Uploaded by Julie Douglas

Black People and Reparations

Julie-Ann Douglas
Mr. chrestay
English Hon 1
May 22, 2016
Reparations for Slavery
Why not blacks? How come other groups have been compensated but when it
comes to African- Americans being reimbursed for their forced labor people see it as
something that can't be done? Reparations for slavery has always been a serious
topic that people have been arguing about for years. Before the civil war ended,
General William Tecumseh Sherman issued an order that would give every former
slave family 40 acres of land and an army mule, sadly the order was not acted
upon. African Americans deserve reparations for their forced work, destroyed
economics, separated families, broken traditions, and countless other conflicts caused
by slavery that still affect the black community today. Descendants of slaves
should be compensated for their ancestors struggles.
Giving African Americans reparations for slavery can solve many problems in
the government and the Black community. To start off on the reasons as to why
reparations are a good idea, it can level the playing field for African Americans
and settle the dispute between the two constantly battling races and future ones to
come. If reparations are given to the African Americans what would they have to
complain about when it comes to economics? Economics is the core problem to
the mass incarceration, killings, and of course poverty in the community. Imagine
the possibilities of the better schools, teachers, higher forms of education, it would
lessen the amount of children dropping of high school, more black children going
to college, it could possibly end the racial tension between whites and blacks.
Whites may not realize that just because slavery was 150 years ago doesn't mean
that the negative effects of slavery still linger around in the black community.
Though it was a long time ago it still left blacks economically and mentally
There are people who are against the idea of reparations. Some believe that
there is no specific person to blame for slavery it would be unfair to make
people who have ancestors that probably had nothing to do with slaves pay for
something their entire lineage had nothing to do with. Walter Williams, a writer in
Capitalism Magazine goes against the idea saying, "For example, in 1956, thousands of
Hungarians fled the brutality of the USSR to settle in the U.S. What do Hungarians owe
black for slavery?".For Americans who don't have a history of slavery to be forced
to pay would in fact be unjust. It wouldn't make sense at all for those people to
be forced to earn money and use that hard earned money compensate a group of
people who have nothing at all to do with them.
Others believe that reparations for slavery wouldn’t be a good idea because
they feel like money isn't the root cause of African Americans being held back.
These people believe that African Americans just need to work harder and that
they had enough time to catch up and get back on their feet. John Hawkins, a
blogger and columnist, also says that "Just giving people money seldom helps to fix
their problem. That’s why America’s “war on poverty” has been an utter and complete
failure. After doling out more than 21 trillion dollars over the last 50 years, we've done
nothing to reduce the poverty rate. Shortly after the War on Poverty got rolling (1967),
about 27% of Americans lived in poverty. In 2012, the last year for which data is
available, the number was about 29%" This is saying that even if the government
does get to compensate African Americans it will not solve all problems in the
black community since "America's war on poverty" wasn’t a success.
According to Mintpressnews.com, "The United States Supreme Court has
ordered the U.S. government to reimburse Native American tribes, including the
Navajo Indians among others, for withholding funds after the federal government
placed a cap on programs provided to the tribes, including education,
environmental protection and security." This is an example of the government
compensating/reimbursing a group of people. So, if our government can return or
compensate money to a group of people why not blacks? Does equality still stand
for African Americans ? You see, equality is "The state of being equal, especially in
status, rights, and opportunities". America preaches that all who live here are equal
that includes Indians, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, African Americans, etc. It is said
that in the Bill of Rights we all are born equal, then why aren't black Americans
eligible for reparations?
Native Americans weren't the only group of people who were compensated for
the wrongdoing of the U.S. government. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor U.S.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 that ordered all
Japanese-Americans to evacuate the West Coast into one of the ten internment
camps across the country. "In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to
compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in
internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid
out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim. The law won congressional
approval only after a decade-long campaign by the Japanese-American
community."(NPR.org). This Act was signed to compensate over 100,000 who were
descendants of imprisoned Japanese survivors during WWII. Sending the
Japanese-Americans to these camps was a civil violation of liberties. If in fact
forcing these people to move from one place to another is a violation of liberties
isn't slavery also a violation of liberty? Yet, still why are African-Americans not
compensated for slavery? The circumstances the Japanese-Americans faced were no
different from the circumstances slaves faced.
African Americans do deserve reparations for slavery. Reparations for slavery
can highly boost the living standards of black Americans. Since 27.4% of African
Americans live in poverty compensation could lessen that percentage drastically.
Also, because white households are so far ahead of black households, according to
Pewresearch.org "The current gap between blacks and whites has reached its highest
point since 1989, when whites had 17 times the wealth of black households."
Compensating descendants of African Americans would surely reduce that gap.
Compensation may also lower the amount of racial tension between whites and
blacks because with the reparations given blacks would get better opportunities,
better schooling.
In conclusion, African American descendants of slaves should receive reparations
for their ancestors forced labor. As stated in paragraph
reparations for slavery