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Ggwatiro Hospital Internship Weekly Report (April 2022)

FROM 12TH TO 14th APRIL 2022
This report consists of activities done from Tuesday 12th April 2022 to Thursday 14th April 2022
at Ggwatiro Hospital. A summary of the activities performed during the week includes;
Blood donation drive
Review of the fieldwork tasks
Meeting with the on-site supervisor and drawing a work plan
This was conducted by Madam Betsy Mugamba Kironde (The Accounting Officer), Madam
Lubandi Cissy, Madam Haawa and other staff.
Report writing is one of the activities required by the Ggwatiro Hospital internship programme
to assess various activities performed in the finance department and challenges encountered in
the week. Presentation of the report is often done on Monday of the following week.
General Objectives:
To equip the internee with the rules and regulations of the hospital.
To help the internee identify the relevant authorities in the hospital.
To do physical estimations, budgeting, recording and accounting for the resources used.
To work as a team with the accountants in the hospital.
Specific Objectives:
To sensitize the general public about blood donation and HIV testing in Ggwatiro
To find out the duties of an accountant in Ggwatiro Hospital.
Target Audience:
The hospital staff and the community members at kiwanga zone in Bweyogerere town.
FROM 12TH TO 14th APRIL 2022
Description of Activities
1. Orientation
Orientation was conducted on 12th/04/2022 by Dr Mwesigwa the general supervisor of the
internees at Ggwatiro hospital. I was able to learn many things such as the vision, and
mission and got to know most of the departments like accounts, outpatients, the theatre,
washrooms, and the venue for my practical training among others.
I understood the importance of adhering to the rules and regulations of any organization
that an employee is working for.
The vision is “To be a leading quality health care provider to the community and general
public” and the mission is “To continue building the already existing services through
modernization and professionalism of medical services to national and international
2. Blood Donation Drive
This took place on 13TH/04/2022 where I participated in estimating the cash used to
purchase apparatus like needles, gloves, masks, client cards and drinks for refreshment.
I also recorded the number of clients who turned up and donated blood and those who
could not as a result of a shortage of resources.
3. Drawing a work plan
This activity was intended to enable the internee understand the scope of an internship
programme. I, therefore, learnt how to schedule the activities to be performed on a weekly
basis to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in activity outcomes.
Ggwatiro hospital is one of the oldest private hospitals in Uganda because it has been operating
since 1982.
The outputs of every activity are documented and a review of it is done later so as to identify
the gaps for example staff gap, apparatus gap and so on. This helps the management to budget
appropriately for related activities in the future.
FROM 12TH TO 14th APRIL 2022
Many people turned up to donate blood in exchange for a bottle of soda and a packet of
There was a challenge of fewer people donating blood due to the fasting period for both
Muslims and Christians.
It was an exciting moment to enjoy loud music at the blood donation venue which attracted
many locals but besides that, I was able to help out in the accounting of the resources given like
the gloves, testing kits, drinks etc.
I suggest that the hospital administration should renew its sign post fixed near the highway at
Bweyogerere town and advertise such events so that clients can access the right information at
the right time from the right place.