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G485 Fields, Particles and Frontiers of Physics
Plymstock Physics Department
Scheme of Learning (written October 09 RAB)
This Unit is 50% of the A2 (25% of the final A Level mark) and teaching takes part from December in the 2nd year to April.
For examination in June.
There are 5 Modules in this Unit:
Electric and Magnetic Fields: Lessons G485.1 1-20
Capacitors and exponential decay: Lessons G485.2 21-32
Nuclear Physics: Lessons G485.3 33-43
Medical Imaging: Lessons G485.4 44-51
Modelling the Universe: Lessons G485.5 52-58
Practical skills will be taught through theory lessons and therefore if necessary, extra lessons may have to be taken to go over
these separately. During this term, time must be set aside to assess the Quantitative and Evaluative Task 2 and the Qualitative
Task 1 after the content has been taught. If there is more than one group, teachers must liase to ensure that these are done at the
same time as near as possible.
Each lesson (or series of lessons) has a folder containing the resources necessary to teach the suggested activities that have all
been hyper linked to from the SoL. The lessons have the syllabus Objectives that are broken down into student friendly Outcomes
which should be shown to Students either from the booklets or displayed at the beginning of lesson from the PowerPoints. The
lessons also are differentiated for SEN and G&T and Each Module has a note and HW sheet assessment booklet that
accompanies it which links to www.science-spark.co.uk. G&T students can also be challenged throughout the course with th
extension problems and by further reading. Students should log their marks for these topics to highlight any weaknesses.
As a separate assessment, students should also use the mind maps from the textbooks as a start and create one of their own
(http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newISS_01.htm) as they go through the course. These can be marked periodically using
the 2 stars and a wish strategy (AfL) with a final mark given at the end of each module to aid teachers and students in target
setting. Students should review their SWOT analysis from y12 early in y13 and they need to do another one in light of their AS
G485.1.1 Electric Fields
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.1.1 (a)–(h)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
AS 2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to state that electric fields are created by electric charges;
Be able to define electric field strength as force per unit positive charge;
Be able to describe how electric field lines represent an electric field;
Be able to recall the equation E=F/Q
Students should be able to:
(a) state that electric fields are created by electric charges;
(b) define electric field strength as force per unit positive charge;
(c) describe how electric field lines represent an electric field;
Key words
How science works
Coulomb’s law
Potential difference
Potential gradient
Gravitational field Electric fields
Electric field strength
Uniform electric field
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Starter, Main, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading (student notes)
Introduce electric fields - static demo – balloon and Demonstrate the nature
of forces between charged insulator rods hanging from a vertical nylon thread.
Balloons hanging from ceiling cloths of different
Polythene rods, thread, dusters
Revision from GCSE
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Practical 17
Questions from page 90-91 text book.
Suggested plenary activities
lesson 1 - electric fields\practical 17 tech sheet.doc
1. Play/demo an electric field hockey applet.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Update glossary of keywords.
Cross-curriculum links
lesson 1 - electric fields\practical 17 teacher sheet.doc
Teacher notes
PC and projector
Interactive activity: Electric field hockey
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
When dealing with parallel plates it is common to assume the electric field strength is greater the nearer the charge moves towards the plate – use the appropriate electric field diagrams, clearly differentiating
between electric field strength and electric potential.
Some students get confused by the direction of the electric fields – stress the field line shows the direction a charge of 1 C would move.
G485.1.2, 3 Coulomb’s Law
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.1.1 (a)–(h)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
AS 2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(d) select and use Coulomb’s law in the form
F = Qq
4πo r2
(e) select and apply
E =Q
4πo r2 for the electric field strength of a point charge;
Key words
Some students
Be able to select and use Coulomb’s law in the form
F = Qq
4πo r2
Be able to select and apply
E =Q
4πo r2
for the electric field strength of a point charge;
Be able to rearrange and apply
The 2 equations.
How science works
Coulomb’s law
Potential gradient
Uniform electric field
Electric field strength
Gravitational field
Potential difference
Electric fields
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
HSW 5 Develop how to record, analyse and evaluate primary data. Main activity
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading (student notes) PowerPoint
1 Demo Van De Graaf and gold leaf electroscope
2 Demonstrate the nature of forces between charged insulator rods by
bringing a charged rod towards another charged rod on a polystyrene block
which is on a digital balance.
Polythene rods, duster, polystyrene block,
digital balance
Record observations – include how the values on the
balance change. This leads to the inverse square law.
Suggested main activities
Tech sheet prac 18
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1. How would the field look if you made one up? For the class eg. Force
varying with IQ?
2. Describe or provide a simple summary sheet on Millikan’s oil drop
PC and projector
Get students to discuss the historical significance – include the idea of
quantisation of charge. They could produce an article on its importance for
homework. Interactive activity and animation: Millikan’s oil drop experiment.
1 Practical activity 18: Measuring the constant in Coulomb’s law
2 Class questions
Homework suggestions
Lesson 2 HW qs Lesson 3 HW qs answers Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Teacher sheet prac 18
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading further reading of Millikan’s experiment: Interactive activity and animation:
Potential misconceptions
When dealing with parallel plates it is common to assume the electric field strength is greater the nearer the charge moves towards the plate – use the appropriate electric field diagrams, clearly differentiating
between electric field strength and electric potential. Some students get confused by the direction of the electric fields – stress the field line shows the direction a charge of 1 C would move.
G485.1.4 Electric Potential (uniform field)
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.1 (a)–(h)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
AS 2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to select and use
E =V
for the magnitude of the uniform electric field strength between charged
parallel plates;
Students should be able to:
(f) select and use
E =V
for the magnitude of the uniform electric field strength between charged parallel plates;
Key words
How science works
Coulomb’s law
Potential gradient
Uniform electric field
Electric field strength
Gravitational field
Potential difference
Electric fields
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading PowerPoint
Demonstrate the flame probe between parallel plates
As flame probe between parallel plates
Take some results and Show how this leads to E=V/d
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Hotseat on all so far OR have a look at this simulation on electric fields:
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
When dealing with parallel plates it is common to assume the electric field strength is greater the nearer the charge moves towards the plate – use the appropriate electric field diagrams, clearly differentiating
between electric field strength and electric potential.
Some students get confused by the direction of the electric fields – stress the field line shows the direction a charge of 1 C would move.
G485.1.5 Projectile comparisons
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.1 (a)–(h)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
AS 2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(g) explain the effect of a uniform electric field on the motion of charged particles;
(h) describe the similarities and differences between the gravitational fields of point masses and the electric fields of point
Key words
Some students
Be able to explain the effect of a uniform electric field
on the motion of charged particles;
Be able to describe the similarities and differences
between the gravitational fields of point masses and
the electric fields of point charges.
How science works
Coulomb’s law
Potential gradient
Uniform electric field
Electric field strength
Gravitational field
Potential difference
Electric fields
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Teacher notes
Silent reading. PowerPoint
Discuss and compare Coulomb’s law with Newton’s law of gravitation.
Throw a ball
Extend with a summary table of the similarities and differences.
Suggested main activities
Demonstration of the deflection of charged particles by electric fields
Electron deflection by E-fields tube
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Electric fields quiz
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Need to create/find answers (CD for School physics on shared area)
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.1.6 Magnetic Fields
Differentiation …
all students
Most students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.2 (a)–(d)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations:
kinetic energy, current
Some students
Be able to describe the magnetic field patterns of a long straight currentcarrying conductor and a long solenoid.
AS 1.2.1 Force
2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) describe the magnetic field patterns of a long straight current-carrying conductor and a long solenoid;
Key words
How science works
Magnetic field
Magnetic flux density
Electric current Fleming’s left-hand rule
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
HSW 5 Develop how to record, analyse and evaluate primary data (see
Main Activity below).
HSW 6 Uses of electromagnetism including Maglev Trains
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading (student notes)
Demo the magnaprobe with different strength magnets.
Demonstrate magnetic field patterns around two permanent magnets on the OHP.
Draw them on the board.
Magnaprobe, different strength magnets,
transformer coils. Plotting compasses.
Demo equipment to be displayed on OHT.
Suggested main activities
Develop the idea by talking about what a magnetic field is. It describes a
region of space where other magnets will experience a force. The field
strength is represented by the line spacing, (explain new word flux)
arrows show the direction. Can we have one pole by its self? No –
remind of domains.
Teacher notes
Practical: student sheet
Suggested plenary activities
Describe Right hand grip rule Around coil and corkscrew rule around wire.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Update glossary of keywords.
Cross-curriculum links
Teacher notes
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.1.7-8(and 8a) F=BIl and Flemings Left Hand Rule
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2-3 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.1.2 (a)–(d)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: kinetic
energy, current
AS 1.2.1 Force
2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(b) state and use Fleming’s left-hand rule to determine the force on current conductor placed at right angles to a magnetic
field; (c) select and use the equations F = BIL and F = BILsinθ;
(d) define magnetic flux density and the tesla;
Key words
Magnetic field
Magnetic flux density
state Fleming’s left-hand rule to determine the force on current conductor placed at
right angles to a magnetic field;
select and use the equations F = BIL
Be able to define magnetic flux density.
use state Fleming’s left-hand rule to determine the force on current conductor
placed at right angles to a magnetic field;
select and use the equations F = BILsinθ;
How science works
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading (student notes) PowerPoint
Demos TAP 412-1 – force on a piece of foil (changing amount of current,
direction of current, direction of field) and forces between two current carrying
412-2 magnetic trapeze. Look at direction of force and how this varies with
direction of field and current. Remind of Flemings Left Hand Rule.
As sheet 412-1
As sheet 412-2
See sheets. 412-1 412-2
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
1 Practical activity 20: The force on a wire carrying a current in a magnetic
2 questions
3 Practical 21
1 See technician worksheet.
1 See teacher worksheet.
1 Also 412-3
3 tech worksheet
3 teacher worksheet
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1Electromagnetism Qwiz
2 answers
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Some students
Electric current Fleming’s left-hand rule
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
Can link to qwizdom
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading lecture 13
Potential misconceptions
G485.1.9, 10, 11 Moving charge in a magnetic field
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.2 (a)–(h)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: kinetic
energy, current
AS 1.2.1 Force
2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(e) select and use the equation F = BQv for the force on a charged particle travelling at right angles to a uniform magnetic field;
(f) analyse the circular orbits of charged particles moving in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field by relating the
magnetic force to the centripetal acceleration it causes;
(g) analyse the motion of charged particles in both electric and magnetic fields;
(h) explain the use of deflection of charged particles in the magnetic and electric fields of a mass spectrometer (HSW 6a).
Key words
Magnetic field
Electric current Fleming’s left-hand rule (FLHR)
Centripetal force Centripetal acceleration
Electric field Mass spectrometer
Uniform magnetic field
Magnetic flux density
Circular motion
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Some students
Be able to select and use the equation F = BQv for the force on a charged particle
travelling at right angles to a uniform magnetic field.
Be able to analyse the circular orbits of charged particles moving in a plane
perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field by relating the magnetic force to the
centripetal acceleration it causes.
Be able to analyse the motion of charged particles in both electric and magnetic
Be able to explain the use of deflection of charged particles in the magnetic and
electric fields of a mass spectrometer (HSW 6a).
Be able to derive the equation F = BQv from the definition of current and magnetic
flux density.
How science works
Use of mass spectrometer (HSW 6a)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Most students
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Main activity 2.
Teacher notes
Prompts can be given – Q = It, s = d/t, etc. Show the derivation on the
board and explain that one is used for currents in wires while the other is for
particles moving in B-fields. Stress the importance of the motion being at
right angles to the field.
1 Give students five minutes to derive F = BQv from F = BIL.
Go through derivation notes
2 powerpoint
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
1 Demonstrate Maltese cross and deflect with permanent magnets and
electron beams using cathode ray tubes and Helmholtz coils.
Discuss charged particles in B-fields and review work on circular motion,
orbits of charged particles and the use of fine beam tube.
2 Get students to write a users guide for a mass spectrometers in a
presentation (p104-105) – including samples of obtained data using the link.
3. Demo Teltron tube and find charge/mass ratio
1 Fine beam tube
1 Discuss the effect of the B-field and link back to circular motion equations.
Interactive activity: Charged particle in a uniformed magnetic field
2 Laptops/ICT suite (trip to UNI?)
3 Teltron demo
2 An interactive mass spectrometer can be found on the
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/Hbase/magnetic/maspec.html and
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1 Discuss how the Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the solar wind.
2 Hotseat
3 wordsplat
Homework suggestions
1 Images of Van Allen belt and northern lights
1 Include a simple discussion on the northern lights.
Start Mind map. Hw questions answers
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Research particle accelerators and produce a report using PowerPoint – this can include the search for the Higgs Boson; a simple explanation of how LINACs and/or cyclotrons and/or synchrotrons work.
Potential misconceptions
When using FLHR some students mix up the direction of electron flow with current – stress FLHR is force–field–current and the current is + to – (the use of the term conventional current is also helpful). This is
particularly challenging when dealing with electron streams in fine beam tubes and particle accelerators. A good strategy is to ensure students always add an arrow showing the direction of conventional current
before attempting problems.
G485.1.12, 13 Electromagnetic Induction
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.3 (a)–(h)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
radiations: potential difference
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Most students
Some students
Be able to define magnetic flux;
Be able to define the weber.
Be able to select and use the equation for magnetic flux φ=BAcosθ;
Learning Objectives
Be able to rearrange and use the equation for magnetic flux φ=BAcosθ
Students should be able to:
(a) define magnetic flux;
(b) define the weber.
(c) select and use the equation for magnetic flux φ=BAcosθ;
(d) define magnetic flux linkage;
Key words
Be able to define magnetic flux linkage;
Magnetic flux
Lenz’s law
How science works
Magnetic flux density
Electromagnetic induction
Magnetic flux linkage Faraday’s law
a.c. generator Fleming’s right-hand rule (FRHR)
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Silent reading
Have a very long copper wire and connect it to a microvoltmeter. Get the class
to take positions along the wire in a circle. As they perform the hokey-cokey
an emf should be induced due to the movement of the conductor in the
Earth’s field.
1 very long copper wire and connect it to a
Suggested main activities
1 Demo dynamo, wire through mag field, coil and
magnet all hooked up to voltmeters.
1 Demo dynamo, wire through mag field, coil and magnet all hooked up to
2 Phet simulation to enquiry based prac. Sheet
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
2 laptops
Teacher notes
2 Demo the simulations on the white board first but don’t explain too much
– try to get students to work it out for themselves.
Teacher notes
1 PowerPoint review
2 Discuss findings of the prac.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Update glossary of keywords.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
Some students think a changing magnetic field will produce a current; this is not always the case – stress that a voltage is induced and this may produce a current.
Flux linkage can be a difficult concept – treat it as a purely mathematical idea, defining it from the equation rather than attempting any explanations or long-winded definitions.
G485.1.14, 15 Faraday and Lenz
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.3 (a)–(h)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
radiations: potential difference
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(e) state and use Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction;
(f) state and use Lenz’s law;
(g) select and use the equation: induced e.m.f. = –rate of change of magnetic flux linkage;
Key words
Magnetic flux
Lenz’s law
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the dynamo effect.
Be able to state Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
Be able to state Lenz’s law.
Be able to use Lenz’s law.
Be able to select and use the equation: induced e.m.f. = –rate of change of
magnetic flux linkage;
Be able to derive the equation: induced e.m.f. = –rate of change of magnetic flux
How science works
Magnetic flux density
Electromagnetic induction
Magnetic flux linkage Faraday’s law
a.c. generator Fleming’s right-hand rule (FRHR)
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Main, Starter
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
1 Practical 22
2 Extend students by Deriving equation from definitions of electric current, pd
and magnetic flux. questions
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
1 Construct a class list – this leads to Main Activity below.
1 Discuss the dynamo effect
Students discuss the factors that might affect the size of the induced e.m.f.
2 Silent reading (student notes) demo magnets dropping through tubes
(discuss back emf)
Suggested main activities
Using and analysing information from data loggers. Main 1.
HSW 7 Faraday’s work and early treatment by Davy. Plenary 1
2 explain how current is induced by looking at the forces on an electron in a
moving wire in a magnetic field (FRHR) and how this ties up with FLHR.
Teacher notes
Tech sheet
Teacher sheet
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1 Show pupils Faraday’s picture on an old £20 note.
2 Do calculations, using Faraday’s law, to find the induced e.m.f. across
aircraft wings in flight.
Faraday on a £20 note
1 Explain the significance of Faraday and his work – include a historical
perspective (i.e. his background and religious beliefs).
Notes: Michael Faraday
2 Use the Earth’s magnetic field and the area covered by the wing as it
moves at 200 ms–1.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading . More quantitative work on Faraday’s law, including calculus
Potential misconceptions
G485.1.16 A.C. Generators
Differentiation …
all students
Most students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour + HW
Learning Outcomes
5.1.3 (a)–(h)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
radiations: potential difference
Some students
Be able to describe how a a.c. generator works.
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(h) describe the function of a simple ac generator;
Key words
Magnetic flux
Lenz’s law
How science works
Magnetic flux density
Electromagnetic induction
Magnetic flux linkage Faraday’s law
a.c. generator Fleming’s right-hand rule (FRHR)
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading
Demo dynamo attached to oscilloscope.
Demo dynamo. CRO.
Suggested main activities
Revise what a CRO is and what it is showing. (could discuss electric
fields and motion of charged particle etc) Describe motion verses
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
This lab sheet goes transformers which are the subject of the next two
lessons but the whole thing is a valuable exercise which could easily be
finished at home.
Teacher notes
Discuss answers
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Finish sheet.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.1.17, 18, 19 Transformers
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 3 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.1.3 (i)–(k)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
current, potential difference
AS 1.3.3 Power
2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(i) describe the function of a simple transformer;
(j) select and use the turns-ratio equation for a transformer;
(k) describe the function of step-up and step-down transformers.
Key words
Faraday’s law
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Some students
Be able to make a transformer.
Be able to describe how a transformer works.
Be able to use the turns-ratio equation for a transformer;
Be able to describe the function of step-up and step-down transformers.
Be able to describe how transformers are used in the national Grid and link to
electrical power formula.
How science works
Transformer (step-up/step-down)
Magnetic flux linkage
Electromagnetic induction
Activity S3 Activities M1–3 Activity P3
Most students
HSW 6a & 7c How transformers are used in power stations
HSW 3 The turns–ratio equation (see Activity M3)
ICT activities
Activity P1–2
Activity S2
Activity P3
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
See Activities S2, M1, P1 and P2 below.
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
1. Get students to work out and compare the power lost when electricity is
transmitted at different currents.
2. Demonstrate mutual inductance using an iron rod.
3. Get students to sequence the stages of a transformer.
2 Iron rod, two coils of insulated wire, LV a.c. supply,
3 Strips giving stages and describing how
transformer works
1 Expanded in the student textbook. Alternative values could be used to
reinforce the point.
2 Ask students to explain what is going on in terms of induction.
Notes: Mutual inductance.
3 Make into a simple Word table, then cut via a guillotine – e.g. (i): An
alternating current passes through the primary coil; (ii) This creates a
changing magnetic field in the soft iron core; (iii) etc.
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
1. Get students to build their own transformers and investigate turns–ratio
2. Practical activity 23: Investigating electromagnetic induction using changing
3. Practical activity 24: Investigating the action of a transformer
1. C Cores, insulated wire, AC PSU, DMMs, leads,
croc clips
2 See technician worksheet.
3 See technician worksheet.
1 Interactive activity: Transformer
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1. Debate: ‘The war of currents’.
2. Explain Faraday’s transformer and its importance.
3. Transformer puzzles (or loop game)
2 Model of Faraday’s doughnut
3 A selection of input voltages and coils on cards
1 Divide students into sides and either organise a mock debate or get them
to write opposing articles/letters to a newspaper.
Notes: War of Currents
Notes: Current history
2 Describe how it worked and how many scientists at the time were trying
to perfect this technique. Put this discovery into context by brainstorming
what we would not have today had Faraday not conducted his experiment –
basically anything mains-powered!
Notes: Faraday’s transformer
3 Students must make a specific output voltage by selecting an input
voltage, input coils and secondary coils – all on different cards. They can
each make five sets of cards that work and then shuffle them and swap with
a partner – they then race each other to reassemble the transformers.
2 See teacher worksheet.
A revision of fields around wires (see Practical activity 19) may be useful
3 See teacher worksheet.
A mains transformer can be used to melt a wire or boil water as a
demonstration here.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Print out and read “the war of Currents”. Update
glossary of keywords.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.1.20 Electric and magnetic fields test
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.1.1 (a)–(g)
5.1.2 (a)–(h)
5.1.3 (a)–(h)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
Review topics so far
Key words
How science works
All so far
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Peer mark
Homework suggestions
Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.2.21 Capacitors
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
Be able to define capacitance and the farad;
Be able to select and use the equation Q=VC for various situations.
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) define capacitance and the farad;
(b) select and use the equation Q = VC;
Key words
Series circuit
How science works
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Silent reading (student notes)
What is a capacitor?
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Demo Super Capacitorlesson 21 capacitors\charging capacitors questions.doc: two
sheets of aluminium foil, approximately 50 cm  150
cm, a slightly larger sheet of heavy-gauge polythene
(damp-course material works well or even a good
bin liner), educational use EHT power supply, 0–5
kV, dc used with internal 50 M resistor, four leads,
with no side screws. two crocodile clips, insulated
ones are best. Selection of capacitors
Questions (and answers)
Animation shows what is happening in a capacitor
Hand around some capacitors to look at
Teacher notes
Practise of using the equation
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Butt Head Model of a capacitor
Butt head game
Get students to make a circle. 2 students are the capacitor plates, 1 can be
battery, 1 a resistor etc. Ask them to come up with a model of what is going
on. (film it!!)
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Update glossary of keywords.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.2.22, 23 Capacitors in series and parallel
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(c) state and use the equation for the total capacitance of two or more capacitors in
(d) state and use the equation for the total capacitance of two or more capacitors in parallel;
(e) solve circuit problems with capacitors involving series and parallel circuits;
Key words
Series circuit
Parallel circuit
Some students
Be able to state and use the equation for the total capacitance of two or more
capacitors in series;
Be able to state and use the equation for the total capacitance of two or more
capacitors in parallel;
Be able to solve circuit problems with capacitors involving series and parallel
Be able to derive the equations for capacitors in series and parallel.
How science works
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
1 Tech sheet
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1 discuss practical
2 Capacitor network questions
2 Five sample capacitors per group (or alternatively
cards with capacitance written on them)
2 Give students three capacitors/cards – they have five minutes to combine
them in as many ways as possible to make different capacitances.
1 Silent reading PowerPoint – go through derivation of equations
2 sheet to remind how to derive equations
Suggested main activities
1 Practical 26
2 Practise questions 1
Homework suggestions
Mind map. IKES website for online HWs. Hw questions answers
1 Teachers notes
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Electronics – capacitors and capacitor combinations
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
Students may confuse the charge on each plate and the total charge, e.g. if there is 12 mC on the positive plate and –12 mC on the negative, students may assume there is 0 C stored or 24 mC – discuss these
issues when initially explaining how capacitors function.
G485.2.24 Stored Energy
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe that the area under a potential difference against charge graph
is equal to energy stored by a capacitor;
Be able to select and use the equations W = ½ QV and W = ½ CV 2 for a charged
Be able to explain that the area under a potential difference against charge graph
is equal to energy stored by a capacitor;
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(f) explain that the area under a potential difference against charge graph is equal to energy stored by a capacitor;
(g) select and use the equations W = ½ QV and W = ½ CV 2 for a charged capacitor;
Key words
Series circuit
How science works
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Start with Spring – capacitor analogy
Stretch a mass on a spring. How do we find the energy?
PowerPoint notes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Practical activity 27: Energy transfer using a capacitor
See technician worksheet
See teacher worksheet.
Extend by calculating the energy changes when a charged capacitor is
connected across an un-charged one.
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Demonstration of capacitor breakdown
HT supply, aluminium foil, cling film
Make a simple capacitor using two pieces of aluminium foil and cling film.
Increase the p.d. until the cling film breaks down.
Homework suggestions
Mind map. Lesson questions answers
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Electronics - capacitors
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading Use of integration to derive the W = ½ QV equation
Potential misconceptions
G485.2.25,26,27, 28 Capacitor Discharge
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 4 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (h)–(m)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
current, potential difference, resistance,
simple circuits
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(h) sketch graphs that show the variation with time of potential difference, charge and current for a capacitor
discharging through a resistor;
(i) define the time constant of a circuit;
(j) select and use time constant = CR;
(k) analyse the discharge of capacitor using equations of the form x= xo e –t / RC
(l) explain exponential decays as having a constant-ratio property;
Key words
Series circuit
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
Some students
Be able to sketch graphs that show the variation with time of potential difference, charge
and current for a capacitor discharging through a resistor;
Be able to describe that this is an exponential relationship.
Be able to define the time constant of a circuit;
Be able to select and use time constant = CR;
Be able to show that RC has the units of time.
Be able to analyse the discharge of capacitor using equations of the form x= xo e –t / RC
Be able to find t, R and C from equations of the form x= xo e –t / RC
Be able to explain exponential decays as having a constant-ratio property;
How science works
HSW 3 Investigate the discharge of a capacitor and fit results to a best curve.
HSW 1 The exponential model (including other examples)
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops. Use of Excel
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
1 Silent reading
2. Discuss what happens to the electrons when a capacitor discharges –
demonstrate a simple capacitor discharge through a circuit (including
ammeter). Demo using phet simulation
3. Refer back to capacitor use in timing circuits and introduce the time
4. Quick practice using x = xo e–t/CR – possibly rearranging to make CR or t
the subject of the equation.
1 Suitable capacitor, ammeter, resistor (or bulb),
stop watch
1 Extend to include how the p.d. across the capacitor changes and how this affects
the current. Get students to sketch a graph of charge remaining against time.
2 Discuss the factors affecting the rate of discharge, leading to time constant –
sample circuits could be set up to show the effect of changing the resistance or the
4. Can also use as a simple plenary activity once the equations have been
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
1. Practical activity 28: The charging and discharging a capacitor through
a resistor
2. Burette discharge. How does the rate of discharge depend on the
height of water?
3. Determine the capacitance from a discharge curve – via time constant.
4. Use the discharge equations to plot graphs and practise how to use
these equations.
1 See technician worksheet.
2 Burette, rubber tubing, clamp, beaker,
measuring cylinder.
3 Capacitance discharge data – ideally real data
collected from this activity
1 Teacher notes
Interactive activity: Demonstration of exponential decay
3 Depending on the curve, the area under it or the gradients could be used to
determine other factors. Excel can be used to generate a different set of data for
each student (see Activity M3 below).
4 Students use Excel to generate data for each other – then graphs can be plotted
and factors (e.g. initial charge stored, capacitance etc.) determined.
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1. Discuss other exponential processes. (see lesson 40)
2. Ask students to produce a glossary of all the terms used during the
capacitance topic.
3. Discuss whether a capacitor ever completely discharges, using the
exponential decay model.
4 what do I know about capacitors? Name 3 things, talk to partner to get
up to 5. Can the group as a whole get up to 10?
1 PowerPoint
2 Terms or definitions on cards
1 For example: X-ray intensity; radioactive decay; mass of water remaining in a
bottle with a hole in the bottom; etc. Keep it simple here as both X-ray intensity and
radioactive decay will be covered later.
2 Include all the key words from this Weekly plan as well as those from Weekly
plan 18. Alternatively, students match up the key word to the correct definition on
pieces of card.
3 Use of 5CR is not required but could be used as a rough guide. Use Excel to
produce data.
Homework suggestions
Mind map. Homework questions answers
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading V-t graphs to find CR
Use of capacitors in timing circuits, LCR circuits and smoothing
Potential misconceptions
When finding the time constant from a Q against t graph, some students will calculate Qo/e and write this figure down as the time constant. They should use the value for Qo/e and then read off the time value from
the graph at this instant – this is the time constant. To help avoid this, students should be given specific examples and made to practise using the equation in conjunction with the graph. It is also important that the
students are reminded of the definition of the time constant.
G485.2.29, 30, 31 Uses of Capacitors
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (h)–(m)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
current, potential difference, resistance,
simple circuits
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe uses of capacitors.
Be able to put together a circuit for a use of a capacitor. Eg. Car alarm circuit.
And explain how it works.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(m) describe the uses of capacitors for the storage of energy in applications such as flash photography, lasers used in nuclear
fusion and as back-up power supplies for computers (HSW 6a).
Key words
Series circuit
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
How science works
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Use protoboards and equipment from SC06 as
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
1 Read through pages 134 and 135. discuss answers to questions.
Suggested main activities
1 2 3 Set up a project to make a circuit that uses a capacitor. Students could
work through IKES booklet with support. The idea is that students will be
applying and consolidating their knowledge on capacitors and to see how they
are useful.
Suggested plenary activities
3 Demonstrate circuits
Homework suggestions
Mind map. Revise for test.
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.2.32 Capacitors Test
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
Key words
Series circuit
How science works
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Test mark scheme
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Potential misconceptions
Assessment / AFL
G485.3.33 The nuclear atom
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.3.1 (a)–(j)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: atoms
1.2.1 Forces
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) describe qualitatively the alpha-particle scattering experiment and the evidence this provides for the existence, charge and
size of the nucleus (HSW 1, 4c);
(b) describe the basic atomic structure of the atom and the relative sizes of the atom and the nucleus;
Key words
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe what makes up an atom and recall the relative sizes of the
atom and the nucleus.
Be able to describe qualitatively the alpha-particle scattering experiment.
Be able to describe the observations made from this experiment.
Be able to explain how these observations are evidence for the existence, charge
and small.
How science works
Alpha scattering
Alpha particle Proton
Nucleus Coulomb’s law Newton’s law of gravitation
Strong nuclear force
Conservation of energy
Neutron Electron
Nuclear decay
Density Proton number
Nucleon number
A, Z notation
Conservation of mass
Conservation of charge
HSW 1 & 4 How the alpha particle scattering experiment provides evidence for the
existence, charge and small size of the nucleus
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Focus on Fields software. Phet simulation.
http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html excellent website about fundamental
particles and radioactive decay
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading. Students make a timeline of the History of the atom using
website or PowerPoint (can be finished for hw).
Demonstrate the atom using juggling.
Juggling balls x 5
Notes: The history of the development of atomic theory
Suggested main activities
Marble and hill demo. Ball bearings etc.
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Discuss: ‘If the nucleus were the size of a penny, how big would the atom be?’
1 p piece
Get the students to guess first, then they do a quick calculation.
Go through PowerPoint – watch film (in powerpoint)
Demonstrate Rutherford scattering experiment with Hill and marble demo and
Focus software. Or
Use http://www-outreach.phy.cam.ac.uk/camphy/nucleus/nucleus_index.htm
on laptops to write up how the nucleus was discovered by Rutherford
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Atomic history timeline. HW questions. Answers
Update glossary of keywords.
Pick out the activities that suit the students best.
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Chemistry – atoms, isotopes and the nucleus
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading . Quantitative questions on alpha scattering
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.34 Nuclear Forces
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.3.1 (a)–(j)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: atoms
1.2.1 Forces
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(c) select and use Coulomb’s law to determine the force of repulsion, and Newton’s law of gravitation to determine the force of
attraction, between two protons at nuclear separations and hence the need for a short range, attractive force between
nucleons (HSW 1, 2, 4);
(d) describe how the strong nuclear force between nucleons is attractive and very short-ranged;
Key words
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe why there is a need for the short range attractive force
between nucleons.
Be able to use Coulomb’s Law and Newton’s Law of gravitation to be able to
calculate forces within nuclei to explain why there is a need for the short range
attractive force between nucleons.
Be able to describe the properties of th strong nuclear force.
Be able to interpret graphical representations of the strong nuclear force.
How science works
Alpha scattering
Alpha particle Proton
Nucleus Coulomb’s law Newton’s law of gravitation
Strong nuclear force
Conservation of energy
Neutron Electron
Nuclear decay
Density Proton number
Nucleon number
A, Z notation
Conservation of mass
Conservation of charge
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops.
http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html excellent website about fundamental
particles and radioactive decay
Teacher notes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Discuss the diameter of a nucleus and of a proton and the use of Coulomb’s
and Newton’s laws. (page 146 – forces on nuclear particles)
Take notes from spread p146-147 and do questions on page 147.
Text books
Introduce the idea of the strong nuclear force. Get students to carry out
calculations of the relative sizes of the forces.
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Silent reading Powerpoint
Draw Force – distance graphs of variation of strong nuclear force (on
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 34 questions answers
Cross-curriculum links
Identify attractive/repulsive areas. Describe where the maximum attractive
force is. Describe at what separation the strong force is zero, and calculate
what the electrostatic repulsion would be then between 2 protons.
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.35 Nuclear Properties
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.3.1 (a)–(j)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: atoms
1.2.1 Forces
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(e) estimate the density of nuclear matter;
(f) define proton and nucleon number;
(g) state and use the notation A Z X for the representation of nuclides;
(h) define and use the term isotopes;
Key words
Most students
Some students
Be able to define proton and nucleon number.
Be able to define and use the term isotope.
Be able to state and use the notation A Z X for the representation of nuclides.
Be able to estimate the density of nuclear matter.
How science works
Alpha scattering
Alpha particle Proton
Nucleus Coulomb’s law Newton’s law of gravitation
Strong nuclear force
Conservation of energy
Neutron Electron
Nuclear decay
Density Proton number
Nucleon number
A, Z notation
Conservation of mass
Conservation of charge
HSW 4 Use of the Internet to search for examples of isotopes – including their
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops.
http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html excellent website about fundamental
particles and radioactive decay
Teacher notes
Silent reading (student notes)
PowerPoint pupil model basic atoms and isotopes use electron, proton,
neutron sheets
Pupil model hydrogen and isotopes to give students a reminder of basic
Suggested main activities
Lesson 35 worksheet
search for examples of isotopes on internet – including their masses. Make a
presentation on what an isotope is and uses we have for some. Give out
marking criteria
Suggested plenary activities
Graph paper / (could do it on excel)
Teacher notes
Students work though worksheet to find nuclear density.
Laptops (wireless/ICT suite)
Teacher notes
Students give their presentations. Peer assessment based on marking criteria.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 35 questions
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Chemistry – atoms, isotopes and the nucleus
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
Students often have misconceptions about the relative size of the atom and nucleus, often due to simple diagrams – the results from the alpha scattering experiment should serve to give an idea of scale as well as
discussions that attempt to make the atom’s scale accessible, such as the pea on the centre spot of Wembley Stadium or if the nucleus was 1 mm across, etc.
G485.3.36 Nuclear Reactions
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.3.1 (a)–(j)
GCSE Forces and motion: forces
Energy, electricity and radiations: atoms
1.2.1 Forces
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(i) use nuclear decay equations to represent simple nuclear reactions;
(j) state the quantities conserved in a nuclear decay.
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe that heaver elements are more radioactive.
Be able to use nuclear decay equations to represent simple nuclear reactions.
Be able to state the quantities conserved in a nuclear decay.
Be able to explain why heaver elements are more radioactive.
Key words
How science works
Alpha scattering
Alpha particle Proton
Nucleus Coulomb’s law Newton’s law of gravitation
Strong nuclear force
Conservation of energy
Neutron Electron
Nuclear decay
Density Proton number
Nucleon number
A, Z notation
Conservation of mass
Conservation of charge
HSW: 7 Scientific knowledge in its social context in starter. Discussion of history
of radioactivity.
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops.
http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html excellent website about fundamental
particles and radioactive decay
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Silent reading PowerPoint
Suggested main activities
Suggested plenary activities
Go through answers
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.37 Quarks
Differentiation …
all students
Most students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.3.2 (a)–(j)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: atom
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
Candidates should be able to:
(a) explain that since protons and neutrons contain charged constituents called quarks they are, therefore, not fundamental
(b) describe a simple quark model of hadrons in terms of up, down and strange quarks and their respective antiquarks, taking into
account their charge, baryon number and strangeness;
(c) describe how the quark model may be extended to include the properties of charm, topness and bottomness;
(d) describe the properties of neutrons and protons in terms of a simple quark model;
Key words
Some students
Be able to explain that since protons and neutrons contain charged constituents
called quarks they are, therefore, not fundamental particles;
Be able to describe a simple quark model of hadrons in terms of up, down and
strange quarks and their respective antiquarks, taking into account their charge,
baryon number and strangeness;
Be able to describe the properties of neutrons and protons in terms of a simple
quark model;
Be able to describe how the quark model may be extended to include the
properties of charm, topness and bottomness;
How science works
number Strangeness
Beta decay
Weak nuclear force
Nucleon Proton Neutron
Proton number
Nucleon number
Positron Leptons
Fundamental particle
HSW 3 and 7; research task: http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html excellent
website about fundamental particles and radioactive decay
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Kinaesthetic: Main, Plenary
Interpersonal: Starter
Auditory: Starter, Plenary
Visual: Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
sIlent reading PowerPoint
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j50ZssEojtM&feature=related (4.49)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l_h8t_uAnE&feature=related (3.02)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPWeJFs5xjc&feature=related (3.06)
2 Brainstorm to review prior knowledge. 2 demos: What’s in an atom, and how do we
know? Probing arrangements demo Simple demonstration and discussion of deep
inelastic scattering (Murray Gell-Mann’s discovery of quarks using high-energy
electrons fired at protons) using a ball and baking tray.
2 As sheet probing arrangements
Football, Ping Pong ball, tin baking tray, tin cup
cake tray
1 The first youtube vid is a bit of fun. The other two are gentle intros.
2 Teacher notes Background notes
The probe must be set up and ready and a few different arrangements of
magnets to show the difficulties encountered
Bounce the football (representing an electron) off the baking tray
(representing a proton). Repeat only this time replacing the baking tray with
the cake tray – show there is no difference. However, when a smaller ball is
used it scatters off the cake indentations (representing quarks). Relate to
the deep inelastic scattering experiment.
Suggested main activities
1 Quark triangles (1 set per three students) –
printed in colour, chopped and laminated
3 Particle zoo cardsort hadrons and leptons
print different pages on different colours
Teacher notes
1 Quark triangles
2 Practice questions Practise questions answers
3 Particle zoo cardsort
Suggested plenary activities
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGrDj5vFefQ (3.59) A good round up.
2 Wordsplat on PowerPoint – questions
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Research task research task answers lesson 37
questions lesson 37 answers
Cross-curriculum links
1 Triangle instructions
3 Particle zoo cardsort
Teacher notes
Extra notes here: http://pdg.lbl.gov/2009/tables/contents_tables.html
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading Extra notes here: http://pdg.lbl.gov/2009/tables/contents_tables.html http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Particles/quark.html#c1
Research into the standard model and other top-end particle physics – Higgs boson, Babar project, etc.
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.38 Beta Decay
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.3.2 (a)–(j)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: atom
Most students
Some students
Learning Objectives
Be able to describe how there is a weak interaction between quarks and that this is
responsible for β decay;
Be able to state that there are two types of β decay;
Students should be able to:
(e) describe how there is a weak interaction between quarks and that this is responsible for β decay;
(f) state that there are two types of β decay;
Be able to describe the two types of β decay in terms of a simple quark model;
Be able to state that (electron) neutrinos and (electron) antineutrinos are produced
during β+ and β- decays, respectively;
(g) describe the two types of β decay in terms of a simple quark model;
(h) state that (electron) neutrinos and (electron) antineutrinos are produced during β+ and β- decays, respectively;
(i) state that a β- particle is an electron and a β+ particle is a positron;
(j) state that electrons and neutrinos are members of a group of particles known as leptons.
Key words
Be able to state that a β- particle is an electron and a β+ particle is a positron;
Be able to state that electrons and neutrinos are members of a group of particles
known as leptons.
Be able to link ideas about Momentum into forces between particles.
How science works
Baryon number
Beta decay
Weak nuclear force
Proton number
Nucleon number
Positron Leptons
Fundamental particle
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html excellent website about fundamental
particles and radioactive decay
Teacher notes
1 Ask students what must be happening in terms of quarks? This can only
be done after students are aware of the composition of protons and
neutrons in terms of quarks. Extension below (10.00)
Silent reading PowerPoint
1 Revise beta decay from students’ knowledge.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ouoGX6-zX4&feature=related (2.25)
Suggested main activities
Explore website: http://particleadventure.org/decay_intro.html and prepare a
speech about Quarks and beta decay and the Weak interaction.
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Listen to speeches.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 38 questions answers
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Best0fScience&annotation_id=annotation_898955&feature=iv#p/c/4A8C50311C9F7369/1/p5QXZ0__8VU
Research into the standard model and other top-end particle physics – Higgs boson, Babar project, etc.
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.39 Radioactive Properties
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.3.3 (a)–(e)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
Radiations: radioactivity
AS 2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
2.5.1 Energy of a photon
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the spontaneous and random nature of radioactive decay of
unstable nuclei;
Be able to describe the nature, penetration and range of α-particles, β-particles and
Students should be able to:
(a) describe the spontaneous and random nature of radioactive decay of unstable nuclei;
(b) describe the nature, penetration and range of α-particles, β-particles and γ-rays;
Key words
How science works
Proton number
Nucleon number
Alpha particle
Beta particle
Gamma ray
Decay constant
Exponential decay
Background radiation
Radioactive decay
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Main, Plenary
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Research: http://www.bnfl.com/
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading PowerPoint
Popcorn demonstration – to show spontaneous and random nature of
radioactive decay
Suggested main activities
Popcorn kernels. Frying pan, tripod, heatproof mat,
Bunsen, stop clock, vegetable oil, newspaper
Use analogy of snow on a mountain and avalanches
Spark counter, EHT supply, leads, Alpha source.
Panax kit, Alpha, Beta, Gamma sources. Geiger
Strong horseshoe magnet, stand, boss, clamp
Teacher notes
Demonstrate spark counter
Demonstrate Alpha, Beta, Gamma penetration through different materials.
Demonstrate Deflection of Alpha, Beta, (Gamma) through magnetic field
Suggested plenary activities
Start Mind map. Lesson 39 questions lesson 39 answers
Cross-curriculum links
Teacher notes
2 word tango – links to a music file. In the gaps one person says Alpha,
Beta, or Gamma and then the next person has to shout out a property of
that type of radioactivity. If they hesitate or get it wrong they are out. Carry
on until everybody is out.
Wordsplat on PowerPoint 2 word tango for radioactive properties
Homework suggestions
Discuss history of radioactive discoveries during demonstrations
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading research: http://www.bnfl.com/
Potential misconceptions
It is often thought alpha is the most ionising because it is the biggest; students can say things such as: “it smashes into atoms, ionising them” – have a detailed discussion about how the ionisation process takes
place and the importance of the charge.
G485.3.40 Radioactive Decay and Half Life
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.3.3 (a)–(e)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
Radiations: radioactivity
AS 2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
2.5.1 Energy of a photon
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(c) define and use the quantities activity and decay constant;
(d) select and apply the equation for activity A = λN;
(f) define and apply the term half-life;
(g) select and use the equation λt1/2 = 0.693;
(h) compare and contrast decay of radioactive nuclei and decay of charge on a capacitor in a C–R circuit (HSW 5b);
(i) describe the use of radioactive isotopes in smoke alarms (HSW 6a);
(j) describe the technique of radioactive dating (ie carbon-dating).
Be able to describe the use of radioactive isotopes in smoke alarms (HSW 6a);
Be able to describe the technique of radioactive dating (ie carbon-dating).
Be able to define and apply the term half-life;
Be able to define and use the quantities activity and decay constant;
Be able to select and apply the equation for activity A = λN;
Be able to select and use the equation λt1/2 = 0.693;
Be able to compare and contrast decay of radioactive nuclei and decay of charge
on a capacitor in a C–R circuit (HSW 5b); See also lesson 25
Be able to derive and apply the equations N = N0e-λt where N is the number of
undecayed nuclei;
Key words
How science works
Proton number
Nucleon number
Alpha particle
Beta particle
Gamma ray
Decay constant
Exponential decay
Background radiation
Radioactive decay
(HSW 5b) (HSW 6a);
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Some students
Be able to select and apply the equations A = A0e-λt and N = N0e-λt where A is the
activity and N is the number of undecayed nuclei;
(e) select and apply the equations A = A0e-λt and N = N0e-λt where A is the activity and N is the number of undecayed nuclei;
Most students
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Teacher notes
Excel spreadsheet
With the second graph the decay constant can be found.
Silent Reading PowerPoint
Radioactive half-life dice, Draw graphs. One of dice left (N) against number of
throws (t). Another of ln(dice left) (lnN) against number of throws (t)
Suggested main activities
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Geiger-Muller tube / counter / protactinium 234
/ stopwatch as tech sheet
Teacher notes
1 Protactinium demo activity 33 student sheet draw graphs as in starter
2 Find the half life for the printed simulation graphs Practice questions
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
1 Protactinium demo activity 33 teacher sheet
2 Print out some different graphs –change the shape by changing the variables
1 Go through derivation of N = N0e Go through answers to practice qs
2 Ask students to present their research tasks
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Research task into smoke alarms and carbon
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading Derivation of N = N0e–λt from dN/dt = -λt or dN/dt  N
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.41 E=mc2 and binding energy
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.3.4 (a)–(d)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
AS 1.3.1 Work and conservation of energy
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to select and use Einstein’s mass–energy equation ΔE = Δmc2 ;
Be able to define binding energy and binding energy per nucleon;
Be able to use and interpret the binding energy per nucleon against nucleon
number graph;
Be able to determine the binding energy of nuclei using ΔE = Δmc2 and masses of
Students should be able to:
(a) select and use Einstein’s mass–energy equation ΔE = Δmc2 ;
(b) define binding energy and binding energy per nucleon;
(c) use and interpret the binding energy per nucleon against nucleon number graph;
(d) determine the binding energy of nuclei using ΔE = Δmc2 and masses of nuclei;
Key words
How science works
Nuclide Isotope
Binding energy
Binding energy per nucleon
Proton number
Nucleon number
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Silent reading PowerPoint
Watch the youtube video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YMgacsJyD0&feature=related (9.28)
Suggested main activities
Binding energy spreadsheet exercise
Nucleons database spreadsheet exercise answers
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Extension questions answers
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Finish off class questions.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading Discussion on the factors leading to the shape of the curve of binding energy
Potential misconceptions
If the binding energy per nucleon goes up, the total mass of the nucleons in the nucleus is less. Some students confuse this – when reviewing the curve of binding energy, give explicit examples for different nuclei,
e.g. iron, lithium, uranium, etc. The use of missing mass (mass defect) is also important here as it provides students with a quantity they can more readily understand.
G485.3.42 Fission and Fusion
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.3.4 (a)–(d)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
AS 1.3.1 Work and conservation of energy
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(e) describe the process of induced nuclear
(f) describe and explain the process of nuclear chain reaction;
(g) describe the basic construction of a fission reactor and explain the role of the fuel rods, control rods and the moderator
(HSW 6a and 7c);
(h) describe the use of nuclear fission as an energy source (HSW 4 and 7c);
(i) describe the peaceful and destructive uses of nuclear fission (HSW 4 and 7c);
(j) describe the environmental effects of nuclear waste (HSW 4, 6a and b, 7c);
(k) describe the process of nuclear fusion;
(l) describe the conditions in the core of stars
Key words
Some students
Be able to describe the process of induced nuclear fission;
Be able to describe and explain the process of nuclear chain reaction;
Be able to describe the basic construction of a fission reactor and explain the role
of the fuel rods, control rods and the moderator (HSW 6a and 7c);
Be able to describe the use of nuclear fission as an energy source (HSW 4 and
Be able to describe the peaceful and destructive uses of nuclear fission (HSW 4
and 7c);
Be able to describe the environmental effects of nuclear waste (HSW 4, 6a and b,
Be able to describe the process of nuclear fusion;
Be able to describe the conditions in the core of stars
How science works
Nuclide Isotope
Binding energy
Binding energy per nucleon
Proton number
Nucleon number
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Teacher notes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk6Hm1QoDYY (8.29)
Silent reading Power Point Watch you tube vid.
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjgdgAhOzXQ (3.08)
Work through questions from pages 168-173 of text book. In groups
Questions: fission, fusion
Fission reactors how they work vid
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Go through answers Stand up – sit down game on PowerPoint
They might be Giants – why does the sun shine youtube video
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Practice questions answers REVISE FOR TEST
Cross-curriculum links
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cds3sIzSf_I&feature=related (3.03)
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.3.43 Nuclear Physics Test
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.3.4 (a)–(d)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: energy,
Most students
Some students
AS 1.3.1 Work and conservation of energy
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
All of Nuclear Physics
Key words
How science works
Nuclide Isotope
Binding energy
Binding energy per nucleon
Proton number
Nucleon number
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops to revise
Teacher notes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Start to go through answers if time
Homework suggestions
Extra time/scribe etc if necessary.
Cross-curriculum links
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
Assessment / AFL
G485.4.44 X-Ray Production
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
GCSE Energy, electricity and Radiations: waves,
electromagnetic spectrum
2.4.1 Wave motion
2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
2.5.1 Energy of a photon
2.5.2 The photoelectric effect
Learning Outcomes
5.4.1 (a)–(i)
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the what X-Rays are and their typical
Be able to describe how X-Rays were discovered
Be able to describe how X-Rays are produced
Be able to use equations to describe the energy needed in production of X-Rays.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) describe the nature of X-rays;
(b) describe in simple terms how X-rays are produced;
Key words
How science works
Attenuation coefficient
HSW 3, 4c & 6 The use of X-rays in imaging internal body structures including the
use of image intensifiers and of contrast media
Barium meal
Photoelectric effect Compton effect Pair production
Contrast media
Computerised axial tomography
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent Reading PowerPoint youtube vid intro(8.06)
Discuss the discovery of X-rays and show some X-ray images.
Explain the production of X-Rays.
Selection of X-ray images
The first x-ray image of a human being
Describe apparatus and then how movement of electrons in energy levels
creates X-Rays.
Suggested main activities
Remind students of eV conversions and formula E=hf. Given a range of
wavelengths of X-Rays use the equation to some calculations (powerpoint)
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Youtube vid xrays from sellotape! (8.06)
Hotseat questions
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 44 questions
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.45 X-Ray Interaction
Differentiation …
all students
Most students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
GCSE Energy, electricity and Radiations: waves,
electromagnetic spectrum
2.4.1 Wave motion
2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
2.5.1 Energy of a photon
2.5.2 The photoelectric effect
Learning Outcomes
5.4.1 (a)–(i)
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(c) describe how X-rays interact with matter (limited to photoelectric effect, Compton Effect and pair production);
(d) define intensity as the power per unit cross-sectional area;
Some students
Be able to describe the wave nature of X-Rays
Be able to describe the particle nature of X-Rays
Be able to describe 3 predominant reasons for attenuation
Be able to carry out an experiment that models how the intensity of X-Rays
attenuates through materials.
Be able to select and use the equation I = I0 e−μx to show how the intensity I of
a collimated X-ray beam varies with thickness x of medium
(e) select and use the equation I = I0 e−μx to show how the intensity I of a collimated X-ray beam varies with thickness x of medium;
Key words
Attenuation coefficient
How science works
Barium meal
Photoelectric effect Compton effect Pair production
Contrast media
Computerised axial tomography
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Main, Plenary
HSW starter and main using models to describe concepts. HSW 3, 4c & 6 The
use of X-rays in imaging internal body structures including the use of image
intensifiers and of contrast media
ICT activities
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent Reading PowerPoint
1. Remind students of the em spectrum and properties of X-Rays
2. Remind students of definition of intensity and how a point source
and a collimated source would be different.
2. use ray boxes and lenses to demonstrate inverse
square law and parallel rays and variation of
intensity model.
1. use the PowerPoint to help explain photoelectric effect, pair production
and Compton effect.
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
1. Students take their own notes from pages 186-187 and try questions in
book p187
2. Demonstrate the absorption of X-rays.
Use of I =I0e-x including rearranging and graphing
Suggested plenary activities
1. Heinemann OCR physics text book
2. Paper, light meter (or LDR and voltmeter, with
calibration data) micrometer.
2. Include a review of the exponential process if necessary.
Teacher notes
1. Ask students to explain photoelectric effect, pair production and Compton
effect in their own words (possibly in a just a minute style) Go through
answers to questions.
2. Questions 1 and 2 on page 189
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 45 questions. Research hw into medical
uses of X-Rays
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.46 X-Ray Imaging
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
GCSE Energy, electricity and Radiations: waves,
electromagnetic spectrum
2.4.1 Wave motion
2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
2.5.1 Energy of a photon
2.5.2 The photoelectric effect
Learning Outcomes
5.4.1 (a)–(i)
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe how X-Rays can be used in the imaging of internal body
structures in 2D and 3D using computerised axial tomography.
Be able to describe the advantages of a CAT scan compared with an X-ray image
(HSW 4c, 6).
Be able to explain how soft tissues like the intestines can be imaged using barium
Students should be able to:
(f) describe the use of X-rays in imaging internal body structures including the use of image intensifiers and of contrast media
(HSW 3, 4c and 6);
(g) explain how soft tissues like the intestines can be imaged using barium meal;
(h) describe the operation of a computerized axial topography (CAT) scanner;
(i) describe the advantages of a CAT scan compared with an X-ray image (HSW 4c, 6).
Key words
Attenuation coefficient
How science works
Barium meal
Photoelectric effect Compton effect Pair production
Contrast media
Computerised axial tomography
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
HSW 3, 4c & 6 The use of X-rays in imaging internal body structures including the
use of image intensifiers and of contrast media
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Silent reading PowerPoint
Discuss X-Rays that students have had
Suggested main activities
Wireless laptops
Teacher notes
Explore the website and write notes on a Barium Meal
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Show the students the outcomes. They should write a paragraph to show that
they have met each one. Teacher picks on people to read them out and prove
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.47 Radioactive tracers and the Gamma Camera
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.4.2 (a)–(j)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: waves
AS 2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the use of medical tracers like technetium-99m to diagnose the
function of organs;
Be able to describe the main components of a gamma camera;
Be able to describe the principles of positron emission tomography (PET);
Students should be able to:
(a) describe the use of medical tracers like technetium-99m to diagnose the function of organs;
(b) describe the main components of a gamma camera;
(c) describe the principles of positron emission tomography (PET);
Key words
How science works
Medical tracer
Gamma camera
Magnetic resonance imaging
Positron emission tomography
Magnetic moment
Larmor frequency
Doppler effect
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
HSW 6a The need for non-invasive techniques in diagnosis
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Silent Reading PowerPoint
Students come up with main properties of Alpha, Beta, Gamma (to include
penetration and ionisation ability) they explain what type of radioactivity to use
as a tracer that emits from inside the body-out. (stand up-sit down game)
Suggested main activities
You Tube video PET Scan (5.44)
Students to research and obtain a labelled diagram of the main components
of a gamma camera and
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Discuss: ‘Benefit vs. risk of the use of radioactive tracers and PET’.
Images from gamma cameras and PET scans
Include key terms: half-life, activity, ionising, etc.
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Write a leaflet to patients explaining the use of
radioactive tracers.
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Biology – non-invasive medical techniques
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.48 MRI
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.4.2 (a)–(j)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: waves
AS 2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(d) outline the principles of magnetic resonance, with reference to precession of nuclei, Larmor frequency, resonance and
relaxation times;
(e) describe the main components of an MRI scanner;
(f) outline the use of MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to obtain diagnostic information about internal organs (HSW 3, 4c and
(g) describe the advantages and disadvantages of MRI (HSW 4c & 6a);
Key words
Some students
Be able to describe what MRI scans are used for and the advantages and
disadvantages of them.
Be able to describe the principles of MRI.
Be able to describe the main components of an MRI scanner.
How science works
Medical tracer
Gamma camera
Magnetic resonance imaging
Positron emission tomography
Magnetic moment
Larmor frequency
Doppler effect
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
HSW 3, 4c & 6a The use of MRI to obtain diagnostic information about internal
HSW 4c & 6a The advantages and disadvantages of MRI
HSW 6a The need for non-invasive techniques in diagnosis
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Silent reading PowerPoint
Demonstrate and revise resonance via a mass spring system.
Mass spring system, vibration generator
Relate to hydrogen atoms in the body and magnetic resonance.
Suggested main activities
Wireless Laptops
Notes printed
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
With their headings to help – students talk for 1 minute about MRI
Summary vid (7.18)
Vid cameras
Film them
MRI intro vid (2.08) showing the rf signal (1.08) no sound
Use phet simulations to help explain MRI
MRI notes – students can use this as a jigsaw activity, using subheadings to
try and fill in all the gaps or use the website
http://www.magnet.fsu.edu/education/tutorials/magnetacademy/mri/ and
students fill in the gaps
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 48 questions
have these notes printed out a couple of times and dot around the room
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Biology – non-invasive medical techniques
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.49 Non-invasive techniques
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.4.2 (a)–(j)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations: waves
AS 2.4.2 Electromagnetic waves
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the need for non-invasive techniques in diagnosis (HSW 6a);
Be able to explain what is meant by the Doppler effect;
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(h) describe the need for non-invasive techniques in diagnosis (HSW 6a);
(i) explain what is meant by the Doppler effect;
Key words
Medical tracer
Gamma camera
Magnetic resonance imaging
How science works
Positron emission tomography
Doppler effect
Magnetic moment
Larmor frequency Endoscope
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Suggested starter activity
HSW 6a The need for non-invasive techniques in diagnosis
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Silent Reading PowerPoint
Video clips of endoscopes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Explain the Doppler effect – include a demonstration with sound.
Doppler ball (available from lab equipment
suppliers such as Philip Harris), Formula 1
sound effects of cars passing an observer,
lesson 49 - non invasive techniques\sixf1cars.mp3
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Students give reasons why using non-invasive diagnostic techniques are
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Make a booklet for the NHS on descriptions of
non-invasive diagnostic tools
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Biology – non-invasive medical techniques
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.50 Ultrasound
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 2 Hours
Learning Outcomes
5.4.3 (a)–(i)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
radiations: waves
2.4.1 Wave motion
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) describe the properties of ultrasound;
(b) describe the piezoelectric effect;
(c) explain how ultrasound transducers emit and receive high-frequency sound;
(d) describe the principles of ultrasound scanning;
(e) describe the difference between A-scan and B-scan;
(f) calculate the acoustic impedance using the equation Z = ρc;
(g) calculate the fraction of reflected intensity using the equation
I = (Z2-Z1)2
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the properties of ultrasound;
Be able to describe the piezoelectric effect;
Be able to explain why a gel is required for effective ultrasound imaging
Be able to explain how ultrasound transducers emit and receive high-frequency
Be able to describe the principles of ultrasound scanning;
Be able to describe the difference between A-scan and B-scan;
Be able to calculate the acoustic impedance using the equation Z = ρc;
Be able to describe the importance of impedance matching;
Be able to calculate the fraction of reflected intensity using the equation
I = (Z2-Z1)2
(h) describe the importance of impedance matching;
(i) explain why a gel is required for effective ultrasound imaging techniques.
Key words
How science works
Ultrasound Piezoelectric effect
Transducer B-scan
Acoustic impedance Impedance matching
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
In a dark room and in pairs, students crush Polo® mints between their teeth
– their partners should be able to see blue flashes.
Silent reading PowerPoint
Demonstrate triboluminescence using Polo® mints – relate to piezoelectric
Students use a signal generator and a loudspeaker to demonstrate that we
can not hear ultrasound; however, it can be detected using a datalogger or
microphone attached to an oscilloscope
Polo mints
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Discuss and explain acoustic impedance and impedance matching.
Sample values for air, bone, soft tissue, etc.
Include the use of Z = ρc and Ir/I0 = (Z2-Z1)2/(Z2+Z1)2 . Sample values can be
found in the student textbook.
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Signal generator, speaker, oscilloscope, microphone
Watch vid (5.32)
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Revise Lesson 50 questions
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Cross-curriculum links
Assessment / AFL
Biology – non-invasive medical techniques
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.4.51 Medical Imaging test
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.4.3 (a)–(i)
GCSE Energy, electricity and
radiations: waves
2.4.1 Wave motion
Most students
Some students
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
All medical imaging
Key words
All medical
How science works
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Suggested main activities
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Homework suggestions
Cross-curriculum links
Biology – non-invasive medical techniques
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
Assessment / AFL
G485.5.55 The Structure of the Universe
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.5.1 (a)–(i)
GCSE Environment, Earth and universe:
stars, gravity, universe
AS 1.2.1 Force
Learning Objectives
Most students
Some students
Be able to describe the principal contents of the universe, including stars, galaxies
and radiation;
Be able to describe the solar system in terms of the Sun, planets, planetary
satellites and comets;
Students should be able to:
(a) describe the principal contents of the universe, including stars, galaxies and radiation;
(b) describe the solar system in terms of the Sun, planets, planetary satellites and comets;
Key words
Universe Star
Main sequence star
Parsec Light-year
How science works
Super red giant
Olbers’ paradox
Neutron star
Black hole
Binary star
Red giant
White dwarf
Astronomical unit
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Teacher notes
1 animaniacs vid
2 monty python
3 pluto not a planet
4 the relative sizes of stuff
Suggested main activities
Define all keywords
Create a presentation that describes the principal contents of the universe,
including stars, galaxies and radiation and describes the solar system in terms
of the Sun, planets, planetary satellites and comets. HW to finish it.
Suggested plenary activities
Laptops or computer room
Start Mind map. Finish presentation CRITERIA introductory
Cross-curriculum links
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_J5rBxeTIk&feature=related (1.59)
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWVshkVF0SY&NR=1&feature=fvwp
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqX2YdnwtRc&feature=related (3.31)
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEKXCfB9fds&feature=related (1.16)
Teacher notes
Students to research on computers and create a powerpoint or short film
using movie maker
Teacher notes
Watch any youtube vids not seen from starter.
Go through the definitions of the keywords
Homework suggestions
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Could use define: keyword on google/wikipedia etc
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading research how our ideas about the universe have changed over time and what major discoveries have led to our new ideas. introductory questions
Potential misconceptions
G485.5.56 Stars
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.5.1 (a)–(i)
GCSE Environment, Earth and universe:
stars, gravity, universe
AS 1.2.1 Force
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(c) describe the formation of a star, such as our Sun, from interstellar dust and gas;
(d) describe the Sun’s probable evolution into a red giant and white dwarf;
(e) describe how a star much more massive than our Sun will evolve into a super red giant and then either a neutron star or
black hole;
Key words
Universe Star
Main sequence star
Parsec Light-year
Super red giant
Olbers’ paradox
Neutron star
Black hole
Binary star
Red giant
Be able to describe the formation of a star, such as our Sun, from interstellar dust
and gas;
Be able to describe the Sun’s probable evolution into a red giant and white dwarf;
Be able to describe how a star much more massive than our Sun will evolve into a
super red giant and then either a neutron star or black hole;
How science works
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Some students
White dwarf
Astronomical unit
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
Starter, Main
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Powerpoint has some youtube videos
Watch some presentations made for HW.
PowerPoint look at Orion and discuss nebulae, blue supergiants and red
Suggested main activities
Laptops - internet
Teacher notes
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Discuss the discovery of neutron stars (LGM) and listen to some real
Internet access
Create a poster for the lifecycle of a star. Make sure appropriate keywords are
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Lesson 56 questions answers examiners report
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading More detail on the life cycle of stars – include fusion shells in a red supergiant, neutron star formation, etc.
Potential misconceptions
G485.5.57 Astronomical Distances
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.5.1 (a)–(i)
GCSE Environment, Earth and universe:
stars, gravity, universe
AS 1.2.1 Force
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(f) define distances measured in astronomical units (AU), parsecs (pc) and light-years (ly);
(g) state the approximate magnitudes in metres, of the parsec and light-year;
Key words
Universe Star
Main sequence star
Parsec Light-year
Super red giant
Olbers’ paradox
Neutron star
Black hole
Binary star
Some students
Be able to define distances measured in astronomical units (AU), parsecs (pc) and
light-years (ly);
Be able to state the approximate magnitudes in metres, of the parsec and lightyear;
Be able to convert distances from metres to parsecs to light-years.
How science works
Red giant
White dwarf
Astronomical unit
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
Most students
ICT activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Suggested starter activity
Teacher notes
Go out to the field and do an exercise in the scale of the solar system.
Models of planets (and Moon) to scale. (could ask
art dept to help make?)
Suggested main activities
Planetary data – give them a maximum distance for Pluto (Dwarf Planet!! –
so could do Neptune) Students calculate distances and then see it by
student model.
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Discuss the need for astronomical units (AU), parsecs (pc) and light-years (ly),
define and try some problems
Suggested plenary activities
Go through answers to problems
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map. Questions answers
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.5.58 to do
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
Be able to define capacitance and the farad;
Be able to select and use the equation Q=VC for various situations.
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) define capacitance and the farad;
(b) select and use the equation Q = VC;
Key words
Series circuit
How science works
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Silent reading (student notes)
What is a capacitor?
Suggested main activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Demo Super Capacitor: two sheets of aluminium foil,
approximately 50 cm  150 cm, a slightly larger
sheet of heavy-gauge polythene (damp-course
material works well or even a good bin liner),
educational use EHT power supply, 0–5 kV, dc used
with internal 50 M resistor, four leads, with no side
screws. two crocodile clips, insulated ones are best
Hand around some capacitors to look at
Animation shows what is happening in a capacitor
Teacher notes
Questions (and answers)
Practise of using the equation
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Butt Head Model of a capacitor
Butt head game
Get students to make a circle. 2 students are the capacitor plates, 1 can be
battery, 1 a resistor etc. Ask them to come up with a model of what is going
on. (film it!!)
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.5.59 to do
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
Be able to define capacitance and the farad;
Be able to select and use the equation Q=VC for various situations.
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) define capacitance and the farad;
(b) select and use the equation Q = VC;
Key words
Series circuit
How science works
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Silent reading (student notes)
What is a capacitor?
Suggested main activities
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Demo Super Capacitor: two sheets of aluminium foil,
approximately 50 cm  150 cm, a slightly larger
sheet of heavy-gauge polythene (damp-course
material works well or even a good bin liner),
educational use EHT power supply, 0–5 kV, dc used
with internal 50 M resistor, four leads, with no side
screws. two crocodile clips, insulated ones are best
Hand around some capacitors to look at
Animation shows what is happening in a capacitor
Teacher notes
Questions (and answers)
Practise of using the equation
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Butt Head Model of a capacitor
Butt head game
Get students to make a circle. 2 students are the capacitor plates, 1 can be
battery, 1 a resistor etc. Ask them to come up with a model of what is going
on. (film it!!)
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions
G485.5.60-61 to do
Differentiation …
all students
Student book links
Specification links
Link to GCSE specification
Time allowed: 1 Hour
Learning Outcomes
5.2.1 (a)–(g)
GCSE Energy, electricity and radiations:
energy, electric circuits, potential
difference, series and parallel circuits
Most students
Some students
Be able to define capacitance and the farad;
Be able to select and use the equation Q=VC for various situations.
AS 2.1.1 Electric current
2.2.2 E.m.f. and p.d.
2.3.1 Series and parallel circuits
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
(a) define capacitance and the farad;
(b) select and use the equation Q = VC;
Key words
Series circuit
How science works
Parallel circuit
Potential difference
Kirchhoff’s first law
Kirchhoff’s second law Work done
Learning styles (S = Starter activities, M = Main activities, P = Plenary activities)
ICT activities
Suggested starter activity
Starter, Plenary
Use www.science-spark.co.uk Absorb Physics on laptops
Teacher notes
Teacher notes
Silent reading (student notes)
What is a capacitor?
Suggested main activities
Questions (and answers)
Practise of using the equation
Suggested plenary activities
Teacher notes
Butt Head Model of a capacitor
Butt head game
Get students to make a circle. 2 students are the capacitor plates, 1 can be
battery, 1 a resistor etc. Ask them to come up with a model of what is going
on. (film it!!)
Homework suggestions
Start Mind map.
Cross-curriculum links
Lesson is differentiated with All, Most, Some learning outcomes. There are a variety of learning styles met within the lesson
Assessment / AFL
Self and peer assessment in starters and plenaries. Listening and responding to ideas during discussions
Extension ideas / Gifted & Talented
Extension mind map extension problems and by further reading
Potential misconceptions