 8.0 Iva Iva 0.5 Myrtaceae** 12.6 Prunus/pyrus 11.8 4.7 Rubus 11.0 6.5 6.5 12.0 1.5 1.5 Teucrium 33.6 TiZia 5.0 Trifolium repene Urtica 30.2 26.8 4.7 5.0 23.9 22.1 21.6 20.9 10.1 3.6 Verbascum 4.0 Vicia 14.0 Shrivelled pollen Unidentified grains 3.4 27.7' Taraxacum Total 169 pollen pollen counted 4 RQQNo4 ** - Identified 38.2 46.4 32.2 7.1 2.0 4.5 338 610 C at plant family B, Fw level 36.2 45.0 31.3 23.7 34.4 15.1 4. o 5.0 3.0 16.6 16.0 6.7 15.1 472 290 342 522 L FT, B C, BII B only. 5.62 5.5 B Fw , 211 202 Bs B, C, SL 119 324 Ws. Bm Bu Sn 172. 0 00 ei Kri V-4 .t P-4 -i c4 -,t A 9-4 "-4 aý A-4 0 rq IT ei F-4 t 0% -te -t P-4 V-1 P-4 00 ý-4 P-4 CY% %0 c% ZT r, a% ZO im LM 0 -t rý _T 00 00 %0 tri 00 r, P-4 t C'4 -t cylt 0 9-4 P-4 CIM r.t r0 c*II 0 Z rý r, ý 0% CY% Ul Ul V-1 N'm r, P-4 r, V.-4 %0 p4 Co 0 0 -. Z Z C-4 00 0 %0 c4 -t CY% 00 0 9-4 M --. Co _T .-% >lb M "4 E-1 . -1 --4 r, 00 0 0 r. t rý -4 rl% -4 Co 00 Co Ln V--4 1--4 00 0 %D CD C,4 P-4 O's r- 0 rlý CN Cj% Cli C% 00 1-4 LM rn C*4 ýi %D 0 c4 V-4 CNA %0 00 CM cm ý4 tn 0 ýi Ln 00 00 61 -t ýt r- c14 M t C% (D 00 C7N cm P-4 >4 Z c",4 0 0 00 w 0 --- >.4 "4 00 0 0 --. Z Z 00 0) >4 -4 ýt Q) 10 : 0 r. . 4-4 0 CN P-4 %In 0 Q) 00 C,4 1-4 M ýT P-4 -t 00 F-4 00 't 1-4 %D 7--4 -t P-4 C-4 cri 0 ri 00 cm C% 00 00 P-4 D %, P--1 c"i : Q) v--4 CN _T P-4 :m r. r. Cj% 0% V-4 00 rA 0 rA 4) NID 0 % -. m Co 00 C% N r, % Co Iti r. elli P-4 %t CD CD rý LM CYN r-4 aN P-4 Cm "-4 Ul LM P-4 P-4 (A V-4 F-4 "4 V-4 0 ýt P-4 00 Q% e4 IT rq 't P-4 r-4 c% erl C% r*4 %0 P-4 P-4 ýt ýt M Co P-1 LM ýT c14 rý- M rý "4 rý CD t C,4 0 ýt P-4 0 -e "-4 rq r- %0 LM IT r_ V) CN V-4 rcyl r, - r- ýt rý CD IT C*14 0 00 00 V) 't 00 cm %M 0 rq P-4 M cm 0 cwi P-4 %0 0 r. P-4 ýt c% ýt %m C*4 E-4 0 Q) -ý 00 Z >4 0 rA 0 Z >d 00 P-4 CN CD C% CY) LM 61 Lt) ý4 (VI CO cl% rý 00 rý cri 00 N'm F-4 ci rA ý4 Lri t 00 -. c4 %0 0 Z (V : C14 Ln w 1-41 Co Co CD P-4 c4 >. 4 c4 c"i CM >4 --. cq P-4 rq ý4 ýt r. ,4 0) "p4 .4 Eci rz4 14 Q) In 0 w P4 >% r-4 0 Cd ý4 .94 P-4 4) f. -4 HP 14 >, 4) 4 P4 In 4) Aj Cd "o . 41 cl Q) = -P4 10 Cd Q) 00 a) :1 44 En U 0 0 173. th vi 1Lri CY% E-4 H Ln cq 0% Lr) cn r, , 00 c,4 C% (D %0 %0 Ln ý CD cyl 00 CD CN t t 1 C, r-ý 0-% ci tr% rq LM Cl (D r4 LM cq 0 E-4 'i0 C-4 %0 rm ZD r. Z:) E-4 0% Co elli Co 1-. 0 Z C,4 Ln e4 ,t cq rý CD cm Co - te) 0 : 131 tn t t Co t CD - (D CD Ln 00 r% CD 0 -CD r. Z) 00 CD t, 1 c9 CY% C'4 Co V,1 Co Ln -t (n Ln -%0 - -t rr- %0 -r tr) -t 0 -t 00 CD Cm CO 't C'4 - CD LM Ln 0 0 Co Z gi c9 00 0 Z (0 (L) Co 0 -ý. >I Co 0) - CO 44 0 öo Ln LM 9) ul ýT ý 9- 924 CD C% CN 00 ., Co CD CO CA %0 0 vi CY% 'tc4 r, M Co Co ý 4 C, rý Co ci Co ul r4 ý %0 00 CD %D c% m rcyl %D CD -t cy., Co cn N - LM Ln 'M ýo 0 >I r. 'ý'4 Z: CO -t 04 41 0 w rq- Ai t CD cm CN (> -t Cl% 00 0% - N r, Co ý.0 CO 0% CD CD CD c4 CYN CD (D 0% N'm -r, - CNJ CD c7% cq rý rCo 0 %, cm rý cq 1.0 t c> - %In Ln 00 %D (D CM rý %0 t Kn Ln Ln CD en CD %D -t r, rt c% ci (D ul CD LA 00 C.4 c114 CD %D rý C'4 ý CIM 00 - -t Co 0) 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 00 ý tn r- ,0 -4 0 M C% CM -t cn - r*- ri V) CN rq >% H J'. P. 4 c4 0 00 0 . >4 >4 r. :Z) rý :D - r: 0 0 0 Co . r4 ., 4 ý E-4 u cu rA >b 4 g2. in 9 s4 j-H si :1 Qj rn -4 u 0 W P. 4 >% P-4 0 Co v--1 < CO > P-4 1-4 (L) 4 0 cn 'U a) = :3 44 cn 174. TABLE 51 Occurrence of ninhydrin positive substances in secondary tyPe honeys pollen Ninhydrin positive substances Sample numbers in which given was found not* to occur ß-Ala 24, 79, 80 Arg 17, 55, 69,76,99,104,127,169 Asn 55, 69, 76,104 Cys 55 Gluc 14,15,104 Glu 5,14,15,19,176 Me-His 799 80 Trp 112b Ixt 30,55,169 1p1 76,176 In addition following to the other ninhydrin hydroxyproline acid in amino acids substances were also in sample numbers sample numbers 62,80 found present. 17,79,99 unidentified number 169. * Details as per Table 33. spot spots samples, the These were: and 148; pipecolic and 99; unidentified sample numbers 149 and 176; unidentified number 56 and two other in all compound lp' spot 'x' in in sample 16' and 'a' in sample 175. FIGURE 19 Amino acid map of U. K. sample No. 169 14 Ile 15 Leu a 19 Met /25 17 Phe Val 23 Trp Try C20 Pro a-Ala_ý & 11 $-Ala _(D ' Thr _ý2. Gln Glu U aJ Asp D ( Me-H NIJ Gluc 'Asn His pH 1.9 Electrophoresis ne -4 0 /-\ u ý-71) Cys buffer origin 176. in Table as given the pollen the in the format The amino acid questionnaire shown in Table The ninhydrin acid, aspartic lysine, belong those appropriate of the secondary insert secondary on two samples which Unidentified pollen allocated extraction to between this frequency minor pollen group were inadequate group rather two of ninhydrin and these samples which class Code Nos. list acid, and the because category, 3% and 15% pollen. two samples leucine, in occurrence type glycine, pollen, It that did these is, was considered 16 and 33 at the end than base a section in number for floral categorisation. did contain enough honey type pollen There were eight for important multiple valine There were two honey pollen acid, pipecolic each pollen within multiple these tyrosine, maps asparagine, isoleucine, The differences were evaluated containing to 53 in the arginine, glutamic histidine, tryptophan, 54. acid, phenylalanine, and 'p'. contained samples in Table to on the amino acid glutamine, hydroxyproline, 'xl to the two samples detected glucosamine, in Table have been listed in Table and the responses and 6 have been given substances threonine, substances positive contents 4 have been listed measurements methyl-histidine, spots The pollen previously. a- and y-aminobutyric acid, serine, unidentified not positive methionine, proline, arranging 52. cysteine, hydroxypipecolic in each sample, was used for value question 3,5 a- and 0-alanine, were: described concentration questions identified two pollens percentage to questionnaire and responses order From the the highest with samples 52. 52. honey samples and subsequent category. which not identification The amino acid and these concentration were measurements 177. TABLE 52 Frequency of_distribution honeys (ex. U. K. survey) of pollen grains in samples of secondary Pollen (A pollen type 52 . 531 168 94 multiple 2,3 lioney sample code no Floral Genus 711 9 146 173 139 221 1.5 AchilZea Aesculus 31.5 Bras8ica 16.6 43.2 39.4 34.4 28.9 16.8 1.6 CalZu 46 75 10 9.4 21 0.5 0.6 5.2 8.0 1.0 19.4 3.2 9.0 36.1 35.3 32.7 32.5 26.5 19.5 15.3 0.8 0.5 Epilobium 18.4 Fagopyr,um 18.2 Fragaria 2.0 Heraclewn 0.5 0.7 6. o o. 8 Hypericum 0.3 IZex 1.0 1.2 Ligu8trwn Myrtaceae** 3.3 Fý,unuslpyrus 8.7 10.0 Rubus 2.0 2.0 2.9 1.3 17.8 26.4 32.3 30.3 1.5 15.0 5.0 35.1 25.5 31.8 18.8 17.3 pollen Unidentified pollen Total pollen counted 4 RQQNo4 grains 18.6 8.0 31.9 13.7 12.0 14.8 16.2 18.4 47.5 18.0 17.6 18.0 43.0 16.6 29.5 35.7 26.3 26.9 35.0 26.0 4.6 5.0 9.4 6.8 3.9 6.0 1.2 5.4 6.0 0.6 2.7 2.0 1.8 2.9 10.4 2.2 13.0 241 643 297 340 76 463 496 239 361 479 373 346 283 406 489 200 BM C, B Wh L, He at plant 4.6 3.9 1.3 Vicia 2.0 0.2 25.0 Urtica 18.5 2.9 11.2 18.6 11.0 1.5 TiZia TrifoZium repens 3.2 16.7 19.0 2.6 1.0 0.3 Taraxacwn Identified 112 43.9 42.7 35.7 32.1 35.9 0.1 Ca8tanea ** 122 0.1 Cardicue Shrivelled 96 V, L Tr, L family level C, B FB only lis C, L ' G Hr CV CV Hr W ttx' L, I%L NS G: Ce 268 NS 178. TABLE 52 Contd. M Pollen Honey Floral sample 2,3 2 code no WOULMU 72 85 Ill 190 50 60 113 161 63 4 123 18 119 191 Achi I lea 2.4 1.5 8.9 Brassica 23.3 21.3 3.0 23.0 20.8 14.4 17.7 2.6 22.2 Calluna 20.8 21.4 1.5 Carduue 1.7 24.7 Castanea 15.9 7.9 16.0 Chrysanthenwn 24.7 Cotoneaster 16.8 5.3 5. o Heraclew? i 2.1 12.0 0.5 17.9 Helloborus 24.3 Hypericum 8.3 Vex .Impatiens 31.9 Liguatzrum 25.2 4.5 LiZium 25.5 Linaria 7.2 Melilotus 22.7 Prunus/pyrus 41.5 38.8 34.2 33.8 25.2 24.8 15.6 13.2 5.5 Quer=8 Rubus 3.2 52lix 3.6 10.1 7.0 7.7 35.6 18.2 2.5 5.6 0.8 Tar=acum 6.0 11.5 0.7 Tilia Trifolium inc* TrifoZiwn repene pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 4 RQQNo4 * inc - incarnatwn 0.3 19.6 12.7 14.3 5.6 Vicia Unidentified 37 9.0 Acer Shrivelled 65 23.2 24.6 6.0 22.8 13.9 0.5 21.0 15.7 40.8 33.3 40.1 35.1 2. o 21.0 15.8 17.8 18.1 14.2 18.3 6.4 21.8 35.9 27.7 28.9 31.0 19.9 18.7 21.3 13.7 2.4 4.1 5.8 8.8 4.6 2.8 6.6 9.4 7.7 0.1 4.3 11.0 251 266 259 342 394 465 361 266 117 205 346 127 NS L, Pr CF B, H A, H C, Hr V, Mx NS FB S SPF , F D 3.1 7.2 1.8 0.6 287 390 389 713 Hr Lg L, B Bn, DR NS Rb WB 179. TABLE 52 Cont'd. Pollen 2.3 (%) Honey sample code no' Floral Genus 38 167 172 128 48 93 86 AchiZZea 49 78 771 181 189 136 1091 1.5 16.7 CaUuna 6.9 3.7 3.5 10.8 40.6 24.7 26.3 18.4 0.7 7.6 0.9 Carduus 2.1 19.6 31.3 31.5 Castanea 3.2 4.8 Endynion 1.0 2.2 o. 3 EpiZobium 2.6 HeracZezan 2.1 2.8 Ilex 4.6 rmpateins 1 5.4 Ligustrwn 0.7 2.2 4.3 MeZitotus 26.7 35.7 17.7 17.1 24.1 0.8 Prunualpyrus 1.6 Rubus 4.4 7.6 0.5 Tar=acum 2ýrifoliwn repens 5.1 3.9 4.2 25.0 13.6 18.6 17.2 6. o 5.0 9.5 14.0 6.0 1.6 42.1 37.7 36.0 37.9 37.5 34.4 34.2 29.9 34.9 34.4 12.6 5.2 Vrtica 13.2 2. o Vicia Unid6ntified 33 3.7 Brassica Shrivelled 16 pollen pollen 42.0 35.7 26.9 21.2 26.5 24.9 27.5 18.9 16.9 1348 31.5 31.5 35.2 25.8 18.6 1249 10.7 26.4 66.0 65.0 2.3 5.3 4.5 9.5 3.0 8.5 6.3 0.5 3.5 3.4 5.0 9.8 5.8 4.4 8.0 5.9 Total pollen grains counted 667 358 2oo 116 361 305 222 187 338 314 362 356 308 250 278 158 4 RQQNo4 D, NSF, Ch C, B NS NS Hr UF, BMMxCF C, WL C, Ia FB not C Sh C FB B, L, MxL, B C, Bm Wh WB 180. f- Ul c4 ý 1.4 -q 0% 0 0 c4 11 zr 0 .4 CO CK) 0 ul E, IT CM ýD (21 ýo 19) 0 (A r4 c4 rCO t e r- CO 0 cm -IN 0, ý Ch 0 ýn e4 M ým rý 0 -t 0 0 tn Co 0 - -r4 cm ýT "-1 -4 c% WN r. m tn ID 0 r- c*A ý4 -4 t" VN 10 r- cn C,4 i ý4 e 00 0 0 ul 10 " (D r, 1-4 r, -4 CY% t CO -7 en Co 0 ýD C:) c4 cy, rý ý4 Co -t r- in en %0 Z Z cm 0 rý r, t" Co 7 " ýT Co 7 fl rq 10 r4 94 Co 0 0 Z « 'co 0 0 c4 cy% e4 r4 ei A en -f Co 0 C.4 ý4 Co rý -4 H -4 cm 0 0 0 C" 0 00 0 rý tm 0 0 0 ýT ýD en " -4 't lý 0 0 Z Z Co lý Co rA Co 0 Co Ul% ý4 e Cm CYN Ln Cm -t _T 0 "4 CO cm 2, cm Co 0 00 _, 00 ým-4 t" 0 0 Ln "4 00 -4 ' 0 CY, t C3N CO 10 ý4 c4 -4 ý7 17 r4 e4 r- cn M 4) 0 Z >- 00 -4 rý 0 r4 m 17 rý ki 0 rý Co i (: r, Co 0) 0 0 >4 0 0 0 4) 44 0 0 gl. ul 4u ult rý 0 0 ýn rý fl 0 U) e 0 cq 0 0 ý4 0 r. 0 0% 10 17 el 0 t2ý 0 Wý CYN --4 0 CO 0 ll Co -t r*I Co 0 0 -4 ým m Co Co CD 0 Co 0 ým Lm 4 co o 4 ', ' 't r4 ei t> gn t' e -e -4 c% lo 14 rý <4 4 -1 0 cm 0 Co e4 " 0) 0 e c4 -e -4 ( -. C*4 cn r, ' cm 0 m 11 11 'tr4 0 r- gn Ln bri r. tn r, Co 0 -4 ým 0 Co 0 10 m 17 : 0 0 Z Z r4 Co r- 'tý4 r-' LM t c, j, 0 ýn Z r. tn 0% 0 e4 Co c4 Co r, ein rý a - >, W rq 02 ý4 C, 4 in e4 0 c» en ýD D m 14 -4 * rý ein 0 Co 0, -4 8 4-4 u-, ýt 0 e CO " c4 0 0 0 0 4 -f e4 rq ý4 Co ýn c4 0 0 o w 0 41 Co 4.4 10 t CY% 0% Co 0 ýI m) Co rq cm tn m A Co CY, rý 10 %0 -4 't eq Co 0 0 . r, tn LM ý4 CY% rý Co 't 0 IT 8 0 0 10 0 ell r, Co 0 4) g" (D rl K4 ým rý r, r4 -I le -4 14 - f rý b Ln 0 Co rý 0 0 «m rý r. in %D cy% c, % 0 m -4 t o u tu 0 t CY, 0, E3 r4 Co Ici a) k 9 < re ý4 4) A Pd 0 Z 0 ;4 ein C.0 c4 f3 im Co -4 rý Co -u vý 0 3 A cn bo 41 to 4) D0 = -v In PW 0) 0 z 181. Co CM 0 " A 10 cm rý an Cy% 0 10 CO ID 10 ý4 0" Zm -4 10 cr, c4 Ch 10 ý4 l 10 Pl c> rl 10 4n 0 1-4 Ln -l' cm " rý CY% -t 00 14 C% C,4 -4 CY% Wý 10 Le% rý LM LM 10 ri 14 10 m 0 co ý4 0 Co ei 4 Co 4 eý 0 0 0 t" tn ý-4 0% In (" -4 0 c4 ý4 0 (n u. % ým -4 :D t2 :D ID -u 93 92 I 0 U -4 ý4 00 ý4 CYN CM -4 M c4 rl -t m r4 LM 0m 00 10 (1 r, CO 4 C" -4 4) 0 rý r, 00 -4 Cy% ý 4 cm f ýd CF% 0% 10 IT 17 0 e4 C" CY%-1 0 Co -4 4 -4 C" CM t ýA Co 't ID ' CY% rý 0 0% 17 0 r , -4 ým - t e4 cy% fq ul 4 cýI U .%0 (" (7, m ý d c4 0 C,4 00 10 ý4 0"0 eý Co Co -4 ýd 21 gn 4A 14 r4 rý " Co ch le cm cio 10 i 4 >- : 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z Co (n 0 Co ý-4 fq mH %A ee 0 cu 00 ý4 00 -7 t 0 rý 10 Co -4 bl 4) 0 Co Z >4 00 44 0 4 ri OD 10 H c4 tn -4 0 (A 0% rý c4 'ttt c4 ým ON .3 rý rm 10 11) 0 Co Co - 4 0. e4 01 e 10 H ý4 r4 10 CY, r. 0 r, LM CM #n 8 0 7 N 10 10 r' el M ýT M H ID r4 Co 03 4) 0 %D C,4 41 10 ý4 't c4 0 cr, rq 't 0 5 0 't u %D Ln 0 c% 00 C" ýd rý CY, 10 Co ý4 0 rý Co c4 00 4 ý4 CD% Ch 't c4 cn 0 ýýý 10 -t tn CM rq U-1 CY, 0 c4 rý c4 ZO Co M vi 0D 10 ý4 0 KM 10 -4 0 ýT 4 c4 -f cio 17 't t 14 e4 fl ým 17 Ln "i *0 cm 0 10 0 LM rý Aý cq m -e 0% Co ýn #A 0 10 10 't r4 ý.4 0 (Y, ID cm -4 17 0 ý4 CY% 11 -4 11 Co f li 91 0 Ch ý4 ZT 't -1 -4 c4 00 00 "4 40 w >ý 0 p- 0 0 Z Z Co vi CY% rý 10 0 In 00 rý -M r. 00 rý cm rm ýd Cli Co c4 e4 -4 c4 Co 93 D r. cm c4 93 :a 't C,4 cm " 1 Co 0 Z w >- A r, " 4 Co 0 Z 4) >4 10 e4 P c4 -4 m 14 1.4 ý4 gn 10 "4 44 10 ýI LM 00 Z 0 ý4 ým 0Z ým -Ki ýo -4 ý4 -A cm c4 W) ýt rý4 ýn cn e4 0 vi eN N r4 0 V% Co 10 cm t ým e4 u-i ID ZT -4 el " 4 0 CY% 0 0 Z Co v >l 10 0 u cm 0) j2. k wc0 %A to ýd 4) H Cw0 c--4 p4 In Cd (L) x bo 0 :i lu ch w 182. fn m C4 4 0 0 0 0 'D r, 41) 0 0 C4 (7%ý41 ZI cl in 'D in,4 'D 'T vi 00 ý4 ý4 ý4 f, M 14 0 in 1- 10 ý4 0 4 C-4 m %0 " -4 ý4 C'l 0 ý LM 0 en 04 ý4 IT rl Ir 10 Ln (Y% Cn -1 Ln co F4 0 ý4 'o A ý4 10 rn ý4 co ý4 C4 -4 0% -4 ON m In 0 11 -0 N 0 0 14 a Ln F, Ln m C14 -4 C% rl C14 0 N OD ý4 -4 ý4 r-4 14 co ý4 rl en -4 ON -4 C-4 r0 ý Go en -4 -ýr eq ell rý 11 Ch CN 10 00 P-4 r, 10 00 en ý4 .4 C4 ý4 -4 CF% 'T Ln 14 eq ý rl 10 Ln 11 c7% in r, rl 4 'T Ln 4m co C" rl ý4 Ch m r, rý Ln Cn C-4 Lil ý4 ol cli " ON ý4 a, rl C4 0 C4 C-4 km C) r4 4 -4 r4 kn IT ý4 co ý4 ý4 co 11 It rl I w r, ýo (7% C14 0 13) 0 >4 z 0 z to 4) >. 4 N co 0 N ta 41 0 00 rl z N 00 0 0 z z ON (n 0 0 10 C-4 C'4 %0 C4 0 'T 10 LM r, r, -4 8 en Go LM ý4 4 c4 0 IT ýo * ý4 4 z to co m co co 'D en ý4 4 -4 N ý4 'T o% 'D in C', -4 (n 0 rý C% ,4 C4 ý4 in cn CN co cu M C" c4 in 4 CIN 0 a ý4 0% 0 z 04 ,4 cn 0 0 co to Lf) ý4 'n4 co Ln ý4 ý4 C4 co CN 4) 0 z m 0 Q) z co 44 0 ca co r, w 4) co 10 m 'T 14 Ch IT C4 ý4 co ý CI S c4 co co IT 0 r% 'D Ch C4 co Ln Cn en co to 4) 0 z Go ta --t (n 0 -4 Ln It tn r, 'D 0 0 ID 0 (IN eq ýo N LM in Ch f% 00 0 0 r- co .4 -4 1ý rLn 0 0 `ý4 w 0) w (D 0 to 10 co GO a, cn -1 'o ý4 ý4 Ln W) -ýr V4 0 P4 0 to ;.w 4 u) 4) W w 0 z co 0 >- 0 'A 9) 0 'A W w z 0 u en a% r-4 0% f-, C% 0% 14 GO 4r 00 c4 ý4 C14 cn Ln en 0 ell cl 0 14 c*4 -4 -4 Go cn 0 'D f, co 14 4" c4 N co -4 00 in r4 Q cn ý4 -ýT m f10 r, 14 cla c1l ý4 Go rl ý4 in Ln 'o 4 C', 1-4 8 ý4 co e4 r. c4 cn * Ln ý4 ý4 0 ý4 04 ý4 'm cn -4 co cvl 4 en oo 10 'D 0 -4 0 co lo 10 10 co 0 -n OD 6% 4 C'4 4 Ln 'D M r4 'o 04 -4 lzr C-1 rl cn 00 co -zr 0 m r, rN f, tn r, c4 'D 10 0 'D , -n 0 LN ý4 -4 rý 0 Go cn C*4 0 u 14 0 en IT a " V4 ýo en C*4 CN Cqcli 0 ý4 0 r- C-4 Ir T, 0 ý4 1-4 * F, 10 co IT oo cn co Ch 'T WN cn -1 10 co 00 0 Ch co Zo C14 LI) rr4 ý-4 in Go rý co CYN 0 41% 10 ý4 co C4 co 00 4 m a cn - C14 co z co co ý4 C7, A cli N 'o r4 %0 0 C4 0 .4 co 0 z 4) co tvi t. 0 t. 0 4 4) A z 0 0) 93 -0 .4 0 .4 S. 4 -4 w Q) En i k 4) g 4 4 Id . ý 0 0 0 w o P, w :1 P u N 0 < ý- H w P. ý4 R '" .W 'd %I U3 p 4: '1 4 " 00 DOT 'Co , a, M: m ' 4) 94 183. TABLE 54 Occurrence pollen of ninhydrin positive in substances secondary multiple honeys Ninhydrin positive substances Sample numbers in which given compound was found not* to occur B-Ala 37,38,53,65,72,75,128,190 Arg 16,37,48,49,52,53,63,65,93,94, 109,111,119,122,123,139,161,167, 168,181,189,190 10, 21,37, Asn 49, 52,65,72,85,86,93, 112 , 161 Cys 9, 53,60, 85, 93,119,139,161 Gln 4, 72,78, 94, 139,167,168,173,189 Gluc 48, 499 72, 94, 122,161,167,168,172 Hyp 50, 113,16 1,1 18 Me-His 38,50,78 Pip 4,16,37,50,63,72,85,93,94,128, 146,161,167,168,172,190,191 53,72,77,167,168,173,189 Trp 1xv 37,38,65,71,77,78,85,123 Ipt 119,191 In addition foll to the other owing ninhydrin were: amino acids-found hydroxypipecolic in sample numbers substances positive acid 71,138 in in other were also the samples, These present. sample number 71; hydroxyproline and 172; the unidentified spot 'xl in and 190 and the unidentified sample numbers 33,46,128,161,168 'p' in sample numbers 9,10,16,93,113,122 spot and 123. * Details as per Table 33. 184. and responses to questionnaire in Table The ninhydrin 55. and 0-alanine, isoleucine, glucosamine, leucine, 'x' spots unidentified from the combs for in Amino Acids The foreign sugar products sixty four rather into for Samples were categorised processing three suspect origin according and commercial pollen into in this category one samples country groups I. The pollen these The amino acid were grouped There were sixteen forty IB in Appendix to each of analysis. The content. and these categories and English commercial Type of origin. sixteen enough honey Sources their of because types. Honey samples accounted on the basis of ninhydrin as described or pollen samples commercial unknown country; products Known Country country than and the two There was not Country honey samples were allocated were known country; and sugar of origin, phenylalanine, 56. and Commercial honey histidine, in occurrence amino acid Stated of aspartic glycine, valine analysed comb. the Foreign and commercial known country their of either in Order Arranged to in pieces honey was received extracted in Table sample Code No. 126 was not Moreover, this tyrosine, a- asparagine, acid, The differences have been given substances positive were: methyl-histidine, tryptophan, and 'p'. arginine, glutamic methionine, threonine, serine, proline, acid, glutamine, lysine, identified substances a- and y-aminobutyric cysteine, acid, positive and 6 have been listed 3,5 questions sixteen country concentration groups of order them they each honey and the in Table as listed sample belonging have been given measurements stated These samples were arranged in an alphabetical contents and between countries of honey. to their according in Table information 57. regarding 185. '10 0 %. 1 CD M -t Cy% CD Ln - c4 %D 0 (D 0 C,, (N C,4 rý %0 ýt ýt rq (A rý (Ylt 00 M Ln as %D -e CD rý OD C% ýt r_ 0 -t CD cm (A E-4 cl t CYN cq E-4 C4 r4 00 Z1 %D 0 00 CY% N0 00 Z m r-t 0 CD c4 OD 0 Z LM 1-- ll-ý >1 0 %ID rlý t -00M r-. %0 r*. cm cyý Co LM OD 44 0 to w 0) 914 00 ýT 00 N W 0i 0 (" r,- ril 0) 1 c> c% %m cn cm r, -o r. tvi cm Le) Ln CN 00 - co cn c% rý r, Ln o 00 ZZ 00 U) 00 %0 0 0 rlý LM %0 C,4 ý CM 0 -, 4 41 co p 1-4 0 ý rq ý 'm 00t0 rý ýt rl c41 rn 10 ci -, 4 114 -, 4 ot %Im t*% C-4 0 rA (A -t 0 C-) rý Ul :t 0 Cl - 0 00 %D -t %t 0 - CM r% ýt CO C,4 CD ýt km e " ý t (: 0 %, %D Cl N cl CD 00 CN cm t4 - 00 It %0 LM - e c4 0 Ln 0 ri) CL E-4 >% A<H to 40 ýd cn u ýA ý4 g24 u9> v--4 Ce P-4 0 N-4 4 >% c E-4 P-4 P-4 0 41 cu cu -0 cn r4 41 cu W "0 cu 0) ÖD 0 0) :) = U) 4-4 186. TABLE 56 Occurrence positive of ninhydrin substances in unidentified honey samples Ninhydrin positive substance Sample numbers in which given was found not* to occur a-Ala 7,40,166 A-r0, 6,40,95,165,166 Asn 40,73 Cys 7,40 Gluc 95,130 Trp 165 -o 165,166 IXI to other In addition the ninhydrin in other positive as per Table amino acids substance sample number 73. * Details compounds 33. found hydroxyproline in all samples, was present 187. TABLE 57 Frequency distribution of of pollen grains in samples of known type country honeys (ex. foreign and commercial). Pollen Floral Genus (Z) 2,3 Honey sample code No 193 194 195 196 197 i 198 199 200 201 202 203. 204 Acacia 206 0.3 Bank8ia 21.9 0.3 Brassica 3.9 5.2 0.6 2.0 46.8 27.7 61.5 70.7 25.3 4.1 1.7 55.3 63.9 Castanea 2.9 Cireiwn Echiwn 1.1 6.0 78.2 73.8 8.0 53.3 2.7 4.9 40.5 21.6 5.6 14.1 3.2 13.9 1.9 Erica L'ucaZyptus 12.1 10.0 5.2 0.3 Liliwn Loz-anthua 8.7 Myrtaceae** TrifoZium pratense Trifolim mpene Shrivelled 18.3 1.6 3.2 11.8 44.7 13.0 9.1 19.5 13.2 14.7 8.7 11.5 9.8 13.2 10.0 8.6 20.6 7.6 3.3 6.7 8.3 14.7 2.6 5.4 3.8 1.9 1.0 7.4 6.0 374 383 298 329 323 347 312 404 314 317 296 351 347 and 3- refer to Table 31. pollen but not present to plant family level grain 85.8 7.0 Sample examined for Pollen 13.6 7.3 Total pollen grains counted Identified 21.6 10.4 pollen to key 1.2 25.7 33.1 1.6 pollen Unidentified For notes P 34.3 Melizotue P 205 present only. but not counted. 0* 188. TABLE 57 Cont'd Pollen Floral Genus (Z) 2.3 honey sample code Noý 207 208 209 210 211 212 Acacia 213 214 215 216 217 218 0.3 Aesculue 79.8 Brassica 2.3 13.9 23.3 77.6 Castanea Cir8iuM 11.8 15.3 15.8 8.8 18.2 6.5 21.4 1.2 Erica 26.3 Fagopyrium 0.3 ReZianthus Lilium 64.9 5.4 18.1 3.5 0.7 53.0 Lotus 45.0 35.1 Myrtaceae** 9.0 Prunuelpyrua 8.1 Robinia 3.8 Taraxacum 4.3 Trifozium pratense Trifolium repens 6.8 4.3 9.1 5. o 1.2 Tilia 1.5 10.9 1.3 43.0 75.2 30.0 28.4 68.5 Urtica Vicia 1.3 0.4 3.9 17.4 56.2 viguirea Unidentified 5.6 7.2 Echium Shrivelled 219 pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted 3.0 11.8 18.8 15.1 23.0 5.2 9.8 8.5 17.4 8.1 20.7 26.7 8.5 9.5 29.5 5.6 13.6 20.4 4.9 4.6 4.9 43.5 6.1 9.3 8.4 2.9 1.9 329 394 338 270 346 306 305 344 353 367 376 317 299 189. TABLE 57 Cont'd. (2) Pollen Floral Loney 220 221 222 223 224 225 sample 226 2.3 code 227 No 228 Acacia 1.7 Banksia 0.8 Brassica 229 15.1 2.0 Bruseraceae** 5.1 7.3 Centaurea 230 1 231 8.8 0.3 19.4 13.1 6.2 2.9 Echim 3.3 10.9 Erica 11.0 Eucalyptus 42.4 Fagopyrw? z 3.7 22.8 6.4 24.9 Helianthus 30.8 Lotus 0.3 41.9 17.9 17.4 Melilotus' 65.0 22.6 Onobrychis 7.7 Robinia 3.8 Roamarinue 2.9 2.1 SaZix 47.5 2.4 TaraxaZum . TiZia 1.7 Trifolium pratensa Trifozium repens 4.8 14.2 79.2 Viguirea pollen pollen Total pollen gra i ns coun t ed Pollens 28.0 8.8 Ci8tus Unidentified 233 14.0 Cir6iwn Shrivelled 232 present the literature 6.9 8.4 6.7 3.2 16.4 9.5 19.8 12.5 14.9 20.6 9.5 16.3 14.9 15.8 23.4 15.1 6.0 37.4 17.5 3.0 11.3 28.9 8.7 20.5 380 393 349 361 407 329 379 273 family level 367 in 31.0 59.0 308 these three resources 337 000 0 samples but were not identifiable available. 17.4 '24.1 even at plant with 190. the samples were commercially whether in Table have been given otherwise From the amino acid following ninhydrin standards in each honey sample within These ninhydrin butyric positive acid, glutamic glutamine, pipecolic phenylalanine, of ninhydrin maps and these histidine, positive other compounds which could not be established using reference amounts which could of the paper chromatograms for However, mass spectroscopy. eq w, w, X, e, a complexes Country and SI. Origin Unknown, Honey samples and these bottle were: label in this known. by their was suspected*to position category floral of origin donors compounds from the off by as C, 6, of these 20 to 25. Honey_Types into was not from comb of unspecified by their group. were identification and English names; samples whose identity be difference these of occurrence were allocated samples whose country or were obtained there Also not be eluted subsequent Origin in the amino whose identity complexes have been shown in Figures Suspect Differences each country compounds were labelled The'relative identified to those of these tryptophan, Moreover, standards. were present methyl-histidine, were observed 59. positive acid, and Ip'. and between in Table in trace cut-outs IxI spots within gave ninhydrin glucosamine, threonine, serine, substances were evaluated cysteine, methionine, groups. a- and y-amino- hydroxypipecolic lysine, proline, have been listed These differences acid, reference country a- and $-alanine, aspartic leucine, acid, or 7, the using the sixteen each of and the two unidentified valine in occurrence acids glycine, isoleucine, hydroxyproline, tyrosine, acid, were identified were: asparagine, shown in Figure to that substances substances arginine, bottled 58. maps similar positive is, that processed, three stated origin of country groups on the or were source and samples of English 191. 58 KEY - To Table below The key given is 1. CNo - Code No., 2. CP - Commercially T- Trace Up - Raw hive also refer 61. common to Table to Appendix produced I for country source. or otherwise. amounts. honey or comb honey, or processed by beekeeper or honey strained or bulk honey by cloth from shipment container. Pr - Commercially +- Information otherwise processed regarding was not into the available. bottles, commercially Jars, etc. processing or 192. 0 C,4 ' --t M LM CN 0 P-ý 4 C, 0 cq %D cq r- It LM %0 H r- 1--f r1. cli r- -t H C,4 V) H 0 M .t 0 %D LM -t 0 %0 0 %D rý Ln Cy% Co cq LM 't 0 V-4 LM 00 LM c14 C,4 cq r- im %0 r- LM A 0 rlý r-. C,4 T-4 CD -t LA -t rq r1. rq Ul r_ 0 Co Co r- cm C%4 cn (D -t LA rq %t -t C,4 --t r-1 T-4 E.4 C%4 %D (D %D CD cm rl% P-4 CY% r% CYN V-4 CYN Co M C% r- r% ýt 00 %0 LM V-4 00 Cl% 0 N C,4 H _H 41 rCY% W-1 -t CD P-1 r-i 1-4 cli r. 0 %D CY% 1-4 .t 0 rý (D CD P-4 Co c14 0 r-i öo r-f 0 _T (D Co fi M 0 c2% M -t CY% 0 %10 C% Lri vi 0 W1 r_ Co r- 0 M r. 0 0 rý N %D 00 Le) r-i 0 CYN ei 0 C,4 a) N -t LM C*4 rq %T "-i tn m C,4 c"i P-1 r-i r- 0 %T 00 CD 00 rý. CM CVI rý. LM 0 0 00 ýt -e rý 0 0 rý %D %t Co r- 0 %0 %D cm c4 c4 rLM CM 0 P-4 cIt %D r- CY% (n in 00 %0 r4 H M c4 %D -t rý CIM CIM N tri en r- cm CD CN (7% CY% r4 0 00 tm "-i -t 0 -t Co cm "-i V-4 00 LM tn E-4 H cm Co - P. ri %D CD 0 M V-1 rq 0 C%l r-i clq CIM 0 r-. 0 m ýT r-1 c4 r- vi Ch -t w w 0 >% V-4 F-4 P-1 ý-0 -7 tu V-4 0 0 ci r- p 12.4 0 0 -t CY*, c4 C,4 ýT li LM LM r4 LM + %D N (A M + no + t24 ZD ýA P.4 rq m 1 0 0 m ci lu _H _H u tu 9) cn : J' r-4 0 W H Pd u !i > :1 w 4 E-4 4) >% 0 cq P. 4 u 193. ci %0 r- %0, rl% m %D 0 c4 r-i M cm Co Co Co ýT 1-4 0 0 %0 M LM rý %0 00 CD P-4 P-4 %t N 1-4 c4 1-4 V-f M ri %0 0 cn %0 C,4 0 -t C*4 C,4 %D rlý _T P-1 Co -7 00 %0 %D Cl% Ci% CVI Co ei 0 ýt cn N P-4 00 + LM LM (A V) %M C% _T H P-4 Co c> C:) 0 0 LM V) 0 P-4 P-4 C,4 E-4 %D CO 41 0 (7% lu 92. CD rq 00 0 c4 r-. 0 %0 cn C*4 C% CN 0 H M 0 Hý 0 0 r-i 1-4 0 Lli Co CD _T LM gn cm (D LA %0 CD r- P-4 r4 0 c4 %D Ln m cli Lm c4 %D Lri %0 0 C% 0 r- LA -t _T 0 Co M :. %0 e4 CD cq CYN c"i cm ND CN CN %0 0 r. Co 0) : 0 ýt 1-4 M CN %0 rq C*4 rq LM P-4 CZN -t V-4 LM 00 00 r- 00 _T rlý CIM cq A (D , Lri P-1 ýt cm %D <r C,4 m %0 r*ý 0 CVI CY% cl _T .t LM M 00 tn F-4 r- cyl cli -t 0 934 (A "-1 CYN 00 ýT 0 en tr% c4 "4 %D c4 t" t2. --t cm _T c4 0 :J 1-4 ei H 0) 17 Co 9) V-4 0 0 r- w 0 c4 CD V-4 CD 0 00 Lri LM 0 r4 CY%, CIM CY% P-4 LM C,4 _T CD C,4 10 E-4 Lri r4 LA (D 03 od cm C% -7 CO en r- C,4 -t 0 C,4 c4 0 cm ki V-4 C,4 P-4 cq cq Lri tm 0 0 0 c4 0 C,4 CN H P-1 CVI 0 00 0 -(A r4 Iri . HH u e tu >-. A wý g l k4 q) W :1 V-4 u 0 $.4 rw >% 9-4 u cd , 11 1 > A C) J- . 414 g14 ci 194. cm C,4 C%j r- %D CYN r- CN H H cm 0 r_ 0 CD% -t %D LM %0 0 c4 H ýt r1. fl% P-4 cq P-4 C% Co Co C% LM -7 m %D r- 0 P-4 %D --t 92. r-i r4 U) fl% r% _T C, 4 0 rq c"i r% r- rý Cl% CD C*4 0% P-4 P-4 00 clq C*q (D r. C,4 J.- ý4 H G) c4 Lri H rlý (: r- 0 0 m LM 1-4 E-4 %0 C,4 M 1-4 IT 7-4 C,4 0 %D rcli cm 00 cq 00 0 %0 r4 r*. LM 00 C:) 0 C Co %D ei r_ r-4 -t cn -zt Co M H %0 rq r_ %0 "q vi P-4 -7 >O cyl 0 P-A r- LM V-4 -t r. %D -t %D H r-i LM U) 0 Co rlý 00 Ln 0% LM cn %0 c4 0 rn 0 H (A c114 en r- cm H E-4 E-4 0 C% 0% -t 00 C:) P-4 (7% ýt cli 0 CNI %D (D 924 92 0 r-i Co 1-4 c4 --T vi % ý, e 0 S-4 r- 1.-4 41 0 iw c4 P-4 cq tn LM cli W-4 _T 1-4 V-4 LM V-4 ci %D CN -t ýM, Ln 00 LM M Lri ell 9-4 r- c*II 00 Ul V-4 V-4 c> 0 c4 CD H Co c*II P-1 V-4 en Lr% 0 vi ýt N LM ýT m C,4 r1. %0 r- H CN LM (A P-1 Cil %D Co 0 e4 e4 :1 0 ý4 0 >f Co a) 1-4 W-1 >q Ln (D H Co iv >.4 %D %0 01 (1) cm Lt) C% E-4 "-i Q) LM 4) -t Ln _T rq cq ýt -0 c4 clq 0 (114 H P-4 -2 P-4 rcm P-4 ci 1 cu > 1--1 H 0) 4 >% E-4 >4 r- 02 0) p4 P-4 u %0 00 0 01 Co u Cd >% 4 91. p ý4 tu cn p4 195. I cm cm rý rlý C,4 %D 0% V-4 cm Im 0 r. M C,4 w e CD 0 0 _T t" %t rq M cq cm CN 8 0 r- ul LI) im r- -t 0 c4 in 00 0 CD _T -2 cq ci CYN P-4 H A 0 V-1 H P-f (n Co 00 m %0 c*II 0 %D 0% _T Co _T tn 00 cm Co _T 00 0 cq LM 00 00 _T 0 clq -t 0 V-4 _T %0 C) f- CD Co cq tn 0, % 1-4 _T c4 c4 Co CY% C% P-4 Lri r- LM %0 V-4 (: 00 cq (D %0 0 C,4 LM -t H Co cli C,4 Co N M 0 r_ 00 C,4 clq Ln an r- cyl LM %D cm H rlý r- Lri ýT OD rC" r1. Co P-4 LM %D r-1 Lri C,4 N rq %. 10 qm 0 P-4 C,4 ci C,4 C,4 %D L') cm r-4 V-4 %0 M %t CM %0 Cj% M rlý %D Ln c4 C»4 H 00 V.-1 c: r% 41 Co ý eq C,4 1.4 N c4 LM -t %T %0 (IN e4 CD c4 r- 0% r- ýt P-4 -t N LM cq c4 C,4 c4 00 H.t C,4 E--4 0 ci cq P-1 c4 c"i r-i Co _T E-1 E-4 Co 00 H P-4 CY% _T (: F-1 tn 00 C% cý4 C,4 ell V-4 "-1 r_ C% C,4 rP-4 rý. r- c> _T Ln E-4 H Ln cm 00 C% r- M ýt cm cm %D V-4 r- P-4 M CN c4 E-4 CN (D CD CN1 00 %0 r1. 1.-4 C,4 -t vi LM 00 P-4 7-1 cyl CIM H E4 E-4 H E-4 E-4 P-4 0 00 VI 9) 0 Co r 4 Ili Co ai -2 Co 196. TABLE 59 Occurrence of ninhydrin positive substances in known country honeys Sample numbers in which given compound was found not* to occur Ninhydrin positive substances cc-Abu 217, 218 y-Abu 215, 217, 218, 225 O-Ala 196, 201, 202, 204, 206, 209, 212, 215, 217. 220, 221, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229 193, 196, 205, 206, 207, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, Arg 216, 217, 218, 220, 224, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233 Asn 201, 202, 204v 209, 212, 215, 221 Cys 196, 197, 201, 202, 204, 208, 220, 221, 226, 227, 231, Gluc 216, 232 Gln 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 208, 224. 227, 232 His 218, 224, 225 H-pip 193, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 229, 232, 233 Me-His 204, 208, 219, 222, 226 Pip 201, 204, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 224, 225, 232 201, 204, 208, 215, 216, 217 Trp ext 217, 118 193, 195, 197, 198 p I In addition substances to the other were also amino acids present. found These were: in all samples, hydroxyproline the following positive ninnydrin in sample numbers 197,222 213,214,223; spot 'x' in sample numbers 193,206ý and 223; the unidentified 225; the unidentified spot spot 'p' in sample numbers 199,201,208,224'and the unidentified 10 in spot 'A' in sample numbers 223,225 and 223; the unidentified spot 'C' in sample numbers 209,210 and 212; the unidentified and 231; the unidentified in sample spot 'a' and V spot '61 in sample numbers 209 and 211; the unidentified spot spot 'A' in sample number 211 and the unidentified number 209; the unidentified sample numbers 211,222 'e' in sample number 214. * Details as per Table 33. 197. FIGURE 20 No. 194 - Banksia. from Australia hone'y map of Amino acid Leu Ile ( 19 Phe 125 17 Met - Val Pip -e 28 a-Abu-( Tyr 3 cL-Ala y-Abu --0 20 (9 51 1 Gln 26 Pip O-Ala-0, -u Ser 12 Gly (D 76 21 e 18 Me-His 5Lys Asp I-I 0 G 9 (DAsn Gluc Arg (Sý 16 pq Cys C His 1.9 Electrophoresis pH buffer Origin 198. FIGURE 21. Amino acid map of honey from Canada No. 199 14 Ile 15 Leu 139 -Phe 17 Met 25 Val Pip -G Trp Tyr-(5 24 3 a-AJ a-Ala 20 D Y-Abuja Pro $-Ala -0 2 10 22 Thr Gly 97 12 21 ( sier (: 16 0 rn 0 D: 94 pq Gluc (D Arg (: Asp SlAsn \ý 6 Lys 7 18 Me-His 5. 5 Glu 31- pH 1.9 Electrophoresis His Cys buffer Origin 199. FIGURE 22 Amino acid map of honey from China No. 209 - Buckwheat. Ile Leu e) The 0 Met-7(225 Val Pip -e 28 Try 24 23 )9 -Trp a-Abu -3) a-Al 20 Pro 1 y-Abu-e4 (aGIn 10 Thr-1(22 Glu 1.1 Gly 12 w J -4 0 Asp Se 21 : 3: 44 PO 18 9 Me-His Gluc Arg a ýu Lys 13 Electrophoresis .9 8 His buffer Cys origin 200. FIGURE 23 map of honey from Amino acid 14 No. 225 - Gujarat India 2. Ile Leu &19 Phe Met Val &23Trp Tyr a-Abu- 3 Q Pro a-Ala O-Gln 26-2ývH-Pin Thr-_, Gly Glu O-Asp 12 w 21 0 Ser Me-His CD 18 Ast 16 Lys pH 1.9, Electrophoresis Cys buffer 9 8 (D Gluc 0 origin 201. FIGURE 24 map of honey from Mexico Amino acid Ile No. 227 - Yucatan. 1 15 Leu Q 19 Met-- iv Pip Phe 25 Val 4) Trp Thr 30 a-Abu- 11 i 20 a-Ala Pro 4 y-Abu-ý 26=; 7r % % %. _ýI Thr ) H-Pip 10 -f- Glu t<22 U Gly 7 0 Asp )-Gluc Me-His 18D m ;C4 pq 6D Jý, Asn 5 Lys Arg 16 Cys His -(ý13: pH 1.9 Electrophoresis buffer Origin 202. TIGURE 25. knino , from New Zealand honey of map acid No. 230 - Clover. @ 14 Ile 15 Leu Phe ( 17 Fet 25 Val G2)3-Trp Pip - 28) C) 24 Tyr 3 a-Abu-6 a-Ala G 20 Pro 1 -y-Abu -0 H-P, P&Gln __26 ß-AlalDThr 10 22 Glu .1-I G)-Asp 12 Gly-o Ser Me-His -6 18 5 Lys-Q 16 -4 0 21 J-Asn Gluc 'Arg GHis pH 1.9 Electrophoresis Cys buffer Origin 203. honey that were processed There were twenty one honey The pollencontent of each sample of honey in Table given information bottled 60. the The following the each of within were: three phenylalanine, methyl-histidine, tyrosine tryptophan, and between in Table each of three refined for and accounted positive samples substances arginine, leucine, The differences sugar asparagine, acid, lysine, proline, glycine, methionine, threonine, serine, in occurrence of maps were evaluated These differences the wihin have been given Code No. 256 was a standard These sugar retailers. concentration There were no ninhydrin amino acid maps of substanceswere sugar syrup as man made honey. sugar syrup did not sold this positive identified and The other at various contain have been given category The amino acid detected on the replicate reference sample 61. The following 256 No. Code using sample from commercial pollen. in Table substances 255. Code No. sample detected into were allocated sold samples measurements products one sample Code No. 255 was derived two samples, and was being starch the the honey of glutamic acid, on the Type Comm rcially of glutamine, groups. is, that 62. Sugar Product potato the and the were identified acid, on the amino acid substances have been groups processed, in-each pipecolic and valine. positive ninhydrin substances isoleucine, acid, groups. 61. a- and y-aminobutyric hydroxypipecolic histidine, three measurements These ninhydrin glucosamine, producers. these the three in Table standards groups. cysteine, acid, aspartic positive reference a- and 0-alanine, in samples were commercially ninhydrin maps using for accounted concentration have been given or otherwise amino acid that samples The amino acid whether or by commercial by the beekeeper on the replicate ninhydrin positive amino acid standards. maps These 2o4. TABLE 60 Fr"uency of distribution of pollen in grains country of now known, origin suspect origin, and honeys and sugar products. English Z23 Pollen Floral Cenus honey sample code No 234 . 235 236 237 238 239 241 240 1.0 Acacia 242 246 1.5 Banksia M 4.5 1.9 Braasica 20.5 19.4 16.8 1.2 17.2 10.2 21.5 61.2 Castanea 5.9 10.0 14.9 13.4 35.4 40.5 Echium BucaZyptua 4.5 57.2 37.1 65.0 4.5 12.4 5.3 1.1 Helianthue 4.6 0.5 Loranthus 14.6 Lotus 6.3 14.6 5.8 5.5 Myrtaccae** 14.0 Robinia 4.1 8.0 19.9 12.5 Rosmarinus 2.4 repens Urtica Shrivelled pollen Unidentified to key 1,2 0* 0* and 3 refer Sample examined for subjected Identified pollen to high pressure at plant family 1.3 14.4 12.7 16.0 12.9 11.9 20.2 10.1 14.3 8.9 7.7 11.9 8.8 6.2 M 0.6 381 363 377 373 410 392 327 336 0* to Table 31. but none present, filtration level 8.2 15.6 16.7 pollen Total pollen grains counted For notes 1.9 7.2 Taraxacum Trifolium 247 only. for it is suspected the purpose that these of clarification. three samples were 205. TABLE 60 Cont'd. Pollen Floral Genus M 2,3 Honey sample code No. Brassica 243 244 245 32.4 17.9 10.8 253 39.7 254 124.6 248 ' 249 250 74.0 3.1 Echium 11.8 21.5 6.0 16.2 11.8 3.6 8.8 Beracleum 4.7 1.3 5.1 6.9 6. o 3.0 Impatiens 2.2 Ligustrum 56.7 Loranthu8 2.9 Lotus 5.8 3. o onobrychis 0.7 1.9 8.6 PhZox 0.7 6.2 Prunualpyru8 1.5 3.7 Robinia 0.8 Rowkwinua 0.5 2.5 TiZia 2.5 TrifoZium pratense 15.4 TrifoZium repen8 14.6 35.8 17.7 pollen pollen Total pollen grains counted Sample 0.5 62.9 12.7 14.5 4.2 Vioia +- 7.9 1.2 Eucalyptus Unidentified 255 68.7 Epilobium Shrivelled 9.0 12.1 0.6 252 74.8 CaZluna Ca8tanea 251 1 examined for 13.5 12.9 21.1 21.1 10.1 23.7 28.5 18.7 10.2 7.5 8.8 6.1 8.8 5.8 6.0 19.9 6.1 4.6 9.5 0.7 364 396 397 345 385 430 256 236 322 428 pollen, but none present, 0+0+ 256 206. 03 1 r- rq 00 en Co %D -t -t M r- 00 in P-4 0 7-4 %0 CD r-i r_T rý 0 P-4 000 %D 00 r_ _T C% r4 C*4 -t rr- 0 LM LM p4 in in %D cq w P.4 0 Cj% CD rH 0 cq %0 %0 r-i N0 w Ici 0 N4 0N C'4 C%i Co eq -: r 04 v-4 _d* (D 1-1 CIM Ln Co cm -t rq E-4 (DN rHM r- CM cm LM 0 9-4 M Co M ýT 00 c4 in %D H LM C% Ln CD CY% %0 CY% %0 %0 in 00 -e M 00 ri %D NH rl% %0 %T cq -t CVI 0 H %D im c4 c4 V-4 00 V-4 0 00 en c> 0 %D _T km P-4 Ow ZD 0 A 10 r. co a 044 0 C14 0 P. Ln od 0 14 C7% m C*4 ý4 0 0) a) Ln 00 cq %M CD r- CD C% C% 0 00 M LM it C% C% %0 -7 10 P-4 P-4 0 -H 41 co w w 0 44 0 %0 cyý r- C, 4 ci C% cq 0 04 CVI -t cli ZD e 0 4-4 0 Co r4 %0 r- 00 CD Ln %D _T clq V-1 H P-1 %0 Co ul CVI CIN cm vi 0 rF-4 cn r_ Ln V-4 CD H r-t %D -t vi %0 0% ri CD 't Ln 92.4-1 ci r. 0 ci %D cm ed tn C,4 0 Lr% M 0 Co Iti H u 0 Co C% r-i V-1 tn %0 r- 0 C,4 00 %0 00 Co CD 00 Co P-f P-1 c"i vi 0 ci. Ici ci Co 1.4 P., CD LM 00 Ln MH rA V-1 00 NID %D 7-4 ýo tn cm r- Ln 1-1 r*ý (D cm CY% r-i ci 00 %D r-4 V-4 CN 04 Co r- V-4 1-4 01 t2. P. v-; 0 P-4 %0 0 41 9 rA 0 ß4 e Co 00 4 el cn :100 W-4 0 wH 914 9 u1> ce 1-4 1-4 AH >b 4 p4 207. %0 tn c4 Lt) LM r-A eli LM 1 r-i cm Co r- 0 A P-1 gn C,4 r00 0 00 M LM 4 C, %D C% V-1 00 E-4 0 r_ en Co C,4 ýt 00 -t 00 V-1 Le) C% clq M C% P-1 (n C,4 0 00 rlý clq 0 r- 00 r-i P-1 00 0 M c14 00 V-4 P-A M clq Ln Co H rq _T ýT %D P-4 %D r4 CO e CN 0 -rq Ai r- cq M Co r- P-4 %D 0 e4 C%i ci r_ %D cm 0 0 ýT P-4 r00 c4 %D %D vi 1 P-1 E-4 Kri N V-1 0 -t --t -t C,4 _T 0 Lri C,4 0 r_ 0% H H 0 %0 %0 ri + C7N Ln Ln Co V-4 %D r- M M cli %D -zt Co km %D P-4 C% 0 %0 r- P-l Lri ei cm r- cm tri CD CD, % P-4 -t CY% wi Cj% 00 0 %0 t (3% M Lri 0 f-4 IT r14 . %0 rCN %D C,4 1-4 00 0 P-4 C,4 C,4 CN Co C% 0 zr CN P-4 Cl% rM r4 H 00 r- 0 rý r- cq cm -4 -e N 00 0 cm P-4 0% C*4 N4 1 M V) rý M r- 1 -t (2% C*4 Q. w 4) 1-4 0 1 _T 44 0 r- 0 1 1 %D rlý 14 P.4 E-4 tn 1 LM 00 Co E-4 cq c4 0 r-4 (D 00 CD cm E-4 rLn cm cm 00 Lm -t fl- C% 0 cyl H c%& r- 10 0 0 0 C% 93. ZD w w P. 4 93- 4) 0 u M 't C,4 cq (: cm c4 tn r- LM rý 0 -t --1 0% LM C,4 V-4 r, Co 0. :D 92. :D t2. Im IM ai r4 lii >% A ril < 19 0 rn :1 0 P-1 0 ý4 p4 Co P-4 u H 9 r-4 Co 0 V-4 H :1 0 e2 :, E-4 4 p4 p4 ci 208. TABLE 62 Occurrence suspect of ninhydrin positive Ninhydrin positive substances in unknown country, honeys and English origin substances Sample numbers in which given was found not* to occur a-Abu 241,248 y-Abu 248 a-Ala 237,240,241,243,244,247,248,249, compound 251 235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242, Arg 248,249,251,252,253,254 Asn 245,249,252 Cys 237,245,248 Gluc 250 Gln 245 H-pip 234,237,240,241,244,245,246,247, . 248,249,250,251,252,253 Me-His 234,246,248 Pip 237,239,240,241,242,244,246,247, 248,249,250,251,252 1XI 234,235,237,238,240,241,246,247 In addition to the other amino acids found in all samples, the following These ninhydrin positive substances were also present. 'p' in the spot sample number 234; the unidentified unidentified were: 'c' 1XI in 246 in the and unidentified sample number spot spot sample numbers 243 and 245. * Details as per Table . 33. 209. positive ninhydrin acid, substances asparagine, The relative in Figure concentration were much lower than those into groups pre-selected to utilize preferable The statistical by the of officially recognised standardised the data It ANALYSIS! using the SPSS from standards. responses using observed there Moreover, status. and described data the experimental pollen analyses of statistical the amino information. in default standards'; As a consequence However, when any such results the the available the given were some agreement 'MAHAL' SPSS. 'reference reference package. statistical and figures tables the analytical SPSS were was considered software data as to of computer were obtained. SPSS programme gave a misclassification to the experimentally available analytical (SPSS) on the PRIME computer sciences by the in given samples procedure. text, products honey six the appropriate evaluating selected selected In some cases of to by the abbreviation The standards misclassification social used for were randomly programming with the data the amino acid of sugar Data 'MAHAL' method has been defined be referred will methionine, sample. and fifty statistical In the following The standards criteria. for statistical VI(a). in Appendix acids on the basis performing'DISCRIMINANT This package two hundred the aspartic sample Code No. in these and classification a computer package for used was method. of Analytical the use of a complex necessitated map for to the honey compared each of methyl-histidine, the amino acids of allocating 31 to 62 for Tables leucine, acid, 26. Computer Processing In evaluating, a-aminobutyric The amino acid and valine. 256 has been illustrated a-alanine, isoleucine, glycine, threonine serine, were: in respect in most cases selected of misclassification were re-examined of group or the became in conjur)ction 210. FIGURE 26 Amino acid map of Sainsbury's golden syrup No. 256. 0 pH 1.9 Electrophoresis buffer Origin 211. the paper with which electrophoresis The experimental becuase to the computer given were not and chromatography take origins account amino acid their of patterns, qualitative nature. of any such reassessment and are as stated. The merits dangers SPSS predictive this of by the of misclassification and the present classification SPSS have been dealt in with the discussion. Analyses Computer Samples from of of honey placements Honey samples of*ýthe analysis using statements 55 to 63 of the A selected range SPSS as detailed the predominant of for the amino acids were calculated and then These amino acids analysis. alanine, glycine, proline, and a constant derived four honey samples into their respective -The amino acid groups containing Hence, five pollen and of the Fisher's which amino acids nine classification groups by the isoleucine, only discriminant linear acid, on the into serine, leucine, functions the discriminant acid, glutamic phenylalanine The SPSS selected one hundred 45.2% were correctly and classified groups. measurements inadequate processed were entered aspartic SPSS. these were allocated The predicted into IV(b). These samples were classified valine, pollen groups VI(b). were: by the in Appendix the number of variables 63. these in control measurements honey samples type in Table SPSS have been given basis concentration in Appendix pollen given for were selected listed file Honeys groups type pollen SPSS control of amino acid pollen specifications number so as to reduce an arbitary of the Kingdom Survey into samples predominant discriminant by the the United were modified as described sample numbers were ommited thought to contain adequate and the pollen from analysis. sample numbers 212. %0 CY) P-4 r4 000000 0 Ln V-4 9-4 9-4 040000 -x 0 v-4 V-4 -: T r-4 Nt C14 C14 -T P-4 00 9-4 cm V-4 92. Co r4 cm Ixi gi 00 V--f -t 0 -ýT -T 0 P-4 V-4 000 9--4 000 z 19 %M P-4 P-4 000000 -t "4 ri Ln r-4 1-4 r-q 14 0 44 T-4 a 44 0 0 zr rP-4 00 c4 N 00 %0 P-4 1-4 - V-4 Z r-4 .0 Cd E-4 0 Aj 44 0) tn v-4 r-4 0 0w P., to W4 ic "4 0 cli « « 00 0 cyl « Co P-4 cyl « (n P-4 M 00 CN cn -x 0 en 0 cli c4 C" 4c 213. The unifloral were examined. for the four each of pollen Castanea and CaUuna, Myosotis did predominantly The results for subclass the point at classification the above pollen groups for 80% and over, over, the pollen each of been shown in Figure honey samples by the for subclasses of 27. the Brassica as those The classification The honey VI(c). into two subsets discriminant linear acids which valine, twenty correctly the honey the modified samples functions into defined samples the five In one subset were calculated derived in this subset samples classified into have been shown in Table their 64. respective for file pollen five for and of pollen groups. groups were divided samples the Fisher's the following proline, amino glycine, The SPSS selected SPSS. these two in Appendix groups These were: by the pollen pollen given of honey the subclass the four into-the the ungrouped to that pattern the unifloral and over and a constant for The peaks of a similar the group has the classification follow the analysis. example the Brassica SPSS control in each of by the SPSS. honey nine 70% pollen of were entered isoleucine having Thus, fýr group 75% and at As a typical been shown. samples containing out using of SPSS have also samples. samples was carried groups a histogram However, Brassica and Castanea 70% and over. each was eliminated, repens The results the ungrouped two subclasses were: at into samples These points in the form of obtained results group samples were to be similar. were found the group, of one species. groups. TrifoZium and for'CaUuna of honey between the overlap at which for varied the computer of 95% pollen repens, pollen the honey since than greater TrifoZium The fifth previously. sub-classification being unifloral were determined subclAsses namely Brassica groups as detailed require not and multifloral only groups. 89.7% were These results 214. ý.o r-4 04 9-4 Qo %T 0 0 P. V-1 W w 0 r-i 4-4 u -H 44 . r4 ji cli Ici 0 r-i 4-4 0 H r-q r. 0 . r4 z 4.4 0 Ici 4) 0 PA 0 t) - 0 Co 0 0 Co u PCZ 0 0 44 0 ,0 0 ce 12 ei Co Co P-ý Co N4 0 P-4 44 cn cn 00 H 44 0 41 r-I C'4 9 >-. 'l bo 0 0 od C% In 00 V-4 C,4 00 H A:)uanbaza -t a- 215. TABLE 64 Classification by the of into the U. K. honey samples five pollen groups SPSS SPSS predicted Pollen groups No. of samples pollen group membership 301 308 318 319 328 A 301 17 17 0 0 0 0 308 1 0 1 0 0 0 318* 6 1 0 3 0 2 * 319 2 0 0 0 2 0 328* 3 0 0 0 0 3 301 12 11 0 0 0 308 2 0 1 1 0 0 318 3 0 0 0 1 2 319 3 1 0 0 1 1 328 4 1 1 2 0 0 B Refer to Table 30. A= Samples used for discriminant B= Samples used for estimating function calculation. misclassification rate. 216. honey samples There were six the SPSS misclassified of Brassica presence the samples SPSS for 54.2% of in pollen sample Code No. 89 but the of honey samples, subset predicted the was incorrect for four twenty the misclassification estimating samples were correctly There were eleven samples were used rate into classified these and of their only respective and 177, 84 and 91 did not Graphical agree 1 against The samples SpSS. The computer in Table given discriminant identified above as in 65. the present The SPSS selected calculating amino acids were entered'into threonine, acid, glutamic leucine, tyrosine were all 100.0% correctly and a constant The SPSS then misclassifiation proline, classified selected rate derived and of ninteen these into their samples only into the for by the of honey for lysine, aspartic isoleucine, The honey samples pollen groups. respective which major and the following alanine, SPSS. three Kingdom have been These were: by the discriminant have been outlined. samples glycine, 57, samples 2 was derived functions the analysis. acid, the honey the canonical the United eighteen discriminant linear the Fisher's of samples of samples Code Nos. of _misclassified survey Code to be present. function of honey these samples predicted scatterplot canonical classification identified pollens This and the SPSS samples which the classification of 28. for three as to the pollen representation has been shown in Figure function The remaining to contain. subset in eight the pollen of 39,41,102,106,118,121,171 were predicted in this samples misclassified the presence predicted correctly "II and groups. pollen Nos. The SPSS correctly samples. group Code No. 28 and 36. In the other by the three in the Castanea selected it estimated 68.4% were correctly the classified 217. FIGURE 28 The five pollen group scatterplot, by the SPSS. 8 6 4 rd 0 .41r4 u .Ni Z 0 0 r. -4 -6 -8 Canonical Discriminant Function 1 218. TABLE. 65 of. the U. K. honey samples Classification by the into. three pollen groups SPSS SPSS predicted No. of samples Pollen groups 301 pollen * 308 group membership * 319 * A 301 15 15 0 0 308 1 0 1 0 319 2 0 0 2 301 14 10 1 3 308 2 0 2 0 319 3 2 0 1 B TABLE 66 of the U. K. honev samvles Classification calendar year Year groups into the 1981 and 1982 group s, by the. SPSS No. of samples SPSS predicted year membership -group 1981 1981 Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS A 1981 33 30 3 39 9 30 1981 33 24 9 1982 63 24 39 1982 83.3% B These notes are comon, to both Refer to Table 30. A- Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table 64. Tables 65.6% 65 and 66: 219. into their respective pollen There were six the presence and 152 for 118,147 Nos. The remaining three to the pollen predicted number 3 the into the following aspartic acid, derived by the SPSS. groups pollen only three of samples statements given were calculated were: tyrosine, by the for differed phenylalanine groups which of pollen the amino acids and a constant derived each of of the Trifozium 67. discriminant functions These differences used were valine, by the five seventy in Table groups. the were obtained were Brassica, linear pollen (dii) The results classification the the for criteria and these three for and a constant VI part groups, groups. the Fisher's in Table These were: valine in Appendix SPSS have been given in these group, alanine, year samples classification the analysis. these satisfied The predicted selected in the Brassica the five groups were calculated into proline, two calendar honey to allocate functions threonine, the pollen The amino acids as question samples have been given were entered which the and Castanea. repens honey which samples into agree to questionnaire The predicted discriminant the control SPSS allocated not 1981 and 1982 calender recieved selected and 5 representing 1,2,3,4 and 145 did as described groups. eight linear lysine, for year amino acids Using the responses with and sixty into samples SPSS was specified The Fisher's 66. to contain. to be present. two calender one hundred 66,115 Code samples samples were predicted Code Nos. of honey Computer placements these SPSS and the subset in three the pollen of which samples In accordance in this samples misclassified predicted correctly groups. isoleucine, SPSS; in the 220. TABLE 67 Classification pollens into of the U. K.. honey samples 1981 and 1982 calendar Year groups No. of samples year representing groups by the SPSS predicted year group membership 1981 1982 the three SPSS Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS Brassica A. 1981 6 5 1 1982 16 4 12 1981 2 0 2 1982 15 7 8 1981 8 8 0 1982 5 0 5 1981 2 1 1 1982 6 2 4 1981 7 7 0 1982 1 0 1 1981 4 2 2 1982 3ý 3 0 77.3% B TrifoZium 47.1% repens A 100.0% B 62.5% Castanea A 100.0% B Refer to Table 64. Refer to Table 64. 28.6% - 221. TrifoZium glycine, the amino acids used were lysine, repens group, leucine, alanine, tyrosine and in the Castanea group, acid, threonine, proline, serine, derived and a constant by the SPSS the amino acids used were lysine, tyrosine valine, proline, aspartic derived and a constant by the SPSS. No distinct was noted in the samples that pattern were misclassified in Tables 66 and 67. Computer of honey placements In accordance samples which the responses with 5 SPSS the was specified number and 'not heated' one hundred 68. calculated for the analysis. These were: a constant derived given one honey and seventy in Table The Fisher's following substituted part (dii) pollen were obtained for into selected which by the were into were entered phenylalanine and 'not 'heated' year groups only three and 'not pollen classification SPSS have been given the three linear pollen discriminant groups. five the the and for groups. and these of in Table functions the 69. groups in Appendix pollen criteria heated' groups heated' as given these satisfied 'heated' the the Fisher's in each of the which The predicted and Myosotis. of SPSS have been functions glycine, serine, 5 and representing samples for by the selected which 'heated' classification discriminant linear the question by the SPSS. 1,2,3,4, groups The predicted amino acids the two calendar SPSS allocated into samples samples threonine, The specifications for to allocate or otherwise to questionnaire received ais described. groups were heated VI The groups. each of the The results were Brassica, Castanea four samples sixty honey The amino acids were: for differed were calculated These differences were in the 222. TABLE 68 Classification the of U. K. honey into samples 'heated' and 'not heated' groups by the SPSS Beat groups No. of samples SPSS predicted heat group membership heated Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS not heated Aheated 17 10 7 not heated 77 19 58 heated is 4 11 not heated 62 15 47 72.3% B 66.2% TABLE 69 Classification groups into Heat groups of the U. K. honey samples representine three 'heated' and 'not heated' groups by the SPSS No. of samples SPSS predicted heat group membership heated Dollen Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS not heated Drassica A heated not heated 770 12 94.7% 1 11 B heated not heated 312 17 55. OZ 7 10 Castanea A heated 110 not heated 808 100.0% B heated 211 not heated 615 75.0% Myosotis A heated 110 not heated 505 100.0% B heated 0-00 not heated 202 These notes are common to both Tables ARefer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table 64. 100.0% 68 and 69. 223. Brassica the amino acids isoleucine, used were aspartic tyrosine the amino acids by the SPSS. feeding used was glutamic the responses with SPSS was specified fed' 'not and the sugar-fed' of classification into the by the for of sugar (dii) groups for samples which the SPSS have been given differed in the Brassica samples linear amino acids selected discriminant which isoleucine threonine, 'sugar-fed' the satisfied 'sugar-fed' of for The predicted The Fisher's year and 'not groups and 5 representing classification were calculated lysine, 'sugar- the were entered and a SPSS. 1,2,3,4 into 70. question into samples one honey and seventy the two calendar The amino acids were: valine, derived to questionnaire honey the following These were: derived SPSS allocated predicted were a result received in Table for were calcualted were substituted pollen acid, and a constant as described. groups SPSS have been given The specifications VI part acid to allocated the one hundred the analysis. constant glutamic group, or otherwise 6 the number functions the Castanea by the SPSS and in the A&osotis derived of honey samples which placements In accordance by the threonine, acid, leucine, proline, serine, SPSS; in by the and a constant group, Computer derived and a constant phenylalanine used were lysine, the amino acids group, 'not and the ninety in Table which five as given the five pollen criteria for sugar-fed' honey in Appendix The groups. each of groups. samples groups the The selected by 71. the Fisher's in the five group, these sugar-fed' pollen the amino acids linear groups. discriminant functions These differences used were lysine, serine, 224. :6 cu 10 gi X cu ci uw k4 ei 94 %Z Ln cn Q) CL4 cn w 0 u 0) 44 1 w ce 0 c4 C,4 P% en 0% 1 P.4 %0 c4 M ý 0 C,4 cm "d "" (IM ýt ýt to 41 . ýi ,, 0 ý; ,Ni w C', Qi Q) 54 0 gl. En wý co a) 0 m tio .0 V-4 LM ýc %0 12 c13 1-4 iz m &4 ce 0 . p4 10 Q) cli rA w 12. cu = ýi E--4 u= 0 cJ c jj 0 225. TABLE 71 Classification fed' of and 'not U. K. honey the sug ar-fed' No. of samples Sugar groups samples representing five pollens into groups by the SPSS SPSS predicted sugar group membership sugar-fed Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS not sugar-fed Brassica A 12 sugar-fed not sugar-fed 5 11 1 94AZ 05 B 13 sugar-fed not sugar-fed Trifolium 9 11 2 68.2% 54 repens A sugar-fed 770 not sugar-fed 514 91.7% B sugar-fed 880 not sugar-fed 752 66.72 Castanea A sugar-fed 3 3 0 not sugar-fed 2 0 2 10 8 2 2 1 1 I 1 0 2 0 2 sugar-fed I 1 0 not sugar-fed 0 0 0 Sugar-fed 3 3 0 not sugar-fed 1 0 1 sugar-fed 3 2 1 not sugar-fed I 1 0 100. U% D sugar-fed not sugar-fed 75.0% Calluna A sugar-fed not iugar-fed IOU. 0% B 100.0% Myosotis A 100.0% B A- Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table 64. 'sugar- 50.0% 226. glutamic alanine, acid, the TrifoZiwn repens SPSS; in the CaUuna by the used were serine, acids in the of were calculated serine, by the glycine, for tyrosine, 'not and the one honey samples linear selected discriminant These were: amino acids. derived and a constant phenylalanine, SPSS was specified sugar-fed' SPSS have been given The amino acids for were calculated differed in the Brassica group, threonine, glycine, which select honey samples the 'sugar- the five pollen. The samples selected by the linear the Fisher's groups. discriminant isoleucine, leucine repens group, and a constant derived the amino acids used were proline, functions These differences the amino acids used were lysine, alanine, into 73. in four pollen by the SPSS; in the TrifoZium isoleucine the ninety in Table to representing groups of classification predicted group, The autumn and the group The Fisher's following and SPSS- As before lysine, the 72. SPSS. The predicted way. and seventy in Table by the manner. sugar-fed' in the usual the one hundred SPSS have been given functions 'not the amino group, in the winter in the following the performed analysis classification lysine, into were allocated statistical by the to the honeybees months were assessed spring samples sugar acid used was glutamic derived and a constant valine of feeding The results the amino acid group, derived and a constant alanine serine, tyrosine the amino group, by the SPSS and in the Myosotis derived and a constant red' acid, used were aspartic acids used were leucine, SPSS; in the Castanea by the by the SPSS; in derived and a constant the amino acids group, derived and a constant fed leucine aspartic and a constant were: acid, derived the amino acids used were by the SPSS; in the Castanea glycine, alanine, leucine, 227. 0 w cu ". 44 0 C V N CY) 9 Ln 41 tn Ir Ln M cn "l. - :3 00 . 0) 4 Ici a) 0 %0 :i . f4 li J., a) rA 41 0 r. Ei 10 lii 41 cn 0 P.4 $W cn to 10 r. 44 0 rn 00 -t z ON cn c'c' ull 7-4 (7% C14 LM rý ýT c4 tn 10 bo :i rA W 9-4 lu U- 0) 10 gi Ici w , 10 0) 4.4 tv C14 U) rZ rx ct E-4 Ici 9) 4.4 to :3 W E-4 00 ý-4 ce rA 14 E-4 44 a) pel 4-4 CL) Pd 41 0 $4 bo PQ rn r, .94 pq 228. TABLE 73 Classification 'sugar-fed' of the U. K. honey samples representing and 'not sugar-fed' groups by the SPSS Sugar groups No. of samples four SPSS predicted sugar group membership sugar-fed not sugar-fed -- pollens Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS Bras8ica A 6 6 0 17 2 15 3 1 2 13 9 4 sugar-fed 2 1 1 not sugar-fed 8 1 7 3 1 2 sugar-fed not sugar-fed 91.3% B sugar-fed not sugar-fed Trifolium 31.3% repens A 80.0% B sugar-fed 64.7% 14 4 10 sugar-fed 4 4 0 not sugar-fed 3 0 3 sugar-fed 2 1 1 not sugar-fed 7 3 4 sugar-fed 1 1 0 not sugar-fed 2 0 2 sugar-fed 1 1 0 not sugar-fed 4 2 2 not sugar-fed Castanea A 100.0% B 55.6% AV030tis A 100.0% B A- Refer to Table 64 B- Refer to Table 64. into 60.0% 229. SPSS and in the Myosotis by the used was tyrosine the amino acid group, derived and a constant phenylalanine, derived and a constant by the SPSS. The effects imino of to those proline acid The autumn, was evaluated. file The SPSS control the control of These were: were calculated. derived of fed' fed' visa and sugar-f In the 'heated and the combinations linear which in Tables sugar-fed' SPSS selected alanine, derived by the SPSS. The SPSS selected sugar-fed' edl samples The following discriminant ratios functions isoleucine/proline were both heated into and the valine, ninety 'not heated 75,77,79 and the seventy and and combinations -and 'not nine heated sugar- and not sugar- for analysis. honey samples were calculated isoleucine, not and 81. leucine samples and sugar-fed' for These were: the analysis. two honey heated the four all 'not functions were entered serine, for and the discriminant glycine, not 74. linear which classification groups amino acids honey versa have been given The Fisher's The predicted glycine/proline, of honey samples The SPSS predicted the by using by the SPSS. Computer placements 'heated in Table amino acids was modified three and seventy the samples were used. VI(eii). the Fisher's which twelve fed (c) VI in Appendix listed for the amino acids or in Appendix SPSS have been given by the sugar-fed winter of concentration individual 'spring and the one hundred of a constant on the relative the other of given statements classification selected feeding sugar for the following lysine, and a constant the 'heated combination. and The 230. Od -r4 :30 00 W CO 60 r-4 44 0 Aj r4 41 -W ci a) ci $4 pw 01 0 CX4 Q W C/3 P-4 U3 X Co Mo CC) cý LM Ln 10 ü) ý4 ce Co to 0 cm P-4 %D ý ri cq rl% M ,-4 ý4 0 ýT P-4 CYN r-4 rý I'D cn tn ci 41 0 r3 "1-4 Ei lu Q) Q) w 91 Pt Ci. cn :i cn P. 4 0 w (n to 0 Iri 9) It C14 Ln 0 Cd Z rn 14.4 0 IW 10 Q) C: 0 ., 4 41 0 u 10 Q) 4-4 $.4 Iti ci 10 Q) w ce Z pq co 1 bo 0 :3w cn to Co w :10 41 N.4 Co u :10 Co %D ý; 1; D %. 1w P-4 .0 Cd E-4 0) r-4 .0 Cd E-4 00 Aj 41 ti, 4uI (1) Pd 0) P4 -4 pq Ai 231. TABLE 75 Classification and not of the U. K. honey samples into sugar-fed' Heat and sugar groups 'heated and sugar-fed' and 'not-heated groups by the SPSS SPSS predicted heat and sugar group membership No. of samples HT+SF NHT+NSF 11 3 Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS A HT+SF 14 NHT+NSF 24 5 HT+SF 12 57 NHT+NSF 29 9 79.0% 19 B 61. OZ 20 TABLE 76 Classification and not of sugar-fed' Heat and sugar groups the Bra8sica honey samples into 'heated and suRar-fed' and 'not-heated groups by the SPSS SPSS predicted heat and sugar group membership No. of samples HT+ST NHT+NSF Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS Bra88ica A HT+SF 8 71 NHT+NSF 7 16 HT+SF 0 00 NHT+NSF 5 14 86.7% B These notes are common to Tables A- Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table 64. HT - NHT SF NSF +- to Table Refer Refer Refer to Table Refer Refer to Table to Table 75. 75. 75. 75. to Table 75. 75 and 76. 80.0% 232. TABLE 77 Classification of the U. K. honey samples into and sugar-fed groups by the SPSS Heat and sugar group No. of samples 'heated and not SPSS predicted heat and sugar group membership HT+SF sugar-fed, and not heated Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS NHT+NSF A HT+NSF 3 2 1 NHT+SF 43 9 34 HT+NSF 3 2 1 NHT+SF 43 7 36 78.3% B 82.6% TABLE 78 Classification of the Bras8ica not and 'not sugar-fed' heated and sugar-fed' No. of samples Heat and sugar group and Trifolium repens honey samples into 'heated groups by the SPSS SPSS predicted heat and sugar group membership HT+SF Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS NHT+NSF Bras8ica A HT+NSF 1 1 0 NHT+SF 7 0 7 HT+NSF 1 0 1 NHT+SF 10 1 9 HT+NSF 1 1 0 NHT+SF 7 0 7 HT+NSF 0 0 0 NHT+SF 7 0 7 100.0% B 2'rifoZium 81.8% repene A 100.0% B These notes are common to both Tables A- Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table 64. HT NHT SF NSF +- to Table 75. Refer Refer Refer to Table Refer Refer to Table to Table 75. 75. 75. to Table 75. 77 and 78. 100.0% and 233. TABLE 79 of the U. K. honey samples into Classification 'not heated and not sugar-fed' Heat and sugar group 'heated and not sugar-fed' and groups by the SPSS heat and SPSS predicted sugar group membership No. of samples' HT+NHF NHT+NSF Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS A 32 HT+NSF 97.0% 30 NHT+NSF 30 0 B 312 HT+NSF 76.9% 4 23 NHT+NSF 19 TABLE 80 of the Brasaica Classification 'not heated and not sugar-fed' Heat and sugar group No. of samples honey samples into 'heated groups by the SPSS SPSS predicted heat and sugar group membership - NHT+NSF HT+NSF and not sugar-fed' Percent of group correctly classified by SPSS Brassica A HT+NSF 220 NHT+NSF, 404 100.0% B HT+NSF 000 NHT+NSF 835 A- are common to both Tables Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table These notes HT 64. Refer to Table 75. NHT Refer to Table 75. WSF Refer to Table + Refer 75. to Table 75. 62.5% 79 and 80. and 234. discriminant linear Fisher's glutamic acid acid functions. discriminant 'not and heated samples. The honey nine linear the Fisher's calculating aspartic phenylalanine the amino SPSS. sugar-fed' fifty These were: tyrosine, proline, acid, were used for amino acids by the and not the SPSS selected sugar-red', following 'heated of for were calculated derived and a constant For the combination and not functions acid, serine, glutamic derived and a constant by the SPSS. In the final 'not and fed' isoleucine, honey the four samples 'heated the and sugar- one hundred S'.PSS selected discriminant functions amino acids. These were: lysine, phenylalanine and a constant linear and were serine, derived the four of have been given in Table by 76. In this linear calculated the following phenylalanine In the and these SPSS selected nineteen were calculated were: honey samples for the group the functions twenty were lysine, These were: aspartic by the SPSS. were obtained classification and TrifoZium In the Brassica and the Fisher's following The results only. SPSS selected the Brassica 78. select above the predicted discriminant derived in Table have been given The results functions groups group the predicted second combination, two pollen listed amino acids. and a constant to groups. the Brassicq samples and the Fisher's for pollen combinations for was obtained classification honey the five SPSS was specified the combinations representing In the first for is, that SPSS. For each of acid, the The Fisher's the following valine, glycine, the four,, of and sugar-red', samples. for calculated the heated honey twelve combination group, linear amino acids. repens. the discriminant These were: 235. threonine, acid, aspartic derived by the SPSS. fifteen honey for Brassica fourteen SPSS selected functions aspartic acid, by the SPSS- In the fourth groups for which been given honey calculated of the four the predicted in Table samples for and a constant 82. and the Fisher's derived were calculated aspartic acid, by the SPSS. serine, linear amino acids. by the SPSS. in Table linear these group, the proline, leucine, The discriminant derived two pollen These were: two pollen groups SPSS selected have twenty discriminant functions were These were: alanine, tyrosine In the Castanea the following 80. These were: were only group, by the SPSS and the Fisher's for was obtained were obtained. for SPSS. and a constant there combinations threonine, by the amino acids. phenylalanine In the Brassica honey samples were selected functions the following functions classification and, the Fisher's The results the following derived and a constant SPSS selected These were: classification and Castanea. the Brassica five for isoleucine, glycine, discriminant have been given honey samples were calculated linear and a constant The results group only. the group, the predicted combination, tyrosine repens amino acids. phenylalanine In the third for In the TrifoZium the following tyrosine, leucine, valine, samples and the Fisher's were calculated alanine, proline, amino acids. tyrosine thirteen linear discriminant These were: and a constant derived 236. TABLE 81 of the U. K. honey samples into Classification 'not heated and suear-fed' Heat and sugar groups No. of samples 'heated and sugar-fed' and erouvs bv the SPSS beat and SPSS predicted sugar group membership HT+SF NHT+SF Percent of group classified correctly by SPSS A HT+SF 13 10 3 NHT+SF 29 5 24 HT+SF 13 58 NHT+SF 57 81.0% B 58.6% 21 36 TABLE 82 Classification sugar-fed' of the Brassica and Castanea honey samples into and 'not heated and sugar-fed' g roups by the SPSS Heat and sugar groups No. of samples heat and SPSS predicted sugar group membership HT+SF NHT+SF 'heated Percent of groups correctly classified by SPSS Bras8ica A HT+SF 3 2 1 NHT+SF 9 0 9 HT+SF 5 1 4 NHT+SF 8 4 4 HT+SF 3 3 0 NHT+SF 4 0 4 HT+SF 0 0 0 NHT+SF 6 4 2 91.7% B 38.5% Caetanea A 100.0% B These notes are common to both Tables A- Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table 64. HT NHT SF +- Refer to Table Refer Refer Refer 75. to Table 75. to Table to Table 75. 75. 81 and 82. and 33.3% 237. Analyses Samples from of Discriminant analysis foreign allocated the criteria specified The predicted selected by the and English each of the statements classification of five the Australia, country groups group 83. to in Appendix honey three samples New Zealand The honey into were divided The SPSS 54 to 60 listed twenty four sixty according Canada, Mexico, in Table have been given groups country the the of was performed 'MAHAL' method. the in the control SPSS into groups measurements to the appropriate samples VII(a). concentration Honeys the U. K. survey of honey samples using and commercial honey country to that similar amino acid and Cammercial into of honey samples Computer placement on the modified the Foreign samples two subsets in by the SPSS. the Fisher's In one subset, for the following amino acids which lysine, serine, glutamic and a constant derived by the were: by the linear SPSS were 100.0% correctly glycine, valine, honey The twelve into classified functions into were entered acid, SPSS. discriminant were calculated the analysis. leucine, samples their These tyrosine selected appropriate country groups. In the other subset, rate the misclassification by the SPSS into their There were six misclassified from respective samples Australia, predictions from Australia, mistake and of these (Code Nos. because Canada, suggested Mexico that groups from estimating 45.5% were correctly classified groups. 194,195,203,204,229 England, five for were selected were experimentally and New Zealand. the pollen only country by the SPSS and these countries computer honey samples eleven Mexico samples This families and 249) shown to come and New Zealand; excluding 204 originated is a reasonable Cruciferae the predictive and Leguminosae 238. are in fact common to all The following predicted when the English commercial linear Fisher's classified. The following These were: lysine, selected by the SPSS for 42.9% of the It SPSS. samples should by the SPSS. not to those out to that expected When the China honey SPSS. The nine from functions discriminant amino acids acid, by the into valine, tyrosine, alanine, SPSS. the misclassification classified. if rate their the predicted selected for the analysis There were thirteen and of and-only and 228) misclassified composition predicted and pollen origins predicted in the above analysis and these these pnly linear The following were: glutamic and a constant samples by the the Fisher's classified. honey were were correct. 85 were obtained phenylalanine of countries patterns calculating were 100.0% correctly were entered rate The computer respectively. shown in Table honey samples alanine, There. were seven samples the pollen that samples were included classifications the predicted the analysis. proline, 195,202,227 be pointed expected selected classified. 227 was from Canada and 228 from New Zealand dissimilar into the misclassiciation (C6de Nos. Canada and New Zealand, samples analysis. were 100.0% correctly were entered acid, SPSS the previous honey calculation glutamic derived estimating 195 and 202 were similar namely acid, samples were correctly There were four from The nine function aspartic by the was obtained 84. amino acids and a constant phenylalanine present. samples were omitted discriminant sample 204 was omitted pollen classification have been shown in Table The results by the The countries. shown to have no detectable experimentally for these selected for derived estimating 15.4% were correctly 239. TABLE 83 Classification of the foreign and commercial honey samples into five country groups by the SPSS Country groups SPSS predicted No. of samples Australia country Canada group membership Mexico New Zealand English A Australia 2 2 0 0 0 0 Canada 5 0 5 0 0 0 Mexico 2 0 0 2 0 0 New Zealand 1 0 0 0 1 0 English 2 0 0 0 0 2 Australia 2 0 0 1 0 Canada 3 1 1 0 0 Mexico 0 0 0 0 0 0 New Zealand 1 1 0 0 0 0 English 5 1 0 0 0 4 B TABLE 84 Classification of the foreign and commercial honey samples into four country groups by the SPSS Country groups SPSS predicted No. of samples Australia country group membership Canada Mexico New Zealand A Australia 3 3 0 0 0 Canada 4 0 4 0 0 Mexico 0 0 0 0 0 New Zealand 2 0 0 0 2 Australia 1 0 1 0 0 Canada 4 0 3 0 Mexico 2 0 New Zealand 0 0 B These notes are common to both Tables A- Refer to Table 64.1 B- Refer to Table 64. 83 and 84. 0 0 0 0 240. lu 000 C14 C14 " r4 04 -, 4 4-4 $4 0 41 0 . r4 -0) Xl 0a00 CIO 0000 :j 0 $4 ul $4 00 cli 00 P-4 C14 r4 0 v-4 r-4 0 u ý4 cl ., 4 ci 10 0) Iri 0 cn 0001 10 Q) w 04 110 C: P4 V) 0 OO _00 C,4 a rA 0 44 44 0 0 0 -, 4 A-i Cd u 00 (4 %IM 1; 1; %D ý4 En cn P4 En M cn 0 C14 cn C*4 Q) P-4 .0M cu E-4 (L) ý-4 Co E-4 00 Cd P., ý4,0 44 w 41 "0 cu u N "4 Cd cl $4 4j 10 0 W M E:4 cn 10 r. rA pq Ln 0 u w ALI 0 0 0 9: -, 4 co 0) ci -, 4 N z z 4-4 Q) c4 44 0 p4 .ý4 Po 241. honey samples misclassified There were eleven samples had pollen four these seven honey samples had pollen The remaining by the predicted No. 197, 204, and Code No. 228. dissimilar composition China Australia were: These seven samples were: 200,203 they to Australia Code Nos. Code 208 and 209 Code No. 227. honey The five discriminant by the linear The following classified. SPSS- rate the misclassification honey and of for were 100.0% correctly into the analysis derived and a constant samples these the above selected functions isoleucine alanine, There were twenty samples were entered amino acids threonine, were: discriminant in shown in Table classifications The seven honey SPSS. included were also and the predicted the Fisher's calculating from France samples analysis 86 were obtained by the SPSS. Canada Code Nos. and Mexico and these samples 195 and 196, Canada Code No. 201 and Mexico Code Nos. SPSS and of to the country similar These four to have originated.. were predicted that composition by the for selected estimating 35.0% were correctly only classified. There were twelve these six samples had pollen were predicted Code No. 196, 218. honey that predicted Nos. 194,195 Canada Code No. 202, France six by the samples had pollen SPSS. These six and 197 and China In the above analysis, were replaced These six by those from the honey India samples were: dissimilar composition 208,211 samples Australia and to Code and 213. of Mexico and the predicted they Australia 215,216,217 Code Nos. samples were: Code Nos. SPSS and of to the country similar composition to have originated. The remaining by the samples misclassified and New Zealand classifications 242. cn En P-4 rn 4) 4 "0 r. tu 1-4 0 C*4 14 00000 4 ý4 ý4 001 1-4 ý4 N 04 0 u M -, 4 W 0 .&j 0 W 0) I. A M4 0 0000 00 1-4 bo I 000000 w 0 u 10 Q) 10 4) w Ind "0 00N000 , -4 o a C-4 Ln C14 ooI --4 4 cn 001 En M czi . p4 P-4 Iti r. I 000000 0 4-4 0 %0 00 "4 C14 _T %D -t LA V-4 0ý "0 0 cu >0 $4 w 41 rA 0 0w to u E-4 N0 3 0 r41 0 ., 4 41 cu u . '. 1 44 04 u tu 0 tu -e u ce 0 . ý4 4) u Z: tu 0 U ., 4 X = w u Pw Z Q) 0 N Dc Q) Z "0 r2 (d co -, 4 llý Aj ed 0) 0 ci 0 Cd 144 u a) N r4 N (1) z ý-o 1; %10 ý; W r-4 4 (a E-4 4) ý4 .0 Cd E-4 00 41 41 14 (1) 4.4 cu 94 54 (U 44 CD 1:4 -4 FA z 243. obtained by the samples selected for calculation into were entered isoleucine, glycine, SPSS. leucine, There were fifteen rate misclassification had pollen four had pollen samples Nos. glutamic acid, honey samples selected these 40.0% were correctly dissimilar Australia samples were: derived the estimating SPSS and of they to that by classified. these were predicted 215 and 216. Code Nos. proline, Canada Code Nos. samples were: composition for by the to the country similar Code No. 208, France China These four were: amino acids and a constant These five 206, discriminant phenylalanine and of composition to have originated. SPSS. linear honey samples misclassified There were nine five and these honey The eleven The following classified. the analysis 87. the Fisher's of were 100.0% correctly functions the SPSS have been shown in Table 200 and The remaining by the predicted Code No. 197, Canada Code 202 and 203 and China Code No. 209. Discriminant European The predicted 88. in Table shown The following by the The seven samples amino acids acid, glutamic threonine, SPSS. functions valine, rate and of into by the expected from only (Code Nos. SPSS, however their selected predicted calculation of classified. These were: derived for the estimating 71.4% were correctly pollen origins. the and a constant 216 and 232) which their France SPSS have been the analysis. phenylalanine these for by the and the from were 100.0% correctly were entered There were two samples to that selected the English the honeys obtained There were seven samples misclassification misclassified included samples classifications discriminant linear out between was carried The European sample. and Spain. Fisher's analysis composition classified. were was similar 244. ce 134 . "d 10 0000 cm 0 v-4 r-4 . r. ce. cu N4 PW 000" cm 0 P-4 0ý 0 C-4 0 C14 r-4 "0 Co 00 C14 00 r-4 ct a. "0 ni G) 0 C14 C14 0 000 10 0 cn cn F-4 c 4aj Ic w 4-J 44 0 C14 C4 C14 On C14 %D &I c r. c N -: T (n 0 %0 0 %. Q) P-4 .Zce E-4 (1) ýi In0 H 0) 00 41 Co .,. 4 7--4 00 P 4-ý co E-4 u 0 cil :30 0P u rA to $4 Itl 4-J CA (Is 0 0, Cd co ci Cd 0 0 P4 -P4 4 Cd ý4 10 r. CO W 41 0 ce lu cu cu rý . p4 u 9 ce ., 4 10 -4 pq 245. The SPSS was specified to their given The predicted functions into 100.0% were of honey Computer placements The control the The three serine amino acid The misclassified the pollen predicted Including analysis, from that the Leguminosae by the rate acid, two discriminant which were entered phenylalanine groups in Appendix the honey for selected derived as into samples calculation these of the the Fisher's The classified. by the SPSS were entered honey samples New Zealand VII(a) by the SPSS have been shown in were 100.0% correctly and of were used in VII(bvii) given of groups honey samples only selected for estimating 66.7% were correctly sample Code No. 230 did into not classified. contain by the SPSS. the honey is, those classification and a constant the misclassification pollen in Appendix given There were three the analysis. acids glutamic into samples functions discriminant linear were: the linear The Fisher's amino into divided SPSS. and MeZiZotus repens as described. VII(bvi) and then following by replacing The predicted 90. Table statements analysis described. TrifoZium by the statements by the SPSS have been shown in selected the according samples the control in Appendix given The amino acids derived and a constant by replacing classified. for calculated the analysis. following correctly source. groups honey and allocate obtained classification were subsets by those VII(a) the honey groups The ten honey samples 89. Table to recode honey source appropriate in Appendix into of honey samples Computer placements samples discriminating plant containing the Lotus between pollen family. SPSS have been shown in Table in the above groups originating The predicted 91. pollen The three classification samples obtained selected 246. TABLE 88 Classification Country groups of the English and European honev samples bv the SPSS SPSS predicted No. of samples country France group membership Spain English A France 3 3 0 0 Spain 1 0 1 0 English 3 0 0 3 B France 2 Spain 1 0 0 1 English 4 9 0 4 0 TABLE 89 Classification of the floral SPSS predicted No. of samples Floral groups A Honeydew honey samples by the SPSS floral group membership Honeydew Nectar 220 Nectar 202 Honeydew 1-10 Nectar 505 TABLE 90 Classification of the Trifoliwn and Melilotus SPSS predicted No. of samples Pollen groups repen8 pollen honey samples by the SPSS group membership 308* 337* A 308* 2 20 337* 1 01 B 308* 2 337* 1 01 TABLE 91 Classification of the honey belonging SPSS predicted No. of samples Pollen groups samples 325* to pollen the group membership 337* A 325* 1 100 337* 0 000 308* 2 002 325* 1 001 337* 2 101 308* 2 002 B These notes are common to Tables A- Refer to Table 64. B- Refer to Table *- Refer to Table 30. 64. 88,89,90 Papilionaceae and 91. 308* plant famlly by-the SPSS_ 247. for linear Fisher's discriminant The amino acid classified. correctly into SPSS were entered by the samples for selected There honey There were five rate did 203,209 Code Nos. these and of and 226 which the predicted contain not of honey samples Computerplacements derived and a constant the misclassiciation samples and these were misclassified glycine - classified. honey were three were 100.0% calculations the an4lysis. estimating 40.0% were correctly only function pollen. into of unknown origin country groups The appropriate country and the predicted classifications The eighteen honey discriminant functions glutamic into acid, the misclassiciation correctly five These five for Fisher's calculating VII(a) and these and of aspartic leucine, There were thirteen rate these 92. linear were: alanine, was used The following classified. glycine, by the SPSS. acid, phenylalanine samples selected 46.2% were only classified. There were seven honey these and amino have been shown in Table proline, for content obtained the anlysis and a constant pollen in Appendix were 100.0% correctly derived estimating their of samples detailed selected samples were entered amino acids threonine, file The SPSS control maps. acid by evaluation source of unknown country to honey code number was allocated had pollen composition samples were: and 205, New Zealand remaining two honey samples misclassified Australia to that similar Code No. 196, Code No. 230 and Russia samples, the pollen 204 was not known and the pollen SPSS and of predicted by the Canada Code Nos. Code No. 231. composition composition by the SPSS. 200 In the of Canada Code No. of Yellow Box sample Code 248. No. 246 was not similar Computer to that of the Canada honeys. of honey samples ,that placements were commercially processed or otherwise The control 54 to, 58 of statements the as des,aribed. Appendix VII(a) were modified obtained by the SPSS have been shown in Table selected for 80.0% correctly the rate the misclassification honey four and of glycine these classifications honey functions samples were were entered for selected into derived and a constant samples in given The twenty amino acids threonine, There were thirty SPSS. by the were: 93. discriminant ý The, following classified. and these anlaysis The predicted linear of Fisher's calculation file SPSS control estimating 64.7% were correctly only classified. No distinct by the misclassified Evaluation Computer of of and commercial combined as described by the of the Data honey and the SPSS control previously. of Honey subset, calculation and twenty of Fisher's 79.2% correctly that From All into foreign and commercial file the detailed The predicted were divided one hundred Samples samples SPSS have been shown in Table two groups the samples were United Sources Kingdom and groups The U. K., survey and the in SPSS. Analytical placements Foreign became evident pattern classified. linear data in Appendix The combined into two subsets five honey discriminant The following VI(c) was modified of honey classification 94. files1were honey samples by the SPSS. samples In one were selected functions amino acids samples and these for were were entered into 249. TABLE 92 Classification country of the unknown country groupsby Country groups of origin honey samples into the_SPSS No. of samples ' SPSS predicted Australia country Canada group membership Mexico New Zealand A Australia 7 7 0 0 0 Canada 4 0 4 0 0 Mexico 5 0 0 5 0 00 New Zealand B Australia 6 4 2 0 0 Canada 3 2 1, 0 0 Mexico 3, 1 1 0 New Zealand 1 0 0 0 TABLE 93 Classification 'processed' Process groups of the foreign and 'unprocessed' No. of samples and commercial groups by the SPSS predicted honey samples SPSS process Processed group membersh.ip Unprocessed A Processed 'Unprocessed 11 10 9- 1 36 B Processed 19 15 4 Unprocessed 15 8 7 These notes are common to Tables A= Refer to Table 64. B= Refer to Table 64. 92 and 93. into 250. and these the analysis alanine, tyrosine, valine, lysine, were: estimating rate No distinct samples explain the results. and foreign these derived by the for selected 72.5% were only The SPSS was specified Canada, Australia, China, to France, classifications obtained by the one hundred and fourteen function discriminant classified into their acids were entered acid, threonine, isoleucine, spSS. estimating serine, leucine, 74.6% of country glutamic acid, in Table There were one hundred rate of Fisher's The following alanine, valine, derived selected by for 57.3% were correctly and of these of all the misclassified only amino aspartic and a constant samples The were correctly glycine, and ten honey 95. calculation were lysine, proline, phenylalanine as detailed The predicted the samples groups. Kingdom, the United groups for and these could groups VII(cii). selected samples the analysis the misclassification samples honey which into and English India only tyrosine, honey SPSS have been given respective into groups the country in Appendix statements honey into select listed the control in the misclassified and commercial of honey samples Comput r placements the and of became evident pattern of U. K. survey linear glycine, classified. correctly in adid, one honey samples and thirty the misclassification glutamic and a constant phenylalanine There were one hundred SPSS. threonine, classified. . The predicted were similar to pollen composition the allocated country groups, by the SPSS. samples 251. The SPSS was specified TrifoZium forty selected seven honey samples discriminant to perform samples obtained by the selected for and these isoleucine, by the derived estimating correctly the misclassification rate were were entered glutamic acid, and a constant honey samples these only selected for 68.0% were classified. of TrifoZium repens samples misclassified pollen in the U. K. sample Code No. 178. survey Code Nos. pollen composition samples. and of two samples functions threonine, six classifications amino acids five and fifty The twenty phenylalanine There were twenty There were seven honey presence tyrosine, 96. discriminant lysine, were: leucine, SPSS. linear The following classified. the analysis alanine, Fisher's calculating The SPSS The predicted analysis. the Brassica, two hundred the of into as described. groups out groups samples SPSS have been shown in Table 100.0% correctly into pollen pollen honey to allocate and Castanea repens into of honey samples Computer placements was correctly The remaining 26,39,64,68,102 predicted did by the SPSS and the predicted six samples, to be present U. K. and the Canada Code No. 202 the not agree with that present in these 252. TABLE 94 Classification of and commercial groups by the SPSS Country groups the honev combined samples into U. K. the and foreiRn SPSS predicted country group membership No. of samples U. K. F. C. A U. K. 97 83 14 F. C. 28 12 16 U. K. 96 74 22 F. C. 35 14 21 B TABLE 95 Classification Country groups of the honey combined samples into seven SPSS predicted No. of samples Australia U. K. country country Canada groups by the SPSS group membership China France India English A 99 71 1 14 0 60 7 Australia 3 0 3 0 0 00 0 Canada 1 0 0 1 0 00 0 China 3 0 0 0 3 00 0 France 3 0 0 0 0 30 0 India 2 0 0 0 0 02 0 English 3 1 0 0 0 00 2 92 59 3 12 1 82 7 Australia 1 0 1 0 0 00 0 Canada 7 6 0 0 0 10 0 China 3 1 0 0 1 10 0 France 2 1 0 0 0 10 0 India 1 0 0 0 0 01 0 Enlish 4 3 0 0 0 10 0 U. K. B U. K. TABLE 96 of the combined honey samples into Classification SPSS predicted Pollen groups No. of samples 301* 15 15 three Rroups by the SPSS pollen pollen group membership 308* 318* A 301* 308* 20z0 318* 5005 00 B 404 18 301* 308* 3210 318* 4112 These notes are common to Tables A- Refer to Table B- Refer 94,95 and 96. 64. U. K. - to Table 64. F. C. - United Kingdom Foreign and commercial Refer to Table 30. ISCUSS10N CHAPTER 4 253. ISC U'S S10N CHAPTER 4 PRELIMINARYSUBJECTIVE EXAMINATION OF HONEY SAMPLES of honey is The quality The light and flavour. colour flavours. strong However, these factors. storage. It heating of honey under the darkening, hydroxymethy1furfural of honeys Blending (1939) Echigo, that also combination storage. The formation heating and caramelisation as the non-enzymic which reactions such as Schiff's considered. derived in unheated are its derivatives the production The enzyme browning nectar reaction would The absence also of by Milium iron from and changes due to Also, factors the Maillard the such and other intermediates should be also enzymes and phenols be expected significant (1978). during reactions using Kushnir and White of reactive further its formation factors. involving in in White, with in colour contributing that results was reported and polyphenols bases and subsequent honey samples. It results and and an increase colour. reactions usually'lead-to from the original flavour formaldehyde browning conditions (1974) equipment of researchers Takenaka and Ichimura tannates of by various were: effects and processing containers of by a processing These researchers content. (1964); and Subers loss influenced 'handling, unfavourable to by the honeybee. gathered of honey are greatly reported honeys with class colour was originally has been generally in are usually a honey are different These are beekeeping, and storage an increase the nectar two properties number of the dark while and flavour-of The colour from which the plant honeys class of its on the'basis assessed colour flavour a mild with associated generally to contribute amounts of the 254. aromatic honeys class such as tryptophan amino acids and their by Phadke (1962). honeys It gave intense some of the such as alkaloids, components alcohols, in honey by Ten-Hoopen of amino acids reactions such as methyl honey which gives influence could could be introduced honeybee the dioxide; or sulphur an increase from addition during bottled burnt (1965). Most of or from orange and lavender aroma. Other factors These factors of nectar by the of honey and the manipulations extraction These factors could be compounds such as smoke, benzylaldehyde repellants wax resultant of with heating excessive in hydroxymethy1furfural honeys present Compounds of honey. and colour or blending esters, of honey. characteristic product. honeybee of water honeydew or foreign flavgur the ripening, final such as pesticides; their Other degradation the honey from the gathering into and during to achieve causes the aldehydes, of constituents have been isolated non- of honey. have been reported the process of other honeys these and minor and Cremer and Riedmann with anthranilate also fermentation content; high and even lubricating yeast which content oil also occuring honeys, from machinery processing. In the present Mexican, china, (1963) compounds are the resultant these polyphenolic tanins compounds, alcohols coloured named above such as acids, aromatic and benzyl phenylethyl for colour dark that the aroma and flavours towards contributes volatiles honeys were noted class constituents amino and other carbohydrates, various colour when tested reactions colour in by Browne (1908) was reported Further, compounds. dark in presence light and tyrosine had very Yellow study high most of phenylalanine Box and samples the foreign content of Gale honey. honeys, followed Also, especially by Australia, some of the the 255. U. K. survey honey had high phenylalanine 1729 1739 1749 183,184 sample nos. 53,1580 could be a result high content heating honeys. The depression reaction condensation sugars. It conditions, of the other the foreign amino acids could be the result from the genetic the phenylalanine of the especially these high phenylalanine not be consumed by persons who suffer which affects This phenylalanine especially other honey constituents with is suggested that phenylketonuria and 191. breakdown due to excessive of protein in unfavourable and storage These were: content. honeys should disorder of metabolism. ASSESSMENT OF PRESENT WORK -Proteins Isolation Due to the very viscous (1: 2) with had to be diluted standard honey and these distilled water before and then isolate be made to concentrate for techniques of honey a given sample of honey nature separating dialysis, were: chromatography and ultrafiltration. of application of each of the proteins proteins gel for use on (sephadex), filtration could Several present. were considered ion-exchange and disadvantages The advantages these any attempt methods were evaluated for honey. Dialysis The advantages process which usually results However, with can, in this the of if dialysis desired, a2-3 method fold the are procedure be conducted increase disadvantages at of the that a low it a gentle temperature solution. protein outweigh is the advantages and 256. in that the procedure and thus, another The complete four to separate due to microbial risks length a long solutions final the volume. of days, smaller molecular has to be concentrated solution time of experimental of the dialysis contamination of in order time from dialysable the protein This step. as a separate volumes needed to reduce takes proteins and then material weight of dialysis procedure five, to method is separate large the use of requires also presents tubing and the honey solutions. diluted Gel filtration The technique considered to'be separation of proteins method of amounts pure of quantities but would solutions in result polysaccharides Furthermore, amounts Small errors in the final this as protein sephadex gel requires small different a number of of of honey was a must and therefore, are needed for according create the sephadex calculations This under bed. Further, the gel size liable increased quantities would recoveries this of of protein to irreversible and losses of pressure and presence such as distortion is large can be filtration to molecular problems milligram filtration. of gel of sized Due to the presence positions. of proteins approached the of as well ideally containing the compression would in result of using technique the technique separates method only elution. mixtures as medium is The advantage desalting enables this at different by performing overcome and would the disadvantages the dilution carbohydrates protein it that protein eluting molecules of is on honey are that filtration sephadex from carbohydrates. However, concentration. using technique an efficient dialysis over filtration of gel absorption as the amount of lead to significant (Washington, 1966). 257. Ion-exchange chromatography of honey a large. mesh size Due to the viscosity to be advantageous Thorough washing carbohydrates acids the in the separation binding after to be eluted final Therefore, extract. ion-exchange would be the poor absorption sizes of charged the protein the Moreover, in the elution separating This carbohydrates. Furthermore, if cross-linked resin the more rigid Also they separation would was reported, after the polysaccharides lead to trailing preclude of resin only available grgde use for by Schepartz oxidase ion-exchange media at all with respectively. Therefore, of for resin these high losses the were binding a loosely loosely than amino acids. cross-linked techniques resolution that column. needed rather of approximately (1964) result and used for honey as done in and Subers enzymes such as glucose is molecules would to be efficient routinely applications are weakly or alkaline throughout due to partly the protein just x8% cross-link are often resin acidic is by difficulty this be it of proteins be present proteins of stability of x2 or x4% divinylbenzene chromatographic utilizing factor would due to the restricted resins the media whether of proteins because and also were of proteins for reason the ion-exchange onto molecules molecules. in Another only would isolation total the amino of proteins amino acids the be difficult. would If the of-all the elution solution. inevitably. than and peptides. in the loss enabling 7M ammonium hydroxide found chromatography-was of amino acids results thus,. and proteins using required in of ion-exchange and the technique required would be resin 400 mesh. This It the present study. some of the honey irreversibly or not binding such as DEAE- and CM-cellulose, similar to that encountered with basic 258. here. amino acids would also result Ultrafiltration For the for selected advantages reason normal for of a filter membrane with molecular a specific initial used for but is there in during to four 2. stirring the fact that possessed It was also calibration it enabled the size so that molecules that selection above the proteins were similar to those of honey, was observed that through could the pores the be due to: the UM10 filter to minimise dilution viscosity resulting filterable soluble in honey, even after of the was much slower, of all inclusions considerable Assuming the amicon cell this even after The main point. the removal for solutions it can be retained. was available clarification, membrane even this effect; the honey solution when compared still to water or solutions. found that due to microbial even though procedure the ultrafiltration and the outlet was that of large be blocking dilute technique in The reasons though at room temperature. pore The of protein solutions a specific was seems to be reasonably and the process ultrafiltration days for the presence could the volumes on this no evidence components. 1. size the honey solution three are that industrial Howevert put of this choosing in honey. present unchanged protein of ultrafiltration the proteins technique this of for quick concentrating approximately remain above. the technique given reasons contamination tubing usually were taken precautions at a temperature of the occurred inner after of to perform 40C discolouration walls of the amicon the third day of cells the 259. An odour similar experiment. buffer to that of alcohol were added to the concentrated solutions was evident when in the solution amicon cell. The residue whose average limit molecular filter the of if especially hygroscopic concentrates which polysaccharides was determined concentration protein a week. after within Concentration protein (1951) response these of reasons these and this errors proteins did this of that (1951) the method (1976) was taken in a sample relative labile reagents, at equal searched and was successful up commercially was extensively many years unstable give concentration for a different in developing as kits. to a standard, disadvantages of different-composition the standard Bradford for method has several this of complicated more importantly than due to traces perhaps by the Lowry et aZ., concentration However, albumin. that the protein Measurements used to measure including the freeze-drying. The method of Lowry et aZ., usually some of was becau. se of It important to this of moisture precautions may be present. membrane in a dessicator to store access gummy and sticky were usually off freeze-drying After was necessary Even with material. cut and shape are equally size to prevent pentoxide phosphorous over it dalton may have a molecular are Involved. polysaccharides of those molecules on how the filter retained and molecular above the membrane, residue Depending the material all above 10,000, weight was above the 10,000 size membrane. not was calibrated by the UM10 disc consists retained colour and a very different technique a dye-protein Typical For of-proteins. kits free method such as that 260. by 'Pierce' are one-step for responses similar method relies free as being extremely by interferring was and is erratic showed that inconsistent absorbance with On the basis measurements. unsuitable be that could explanation reacting fushin. The differences for responsible the inconsistent 3) however, (Figure bands precluded using that absorbance or spores. blue for being of one could be of basic manner to that absorbance sporopollinin species could be measurements. very it by PAGE or SDS-PAGE gave protein in the variation this sample source Furthermorev (1986) on replicates. reagent brilliant different of honey concentrates Examination detecting method Gel Electrophoresis Polyacrylamide bands pollen coomassie between exine valves as be due to honey components in amount and distribution of pollen surface could in a similar exine latter the the Pierce wax, residual the acidic the pollen with on the for The reason such as gum, polysaccharides, methods the Lowry method was adopted use on honey concentrates for unaffected and reproducible gave reasonable of this honey concentrates. on use regarded months. concentrates the Lowry reagent In contrast is reagent concentrations, for stable The Coomassie Brilliant of the Lowry and dye-binding comparisons atypically This to low protein sensitive and giving colour of the acidic bound state. to protein to the honey protein applied a stable even at low concentrations. in absorbance substances Preliminary giving most proteins, on a shift G250 from Blue procedures,, technique chemically recently was possible it for rather the position honey proteins than by pollen was shown by Reeder, to distinguish Richie of the protein as a means of estimation. and Guenther honey based on geographical 261. location of advanced technology collection laser focusing, incorporated scanner computer. Moreover, nationally or more likely of to form a data data accumulated commonly used laboratory aims of the present study a crystal of presenting as pollens clear In the absence appearance. is the precision considered of present filtration in This the of existing such as PAGE or investigate techniques removed by pressure completely it Therefore, is not because such equipment improve centres a few honeys of honey such as amino acids. constituents minor at based research to only bank. to either necessary economically may be available at internationally not justify isoelectric programme on a mainframe technology such technology This technology. layer ultra-thin form-of but, would uneconomical the art of and a chemometric this and the application only state using other the was one of can be partially or the commercial interest product of extended of pollen conventional shelf-life and good identification is impossible. of honey for Heating usually present. results This in the liquification coagulation the 5% and 10% SDS-PAGE gels samples fact that and, the to Tables extraction commercial band pattern samples 10 and 11, of the not (fourteen) suggests was effecting of that the nature denaturation heat of the heat the normal the proteins observed 3. treated this treatment and heat treated see Figure used in of commercial band patterns honey No. 261, Chorley the protein and/or in the protein was evident of English or other on treated Further, the sample No. 261 analysis, processing the honey proteins. refer method after Furthermore, 262. of heating the effects honey were observed when the China Buckwheat honey sample Code No. 209 of necessity in order receiving The prepared sample was applied and wax. The polyacrylamide gels loaded with showed a very high background of protein of honey applied. the original were infact proteins This followed precipitating precipitates concentrates were examined by applying suggests reproducibility were either examined the 5% and 10% SDS-PAGE gels suggesting heating the honeys that The scanning Tears simple. recognised. obtained in gels the stained Gels scanned against to Figures to being prior 5 and 6. honey of the honey at some bands obtained in on the patterns to some degree rece ived in of the laboratory honey. polyacrylamide were usually due to the protein in lack had occurred the protein showed consistency China buckwheat of This examined were subjected heating and excessive as was the. case with refer However, the PAGE, the protein present or proteolysis of the raw honey-and accurately. the proteins coagulated sample preparation. of stage that the coagulated by dissolution to straight not be reproduced could sufficient-dilution that When both electrophoresis. to the China Buckwheat even after suggests during bands obtained upon and debri to remove glucose monohydrate crystals such as bee fragments SDS-PAGEgels. to heating was subjected recorded a clear gels as peaks and were easily background, bands were usually was relatively sharp the peaks and well defined, 263. Enzymes For convenience dealt the proteins below. with is retained was used to particularly the sort in honey, is, that diastase, successful. for gels 1. The laboratory standard have different characteristic in honey, 2. although by these Even if their during explain and invertase enzymes was not reasons: from micro-organisms found to those same substratp. at although limit the volume handled enzyme or enzyme aqitvity by the technique in have leached out employed. the amount of honey from their position incubation. why the presence its and enzyme oxidase the enzymes were present the enzymes could on the gels could presence sufficient applied, This (100 pl) with laboratory compared properties catalyse gels the following the following may not have sufficient gels indicate to for Their of honey enzymes on PAGE enzymes obtained they The raw honey applied oxidase technique compounds. with of existence detection have been successful may not latter the completed studies pilot glucose looked The sort This alone. by incubating the definite enzymes were successful, in SDS-PAGE b; It are denatured enzymes and other Although substrate. enzymes are powers namely on PAGE gels separate was subsequently appropriate catalytic Enzymes and proteins enzyme activity existence with activity of the were not laboratory standard detected glucose on the appropriate gels. Furthermore, after the U. K. survey the completion samples were not of amino acid and pollen was scheduled from to PAGE subjected for analyses the following reasons: 1. The U. K. survey 1982 but very even with erratically pre-paid mailing and a substantial October service 1981 through the samples number were still to October in came coming in 264. even as late 2. It as 1984. to attempt was not possible between variables correlation the samples had been analysed and the final all involved of variables major variables for considered measurements for thirteen the qualitative or confirmed of under- presence addition of sugar sources as suggested by the beekeepers, floral type including pollen analysis, the dangers as given by Sawyer (1975), or over-representation information. and other or otherwise commercial processing concentration of honey or otherwise, heating of sugar to honeybees or otherwise, by pollen The individual were the quantitative amino acids, compounds such as syrups, number had been determined. correlation or absence of seventeen amino acids, feeding finite until This could not be handled by a simple micro-computer range of factors a Prime mainframe computer such as an Apple or BBC1, therefore, had to be used. 3. in each sub group numbers small package had to be made initially further modifications of weighting 4. due to the large number of factors Furthermore, to the that The modifications treatment dealt be not could that of was being the used. statistician orientated with statistics. to statistician, and subsequently within Therefore, of data the to prevent under- involved. became necessary the programme had been running SPSS modifications by the sub groups small special and consequent both for some time the simple initially and after were-such that operating I had to await who was experienced in they programme the availability the aspects of computer 265. N*i'nhydrin Covered was because It in the of The sequence and order out. protonation to the resin, evaporation and then removal under ion-exchange the amino acids the amino acids, of vacuum, under by paper amino acid analyser, of honey necissitated The feasibility the isolation for resin re-constitution electrophoresis pollen analysis the use of a large of ninhydrin of column chromatography of the large mesh resin and fifty six in the order excessive dilution necessary to be able large samples. by evaporating under chromatography technique the tubing, to be too nylon slow in view ten times was found batchwise of flow to be prone two was used This rate. to be also to be concentrated would be required Furthermore, of the or more was found a reasonable mesh filter substances. The procedure of pressure. mesh cation stirred column chromatography of eluents reduced or continually If to establish volumes Positive was considered. was assessed chromatography of elution were analysed automatic The viscosity clogging were: Chromatography Ion-exchange meant that procedure analysis. and computational hundred be carried of desiccation pressure, Extracts chromatography, column binding resin, of carbohydrates, reduced storage. operation the ion-exchange of analysis could and quantitation ion-exchange the of so that amino given procedures were necessary stages explained the free with the following that identification such as detection, plus this of and order sequence work was concerned including amines For reasons polypeptides. the present most of previously Substances are the -amino acids, section amides and small amino sugars, acids. this under Positive the column to leakages and the resin and especially column itself 266. by large particulates inclusions time normally hand the dilution sufficient positive ninhydrin The ion-exchange determination. The final reproducibility using known amounts of fructose lysine, to ensure amino acids and phenylalanine; and these so as to represent the concentration The loss honey. the isolation binding the resin, carbohydrates resin, re-constitution, paper and other storage electrophoresis automatic components, and evaporation collection amino acid may occur sugars at - glucose and chromatography glutamic leucine, in a typical found samples, stages operational and operational of transfer washing pressure, tyrosine standardised of amino acids extract, and The thirteen the following reduced Further, media. threonine, to the resin, and contained honey samples. elution of prepared analyser. These solutions. of honey under and the precision of amino acids the amino acids of by Siddiqi were deliberately preparation procedure: devised isoleucine, solutions of amino acids accurate serine, valine, obtained enabled for plus acid, required those of of optimum quantitative for standard aspartic and binding in the appropriate amino acids aianine, glycine, technique A2 and Sl. a suitable were: proline, acid, thirteen to provide amino acids out. method was assessed B and BI contained solutions to be carried solutions On the other the volume of eluents also chromatography to be a controlled effective turn, and improved was modified enabled than one-fifth is This determinations quantitative (1981) or less were about chromatography. column Thus, and other was considered to enable stirring dust soot, of components. extraction substances. evaporation for with This of loss risk with of batchwise technique spores, in honey. present process consuming for such as pollen, to to remove from the desiccation, loss loss for for the 267. Due to the multiple of carbohydrates, it covered each stage which and total recovery These aspects 13 to 29 show, with were satisfactory mentioned Once these recovery experiments These recovery a few exceptions, recoveries be reviewed that separately. were prepared it by weighing, had occurred was essential and concentrations For this acid analysis which had been made ready and pre-calibrated reason these were submitted as described. and Stein due to dampness and incorrect (1951). Furthermore, in the various The standards examined and were controls Due to the varying of samples operated. of step within the guidelines the work load periodic of Moore for was satisfactory in honeys. individually checks recovery related schedule were carried out to the numbers could on all not be aspects procedure. was found extract were not extracts only of amino acids, present of nature However, was not commercial each stage. per week a rigid The final these with media and stages were likewise for amino weighing were not presentl the autoanalyser received the final to automatic of the amino acids expected the range and concentration were A was shown to be satisfactory This solution of 101.3% were obtained and recoveries 98.8%. of amino acids standards and gross errors the than greater as expected. standards effects adverse as possible. with above will that no gross errors to verify as far separately determination Quantitative and possible to formulate was essential Tables experiments, involved stages furthered unnecessary other ninhydrin in such extracts, to be free with of protein to a deproteinisation but had the danger positive step. of carrying substances the precipitate. and therefore, and other This down traces components 268. Preparation, application from 'the resin and'elution and concentration stages The individual the net from recoveries the acceptable for recoveries The problem range. amino acids especially Stein (1951) was also As a formal in the present found statement the variable of (±11%) was also lysine the of for are given figure the with of histidine Choice (Stage of Desiccants little Normally adverse experiences context the choice is thought Siddiqi Although sulphuric several concentrate, sodium hydroxide in conditions foreign the presence origin precluded predominantly arginine, cysteine, study. traces of moisture. dehydrating of However, have indicated study that importance. the use of concentrated for hydroxide because honey amino acid were examined preliminary concentrate of concentrated accidental Mexican pentoxide, for suitability. experiments became discoloured sulphuric spillage. it certain in this that compounds such as phosphorous was undertaken which to the choice was suitable the honey amino acid a blackmass contrasted in the present given reported and potassium evaluation shown that (1981) other 97, and these solutions data relevant is of more than normal desiccant as a desiccant acid for (1981). included in the present of found 5) used to remove the final agents This were not and methionine by Moore and respectively, the amino acids elsewhere of basic recoveries recoveries in Table 94.6% found by Siddiqi discussed For reasons were within as noted individual 98.9% and 98.7%, analysis and study. A2, B and Bl were 98.4%, quintiplate four to stage one through stage were negligible each stages acid had into and under In a few samples was noticed that these of were 269. TABLE 97 Average recovery of analysis of thirteen amino acid synthetic after quintiplate solution Amino acid (10 mls) or solutions honey sample (10g) No. amino acids Addition of Sl* (MIS) 2 AAAA IxC Percentage recovery# M 1 Solution A + 101.3 2 Solution Al + 98.8 3 Solution A2 + + 98.4 4 Solution B + + 98.9 5 Solution Bl o. 6 + + 98.7 6 U. K. survey sample Code No. 174 o. 6 + + 99.0 China Light Amber Code No. 211 o. 6 + + 99.5 Mexico Yucatan Code No. 227 0.6 + + 98.4 7 8 For notes to key *, The average recovery of the **, 1 and 2 refer percentage percentage values values quoted obtained 13 amino acids, of amino acid The concentration amino acid solutions measurements are given 6. to Table are after those the average quintiplate solutions and percentage in Tables of given analysis in Table recovery 13 to 29. for 6. these 270. in stored in the presence vacuo may be due to volatile concentrated sulphuric as desiccant under This could acids produced the dehydration and other (Partington, on the 1961). Due to the risk factors environmental adverse were taken many precautions for unstoppered when not pressure and the use of a thoroughly prevent sulphuric to the closed dehydrating This days. However, it vessels became discoloured could be one aspect was found At residue all the desiccation concentrated available surfaces. stage in one area of and other atmosphere from after precautions access that was essential the vessel when this seven above. were encountered was used in the present to of ammonia of about used in the pellet reduced trap with the phenomenon mentioned it were: under chromatograms, a period taking and no vessels was observed preventing paper hydroxide sodium hydroxide pentoxide by dust desiccator It no such problems or potassium of choice the end of that of of polyphosphoric evaporation cleaned storing agent hydroxide sodium a matter used for action uncovered parafilm, was used for acid of reactions phosphorous Additional when re-pressuring. entering concentrated with vessels series such contamination in use. the reaction concentrates. in the laboratory to prevent covering dust be used no honey sample was left example, left were should of pollution present and pentoxide complex the excess of with neither of honey or the catalytic surface colour. reasons honey amino acid for sugars original For these nor phosphorous vacuum condition unexpected involve place; acid their interacting present pentoxide. the whole pentoxide removed from being matter by phosphorous dehydrated being far became purplish-red concentrate This of phosphorous with form. either As study. to have the dry and not spread over 271. (Stage Re-constitution A bacterial 6) resistant media - propan-2-ol/HC1 and steps were taken to ensure that Also, and transferred. the dry residue was uniformly wetted there was no loss of small volumes used that It elsewhere on the glass surface. used in the extraction was used mixture and transfer to ensure all was essential glassware grease free. were completely Storage (Stage 7) The use of bacterio-stat bacterial to prevent sufficient technique ninhydrin concentration the major amongst levels discolouration some of found 220C and 0 28 C. of ninhydrin the usual the residual in the Usually spots of the amino acid The faint spots which were sometimes background. 'The paper effects maps becoming temperature conditions resulted difficult to appear. by presence Even with great and the relevant affected the mild slight maps and the need laboratories. maps were adversely complexes pink the amino acid low selectivity of the low concentration when the laboratory especially of the effects in analytical were re-examined. in the backgrounds and greater were evident extracts of of ammonia were compounded further the effects some amino acid extracts the detection However, the background 8) and chromatography substances amino acids. ammonia generally care sensitivity positive for overnight Sometimes of of (Stage in checks was noted. electrophoresis in the final ammonia of to wait of paper greater enabled of the extract and Chromatography The combination Frequent visual or mould growth. deterioration no and made were Paper Electrophoresis of 00 to 40C was media at temperature often pink resulted after staining, high, were between due to low concentrations to distinguish electrophoresis from and chromatography 272. 0 150C and 20 C, for between or overlapping occurring but first acid aspartic this so after Therefore, fifteen to the the paper in resulted improved 'PI the 0-alanine, 'xI and concentrations such as pipecolic concentrations whilst It solvent under two thirds staining complexes took usually acid was present resolutions, and it in large staining with complex the ninhydrin the in high very were spots laboratory to near the conditions solvent These conditions Also took up to two hours for Some such as glucosamine, acid visible banksia approximately spots respectively. one to three a day before Whereas in the case of Australia of distance. this and hydroxypipecolic took intervals temperature hour go undetected. had migrated front to appear. to become sufficiently in the first that was observed usually characteristic in the movements of a- and y-aminobutyric usually acid after serine, was present, by its the ninhydrin cold of and impaired impaired the coloured glutamine, spots only temperatures some of front. solvent travelled for was variation conditions, top of hours three but would usually at and complexes of proline maps were checked the RF values as there calculated front presence the first Further, temperature cold for minutes relative the its the amino acid reagent. not to that at acid separated recognised similar then staining, problems hydroxyproline If was not complex complex coloured yellow or ninhydrin always of closely was the case for of ninhydrin were not be outlined. could presented threonine-glutamic The cluster and asparagine conditions the recognition This methionine-valine, boundaries if complexes experience. arginine-lysine. sometimes then ninhydrin temperature Also, comparison. were overcome with isoleucine-leucine, their at low laboratory were repeated experiments and the days depending on their to be outlined. acid the two unidentified if spots present Others in low became visible. sample No. 194, hydroxypipecolic amounts and became visible only two hours 273. This staining. after threonine pioline, technique of paper identification the of o-esters amines, CO C", in the ninhydrin this the study identity the the procured were compounds kynurine, these for reference the unknown and their peptide by the fact present nature. that with other studies Moreover, precluded estimated this low concentration the trace kynurine standard spots unidentified other reference compounds included acid. The relative to those of from the paper to confirm visually compared to the other level labelled extraction Hence, the spot was observed to develop slowly faint very spots were maps obtained correlate positive positions substance the identification these unknown ninhydrin detected that and these hydrolysis Ip', was thought amounts of did not compounds low levels in low concentrations it and 0-aminobutyric total and subsequent chromatograms their for small similar ornithine citrulline, of position Similarly,. and In' positive ninhydrin IwI and also spot be confirmed. not could of (1981)9 were made spots the relative When co-developed be kynurine. complex on the amino acid Siddiqi the unidentified for identity those and with of IwI could as substances positive Attempts 'a' 'G'j, IV, likely compounds such as and other By comparing maps. the amino acid on some of of I .ff 19, IwI, ICI, sample, glutamine is It extract. the unknown ninhydrin of one week per asparagine, may be present. and peptides the identity to determine IxIq and threonine, serine amino sugars maps that in the final present were also and tryptophan that from amino acid became evident It and be examined. more than one sample per week could although The entire staining about required spots of ninhydrin 20. and chromatography, electrophoresis of spots surrounding as shown in Figure acid and glutamic the with overlapped spot or otherwise was further compounded substances were always to be about 0.5 nMoles. after identified staining and the compounds. At curve peaks of those unidentified 274. ninhydrin chart autoanalyser amino acid was because and diffusion. also Hence, to judge. difficult of were cut-out The invisible to the subjected (1981). Siddiqi these technique The most likely electrophoresis paper Those compounds that when examined spots under not could be that they ultraviolet be reproduced Moreover, in the the presence on the paper in colour technique of of pyridine. after and fluorescent of these manner to that of the*presence chromatograms The pattern in a like by identity as to the by performing light. acetone. no compounds were present were yellow reagent with as described are peptides. were separated spots the acetone, was off explanation and chromatography ninhydrin with complexing that compounds were detected like of peptide indicated closely was often complex ninhydrin evaporating after of question maps and eluted amino acid This due to overlapping in of the spot honey the normal successful. spots of mass spectroscopy The result residues. the of all complexes in overlapping some of these obtained times were not resulted the outlining ninhydrin unidentified to twenty only streaking the overloaded compounds could these not However, residue fifteen on the obtained none were detected. had been applied, the overloading spots occurring in maps to which but these some of concentrates amino acid the baseline and therefore recording to isolate Attempts from would mearge into substances of separated the amino acids. Automatic Amino Acid From the present Carter, in honey, positive 1983) it Analyser 9) work and recent on the world past literature has been reported substances (Stage that reviews on the upto have been identified thirty free (Siddiqi, amino acids two different to be present 1981 and present ninhydrin in honey. 275. However, in some of these occurrence could system auto-analyser honey the technicon became obvious were not methionine peaks Just tiny about half 2 nanomoles lysine was always small Owing to the nature are two columns basic, very amino acids large on which the order acid, into The other threonine, proline, for is are are: amino that sample. final there dispensing is the for and also the longer for separated aspartic alanine, and measurements. and arginine cartridge glycine, level, in every One cartridge histidine These amino acids At this the auto-analyser cartridges amino acids gave although concentration of and present the amount of of it manner, some thirteen present account for amino acid. the peak height peak size; the two columns. and neutral of elution. serine, filled such as lysine, ammonia peak. the acid into the construction and two resin if of left corresponding histidine cysteine, This always the auto-analyser of solutions amino acid and not on the on the chart. and chart in to level, a preliminary the measurements error. was taken Due consideration concentrate in and by the as standards sample and often cm above the baseline concentration used in in arginine, in every present of amino acid, of reasonable basis 25 nanomole at the amino acids was grossly peak width acids for 0.5 electrophoresis from 7 cm to 15 cm depending four that the remainder number of amino-acids used routinely auto-analyser 2 CuJarat Some of on a quantitative the honeys had been examined When some of in Indian by paper The remaining employed. peak height to a chart all to the seventeen approximated calibrate and not the unidentified example, as'Ofound semi-quantitatively technique chromatography for infrequent are very in low concentration. and always be detected only substances one sample, labelled substance 225, No. sample. positive in only perhaps positive ninhydrin ninhydrin and eluted acid, cysteine, the a column in glutamic methionines 276. leucine, isoleucine, liquid tyrosine added to each cartridge a factor is, that loaded. of three distortion gross Hence, scale. for amino acids it Also, was normal internal standard was found internal of in terms pattern does appear is the short in use of other pairs and cysteic appear the at acid the extremes sets. elution it that This is of pump minor or used and the and is for the to the therefore common amino the aminoacid the use of known is composition standards of has the advantage hydrolysate the are calculated This and tryptophan of mixture predicted is peak is of correction internal this and other norleucine protein 25 ill example, be either not it study, recordings. the mid position amino acid of for case of honey where of a typical of defined honeys These would type an average that column the chart all at approximately However, not artificial possible for equivalent pattern. could for the analysis. of ninhydrin the eluted of area under assumed to provide acid which of an with standard variations; of reaction with the present chart in present off per cartridge. solution 20 ul applying In the above study controlled. norleucine it the extent irregularities instrumental that and not normally being consideration concentrate of an internal can be used to correct it diameter, response value in in acceptable the requirements general has a constant closely 25 V1 of the final resulted and amount to compensate Therefore, and then sample resolution to be up to 30 ul of constant norleucine every with to mix the amino acid procedure 60. pl, of amino acids limit upper was considered the cartridges to each of because ammonia and major norleucine standard gave decreased the particular by mixing that was used for which of 40.1il amount of limit exceed an upper that due to instrumentation. variations In times due to high the chart other cannot sample loading Since The total and phenylanine. The essential. for such as arginine for the other pattern which column. is 277. desirable but internal not standards was not Considerations the height resulted in the amplification significantly The average percentage the moisture that used in in sealed would bvman factor in use, to ensure for the normal in the residual achieve and extract. of 10 pmoles and therefore are in the which the final residual already eluted'a taken from extract solids in supplied explained, amino acids of similar be due to by the in was not continual samples was considerable. the basic also One be ensured. departmental and the down time The conversion ion- not practised sufficient the precautions of could reason, could procedure separated thirteen honey solutions The other were never the before some seventeen artificial column on which and arginine spite of operational maximum efficiency final be not laboratory dose samples For reasons the auto-analyser as there ammonia in could the amino acid of purified firm. sample. The auto-analyser histidine but as due to two factors. A, B and_Sl 25 nanomoles the use of especially however, question for obtained to the auto-analyser specially to prepare to the real in This, in a general value of solutions containing composition technician amplification or noise and the homogeneity to the be suitable not recovery by the commercial standards baseline can be explained content contrast vials study. the peaks in only operation A applied the preparations is This of not paired age. chromatography exchange in the present generalised of solution amino acids with to the use of electrical due to its reduced to instrument also the This control peaks on the baseline. of small the baseline. additional possible were. given to boost also This possible. to lysine, amino acids very eliminate large its peak presence a 7M.ammonia solution proved ammonia always to a to be impossible present adversely to 278. not affected of histidine detection and not concentrations at about present For this of the was far in also was found be measured Another reason these basic their R-groups. Table 98 the degree amino acid Hence, were in perhaps Histidine to be present with 9.31 of for situation lysine the histidine the ammonia the honey samples and for of estimation low concentration the relatively in final the and extent with to effects its a pI R value and finally tend extracts this the ammonia solution (1981). binding of the levels of each basic from be followed pI R value ion-exchange concentration to in given and elution will of be attributed the R-group of 10.77 to could the pI R values which histidine to adhere would used by Siddiqi The error quantitatively. amino acids reason side in many of can be seen from As it likely arginine of PI R value for amino acids is on either was rarely the peak for Furthermore closely level one quarter and the charts technique to be ±11.0%. was found lysine been mentioned. seen on the chart histidine was comparable. was or less. work by the This technique of paper arginine methyl-histidine the auto-analyser peaks occurring Lysine could that ever the present by this technique removed from the ammonia peak as compared against and arginine peak. and in the amino 2 nanomoles was hardly the also in low only was estimated of approximately and methyl-histidine has already arginine It and chromatography. electrophoresis be identified could honey sample by the arginine (1981) by Siddiqi samples to be present and to some extent low and was detected always of the peak for Histidine recordings. paper in every a concentration reason identified were found but however, Fortunately, and chromatography.. electrophoresis of lysine of estimation and arginine. and histidine arginine acids the accuracy only 7.59. resin was raised the resin. by lysine These basic and it over was for that 279. TABLE 98 The pI and pI values I R of Amino acids a-Alanine O-Alanine the amino acids pKa 1 (aCOOH) pKa2 (aNH+ 3 2.34 9.69 6.02 3.60 10.19 6.90 6.08 a-Aminobutyric acid 2.55 9.60 y-Aminobutyric acid 4.23 10.43 2.17 Arginine pKa 3 (Rgroup) PI* PI** 7.33 9.06 12.48 5.62 10.77 Aspartic acid 2.09 9.82 3.86 5.96 6.84 Glutamic acid 2.19 9.67 4.25 5.93 6.96 Glutamine 2.17 9.13 - 5.65 - Glycine 2.34 9.60 5.97 Histidine 1.82 9.17 6.00 5.50 Hydroxyproline 1.92 9.73 - 5.83 - Isoleucine 2.36 9.68 6.02 - Leucine 2.36 9.60 5.98 Lysine 2.18 8.95 9.67 9.31 Methionine 2.38 9.21 - 5.80 - Phenylalanine 1.83 9.13 - 5.48 - Proline 1.99 10.60 - 6.30 - Serine 2.21 9.15 - 5.68 - Threonine 2.63 10.43 6.53 Tyrosine 2.20 9.11 10.07 Valine 2.32 9.62 - 5.97 The pKa values from Dawes (1972) PI were obtained pKa 1+ 2 pKa 2+ PI R2 pKa 2 pKa 3 5.67 5.66 and Dawson et aZ., 7.59 9.59 - (1969). 280. On the broad curve high in low concentration-amino that observed in observed and leucine. and isoleucine were found pairs present high in very The eluted 209 but No. sample from since technique of amino acid peak height the measured was examined. in China buckwheat only in was evident electrophoresis of paper amino proline the samples in low concentrations presence these of acid all was observed cysteine determination The quantitative effected its by the in-nearly peaks was and alanine, recovery The imino present the chart glycine total to be consistent. peak for chart many samples The average concentrations amino acids amino acids'on and threonine, serine of small of elution overlapping eluting closely These were: recordings. acid for samples for was true Some slight concentrations. was generally were indicative acids the reverse whereas peaks, it of the auto-analyser recordings chart and chromatography. methionine could to be below was observed be not 0.5 cm in most of the samples. the baseline Pollens The microscopical by Louveaux, Imellissopalynology' evaluated Maurizo majority using the technique and Vorwohl of (1970). the isolated and/or osmosis. classical pollen analysis the more difficult methods expertise. acetolysis required prior Further, for pollen Maurizo pollen were distorted not analyses knowledge the application in peat be applied. of botany of this the authors reason Also, carried which specialised are designed was due to the process due to were not termed and Louveaux, by these quoted was partly could (1970) and Vorwohl For reasons It in honey present by Sawyer (1981) described pollens diffusion of of pollens examination at methods my such as type some these since was not within to remove that the that attempts out of of 281. from pollen contamination honeydew honeys, and therefore respect (Moar, 1985). If fragile pollen grains then thus of large the the casual essential to use a simple Louveaux, Maurizo but similar contents that isolated of The degree pollen. with became apparent stained Loranthus, EucaZyptus, to difficult castanea., concerned stained were unavailable. Castanea and Lotus features. This of TrifoZium, with The species the genera were as those pollen family Vicia It evident perfect was noticed were and MeZiZotus CaUuna, pollen pollens in a particular pollen that troublesome for of of ease. of pollen since to no pollen to contain EpiZobiwn, relative were particularly was also fushin and some of the unidentified be distinguished always basic of Myrtaceae of Brassica, those at a identification. of almost For example, was A identification. slides and generally grains was done. from different pollens of different The identity not Pinus Prunus/pyrus honeys microscope early. very whereas Tilia, foreign some which Pollen stain. lightly stained could two or three required which It recommended by of pollen eventual that or as to source. work utilised from ranged pollen in view to verify and advocated the purpose and then damage Furthermore, and hence this in the present this further method such as that 1981 for characterise to the already sustain by beekeepers (1970) acetolysis in had to be examined that reliable to enhance recognition stain would method was advertised The method outlined limited of identification. and Vorwohl at Cardiff sumner school is technique these. grains observations simplified which cells these. methods were applied number of samples otherwise of algae this the possibility reducing Furthermore, so obtained. in the destruction results procedure samples from flowers of Aescuzus, pollens as these of Echiwn genus have similar genera in the 282. foreign samples. pollens were quoted in order Therefore, by their genus, to prevent 7 and Appendix in Table as given the identified confusion VIII. The classification to that sample was according (1970). Vorwohl identified of by U. K. and EEC regulations not there it Such doubts slide content pollen limited counting for obtained the the decimal after is percent likely Maurizo and doubt frequency for computer were not The accuracy to be in error for samples sent, of the content factor. time pollen grains was experienced. visually estimated high report. However, since percentage adjusted of the for values any digit frequency expressed class 2% to of not more than a range with was one amino acid because out the average classes point. amount of pollen count was carried required to re-evaluate regarding or an adverse is counting practice normal each per sample as recommended grains and also low pollen were either by Louveaux, material estimation if slide in of the small sufficient was considered on a microscope counted where triplicate and one pollen Further, only only was sometimes extraction of 1,200 was because This out. carried suggested The counting grains pollen 4%. This honeys as they were sent or port from wild true only was the situation of departure. by their Most of the commercial colonies of the major floral retrospective somewhat complicated and known only semi-wild and/or knowledge same but guideline species was that were indexed The major species practical work and most of the but this thesis could given work had been collected labourers so that the not be obtained. by Crane, did foreign description commercial samples by unskilled for not Walker appear had been completed. The and Day (1984). till all the 283. This comment could be remedied if and documentation bibliography Bee Research International is this a long bank of floral in future. the desirable of listed hive have enabled is Hive below that there the study available at having sometime Campus period it should be an acqiiisition on the University sited for reason on University investiation the such an ideal towards another composition of'Experimental reasons an experimental would 1. for and full of the present onset is moving and it had an efficient Although souces. Association sources Procurement At the of floral way from realisation a data every country was thought Such a hive campus. of: The effects of environmental composition and production and seasonal of honey over on the changes a period starting from 1981 - 1984. 2. Whether the secretions on the overall of honeybee have a significant ninhydrin substance positive effect composition of honey. 3. Whether the ninhydrin contribute to the substances positive final ninhydrin positive of pollen injested substance composition of pollen supplement substance and also of. honey extracted. 4. To what degree contribute pollen 5. Feeding and extent to the composition a sugar and determining of honey thus final of product does the ninhydrin produced. positive honey. extracted containing the ninhydrin feeding known amounts positive substance of amino acids composition 284. To establish by honeybee v1sited combs during from nectar Whether the pollen amino acid composition latter work of Carter sources in cells and of similar to that this over was not contribute carbohydrate solution a honey of known and/or of one to two years. a period because liability if passersby done because over as the urbanised the previous of proved The very few possible or and the University e in any legal against prudent on very of bee access The Head of Department, liabl a hive questions-about by lack either and collectively were naturally but were stung. impractical for sites raised neighbourhood or open to vandalism. be separately suitable of years, a period or students were also rendered authority traps (1983). difficult the free can be devisable item investigated were campus could season, from pollen 33% fructose) plus This However, obtained to an amino acid (33% glucose forage deposited and at the end of the amino acids sites floral of the any, by Adams, Smith and Townsend (1979). reported 7. if the variation, any future action and adverse circumstances. Computation Compilation orderly fashion of in into an SPSS data the results obtained statistical methods overcome with University the data of all Execution attention. and Statistical the help Mathematics of the Analysis gathered file statistical required maticulous extensive to computer of a statistician, Department. each honey sample It Dr. care in an and and interpretation analysis demanded prior in relation for specialised programming. Pemberton was upon his knowledge This of the recommendations was 285. following the that 1. the removal 2. the transformation of groups the less containing their random selection square roots of samples for were carried out and These were: analyses. of the individual into measurements 3. the present to throughout adhered and improvements modifications than ten sample numbers; amino acid concentration and natural logrithms, and of misclassiciation estimation rate. The accuracy of the predicted the SPSS increased is, from square of Modifcation logrithm transformation enabled and to stabilise sample variation data, of the amino acid terms in that is, that than rather the minimisation variation from obtained increased, per group of the concentration transformation root natural as the number of samples ten onwards. results classification the effects of the amino acid data, itself. From a biological amino acid event due to the data of a continuous These factors all view complicated due to the free instinctive visitations of several use of during honey of up to the acid time composition. calculations performed. ranging floral One should also source consider and processing of analysis and the effects was because such as "student-t" the situation of the of this cells a comb, is more bee and The pattern the effects followed over of a period of manipulation by storage the analysis reason of and the foraging is maintained of the unlikely was available. at her whim. extraction It life nature source to a particular hours. The real floral in the combs from a hive all hives. combination the several source of a comb, all cell the combs from a super, of even if of one floral supply in -the be variation should factors following a single are: there point that or the "Hotterlings-T" leading on the amino statistical were not 286. Floral Source Pollen The initial SPSS indicated the using as that 63, of Dr. Pemberton groups, refer five the success of refer agreed to contain the re-definition pollen contain inclusion the refer and upon the distance between the honeys. influenced Most of indicated in with for that these which the they which SPSS the floral the evaluating in samples to some extent This predictions by two. factors: the unifloral 90% and over, given and improvements of content The accuracy fifty thenumber as to the pollen determined of of of by the SPSS. a honey sample. upon is such an analysis, 28. 64, to some extent are accurate such and improvements in to Table groups data modification such modifications the classiciation samples be relied can 2. groups, rate were predicted 1. of pollen expertise the modifictions due to the non-uniformity misclassified of statistical 64 and 65 and Figure to Tables pollen predictions amino acid nine of the minimum Mahalanobis the maximisation However, the between The outcome of The effects above were utilized. in IV(b). the need for suggested suggestions resulted the need for in Appendix given to Table source at discriminating attempt pollen subclass group to and or more unifloral samples per pollen group. The reason pollen they for were predicted in the similarity product in of: misclassified to comprise the amino acid samples with misclassified similarity the remaining the amino acid those samples of by the concentration of the predicted concentration did not SPSS could measurements pollen measurements the contain be due to of group. could the This be the 287. 1. honey gathered and/or from another and nectar It was noted from analysis. of the beekeeper question so as to retain should complications that of merging in Tables 2. that of of spring early fascination is frames a good crop or hives representing to questionnaire and 52 have not beekeepers been two added could analysis to some extent is Brassica, and autumn harvests as was the case with such as Brassica result only one some of near available on the repens SPSS package the three and Castanea which These were: Canada, following countries. France and the United Kingdom. The significance because observations between to be common to to question or the hive. may occur in differentiating Trifotium or TiZia in misleading found 96 can be given if and of TrifoZium The use of discriminant in Table flowers specific In addition, some crops the honeybees even if pollens, to observations 31,34,37,40,43,46,49 practised of for that of pollen be considered:. CaUuna was successful technique The replies of participant beekeepers, the participant when whole confidentiality. per year collection flights the all the honest many of are examined. the name and addresses disclosed that honeybee as to source 4 have been given by the to received in nearly observations suggests of flights many thousands the replies significantly of an individual be misleading could but difference one plant * that study from pollen species. 4 differed the microscopical This foraging plant the present question questionnaire samples in unifloral and hive from a single each of different hives sources, multifloral honeybees 2. from several of the results there were only were China* obtained two samples 288. for available basis this of Kanematsu between (1982) et aZ., pollen species. (1981) with Further, some success combination ratios during study this the interim ratios in view However, period. of by Siddiqi utilized 1981-82 the same contained were also report of to distinguish but ratios in her analysis instability and the acid amino in the amino acid those ratios countries On the countries. agree with who used amino acid from different samples three do not the findings result, honey samples in each of the first analysis with applied sent to the beekeepers the large number of honey of the variance-covariance matrix their use for during computation precluded survey showed that the amino acid other the of SPSS predictions. or honeydew Nectar A literature honeydew in both as compared to that terms obvious honeydew or nectar and furthermore, ideal from state the refer groups of these other seasonal is not yet two limited to Table groups 89. However, numbered ten the usefulness honeydew and nectar a wide resulted of However, in chemical honeys. the nectar statistical due to the available technique of its possible samples,.. consistently honeys. Such an analysis of honey discrimination, samples can be utilized in it of honey provenance the successful the SPSS classification of the range in honeydew honeys variations possible. indicate could of many specimens the increase that that provided variations and yearly seasonal exceed origins Therefore, of amino acids. the honey amino acids that this of to be higher reported was generally of nectar of number and concentration from composition distinguishing in both these indicative as between is 289. Source Geographical When discriminating been ideal if analysed. This the of which for the authenticity verified Nonetheless, originated. results classification and 96 indicate 88,92,95 basis floral the of of be to have the predictive samples than rather in default not they were alleged the samples only available. could the honeys were classified that origin were not by the SPSS as shown in Tables obtained for available samples samples the available with due to However, reference reference of were available above which as to the country certainty with these of honeys. as to source samples mentioned statistically verification honey samples These were used for have would were-first by statistical information reliable official Moreover, samples number of foreign it countries the reference samples with one or two samples. of verified reference then be followed would limited relatively analysis verified authentic unknown or suspect from different honeys 83 to on the geographical source. The statistical that suggests present work factors mentioned Moreover, as suggested for genuine predictions the useful with investigation before, a data and indexing searching its between in this undoubted aspects In general system the assessment, section. the of all the be effectively many unifloral so as to provide giving highly a accurate potential. of assessment self the of a honey sample. bank containing modified in Thereaftert thesis. this the origins SPSS programme howsoever The boundary are dealt in to determine and fulfilling somewhat arbitary. a need for is there SPSS progranne the from such an SPSS programme could Analyst Public by a used from obtained above and elsewhere classification predicted honeys results criticism and evaluation and likely Whereas the were errors evaluation of 290. the of results present Present for are reserved Work. Where necessary following the 'Evaluation section, literature the relevant was quoted. EVALUATION OFTRESENT WORK Proteins At the time showed that However, is which of the of layer this favoured was not survey prepared possible by ultrafiltration. (1951) Lowry et aL., per This This average honey reported being of proteins and then the concentration of nitrogen method. of honey was obtained value out honeys. geographical by using highly technology such as ultra-thin programme to a was applied However, region. and a less form this of but more expensive on raw honey and protein was followed and Guenther sophisticated and chemometrics scanner source because possible Reederg Richie authors techniques Salford survey concentrates by examination using gels. ultrafiltration loog at was carried The concentration after this with aims but was not only and contained SDS-PAGE on cylindrical types included laser Also, computer. restrictive which focusing, isoelectric technology objective technology geographically characterising The American conditions. accomplished on mainframe been used for one of the present course and expensive literature of honey protein correlation present (1986) had not the proteins the investigation, of honey protein compares by White in freeze-drying was determined by the value of 172 mg of protein from nine samples of honey examined. suitably and Rudyj that with of (1978). Dialysis employed to date were compared by White during obtained The average two most common methods components the honey concentrate (1978), the period 169 mg per 190g of and ultrafiltration for honey protein to determine of operation of the loss these two 291. He reported procedures. by Bergner 10,000 of between daltons (1967b) loss the study of and Diemar (1975a). calibrated pore of was not Bagdanov that been of value methods of time during the (1981) protein of per and it was found Therefore, study. reported by White that samples was not This (1978) have available later chemical on analysis that months work has been discussed the at in the changed to an examination the average by Bagdanov binding would evaluated three after the emphasis and Rudyi It the aim to utilise of defined. However, amino acids. 100g of honey reported that comparison analysis of two such diverse the nine using because the free size protein-dye in honey. suitability period were not uniquely the the molecular honey protein of the present the This source previous by Bergner membrane with to determine concentration determination investigation. section. ultrafiltration encountered had used the Bradford/Bio-rad to determine proteins 40% - 60% In the present during the use of a filter time to have assessed the research used by between components. components procedure in honey. known at the of protein the soluble technique to have losses those with can be employed size to determine technique nitrogen molecules components 55% of that the dialysis nitrogen Therefore, present proteins It filterable employed by the ultrafiltration was estimated soluble of nitrogen calculated However, to be comparable indicated were total of as a percentage (1978) (1934). et aL., and Kushnir loss encountered White technique membranes to retain components were lost nitrogen used by Paine filter using and above, 33% - 45%. filterable White (1975a) and Diemar of the ultrafiltration that (1981) value is of 129 mg of proteins rather and to that low. compared to found in the present 292. Band Patterns Protein band pattern The protein raw honey had been applied No. 261 (English sample fourteen coagulation on the prior providence them indicated treatment heating that presents a barrier but to, the determination the the also in that Figure 3 could of for such honey, flavour, can be presented if This for more likely that for financial This of honey proteins poster session Society, I in at London the'Fifth (1986). level identification Moreover, 4, as compared Figure of to those to uncharacteristic with then this and reputable prcbable events be verified would implicate substitute in this such case to soya. protein. on PAGE gels Meeting the owner or advantages, was sought, of such as National not were fed on a pollen possibility addition and delicate quality at could/could the unusual bands weremot-due These results receiving on the 10% SDS-PAGE gels competition possibility honeybees as soya bean protein. before samples in honey. of transleucent the outcome was true in malpractice of at an industrial of clarification so that because fourteen and/or be due to two reasons: the purpose shows. treated The lack geographical observed samples the remaining samples. of enzymes present flavours honey for sample No. 252 had been subjected this heating 2. to source honey show sample No. 252, national 1. these or pasteurisation only commercial of denaturation these of band pattern protein unusual observed not in present to which on the heat and also the likelihood the proteins of honey) Chorley fifteen the observed consistency indicated samples in was consistent The band pattern examined. on the SDS-PAGE gels obtained of the were presented International as a Electrophoretic 293. Other unusual associated with evaluated briefly Current peak with resolved by gradient proteins of shows that weight a molecular Also weight. have been and more recently which of about 50,000 into other as one migrate was infact two closely associated proteins unusual Salford'. at proteins pore electrophoresis similar dependent 1987) are the proteins honey -and these (1944) by Pryce-Jones on sephadex being in heather thixotropy (Hamilton, work have been noticed that proteins can occur of the bee or honey to unusual on the exposure conditions. Enzymes Generally, of total the honeys the proteins 1944) characterised as mentioned and these enzymes and lengthy quantities active unique similar enzymes from other honey and unusual enzymes under were: diastase, and Maherv Rinaudo Furtherv 1953; et aZ., connection of and invertase. these been low level proteins elaborate, of namely maticulous to ensure adequate active the in of hydroxymethy1furfural The same substrate. general (White, in Table 1966; White, and Echigo, of honey. would 4 1952; White 1975). enzymes in honey would processing to compared 1964 and 1966; and Takenaka due to the commercial the presence active properties described and Suber, and (b) 1973(a) this are necessary catalysing sources oxidase Schepartz the presence to be minimal characteristic investigation, glucose of of (1.5%) protein honey enzymes have been shown to enzymes since display because in honeydemandan These procedures procedures. of is levels even lower detection their that It 1% than Thixotropic have infact proteins specific above. and consequently et aZ. . 1962). and manuka have additional heather (Pryce-iones, less honey constitute (White of honey composition predominantly proteins of normal be expected Hence, be a crude in that 294. of heating. indicator had not could were not to, which have been discussed this would which For this source. present in amounts or trace small the results heating indicated and other Therefore, that geographical centred The range of a chemical selected proteins to be of value on amino acids for method honey as to of honey such as of honey constituents for this were too in both worthy of purpose and susceptible the present floral to context, and determinations. Ninhydrin amino acids for The reasons amounts were considered the native pre-treatments interest However, were initially Proteins investigation. was section. components investigated. were not carbohydrates Such activity even a pollen-free the major reason, on PAGE gels oxidase, work was to develop characterise adequately standard As expected properties. glucose in the previous Suitable had to be made using honey was applied. only The main aim of the present honey Code No. 261 honey enzymes because characteristic for by the enzyme activity. enzymes were applied. to which on gels of comparison except laboratory Chorley. commercial Hence, was observed, standard observed not not be made with available. enzyme activity loss so as to minimise enzymes of different laboratory honey was obtained a special whose sample - English been heated comparisons these Croft of Dr. courtsey Therefore, of Positive compounds within could Substances this not be examined in very low and erratic amounts. overall quantitatively title with the exception and were present 295. Ion-exchange size Chromatography The viscous nature resin after which from regeneration for but respectable (1981) for the thirteen could study Her not particles mesh followed by to be suitable The technique by Bosi in when regulating to be slow compared employed in loss for in of to the Dowex and in excess ammonia. the air to facilitate was found and was also this to sample prone was found procedure low pressure and which to be liable evaporation was not method to subject or. contaimination. (1981) did the effects on the amino acid effects not of honey namely she assessed the of Moreover, analysis the assessing elution (1978) procedure to the enclosed of honey constituents adverse this flow. air predominant effects the removal of precautions sugars However, binding after and pressurized spite the present Siddiqi Further, effects for solution and Battaglini However, evaporation. sample hydroxide substances employed contamination loss (98.6%) obtained amino acid mixture used a steam bath Siddiqi to as mixture investigation. present rapid amino acid by reported be due to: positive as described (.94.6%) values synthetic 7M a=onium using ninhydrin resin recovery the same thirteen present the 2. resin + Na form to the H+ form was found The lower for compared 1. of fine removal a large use on honey. Siddiqi the its of honey demanded the need for of assess on addition of glucose the predominant of and fructose, glucose analyser the effects the of amino acids (20% w/v) results'. sugars of and also to honey. no ashaving Moreover, in of honey and honey 296. on amino acids it constituents components of honey slightly from Electrophoresis The method staining of paper electrophoresis and chromatography was used for the qualitative determination However, instrument. was not technique detected substances the of paper method of both origins the (1981) paper was able acids honeys examined. ninhydrin positive procured previous variation section. and that previous sect. ion. identified and/or and pollen could standards not for unidentified positive to assess analysis honey three samples. -Siddiqi ninhydrin separated from the the presence of 0-aminobutyric The presence of these this given in the was due to biological identical positive four by co-developing already can be no guarantee ninhydrin Therefore, was used as be confirmed the reasons for there (1981). was considered technique forty reasons samples were not Hence, pollen the and ornithine. substances the it thirty of the of by Siddiqi containing she identified However, estimation and chromatography as compared against reference and chromatography under-estimation. with the presence kynurine citrulline, acid, pollen-free by the automatic and chromatography in conjunction Moreover, detected quantitatively the ninhydrin and/or over- electrophoresis to detect not section of the amount of to both those as evaluated the previous followed of a wide only semi-quantitative. electrophoresis substances positive in to and/or an alternative others substances determination lead not electrophoresis for given could but the paper positive already visual Using substances utilised ninhydrin For reasons that positive by the auto-analyser determined with of the-amino and Chromatography of ninhydrin range the enhanced the recovery these the Dowex resin. Paper by Table 97, that was observed, in as discussed that the these substances would be 297. in every present samplq and was in fact in particularly individual Acid AutomAtic'Amino presence of co-elute with amides, particularly threonine these out the of it columns histidine, proline, leucine, and those glycine, tyrosine quoted determined were and phenylanine, in the previous for only thirteen (1975) to the columns out because carried system dust*and pollen, could block the following similar the analyser threonine, valine, the order used seventeen serine, methionine, given. quantitative amino acids to was able These amino acids acid, section carried and seven unknowns. to detect in observed but The amino acid cysteine, glutamine, to some extent Davies yeast, programmed cycle. alanine, was the clarification aspartic could the auto-analyser operating the although honey was not was calibrated arginine, was not Davies two amino acids the analyser. on a two hour amino acids acid, of This work, calibration, even after that Peptides, honey solutions such as spores, study the present lysine, twenty present and tubings in this overlapped After by the technician inclusions large often of diluted honey constituents that in of This one peak. types the asparagine, distinguished. analyser. application was feared in that, the diluted of the presence direct This (1975), elutions application amino acid detect amino acids. be clearly peaks could direct thirteen system employed and serine is possible and small into eluted it substances different amino sugars by Davies and serine threonine positive the other any of the auto-analyser with such as honey containing amines, noted rarely, samples. fluids of ninhydrin and amounts very Ahalyser biological With occurring with were: glutamic isoleucine, For this reason measurements the exclusion of 298. histidine, arginine, cysteine and methionine. P6110-ns The diversity in British the of variety of the floral for Isle different The major and rare agreement with floral and those examined. The presence from the honeys were stated which three commercial (248) and English as of English (254). clover of in honeys not carried out of stabilisation of this study dividing content and then multiplying square root the transformation the variance-covariance in was evident agree English pure those with had been imported from it matrix measurements concentration and Davies because individual was the the (1981) did the variance-covariance of samples Analysis the amino acid et al., in the the world. The transformation by Gilbert TrifoZiwn, samples were described content that to common to the country to have originated pollen Statistical utilised are not These three and their origin countries which by Crane, refer in most of was evident samples. in good are such as Brassica, (Code MR68 No. 243), samples namely by Sawyer (1975) identified other of pollen study by Sawyer (1981), of pollen and MeZiZotus this of honey as listed given the in the U. K. survey in sources The occurrence Cirsiwn EucaZyptus, identified identified types pollen the major VIII. Appendix genera by the honeybees utilized of honey can be seen from the production pollen (1984), Day and Walker sources not matrix. amino acid in the result This in measurement and coupled the present with pollen was successful transformation by the number one thousand. adopted (1982) and Harris by the total Howevero analyses analysis stabalised enabled 299. the correct of honey samples without classification by Gilbert as reported outliners 1. the redution in the number of 2. the defining of unifloral 3- the random selection These modifications Kanematsu over advantage boundaries round out that few experimental and all since small could the not SPSS packageg used large variables sub-groups analysis. with study. It should of unconfirmed floral lead be sources In the present study independently was to a multiplicity of data, To overcome consequential on defined so as to produce randomness work. the amino such a way that two dimensions. These factors Beekeepers in this and each sub-group and a consequent modified in were considered. be drawn in the present SPSS was heavily in groupings were considered by pollen verified of factors used data The use to have any statistical analysis statistical to group used by the Japanese Therefore, transformation. for sample groups. the SPSS. those found were not the minimum in the British as described sample groupings they of capability and co-workers standardised a substantially pointed adopted Gilbert Furtýhermore, (1982) the square root were not ratios acid et aL., classification samples per 1981 - 1982 and also report of between number of was attempted interim Association predictive rate. discrimination the predictive ratios acid is, for group the maximisation and inconsistent limited some extent authors overall and subclass, samples per improved that limited the pollen of vastly distance, Mahalanobis of Other sample groups, of misclassification and estimation amino (1981). et aZ., of such as: modifications However, the ommission so that the lack improvements boundaries of boundaries in 300. discrimination but still to draw the 95% confidence not significantly boundary. Nonetheless, the predictive and misclassification classification the honeys in this computed by the SPSS programme suggests that investigation than geographical rather those by pollen donors. their but relied analysis, is a well It deliberately can often the containers; explain upon the description between distinguish and also findings were in conformity (1982). Further, the English English the of honey amino acids source. However, foreign to obtain honeys lack verified honey, samples knowledge these findings. research These between especially the composition that extent 88. 94, and Harris by Davies composition to a large from to Table refer reported of background samples for to Table refer seems to indicate seem to disprove that matrix SPSS programme. and foreign, of-pollen determined as outliners. SPSS programme was also able to those with similarity is the honey would official by their and European and European could by these authors classified the U. K. survey between the labels This in turn of variance-covariance the modified study, of source of the honey in pollen. and Canadian origins, In the present samples given to them by et aZ. , (1981) were omitted the U. K. samples were incorrectly of Argentinian of their Penine Heather honey sample No. 75% Brassica the instability Also coupled with could be this sales appeal and therefore, why some-data of Gilbert with commercial labelling that example, English 251 was found to contain of sample do not confirm origins mislead as to the true for origin The reason for the floral known fact has an eye for honey containers (1981). et aZ., did not verify et aZ., of floral These findings sources. by Gilbert reported Gilbert that on the basis were classified by its related It stations floral to each was not possible of each 301. country to be attempted programne Nevertheless, the that of time nor was sufficient for of Brassica success in Further, of the lack SPSS classifications this application indicates by the number were governed for example, the sample size. the sample numbers per group the potential use and indication of to various technique chemical such a thesis was due to the of adequate gave every this analysis, a particular honey classification spite of in work embodied of the SPSS predictions available for available how desirable. no matter the present credibility samples or resources of honey aspects production. is It method. official with those collaborating with such a chemical with research Analyst's technique however, is as an A great and this body of in other workers then would to necessary two or more independent investigation. by various Public chemical is there use of computers can be done it this in this utilised this of relationship be compiled can then of Before a reciprical establish the increased with the application to validate a need that suggested methods evidence laboratories justify the use technique. ENVIRONMENTAL AND PROCESSING FACTORS AFFECTING HONEY following The are: Major variations, Isles, British will now be considered Sugar-feeding Adulteration, Seasonal in topics honey honeys Toxic of honeybees. sources and and Honeybee individually - Heating agricultural of and these honey, practices species. Adulteration It is known that it because market temptation English is considered of adulteration honeys commanda high price as being unique. via adulterants in the honey This has lead. to the such as commercial invert 302. and glucose honeys. -to used . 1. Various detect the presence are: Monitoring increased known that The detection of blending Ratio Doner 1978). plants which the product from in However, of pollen In from C3 plant (Edwards the British removal analysis suspected qualitative the absence of pollen to have been similarly amino acid analysis in and C3 and C4 Honey is obtained 1983). of pollen not invalidating producers the use 1969). 204 honey No. of sample no pollen 234,235 Both This was present. to high sample Nos. processed. White by commercial (James, to have been subjected Stable by Sawyer (1975). Thus, analysis that 1977; HFCS is the presence filtration of pollen. revealed rise syrup namely pathways. has been reported pressure corn 1983 and Prince, can reveal pollen gives between whereas and Walker, on such honeys study, (Canada Samantha Clover) Further, can differentiate secretions, Isles the use of high sample was suspected fructose high photosynthetic analysis is It also and White employ different the present conditions and 1980a). honeys with technique syrup and Gomez, 1986). (Doner the total enables invert technique This analysts (HMF) and commercial and storage foreign The most commonly the use of an expensive The use of pollen found of Mass Spectrometry C4 plants in honey. (Serra (White, in honey by interested of hydroxymethylfurfural heating to HMF levels (HFCS) requires 3. levels respectively adverse and cheap low grade syrup adulterants due to the addition syrups, Isotope corn have been developed of these techniques glucose fructose techniques maltodextrin 2. high syrups, pressure filtration. and 236 were the quantitative of sample No. 204 revealed and low levels 303. amino of acids by Drs. Inquiries honey as compared against Croft by another. and was purchased blended then to compared do not syrups of the available foreign other honey. adulterated known to be reduced are Furthermore, of being analysis, spSS. It English amino acid was found but honey All these action court the termed were later by Public commercial Analyst producers foreign The result machinery pollens been processed. resulted involved. in English of unfortunate after confirmed by Sawyer as misrepresentation these English samples a batch in mixing of honey the by the estimated Whereas, found not sample in Australian be established. and were sold sample donors the successful as and prosecution (1975). The possible could has been presence be due to: leftover from a particular of to be one-half normally English aid by the classification form of fraudulence with added. suspected This honeys sugar levels with Mexican. pollen as being of concentrations honey added could honeys were quoted These findings such. of four four investiga- composition and sample No. 244 was also the amount of Australian be cheaply constituents honey was established to contain not amount of adulterant and three-quarters 253 and 254 were found Nos. could amino acid maps and predictive Mexican, English to be one-quarter sample 204 was sample No. 243 was estimated that and one-half of foreign with amino acid upon the origins quality known from the present the amino acids depending the true adulterated pollen of Howevert particular relatively and sold the overall affect significantly origin. low grade its whose identity It. is that this that was suspected resouces (1975) that for retailer honeys. of Davies and that tions It of Canadian revealed a sugar based syrup with with established and Washington by a supermarket was rejected honeys other honey in the country has 304. The fact 2. that not The delibrate In from of honey containing by pollen analysis comb was thought from Australia. from the suspected samples. technique could and for is Also, feeding for these this in the jar be confirmed not (1981) authenticity that this that of chemical of blending. this in nature 'thin honeys could not runny' Further, could (Croft, syrup this is normally nectar 1986). however, source Although can lead to other question honeys. 6 it number honey had been the product it was considered of as were observed received compared this to honey can be classed be the result be verified. sugar in available honeys to questionnaire to honeybees. runny' with weather beekeepers and runny' most of sugar honey but the degree and the resultant received replies 'thin The honey in and that could the deficiencies of bad periods 'thin be unusually feeding 92. by Siddiqi were noted Some of the U. K. survey adulterated. noted determining of honeybees for to compensate of overfeeding that sources by the also to Table suggested indications a recommended practice From the that be used to determine prolonged temptations of these agree with The artificial carried maps but was confirmed of Honeybees Feeding out This from Mexico to have originated can be used for amino acids Sugar were different. honey that was noted producer. These findings honey comb it and amino acid The identities commercial cut advantage. by the SPSS, refer classification predictive the in the jar comb and that only not for. financial mislabelling a sample the out can be successfully from the filters. removed 3. filtered the pollens all collecting that was of some of unripened to 305. The reason for the limited of feeding were products which products sugar the and 73. feeding of effects of honey-obtained composition 3:t was known from commercial Davies (1975) effect on the overall amino the sugar fed samples This This expected. Bergner and Rahn (1972) far largestýcompared the honeybee and later The general is to honeybees not guidelines both to which practice for honey practically probatily This sugar with closely akin is proline suggested by Croft would but lead vastly to sugar (1986) fed, obtained although this 'honey yield' one to believe syrup but was sugar fed. 74, which was not that or no intrinsic in composition. of an amount by meZZifera on feeding However, and recommended. to quote reduced of was study by the Apia amino acids (1981). is this added to honey in by Siddiqi per hive autumn feeding, per hive. in Table to recommend a product 10 kg of sugar in was was based on the findings evaluation to be encouraged This and type extent of to the other relative examined obtained to the other reported worthy considered that it of concentration. upon the degree, on the results was reflected as entirely terms of that Further, proline in to be dependent noted acid 74. to Table have a significant not of amino acids. imino of to of amino acids should be higher in most of evident of sugar of of establishing 61, and from Table study, proportion the content should acids this types refer refer determination the feeding that that expected in syrups were on the amino acid from such colonies, the quantitative sugar the purpose to honeybees syrup sugar that and those beekeepers, hindered This honey samples in amount and different by the participating utilized 70,71,72 Tables discriminating to honeybees sugar due to the variation was mainly not, in success from is sugar it is a colony a reconmended of 20 kg of such honeys value In this at all are and connection 306. the ready blending illegal or addition acid amino Heating rise indicated as from was noted U. K. by evident that the processing techniques industrial level. that of heating temperature in result reputation honey. due to of be detected honeys of measurements. to to honeys which the to beekeepers However, it a flavourless of beekeepers analysis of sugar by predictive the inconsistency sample numbers per group, the hours but that was to as compared to the general nature to of at number 5 recommendations treatment X2 would also in at not a only on the reflect country. could classification of heating refer honey, This question heat that some fifty of samples feeding to the Further, subjected questionnaire adhere poor quality in this usually 5, was apparent was due This are heated. aniline acid be evaluated not heating. with amino question it samples minimal was noted (120 0 F) for could were the discriminant questionnaire formation colour effect random following on its some effect examined subject by However, this to samples. of has of commercial of 48.9C were a product the The responses most Statistical certainty of Analyst. mass spectral determined usually received were amount with obtained suggest expensive honey screening honeys survey is and extent replies . qua litative selective the Public the U. K. could (HMF) content, which with non-uniformity the honey heating that The degree composition. it heating of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural analysis in temptations can offer to confuse of pollens or by very composition extent in syrup Honey of The fructose they become prevelant if Such practices by of high availability subjected to both not be evaluated aspects of 75 to with the SPSS. and sugar-feeding to Tables heating 82. and any This and also of was 307. Seasonal Variations Changes in seasonal climatic to can influence year, and their pollen be a function by honeybee. the from pollen acids amino in a hive. It from honey different floral flowering extended period can be acheived honey is (1958), by Mittler of honey is during required but negligible may be present that unifloral the deposition seasonal of honeydew and its an of unifloral can be changes constituents (1973) that changes may be seasonal before Noda, Sogawa and, Saito the of and Townsend (1979) Similarly, on a comb. of honey ingested the contribution the comb to become nearly for on the production prevalent in a jar sources on a comb and that present that by Adams, Smith was observed has It of pollen the amount of pollen when considering significant out pointed present 1980). the amino acid composition of the amino acid composition He also year on the production reflects 1980c and Maurizo, (1983) that that matter and to some extent of nectar This in turn (White, quality by Carter been reported could the availability constituents. of honey and its and for conditions as reported and Hertel and Kunkel (1977). Discriminant did and 1982, it the could total not content It was also which some of of composition, whether noted the statistical from newly established analysis. control the calender from refer seasonal of played This hives of seasonal changes the different that years the 1981 changes 66 and 67. to Tables the available the U. K. survey the honeys were subjected in the possibility or proportion each honey sample of regarding outcome confirm be established amino acid in honey. present honey to some extent of honey harvested the honey amino acid influencing Also, analysis influenced amino acids information conditions an important part to in the can be overcome by obtaining that have had no honey or 308. pollen and has a fresh brood chamber. stores be placed alongside monitored with existing to the solar over a period activity for constituents of This would cycle. of seasonal changes influencing of honey but also. its production hives annual changes of the control the pattern establish should and both these should be carefully colonies eleven years attributed perhaps hives Such control not only the the major honey sources worldwide. Honey Sources Major Referring out and Agricultural to the major in identified the U. K. survey honeys changes in changes have been shown in Table both identified in pollens types honeys good agreement catalogued These of pollens as given in between the by Crane, Honeys The most likely the plant and storage In and also the United petioZasis, source - nectar AescuZus especially toxic list the foreign honey sources and the major pollen (1984). Day and Walker from is the U. K. carried Isles. the British and the Isles have been a significant Comparing there in predominant there in 99. the U. K. survey identified that practices can be seen that it VIII Appendix Toxic the agricultural the British of honey sources survey from be the seen can it by Deans(1957) in Practice TiZia of compounds in honey could toxic and honeydew or during from processing the environment. Kingdom honey from nectars AescuZus hippocastanum OrbicuZar extraction, originate and TiZia Nectar honey from these species are reported and TiZia plant or such as Tilia tomentosa are known to contain have been reported which compounds honeybees. humans and consumers - of Rhododendron to be injurious from TiZia to be harmful to both and also the to bees. Palmer-Jones 309. TABLE 99 Mal or honey sources in the United Kingdom Deans Plant Species England 1 1952 Scotland 1 1952 Howells Wales 2 1969 452 Brassica 1 4 CaUuna 4 7 Castanea 3 5 Ivosotis prunualpyrus 2 2 3 Rubus 3 3 4 1 1 12 8 10 Trifolium . Mistry U. K. 2 1987 repens Vicia Aescu4us 7** 6 - - importance in survey 1- Ranked as plant 2= Ranked as percentage of honey samples Ranked in position with AescuZus Ranked in position with Impatiens 6* recieved plant and Mematis plants. 310. (1947) limes from to the strong for used smoke can also of honeys. high Honey with The use of chemicals have also This is has evident especially residues to be bitter 1974). tasting 1983). to control during and insects pests in in the mortality spraying and after contrary to the advice of Ministry the present investigation, there compounds and 1976 and Morse, been reported to the increase contributed or benzaldehyde be (Hooper, extraction, taste from comb or metallic containers, content Madau and Solinas, (Campus, to the bitter These compounds could in metal phenol honey during into contribute honeybees repelling of storage resultant are known aroma and flavoured and strong of compounds introduced and storage flavour 1980). (ragwort) and Senecio due is mainly This (Crane, sugars tasting Honeydew 1979). The presence processing bitter to distinctly (Howes, honeys (privit) honey from Ligustrum rise give to bees. harmful of physiologically (1982). and Atkins to be harmful has been reported presence Also to (1981) Howes (1979) , Kerkvleit , the rate crops of Agriculture environment of honeybees. with such and Food directives. In sample No. 38 was described survey flavour and was suspected U. K. survey sample Nos. 89,90 bitter have a to f our taste. EeracZewn the presence (Hogweed) such plants of other and TiZia donor honeys of nausea. The other could three and 91 and were described of pollen of Castanea pollen (lime) have been reported in to give rise honeys were donor each of these pollen. (privit), such as Ligustrvm noted. cause by their (Sweetchestnut) were also U. K. one - to have an obnoxious compounds which The distribution samples showed the presence Further, from to contain or that symptoms of poisoning by its were four Honeys obtained to bitter flavoured 311. (Crane, Walker and Day, 1984). honeys The amino acid maps, pollen by the SPSS indicated to that composition content However, the bitter are forbidden. with experience, occur evaluation Furthermore, and identification in bitter tasting is only reliable pallate and many similar such observations panel are not based on one individuals by a tasting detection where such sensory examinations a non-fatigued at one time. samples collected flavour days of occurrence of these compounds with Honeybee honey was not carried that to compared received gas-liquid out. in very and examined for to fresh the presence chromatography technique. investigation. Species The low proline indication the sensitive in the present This was not possible The of the presence of compounds reported or strong within conducted assessment. This was because such compounds would only be detected honeys obtained in similarity study was conducted in a research such subjective Also, of these four honeys nature because the present Further, considerable and 91 displayed tasting designed for radioactive building in of U. K. survey sample No. 36 (same donor). not be confirmed could classification that U. K. survey sample No. 38 was similar the U. K. survey samples No. 89,90 composition. and predictive content of honey produced from the Indian cerena Amino acid analysis sub-continent revealed of four honeys that-two samples Nos. 224 and 225 were of very low proline content and the other Nos. 169 and 233 had proline similar to that by Apia meUifera. were the product It content is known that of nectar indica was used by Davies (1975) as an by Apia melZifera of honeybee species. by Apia two samples of honey produced both samples, Nos. 224 and 225, gathered by either Apia cerena or Apia fZorea. 312. hand sample No. 233 was known to be an admixture On the other other were not known. whose identities products sample No. 169 was either by Apia meUifera or similar SIGNIFICANCE In view honey to comply with there that aims floral the study is their changing pattern discussed tion aspect than are a possibility with present The present purpose. use of amino acids survey evaluation of unifloral which - pollen This pattern. and as this to attempted analysis correlation source analysis using It with was not aspect as close is using the SPSS proved analysis boundaries. pollen analysis and amino acid measurements by the application was established the discriminant on geo-political honeys of catogarising the quantitative as to source. of become of elsewhere. then correlating statistical this national microscopical due to the lack for predominant the first is this The feasibility of of pollen source. with amino acid corresponding as desired with concerned conventional compare here would the resolution source, the use of proteins therefore Even though to identify the absence of proteins and patterns and floral precluded equipment described the importance. the separation geographical the such as that In in as stated technique a chemical of honey. source can be removed from pollen Therefore, was a need to establish technique Although which interests. commercial analytical valuable OF PRESENT WORK ease with and geographical a chemical for the relative of gathered of nectar sample No. 233. to that product was not known whether It or the result an admixture with that the predictive was based on floral From the in the successful evaluation identifica- classification source of rather the present 313. it work that was concluded is still to differentiate in the the various processing, commercial floral honeys, of it technique such a chemical has the also feeding adulteration pollen foreign with belonging species These aspects to honeybees, sugar especially to be able capacity of honey production. aspects of different sources but stage embryonic honeydew and nectar are: the potential heating, honeys to the and same plant family* Further, in association technique of for the application honeys. pollen-free honeybee Apia cerena adulteration honeys the result A brief but foreign concise of pollen of a sample proved the application Beekeepers and Western honeybee Apia to excessive sugar especially technique proved meZZifera; products, feeding of - the species and of honeybees. this chemical the 11st Bee Research at on this it useful, sugar of the application and also the purpose honeybee between A report Association Bee Research International this of following: account 1986. London, Colloquia'in for analysis honey and to some extent of moderate and chromatography electrophoresis f or use on honey was presented technique British Also, the with that source distinguishing in Eastern with the geographical verifying useful of paper Workers to the work was presented has been acknowledged by the 1986. Association, FUTURE WORK The following needs to be assessed On the predictive suitably advantage if and data classification modified the SPSS programme, following and evaluated: (a) Obtaining honey samples (b) Obtaining large aspect of the can be used to full this conditions handling can be achieved such as: of known provenance. sample numbers per group, at least fifty. 314. (c) (d) Using honeys unifloral one floral source. Perfo=ing quantitative and identifiable The advantages present containing dete=ination ninhydrin from the detectable of all positive these ofensuring 90% pollen over substances. as deduced conditions, from the would be to: work, Improve the potential by identification of sub-group and correct followed allocation classification of unifloral. sources. (ii) Ease the recognition (iii) Enable the characterisation substances (iv) Produce (v) of causes with floral ninhydrin positive and geographical. significant-information. statistically to base predication a framework Establish of unusual both source of misclassification. of uncatogarised samples. However, the disadvantages these of certifying conditions would be: (i) The difficulty of co-ordinating a uniform based programme of pre-treatment colonies late (ii) samples or seasonal commercial practices The siting of hives is species a radius other species heather established miles within to of one floral over an area from a hive. honey contains to perhaps and honey. where availability five of early of or honey subjected or cheap foreign of at least a good natural mixing changes artificially feeding of hives, to avoid and monitoring nationally 10% of wild the covering Since even clover total. and 315. The monitoring (iv) other this of sort at a suitably information equipped from a significant National and quantitative number of colonies from up to one hundred and concurrently The data the qualitative to monitor of honeys elsewhere. and centres. be necessary same site of peptides and analyse be conducted and could research composition identification to handle The capacity would of trace to enhance the measurement hydrolysiso to compounds. would It to be able of the amino acid'analyser overloading components, 2. analysis. The modification allow (v) and recording for receiving before of sample treatment similar sites can be used to determine so obtained on the the f ollowing: (a) The composition honeydew and pollens of nectar, visited by the honeybee. (b) The composition (c) The changes through (d) of secretions in composition to full ripened if The variation the lag time as discussed (e) A quantitative visited reported between of a given appearance honey and subsequent by Carter at a given flowering nectar in capping. to cell, Also important and first and pollen honeybee. the hive from cell site. time forager deposited of nectar any in composition to comb and of a hive by the provided comb is and last source in the hive (1983). assessment and the comPosition of the location of the final and floral honey, by Adams, Smith and Townsend (1979). species such as that 316. (f) of human intervention,, The effect blending at both to establish honeys (g) amateur of variation due to an apairy, the (h) (i) average seasonal levels of restricting especially sugar changes, soil and/or example, composition to just source protein for data of relevant for and fed as supplement. protein bee food products are mixed. a common sourceý of special The effect Compilation with Furthermore, of two unifloral composition honeys when these are additive and scales. and professional the separate whether The effects honey extraction major one, supplement. honey and minor sources worldwide. to the above listed In addition reduction by obtaining (a) (b) in the of variable the ninhydrin positive harvested following the To what degree class pollen' and influence affect of honey composition does the contribution 'Important Minor the overall of ninhydrin and Minor composition frequency of unifloral honeys? (c) Does the feeding effect significant cifsuch (d) honeys pollens light substitutes on the ninhydrin produced? The identification conventional of pollen -If of pollen microscopy as appropriate. so, positive if using to species fresh any, composition to what degree grains Further, have, and extent? level by and reference examination the be accomplished could year? of affect be of use if questions: pollen substance and extent substances positive stored years would data statistical to the following the answers Does the previous it research of suspect 317. pollen fine the much higher using details surface the Brassica of by using Thus, can be done for for necessary enabling This of source In floral present source, serve country of data floral of this and/or chemical of chemical regard to amino acids with aims of detection of adulteration, and the application bank containing samples per but system, also geographical technique. verification of has been accomplished. misrepresentation and future be will the world. reference as an indexing the ascertaining in honey. analysis work the feasibility especially be to possible shown found on similar verified 'only not a sample by the application. the The other for plus can only be successful of an international a thousand then would then automated procedure pollen honey producing the -compilation system as a reference and may not one country each individual on at least information country. pollen The labour some extend This damaged and uncleaned osmotically this be accomplished. image retrival. scanning so that identification species can be eased and to be done on perfect If for essential genus can easily of such searches (20K) magnification potential have been of computers has been investigated. 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E., 29-34. 15(l), Zalewski, 234-238. London. (1980) M., J. A Comprehensive E. 0. Wootton, M. H. and Kushnir, (1980) J. R. B. and Crane, Survey", Wootton, 17(4), Res., No. 1261. Agric., M. H. and Subers, (1980) R. B. Winkler, Subers, and Siciliano, White, Willson, M. L., J. Apic. 7-10. 63(l), pp. 652-654; ý Chem. Abst., 105,113748e. (1983). J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., O. N. (1978) U. S. Dept. Bull. Tech. Willson, J. 1-3. 66(l), White, F. A. and Robinson, (1986) W. F. and Jiang, 97,52500k. H. (1982) Linye Kexue, 18(l), 80-84; Chem. Abst., APPENDICES 330. APPENDIX I LIST OF HONEY SAMPLES Honey samples the United 12 months several listed in Table Kingdom survey received over of 1982. However, 1983 September upto for available within a period Association. Beekeepers eventually obtained 1981 to October being from members of the British 192 honey samples those and were received commencing from October samples were still IA are There were and these analysis were catalogued. IA: In Table Column one = the questionnaire beekeeper. individual Column two = the approximate - Column four location the hive of as by the beekeeper. supplied Column three to each number allocated the map grid reference of to each sample the code number allocated to identify and serves the hive. the sample throughout the analysis. Honey samples or as specified commercially packers. listed in Table of samples were Nearly all these either at port of shipment There were 64 samples available foreign those on the label. processed were catalogued. IB are for or at analysis origin the U. K. and these 331. In Table IB: Column one = the name and country of origin of a honey sample. Column two = the name of specified the packer on the label or the supplier or the name of as the donator. Column three - the code number allocated serves analysis. to identify the to each sample sample throughout and the 332. TABLE IA LIST OF HONEY SAMPLES FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM SURVEY Questionnaire Major Lacality Number Map Grid* Code Reference Number 3b Crawtborne SU 8464 4a Ruddington SK 5733 4c Beeley Moor SK 2667 7a Southend-on-Sea TQ 8885 7b Great Wakering TQ 9487 9a Rothbury NU 0602 9b Lesbury NU 2412 9c Longhirst NZ 2389 10a Newburn NZ 1865 10b Font NZ 1785 loc West Rainton NZ 3247 lla Galleywood llb WoodhamWalter TL 8006 12a Bideford SS 4526 12b Bideford Ss 4526 13a Hoggrills 13b Llanfachreth SH 7522 13c Birmingham SP 0786 14a Barlaston SJ 8938 14b Barlaston SJ 8938 l6b Merstham TQ 2953 18a Chalfout 19a Northwood TQ 1090 19b Northwood TQ 1090 20a Woodbridge TM 2749 21a Writtle TL 6706 21b Writtle TL 6706 23a Dulwich TQ 3373 23b Dulwich TQ 3373 25a Thulston SK 4031 25b Thulston SK 4031 26a Exmoor SS 7642 26b West Pennard ST 5438 27a St. Day SW 7242 27b Truro 28a Oulton 28b Otley/Ilkely 281 Oulton The grid reference (1) Mason (1981). (2) Automobile (Chelmsford) TL 7002 end (Coleshill) St. SP 2291 Giles SU 9893 SW 8244 (South Leeds) SE 3628 SE 2045 SE 3628 (South Leeds) given Association here were according Great Britain to: Road Atlas. Cont'd 333. Table 1A cont'd Questionnaire Major Lacality Number Map Grid* Code Reference Number 30a Camberley SU 8660 39 30b Bagshotheath SU 9163 0 31b Leck Fell SD 6779 41 32a Wind Rush SP 1913 42 32b Thornbury ST 6390 43 33a Penrith NY 5130 44 33b Lazonby NY 5439 45 34a Brampton NY 5361 46 34b Brampton NY 5361 47 35a Pont-y-Goytre So 3509 48 35b Newport ST 3189 49 36a Reigate TQ 2550 50 36b Gatwick TQ 2841 51 37a Egton NZ 8106 52 38a Helmsley SE 6186 53 38b Fakenham TF 9229 54 40a Lydd TR 0421 55 40b Ashford TR 0142 56 41a Church Stretton so 4593 57 41b Market Drayton S3 6734 58 42a Rookley SZ 5084 59 42b Chillerton Sz 4883 60 43a Newbridge Sz 4187 61 44a Bonning Gate SD 4895 62 44b Stavely SD 4798 63 45a Hadden NT 7836 64 45b Morpeth NZ 2086 65 46a Hexham NY 9464 66 46b Hexham NY 9464 67 47a Moulton SP 7866 68 47b Kingsthorpe SP 7563 69 48a Staines TQ 0471 70 48b Staines TQ 0471 71 49a Yatton ST 4365 72 49b Yatton ST 4365 73 50a Aycliffe NZ 2822 74 50b Pikeston NZ 0432 75 51a London TQ 3079 76 52a Bristol ST 5872 77 52b Weston-Super-Mare ST 3261 78 54a Piddington SP 6317 79 54b Long Creadon SP 6908 80 56a Jarrow NZ 3265 81 Airport (Runway) Moor (Carlton) Fell Cont'd 334. Table TA cont'd Questionnaire Major Lacality Number Map Grid* Code Reference Number 56b Woolsingham NZ 1969 82 57a Starcross SK 9781 83 57b Starcross SX 9781 84 58a Bolton SD 7109 85 58b Bolton SD 7109 86 60a West Hanney SU 4092 87 60b Wantage SU 4087 88 61a Cobham TQ 1060 89 61b Cobham TQ 1060 90 61c Cobham TQ 1060 91 62a Sawdon SE 9485 92 62b Bickley SE 9192 93 63a Goring SU 6080 94 63b Whitchurch SU 6479 95 64a Crowthorn SU 8464 96 64b Crowthorn SU 8464 97 65a Newton Tracey SS 5226 98 65b East Combs SS 8904 99 68a Huntshaw SS 5023 100 68b Torrington SS 4919 101 69a Ottery St. Mary SY 0995 102 69b Ottery St. SY 0995 103 70a Hoddesdon TL 3709 104 70b Hoddesdon TL 3709 105 71a Cheshunt TL 3502 106 71b Waitham Cross TL 3600 107 72a Barham TL 1375 108 72b Barham TL 1375 109 73a Houghton Hill TL 2972 110 73b Houghton Hill TL 2972 ill 75a Plaistow TQ 0030 112 75b Billinghurst TQ 0825 113 76a Stevenage TL 2325 114 76b Stevenage TL 2325 115 77a Craven Arms SO 4382 116 77b Craven Arms so 4382 117 78a South Cerney SU 0497 118 78b South Cerney SU 0497 119 79a Findern SK 3030 120 79b Littleover SK 3234 121 80a Pinner TQ 1289 122 80b Pinner TQ 1289 123 Hill Mary Cont'd 335. Table IA cont'd Questionnaire Major Locality Number Map Grid* Code Reference Number 81a Gt. Dunmow TL 6221 124 85a Broadstairs 125 85b 86a Broadstairs Lewes TK 3967 TK 3967 TQ 411o 86b Lewes 87a 126 127 Birchington TQ 4110 TR 3069 129 87b Birchington TR 3069 130 88b Broxted TL 5727 131 89a Broxted 91a Rochford 91b Rochford TL 5727 So 6268 so 6268 132 133 134 93a Stainton-Le-Vale TF 1794 135 93b Moortown TF 0699 136 94a Appleby 137 98a Bury St. Edmonds SE 9ý14 TL 8564 98b Bradfield 99a Hale St. George 128 138 TL 9059 ST 4682 139 141 14o 100a Lowington 100b Barston SP 2069 SP 2078 101a Toton SK 5034 143 101b Beeston 144 102a Bradmore SK 5336 SK 5831 102b Nottingham 103R1 103R2 Ollerton Ollerton 103R3 Ollerton 103R4 Ollerton 103R5 Ollerton 103R6 Ollerton 103R7 Ollerton 103R8 142 145 SK 5640 Si 7776 146 147 SJ 7776 SJ 7776 148 149 150 SJ 7776 SJ 7776 Si 7776 151 152 153 Ollerton SJ 7776 SJ 7776 103R9 Ollerton SJ 7776 155 105a Leyland SD 5421 156 105b Waddington SD 7243 157 105d Preesall SD 3646 158 105e Bolton SD 7109 159 105f Mellor Brook 160 105g Cottam. SD 6331 SD 4932 105h Southport 105J 154 161 162 Dalton SD 3316 SD 4907 105K Bretherton SD 4720 164 107a Hoar Cross SK 1223 165 107b Hoar Cross SK 1223 166 163 Cont'd 336. Table IA cont'd Questionnaire Major Locality Number Map Grid* Code Reference Number 108a Hewelsfield SO 5602 167 108b Hewelsfield SO 5602 168 108c Srinagar Kashmir (India) 169 109a Denham TQ 0386 170 109b Stamore TQ 1692 171 110a Halse ST 1327 172 110b Charlton ST 5228 173 111a. Wiggaton SY 1093 174 112a Feering TL 8720 175 112b Feering TL 8720 176 114a Tunbridge TQ 5839 177 114b Bodiam TQ 7826 178 114c Comberton TL 3856 179 114d Comberton TL 3856 180 114f Trowbridge ST 8557 181 114g Trowbridge ST 8557 182 114k West Calder NT 0613 183 1141 West Calder NT 0613 184 115a Shrewbury SJ 4912 185 115b Shrewbury SJ 4912 186 115C Unknown 187 117a New Mill SP 9212 117b Hemel Hempstead TL 0506 189 118 Clay Cross SK 3963 190 119 Mylor SW 8036 191 122 Unknown - 192 Mackrell Wells Bridge 188 337. TABLE IB LIST OF THE FOREIGN AND COMMERCIAL HONEY SAMPLES Name and Country Name of packer Code or supplier or donator of origin Number Austria Marchtrenk, Australia* Banksia donated by Manley Ratcliffe Oxford (1) Australia Bluebell Crabtree Australia Bluebell donated by Mr. Rex Sawyer (2) 196 Rowse Honey Ltd., 197 193 and Evelyn, Ltd., Berinsfield, 194 London 195 (H470) Australia Argentina Austria to Clover It Canada* donated by (1) Canada Clover Rowse Honey Ltd., Canada Clover (H666) Canada Sunflower Ewelme, Oxford 198 199 Ewelme, Oxford 200 donated by (2) (H669) Canada British Colombia (H707) 201 of of 202 it of 203 Canada Clover Samantha D. J. Sales Ltd,, Canada Clover Pure Sainsbury's J. Canada Clover Pure Tiptree's Wilkin Cayman Island Coconut donated by Mr. Harrison China Acacia* donated by (1) Sainsbury Salford Ltd., 2o4 London and Sons Ltd., 205 Tiptree 206 of Ashford 207 2o8 China Buckwheat* It of 209 China Eucalyptus* Light Amber of to 21o China Lightolo Amber 91 to 211 China Whiteot 212 China White donated by a Beekeeper of Middlesex donated by (1) Chileok France Fl purchased on site, Mr. J. M. Carter La Belliole, 213 214 France, by 215 France F2 of It 216 France F3 to to 217 France A purchased on site. Mr. J. M. Carter to France F5 These are bulk honeys in steel as stated on consignment. Manley Ratcliffe Ltd., Charente, tt drums as shipped Berinsfield, France, to by importers, by 218 It 219 origin and information Oxford. Mr. Rex Sawyer. Cont'd 338. Table IB cont'd Name and packer Name and Country Code or supplier or donator of origin Thasos, Halkidiki, Greece Nectar Number 220 Greece North donated by (2) 221 Hungary* Polyflora donated by (1) 222 India Charak Charak Pharmaceuticals India Gujarat (1) India Gujarat (2) (H689) Greece Nektar PVT Ltd., is by Mr. C. Airey Mexico Pure Sainsbury's J. London New Zealand* donated by (1) New Zealand Clover Manley Ratcliffe Russia White Parish Spain Orange-Blossom The Honeycomb Co., Spain Sunflower Cotswolds Windrush Gales Honey Colman's of Norwich, of purchased Yucatan Mexico* Sainsbury Gales Honey (A) to Gales Honey (B) to 225 226 227 Ltd., 228 229 Ltd., 230 Oxford and Fenn Ltd., 231 Surrey ELLEL. R. P. Lancaster 232 Honey Farms Ltd., 233 Carrow, Is J. Sainsbury 223 224 to on site, donated by (1) Malta India by Mr. P. M. Mistry on site, of purchased of (India) Witney 234 Norwich to to 235 of is 236 London Ltd., 237 Sainsbury's Acacia Pure Sainsbury's Clear Pure 238 Sainsbury's Set Pure 239 Rowse's Cut Comb (1) Rowse Honey Ltd., Pure Ratcliffe's Clover of to Rowse's Cut Comb (2) Ewelme, Oxford go Ltd., Manley Ratcliffe 240 241 242 Oxford mR68 donated by (1) 243 mR67 it 244 mR66 of 245 to 246 Yellow Box* Comb Honey English Peirson Ewelme, Oxford 248 Cheddleton 249 Shaffalong, Apairy, Dr. Croft's Pure 247 Croft Rowse Honey Ltd., Pure English Pure Staffordshire English by Dr. supplied Nr. English Pennine Heather Pennine Bee Farms, Galgate, English Honey Show, Caxton Hall, National London 1979 English Pure M8418 English Clover Golden Tarleton Lancashire supplied J. Northern Ireland Pure Honey English Chorley Dr. Aalyst's Lancaster Sainsbury 252 Laboratory 253 to 254 01 255 honey, 256 London Ltd., 251 Westminister, by Dr. Croft Reference Linconshire Public 11 of M8522 Man Made Honey Sainsbury's Syrup donated by Preston 250 Lancashire Chorley, Siddiqui (1981) 257 11 of 11 258 it of of 259 99 it of 260 Croft's Apairy, Chorley, Lancashire 261 339. APPENDIX II QUESTIONNAIRE Given below were sent which to the beekeepers who took Kingdom 0000 Approximate 0.00.. *0000.0.00.. 000.. location of faili'llwals: Map Grid Estimated main floral please yes, Has this If give please yes, previous state unable Any other Beans. (stick) softfruit .. ..... ................. XKX/No conditions: 0-0 sugar? M INo and form, the quantity, 0000000 given during 12 months. from colony Yield 000 comb source: been fed colony 0.0900000 .......... of honey from Has the honey been heated? If of a farm .............................. Reference Date of removal 00.00.0060a000 the colony: 'outskirts' Situated on oo. 0 ... 00 ... ..... (7) in the United part ........................................... .0.. (6) on the questionnaires the questions of Name .................................................. Address (2) the list For example: survey. (1.) is to judge during but previous averaged 5 months: 30lbs from For this ..... analysis 10 colonies. comments: 000000000000a00000000.0000000a000000000 Note: beekeeper and the The name and address of the participant number have not been quoted so as to retain questionnaire The responses to the question confidentiality. number are to those quoted by the beekeeper. according 340. III APPENDIX IN A HONEYSAMPLE DETERMINATION OF THE AMINO ACID CONCENTRATION as described, was mixed with an equal volume (25 pl) of buffer concentration, (20 duplicate were applied; one to each of the Technicon resin columns. norleucine and pl) portions containing The absorbance of the reaction mixture and eluate was determined at 570 nm for amino acid and 440 nm for A honey sample after The data obtained proline. paper as a trace that is, of a triangle, was observed response curve whose peak shape approximated base multiplied by the perpendicular on a chart half The normal definition a triangle. Hence, an equivalent of the curve limits. height could not be applied because of the varying position by the width at half curve definition as curve peak height multiplied which has been used universally, to that of peak height acid concentration, was applied. - area that k[amino acid reaction amount of at a possible internal of the standard The order arginine, serine, acid, thrionine, aspartic leucine, isoleucine, norleucine, methionine, However, histidine. arginine, The concentration area the trace under of Derivation A be used for lysine, special purposes. histidine, ala; ine, eluted ammonia, cysteine, valine, and phenylalanine. that there concentrates very were naturally as described low levels of in the methods the amino peaks due to these amino acids and significant were of an absorbing and the measured value of the the same proportion of the incident substance a given sample always absorbs is defined by the Beer-Lambert's Law. This Law can be expressed as: Ccl A could glycine, proline, chosen norleucine amino acids between the concentration Equation ............................................................. absorption C molar C concentration 1 light path and the concentrated weight the molecular 2 of radiation absorbance When comparing Thus: fourteen and the fact that of its intensity, regardless mathematically where only radiation radiation containing Equation The relationship absorbed standards the honey amino acid and also solutions were commonly recorded in the honey samples. honey amino acid sample was evaluated from the of an amino acid in a concentrated responce curve using the equation derived below. Therefore, observed. rarely tyrosine standard usually and ammonia were: acid, glutamic and methionine cysteine other amino acids of preparing the ammonia peak was very high sections acids due to the technique The standard these variations. eighteen of elution authentic with pump tubings and measurements of the * to include in each sample a constant was essential it range although acid I heating, position, for to correct of the eluted-amino the middle in local to the amino was proportional Equation the instrument by pre-calibrating non-equilibrium standard thus obtained, .................................... Due to variations of each amino acid. colour near concentration] determined k is a constant where 25 nMoles The area under each curve peak, is of a substance -1 1 mol coefficient of a substance (cm). the absorbance value honey amino acid can be regarded for (I mol amino acid a particular sample the molar absorption as constant As -ESca16 for the standard AH'EHcH1H for the concentrated amino acid honey for present coefficient, in both the standard constant measurements at the same wavelength. solution. amino acid solution. path length solution and 341. Hence: ECIc sa9 EHcHIHcH By using Equation an internal of constant concentration standard norleucine the ratio ASN/A HN derived similarly as in equation acid solutions Thus: to compensate for changes in instrumentation parameters. amino factor ACxA -A AHcHxA in both the standard and honey 3, can be used as a multiplication SN s 4 the concentration of an amino acid in the concentrated mixture (20 jil) applied to the analyser column can be obtained. equation norleucine 4 Equation HN Rearranging standard 3 honey amino acid - internal Thus: csxA SN xAH...... A HN xAs CH /A is the norleucine of equivalent SN S of the standard amino acid to that of the the analysis by the term NESP, and CS has the value 25 nMoles, that 5 be Hence. written can equation solution. amino acid A The ratio csx the corresponding amino acid response curve from honey amino acid sample and was denoted concentrated is the concentration of each amino acid in the standard as: NESP x 25 (nMoles) AHN honey amino acid concentrated of CH in the 25 pl of the original (25 pl) can be obtained internal standard norleucine The value with the 5 Equation by multiplying Equation 5a solution prior to mixing 5a by the factor equation Thus: 50/20. A,, x NESP x 25 (nMoles) HA 50 (ol) 20-Tpl) HN 6 Equation in 10. Og of honey can be obtained by multiplying 6 by the equation The amount of amino acid present 1-H, (1.5 mls) plus SM HCJ solution 1OZ (v/v) PH is the total the amount propan-2-ol/O. weight of where factor .25 (10.0g). honey from It was found at least that disssolved approximately concentrated acid amino the of lml of volume the weight of (Iji). Thus: c this concentrated honey concentrated honey amino amino acid A. x NESP x 25 (nMoles) ARN H' Moreover, the concentration by the factor 7 was divided x 10.0. 50 (PI) 20 7-;jlT x was expressed in PH (PI) 25 (jil) 1 gram volumetric ...... in weight units, Equation and the total microlitres 7 as nMoles per gram of honey. Therefore, equation Thus: x AHN - (PH) solution to was equivalent solution measurements were expressed AH x NESP x 25 (nMoles) c acid 50 jil 10-ju 1 x PH (lil) -25 (-ju-IT f 10.0 Equation nMoles per gram of honey 8 was noted from the trace response curve chart paper that when two or more trace curves occurred limits for did trace by to the each curve curve not always occur on some extent overlapped or close devised in Therefore, these to determine the height baseline. approximations were rare cases the N. B. It and width at half occurring trace height response of curve peak. curves throughout The approximations the calculations procedure was than utilized of amino acid concentrations. for similar 342. A Typical Example of Calculation The concentration of aspartic in the U. K. survey acid sample Code No. 27 was calculated using equation 8 as follows: AH x NESP x 25 (nMoles) CH where A 20 (Ml) x HN CH , Concentration AH - Area - 2.0 SN NESP -A AS under x 25 (MI) of the cm (height) (jil) x 50 x 10.0(g) aspartic trace x 0.4 - AHN - acid response (nMoles curve cm (width for I height) per g of aspartic - 0.8 honey). acid 2 cm for norleucine Area under the curve Area under the curve for aspartic acid 14.6 cm (h) x 0.4 cm (w1h) 12.5 cm (h) x 0.4 cm (w1h) PH x PH (pl) . 1.17 Area under the trace response 13.7 cm (h) x 0.4 cm (w1h) 2. 5.48 cm curve 1530 yl for in the U. K. standard 2)x1.17 0.8 (cm 2)x (cm 5.48 - 27. amino acid solution (1.53g) for internal standard norleucine Therefore: C H Sample x 25 (nMoles) x 50 (pl) x 1530 (ml) 20 (ml) x 25 (pl) x 10.0(g) 65.33 nMoles of aspartic acid in lg of U. K. sample Code No. 27. applied to U. K. sample 27. 343. APPENDIX IV COMPUTATION data files. in the U. K. survey of the data arranged below is the format Described and the foreign and commercial is as follows: This format of the free from the area under the used were those calculated There were trace response curves on the chart paper output as detected by the amino acid analyser. whose curve peaks could be adequately measured seventeen amino acids detected and of these only thirteen The concentration These thirteen were considered. amino acids amino acids were: lysine, serine, glutamic aspartic acid, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine in that acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, order. as sent to the beekeepers contained eight questions of which the stated responses 'Date of removal of The relevant toquestion were: questions numbers, 3,5 and 6 were used here. 'Has the honey been heated'? Yes or No, question 5; and 'Has this honey from comb'?, question 3; colony been fed sugar'? Yes or No, question 6. The questionnaire of the distribution The classification Out of the four of honey was used. of the pollen classes pollen into grains frequency for classes each sample the predominant and the secondary pollen classes which occurred over 45% of the total pollen only Honey samples containing a given pollen into the predominant pollen class. Those honey samples whose pollen content counted were allocated into the secondary pollen class. in this case Furthermore, ranged between 16% and 45% were allocated in decending for honey samples which occurred in the secondary pollen class; two pollens only the first were considered. All were considered. of percentage order the two hundred and fifty or the secondary pollens. that is, the amount of pollen content, samples of honey contained six the predominant either The pollen by visual was determined q'uantitatively of one to five were selected, slides scale the highest represented of low, contents pollen pollen grains microscopical where one represented content. medium and high, The intermediate on the prepared present or zero pollen and five the intermediate content and 4 represented numbers 2,3 pollen Values on an arbitrary examination. the lowest microscope respectively. other amino acids besides the thirteen amino acids which were presence of fifteen estimated by the amino acid analyser and common to all the samples were also detected quantitatively Besides these twenty eight amino acids by the technique of paper electrophoresis and chromatography. The occasional complex colour spots whose identity could not be ascertained were also occasionally other ninhydrin These fifteen found to be present. amino acids and the eleven unidentified ninhydrin complex colour The identity on the computer. analysis of the thirteen spots thus detected were used for qualitative The other fifteen to be: amino acids were identified o- and y- amino amino acids has*been given above. eleven butyric histidine, arginine, asparagine, cysteine, glucosamine, glutamine, hydroxypipecolic 0-alanine acid, methyl-histidine, and pipecolic acid, hydroxyproline, tryptophan. methionine, The unidentified acid. as ps Xo Ct as to es now, X9 0. a and 0. complex spots vere labelled ninhydrin for each individual All this data were compiled in the order listed above into a data file twelve honey sample. There were two data files the foreign compiled, Kingdom survey while the other contained honeys. and commercial for each sample of honey the data mentioned above were arranged In each of these two data files, The Each line composed of eighty characters, four lines. one character a column. representing into two lines first of the four lines the concentration contained These two lines quoted to two decimal line. Each column composed of ten characters. of the United one contained the first threonine, eight serine, the concentration phenylalanine, places. amino acids glutamic values in that proline, of the remaining order. Line three glycine five line of sixteen contained the thirteen columns, amino acids were: in that order. and alanine, amino acids of the four lines valine, isoleucine, was divided free into lysine, amino acids columns per eight the concentration These eight of the thirteen. acid, into were divided The first values values aspartic The second line leucine, thirteen tyrosine acid, contained and columns of five 344. for This third line contained the column twelve which was of one character. by the predominant pollen and its questions 3,5 and 6. This was followed answers to questionnaire This was then secondary pollen and its percentage value. percentage value and then by the first followed by the second secondary pollen and its percentage value. This was in turn followed by the characters each except and shrivelled unidentified pollen percentage values, quoted to one decimal place and then finally the information on the presence of the fifteen amino into seventeen line was divided This fourth complex spots. acids and the two unidentified ninhydrin in the following These fifteen amino acids were listed order: columns of three characters each. by the pollen a-. The last content. and y-aminobutyric acid, contained arginine, cysteine, asparagine, hydroxypipecolic hydroxyproline, tryptophan, methionine, line acid, glucosamine, glutamine, methylThistidine, histidine, 0-alanine, pipecolLe and the unidentified spots 'p' and 'x'. Moreover, in the second data file which contained all the data for the sixty four foreign and manner to that of the United Kingdom commercial honey samples the data were arranged in a similar in this second data file The only difference was that there were no questionnaire survey data file. acid from these questionnaire the questions all the other data were exactly These questionnaire questions were replaced by same as those in the United Kingdom survey file. Hence, information the country of origin and the commercial processing of the honey samples. regarding quetions question 3t 5 and 6 apart 3 was replaced by the information the country regarding of origin for each sample. The Question 6 was replaced by the following the question 5 was left blank. question: column representing Yes or No. 'Has this sample of honey been commercially processed'? The code can take the form of words, It is generally required by the SPSS to code the data. letters or numbers. in the SPSS require The words or letters numerical codes used in this The numerical concentration complicate an SPSS command and also some procedures Hencet a numerical coding scheme was adopted. in the control statement 'VALUE LABEL' shown in Appendix data values. case are given codes used for identifying as the amino acid can often values pollen grains and the pollen are given percentage in Table values 30. Actual did not require The numerical V (b). numbers such coding. 345. APPENDIX V A DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS below is the order in which the DISCRIMINANT analysis on the one hundred and two samples of the U. K. survey honeys, the sixty four samples of the foreign ninety and commercial honeys and also on both the combined honeys was performed using the SPSS. Described (a) United Kingdom Survey Honey Samples The results of the microscopic and evaluation examination each of the samples of the U. K. survey showed that in the predominant frequency class. When specified the distribution of there were nine major in of pollens pollens which occurred one hundred and four the SPSS allocated into one of the pollen groups specified. The remaining samples of honey which were classified samples were not dealt with because these had either missing or out of range amino acid concentration or they were composed of secondary I values, to improve the percentage In order the pollen of the original amino acid the effects minimise concentration of the original logarithms were the natural better of the pollen Therefore, groups. the number of pollen groups and to besides the predominant pollen which may concentration values The square root logarithms. the amino acid the honey samples in each of These factors were: a transformation of reducing pollens amino acid than the natural matrix The four valuesq and the square root. variance-covariance the following were considered. of Two transformations pollen. classification the presence of other between pollen groups. cause overlapping discrimination of correct a number of factors groups, or multiple This transformation data vector transformation These transformations improved transformation square root concentration the square root were chosen. the makes the more nearly equal was chosen and adhered across to throughout analyses. pollen Aesculus, groups, Vicia Inpatiens, and Clemantes, contained only five samples of honey between them. This number of honey samples for the four pollen groups were considered Therefore, these four pollen groups to be inadequate to produce a valid discriminant analysis. analysis. were not included in any of the following in the predominant Further, there Discriminant analysis or the presence of into the other Preliminary subclasses. pollen groups to discriminate groups were: Thus, groups. tests using between the unifloral 2YifoZiumrepens, rrassica, group was defined subclass and 852. pollen tests The multifloral present of these minor pollen the predominant secondary frequency pollen class class were labelled as the unifloral the discriminant analysis was carried pollen subclass group was considered as the unifloral in each of these honey samples was over 95%. six preliminary the presence These two subclasses two subclasses. pollen pollen to check whether in the important pollens was performed between the pollen the discrimination In all were a number of honey samples which These samples of honey the predominant pollen as well as the secondary pollen. to occur in the 45% to the 60% region of the predominant poilen frequency class. were found four class both contained divided frequency pollen were carried subclass since the amount of this out and in each of these group was defined pollen tests was further and the multifloral out on four pollen the unifloral over 60%, 702,75%, present pollen 801 as those honey samples containing between 45% and 60%, 45% and 652,45Z The results showed that and 85%, respectively. and multifloral six tests between the unifloral were affecting The and the multifloral pollen subclasses. Castanea and Calluna. The Ahjosotis pollen as those honey samples containing pollen pollen and 70%,45% and 75%, 45% and 80% and 45% there was considerable overlap in each of the subclass pollen groups. 346. In order to minimise this group was defined pollen between the unifloral and multifloral pollen groups, the multifloral pollen present between 45% and 60Z as those honey samples containing overlap pollen present group was defined as those honey samples containing over 702. Intrýduction of this 10% gap between the two pollen subclasses reduced to a certain pollen present between 6OZ and 65%, extent the overiap effect of the honey samples containing 65% and 70%. The unifloral only. Further tests the unifloral pollen were carried out using and multifloral pollen the discriminant in each of subclasses to eliminate analysis the four pollen betweeý the overlap In these groups. The unifloral subclass pollen group was defined as mentioned before. pollen present over 75%. subclass pollen group were defined as those honey samples containing 80% and 85%. The results and the unifloral showed that as the gap between the multilloral subclass Typically, the overlap between these two pollen groups was eliminated. pollen groups was increased, tests the multifloral (results) 27 Figure the histogram between the two pollen of overlap for obtained the Brassica pollen group show the elimination groups. subclass also showed that as the percentage of the pollen present in the unifloral the number of samples in each of the four overlapping group was increased to eliminate Therefore, groups decreased from forty six at 702 pollen to twenty seven at 8OZ pollen. These results pollen pollen it was considered between the five pollen groups honey samples which when discriminating honeys. This 70% limit was contain pollen present over 70% would be considered as unifloral honey five because the of contained adequate number samples which groups pollen each of chosen described and detailed in Appendix file The SPSS control analysis. would give valid discriminant that VI (c) was used to initiate In this analysis. the honey samples the SPSS as mentioned previously. into two subsets. One subset. was used for calculating in each of the pollen groups were divided functions linear discriminant the misclassification and the other for estimating the Fisher's however, rate, subsets was also used in all the following sources of honey. major the beekeepers The honey from these of the United Kingdom. dividing of the honey samples into two analyses. Kingdom, honey from the Brassica, In the United This the samples were classified. all 2!rifoZium three Discriminant repen8 and Catluna plants analysis plants are the importance are of considerable to on the honey samples detailed in Appendix was performed file The SPSS control each of these three pollen groups. representing the Castanea and Myosotis pollen groups the SPSS. In this analysis, VI (c) was used to initiate 58 60 deleted in from the SPSS from that, and control statements were analysis, ommitted were control file. question 3 which requested the 'Date of removal received to questionnaire of honey from the comb' it was observed that nearly all the honey samples were either harvested in the crop year 1981 or 1982. Discriminant was performed to check whether there were analysis in the amino acid composition differences of the honeys produced during these any significant From the response two crop years. The SPSS control file In this SPSS as mentioned previously. by those given in Appendix VI (d)(i). detailed in Appendix analysis, the control VI (c) was used to initiate statements the 56 to 60 were replaced of above was also performed on honey samples representatives in harvested individual the crop years 1981 and 1982. The five were the groups which pollen of 56 60 in The to of the control statements were analysis used. previous chosen groups pollen Statistical results were obtained Appendix VI(c) were replaced by those given in part (d)(HA-5. Similar for only discriminant three and Castanea. of the years be computed. analysis of these pollen For the other specified to that groups. two pollen and hence, These three groups statistical pollen there analysis groups were Brasaica, 2ý-ifolium repene were not enough samples of honey in either for these two pollen groups could not 347. From the response received to questionnaire 5 which requested question been heated or not. Discriminant analysis its amino acid compositions. honey effects to test was performed The SPSS control file whether the honey had whether heating a sample of in Appendix VI (c) detailed the SPSS. In this analysis, the control was used to initiate statements 56 to 60 were replaced discriminant by those given in Appendix VI (e)(i). Similar to that of above were performed analysis of the individual on honey samples representative pollen groups which were either heated or not heated. results The five groups chosen in the previous pollen for were obtained Castanea and 10josotia. of honey in either of the 'heat' From the response In this 6 which requested was performed to test whether and spring groups were: were not enough samples for those two pollen file whether had the colony feeding sugar to a colony composition of honey the overall amino acid in Appendix VI (c) was used to initiate detailed effect the control again analysis, VI (e) (ii). in Appendix analysis The SPSS control colony. question to questionnaire received Discriminant been fed sugar. of bees during autumn, winter SPSS. pollen not be computed. could from that These three groups. Statistical were used. For the other two pollen groups there groups and hence, statistical analysis Braasica, groups of these pollen three only analysis 56 to 60 were replaced statements the by those given of above was performed on honey samples representatives from colonies that had been fed sugar or otherwise. pollen groups which were collected of individual Statistical The five pollen groups chosen in the previous analysis were used. results were Similar discriminant analysis five obtained for In order to assess whether all to that groups. pollen the honey stores from colonies that in the New Year's harvested had been fed sugar in the autumn Those samples which were crop. months are stored and subsequently Discriminant analysis as autumn fed were regarded as samples which had not been fed sugar. mentioned previously spring fed samples. control statements Similar discriminant of the individual fed or otherwise. Statistical of above was also performed on honey samples representatives from colonies that had been either pollen groups which were collected sugar in the previous analysis The five pollen groups considered were chosen: analysis for results to that the Calluna pollen group could not be computed due to the lack to colonies of bees was determined of honey of the 'SUGAR' groups. samples in either Furthermore, the autumn, winter and spring fed was carried out on the winter and in Appendix VI (C) was used with the modified detailed file The SPSS control 56 to 60. for verifýcation of sugar feeding by testing the The honey to that of the other amino acids. of the amino acid proline concentration The SPSS control file detailed samples used in this case were the autumn, winter and spring fed. in Appendix VI (c) was used to initiate the SPSS. In this case, the control statements 56 to Since the results did not show any 60 were replaced by those given in Appendix VI (e)(ii). relative improvements in this classification analysis. of questionnaire questions The analysis of the five pollen groups was not performed. From the responses 5 and 6. it was observed that some of the honey There are that had been fed sugar and visa versa. samples were both heated and from colonies into two groups. differentiated four possible combinations questions of these two questionnaire Discriminant These four combinations was performed on analysis are given in Appendix VI M. (c) detailed in file VI SPSS Appendix The four was used. control these combinations. each of the control In these analysis, statements 56 to 60 were replaced by one of the four combination statements Similar given in Appendix discriminant of the individual analysis pollen VI M. was performed groups for each of to that the four of above on honey samples representatives combinations. 348. (b) Foreign and Commercial Discriminant in analysis Appendix English and the (a) VII on the was performed New Zealand Mexico, Samples Honey honey of from originating Australia. file The SPSS control samples. commercial initiate to was used samples Canada, and described detailed SPSS. the Discriminant In the next analysis. the English commercial samples were omitted. analysis was performed Canada, Mexico and New Zealand. The SPSS control on the four foreign country group samples, Australia, file detailed The control in Appendix VII (a) was used. statements 54 to 58 were replaced by those given in Appendix Discriminant VII VII (b)(i). analysis (a) was used. From the foreign included The control honey samples that and commercial Discriminant were available. analysis (b)(ii). VII was performed These countries were the same as those mentioned in the countries. The control the France honey samples were also included. statements 54 in Appendix VII (a) were replaced by those given in Appendix detailed selected that except previous -analysis to 58 of the SPSS control in the above analysis. detailed in Appendix file The SPSS control as mentioned previously. statements 54 to 58 were replaced by those given in Appendix was performed on honey samples from six VII the samples of honey from China were also Further, file (b)(iii). the Mexico and New Zealand honey samples were replaced by those samples originating file in Appendix VII (a) were replaced The control from India. statements 54 to 58 of the SPSS control by those given in Appendix VII (iv). In the next analysis From the microscopical it and evaluation examination th4t was noticed the pollen contents of the English, Hence, discriminant France and Spain honey samples showed considerable similarities. analysis was in the amino acid composition between the Enqlish out to test whether there are any differences carried ' file in Appendix VII (a) were The control statements 54 to 58 of the SPSS control and European honeys. Also it in Appendix by those given replaced during was noticed cells algael contained VII (b)(v). the microscopical and other the Austria that examination Thus, discriminant It elements. microscopical unidentifiable and Greece honey samples that was considered these was performed on honey samples of European Further the honey samples of Austria Greece and Spain. and Greece from honeydew and hence the code for Greece was changed to that of Austria. were considered to originate from nectar and hence, the code for The honey samples of France and Spain was considered to originate The control file detailed Spain was changed to that of France. statements 54 to 58 in the SPSS control samples may be of honeydew origin. France, that is, Austria, origin, in Appendix VII (a) were replaced by those given was also noticed during the microscopical had very similar features. It and Melilotu8 It analysis in Appendix that examination was also (b)(vi). VII the pollen that noted of TrifoZium grains these two pollen grains repens belonged to the Leguminosae.. Discriminant analysis was performed to test whether there are any sample plant family. in the amino acid composition The control differences of these honeys. staiemente 54 to 58 of the SPSS detailed file in Appendix VII (a) were replaced by those given in Appendix VII (b)(vii). control it Further, was also noticed that the pollen grain of Lotus also included The honey samples containing this pollen were also for the control statements used. to Appendix VII (b)(viii) knowng It the country were fourteen was thought which that samples in the foreign on the basis they were most likely and 242 were allocated the code for allocated the code for analysis. Refer and commercial honeys whose country of origin was not pollen these to that the appropriate was suspect The sample number 234,235 Australia with to have originated and were allocated the replaced from. by the SPSS in a previous code. control Similarly, allocated and from its and 236 from their the appropriate statements samples be allocated Thus, the code for sample numbers 237,238,239 the sample numbers 240,241,243,244 Australia; of the Mexico samples was also whose authenticity content Mexico and the sample number 247 was allocated sample number 205 was predicted and was allocated of their to the Leguminosaa plant in the previous family. Since there belonged pollen analysis the code for to have originated sample number 231 whose pollen the appropriate content it code. Also, and 246 were New Zealand. from Australia content was similar the sample number 253 the code for was attributed Further. Australia. from amino acid maps were thought to have originated file The SPSS control code. given in Appendix VII (a) 54 to 58 by those listed in Appendix VII (b)(i) was used. 349. Some of the samples received had been commercially Discriminant control (c) analysis was performed using statements 54 to 58 were replaced Combined Honey Samples of the United Discriminant analysis was performed processed the SPSS control by those listed and bottled, file detailed in Appedix while others in Appendix VII were not. VII (&)The (b)(ix). Kingdom Survey and the Foreign on the two hundred and fifty and Commercial six honey samples to test whether in the amino acid composition of the United Kingdom and foreign were any differences and commercial Hence, in this analysis, the five 'IF' control statements 56 to 60 of Appendix VII (a) were samples. The SPSS was initiated replaced by those given in Appendix VII (c)(i). as mentioned before. there Discriminant France. analysis India and England samples. From the evaluation Kingdom survey was performed of the distribution and the foreign to discriminate The control statements of the pollen and commercial between the U. K. survey, grains given it in Appendix was observed honey samples contained VII (c) (ii) that both the Braeaica, Discriminant subclass group. and Castanea pollen in the unifloral analysis file detailed in Appendix VII (a). In this case, the control SPSS control omitted. Australia, Canada, China, were used. the United TrifoZium repene was performed using the statements 59 to 60 were 350. APPENDIX VI DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS OF THE U. K. SURVEYHONEYS (a) Definition of Discrimination in this Discrimination, Distance and Mahalanobis for case, is between the pollen example, to one of a number of groups or population free honey sample the concentration of the thirteen according allocated it to the pollen For each is on the basis contains. It were measured. is allocated a honey sample of unknown floral origin measurements that of these thirteen A sample of honey can be groups. amino acids to a pollen group. free For each honey sample the thirteen dimensional in a thirteen amino acid measurements can be thought of as co-ordinates in one pollen group the honey samples from that particular Thus, space. The problem is to define a boundary in this space to of points. Once the boundaries have been chosen a honey sample of unknown (due be no true boundaries Since there will floral to a pollen group. can then be allocated origin 'over ýap' in this space. errors will to randomness in the measurements), that is, the populations The staýistical methods of 'Discriminant a honey sample to a group. sometimes be made when allocating form a cluster group will groups. separate the different pollen have been developed analysis' by choosing a linear minimise the probability of making these function. This function is obtained concentratiors which defines the direction of maximal which will discriminant is to use the Fisher's One such procedure errors. boundaries to select of the amino acid combination in the sense that the means of the projections of the honey samples from the pollen (relative to the variance of the projections around their respective apart means). are maximally groups These A number of linear co-ordinates or canonical combinations are known as discriminant variates. for separating Usually the first two or three are sufficient the give varying degrees of separation. group separation a simple groups, which give variate these being plotted picked observations stray The (sample) on co-ordinate Not all out. distance Mahalanobis each sample having representation, graphical ; and measurements may be used in the analysis. of the thirteen between two groups on each canonical can be seen immediately The group separations axes. a value is the square root of- Oll sample means of the two groups and is a matrix of elements describing where ý19 and x are the (vector) .2 The SPSS 'MAHAL' option the variability of all the measurements (sample variance-covariance matrix). the Mahalanobis distance between each pair of groups selects the amino acids one at a time, calculates This the minimum value. the new variable and if it has not Stuart and Ord, 1976). Kendall, (b) SPSS Control A Typical This is which starting field. of SPSS control increased, the U. K. a typical two divided into composed of eighty characters one and ends from column information This definition needed specification statements for the field at or columns. command to and read data statements. four of operate the file column control The control fifteen from for A field fields. column of an SPSS control Package seventy distinct starts new variable of 1.0 to enter (Gnandesikan, is discarded value without 1977 and Honeys Statistical contained is this Survey file card of The control task an example particular statement extra is below Given for File the default is then compared with and finds a line. are divided statements being (SPSS) Sciences a part field cards. or of contains and into or functions ends three at column types. control file. Each control a statement the defined eighty or a line command names field The specification routine sixteen Social contains by the of the control a line. These are data definition, 351. The data definition statements name denoted as Run Name, the list of the data for structure honey samples, the labels of the variables the data to the SPSS. In this case, the procedure the file data, the which contains the raw-input of each variable on them, the number of each honey sample and the location the numerical codes used for identifying each used to define each variable, and the missing The task definition and describes inform statements of variables, for values define activate, data. incomplete to be performed the calculations and control on the to be were utilized required by these concentration This was due to the fact that the amount of work space specified values coded. for each of the amino acids could not be handled by the SPSS. Hence, the concentration values were For example, the control to the statement 43 specifies values 1,2,3 and 4. coded into four arbitary data. In this the original case, amino acid that values concentration be allocated the concentration values between 50 and 99 nMoles per g of honey, inclusive, for the other concentration The samples containing the range values. a value of 1. Similarly, following pollens which were classed as predominant were selected into nine groups by the nine 'IF' Brasaica, Trifolium These nine pollen groups were: repens, Chatanea, Calluna, statements. control SPSS that 4oeotie, AeocuZus, Impatiens, allocated into given above. their appropriate Canonical groups using nine pollen and Memantia. Vicia variates groups pollen These selected labelled numerically was performed using the subprogram 'DISCRIMINANTO on the The 'MAHALI codes for the amino acid concentration values. analysis the arbitary method was used to maximise Mahalanobis distance between the pollen and the Mahalanobis distance have been defined above, in part (a). was used and was defined analysis. This stepwise each separate samples of honey were then from one to nine in the order as a default selection that value, is, twice A stepwise are either The number of discriminant step of the analysis. analysis selection procedure listed in the the number of variables is where variables procedure The discrimination groups. functions entered derived or removed from were three and the minimum cumalative percentage was defined as 100%. A maximum value of 1.0 was defined for the functions. levels of additional The prior that is, assigning the honey probability, significance for which it has the greatest probability of membership was defined as the value, sample to that'group equal for detailed all The details the groups. extensively by Nie et al.. of the processing (1975). The 'READ INPUT DATA' statement instructs in this case named as 'DAT1-UK1'. file the SPSS to begin file has been detailed The structure of this SPSS control was typed in at a visual display unit terminal. 1) RUN NAME A TEST OF DISCRIMINANTý 2) VARIABLE LIST AA1 TO AA8 3) AA9 TO AA13 4) Ql TO Q3, 5) Al TO P9, and optional reading statistics INPUT MEDIUM [DAT1-UK11 7) INPUT FORMAT FIXED(8FlO. F3.0,2X, 2/5FIO. below in the order required BFC 2/ 2(F2.0,3X). 3(F3.0,2X, F5. l), 2FS. 1. Fl. 0,2X, 17F3.0) 10) NO OF CASES 192 11) VAR LABELS AA1, LYS/AA2, ASP/AA3, THR/AA4, SER/AAS, CLU/ 12) AA6, PRO/AA7. GLY/AA8, ALA/AA9, VAL/AA10, 13) AA11, LEU/AA12, 14) Ql, DATE OF REMOVAL OF HONEY FROM COMB/ 15) Q29RAS THE HONEY BEEN HEATED? YES OR NOI 16) Q3, HAS THIS 17) Pl, PREDOMINANT POLLEN>45% 18) P2, PERCENTACE OF Pl/ 19) P3, SECONDARY POLLEN 16% - 45%/ used are the data from the raw-input TO A17 6) _8) 9) Pl options ILE/ TYR/AA13, PHE/ COLONY BEEN FED SUGAR? YES OR NOI F3.0/ data by the SPSS which 352. 20) P4, PERCENTACE OF P3/ 21) P5, SECONDARY POLLEN 16% - 45%/ 22) P6, PERCENTACE OF P5/ 23) P7, PERCENTACE OF UNIDENTIFIED 24) 'P8, PERCENTACE OF SHRIVELLED 25) P9, POLLEN CONTENT/ 26) BFC, ENCLISH HONEY OR FOREIGN AND COMMERCIAL HONEY/ 27) Al, a-ABU/A2, 28) A5, CYS/A6, CLUC/A7, GLN/A8, HIS/A9, 29) A10, TRP/All, HPRO/Al2, 30) A15, PIP/Al6, p/Al7, 31) VALUE LABEL Ql POLLEN/ ARC/A4, ASN/ y-ABU/A3, (101)JANUARY POLLEN/ MET/ $-ALA/ MEHIS/Al4, HPIP/Al3, X/ (103)MARCH (102)FEBRUARY (105)JUNE (108)AUCUST (109)SEPTEMBER 32) (105)MAY 33) (110)OCTOBER (111)NOVEMBER (112)DECEMBER 34) (201)JANUARY (202)FEBRUARY (203)MARCH 35) (205)MAY 36) (210)OCTOBER 37) Q2 (88) YES (99) NO (0) UNKNOWN 38) Q3 (88) YES (99) NO (0) UNKNOWN 39) Pl (999) PRESENT NOT PRESENT P3 (999) NOT PRESENT PS (999) NOT 40) P2 (100) PRESENT NOT PRESENT P4 (100) NOT PRESENT P6 (100) NOT 41) P9 (1) VERY LOW OR ZERO (2) VERY HIGH (0) UNKNOWN 42) Al 43) (207)JULY (206)JUNE TO A18 (211)NOVEMBER PRESENT (77) (66) (212)DECEMBER (99 45) (249 THRU 499-3) 46) (499 THRU HICHEST-4) (99 49) (249 THRU 499-3) 50) (499 THRU HICHEST-4) HIGH (5) UNKNOWN THRU 249-2) AA6(1OOO THRU 1999-1) RECODE 52) (1999 THRU 3999-2) 53) (3999 THRU 5499-3) 54) (5499 THRU HICHEST-4) 55) MEDIUM (4) THRU 99-1) 48) 51) 1982 THRU 249-2) AA7 TO AA3(50 RECODE (209)SEPTEMBER NOT PRESENT (00) 44) 47) (204)APRIL (208)AUGUST LOW (3) 1981 THRU 99-1) AA1 TO AA5(5O RECODE (107)JULY (104)APRIL IF (Pl EQ 301) POLLEN-1 56) IF (PI EQ 308) POLLEN-2 57) IF (Pl EQ 318) POLLENm3 58) IF (Pl EQ 319) POLLEN-4 59) IF (Pl EQ 328) POLLEN-5 60) IF (PI EQ 305) POLLEN-6 61) IF (Pl EQ 304) POLLEN-7 62) IF (Pl EQ 309) POLLEN-8 63) IF (Pl EQ 326) POLLEN-9 64) MISSING AAl TO AA13 (0)/Ql 65) DISCRIMINANT VALUE CROUPS-POLLEN(l., TO Q3(O)/Pl 9. )/VARIABLES-AAl TO AA131 66) ANALYSIS-AAl 67) METHOD-MAHAL/ 68) MAXSTEPS-26/ 69) FUNCTIONS-3,100., 70) PRIORS-EQUAL/ TO P9(0)/Al ld 71) OPTIONS 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,18,19 72) STATISTICS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 73) READ INPUT DATA 74) FINISH TO AA13/ TO A17(0)/ 353. In the above list the 'VARIABLE LIST' statements 2 to 5, have been defined of control :statements, in the 'VAR LABELS' statements 11 to 30. The numerical codes used for Identifying some of the have been defined in the 'VALUE LABEL' statements 31 to 42. Furthers the numerical codes variables The structure the pollen grains have been given in Table of the data in the used for identifying .30. 'DAT1-UK1' have been defined data file 'INPUT FORMAT' statements in the 7 to 9, which can be read by the SPSS. (C) Modification of the SPSS Control Listed File In Part (b) file This modified Given below is the modified structure of the SPSS control given above in part (b). file between the contained modifications which improved the discrimination part of the SPSS control file listed in part (b) was modified from control The SPSS control statement 43 pollen groups. onwards as listed values into their below. These modifications square roots were to transform the original amino acid statements 43 to 55. by control and are specified concentration honey samples which contained pollens whose percentage presence in each of the honey samples These statements 56 to 60 were used for the following pollens. was greater than 70%, the 'IF' control TrifoZiwn By using the control the Brassica, repens, Castanea, CaUuna, and Afyosotie. pollens were: distributed random statement 61, 'SET - TRUNC(UNIFORM(2.0))', the uniform (2.0) generates uniformly To select 50% can be expected to be between 0 and 1.0. Of these numbers so generated, numbers between 0 and 2.0. SET The use of the trunc function Therefore, give O's for these numbers and I's for the others. will in which the expected probability of the value 0 is 0.5 or some number close will be a random variable The SELECT - SET(O) specifies that only those honey samples for which a set have a value of 0 to it. function be used to compute discriminant will The other honey samples for rate cation (Hadlaihull Some of the processing were included. others options The structure of 1, these will in the SPSS control specified Details of the modified the samples will be used for be classified. estimating the misclassift- 1981). This removed unnecessary which were required. other which SET has a value and Nie, but all coefficients, analysis of these options section file not required are given of the SPSS control listed file in part in this by Nie et al., given below: 43) COMPUTE LYS-SQRT(AAl) 44) COMPUTE ASP-SQRT(AA2) 45) COMPUTE THR-SQRT(AA3) 46) COMPUTE SER-SQRT(AA4) 47) COMPUTE GLU-SQRT(AA5) 48) COMPUTE PRo-sQRT(AA6) 49) COMPUTE GLY-SQRT(AA7) 50) COMPUTE ALA-SQRT(AA8) 51) COMPUTE VAL-SQRT(AA9) 52) COMPUTE ILE-SQRT(AA10) 53) COMPUTE LEU-SQRT(AA11) 54) COMPUTE TYR-SQRT(AA12) 55) COMPUTE PHE-SQRT(AA13) 56) IF (Pl EQ 301 AND P2 GT 70.0) POLLEN-1 57) IF (Pl EQ 308 AND P2 GT 70.0) POLLEN-2 58) IF (Pl EQ 318 AND P2 GT 70.0) POLLEN-3 59) IF (Pl EQ 319 AND P2 GT 70.0) POLLEN-4 60) IF (Pl EQ 328 AND P2 GT 70.0) POLLEN-5 61) COMPUTE SET-TRUNC(UNIFORM(2.0)) 62) DISCRIMINANT GROUPS-POLLEN(1..5. )/VARIABLES-LYS TO PHE/ 63) SELECT-SET(O)/ 64) ANALYSIS-LYS TO PHE/ 65) METHOD-MAHAL/ in part (b) were omitted and case and introduced (1975). (b) above has been listed 354. 66) MAKSTEPS-26/ 67) FUNCTIONS-3,100., l. / 68) PRIORS-EQUAL/ 69) OPTIONS 2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 70) STATISTICS 1.2,3.4,5,6,7,8,9 71) READ INPUT DATA 72) FINISH (d) Control Statements repens, Castanea, Year 1981 and 1982, and the Five Main Pollens of Calendar Calluna of control were used for distinguishing year 1981 and 1982 were recoded that (ii) the control statements 2. 3. 4. between the twelve calendar months. to represent These control each year. 56 to 60 of the SPSS control file eiven recoding the numerical the months of the calendar below statements listed in part (c) Ql(202-212) 57) RECODE Ql(102-112) 70) RECODE Ql(203-212) 58) RECODE Ql(103-112) 71) RECODE Ql(204-212) 59) RECODE Ql(104-112) 72) RECODE Q1(205-212) 60) RECODE Ql(105-112) 73) RECODE Ql(206-212) 61) RECODE Ql(106-112) 74) RECODE Ql(207-212) 62) RECODE Ql(107-112) 75) RECODE Ql(208-212) 63) RECODE QI(108-112) 76) RECODE Ql(209-212) 64) RECODE Ql(109-112) 77) RECODE Ql(210-212) 65) RECODE Ql(110-112) 78) RECODE Ql(211-212) 66) RECODE Ql(111-112) 79) RECODE Ql(212-212) 67) RECODE Ql(112-112) 80) IF (Ql EQ 112) YEAR-1 68) RECODE Ql(201-212) 81) IF (Ql EQ 212) YEAR-2 by those given Brassica of the control statements below to specify: pollen 79) IF (Ql EQ 112 AND Pl EQ 301) YEAR-1 80) IF (Ql EQ 212 AND PI EQ 301) YEAR-2 Trifolium repens pollen 79) IF (Ql EQ 112 AND Pl EQ 308) YUR-1 80) IF (Ql EQ 212 AND Pl EQ 308) YEAR-2 Castanea pollen 79) IF (Ql EQ 112 AND Pl EQ 318) YEAR-1 80) IF (Ql EQ 212 AND Pl EQ 318) YEAR-2 CaZZunapollen 79) IF ld.ýosoti8 (Ql EQ 112 ANDPl EQ 319) YEAR-1 (Ql EQ 212 ANDPI EQ 319) YEAR-2 pollen 79) IF (Ql EQ 112 AND Pl EQ 328) YEAR-1 80) IF (Ql EQ 212 AND Pl EQ 328) YEAR-2 codes All 69) RECODE 80) IF 5. which were used for Ql(101-112) Given below are the modifications 1. statements 56) RECODE replaced Tri-foZium and MyosotiB Given below is the structure replaced - Brassica. abovel 79 and 80 in the above list and were 355. (a) Control Statements below Given are of Heating modifications and Sugar of the Feeding control 79 to statements 80 from (d) to specify: Heating (ii) (f) 79) IF (Q2 EQ 88) HEAT-1 80) IF (Q2 EQ 99) HEAT-2 Sugar feeding 79) IF (Q3 EQ 88) SUCAR-1 80) IF (Q3 EQ 99) SUCAR-2 Control Statements of the Four Combination Given below is the list of Bested and Sugar-fed Groups the four various combinations of the statements which specified These control two questionnaire questions number 5 and 6 into two groups, that is, 'HEATSF1 and 2'. control statements 56 to 60 given in part (c) above. statements were used to replace the 'IF' (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the 'heated of control and sugar-fed' group and the tnot heated 56) IF (Q2 EQ 88 AND Q3 EQ 88) HEATSF-1 57) IF (Q2 EQ 99 AND Q3 EQ 99) HEATSF-2 the 'heated and not sugar-fed' group and the 'not heated 56) IF (Q2 EQ 88 AND Q3 EQ 99) HEATSF-1 57) IF (Q2 EQ 99 AND Q3 EQ 88) HEATSF-2 the 'heated and not sugar-fed' group and the 'not heated 56) IF (Q2 EQ 88 AND Q3 EQ 99) HEATSF-1 57) IF (Q2 EQ 99 AND Q3 EQ 99) HEATSF-2 the 'heated and sugar-fed' group and the 'not and not sugar-fed' heated 56) IF (Q2 EQ 88 AND Q3 EQ 88) HEATSF-1 57) IF (Q2 EQ 99 AND Q3 EQ 88) HEATSF-2 and sugar-fed' groups: groups: and not sugar-fed' and sugar-fed' groups: groups: 356. APPENDIX VII DISCRIMINANT (a) A Typical ANALYSIS OF THE FOREICN AND COMMERCIAL HONEYS SPSS Control for File the Foreign and Commercial Honeys file Given below is an SPSS control between country groups from the that was used to discriminante foreign and commercial honey samples. file is similar This SPSS control in structure to that listed in Appendix VI (b). The only differences are in the 'NUMBEROF CASES's 'VAR LABELS', 'VALUE LABELS' and 'IF' to select control In this statements. the following case the 'IF' These countries countries. control were: the SPSS statements 54 to 58 specified Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and England commercial. The structure file of the SPSS control typed in at a visual display is listed below in the order required by the SPSS which was terminal. unit 1) RUN NAME A TEST OF DISCRIMINANT ON FOREIGN AND COMMERCIALHONEYS 2) VARIABLE LIST W 3) AA9 TO AA13 4) Ql TO Q3, Pl TO P9. BFC 5) Al TO A17 6) INPUT MEDIUM IFC11 TO AA8 7) INPUT FORMAT FIXED(SF10.2/5FlO. 8) F3.0,2X, 2(F2.0,3X), 9) 17F3.0) 2/ 3(F3.0,2X, F5.1), 2F5.1, Fl. 0,2X, F3,0/ 10) NO OF CASES 64 11) VAR LABELS AA1, LYS/AA2, ASP/AA3, THR/AA4, SER/AA5. GLU/ 12) AA6, PRO/AA7,GLY/AA8, ALA/AA9, VAL/AA10, ILE/ 13) AA11, LEU/AA12, TYR/AA13, PHE/ 14) Ql, COUNTRYOF ORIGIN/ 15) Q2, / 16) Q3, HAS THIS SAMPLEOF HONEYBEEN COMMERCIALLYPROCESSED? YES OR NOI 17) PI. PREDOMINANT POLLEN>45%/ 18) P2, PERCENTAGE OF Pl/ 19) P3, SECONDARY POLLEN 16% 20) P4, PERCENTAGE OF P3/ 21) P5, SECONDARY POLLEN 16% 22) P6, PERCENTAGE OF P5/ 23) P7, PERCENTAGE OF UNIDENTIFIED 24) P8, PERCENTAGE OF SHRIVELLED POLLEN/ 25) P9, POLLEN CONTENT/ 26) BFC, ENGLISH HONEY OR FOREIGN AND COMMERCIAL HONEY- 27) Al, a-ABU/A2, 28) A5, CYS/A6, CLUC/A7, GLN/A8, HIS/A9, 29) A109TRP/All, HPRO/Al2, 30) AlS, PIP/Al6, P/Al7, 31) VALUE LABEL 45%/ POLLEN/ ARG/A4, ASN/ y-ABU/A3, Ql(OO1)AUSTRIA 45%/ MET/ HPIP/Al3, MEHIS/Al5,0-ALA/ (002)AUSTRALIA (003)ARGENTINA X/ 32) (005)CAYMAN ISLAND 33) (009)GREECE (01O)HUNGARY 34) (013)MEXICO (014)NEW 35) (017)UNKNOWN COUNTRY ORIGIN STARCH (020)GOLDEN SYRUP 36) Q3, 37) Pl (999) NOT PRESENT P3 (999) NOT PRESENT NOT PRESENT P5 (999) 38) P2 (100) NOT PRESENT P4 (100) NOT PRESENT NOT PRESENT P6 (100) (44) (006)CHINA (007)CHILE (004)CANADA (011)INDIA (012)MALTA ZEALAND (015)RUSSIA PROCESSED (55) (008)FRANCE (018)ENGLISH NOT PROCESSED (00) (016)SPAIN (019)POTATO UNKNOWN 357... 39) P9 (1) VERY LOW OR ZERO (2) LOW (3) MEDIUM (4) HIGH (5) VERY HIGH (0) NOT POLLEN 40) Al TO A17 (66) PRESENT(77) NOT PRESENT(00) UNKNOWN 41) COMPUTE LYS-SQRT(AAl) 42) COMPUTE ASP-SQRT(AA2) 43) COMPUTE THR-SQRT(AA3) 44) COMPUTE SER-SQRT(AA4) 45) COMPUTE GLU-SQRT(AA5) 46) COMPUTE PRO-SQRT(AA6) 47) COMPUTE GLY-SQRT(AA7) 48) COMPUTE AIA-SQRT(AA8) 49) COMPUTE VAL-SQRT(AA9) 50) COMPUTE ILE-SQRT(AA10) 51) COMPUTE LEU-SQRT(AA11) 52) COMPUTE TYR-SQRT(AA12) 53) COMPUTE PHE-SQRT(AA13) 54) IF (Ql EQ 002) COUNTRY-1 55) IF (Ql EQ 004) COUNTRY-2 56) IF (Ql EQ 013) COUNTRY-3 57) IF (Ql EQ 014) COUNTRY-4 58) IF (Ql EQ 018) COUNTRY-5 59) COMPUTE SET-TRUNC(UNIFORM(2.0)) 60) DISCRIMINANT S. )/VARIABLES-LYS TO PHE/ GROUPS-COUNTRY(1., 61) SELECT-SET(O)/ 62) ANALYSIS-LYS TO PHE/ 63) METHOD/MAHAL/ 64) MAXSTEPS-26/ 65) FUNCTIONS-3,100., l. / 66) PRIORS-EQUAL/ 67) OPTIONS 2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12 68) STATISTICS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 69) READ INPUT DATA 70) FINISH (b) Control Listed Statements of the Country, below are the control of the SPSS control file Floral statements given in Part Source, (Ql EQ 002) COUNTRY-1 55) IF (v) Types and Commercial Processing which were used for (a) above. (1) 54) IF (111) Pollen (11) replacing the control statements 54 to 58 54) IF (Ql EQ 002) COUNTRY-1 (Ql EQ co4) COUNTRY-2 55) IF (Ql EQ 004) COUNTRY-2 56) IF (Ql EQ 013) COUNTRY-3 56) IF (Ql EQ 006) COUNTRY-3 57) IF (Ql EQ 014) COUNTRY-4 57) IF (Ql EQ 013) COUNTRY-4 58) IF (Ql EQ 014) COUNTRY-5 54) IF (Ql EQ oo2) COUNTRY-1 (iv) 54) IF (Ql EQ 002) COUNTRY-1 55) IF (Ql EQ 004) COUNTRY-2 55) IF (Ql EQ 004) COUNTRY-2 56) IF (Ql EQ 006) COUNTRY-3 56) IF (Ql EQ 006) COUNTRY-3 57) IF (Ql EQ 008) COUNTRY-4 57) IF (Ql EQ 008) COUNTRY-4 58) IF (Ql EQ 013) COUNTRY-5 58) IF (Ql EQ 011) COUNTRY-5 59) IF (Ql EQ 014) COUNTRY-6 54) IF (Ql EQ 008) COUNTRY-1 54) RECODE Ql(009-001) 55) IF (Ql EQ 016) COUNTRY-2 55) RECODE Ql(016-008) 56) IF (Ql EQ 018) COUNTRY-3 56) IF (Ql EQ 001) HONEY,l 57) IF (Ql EQ 008) HONEY-2 (vi) 358. (vii) (ix) (c) Control 54) IF (Pl EQ 308) POLLEN-1 55) IF (Pl EQ 337) POLLEN-2 54) IF (Q3 EQ 44) PROCESS-1 55) IF (Q3 EQ 55) PROCESS-2 Statements used for Distinguishing Between United (1) 54) IF (BFC EQ 000) COUNTRY-1 55) IF (BFC EQ 001) COUNTRY-2 54) IF (BFC EQ 000) COUNTRY-1 55) IF (Ql EQ 002) COUNTRY-2 56) IF (Ql EQ 004) COUNTRY-3 57) IF (Ql EQ 006) COUNTRY-4 58) IF (Ql EQ 009) COUNTRY-5 59) IF (Ql EQ 011) COUNTRY-6 60) IF (Qj EQ 018) COUNTRY-7 0 (ii) (viii) 54) IF (Pl EQ 308) POLLEN-1 55) IF (PI EQ 337) POLLEN-2 56) IF (Pl EQ 325) POLLEN-3 Kingdom and Foreign Honeys 359. APPENDIX VIII IDENTIFIED POLLEN CRAINS Pollen grains have been listed were identified, that The identity below. in the two hundred and fifty as described, was determined of each grain levels at three samples of honey six namely of classification, in that order. The species of pollen for each genus are given as those genus and species, to be present according to those quoted by Sawyer (1975 and 1981) and Crane. Walker and Day most likely (1984). CommonEnglish names equivalent of the Latin botanical names have also been included for reference. family, plant TABLE VIII of Pollen List compared with grains those reported Family Plant in the U. K. survey and the foreign and commercial honey samples, by Sawyer (1975 and 1981) and Crane, Walker and Day (1984) identified 1 2 Genus Species (Botanical Survev U. K. honev 3a and Comment (English name) name) samples Aceraceae Acer paeudopZatanue Sycamore MT Aquifoliaceae IZex aquifoZiwn Holly Mr Balsaminaceae Impatiene glanduZifera Policeman's Betulaceae AZnus Alder Boraginaceae , 14yosoti8 gZutinosa Arvensis Forget-me-not MT Caprifoliaceae sambucus nigra Elder MT Compositae Carduu8 acanthoidea Welted Thistle MT Helmet Ox-eye daisy to Chrysanthemum if Taraxacwn officinale Dandelion Cruciferae Bras8ica* napus Rape Ericaceae CaZZuna vuZgari8 Heather (ling) nr Fagaceae Ca8tanea eativa Sweet chestnut VMT to Quercus robur English Guttiferae Bypericum Rose of Sharon Hippocastanaceae AeocuZu.9 caZiciuum hippoca8tanum Horse chestnut Labiate Teucrium scorodonia Wood sage Leguminosae Lotus cornicuZatu8 Birdsfoot MT oak Trefoil I/ Cont'd KEY 1,2,3 - title is Crane, according to plant species Walker as honey and Day, 1984 and the to other and Day, possible 1984. - For to speices - Data been - Data - Main types of pollen found in honeys according to Sawyer 1975 and 1981. Rare types of pollen found in honeys according to Sawyer 1975 and 1981. RHD each For reference Crane, Walker a- MT The names below - reference other on chemical and physical Walker given by Crane, of Brassica of composition and Day, 1984. the physical on only composition by Crane, Walker and Day, 1984. given Honeydew honey source. of to refer Unifloral sources Table same genus 1981. refer to 7.0. honeys honeys Unifloral of Sawyer, of of this this pollen pollen source source have have been 360. Table VIII cont'd Plant Family' Genus 2 Species (Botanical Leguminosae MeZitotua name) 3a Comment (English name) aZba White Melilot V VR to Onobrychia viciifoZia Sainfoin 11 2!r-ifOziW? I incarnatum Crimson Clover it N praten8e Red Clover MT to ff repene White Clover MT faba Field Bean to Vicia AZliwn Liliaceae + MT Lily if Endymion non-scriptue Bluebell to Lilium regale Royal Malvaceae Malva eyZve8tri8 Mallow Oleaceae Ligu8trum vuZgare Privet Onagraceae Epilobium augu8tifolium Rosebay Pinaceae Pinus eylve8tri8 Scots PolemDniaceae Phlox drummondii Phlox Polygonaceae Fagopyrwn e8cuZentwn Buckwheat Ranunculaceae Mematis vitalba Traveller's it HelZeborus niger Christmas Rosaceae Cotoneaster Lily MT Pine HD R Joy Rose Cotoneaster of Fragaria x ananassa Strawberry it MaZue domestica Apple of Frunu, s domestica Plum + MT to Pyrue commnis Pear if Rubus fruticosus Blackberry Salicaceae SaZix caprea Sallow Scrophulariacea Linaria vulgaris Common Toadflax Tiliaceae Tilia cordata Lime Umbelliferae Heracteum ephondyliwn Hogweed Urticaceae Vrtica dioica Nettle Violiaceae Viola tricolor Pansy English Commercial + MT (Willow) + MT Samples VR Boraginaceae Schiwn vulgare Viper's Compositae Helianthus Qnnuus Sunflower R Cruciferae Bra8sica vapus Rape MT Ericaceae CaUuna vulgaris Heather Fagaceae Castanea sativa Sweet Chestnut Labialae Roamrinus officinaZie Rosemary Leguminosae Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot of Robinia pseudoacacia False Acacia to 2rifoZiwn pratanse Red Clover MT repens faba White Clover MT to of ff Vicia Myrtaceae EucaZyptua Tiliaceae TiZia cordata Field Bugloss (ling) MT MT Trefoil Bean MT Eucalyptus R Lime MT Cont'd 361. Table VIII cont'd Plant Family 1 Genus 2 Species (Botanical Foreign name) 3a Comment (English name) Samples America's Argentina Compositae Cirsium Cruciferae Braesica Myrtaceae Sucalyptus to Thistle napue Rape Eucalyptus - - - Boraginaceae Echium vulgare Viper's Compositae Cirsium Cruciferee Braseica Leguminosae Acacia Acacia it MeZilotus Melilot to Zrifozium it MT MT Canada to Myrtaceae - napu8 Bugloss of Thistle MT Rape MT pratanse Red Clover MT repen8 White MT Eucalyptus Clover Eucalyptus Cayman Island Bruseraceae MT Ericaceae Tiliaceae filia Lime Chile Boraginaceae Echium pZantagineum Purple Bugloss Bruseraceae Compositae Taraxacum Dandelion Labiatae Myrtaceae Mexico Bruseraceae MT Compositae Viguiera Leguminosae Acacia It Robinia heZianthoidee pseudoacacia "Tah" Railway Daisy + MT Wattle It MT False Acacia Myrtaceae Eýucalyptus Polygonaceae Fagopyrum esculentum Buckwheat Proteaceae Banksia serrata Red Honeysuckle Tiliaceae TiZia Eucalyptus Lime Cont'd ..... 362. Table VIII Plant cont'd Family 1 2 Genus Species (Botanical name) 3a Comment (English name) Asia China Compositae it Cirsium Thistle Yaraxacum Dandelion Rape Cruciferae Bras8ica Leguminosae Acacia Wattle go Lotus Birdsfoot It Robinia p8eudbacacia False Acacia of 2rifoZium pratanse Red Clover repens White Clover faba Field It of of napus Vicia Trefoil Bean + Eucalyptus Myrtaceae Eucalyptus Polygonaceae Fagopyrum Rutaceae Citrus Citrus Tiliaceae TiZia Lime Urticaceae Urtica Nettle eacuZentwn Buckwheat Australia Australia Boraginaceae Echium pZantagenium Purple Cruciferae Brasaica napus Rape MT Leguminosae Acacia Wattle MT Myrtaceae EucaZyptus Eucalyptus MT to Protenceae Banksia eerrata Bugloss MT MT Red Honeysuckle MT Thistle MI MT New Zealand Compositae Cirsium Cruciferae Brassica napua Rape Leguminosae 2yifozium repens White Myrtaceae Eucalyptu8 MT Clover MT Eucalyptus Russia Boraginaceae Echium Compositae Cir8iwn pZantageniwn Purple Bugloss Thistle Viguiera heZianthoides "Tah" Railway Daisy Cruciferae Bra8sica napue Rape Myrtaceae EucaZyptus of + Eucalyptus Cont'd ..... 363. Table VIII cont'd ..... Plant Family' Genus 2 Species (Botanical name) 3a Comment (English name) Europe Austria Compositae Cirsium Thistle Ericaceae Erica Heather/Heath Fagaceae Ca8tanea Chestnut France Compositae Helianthus annuus Sunflower Cruciferae Bra8sica napus Rape Fagaceae Castanea Sweet Chestnut 11 Hippocastanaceae AescuZus Horse Chestnut VI Leguminosae Acacia Wattle of Rosaceae IF 2rifoZium repene White Clover Prunus Fruit Pyrus Blossom Greece Compositae Centaurea Ericaceae Erica Leguminosae Lotus of cyanus Cornflower Heather/Heath cornicuZatus Onobrychis Birdsfood Trefoil Sainfoin V, Hungary Compositae Relianthua annuus Sunflower of Taraxacum officinale Dandelion Cruciferae Brassica napus Rape Leguminosae 2-rifoZium repens White Clover Robinia paeudoacacia False Acacia to Malta Labiatae Ro8marinua Leguminosae Lotus it Rosemary corniculatus Birdsfoot MeZilotus Mililot Cirsium Thistle Trefoil V, IEILin Compositae MT to HeZianthu8 annuus Sunflower of Viguiera heZianthoides "Tah" Railway Daisy Cruciferae Bras8ica napus Rape Leguminosae Robinia pseudoacacia False 2rifolium pratense Red Clover repene White Clover $I It IF Rutaceae Citrus Salicaceae SaZix Citrus caprea willow + MT acacia ot MT rr 364. APPENDIX IX LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1. Croft, L. R., 'Analysis 2. session) International Electrophoretic Mistry, Washington, R. P., 'Correlation at 3. as poster the 'lst Washington, 'Analytic Association, at the 'Fifth Society' with Pollen Bee Research Workers R. J., L. R. and Mistry, Studies on Honey' Cardiff. (1986) - of the L. R. (1986) Analysis' Colloquia' International Meeting in London. R. J. and Croft, of Amino Acids Croft, R. J. in Honey by Gel Electrophoresis' the Proteins of (presented R. P. and Washington, Mistry, (lecture) in London. R. P. (1986) Bee Research POSSIBLE CONMBUTION TO BEE WORTD the first At Bee Research 19th London on at held Colloquium February 1986j, papers were read by R. J. Washington, R. P. Mistry S. on behalf Slight of work Since 1975,, scine 27 graduate our the with supervision, have been involved, students analysis of hive the (Miss M. A. Siddiqui) levels acid (Mr. R. ýYs fOr with rxallen-freel floral He also carried '7bis technique BBKA. ' the amino acid to sources and ccrrputer predictions out a honey was -shown sanple to be feasible the upper limit is work progressing even and mis- on the toxicity which has been neglected. of 9 mg HMF-per ml of fluid of He showed that, prevented all synthesis. The mechanism of action protein synthesis Showed, in vitro, arrested UK of of the protein in the detection of adulteration of honey, there RW (Mr. S. Lee), a field lens survey in heather honey. as an interest representation protein -source saffriples. responsible for thixotrophy in vitro, floral of free amino quantitation Progress was also made on the characterisation As well under and of honey (Mr. J. M. patterns and,, most recently,, determined P. Mistry). for of relationship of 7he major products. eaphasis has been on the amino acids of pollen Carter), Departnent of Salford. Sciences, University Biological by the out carried and protein that is of bee venom, principally being investigated changes to lens structure,, by Mr. S. Slight. on He injected, bee 10 per ml of vencm ug of levels synthesis melittin, in the eye lens resulting and caused irreversible in opacity. R. J. Washington L. R. Croft Washington, R. J., Croft, L. R. and Piistry,, R. P. (1986) Analysis honey. Paper presented, Iv-don, 19th February of Croft# L. R.'j %shingtont R. J. and Kistryl R. P. J1986) Final report.: Amlysis The Reekeepers'-A"oci&Uon Yiar Book, of honey. -British June, p2O Croft, L. It-# Kistryt R. F. and Wshingtont R. J. (1986) Arýalysis _' SO Int. the Proteins Conf. of honey by gel electr6phorasis. Electrcphoresiss Icndbnl September (to be- pub: 'Springer-Werlag) of ýbri. the 4,6a-e Mi R. lvl, P. M; s '07( -re pill h c4lf-Plo" te yp. tv, 4.4 4 7W7/f'7 ANALYSIS OF THE PROTEINSIN MONEYBY GEL ELECTROPHDRESIS-. , L. R. Croft, R. P. Pistry Department of Biological Vniversity of Salford. and R. J. Washington 77 Sciences, Salford N5 4WT. U. K. I INTRODUCTION The adulteration and misrepresentation of honey ari major threats to the viability of the apicultural industry (1). At this present time honey may be subject to adulteration with high fructose syrups. Although-these may be-detected in honey by stable isotope analysis. the Instrumentation necessary Is-extremely tostly bindnot* ily available to manypublic analysts (2). In addition the technique is not 'read- to detect able the presence of high fructose syrups prepared from C3 Plants (3)'. On the other hand. (4). but palynology sieved so that most misrepresentation this of the is not pollen honey may -be V*odflydetected--by-fwlfsslý-ýI the honey ýduring prockssine-hat'b"n"hiolyso if 'has been nmwve;. of apýr; 'xiýýiely 0.5% protein. : These.include specific. Moneyis knownto contain ihthese od hence i go bee, are from of the directly derived reducedlevels enzymes , also Other 'These, present, has ate ptDteins dication that adulteration OccurredIn the main, are deri ved f rom the pol I en, or pi ant-i-Octar%,and SWstrve iks 'the- basi s-, for the determination Of the floral, and so, geogriphic4l to-igin of'the h6nVy. Our proc*4riA-4j-JwmIYes. jmAIysis by PAGE -el ectrophoresi &:of j protei rv concentrates bdultersti=-`and-`ý derived from honey and is a simple and effective means-forldetetting misrepiesenution. 2 METHODS The proteins pýesent-16 i-sample of honey are concentrated by ultrafiltration (Amicon Standard cell fitted with a UKID membrane).- This process. which is carried out at 40C, is continued. after repeated dilution -of the swiple, until the "'*-' The resulting, is negative for sugar. mainly protein toncentiate! iS-freeii-dried. polyscrylamid,. sodium after dodecyl destaining gel sulphate electrophoresis (6). are scanned Gels of the samples are stained is Cor&cted with-Commassit. on on ISCO model 659 scanner. '- in, the presence brilliant-Blue '.. , --I ýt---ý and of - 3 RESULTS Because of the low levels of proteins in honey it was found to be necessary to ýý AX submit the sWles to a preliminary concentration .in, separation of the proteins in the concentrates was ochievedIX-eloctrophoresis. the presence of SDS, on 10%polyacryl&mide gels. In this way it was found that as many as eleven protein bonds could be rtsolved in the honey samples. The presence or absence of any of these bands was used to j:: *IIir-honey simple with regard to its likely geographical characterize origin. The technique is also &ble. to detect adulteration and in fact is so sensitive been had that honeys obtained from bees fed on detect to substitutes. -pollen as 4 ACKNDWLEDGEW-WT-ý-ý-u-ýý='ý-ý'-ý WewDuldlike to thank the British Beekeepers'Asoclation. for fl. n#ncipl support. 5 REFERENCES (1) L. R. Craft, tritish see a. JOB (19BO) 231-234- -_ :: J. W. White, L. W. Boner, J. Assoc. Off. lknal. Chm... fil J. W. Trumpeterjjwr, -kt-4.,, --. 1ý -. I-- ) 7ýk-750.,. _11978. a2j (1981) 857-W,, (4) R.W. Sawyer, Pollen Identification 1981. (5) R-P- MistrY, (6) K. Weber,-_, #L. for Beekeepers, Ujversity- Ph.D. Thesis. University of Salford, 1986.. Chem. 244 (1969). 4406-4412,e. -ý%- of-, Cardiff ,_-, - I _ L- .