Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS – MANILA Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila MAPEH-CAT GRADE 10 Journey to Modern Life Quarter 1 Week 2 Module 2 Most Essential Learning Competencies: 1. Describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th Century Styles. 2. Analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a western and classical art. 3. Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods. 4. Identifies representative artists from various art periods. 5. Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits. 6. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes a day in and out of school. 7. Explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of health information, products and services. HOW TO USE THIS MODULE Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kt. I Have fun! 1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module. 2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind. 3. Perform all the provided activities in the module. 4. Let your facilitator/ guardian assess your answers using the answer key card. 5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned. 6. Enjoy studying! PARTS OF THE MODULE Expectations – These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in the module. Pre-test – This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered throughout the lesson. Looking Back to your Lesson – This section will measure what learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson. Brief Introduction – This section will give you an overview of the lesson. Activities – This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner. Remember – This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons. Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the lesson. Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module. PRE-TEST Multiple Choices Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. Element of art that refers to the succession of notes of varying pitch arranged in ascending or descending order to create a sound A. Rhythm C. Timbre B. Melody D. Tempo 2. The musical term that refers to the thickness or thinness of a sound? A. Timbre C. Tempo B. Rhythm D. Texture 1 3. The texture that has several prominent melodies at the same time is? A. Polyphonic C. Homophonic B. Monophonic D. Heterophonics 4. This art style is characterized by overlapping planes. Subjects were reduced into geometric forms and broken in to series of planes tilting and interlocking in different ways. A. Pop Art C. Cubism B. Op Art D. Abstractionism 5. Piet Mondrian is well known artist and pioneer of this Modern Art Movement. A. Cubism C. Pop Art B. Op Art D. Abstractionism 6. Which of these Modern Art Style is Ronald Ventura well-known for? A. Abstractionism C. Pop Art B. Cubism D. Op Art 7. Which physical activity that measures strength/stability of the core muscles. A. Basic Plank C. Sit and Reach B. Push ups D. 40 meter sprint 8. A test for the flexibility of the lower back extensor muscles and extremities. A. Push Ups C. Stick Drop test B. Sit and Reach D. Basic plank 9. Which physical activity that measure the time to respond to a given stimulus. A. Basic plank C. Stick Drop test B. Push Ups D. Sit and Reach 10.This refers to individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and allied health programs. A. Health insurance C. Health Services B. Health facilities D. Health Professional 11.This refers to a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of health care costs. A. Health insurance C. health facilities B. Health Services D. Health Professional 12.It is an institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment. A. Hospital C. Health center B. Philhealth D. GSIS 13. The serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses, which exceed the ability of the affected people to cope using their own resources is called ___ . A. Hazard C. Disaster B. Mitigation D. Rehabilitation 14.It is the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. A. Prevention C. Rehabilitation B. Mitigation D. Recovery 2 15.An events that are caused by humans and occur in or close to human settlements. This can include environmental degradation, pollution, fire, maritime accidents, land accidents and industrial accidents. A. Building hazard C. Chemical hazard B. Man made hazard D. Natural hazard Great, you finished answering the questions. You may request your facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning! MUSIC 10 LESSON 2: ANALYSIS OF 20TH CENTURY MUSIC EXPECTATIONS You will listen perceptively and identify the characteristics of 20th Century music. Specifically, this module will help you to: listen perceptively to selected 20th century music; describe distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th century styles. Let us start your journey in learning more about 20th Century Music. Let’s Think and Act Now! LOOKING BACK TO YOUR LESSON Fill Me In! Directions. Complete the table with correct descriptions. Choose from the words/phrases below. 20TH Century Music Description Composer Composition 1. Impressionism 2. Expressionism 3. Electronic Music 4. Chance Music 3 John Cage strong emotions random techniques Synthesizers Pierrot Lunaire Arnold Schoenberg sublime moods Claude Debussy Poeme Electronique Edgard Varese Claire de Lune Concert for Prepared Piano and Orchestra Impressionism In impressionism, the sounds of different chords overlapped lightly with each other to produce new subtle musical colors. Chords did not have a definite order and a sense of clear resolution. Other features include the lack of a tonic-dominant relationship which normally gives the feeling of finality to a piece, moods and textures, harmonic vagueness about the structure of certain chords, and use of the whole-tone scale, which uses the notes with whole intervals. Expressionism Expressionism is characterized by a high level of dissonance, extreme contrasts of dynamics, constantly changing textures, ‘distorted’ melodies and harmonies with wide leaps. Expressionism uses the twelve-tone scale, basically applying all the tones in music, which is also called chromaticism Electronic Music Electronic Music is the capacity of electronic machines to create different sounds. Music that uses the tape recorder is called musique concrete, or concrete music. The composer records different sounds that are heard in the environment such as the bustle of traffic, the sound of the wind, the barking of dogs,or the strumming of a guitar. These sounds are arranged by the composer in different ways, thus, experimentation is always the process. Chance Music Music always sounds different at every performance because of the random techniques of production, including natural elements that become a part of the music. As such, the combination of external sounds cannot be duplicated as each happens by chance. ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Let’s Listen! Objective: Analyze the 2oth Century Music. Directions. Listen to the following music. Describe the music based on music elements following the chart below. Write your answer in your activity notebook. 4 20TH Century Music Melody Consonant, Dissonant Rhythm Regular, Irregular Tempo Slow, Moderate, Fast Texture Monophonic, Homophonic, Polyphonic Timbre Voice, Instruments, Things, Animals 1. Claire de Lune com/watch?v=CvFH _6DNRCY 2. Pierrot Lunaire com/watch?v=O5DNxR G2-ow 3. Poème Électronique com/watch?v=zEvS0Et hYbU 4. Concert for Prepared Piano And Orchestra com/watch?v=ms70jqd ZHzs REMEMBER Elements of Music: The following elements of music will be used to analyze 20th century music. 1. Melody – the succession of notes of varying pitch arranged in ascending or descending order to create a sound. A. Consonance – melodic sound associated with pleasantness B. Dissonance – melodic sound associated with harshness or unpleasantness 2. Rhythm – pattern of beats in music A. Regular Rhythm B. Irregular Rhythm 3. Tempo – the speed in music 4. Texture – the thickness or thinness of a sound. A. Monophonic – there is only one melodic line B. Homophonic – there are 2 independent melodic line, it can be one melody and an accompaniment or two different melodies C. Polyphonic – there are 3 or more independent melodies heard/played at the same time. 5. Timbre – the quality of sound in music 5 CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING Music Contour Directions. Choose from the following 20th century music and listen to it. Create afterwards your own graphic illustration based on the following elements: melody, rhythm, tempo, texture and timbre MUSIC CONTOUR This song sounds: Song Title: Composer: My rating: 1 2 3 4 5 This song sounds like: _ _ Draw a graphic illustration related to the song. 6 _ _ REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET Name: Grade & Section: Let’s Think and Act! REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET NO.1 Directions. Listen to John Cage’s Chance music entitled 4”33 and answer the questions inside the box. What can you say about John Cage’s composition? How did the music of John Cage affect you? In what particular scenario you will hear his music? What available materials at home will you use in creating music like of John Cage? Make a sample. ARTS 10 LESSON 2: BACKGROUND OF THE MOVEMENT AND SAMPLE WORKS: ABSTRACTIONISM, CUBISM, POP ART AND OP ART EXPECTATIONS You will recognize the Elements of Arts and Principles of Design applied in Modern Art Movements. Specifically, this module will help you to: identify distinct characteristics of a Modern Art Style; identify foreign and Filipino representatives of various Modern Art movements; analyze the art elements and principles in production of work following a specific art style from various art movements. Let us start your journey in learning more about Modern Art Styles. Let’s Think and Act Now! 7 LOOKING BACK TO YOUR LESSON Picture Identification (Critical Thinking) Directions. Identify the Modern Art Style of the following pictures. Tell if it is Impressionism, Expressionism, Fauvism or Surrealism. Write your answer on a piece of paper. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BRIEF INTRODUCTION Modern art movement features different Art Styles introduced by the Foreign and Local Modernists. Each Art Style has its own distinct characteristics as the Elements of Arts and Principles of Design is being applied. They are as follows: Abstractionism A style apart from the reality. Abstractionism is logical and rational. It involves analyzing, detaching, selecting and simplifying. Composition C by Piet Mondrian Petals in the Sun by Hernando Ruiz Ocampo 8 Cubism Characterized by overlapping planes. Subjects were reduced into geometric forms and broken in to series of planes tilting and interlocking in different ways. Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso The Fishermen by Vicente Manansala Pop Art Style that uses easily recognizable objects and images from the emerging consumer society. Subjects are usually celebrities, advertisements, billboards and comic strips. Op Art Campbell’s Soup I by Andy Warhol Super than Superman by Ronald Ventura In Op Art, lines, spaces and colors were precisely planned and positioned to give the illusion of movement. Moving Squares by Bridget Riley Perpetual Motion by Constancio Bernardo 9 BRIEF INTRODUCTION Activity 1 – T CHART Objective: Identify distinct characteristics of Modern Art Styles. Directions. List down the characteristics of each Modern Art Styles using the T-Chart. Write it on a short bond paper. ABSTRACT CUBISM POP ART OP ART Activity 2 – BIOGRAPHICAL SHEET (Critical Thinking) Directions. Create a Biographical Sheet of one (1) Filipino Modernist practicing either Abstractionism, Cubism, Pop Art or Op Art. Write this on a short bond paper followingthe format. REMEMBER 1. Modern arts started in 20th Century which do get away with the Traditional styles, instead developed an expressive and innovative art styles. 2. Abstractionism. A style apart from the reality. Abstractionism is logical and rational. It involves analyzing, detaching, selecting and simplifying. 3. Cubism. Characterized by overlapping planes. Subjects were reduced into geometric forms and broken in to series of planes tilting and interlocking in different ways. 4. Pop Art. Style that uses easily recognizable objects and images from the emerging consumer society. Subjects are usually celebrities, advertisements, billboards and comic strips. 5. Op Art. In Op Art, lines, spaces and colors were precisely planned and positioned to give the illusion of movement. 10 CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING Question to Ponder! Directions. Given an opportunity, how are you going to promote the Modern Art Masterpieces of the Filipino Modernists? Write your promotion or advertisement inside the box. 11 REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET Name: Grade & Section: Let’s Think and Act! REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET NO.2 Directions. Answer the questions inside the Speech Balloon. Write your answer inside the box. What valuable things did you learn about our topic on Modern Art? (Communication) How do you think Pop Art influenced the field of social media? (Critical thinking) Are you feeling proud of our renowned Filipino Modernists? Why do you say so? (Character building) 12 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 LESSON 2: PHYSICAL FITNESS EXPECTATIONS You will give importance on your holistic health through physical assessment and activities. Specifically, this module will help you to: describe the meaning and importance of managing lifestyle and weight; undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessment; monitor periodically one’s progress towards the fitness goals; express a sense of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity-related community services and programs. Let us start your journey in learning more about Physical Fitness. Let’s Think and Act Now! LOOKING BACK TO YOUR LESSON Word Hunt Scramble Directions. Find from the untangled letters that would compose the FITNESS COMPONENTS. The words could be in any directions, as long as the letters are all inter-connected. Write these words and try to define each word identified. 13 BRIEF INTRODUCTION With the advancement of technology today, people are less physically active and don’t participate much in fitness-relevant activities. You need to be reminded that physical well-being is crucial to a long and healthy life and this reduces the risk of hypertension, heart diseases, and other health problems. Being physically fit can help you to get through the stresses and demands of life and this improves your self-esteem, confidence, and self-concept. Physical Fitness Protocols for the following fitness tests: Basic Plank Push-up Stick Drop Test Sit and Reach 40-meters sprint Basic Plank measures strength/stability of the core muscles Test Protocol Equipment - exercise mats or any clean mat For the Performer: Assume a push–up position. Rest body on forearms with palms and fingers flat on the floor. Elbows are aligned with the shoulders. Legs are straight with ankles, knees and thighs touching together. Support weight on forearms and toes; make sure that your back is flat. Head, neck, and spine are in a straight line. Keep abdominals engaged/contracted; do not let stomach drop or allow hips to rise. Assume a push – up position. Rest body on forearms with palms and fingers flat on the floor. Elbows are aligned with the shoulders. Legs are straight with ankles, knees and thighs touching together. Support weight on forearms and toes; make sure that your back is flat. Head, neck and spine are in a straight line. Keep abdominals engaged/contracted; do not let stomach drop or allow hips to rise. 14 For the Partner: Ensure the availability of mat/smooth flooring or anything that can protect the forearms. Give the signal “Start/Go” and start/press the time piece. Make sure that the back of the head, neck, spine, and ankles are in a straight line. Give two (2) warnings. Stop the time when the performer can no longer hold the required position, or, when the performer has held the position for at least 90 seconds. Holding the plank position beyond 90 seconds is considered unnecessary. Scoring – record the time in the nearest seconds/minute. Push-up measures the strength of the upper extremities. Test Protocol Equipment - exercise mats or any clean mat For the Performer: Lie down on the mat; face down in standard push-up position: palms on the mat about shoulder width, fingers pointing forward, and legs straight, parallel, and slightly apart, with the toes supporting the feet. FOR BOYS: Straighten the arms, keeping the back and knees straight, then lower the arms until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows (upper arms are parallel to the floor). FOR GIRLS: With knees in contact with the floor, straightens the arms, keeping the back straight, then lowers the arms until there is a 90degree angle at the elbows (upper arms are parallel to the floor). 15 Perform as many repetitions as possible, maintaining a cadence of 20 push-ups per minute. (2 seconds going down and 1 second going up) Maximum of 50 push-ups for Boys and 25 push-ups for Girls. For the Partner: As the performer assumes the position of push-up, start counting as the performer lowers his/her body until he/she reaches 90-degree angle at the elbow. The partner should stand in front of the student and his/her eyes should be close to elbow level to accurately judge the 90 degrees bend. Make sure that the performer executes the push-ups in the correct form. The test is terminated when the performer can no longer execute the push-ups in the correct form, is in pain, voluntarily stops, or cadence is broken. Scoring – record the number of push-ups made. Score Interpretations for Boys Score Interpretations for Girls Stick Drop Test measure the time to respond to a given stimulus. Test Protocol Equipment - 12-inches flexible plastic ruler and Armchair or table and chair For the Performer: Sit on a chair with arm rest or a chair next to the table so that the elbow and the lower arm rest on the desk/table comfortably. 16 Place the heel of the hand on the desk/table so that only the fingers and thumb extend beyond. Fingers and thumb should at least be one inch apart. Catch the ruler/stick with the thumb and index finger without lifting the elbow from the desk/table as the partner drops the stick. Hold the stick while the partner reads the measurement. Do this thrice. For the Partner: The partner should be at the back of the performer. Hold the ruler at the top, allowing it to dangle between the thumb and fingers of the performer. Hold the ruler/stick so that the 12-inch mark is even between the thumb and the index finger. No part of the hand of the performer should touch the ruler/stick. Drop the ruler/stick without warning and let the performer catch it with his/her thumb and index finger. Record the score on the upper part of the thumb. Scoring - Record the middle of the three scores (for example: if scores are 5, 7, and 9, the middle score is 7). In case where the two scores are the same (for example 6, 8, 6), the repeated score shall be recorded. Scoring interpretations Sit and Reach test the flexibility of the lower back extensor muscles and extremities. Test Protocol Equipment - Tape measure or meter stick 17 For the Performer: Sit on the floor with back, head and shoulders flat on the wall. Feet should be 12 inches apart. Interlock thumbs and position the tip of the fingers on the floor without bending the elbows. After the partner has positioned the zero point of the tape measure (at the tip of the middle finger), the pupil/student starts the test by sliding the hands slowly forward without jerking, trying to reach the farthest point possible without bending the knees. Bouncing or jerking movement is not allowed. Do it twice. For the Partner: As the performer assumes the (b) procedure, position the zero point of the tape measure at the tip of the middle fingers of the performer. See to it that the knees are not bent as the performer slides the farthest distance that he could. Record farthest distance reached in centimeters. Scoring – record the farthest distance between the two trials to the nearest centimeters. Score interpretations 40- meter sprint - measure running speed Due to the pandemic brought about by Covid-19, we can’t execute this test at home. This test needs open spaces and larger areas. 18 CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING Activity 1: “PFT Testing” Directions. In this activity you must find a partner (it may be your siblings, parents or whoever you are with at home) that will help you in performing the tests. Also, you must wear light and comfortable clothes. At your own convenience at home, perform the following fitness test: Basic Plank, Push-up, Stick Drop Test and Sit and Reach Prepare for the test. Review the procedures in conducting the Physical Fitness Test. Do the warm-up exercises on your own or with your partner at home. Re-orient yourself on the proper execution of the tests and recording of test results. Observe safety. Perform the test with a partner Record your test results REMEMBER Physical Fitness Tests include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Basic Plank measures strength/stability of the core muscles Push-up measures the strength of the upper extremities. Stick Drop Test measure the time to respond to a given stimulus Sit and Reach test the flexibility of the lower back extensor muscles and extremities. 5. 40-meter sprint - measure running speed CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING “Family Connection” Directions. In this activity, you are to identify the physical activity habits of your family’s physical activities. A table is provided for you to list down important details of the family that would be of help later when you will be designing your family physical activity plan. 19 Family Members Age Occupation/ Work/Job Activities involved in relation to the Occupation/Work /Job HRF component involved Example: Father 54 PUJ Diver Drives and sits for 8 hours Household Chores HRF component involved Feeds the chicken, Repair damages in the house . . . Mother Sister Brother 1 Brother 2 Me REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET Name: Grade & Section: Let’s Think and Act! REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET NO.3 Directions. Answer the following questions using the Y-Chart. Have fun and enjoy! Did you enjoy the physical activity? Why or why not? Do some of these physical activities together with your family and discuss the health benefits. (Collaboration) 20 How will you promote these physical activites to be a lifestyle of common people? (Communication) HEALTH 10 LESSON 2: HEALTH HEALTHCARE PLANS SERVICE PROVIDERS AND EXPECTATIONS You will distinguish the Consumer Health Education terminologies and evaluate the sources of health information. Specifically, this module will help you to: 1. Select health professionals, specialists, and healthcare services wisely. Let us start your journey in learning more about Consumer Health. Let’s Think and Act Now! LOOKING BACK TO YOUR LESSON Icon Recognition Directions. Choose the icon being referred to by writing the letters only: A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B Soap Doctor Cosmetics Nutrition facts Milk C 6. Health Centers 7. Hand Wash Liquid 8. Home for the Aged 9. Labels 10. Deodorant BRIEF INTRODUCTION Health Service Providers 1. Health Professionals - individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and allied health programs. 2. Healthcare Facilities - are places or institutions that offer healthcare services. 21 3. Health Insurance - is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of health care costs. Types of Healthcare Facilities 1. Hospital - an institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment. Kinds of Hospital Private – operated by individual to gain profit Voluntary – does not require profit because it is owned by a community or an organization Government – it is being run by the state Teaching – includes a school for medical students 2 Classification of Hospitals in the Philippines a. General Hospitals – are hospitals that have complete medical, surgical and maternal care facilities b. Specialty Hospitals – handle a particular disease or condition or deal with only one type of patient 2. Walk-In Surgery Center – a facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted in the hospital 3. Health Center – cater to specific population with various health needs 4. Extended Healthcare Facility – a facility that provides treatment, nursing care and residential services to patients, often the elderly Health Insurance ■ Protection that provides benefits for sickness and injury ■ It offers various types of coverage ■ Pays for the fees of the health professionals, laboratory tests and prescription drugs ■ Health Insurance may be sourced from both public and private companies ■ Public Companies – PHILHEALTH Watch more about PhilHealth on: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) - It is a healthcare provider that offers medical services that are availed through a prepaid amount of money. It is a business that requires a relatively reduced monthly fee for subscribers. 22 CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING Activity 1 – Stop and Go Directions. Identify what kind of hospital are the following, based on the service they provide. 23 Activity 2 – Mystery Word Directions. Unlock the words that are encrypted with numbers using the clues below. A=1 Z = 26 1) 8 15 19 16 9 20 1 12 2) 23 1 12 11 - 9 14 3) 8 5 1 12 20 8 19 21 18 7 5 18 25 3 5 14 20 5 18 4) 5 24 20 5 14 4 5 4 9 12 9 25 8 5 1 12 20 8 3 7 18 5 6 1 20 3 Activity 3 – Graphic Organizer Directions. Complete the table by writing the correct answer in each box. Health Facilities i i u Kinds Classification REMEMBER 1. Health Professionals - individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and allied health programs. 2. Healthcare Facilities - are places or institutions that offer healthcare services. 3. Health Insurance - is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of health care costs. 4. There are so many types of health facilities such as hospital, walk-in surgery center, health center, extended health care facility. 24 CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING Spot the Differences! Directions. What are the pros and cons of availing a healthcare plan? List down your findings. PROS CONS REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET Name: Grade & Section: Let’s Think and Act! REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET NO. 4 Directions. Write a status on any social media site with regards to what you have learned from health service providers and healthcare plans 25 CAT 10 LESSON 2: CALAMITIES AND DISASTER EXPECTATIONS You will enhance your knowledge in Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) through engaging yourself in Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRMM). Specifically, this module will help you to: Understand the implementation of DRRM for education practitioners and partners planning and programming at all levels. Prepare students for potential disaster that may likely happen during school hours and even at home. Reduce the vulnerability and impact of disasters especially on schools and assure safety of everyone. Let us start your journey in learning more about Modern Art Styles. Let’s Think and Act Now! LOOKING BACK TO YOUR LESSON ANSWER THE RIDDLE Directions. : Your goal is to figure out the scrambled word by answering the riddle below. Riddle: “Given four words, that share a common word, what’s the scrambled word?” 1. DASITERS 2. NAUTLRA HZARDA 3. NAMADEM HZARDA 4. PERPRADESNES Catastrophe Tragedy Mishap Calamity Tropical cyclone Earthquakes Tsunamis Volcanic Eruptions Pollution Maritime accidents Industrial accidents Land accidents Anticipation Forethought Planning Readiness 26 BRIEF INTRODUCTION Disaster Terminologies In studying calamities and disaster, it is very important to understand the different terminologies related to disaster. DISASTER TERMINOLOGY The following terminologies are adopted from United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2017): 1. HAZARD A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. 2. VULNERABILITY The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. 3. CAPACITY Refers to all the strengths, attributes and resources available within a community, society or organization to achieve agreed goal. 4. DISASTER The serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses, which exceed the ability of the affected people to cope using their own resources. 5. DISASTER RISK The potential disaster losses in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets and services, which could occur to a community or a society over some specified future time period. 6. DISASTER RISK REDUCTION The systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, and operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved coping capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of disaster. 7. DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including through reduced exposure to hazards, lessened vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness for adverse events. 27 8. PREPAREDNESS Activities and measures taken in advance to ensure effective response to the impact of hazards. Knowledge and capacities develop by government, response and recovery organization, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from the impact of likely, imminent or current hazard. 9. PREVENTION The outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. 10. MITIGATION The lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters. 11. REHABILITATION Actions taken in the aftermath of disaster to assist victims, reestablish essential services, and revive key economic and social activities. 12. RECOVERY The restoration and improvement where appropriate, of facilities, livelihood and living conditions of disaster-affected communities, including efforts to reduce disaster risk factors. 13. RESPONSE The act of implementing or translating into actions what are called for by the preparedness plans. Response includes actions taken to save lives and prevent further damage in a disaster or emergency situations. Seeking shelter from strong winds accompanying a typhoon and evacuating to higher grounds due to an impending flood are examples of response. TYPES OF HAZARD: 1. NATURAL HAZARD Natural process or phenomenon that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. Natural hazards can be classified into several broad categories: geological hazards, hydrological hazards, meteorological hazards, and biological hazards. Some examples of natural hazards include tropical cyclone, floods, storm surges, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslide and drought. 2. MAN MADE HAZARD Events that are caused by humans and occur in or close to human settlements. This can include environmental degradation, pollution, fire, maritime accidents, land accidents and industrial accidents 28 BRIEF INTRODUCTION Activity 1 – FINDING HAZARD Objective: Identify the hazards that can be happened at home. Directions. With the help of your family, kindly identify five possible hazards usually found at home and reason why it is considered as hazards. Write your answers in your activity notebook. Example: Hazard 1. Octopus Wiring 2. 3. 4. 5. Reasons It can cause fire and short circuit Activity 2 – Fill-in the Box Directions: Using the box below, list down hazards that fall under Natural hazard, Man-Made Hazard or both. Write your answers in your activity notebook. Natural Hazard BOTH Man-Made Hazard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. REMEMBER Calamities and disasters are sudden events such as an accident and catastrophe, which cause extensive destruction or loss of life. There are different Disaster terminologies adopted from United Nations of Disaster Risks Reduction like hazards, vulnerability, preparedness, disaster, disaster risk, disaster risk reduction, disaster risk management, prevention, mitigation, rehabilitation, recovery, and response There are also 2 types of Hazard: Natural and Man-made hazards. 29 CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING Question to Ponder! Directions. List down the Disaster Terminologies adopted by the United Nations. DISASTER DISASTER TTEERRM NO OG MIIN OLLO GIIE ES S 30 REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET Name: Grade & Section: Let’s Think and Act! REFLECTIVE LEARNING SHEET NO.2 Directions. Answer the questions inside the box. 31 POST-TEST Multiple Choices Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. In which element of music do pitches go up, down or stay the same? A. Texture C. Melody B. Timbre D. Rhythm 2. If a harmony sounds very nice and the notes do not clash, what it this called? A. Dissonance C. Mezzo forte B. Consonance D. Piano 3. Which element describes the layers of music we hear? A. Texture C. Timbre B. Rhythm D. Melody 4. In what art style can we classify the work of Andy Warhol? A. Op Art C. Pop Art B. Abstractionism D. Cubism 5. What is the title of the style of painting that Picasso invented? A. Cubism C. Op Art B. Abstractionism D. Pop Art 6. Who is the Filipino artist represents the style of Op art? A. Vicente Manansala C. Ronald Ventura B. Constancio Bernardo D. Hernando Ocampo 7. Any form of movement that causes your body to use energy is? A. Metabolism C. Physical Fitness B. Physical Activity D. Sedentary Lifestyle 8. Which among the physical activities does not measure the stability/strength of the core muscles. A. Push Ups C. Basketball Pass B. Basic Planking D. Hexagon test 9. Which of the following is not a purpose of Physical Fitness Tests? A. To involve the learner in a wide range of movement, knowledge and skill-building experiences. B. To develop the ability of a person in singing and painting C. To expand options for wise use of physical exercises. D. To be able to perform daily activities without problems. 10. A type of managed care plan in which all health care must be managed by a primary care physician is known as? A. Health Maintenance Organization Plan (HMO) B. Preferred Provider organization Plan (PPO) C. Point-Of-Service Plan (POS) D. Mini-Med plan (MEP) 11. Which of the following best describes the term health coverage? A. The amenities and total hospital bill. B. The conditions under which your health insurance company will pay. C. The housing and loan plans of the family. D. The special benefits of travel abroad. 32 12.Which program helps the poor pay for the cost of health care? A. Medicare C. Philhealth B. Social Security D. DSWD C. Found specifically in outpatient settings D. Seen in a variety of roles and settings 13.Which of the following is NOT a type of natural disaster? A. Flood C. Earthquake B. Tornado D. Car accident 14.Disasters frequently result in all of the following Except: A. Damage to the ecological environment B. Displacement of populations C. Destruction of the population’s homeland D. Sustained public attention during the recovery phase 15.The extent to which a community, structure, services or geographic area is likely to be damage or disrupted by the impact of particular hazard is termed as? A. Vulnerability C. Hazard B. Capacity D. Disaster risk 33 References Books Aguinaldo, Maria Lourdes. 2014. Our World Of MAPEH. Vibal. Sunico, Raul, Evelyn Cabanban, and Melissa Moran. 2015. Horizons Grade 10 Learner’S Material Music And Arts Appreciation For Young Filipinos. Mojica, Angelina A., and Rodelia Natividad Tangco. 2015. Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 10. Jo-Es Publishing House. Muyot, Fritzimarie R., Maria Clara G. Baarde, Maridina D. Garcia, and Esmeralda Pastor. 2015. MAPEH On The Go!. Sunshine Interlinks publishing House Inc. Eduardo V. Cipriano, Adelina Pineda-Limos, Ronald Solis, MArk G. Fabella, Ray Ferdinand D. Limos, Girly Grace L. delos Reyes. (2015). The 21st Century MAPEH in Action. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI). Insel, P. M., & Roth, W. T. (2003). Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Seizer, F., & Whitney, E. (2003). Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies (9th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth. Callo, L., M. Camiling, J. Yap, J. Cagulang, J. Doria, E. Deveraturda, and J. Grecia. 2015. Physical Education and Health 10 Learner's Material. Pasig City: Department of Education. Cipriano, E., A. Pineda-Limos, R. Solis, M. Fabella, R. Limos, and G. Delos Reyes. 2015. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action. Manila: REX Publishing. Darilag, A., Vergara, L., & Mateo, G. (2009). 2009. Enjoy Life with P.E. and Health. Quezon City: SD Publishing, Inc. Perez, V., L. Luna, C. Tomas, and D. Clemente. 2004. MAPEH-CAT IV. Quezon City: St. Bernadette Publishing House. Internet Sources Arty Factory “Art Movements and Styles” Accessed May 12, 2020. nts.htm Culture Trip “The 10 Most Famous Filipino Artists and Their Masterworks” Accessed Ma 7, 2020. 2020. “Claude Debussy”. Accessed 23 May 2020 sy_atelier_Nadar.jpg Google Flexibility Pictures, Access May 20, 2020 34 • Acknowledgment DEVELOPMENT TEAM OF THE MODULE Management Team: Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief Lucky S. Carpio, EPS In Charge of LRMS MUSIC 10 Writers: Leah Santos-Olmos & Jezreel K. Lastra Editors: Marcos S. Gomez, HT-VI Reviewer: Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-Charge (MAPEH) Layout Artist: Leah Santos-Olmos & Jezreel K. Lastra ARTS 10 Writers: Darwin M. Reginio & Rosalia B. Ramirez Editors: Sol D. Cayaban, MT-I & Ma. Agie O. Amar, HT-III Reviewer: Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-Charge (MAPEH) Illustrator: Darwin M. Reginio Layout Artist: Darwin M. Reginio PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 Writers: Eleazar G. Quiambao, Ronaldo O. Gonzales, Rose Annie C. Quiambao & Mary Giselle D. Esidera Editors: Conrado S. Contreras Jr., HT-VI & Eileen Marie C. De Leon, HT-VI Reviewer: Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-Charge (MAPEH) Layout Artist: Eleazar G. Quiambao & Rose Annie C. Quiambao HEALTH 10 Writers: Ma. Teresa D. Nolasco Editors: Normita R. Okafor, HT-VI Reviewer: Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-Charge (MAPEH) Illustrator: Ma. Teresa D. Nolasco Layout Artist: Ma. Teresa D. Nolasco CITIZENSHIP ADVANCEMENT TRAINING Writers: Robert Pelijates, Junrel Abong, Victor Gocoyo Jr., Luigi Alfred Gonzales, Jessy Sulapas, Arjel Magallanes, Eunica Arsie Basilio & Bernard Otalla Editors: Gloria M. Monfero HT III Reviewers: Aida P. Manrique, MT II Supervisor-in-charge: Luis M. Anchilo 35 MAPEH 10: Journey to Modern Life Copyright, 2020 36